Killer, Thriller
Michael called me up at the last minute because he wanted to go see some type of horror movie. I mean it's October so that's when they show all of the horror movies.
I've been with Michael for about a year now and we never really get to go out to the movies. So the time we do get to go, his stupid ass would pick a fucking scary movie.
Which, I'm not the horror type of girl, so I was scared to death. Jumping what seemed like every 5 minutes.
I swear, I hate him.
Michael was enjoying himself way too much. Stuffing his face with all that damn popcorn, with a huge smile on his face.
I had my arm hooking inside of his, trying to hide my face in his shoulder.
"Can we get out of here?" I asked Michael who was still stuffing his mouth with popcorn.
"No, I'm enjoying this." He looked at me for a brief second, before turning his attention back on the big screen.
"Well I can't watch." I stood up leaving him sitting there to watch it all by himself.
I didn't care.
Fuck that.
Fuck werewolves.
Fuck everything horror related.
I want to sleep at night!
As soon as I walked outside, surprisingly Michael followed my ass, giggling.
"It's only a movie."
"It's not funny." I said irritated.
"You were scared weren't you?" He still had that smile on his face.
"I wasn't that scared." I turned and walked away.
I heard him chuckle.
"Yeah, you were scared."
I started walking leaving his ass back there alone. I didn't know where the hell I was going, but I was just walking my scared ass down the street.
Michael came up right beside of me and started singing.
"It's close to midnight and something evil's lurkin in the dark. Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart. You tried scream, but terror takes the sound before you make it. You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes, you're paralyzed."
Michael started doing these little moves thinking he slick.
"You hear the door slams and realize there's nowhere left to run. You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun. You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination, girl. But all the while you hear a creature creepin up behind, you're outta time!"
"They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side. They will possess you unless you change that number on your dial. Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together. All through the night I'll save you from the terror on the screen, I'll make you see!"
Oh my god. I swear, I was scared as a motherfucker going down this dark alley, but Michael singing to me and touching me, has distracted my mind from what could really be lurkin in the dark.
I don't want to find out.
Michael grabbed my hand and started walking me to this dark suspicious road.
I didn't think too much about it until he walked us by a cemetery. Which I do don't cemeteries man. They are creepy during the day and at night.
Demons or some shit can be crawling out of their graves in the middle of the night. We would never know!
*Darkness falls across the land. The midnight hour is close at hand. Creatures crawl in search of blood. To terrorize y'all's neighborhood. And whomsoever shall be found, without the soul for getting down. Must stand and face the hounds of hell and rod inside of corpse's shell.*
*The foulest stench is in the air. The funk of forty thousand years. And grisly ghouls from every tomb are closing in to seal your doom. And though you fight to stay alive, your body start to shiver, for no mere mortal can resist, the evil of the thriller.*
And then a maniacal laugh came out of nowhere.
I pissed my pants when I heard that shit. But Michael kept on walking like it was not a damn thing. Where the fuck was it coming from?
"Uh, Michael did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"That man's voice. Talking about the dead and being face to face with em and shit. Michael, don't be fucking with me."
Michael stopped walking and stood in front of me.
"You are just paranoid. There was no man talking, babe. Now come on, let's keep walking."
He's right. That movie just fucked me up. That and considering we just walked by a scary ass cemetery. It's fine. It's fine. IT'S FINE!
Michael and I were just minding our business for at least 5-10 minutes until we suddenly came from a jaw dropping stop.
Zombies, these deadly creatures, or whatever the fuck they were, were crowding against us. I was holding on to Michael as tight as I could. I didn't know what the fuck to do.
When I turned around to look at Michael. He was a whole fucking zombie!
Michael gave me one scary stare and started walking towards me.
Or at least I thought.
What the fuck is going on?
I swear I have to be in some type of horror movie.
This can't be happening.
Not to me.
I'm on a date with human Michael.
Not zombie Michael who dances with other demon zombies.
Where the hell did these demon zombies come from?!
He is playing some type of prank on me.
He has to be.
There is no way in hell that my boyfriend is dancing with some demons.
Oh my god. What the fuck have I done?
I want my human Michael back. I don't like this. I done shit my pants and everything.
"Cause this is thriller, thriller night. And no one's gonna save you."
"From the beast about to strike. You know it's thriller, thriller night."
"You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight. This is thriller."
(I had to make this two parts)
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