your cute
pro hero bf touya todoroki x gf reader daughter of edge shot,
Genre: fluff
Quirk - heart string - an ability that you have from your mother. The ability makes you fall insanely in love with them
Weakness - can always backfire if the person in question has a partner
(warning mature content ⚠️🔞- name organisming, mention of first time sex, and fingering⚠️🔞)
Story idea: you are y/n Kamihara. Yes that's right you are the proud daughter of Shinya Kamihara the ninja hero: edgeshot. You are a 3rd year college student. You study nursing with one of the todoroki sons. You are actually close friends with him and his gf. You eventually met touya and became his life long partner with three children . one boy and twin girls on the way. So this is the story about how you met a pro hero touya Todoroki and became his cute little nerdy gf.
Yes and hello. I'm y/n Kamihara at your service here. I am the proud daughter of the ninja hero edge shot. He is a loving dad. Tho it's been hard for us when my mom died from a villain attack when i was 4. My dad never remarried. He raised me on his own. He raised me to be dependent and respectful.
I am now 22 and still in college as a 3rd year of college at a college in japan. I am at this moment right now walking to my next class with one of the todoroki sons. Tho you only met him 3 months ago. He is a really nice guy and has this amazing cute gf. But anyway he was talking about his elder brother on break.
''He is so amazing'' he said ''you talk about him alot, he can't be that amazing'' you said back to him ''isn't your dad a pro hero?'' he asked ''yeah what about it, .... Is your brother a pro hero?'' you asked
''Ah so it finally came to you huh'' he said ''i told you not to tease me'' you said. Since you never grew up with brothers or sisters. All your friends were your second family. Including natsuo todoroki. He was like a younger brother to you
So that's why you and him teased each other so much and got on each other's nerves. Anyway he shows you the recent villain case his elder brother just took care of. It's all over the news ''wait the blue flame hero is your brother?'' you asked
''Yes and he is single'' he reminded you ''what are you talking about?'' you asked, acting like you didn't just have a tiny organism from looking at touya todoroki. ''You can meet him if you want?'' he asked
'I... i don't know, i think my dad is out i have a lot of homework i think i will just pass but thanks anyway'' you said ''and pass this chance to meet a guy that you falling for'' he said ''really aren't going to let this go'' you said cocking your head to the side
''well it's written all over your face so yeah, i'm not'' he said back. So eventually you agreed. After college. Tho you had a pile of homework to do at home and you really wanted to go and scream into a pillow on how drop dead gorgeous and smoking hot his elder brother was.
You walked with him to the Todoroki house. ''Hey i thought you lived in this big japan style mansion?'' you asked ''oh we did before we moved'' he said ''oh ok that's cool'' you asked. Fast-forward to the house visit.
You and natsuo and his gf and another friend went inside. You saw shoto and fuyumi. You said hello and had a conversation with them. When you heard the front door open and close. You heard a voices ''hey bro'' natsu said back to him
''are you staying over?'' he asked ''yeah just for two nights'' he said back ''great, i want you to meet someone'' he said. You were still in the living room with fuyumi ''what is he talking about?'' she asked ''i don't know and i don't know what to know, i need a breather'' you said to her.
She showed you where the garden was. You walked around the garden. Meanwhile back in the living room ''hey where is y/n?'' he asked ''she is in the garden, she needed a breather'' she said ''hey so what did you do to her?'' she asked
''oh i might of teased her a bit too much today'' he said ''Hmm why?'' she asked puzzled ''well we had a break today and i was talking about the villain attack and capture by touya and y/n for some reason didn't believe me until i showed her the video of the live news media fed and she fell for him ... like i mean fell for him ... so i wanted them to meet'' he said
''oh ok that's why she left to the garden'' she said ''hey look, i'm going to go and rest'' touya said ''ok bye'' natsou said back. as touya's shadow left. touya wasn't resting. he lied. He went outside to the garden to see you. Though he didn't know you. He took it apon himself to meet you in person alone. You were walking around the garden.
Looking at the flowers growing in the different flower beds. You heard footsteps walking towards. And voice behind you. ''What is he doing?'' they asked ''Shhh and watch'' a female voice said back. You knew that voice as your gay best friend kyo. ''No i'm going to stop him, she is going to need help'' he said
''no don't you dare'' she said back to him. You wanted to turn around and tell them off and you did but bumped into touya todoroki. You tried to go past him. But he stopped you. ''I .. hmm i have to go back inside'' you tried to say to him. '''Na ah your not, i have a question'' he said back smirking
''oh ok'' you said ''i hear from a birdie that you fell for me?'' he asked''i mmm hmm i don't know what you mean'' you said to him trying your best to act dumb ''Your cute, you know that right, but not smart enough to hide your feelings'' he said, teasing you
''i don't know'' you start. But you got caught off with his lips on you. He kissed you. Like ahhhhh (in head mental scream lol). he placed his arm around your waist. pulling you into his chest. you blushed.
as you place your hands on his chest. he continued to deepen his kiss. you moan softly into the kiss. ''you like my lips huh cutie?'' he asked. his nickname for you making you organism again ''are you ok, your shaking?'' he asked smirking
you blushed cause you knew what happened. he took your in his and took you inside the house. before your college friends could stop him. touya had brought you upstairs to his bedroom. he just threw you on his bed.
''what is happening?'' you asked yourself. You looked up at him ''he just kissed me out of nowhere, gave me a organism and now we are in his bedroom with me laying on his bed, like i just met his guy'' you added to yourself.
he locked the door and came over to you. ''i hear from natsou that you fell for me and that when you saw me on the video you started shaking, and then we were were kissing and i called you cute you did the same thing'' he said teasing you
''i ... mmmm ... i don't want to say it'' you said blushing ''say it y/n, it's ok cutie'' he said in your ear. you started to shake again. he called you cutie few more times until he started to smirk. he knew why you didn't want to say it.
he was giving you organisms without him knowing it. he chuckled as he decided to make you organism more. whimpers and slapping noises could be heard from touya's room. you were moaning and organisming to this men.
with your legs around his shoulder. he made you organism 5 maybe 10 times possibly more at this point. you had no idea you could feel pleasure like this. he was your first and you weren't even dating him yet.
eventually stopped. he pulled out. you were panting heavily. you lay there with his seeds all over you and his bed. you were sore. but thank god you could still move. he lay beside you on his bed. he pulled you over to him.
you lay your head on his chest. your hand resting on his chest. and touya's hand landing on your waist pulling you into him. ''so since i know about your crush on me, your body loves the nickname i gave you and being your first, how about we exchange numbers and I take you out on a date?'' he asked smirked
''Yeah sure i would love that'' you said. You and touya exchanged numbers. That was it. you and touya stayed in his room well until you could again to walk yourself downstairs. once you could you left his room.
you blushed walking down the stairs. have the permanently mental images of you and him in his bed having sex. god you wanted him again. not on a first date. i mean you wanted to be under him with your legs over his shoulders, again and again and again.
you ran into your friends the hallway ''so how was touya?'' kyo asked ''what are you talking about? we just talk'' you said back ''your limping, plus what ever he was doing up there you were definitely enjoying it'' natsuo said
''oh you heard that huh?'' you asked back blushing ''but anyway what happened after that?'' kyo asked ''well we kissed in the garden, he took me back to his room and then he asked me for my number and asked me out'' you said back walking away.
''are you serious, didn't you get your heart by guys in the past'' kyo said back ''Yeah I know that but I hope that he is different than all those douchebags'' you said. So after meeting touya todoroki.
You went to college the next day. You still had his number in your contacts. But he has contacted you back. It's been three days since that day. So just to keep your mind from wandering and overthinking. You left him a text. To see if he is still alive or is the same person.
Hey, touya, its me y/n Kamihara i just wanted to say hi
(touya is typing)
You saw him typing but he stopped. You sighed and continued listening to your lecturer. It was so boring. You felt a buzz in your pocket. You took your phone out and set it to silence or do not disturb. You looked down that touya had got back to you. You went into the message app that you and him use. You read the text from him.
Hey, y/n,
How are you?
Sorry for not texting you earlier i have been busy at the office
Hmmm i was thinking how would you feel if i pick you later tomorrow after college.
We could get coffee?
I'm good
No need to apologies your a pro hero i get it
And yeah that's fine with me
Where were you thinking?
(touya typing)
Hmmm maybe after i pick you up i could take you to the coffee place name
That's sound greet, i heard a lot of good things about that place
Greet i'll see you tomorrow at 6
And that was it. Your first conversation with him. Left you smiling and blushing like a big idiot. Or to touya a cute idiot. Anyway, Your friends found out about the date and since you have had shit dating past experiences
All they said to you was to be careful. Tho you didn't know this at the time. Natsuo might of told touya so your shit dating experiences which is a resting success rate of 0. Yeah you have never had a successful relationship with a man ever.
So the next day. The day of the date. You were nervous. Tho you were old enough to go on your own. You still told your friends everything. And have your dad on pick up duty if things get out of hand.
So anyway it was an hour away from the time of the date. It was 5. Your date wasn't until 6. So you texted your friends until. It was now 5:45. You heard a car drive up to your college. You saw a guy step out of the car.
''Hey cutie'' he said ''hey touya'' you said. You walk over to him. He takes your bag. Tho you protested against him. He stopped you again with his lips like he did the first time you met. ''did you organism again?'' he asked teasing
''i don't know what your talking about'' you said blushing ''cutie'' he said back. your legs gave out again. he smirked. touya opened the passenger seat for you. blushing you got into the car. he closed the door for you.
the inside of the car was nice but not as nice as your dad's car lol. He closed the door and got into the driver's seat. He drove out of the college ''so was your day?'' He asked ''it was good, a lot of boring classes and lecturers, but that's 3rd year for you'' you said. he chuckles
''maybe if you're bored again, call me, we can do something together'' he said. ''I'm make a note of that'' you said ''how was your day?'' you asked ''oh well where do you start, i had to fight out this really annoying villain, and train a few new recruits to my agency firm, but i get to see you now that's what matters'' he said smiling at you
You blushed 'aww that's cute'' you said. The rest of the drive to the was silent. The radio was on. Your favourite song was on. You hummed to the song. Touya noticed and raised the volume of the song for you.
You sang some of the words until you reached the coffee shop. It was quiet for the time of day so it was perfect for a first date with a young hot pro hero. You and touya sat as the one of the waiters of the coffee shop came over to take your orders
''Hello miss and sir what would you like today?'' He asked 'hmmm i would like a peach ice tea'' you said ''coffee for me'' he said ''you like your hot beverages?'' you asked ''and i could say for you cutie'' he said back.
Touya watched you have another organism. "what was it now the nickname or the fact i said we could do something if you feel bored, was something dirty'' he teased
''i don't know what your talking about'' you said blushing, another teaser like his younger brother. You blushed. The date was great. And you're going into detail. It was amazing. It was the best first date. When he was talking about his life. You just listened to him.
You didn't like his dad for a number of reasons 1) being the night of your mom's death, she got a attacked by a villain on the way home, you were very young. but his dad was supposed to be there. but he was late to the scene and a few people lost there lives that night including your mom. The others you're not going into.
You told touya about the incident. He was honestly angry that he had let someone's mom die and act like the big hero when he wasn't. You tried to change the conversation cause you didn't want him to be mad. After the date. Touay took you home. Your dad was waiting at the front door for you.
''Wait your edgeshot's kid?'' he asked ''yeah that's why in our texted yesterday that said no apologies your a pro hero i get it, yeah i meant it'' you said back ''Damm, cutie, so i'll text later ok'' he said, kissing your cheek. ''its adorable and hot that you keep organisming to the name y/n'' he teased.
You blushed as you hugged and waved goodbye. You took your bag from him and went inside. After being questioned by your dad. You went to your bedroom to giggle and blush about the date you just went on. On the other hand, Touya went back to his apartment.
You and touya texted for a bit before you fell asleep around 1 am in the morning. The next day you didn't get a text back. So you went to college and told your friends about your amazing date. They were shocked and happy that you had such a great time with him.
Until you told them that you had mentioned about your mom dying and for some reason that got him mad when you realised who did it. They knew that your mom died when you were younger. But didn't know that the night your mom died endeavour was one petrol and was supposed to be there at the scene to help out but he was late and people lost there lives.
But anyway. Later on you heard from natsuo that touya (the guy you went on the first date with had an argument with his dad) natsuo said that he wants to see you again. ''Ok but it is too soon since he had an argument with his dad, should i wait for him to calm down. I like him i don't want to be pissed off anymore'' you said
''Aww you like me cutie'' he said. you organismed again ''where is that coming from?'' you asked blushing ''i have him on call right now'' natsuo said turning his phone to see his white fluffy hair on the screen. ''Hmm how much did you hear?'' you asked
''Everything, so are you good with a second date?'' he asked ''yeah i am'' you said back to him ''great, i should be done soon if you want to do something fun?'' he asked teasing you ''what do we have today?'' you asked kyo
''Hmmm i think we have that really boarding lecturer today'' she said ''yeah i'm not going to learn anyway knew with that lecturer anyway, yeah i'm down for doing something fun'' you said back
After the call you all went to class. Touya texted you in the middle of the class with the dets of the second date. Well more like he gave you hints on the second date. So after the class you got a text from him
cutie ,
I'm outside
Come out so we can go
Ok i'm coming
You said goodbye to your friends and ran to the front of the college to see touya waiting for you. You ran over to him ''hey touya'' you said. ''Hey cutie, you ready?'' he asked ''heck yeah let's go'' you said ''organisming again?'' he teased.
you into the car with him. touya pulled over to a private area. ''pulled down your panties'' he said to you ''why touya?'' you asked ''cutie, you will love it ok, do you remember when we first met'' he reminded you
''we not having car sex'' you said back ''yeah that says the girl who is having multiple organisms and was moaning my name over again in my bedroom on the first date we met'' he said teasing you back.
''fine, damm i hate that fact that you always i love this shit, i don't know, but you do'' you said to him. that's a good girl'' he said back. you pulled down your panties. your legs spread opened for him.
he started to drive off as he placed a hand on your thigh. you moved for him. he smirked as he shoved his finger you. you shuck at the feeling. God you loved the feeling of his fingers in you again.
he added another one and another one until you got the fun center. Once there he told you to put your panties back on. touya just wanted to taste you again. he missed your taste.
anyway back the fun center. there was a ball pit for the kids and other stuff. You were shocked that he took you out here. But anyway you ended up having a really fun time.
You and him ended up making out a lot. not like you haven't had sex or just got fingered by his guy on the car ride over here or organism to his voice.
his chuckle. or his nickname for you. any way this lead into a 3rd date and now you're in a 5 month relationship with touya todoroki.
The relationship is the healthiest relationship you have been with. Your bf met your dad and instantly hit it off. You were happy that your dad was never strict about your dating life. You and touya now alone in the living room. ''Want to go to my room and make out? You asked
''Do you have to ask, cutie'' he said, taking your hand going upstairs. You giggled as he drag you to your room. You lay on the bed. As touya closed the door. He hovered over you. As you lost your hands in his white hair.
Pulling on it. He growled into the kiss. Making you cum for him. Your legs wrapped on his waist. His crotch grinding on his heat. You moan his name into the kiss. ''God I love that voice of you, whether you're singing or not, I love it'' he said, kissing your neck.
You moaned more as the makeout season turned into sex. Yeah it definitely got a little heated lol. Anyway, the next day you woke up to see your bf touya of 5 months beside you. His back was to you but you could see the marks you gave him from your first time night activities.
You blushed at the memories of last night. You tried to get up. So you were sitting on the bed. but when you realised you couldn't you blushed even more. Your bf turned around to see you struggling to sit up on the bed ''having some trouble there baby, we have done this before. did go to hard with you'' he said.
You blushed and stayed quiet. You and touya continued to date until you and him were in a more serious relationship tho, he was two years older than you. Since you were 22 when you met him and he was 24 so yeah. He was 26 and you were 24 when you eventually moved out of your dad's house and into your bf's apartment.
When you have finished nursing school. You went and did your masters and did some work experience at a hospital. Your bf is still doing pro hero stuff. You and him recently got a dog together. she is so cute. she is a husky. A white husky. You named his yuki ''it means snow'' it suited the cute little pupper.
Oh and the pupper in question is a girl. Anyway, after another 1 year of dating which would make your relationship 3 years long. You are 25 years old and 4 months pregnant with your first child. Your bf touya who is 27 and is the father of your child.
You and him did think about kids. he was there for it all. When you told him of the pregnancy he was so happy. He promised you that he was going to be the father ever. You cried when he told you this. (fast-forward 9 months and 48 hours later) your water broke and you were rushed to the nearest hospital. Where you stayed under care until your son was born.
Yeap you're having a baby boy. When your son was born. You and touya named him Michiya Kamihara todoroki (meaning of the name ''wisdom''). He had your e/c and his dad's white hair. For his face features (he had your eye and chin eye and his dad's lip and nose shape)
When you were brought into the visiting ward. Your father came in first to see you, his future son- law and his grandson. They talked for a while. Then he left. You had a few minutes alone with your bf and your son.
Before your bf's family came in..... Well his mom came and his siblings came to see you and your son Michiya. After they left your friends from college came in and your work friends from your master course. A week later you were let go. You paged your bf touya to come collect you and the baby boy Michiya from the hospital.
He was just a tiny bit late. But he got you both home before he was called out again cause of a villain attack. You got a nanny to help you look after the baby. Your bf touya was there for you and the baby now don't get the wrong idea. He was on leave of absence from work. But on the way back he got caught up in a villain attack while getting stuff for the apartment.
So but anyway you and touya raised Michiya for 3 years before starting again. He was just starting nursery school. And 4 months of him being in that school you got pregnant again. You and your bf are around 28 and 30. Which makes your relationship 6 years.
When you found out that you were having girls. You were delighted that you were having a girl. A daughter. Your son could have a baby sister. What you didn't know was that you were carrying twins. You told your bf that you were pregnant again and that we were having a girl this time. He was happy about the news.
But both of you didn't know it was twin girls. And there marks the question where in the family of the Todoroki's or the kamihara's did the twins come from. Cause if you didn't have a twin and your bf didn't have twin siblings.
So when you went to the doctor's appointment, She said ''congratulations, you're having twin girls'' she said ''twin girls?'' you asked ''yeah twins, didn't you know about this?'' she asked you both ''No, we knew that were having a girl, but not twins'' touya said ''oh ok well do you have an twins in your family, maybe ask a family member'' she suggested ''ok we will do that'' you said to her
As you and touya left the doctor's. You called your dad and asked if there were any twins in the family. ''I think so, are you pregnant with twins?'' he asked ''yeah i am'' you said back to him on the phone ''Congrats, but yeah i think there is, but in case there isn't you might want to ask your bf's family the same question'' he said then hung up. You and touya contact fuyumi or his mom to ask the same question.
It turns out there are twins from your side of the family. Your mom was a twin but she could never have twins herself. So she could only give birth to one child. So yeah. Your mom had a twin. Anyway, You told your son Michiya that he was going to be a big cool older brother to twin girls.
He wasn't happy that he had to share his parent's love but it was comforted by the thought of not growing up an only child. You carried the twin girls shoko and suzuki for 9 months. You set up a baby room for the twins. And got stuff for the girls. You different go for the pink stuff as that was very well stereotypical yk girls = pink and boys= blue. Like it's just a colour grow up.
So you, with the help of your gf's and your bf touya, painted the baby's room two colours a white and purple. It was cute. When your water broke one day. Your best friend kyo was there at the house. Your bf was out that day.
She took you to the hospital. With all the hospital bags in the back. And your son Michiya was 3 years old. He was at his grandmother's house. After the birth of the twins girls shoko kamihara todoroki (meaning of the name ''child of sho'').
She had your blond hair colour and her dad's teal eyes. For her face features(she had your nose and eye shape and her dad's touya's nose and chin shape). While the second twin suzuki kamihara todoroki (meaning of the name ''bell tree'') she had a mix of your e/c and her dad's teal eyes and a mix of your blond hair and her dad's white hair.
For her face features (she had your nose and lip shape and her dad's eye and chin shape). You were brought to the visiting ward to recover for the birth. Your best friend Kyo had left you alone with the twins girls
Your bf touya came in through the door ''baby you could have told me'' he asked sitting beside you in the room ''i know i could have but kyo was there with me and so she took me to the hospital'' you said ''Anyway where were you?'' you asked ''i was bringing Michiya over to see his grandmother'' he said ''oh ok, is he still there?'' you asked
''yeah, he loves his grandmother alot'' he said back to you ''Well he only has one grandmother so'' you said back. Knowing that if your mom was still alive she would have been the best grandmother ever other than bf's mom ofc. ''Then are coming in later'' he added. As you and touya enjoyed the moment with the twins.
Your son eventually got to meet his two new born baby sisters, Shoko and suzuki. After a week in the hospital you were discharged. You and touya raised the girls shoko and Suzuki for 18 months before touya had to go back to work and you had to go back to work. You were a nurse at a hospital nearby.
your son still goes to nursery school as your two girls were childminded by your nanny. The same one who helped you with your son michiya. (fast-forward 5 years later) your son michiya is 9 years old and is still in elementary school and your daughters shoko and suzuki are both 5 years old and are in nursery school. Both have unlocked their quirks.
You are 33 and your bf touya is 35 years old. You and touya are now in a 11 year long relationship. Since you only wanted three kids. Well that's what you wanted. But when you found that you couldn't have anymore kids.
You thought that was ok. But a year went by. And you realised that you wanted more kids with your bf touya. So you talked to him about it. And since you can't have kids. You can't carry anymore kids.
You and touya decided to go through surrogacy. You found a nice woman that didn't want to have kids of her own but was up for carrying your kids for 9 months. When it was successful, 9 months later she gave birth to a baby boy.
You and touay thanked her for his blessing. After that she was sent off to recovery. The nurses checked up on her from time to time. While you got to get your baby boy home. Your family of 6.
Your 3 kids loved their baby brother. You named him Hikaru kamihara todoroki (meaning of the name ''light or shining''). He had your blond hair and a mix of your e/c and his dad's teal eyes. For his face features (he had your lip, and nose shape and his dad's eye and chin shape)
You and touya looked after Hikaru with the rest of the kids. Fast-forward 2 years later. You are 35 and your bf touya is 37 and you're in a 13 year relationship. Your son Michiya is 11 and is still in elementary school.
Your twin girls shoko and Suzuki are both 7 and are in elementary school. The same one as their older brother. Your son Hikaru is 2 years old. Just a divil in disguise. He is cheeky like his father touya. Speaking of your bf touya he took you out one night to a lovely romantic restaurant. Where he dropped the question and proposed to you. You said yes and now you and touya are an engaged couple.
1 year later
You and touya are both 36 and 38 years old. You're now getting married to men you had a crush on, 13 years old. It's crazy to think that if natsuo never showed you a picture of his elder brother and brought you over to his mom's house. You would never have met touya Todoroki and become his wife today and be the mother of his children who are all standing here today.
Your 4 children are all 12, 8 and 3 years old. You loved them so much. You and touya had an amazing wedding and a beautiful reception. The honeymoon to Hawaii was wonderful. And after two weeks of being on your honeymoon you and touya came home to japan as husband and wife but also mom and dad to your four amazing children.
The end
Meaning of the children
Michiya - wisdom
Twin Daughters
Shoko - child of sho
Suzuki - bell tree
Hikaru - light or shining
Word count: 5760
Originally there was supposed to be hybrid au story then i was going to change it to a father x daughter story where the father is big hero character the reader (aka daughter's) and it was going to be really cute but i never did it so i did this instead cause i have a thing for touya/dabi and i liked the character. I really wanted a pro hero story for him. So here it is. Hope you guys enjoy it. See you all in the next story.
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