A Nightmare
It was just one thing after another on the news and a devastated Michael just sat back listening to his whole world falling apart right in front of him.
Everything that he has ever worked for meant nothing anymore. His music is being banned. Some people even destroyed his Hollywood Star. Majority of the people hated him. He had death threats.
The only person he had who believed in him was his mother. She was with him as soon as the allegations had started.
From the FBI rampaging his beloved Neverland home looking for just a tiny piece of evidence killed him. Scrummaging through his mail, going through all of his adult books, magazines, pictures, tapes, seeing if there was any sign of child pornography. Which there wasn't.
What hurt him the most is that someone would wrongfully accuse him of such horrific crimes that he never committed. But no one believed him besides his mother.
This was all because of someone just wanted to destroy Michaels legacy and reputation. Michael had such a big heart to those he cared for, especially children. One of the main reasons why majority of the world believes it, is because he spent a lot of time with kids. He invited them over for sleepovers, not only boys but girls too. Coming from the outside, it looks bad not knowing the motive for it.
Being around kids is what Michael enjoyed the most other than performing and making music. Him growing up not having a childhood, he finds his through kids. What is so wrong with that?
Everything according to the world.
"Michael you need to stop watching what is happening on the news." Katherine said turning off the television, setting the remote back down on the table. "It's not going to make you feel any better."
"You don't get it do you?" Michael looked over at his mother with so much excruciating pain in his eyes.
"Michael, sweetheart I understand this is a very difficult time for you right now.. but-"
"You don't understand, no one fucking understands what the hell I'm going through mother! Don't sit there and act like you do when you don't, ok!? You have no idea what it's like to just have everything you worked so hard for decades, crumble to the bottom of your feet! Do you know what it's like being me!? Huh?! Do you?! No of course you don't!" Michael scuffed getting up from the couch.
"Michael, we both know you did nothing to those boys.. All of that will be proven when you go to court."
"I know I'm innocent, but try telling that to billions of people in the god damn world, mother. You think it's just going to be over and forgotten about. They are banning my music all across the country.. probably in other countries now. People have destroyed my Hollywood Star. They are planning on taking down my statue. Stores are going to stop selling my albums. My new album launch premiere is canceled. My tour is canceled. Everything is being taking away from me. All my lawyer wants me to do is fucking pay them to keep them quiet. I don't want to do that because it'll make me look guilty. But my lawyer said that if I pay the civil case, I'll still have to go to court for the criminal charges." Michael took a second and then started up again.
"People just want me for money. People just use me for who I am. This is why I can't trust anyone. Every time I do it bites me on my ass." Michael picked up the television remote and threw it at the tv busting the screen.
He picked up his whiskey bottle and started drinking.
"Michael stop, you are better than this. Think about your kids. They need their daddy, without you they'll have nothing." Katherine took the whiskey bottle away from him.
"Am I though? According to the world I'm an evil malicious man. I shouldn't have to prove my innocence. And without a career I'll have no chance in supporting my kids. FUCK!" Michael knocked over his lamp, causing it to burst on contact.
All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Katherine went over to answer it.
"He is right in here." She pointed over to Michael.
"Mr. Jackson, my name is officer Terrance. We came here because we got new information about the allegations. They had the boy to draw what he seen, when he describe your private area. To help you, I need to take pictures of you so that the court can see any evidence if there is any."
"Are you fucking serious?!" Michael hollered.
"I'm afraid so, Mr. Jackson." The officer said calmly.
"This is so unbelievable. What if I refuse?"
"Mr. Jackson, if you refuse then you will automatically be guilty of the accusations, therefore we will have to take you to jail."
"No sense of remorse or privacy. This is fucked up."
"Michael, just do what they say. I'll be with the kids upstairs, okay?"
Katherine was excused from the room, while Michael had to strip naked for the photos to be taking.
Michael was embarrassed that it had come this far. How could this be?
As soon as they left, Michael went on a rampage through the house and start breaking shit left and right. No matter what Katherine tried to do, it didn't help.
"Daddy?" Paris said in a tone of fear.
Michael stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at his 4 year old daughter, with fear in her eyes, breaking his heart.
Michael took a look around the house and seen how much of a mess he made.
"What is it Princess?" Michael said calmly.
"Daddy, is something wrong?"
Michael sat down on the couch, running his fingers through his hair.
"Come here Paris." Michael motioned for Paris to come and sit on his lap.
"Daddy is just going through a rough time right now, okay? I promise that when things are over, it will go back to how it used to be." Paris laid her head against Michaels chest and he held her tight, kissing her forehead.
"I just don't like seeing you so angry. It scares me."
"I know princess, I apologize. I love you more than you'll ever know."
"I love you too daddy."
"Daddy? Is Paris down here?" Prince hollered coming down the stairs.
"Wow.. what happened?" Prince said after seeing the aftermath of Michaels outrage.
"Daddy's upset." Paris spoke up before Michael did.
Prince walked over to the couch and took a seat beside of Michael. Michael wrapped his arm around Prince and brought him closer to him.
"Daddy is just going through a difficult time right now, buddy. Once everything is over said and done, we will take a trip. Just the three of us, how does that sound?"
"Yes yes yes yes!!!!" They both said at the same time. Which caused Michael to giggle for the first time in a long time.
(If you guys want a part 2 lemme know!)
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