6-Jurassic world stand down (blue-deku)
Movie au
Owen Grady:Aizawa
Berry:Pirsent Mic
Raptor squad
Alternate universe loading...
Alternate universe found...
...Jurassic World stand down
Storm:alright everyone so tell me,who likes dinosaurs?
Kirishima: I do! There manly! *grins*
Some others: *agreeing aside from the manly thing*
Lilac:well here we are going to see *points at Aizawa* eraser head *points at Yamada* pirsent mic and *points at the deku squad but looking at the selected few (iida,todoroki,tsuyu)* few of the deku squad that are going to be in this universe
Aizawa: *skeptical of this* what actually does this universe involve me and my students?
Storm:ok to explain what this involves is the you in this universe was navy soldier now worker/trainer in this big area called Jurassic World where it holds real dinosaurs that were brought back to life and- *explaining the rest about the dinosaurs being girls and how they were brought back to life because of my poor memory and brain to type it in oof* but aside from that you are a raptor trainer to 4 raptors that you feed and imprinted on them as they see you as their alpha and those raptors are iida , todoroki , tsuyu and deku but on here they go by delta , echo , Charlie and finally blue she's the beta and the four of you are siblings in this
Iida , Todoroki and Tsuyu: *look at one another*
Aizawa:hmm *unreadable face but feels intrigued by this*
Mina:that's so cool ✨
Lilac:though note there will be some gore and bloody violence so be aware of those who may have a bad stomach so *snap finger*
One's that don't have a strong stomach: *sees a trash can by their seat*
Storm:let's get this started *snap finger*
Screen plays
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Play this one before the video on top)
A prehistoric forest is shown then to the grass is a pig squealing and running away from something as then shows a pair of raptor feet running and then back to the pig running away as the screen zooms out the containment area and as the raptors were close to catching the pig
Kirishima:woah! This is so manly
Mina:that one is sure fast
Everyone: *who heard that immediately knew who it is*
The raptors immediately halt to a stop as they saw the pig go into a slot and then the screen moves up to shows 4 raptors with each different color pattern while one has a blue streak from the eye to her tail (but for you guys think iida as a dark blue and todoroki red and white and tsuyu as mid green)
Mina:they look so cool!
Kirishima:yah so manly!
Aizawa:ok *holding a clicker and uses it* ok eyes on me
Delta(iida): *looking at Aizawa*
Echo(Todoroki): *looking at Aizawa*
Charlie(tsuyu): *looking at Aizawa*
Blue(deku): *chittering and looking elsewhere*
Aizawa: *sigh* problem child
Aizawa:blue.. *uses the clicker* blue!
Blue(deku): *snarl and look at aizawa*
Aizawa: *points at blue* watch it.. *looks at Charlie* hey Charlie!
Charlie(tsuyu): *roar*
Aizawa:don't give me that shit,delta!
Delta(iida): *snarl*!
Aizawa:lock it up!
All raptors focus on aizawa
Aizawa:good! *using the clicker* and..we're moving *moves over*
The raptors follow his hand as some bump into each other as they screech and roar and stop when Aizawa is by a bucket and they are in position
Mina:that's so cool
Kirishima:yah that's so manly
Aizawa:hmm *thinking about how much training he's version had to do for the raptors*
Aizawa:ok good that's good *uses the clicker again*
Delta(iida): *looking at Aizawa waiting*
Echo(todoroki): *looking at Aizawa waiting*
Charlie(tsuyu): *looking at Aizawa waiting*
Blue(deku): *does the same but chitter*
Aizawa: *uses his free hand to grab some piece of meat and calls out the raptors as he throws it to Charlie*
Charlie(tsuyu): *catches it*
Aizawa:this is what you guys get *gets another piece* echo here you go! *throws the piece*
Echo(todoroki): *leans to catches it*
Aizawa:delta! *throws another piece*
Delta(iida): *jump and catch it*
Aizawa: *brings out a whole white rat out of the bucket* blue!
Everyone: *is silent and looks at nezu then turns to Aizawa and the screen and sweat-dropped*
Blue(deku): *chitter as she looks at her alpha (*cough* father figure)*
Aizawa: *hold the white rat high* this is for you *throws it to her*
Blue(deku): *catches it with no fuss and eats it whole enjoying it*
Nezu: 🙂 *insert the lion sleeps tonight meme*
Aizawa:hold!..eyes up! *rises his hand*
All the raptors rises their head higher waiting and chitter
Aizawa: *bring his hand down like a "starting a race* go!
The raptors roar as they ran and the workers clapped and cheered for Aizawa's progress while Hizashi walks over to him with a chuckle and smile
Prisent mic:you finally did it
Prisent mic:hey look it's me!
Aizawa: *uses his quirk* quit shouting
Hawkins:Aizawa! *chuckle as he pat the back of a co worker while walking over to Aizawa and Hizashi* i was thinking i hired the wrong guys but damn you got them eating out of your palm man *laugh*
Aizawa:I came in on a good day ,don't always end well
Hawkins:that why I didn't get your reports
Prisent mic:we've been busy
Hawkins:to busy to cash in your paycheck *chuckle*
Aizawa:what'd need Hawkins..
Hawkins: *looks at Aizawa* a field test
Aizawa: *turn around and walk away from him*
Hawkins:hey *follows him* I've just seen they can respond to command ,we have take the research and get it at its feet
Aizawa:there wild animals Hawkins , trust me you don't want them in a field
Hawkins:I just saw a bond ,a real bond between man and beast
Aizawa:your in my way
Aizawa:what does this man want from my students?
Storm:he wants to use your students as weapons and for cash because you have them to respond to your commands but you do it out of respect along with training and imprinting them sense you basically raised them
(Time skip)
Aizawa: *hears pig squealing and turns around*
Worker:pig lose! *has a holder while running over to where the pig is going* pig lose! *lowers it to catch it*
Charlie(tsuyu): *snatches the pig with her mouth*
Worker: *loses balance and falls over landing on his back hitting the ground*
Blue(deku): *looks over with a bark*
Delta(iida): *looks over with a bark*
Echo(todoroki): *looks over with a bark*
Aizawa: *eyes wide and goes to the button*
Worker: *backing away in fear*
Blue(deku): *hisses as she stalks towards the worker*
Delta(iida): *follow along*
Echo(todoroki): *follow along*
Aizawa: *hits the button to open the gate and crouch down and goes into the cage to help the worker*
Prisent mic: Sho-no!
Bunch of men in bodysuits with guns aimed at the raptors ready to shoot them
Aizawa:no hold your fire! *rushes over and gets in between the worker and blue and has his hand out*
Blue(deku): *changes direction and looks at Aizawa with a hiss*
Aizawa:hold your fire! Do not fire!
Prisent mic: *hit a button to stop the gate from fully opening and helps the worker get out of the cage and looks back at Aizawa*
Aizawa:put 12 amps in these animals their never gonna trust me again
The raptors spread around hissing at aizawa as he has his hand in front of blue and arm out to the side
Aizawa:blue..stand down *looking at blue in her eyes calm but firm and orderly voice* stand down..
Blue(deku): *roars with a chomp*
Aizawa:hey,hey! What did I just say..😠 delta! I see you *quick look at delta* back up..!😠
Delta(iida): *screech as she opens her mouth bigger but obeys*
Aizawa:ok.. *looking at the raptors but mostly blue* good..
Blue(deku): *bends down with her claws stretched looking ready to pounce with a hiss*
Hawkins: *watches as he grins*
Aizawa:Charlie *looks over to her* stay right there
Charlie(tsuyu): *chitter*
Aizawa: *looks back at blue* close the gate
Prisent mic:are you crazy?!
Aizawa:hey just trust me
Worker:close the gate!😰
Prisent mic:tch *and hits the button that closes the gate*
Aizawa: *slowly lowers his hand and books it*
The raptors charge with a screech after Aizawa and just in the nick of time he made it as the gate closes with their heads banged against the bars and they shake their heads and walk away chittering while one of them stayed stalking close to the worker
Prisent mic:you good?
Aizawa:yah *walks a little bit over to the worker* your the new guy right?
Worker: *nod* yeah
Aizawa:you ever wonder why there's a job opening..
Aizawa:hey..,don't ever turn your back to the cage alright *walks away*
Worker: *jumped when he sees Echo(todoroki) growling at him showing her teeth*
Screen fades to black...
Storm:now what are your thoughts on that?
Everyone: *talking over each other*
Lilac:one at a time please!
Mina: I thought it was pretty cool
Uraraka: I thought it was kinda scary but it was cool
Kirishima:yah it was pretty manly
Aizawa: it was certainly interesting and i despise the man that wants to make my students into weapons
Prisent mic: I agree with Sho and it was pretty good
Lilac:let's continue and this time *snap finger and lov , afo and stain appear back in the seats they were in* you guys behave and your gonna react to more deku au's
Lov and stain: *agree*
Lilac:good *smile and start the next universe*
Alternate universe loading...
Alternate universe found...
...The green rose
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