Getting Caught 2
(I wasn't going to make this a 2 part series, but I decided to give it a try.)
It was the next morning and I woke up alone. There was no sight or sign of Michael anywhere. I got out of the bed, slipping on one of Michaels white t-shirt, which looked like a really short dress on me.
After, doing partial of my morning routine, I went downstairs for breakfast.
Really regretting that I decided to go down the stairs.
Michael was making out with Lisa on the couch. Like a full blown make out session.
I grabbed one of Michael's loafers and whacked him on the back of the head hard. Like you actually heard it hit his skull. Me being the petty bitch that I am, I pulled his hair.
"What the hell Y/N?!" Michael hurried off of the couch, angry.
"Worthless piece of shit." I mumbled to myself walking back up the stairs.
"Oh my god.. Mikey are you okay baby?" I heard Lisa ask him before I made it to the top step.
I went back to the room changing into the clothes that I wore here.
You know, I am not even mad. I'm hurt but I am not mad. I am more mad at myself than anything.
What the hell was I thinking that Michael, would ever want to be with me? Even if I am carrying his child.
Why the fuck would I continue to sleep with a married man? The dick isn't worth it. Ok, it is but still. You just set yourself up for your own failure. My inner self said.
Fuck him. Fuck Lisa.
I gathered my stuff walking out of the bedroom. I made it downstairs where they both still were.
I didn't even look over towards their direction. Both him and her disgust me. They are perfect for each other.
But I did have to say two things to them. Especially her.
"You can have my sloppy ass fuck buddy back, cunt. The dick wasn't that good anyways." That was all I said before I walked out of the door.
"It was good enough to get you pregnant." My inner self said again.
I heard Michael say something, but I wasn't interested in anything he had to say.
I got into my car, getting everything situated, before taking off.
I looked through my rear view mirror seeing Michael run after my car. Just to make sure he doesn't catch up to me, I sped up a little bit more and out of the gates in no time.
My whole way home, Michael was blowing up my phone. I couldn't enjoy my music. When I finally did get home, I blocked every access that I had to him.
I don't know why in a million years I thought he would pick me over Lisa. If that was the case he would never have married her.
Clearly she has something that I don't have. I mean, she got rid of his baby, got pregnant by someone else. Now he was making out with her?
I have better pussy than her! I do know that for sure.
I need a hot shower. I feel disgusting.
I took about a 20-30 minute shower. I'm not sure why, I think just the heat of the shower was so relaxing. It felt good on my tense muscles that were in my back.
I got out of the shower, just putting on some loose pajamas. No bra, no underwear. I'm not going anywhere so I don't give a fuck.
I seen some of Michael's shit that he has left here over the years. I ended grabbing a trash bag putting all of that shit in. I ended up carrying it to the living room.
I went inside of my freezer grabbing my chocolate ice cream, with a large ass spoon, making my way to the couch to sit down. I turned on the television not really caring what channel it was on.
I dug into my ice cream haven't a care in the world.
I can't believe him.
He told me that he loved me.
Michael told me that he loved me, I stupidly believed him.
"He only told us he loved us because he felt the need to where we told him we were pregnant." My evil inner me said.
Which it had a point. A seriously good point.
"I hate him and I hope Lisa gets ran over by a bus." I mumbled to myself.
"We don't hate him. We are just really hurt by what he did to you. We are carrying his baby. We love him." My nice inner me said.
"Fuck loving him. I bet he's screwing that witch right now as we speak. Fuck him, we don't give a shit anymore." My evil self argued with my nice side.
"We gave up everything for him. we moved all the way to California from North Carolina to be with him. This is how we get treated!? We have dealt with being used for 4 years. Always becoming his second choice. I mean when he was fucking Diana, Brooke and Lisa we still fucked him. We have every right to be pissed off."
"We could have walked away a long time ago. But we didn't. We knew this day was going to come eventually. Now here we are experiencing the worse case scenario and pregnant."
Am I really arguing with my self? Is this really what my pregnant ass has already come to?
"Just shut up! My fucking god." I yelled at myself.
I sound like a fucking maniac.
Once everything was calmed and settled down there was a knock on my door. I wasn't expecting anybody.
I swear to god if it's Michael.
I put my ice cream down on the table, walking over to open the door.
I was fucking right.
It was Michael. He was standing there with a bouquet of Roses.
I slammed the door right in his face before he spoke a word to me.
He let out a big sigh before speaking.
"Y/N please let me in so we can talk." Michael said softly.
I didn't say anything to him.
"Please, Y/N let me in. I can't be outside for too long, until someone notices me."
"Go the fuck home, no one invited you over here."
"I had to come and see you. We have to talk, Y/N. Please?" Michael begged again.
I opened the door which caused Michael to slightly smile at me. I grabbed his trash bag full of shit throwing it in the yard.
"You seen me now get your shit and leave."
Michael stared at me with shocking eyes at what I had just done.
I went to close the door again, only this time Michael was quick to slip inside.
"I brought you these." Michael walked over to me handing me the bouquet of beautiful Roses.
It made my heart explode with happiness, I just wasn't going to let my guard down.
"Get out of my house, Michael."
"Not until we talk Y/N. Please just talk to me."
"Michael, you are starting to piss me off. Get out of my house."
He didn't listen to me, instead he took a seat on my couch.
"I tried calling and texting you. You didn't answer any of them." He said softly.
"Obviously, why would I answer you? I blocked you." I scoffed.
"You are carrying my baby, Y/N. How am I suppose to know that you are okay if you don't communicate with me?"
"I will be doing fantastic once you leave." I snapped.
"Baby, listen, I'm terribly deeply sorry about what happened earlier. It wasn't suppose to be like that." Before he went any further with his explanation I stopped him.
"I don't want to hear the bull shit. I definitely don't want your shitty explanation of an excuse."
"No, listen to me, Lisa has always had this pull on me to get whatever she wants. Mostly that ends up with us fucking. That's what happened, I'm sorry." Michael stood up, walking towards me.
"Do you not understand how stupid and pathetic you sound right now?" I laugh angrily.
"You aren't fucking sorry, Michael! The only part you are sorry for is because your whorish wife caught us fucking! Thank God she did. She did me a favor and that's by opening my eyes to stay away from you."
"No, I'm not sorry that we got caught. Did you a favor? What's that suppose to mean?"
I didn't say anything because I started crying.
"Baby, what is that suppose to mean?"
"It means that what we had is over. It's done. Once in for all."
"But why? I thought we agreed that we liked how things were going?"
"I didn't agree to not a god damn thing. It's always what you wanted and how you wanted it!"
"Baby, I'm sorry I'm just not understanding how you are feeling. Can you tell me?"
"Because you don't care how I truly fucking feel! You never have and never will! It's all about how MICHAEL JACKSON is feeling and what he wants! Never what I want." I started crying harder.
"Baby, I do care about you and your feelings. There hasn't been a day when I didn't, I promise." Michael touched my back but I moved away from him.
"All I wanted was for you to find me worthy enough and want me the way you wanted those other girls you dated and one you married. Instead I stupidly accepted the arrangement of having sex with you because that's the only way I could have you. 4 years MICHAEL. 4 god damn years of my life that I wasted on you, just hoping and praying that you would one day want to be with me. But NOPE! All you have ever done was use and treat me like shit!" I screamed at him.
Yeah I was fucking angry. He wants to play the victim, I'll show him. I'm just tired of holding all of this shit in. Pretending everything is flower and roses. Sunshine and bees. It's not!
"I moved over 2,600 miles away from my home town just to be your side chick! And guess what? You never said thank you! You just fucked me in the hotel room and then left me to go fuck Diana. We used to be best friends, but all you ever want me for is just quick fucks anymore. Do you know how much it hurts me that all you do is use me? The vulgar names you call me when we fuck. A bitch, slut, filthy dirty whore, skank and a prostitute. And when you tell me that all I am and will ever be is your dirty whore. That hurts me Michael. On top of that it hurts when you accuse me of being jealous because I can't have you the way other girls can. But look where we are. 4 years later and I'm pregnant by the person who I hate the most." I started bawling my eyes out.
My life is so fucking shitty. I can't believe I held onto this for so long. All I did was cause damage to myself when I could have prevented it a long time ago.
Michael was quiet for a long while before he spoke up in defensive mode.
"No, you are not going to stand there and blame all of this on me. You could have denied my offer and walked away but you didn't. You decided to stay. You knew all we were ever going to be is just friends. I asked you multiple times before if that was ok with you and you agreed to it each time saying it was ok." Michael snipped.
He walked towards me pushing me back against the wall trapping me.
"You know that I would never ever intentionally hurt you. We both know as soon as you got here, I thanked you in more ways than three times." Michael pressed the front of his body against mine.
"Do you not understand why I need you all the time? Even when I am with someone else? It's because you are the only one who full fills my desires and wants. I can't get enough of you no matter how many times we fuck a day. Your sexy ass body does magnificently things to mine. I just crave and want you all the time." Michaels hands rubbed up and down my arms when he starts kissing on my exposed neck.
"I don't intentionally mean those words when I say them. It's called being a dominant, it's only play words to make the sex better. Which from the way you always squeeze your tight pussy around my cock, when I call you those things, means that it turns you on. It doesn't take long for you to come either. I accuse you of being jealous because I love when you get heated. It turns me on." An audible moan escaped from my mouth.
Michaels hands started moving their way to my pajama shorts teasingly pulling them down and then back up.
"That's rights, Ma. Let me hear you." I let out another moan when he place his thigh between my legs pressing one of his hands to my throbbing area.
I was already fucking wet. I knew as soon as his hand touched the front of my pajamas he could feel my arousal.
"God damn it, Ma. You are fucking soaked. And you haven't any panties on, you know what that does to me." Michael groans.
All of a sudden he takes my pajama shirt off and grunts.
"You haven't any bra on either. You are trying to kill me. Do you feel me?" Michael lifted me up wrapping my legs around him.
He rolled his hips a little bit and it wasn't hard to feel his arousal. It never is.
Without warning, I heard something being torn. I looked down and he tore my pajama shorts apart.
"Michael, what the hell! Those were expensive!" I gasped when he tore the other side of my shorts.
"I'll buy them for you again. Besides they were in the way of where I need you." Michaels finger found my sensitive clit rubbing it in circles while his mouth took turns on my nipples.
"Holy shit.." I moaned out loud when he dipped two fingers inside of my wet cave, moving them in and out of me hitting my g-spot like a pro.
"I need you inside of me, Michael. I need you inside of me now." I moaned desperately.
It didn't take long until I felt him push deep inside of me.
"God damn it, every damn time!" I groaned from the pain of his size that I will never get used to.
"Relax, Ma and just feel me. Feel all of me." Michael grabbed my ass and started pounding his hips against me.
"Yeah, that's right.. squeeze me just like that.." he gritted.
My living room was filled with nothing but that sounds of our bodies slapping together and our moans for minutes upon minutes.
"You aren't leaving me, Ma. I fucking love you. We are going to have a baby together, isn't that wonderful?" Michael asked between kissing me.
"I-I love you too. Y-yes it's wonderful." I don't understand how he wants me to answer or talk to him when he keeps relentlessly pounding against me.
I was on the verge of coming for the 3rd time.
And from the way his thrusts became choppy I knew he was just as close as I was.
"Holy fuck baby I'm co-coming.. harder don't stop.. shit!" I screamed when he gave me what I asked for.
"C-come with me, Ma. Please.. I need you to come with me." Michael begged.
And I did.
Michael pressed me harder against the wall where my body and legs where shaking. And that way he wouldn't lose his balance.
He waited for a few minutes until he walked us over to the couch. He cuddled me close to his chest rubbing my back.
"I'm sorry I made you feel like a dirty worthless woman. I promise to you that it wasn't my intention to ever make you feel that way. I am willing to prove my love to you just so you know how much I really do mean it. I don't want anything to do with Lisa, we are getting a divorce. I've been wanting to divorce her a long time now. Ever since I fell in love with you. I love you so much, I just hope you find it in your heart to forgive me." Michael admitted out of nowhere.
My heart melted when he said that he wanted to divorce her when he fell in love with me.
"I don't want to talk about it right now, okay? I love you and we will figure something out, I promise. If you divorce Lisa then that's on you. Do what makes you happy. I'll be here pregnant for 9 months."
"Okay, I respect your decision. I will be right here with you throughout the full term. I'm not going anywhere." Michael hugged me tighter.
Michael and Lisa ended up getting a divorce 4 months later. Michael and Y/N ended up having twins a boy and a girl which made Michael the happiest man. Throughout the pregnancy they worked through their problems and eventually moved past it. They are both in love with each other and parenting good together for the twins.
Happily ever after!
(THE END! I've actually been working on this imagine for over a month and a half. UGH IT HAS BEEN STRESSFUL! I hope you guys enjoy it! 😌😌)
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