Getting Caught
(The beginning)
Michael and I have been friends since as long as I can remember. How we met is quite unusual actually. I used to work at this town popular café, that was out in the boondocks of a little unknown town called tree hill, that probably had about 2,500 people living in it.
Michael, was on his bad tour when I first met him. It was just another usual day of work, nothing out of the ordinary happened, just like it would throughout the week. It was almost closing time until I heard the bell on our front door ring.
"I'm sorry, but we are closed." I told the unknown person, while I continued to sweep the floor.
"I'm sorry for coming in so late. I was really hoping to stop a grab a meal and the sign still says open." The stranger said.
When I heard the soft but manly tone of the persons voice it seemed familiar. I tried pointing my finger on it, but I just couldn't.
"There is no need to apologize, I apologize for false advertisement." I still hadn't turned around yet because I actually wanted to get home at a decent time.
"It's okay, madam. I'm sorry for intruding. You have a nice night." I ended up turning around, not believing who was in front of me.
"Y-you are M-Michael J-Jackson." I dropped the dustpan and the broom spilling it everywhere.
My crush, my dream man, my sexual fantasies was right in front of me. He looks so much fucking better in person. I promise you this mans features were flawlessly perfect.
"Uh oh, I think you made a little bit bigger mess. Let me help you." Michael giggled a little. He walked over to me picking up the broom from the floor sweeping it. "Please, just call me Michael. Michael Jackson, is my stage name." Michael also grabbed the dustpan, sweeping the dirt and food crumbs from the floor into it, then dumping it into the garbage can.
When he came closer to me, I smelled his cologne. It wasn't too strong, just enough to know that he smelled fantastic.
"W-what are you doing in Tree Hill?"
"Well, I just got done with my last concert date in Huston, now I'm headed to Atlanta. I was just passing through the town, looking for a low key place to hopefully eat. Considering, that you are closed for the night, I suppose I will have my bus driver take me through a drive thru." Michael sounded sad at the end, which made me feel shitty. "I guess I should head out, it was great meeting you. You have a good rest of the night." Michael was about to leave when I stopped him.
"No! I mean, it's ok! I would be honored to serve you. Please have a seat." Michael looked down at my chest reading my name tag and smiled.
"Y/N, are you sure it won't be a bother? I feel like I have taken up too much of your time already. I wouldn't want you to do extra work just for me." The way my name rolled off of his tongue sounded like heaven to my ears.
"N-no, please I would feel bad for making you leave without serving you. Please, I insist. Whatever you want is on the house." He ended up setting at the booth furthest from the window.
"I couldn't allow you to feed me for free. Especially, going out of your way for me. Are you hungry to?"
"Don't worry about me, Michael. I will eat when I get home. And please, I couldn't take your money."
"Y/N, I want you to join me in a late dinner. I'm sure you are very hungry. It will make me feel bad if you don't enjoy the food with me." Michael stared into my eyes with those puppy dog eyes. I melted straight into his gaze.
"Okay, I'll join you Michael." I gave him a smile, which caused a big bright smile to appear on his beautiful face.
(Present time now)
Ever since that amazing day, my life has changed for the better.
Michael and I don't have just a 'normal' kind of friendship. Don't get me wrong, we are the best of friends, but also on the other side, we are friends with benefits.
I was feeling very indifferent about it at first because it just made me fall in love with him even more than what I already did. Michael, made it very clear to me that there would be no feelings or strings attached involved. If either of us met someone, we would stop what we were doing.
We have been friends with benefits for over 3-4 years now. He has been dating other people, which made me sad, but his relationships would never last long. So he would always end up coming back to me. Which has caused a lot of arguments between us, when that happens I just feel used and not good enough for him. Only for a simple lay whenever he needs it.
Now, Michael is married to the whore Lisa Marie Presley-Jackson. Who the fuck does that? If Michael asked me to marry him, I would be proud of the Jackson last name, not still go by my maiden name.
Even though they are married, we have still been fucking just like before. I wasn't comfortable with it at first, but Lisa's cheating ass deserves it. I've caught her, but Michael hasn't. She has no idea about the kind of relationship that Michael and I have. She will eventually find out.
Michael, invited me over Neverland today for another hookup session. Michael, may be sweet on the screen but behind the closed door, he is an animal. We fuck almost every day out of the week, 2-3 times a day if we are lucky. It gets tiring, but he never fails to get me excited, or to please me.
"Hey you." Michael approached me when I got out of my car.
"Hey, Michael." I noticed that Lisa's car was here but I didn't mention it.
"Lisa is out with a few friends for the evening, so I thought maybe you and I can have some fun while she is gone." I nodded.
Michael grabbed my hand, walking me into his house and straight into his bed room.
"You look beautiful today, trying to impress anyone?" Michael asked me while getting undressed, then pushing me down on the bed taking my clothes off.
"I actually went on a date before I came here." I lied.
I figured sooner or later he'd catch on to my feelings for him.
He seemed to be a little upset about that.
"You finally went on a date, huh?" Michael kissed me, placing himself between my legs. "After all this time I thought you only had feelings for me."
"You told me that wasn't allowed. The only way I could have you was through friends with benefits. I have went on dates, just never told you about them."
"Feelings get in the way of the enjoyment we have. I like it this way don't you?" Michael started taking turns with sucking each one of my nipples into his mouth. "Have you fucked any of them?" I ran my fingers through Michael's hair when he started rubbing my swollen nub, while still sucking on my nipples.
"I guess. We do what you want Michael. I'm just here." I sighed. "That's private information, Michael. It is none of your business on what I do." That's when Michael slammed himself inside of me. "Fuck, Michael really!?"
"Are you telling me that you don't want me as much as I want and crave you?" Michael started pounding himself into me without any hesitation. "You are my business. You will always be my business."
"Holy—fucking—goodness!" I screamed. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me. "Y-you only want me for quick fucks and then you go back to your precious marriage."
"Seems like you are jealous of Lisa." That really pissed me off.
"I have no reason to be jealous over that whore. Why on earth would I be jealous? I am a lot better than her."
"You are jealous because she is married to me and you aren't. I can tell."
"I am not jealous over your wife. Who does her husband fuck when she isn't around? I guess she doesn't give it to you good enough like I can." I smirked and rolled us over so that I was riding him.
"Your pussy is just so addicting like a drug and taste delicious that I can't stop. You are always so fucking tight no matter how many times we fuck a day. It's like your body is a glove that was only made to fit on me." Michael rolled his pelvis that way he was hitting my g-spot every time.
As soon as I was about to cum..
I was dragged off of him by my hair.
"You fucking slut! Sleeping with my man!" Lisa yelled in my face.
I punched her so hard in the face that stumbled backwards letting me go.
"Your man has been fucking me, bitch! And don't you ever, ever, fucking touch me again, cunt!" I yelled in her face.
I grabbed Michael's dress shirt that was in the floor putting it on.
"I'll touch you if I want to touch you! Why the fuck are you sleeping with my husband!?" Lisa got up screaming in my face again.
I shoved her away from me, I didn't want that skank to be close to me.
"It's nothing new boo. I have been sleeping with him for 4 years. We stopped fucking when you guys got married! Apparently, your pussy isn't good enough for him to want too stop completely, considering it only took 3 months into the marriage, to start fucking me again! Just like all the other hoes he has been with." I smirked.
"M-Michael, y-you have been cheating on me this whole time?" Lisa started crying, which caused me to roll my eyes.
"Lisa, it's not what it seems like. Me and her aren't together, we never were it's just sex, baby. You are my wife, I love you." That hurt me more than anything.
I took his shirt off and started getting dressed.
"You obviously have some type of feelings for her Michael! Considering, that you are fucking married to me but still fucking with this slut!"
"Bitch, don't fucking call me a slut! Do you want to tell your side of the story now, or do you want me to, because bitch I fucking will! Try me!" I threatened her.
"Lisa, what is she talking about?" Michael looked from at me to her.
She didn't say anything.
"Tell him Lisa! Tell him how you have been fucking your new boy friend and how you are pregnant by him! Tell him!"
"You just did bitch! Are you serious! It's not your business to tell!"
"If I wasn't going to say it, you wouldn't have, or you would have lied about it! He deserves to know the truth!"
"Y-you are pre-pregnant Lisa? Y-you are pregnant and it's not even mine?" Michael voice got choppy and soft. "Y-you told me you didn't want a-anymore kids. Y-you knew how badly I have b-been wanting a baby." Michael was crying.
Lisa tried reaching out to touch him but I stepped in front of her.
"M-Michael, baby, I-I'm sorry. It wasn't suppose t-to happen. I love you."
"If you loved him, you wouldn't be pregnant by someone else. Don't forget to tell him the other thing."
"What other thing?" She asked cluelessly.
"How you were pregnant by him but you got an abortion and didn't tell him either of those things."
"You what!?" Michael shouted which caused me to jump.
"Y/N, you need to learn how to keep your fucking mouth shut and stay out of our business!"
"No, bitch, you need to stop being a fucking hypocritical cunt and tell him the fucking truth! Unlike you I have loved Michael for a very long time. And it's cunts like you who can get men like him and take advantage of them! Michael's business is my business. Whether or not we will always be friends."
"Y-you got rid of my baby!? My only child! Why? Why would you do that?! I thought you loved me!" Michael screamed in her face.
"M-Michael, I didn't want anymore kids. I told you this."
"So you thought I would be fine with you aborting my child because you didn't want any kids!? That was my one chance of having a child and you took that away from me! You selfishly took that away from me! I trusted you with every fiber of my being. Thanks to you, no one will ever want to be the mother of my kids. Get out of my face and get out of my house. I don't ever want to see you again." Michael sat on the edge of the bed, with his face buried in his hands.
"I-I'm sorry, Michael." With that Lisa left.
I walked over to Michael sitting on the bed behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and I felt him shaking.
"I'm sorry, Michael. You didn't deserve that." I kissed his exposed neck hugging him tighter.
It was quiet for minutes, I never let him go.
I have been keeping a secret from, Michael. I was eventually going to tell him, but I was afraid of him hating me afterwards. Even if he wants nothing to do with me, he still deserves to know.
"Hey, Michael I-." He looked up at me with puffy bloodshot eyes.
"P-please don't leave me. C-can you stay with me tonight?" He started crying again, reaching his arms out for me like a little kid. Of course I embraced him.
"Of course sweetheart." I rocked us back and forth for a while. "Michael, I need to tell you something. Promise me you won't get mad."
"I can't take anymore bad news, Y/N. If you have a boyfriend or if you love someone else then just go. Stop wasting your time on me."
"Michael, look up at me." He didn't so I grabbed his chin making him look up at me. "Michael, I have some news for you. Really, important news. I just don't want you hating me because it's against the rules."
"What did you do, Y/N? I swear to god it better not be something like Lisa did. I will never talk to you ever-." I had to cut him off.
"Michael, I'm pregnant." I smiled.
Michael just stared at me. No emotion on his face.
"It's obviously not mine, so why are you telling me this?" He snapped.
"It is yours, Michael. It is 100% your baby."
"It isn't mine because you have been sleeping around just like Lisa!" That caused me to start crying.
"Michael, I know that you aren't in love with me, like I am with you, but don't compare me to your wife. The only person who I have been sleeping with is you. At least I have the heart to tell you." I wiped some of my tears. "I'm going home, good bye Michael." I turned around heading for the door when he stopped me.
"I thought you were on birth control. That's what you told me." He grabbed my hand.
"I also told you weeks ago that I haven't been able to see my doctor for a check up and new prescriptions because she's been on vacation." Michael, sighed turning me around to face him.
"So you are truly pregnant?" He questioned again.
"100% pregnant, Michael. We are pregnant."
"How far along are you?"
"2 weeks and some change. I'm sorry, if this wasn't what you wanted. I know that you don't love me anymore than just a friend. I promise, I didn't trap you, I wouldn't do such a thing. I'm sorry, if you hate me and never want to see me aga-." Michael stopped me by kissing me.
"I am not mad at you, Y/N. I am ecstatic that I am going to be having a baby!" Michael finally cheered with happiness. "But most importantly, I am having a baby with the woman who I was scared of loving entirely. I do love you, Y/N. In every way possible." Michael pulled me in for a big hug while giving me a huge kiss with a smile on his face.
(Shout to @madog100900 for the request! I hope you like it!)
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