Hello my wonderful children, I hope you all are doing ok. Please let me know if you need anything. I want you to remember that you are loved and cared for, and please, please, please remember to stay hydrated. I hope that everything in your live is going well but if not than I'm am very sorry. I hope you know that you are not alone and I know how hard it is to reach out, but please try to... I wouldn't want you to harm yourself and end up losing your life when you are so very important and play a specific role within this world, so if you are gone then those that love you will be devastated and crushed, while the world will lose such a wonderful, bright and amazing soul. Please remember that... I love you all, please don't forget that. 😊
Leaving off from the previous video they watched, the MHA characters are talking to each other about their opinions on the video and what they like/disliked about the video. Shadow watches them silently a smile hidden behind her mask, enjoying seeing their reactions to the previous video.
They spend the next hour talking over the video, while Shadow stands silently listening to everything they say. But after that hour is up, Shadow decides that's enough time for them to talk through the previous video and so she gathers their attention and turns their focus to the screen at the front of the theatre. The MHA characters comply and turn their attention to the screen in front of them.
The audience then stare at the title being displayed on the screen, confusion clear as day on their faces. They talk amongst themselves once again trying to figure out the meaning behind the title and how it relates to them. They continue to chat between themselves for 10 minutes, meanwhile Shadow just continues to silently watch them, her full focus on them as she listens to their very interesting ideas as to what the meaning behind the title is.
Although, while the MHA characters chat amongst themselves on what the meaning behind the title is and how it relates to them, some members of the audience become nervous as to potentially having something that they would prefer to be kept secret revealed. This knowledge of potentially having something they don't want reaching the surface causes them to nervously sweat and desperately try to hide how they are currently feeling, some managing to hide it better than the others.
Shadow let's them talk for the 10 minutes, enjoying watching them talk about the topic at hand, but most importantly enjoying watching the concerned looks from those that are praying to god that what they think is going to be revealed, isn't in fact going to be revealed. Shadow smiles maniacally behind her mask as she sees their nervous demeaner deepen as the ten minutes goes on.
The screen lights up, showing the familiarity of this whole thing that they have experienced through watching videos in the theatre. Throughout this whole experience the screen has always showed a setting from somewhere within the MHA universe. However, this time instead of showing a setting within the MHA universe, a black screen sits upon the screen that is placed at the front of the theatre.
The black screen showcased on the projector screen in front of them sends a wave of confusion throughout the theatre, as not one of the MHA characters understand why the screen is displaying a black screen instead of the usual scenery in whatever part of the MHA universe that the other videos they have watched have had as the background.
The video continues on as if their confusion means nothing. Which like before on the screen sits the black screen, which makes everything seem empty. That is until a voice speaks up, their voice being in the background and not sounding like anyone in the theatre. The knowledge of it not sounding like anyone in the theatre makes it clear that it is a narrator speaking.
The voice speaks with an even and calculated tone. "In a society filled with the quirked and the quirkless. Heroes and Villains. Life is filled with so much toxicity and hatred that causes violence, harm and separation between those considered "different" and those considered "normal". The entire idea that the lesser portion of the population being those who are quirkless, having mutant quirks, villainous quirks and weak quirks are useless and shouldn't be alive has not only made them be outcasted by society and treated as if they are worthless and nothing but a piece of dirt to be kicked around and controlled, but it has also caused them to turn to much darker paths whether that be becoming a villain, a vigilante or even going as far as attempting to kill themselves."
The audience have mixed feelings on what they have just listened to, while on one hand they like how skill-fully worded the information given is worded they can't help but either feel bad about the reality of this or find nothing wrong with everything that was said and completely agree with what has just been stated.
The voice stops for a few moments allowing all of that information they have given to sink in, before continuing on. "Now with the knowledge of how those who are "different" are treated, what makes you think that vampires would feel safe revealing their existence?"
The audience are confused as they don't believe that vampires actually exist so they don't understand why they are watching this. The quietly talk amongst themselves over the idea of vampires existing.
While most of the audience talk amongst themselves about the idea of vampires actually existing those who do know for a fact that vampires exist are extremely worried and their nervousness deepens as they pray to god that they don't get revealed.
The narrator leaves silence between that statement and the next to show importance to their words. "Vampires have been around for centuries, they have stayed hidden from the rest of the world, but are more common than you think and you have most certainly come across many vampires over your lifetime."
Most members of the audience are surprised to find out that vampires do in fact exist, while those that already knew are dying of nervousness and are begging to Satan to stop god from revealing their secret.
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I wish you all a great day or night. Please remember to stay hydrated and please don't forget that you are loved and cared for. Once again please remember that you are not alone and that it is perfectly okay to reach out, so please don't hesitate to do so. I love you all and goodbye for now my wonderful children.
Dadzawacares out. 😊
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