Jordan's p.o.v.
So you don't wanna say the vows..." He asked confused.
"I wanna say the vows...just in a different way...with different words...and without the promises and junk."
" you don't want to say the vows?" He asked again, oblivious to my lack of commitment.
I sighed. All this talk about vows and promises were making me a little uncomfortable.
"Can't we say something different? Like, I don't know, share memories or something? I really just don't wanna say all the promises..." I picked at my fingernails nervously.
"Of course. But on one condition will I let you out of the vows..." He smiled mischievously from his side of the bed.
"Oh god...what is it?" I asked regretfully.
"I get to wear a dress."
"Tom. No."
"But I wanna! Come on, if I don't get to wear the dress you have to say the vows!"
"That's not even fair, a dress is totally different from saying vows!"
"Nah they're totally the same. Pleaseeeeeee? It'll be funny," he smiled at me with a look of mischief in his eyes.
"...I'll let you wear a freaking dress, but from now on I get to decide on everything else in this wedding. Deal?"
"And that means everything. Even decorations. And cake type."
"What?! Please don't tell me you're getting vanilla, it's such a sissy flavor," he complained.
"Says the guy whose wearing a dress to his gay wedding..."
"Shut up, I wanna look fab," he tossed by his invisible long hair and sighed dramatically.
A knock on the front door interrupted our thoughts and we both rushed to answer it.
Tom opened it, and Steves bright smiling face met ours.
"Ello mates! Syndy, ye got everything ready? Martha may be here any minute now," he asked Tom.
"Let's see...banner, lights, and that all?" Tom asked.
"The ring Syndy, where'd ye put the ring?" Steve looked a little panicked.
"Relax! Sparklez and I hid it down stairs, I'll just...go get it!"
I was confused. I don't remember anything about a ring.
Tom grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Steve, who had a suspicious look on his face.
When Tom opened up the basement and we filed down there, he told me everything.
"So...I didn't make his ring."
"What?! Tom he's about to propose to her and you don't have the ring?!"
"I forgot! I was about to go work on it last night...but then I got distracted."
"By what?!" I whispered furiously.
"By you! I didn't know you were coming home! I thought you never wanted to see me again! How could I not be distracted if you showed up at 4 am in the morning?!" He spat back.
"Why are you trying to pin this on me?!"
"Enough arguing! What are we gonna do? She's coming in at any moment!" He groaned and ran his fingers stressfully down his face and hair.
A thought came to me.
"What kind of materials do you have down here?"
"I-I don't know, copper and emeralds? Maybe some of that ruby ore and the purple crystal stuff from the end. Why?"
"Get the copper and I'll find the ores, I'm gonna try to make a ring in under five minutes."
He nodded and we rushed to dig through the piles and piles of storage in the basement. I opened up chest after chest, but none of the ores I needed were in them.
Tom found the copper though, which was a good start.
I finally lifted up a huge piece of floor board, which most likely fell down when Tom shot the diglet spell at the floor, and underneath it was a bunch of chests.
The first one I opened had the rubies in them, then a little while later I found the purple crystals.
"Tom, do you have a hammer down here?"
"Think so, check that bench over there." He pointed at a dusty old work bench with tool scattered on top of it. One of them being a hammer.
I placed a ruby and a crystal on the bench and picked up the hammer. I smashed through the precious ores as if they were plastic, causing their pieces to fly in multiple directions. I picked one piece of ruby and one piece of crystal and placed them back on the bench.
"I need the copper," I told Tom. He rushed over with a small sheet of copper. It was just what I needed.
I used a pair of iron scissors on the bench and began to cut through the copper, trying to get a single strand of copper.
After multiple tries, I was finally able to get a small enough strand.
I bent the strand in the shape of a circle and cut off the long ends. I blended the ends in a curved shape and made them twist around eachother, forming a small place for the ores to be held.
I heard a knock on the door upstairs, which made me rush even faster to place the precious stones into the copper ring.
I finally finished seconds after, and a copper ring with two separate stones in the holder.
One red, one purple.
One Dianitee and one Ianitee. Formed together perfectly.
"Are you done? I'm pretty sure I feel Steve's nausea from down here."
"Yeah, let's go."
We ran up the stairs and back into the kitchen, where Steve was staring at the door with a panicked look on his face.
Tom handed him the ring and gave him a small pat on the back. I murmured a good luck as we stepped into the hallway, hiding from the unsuspecting Martha.
I heard the door creak open, and Martha's voice fill the silence.
"Stevie! I've been looking for you all day, where have you been?" She asked worried.
"I've been here...can ye step in for a moment Martha? I got somethin I wanna tell ye..." I could hear the nervousness in Steve's voice, and I wanted to laugh at his emotions. But I kept quiet as I listened next to Tom. He was smiling as well at the happy couple.
I heard her gentle footsteps on our wooden floor as she stepped in.
"Stevie...what are you hiding behind you? You seem awfully content on keeping me faced away from the kitchen..."
"Martha my's time I start bein an honest man to ya. I love ye, and I wanna spend the rest of my life with am I kiddin, just look behind me. It'll be easier."
I peeked out from the hallway to see her reaction toward the banner, and I indeed saw it. She smiled, and her smile got bigger and bigger as she read over the banner again and again.
Steve shyly showed her the ring. "So uh...will ye?"
"Oh...oh Stevie...oh Stevie! Yes! Yes I will!" She squealed as she wrapped her arms around Steve's neck and kissed him.
He lifted her off of her feet and swung her around in circles as he kissed her back.
"Why couldn't you propose to me like that..." I said under my breath at Tom.
"It was a spur of the moment kinda thing. My bad," he smiled and kissed my forehead.
I heard dishes clatter to the floor and chairs being knocked out of the way, indicating that they were about to do something spur of the moment on Toms table.
Tom tugged at my sleeve to follow him into our bedroom.
"Are you just gonna let them do things on your table?" I whispered.
"It's fine, they're in love. I'll let em off just this once. Although I'm gonna have to get a new table..."
We escaped into the bedroom and Tom lifted up the small window near our bed.
Once he got it fully opened, he turned to me. He held out his hand and smiled a crooked grin.
"Care to join me in escaping out the window?"
"Gladly," I replied taking his hand.
We both jumped out of the window and onto the front yard.
"Hop on!" Tom yelled as he squatted down.
"What?" I asked surprised at his behavior.
"Get on my back Sparklez, it's not that hard to understand dood."
I shrugged it off and leaped onto his back, he didn't flinch once at the weight. Which made me feel less insecure about myself. I tightened my arms around his neck and leaned my head on his shoulder.
He ran full speed past the tree and towards the mainland. I was surprised at his speed, since he was carrying me on his back.
And trust me, I wasn't the lightest person in Dagrun.
He laughed wildly as he ran in different directions, and I laughed with him. I didn't even know where we were going, but it sure was fun getting there.
Then I started to see my towers in the distance, and I knew where he was going.
"Not sure if it's a good idea to go back there. Guard Tom doesn't exactly approve of you," I smiled timidly as he ran faster towards the hill.
"He can go screw himself, I wanna snuggle with you somewhere where there isn't other people making out. Your other home seems like a good idea!" He ran even faster as we came closer and closer towards the hill.
We finally reached it, and Tom tried to run up the steep mountain, but failed ultimately.
He collapsed in the middle of the hill and I got off of him and pulled his limp body up the mountain, laughing hysterically as I did.
I liked this.
I finally pulled him close enough to where I could let go without him tumbling down the steep slope. He groaned like a tired child after playing outside. It was adorable.
I knocked on the door, still holding Toms limp hand, and waited for Guard Tom to open it.
He finally did after a few moments, and he looked really irritated.
"Captain, why did you not tell me you were going off somewhere?" He asked with an annoyed tone.
"To be honest, I forgot to tell you. Sorry..." I looked down at the ground guiltily. I had made him worry.
He sighed and looked down at the sleepy Tom on the ground.
"I'm guessing that you made up?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Yeah...he tried to carry me up the hill. It didn't work," I laughed and he did too.
"Shut up...I tried..." Tom yawned mid sentence.
"Well, I suppose if you made up he can enter. I'll be in my quarters if you need me captain."
Guard Tom disappeared upstairs as I dragged my Tom into the main tower.
"Tom come on...I can't pull you up the stairs. Just get up for a minute," I begged his tired form.
"Why does your room have to be upstairs..." he groaned.
"Please...just get up for a minute? For me?" I asked in a pleading tone.
"Fine. I can't make any promises I won't fall asleep in the middle of climbing the stairs though."
He raised up and stumbled for a moment, trying to regain balance.
I guided him upstairs on the very top floor, where my room laid in shambles. Papers were scattered everywhere and my bed was unmade, used tissues poking out from under the disheveled covers. The curtains were still closed, and the room looked dark and depressing.
"Your room needs a makeover. It's so sad looking..." Tom yawned while he walked over to the bed and laid down. He threw off the dirty tissues into the floor and made a space for me.
"Come and get me sexy," he posed like an idiot, a tired idiot.
"You said cuddling. No gross stuff tonight, okay?" I asked as I sat down on the space.
"Alright. Come here, I miss you already..." He smiled sleepily and held out his hands like a child waiting to be hugged goodnight.
I laid down gently next to him and let his arms wrap around me. I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck and sighed.
"I love you," I said bravely.
"I love you too, fiancé!" He said in a masculine voice.
I cringed at the word he used and shook my head. "You have no shame, do you?"
"None whatsoever. That's a good thing, right?" He breathed into my ear.
"Definitely..." I smiled.
I felt the warm blanket that Tom had made me cover us, and I wrapped it tighter around myself.
"Do you like...the blanket?"
"Of course. Love the symbols, and the scent..."
"Scent? I didn't put a scent on that..." He said confused.
"You didn't have to, it already smells exactly like you. And I love it."
"Aw that's cute. I smell bad? Is that what you're trying to say?" He asked with sudden curiosity. He sniffed his arm pit and I laughed at the sight.
"No...I'm saying you have a distinct smell, I'm sure I have one too. Do I?" I asked him.
I felt a nose rub up against my cheek and my hair.
"Yes...yes you do," he whispered.
"What do I smell like?"
"I And's nice," he sighed and scooted closer to me.
I snorted at the comment. Rain and grass? Rain doesn't have a smell, and grass? Grass smells terrible when it's cut.
"Don't you like those smells?" He asked.
"Rain doesn't have a smell. Grass smells sour when you cut it. Yeah, I'm not too fond with the scents."
"No not that after rain. The day after a storm, that kind of scent. And fresh grass, not cut. Like spring and the sun. You smell like sadness and sunshine..." He smiled and closed his eyes as he snuggled closer to me.
Sadness and sunshine?
I guess those are nice smells...
We stayed silent for the longest time, just enjoying each other's presence.
"I can't wait to call you mine forever..." Tom whispered while gazing at the moon light peeking out from the window.
"I can't wait to see you in a dress..."
He punched my arm lightly and laughed.
"So when is Martha and Steve's wedding?" I asked him.
"Not sure. Probably in a week or two. Maybe tomorrow, I don't know. It all depends on what happened on my kitchen table."
"You're probably gonna have to build a new one," I laughed.
"Yeah...I love you Sparklez," he whispered into my ear.
"I love you too Tom," my stomach fluttered at the words coming from my mouth.
"So...what are we gonna do after the wedding," I asked.
"Make sure you never walk again. That's what," he mumbled under his breath.
I slapped him on the arm and he whined loudly and made pouty lips.
"I'm serious...what are we gonna do? I don't want it to just be intimate stuff..."
"I dunno...I hadn't really thought about it."
I started to remember what Andor had said in his goodbye letter. He mentioned a family...
Could I...could I actually have a family with Tom?
I mean, we obviously couldn't have children. But couldn't we adopt a kid?
"I'm pulling up these shades, this room is too depressing." Tom jumped up off of the bed and walked to my window. He pulled back the black curtains and moon light flooded the room.
"Much better," he sighed. He jumped back onto the bed beside me and snuggled back into my chest, his eyes closed.
"Can I talk to you about something sensitive?" I blurted out.
"Sure, go ahead." He still had his eyes closed.
My gaze went to the window and I stared at the bright shining stars in the sky.
"After marriage...have you ever considered having-"
My eyes caught something in the corner of the window.
Yellow goggles with purple lenses, staring into my bedroom. Watching Tom and I.
No body was wearing them. They were just floating. Staring at me.
"Sparklez? What's wrong?" Tom shifted and moved to where he could see my face clearly.
"The window, th-there's goggles!Like, floating goggles! Look!" I pointed at the purple glass windows, but the goggles were gone. I had turned just for a second, and they had disappeared.
Tom looked at where I was pointing, and then looked back at me confused.
"What goggles? I don't see any. You trying to prank me?" He asked suspiciously.
"N-no! They were right there! I swear I'm not crazy, there were floating goggles look-looking at us!" My stammering wasn't helping my case.
"Sparkley pants...get some rest, I'll ask Steve when the wedding is tomorrow. For now, I want you sleeping. I think your seeing visions again or something..." He scratched his head, deep in thought.
He thought I was crazy.
"Tom please believe me, they were there! I'm not seeing visions! It was watching us!" Thinking about the creepy thing watching us cuddle made me feel uncomfortable.
"Sparklez calm down, it's okay. Maybe there were goggles, it was probably just someone trying to mess with us. Go to sleep, okay? I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed my forehead and turned over to his side of the bed.
But I couldn't sleep now. What if the goggles came back? What if it were some kind of bot, trying to kill me or Tom? I couldn't let my guard down. This thing could be dangerous. I wouldn't let it hurt him.
Not when I had just gotten him back.
Good god this was a long chapter xD
I thought it was cute...I can't wait to write Steve and Martha's wedding, it's gonna be so beautiful and gross :3
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Leave a favorite if you did, thanks!
- Lee
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