Toms p.o.v.
When I woke up to an empty bed the next morning, I immediately regretted everything I said last night.
I knew he didn't love me yet. Why did I pressure him? Now he's gone. He's taken everything with him.
Now it was just me in this place...I felt so empty.
Maybe if I A simple apology wouldn't work this time. I had to do something special for him.
But first, I should find out where he is.
And that would mean getting out of bed. Which wasn't gonna be easy.
I put a look of determination on my face and swung one of my legs off the bed, then the other. I stared at the floor with seething hatred, and placed my feet on it. My weight shifted to my legs, and I immediately fell on my butt.
I groaned as loudly as I could and threw my head back in annoyance.
'Come on Tom, you can do this. Just stand up and walk. It's not that hard.'
I pressed my hands on the back of the bed and pushed my self up slowly with my legs.
I was finally standing. Now all I needed to do was walk.
As soon as I took the first step towards the door way, my knee buckled and I fell again, but this time on my face.
I sighed against the hard wood. I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Sparklez really got me good.
"Thomas, you seem to be in a pickle dearie. Do you need help?" Martha's voice sang.
I turned my head slightly from the floor and looked up at Martha's figure.
"Er, you wouldn't happen to have a spell that could maybe help me walk? That would be really awesome right now."
She laughed and hooked one of her arms around my back and sat me up.
"What's got you crippled sweetie? You and your lover get more injuries than Stevie and I combined!"
"Well uh, Sparklez is stronger than a lot of things," I said as I looked to see if she caught my drift.
"Oh! Oh you poor thing, you must be in so much pain. I'm sure I have a spell somewhere in my book, let me go fetch it. I'll have you walking in a jiffy!" She assured me and walked back out of my bedroom door.
Minutes later she came back with one of the thickest and oldest books I'd ever seen. The pages were worn out and sticking from the sides of the cover, but they were readable to her I guess. She flipped to a page way back in her book and her eyes searched at the words.
"Let me see...oh! Here's one I can try!" She straightened her back and shoulders. She cleared her voice and lifted eyes up to me.
"Vascano palmithius!" She pointed her finger at me.
I didn't really feel anything, I expected some kind of awesome surge of energy or even a slight pain. But there was nothing.
"Try to stand now dear, it might not work for a few moments," she closed her book and waited patiently for me to stand.
I pressed my palms against the bed once again, and pushed my body up with my feet.
I stood perfectly. I took a step forward to Martha. I didn't fall. The pain in my lower half was gone, my legs felt stronger and not so much like jellie.
"Yes! I'm not a cripple any more! Woo!" I jumped and ran across the room, completely forgetting there was a gaping hole in the floor.
"Syndy wait!" Martha tried to warn, but I had already stepped across the ledge.
I screamed a girlish scream as I fell, my hands barely catching the edge of the floor.
"Get me up get me up get me up!!!" I screamed as I dangled from the floor. I could see my dark basement below me.
Martha ran over to me and gripped around my wrist. She pulled on them as much as she could, but her feet were slipping under her. "Thomas, use your wings! Fly up!" She said through clenched teeth.
Oh yeah. Forgot I had those.
I felt my wings spring to life and they began to lift the weight off of Martha's hands. She pulled again and this time I escaped from the hole.
"My goodness, I've saved too many lives this week..." She panted from her sitting position beside the hole.
"Sorry. Sparklez and I are really clumsy..."
"It is fine. Where is your little sweetheart? I have not seen him today," she asked while she stood up and fixed her clothes and hair.
"He's...kinda mad at me. We got into a fight and it didn't end well..." I scratched my head and looked at the floor.
"Oh? What did you quarrel about? I'm sure it can be resolved with a simple talk."
"I don't think it's gonna be that easy this time. I really peed him off...he left during the night. I guess he's at his tower but I'm not sure."
"What did you say to him? I hope it is not too hurtful, he's a very sensitive man is he not?"
"Yeah, he is. I just mentioned something I shouldn't have. And it made him angry."
"Are you going to tell me? You seem awfully guilty about it Syndy. Is it bothering your mind?"
"I asked why he never actually says 'I love you'. He said he really really liked me. But refused to say 'I love you'. I told him if he didn't say it, then it was over. And...he didn't. So..."
Hearing what I did and going over it in my mind again, I realize how inconsiderate and selfish I sounded. I knew he had wanted to take everything slow. I knew that. Why did I pressure him?
Martha sighed and went to sit next to me. She slid down on the wall and crossed her legs beside me.
"Syndy...Stevie doesn't like to say he is my lover. He doesn't like to say 'I love you' or anything in that region. Yet, he still loves and cares for me. He still calls me darling. He still does everything to protect me. Syndy you must understand that some people do not like labels or titles. It makes them uncomfortable. Titles or labels mean change and major commitment, which is a very very sensitive thing. You must not pressure him into such a gentle topic. He's not ready for those kind of things yet. Just let him breathe and think, then one day I promise you he will own up to his true title. His title of being officially yours forever," she smiled at me from the corner of her eye.
"Wow. That's a great explanation Martha. But now that I understand, how do I make up for being a huge jerk? I don't think a simple apology is gonna cut it this time."
"Hmm. That is an area you will have to converse with to another being. Stevie usually starts our fights, and ends them with a little love making. Although I'm sure your little sweetheart doesn't want that at the moment. Maybe ask your other lady friend Foxy? She seems to have that Jericho boy wrapped around her finger," she stood from her spot and began to walk back to the bedroom door.
She turned one more time and looked to me. "Remember, let him breathe. He's a stressful little thing," she laughed.
I laughed too. He was a really stressed out dude.
Martha disappeared and I heard the front door open and close as she left.
Alright. Let's see if I can make it to Sonja's without falling on my face.
"Why are you such a thick headed moron?" Sonja asked as she stirred her hot cider with a spoon.
She leaned against her pink countertop with a smirk on her face.
"Don't know. Maybe it's because I'm a dead corpse?" I replied with sarcasm.
I sunk lower into the neon pink couch with shame as I thought at how stupid I had been.
"Well, corpse or not, you better smarten up. Sparklez isn't gonna take much more of this crap if you keep feeding it to him. Did you actually say it was over?"
"Uh...yeah...sorta," I said shamefully.
"Poor Sparklez. Always getting the bad end of the stick. Why are you so mean to him?" She sat her cider on the counter and crossed her arms like an angry mother would be at her child.
"I'm not mean! Just cranky sometimes...I don't mean to be though..."
"Get rid of your crankiness then, we've got work to do. You need to make it up to him."
"Yeah I kinda figured that out. What do I do though? I usually just apologize and we make out."
"That's not gonna work this time. You've gotta show him how miserable you are without him and how much you appreciate him. How about you give him a new toy?" She sat down beside me on the couch and handed me a mug full of apple cider.
I gladly took it from her and gulped the hot liquid down. When I finished I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and continued the conversation.
"New toy? What does that mean?"
"It means like a new sword or item or anything that appeals to him. That's usually how I make things up with Tucker. He starts playing with the thing and forgets all about the fight."
"No offense but I don't think Sparklez would be that dumb...he'd still be mad. Got anything else I could do after giving him the gift?"
"Hmm...write up something romantic for him? It doesn't have to be your words. Wags good with poetry, and he's back from the Twilight forest if you wanna visit him. Would that help?"
"I could use that too. I still feel like he'd still be purge turbed though."
"Ugh...I don't know. Romantic gesture?"
"What's that?" I asked dumbly.
"Such thick headed, many wow..." She muttered.
"Hey! I'm new to this stuff, leave me alone!" I defended.
"A romantic gesture is something like...I don't know, like a move you wouldn't usually do. Like doing something he would remember forever."
"Huh...I think I could do that. I'm gonna have to leave now though, if I want to finish by tomorrow. Thanks for the advice, I hope it works. I really messed up this time..." I stood from the pink couch and collected my things.
"Yeah you did. Tom, you better start treating him right. He won't stick around for long if you don't."
"I know...thanks Sonja. Goodbye,"
I waved to her as I went out the door.
I had a lot of work to do.
Jordan's p.o.v.
"Captain, are you absolutely sure you are okay? You seem a little...tired."
Guard Tom stood from the doorway, a worried expression planted on his face.
"Fine Tom...just fine," I hugged my scratchy and uncomfortable pillow tighter.
"You don't act fine sir. Is there anything I can do for you? I know certain remedies and medication brews if that is the problem."
"'s's cool dude. I'm just gonna stay here for the rest of the day. Not feeling too energetic, you know?"
"Captain, be sure to let me know if I can do anything. I'll be right by your side if you need me. I know it is not the ache of exhaustion and fatigue that is hurting you. Please, do not let this consume you."
He left and I was once again alone.
I'd been laying on this hunk of rock for hours, and I was so cramped up. I hated this bed. But what else was I supposed to do, go home and sleep in Toms?
I'm glad guard Tom is being such a good friend during all of this, even though we just met. He seemed like a really chill dude. Nice to see he enjoys being here.
The room was completely dark, except for the few tiny rays of sunshine trying to peek through the window shade. My bed was pressed up against the wall, as far away as possible from the door and window. I just wanted to lay in the dark and shrivel up. It felt like the most reasonable thing to do. I faced the wall and stared at the stones.
I missed the usual oak walls.
I missed the double bed.
I missed the idiot I shared the double bed with.
Don't let it consume you.
It shouldn't bother me this much.
But why wouldn't it?
My first boyfriend just dumped me.
I cringed at my own thoughts. The word 'dump' made me feel sick.
How long had I been staring at this wall? Minutes? Hours? Days?
A small knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.
"Captain, I have a small gift for you. It's not much, but I do hope it brightens your day."
I wiped the wet tears from my face and turned to face Guard Tom.
He held a huge silver tray in his hands, a gigantic cake planted on top of it. I honestly don't know how he decorated it that fast, but he did. The frosting covering it was white, the writing on it blue.
The words read:
'Get well soon Captain!'
I smiled and laughed pitifully as I wiped the remaining wet spots on my cheeks.
"This is...this is really sweet Tom. Thank you so much...I can't..." My laugh, turned into a sob. I hid my face in my hands as I let the tears leak through them.
"Captain what's wrong?! Did I do something wrong?!" He asked in a worried and panicked tone.
"'s just...this is so nice...we don't even know each other...and you baked me a freaking cake...yesterday was just so terrible and sucky and you come in here with a cake for me...god Tom, why are you so nice?" I sniffled and laughed again. He chuckled awkwardly and sat beside me on the stiff bed.
He handed me the cake, and I took it off of him so I could see it better. It was super nice. He was a really good baker.
"So, you do like it?"
"I love it dude. Thank you so much...can't wait to eat it."
"Do you mind telling me what got you so saddened? You don't have to...I would just like to know."
"I'll tell you. I uh...didn't...I didn't..." My voice cut off and I breathed out shakily.
"It's okay, just breathe captain."
"Sorry...Tom broke up with me. For...because I didn't say I loved him...but I wasn't ready yet! It's not like I can just say I love you like-like its a meaningless label! Why was he so mad?! I can't just...I can't just say that..."
I stared solemnly at my cake. It looked really good, and I was starving. Depression really makes you work up an appetite.
"So you don't love him? Is that what you are trying to say?" Guard Tom asked confused.
"No...I really...I really like him...just not sure about love...I loved a girl once. It didn't turn out very well. Now I didn't say I loved him, and it didn't turn out well...what am I supposed to do? I'm a mess..." I shook my head at the thought of my life.
"This girl, did she love you as well?"
"Yeah. She did...why?"
"Then why did it not turn out well?"
"She got...she was an accident that I don't really wanna talk about..."
"Understood. Was this accident your fault?"
"No. Not at all..."
"Then why are you afraid of saying 'I love you'? It is not your fault that it didn't turn out as expected. It won't be the same as with your Tom. I'm sure of it."
"What's the use in saying it now? He dumped me. Can't go back now...I really want to eat this cake..."
Guard Tom laughed. "Then eat it.
I always loved to eat messy things with my hands..." He smiled at me.
Alright, he gave me permission.
I took a huge hunk of cake out with my hand and shoved it into my mouth.
"And you can fix things with him. I'm sure he'll come back on his knees sooner or later. You seem like too good a person to lose. May I have some of that cake?" He asked.
"Devour away!" I said through six layers of cake in my mouth.
He dug his hand into the corner of the cake and pulled up an even bigger piece. He ate away until frosting covered every bit of his mouth. I laughed at the sight, and shoved more cake into my mouth as well. It tasted really really good.
He should've been a baker rather than a guard.
But I doubted Tom would come back. He had dumped me. He was done with me. I no longer mattered.
After Guard Tom left and told me goodnight, my depressing thoughts returned.
I let them consume me.
I feel much better than when I did yesterday, YAAAAAAY!
I can't wait to start on this new book! I have so many ideas :3
If you guys have any chapter suggestions for the new book, comment them below!
I like hearing your guys ideas, they're pretty awesome xD
After this book ends, I'll most likely take off a week and then publish the new one. I have another trip coming up on Thursday and Friday so I'll probably take off those days too.
Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Leave a favorite if you did! Thanks!
- Lee
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