You Have My Heart
Demon King denki kaminari x low rank demon maid reader
Demon Au
Genre: fluff, smut
after all the stories you have heard from your parents you were low rank demon's that served the demon Kings of old for centuries now they have said "that you must do everything and anything for the demon king as he ruler and you can't say no to his commands" so a few later when you had turned 118 which in human years that would be 18 or 19 years old you took up the mantel as the maid for the new demon King denki kaminari who is flirtatious and with his maids all the time. But for you he would never go near even tho you would everything that he asked but still nothing from him for years.
Until you turned 126 years in demon which in human years that would be 26 or 27 and that would mean you weren't marrable at all so you would come on every night back to your family home to your pet demon three tailed cat kuro who is waiting for you at the front door and who has been there for you all your life since you were young. you had your dinner and then went to bed with your cat kuro. The next day you got a up to find a letter you went over to it. To see it was from the king of it was very important you open it to see a long note.
dear maid y/n,
I'm denki kaminari your demon King. I need your help with finding me a wife to wed as my parents have died so it left to my maids to find me a wife so i choose you maid y/n/. Everyone in the castle knows of you so it won't stop you from finding me. Cause I am in the library come find me today please.
Demon King
You got up and got dressed you had a bit of breakfast then said goodbye to kuro as you ran off to the capital and castle to help your King. You told the guards who guarded the library the letter from the King they laugh at the note and let you in. You thought it was weird that they thought it was funny but I guess having a low rank demon helping the demon King with finding a wife is funny to them.
Anyway you walk around and closed the door of the library "my King where are you?" you asked him as you walked over to the window "I'm right here ugo" he said to you as he puts his arms around you "so my king you are looking for a wife yes? Do you have a type of female high rank demon that you like?" you asked him "yeah I like some one who is brown haired and beautiful and can make me smile" he said to you "got it my king" you said to him. As you walk away looked from King denki to the other end of the library leaving him just to stand there.
Denki pov
I can't believe she just let me there standing in the library I saw y/n leave me I just can't believe it. I know she said she well help me but I wanted her if she actually finds a wife for i have no choice but to marry the demon I don't want I need to stop this so how and show y/n I like her. I saw she came back to me with a smile god I love that smile it is so beautiful "did you find a wife?" I asked her I can't believe I said that to her when all I want is her I just want y/n no one else "no actually found a few wives but it's up to my king and here is the list my king" she said to me as she gave me the list.
I took and throw it away to somewhere in the library as I took her hand in mine it just felt so right to hold it "my king I just.. Idk what just happened? I thought you wanted a wife?" she asked me I smiled at her "well I did but actually I want you y/n" i said to her "you what? You want me my king your funny but no I'm not your type I'm not a high rank demon I'm a low ra nk demon maid nothing else" she said to me.
He looks at y/n and sighed "you really think that about yourself?" he asked you "well...... yeah kinda I mean you don't ... ok why are you looking at me like that my king?" you asked him "you are a idiot I like you y/n why can't you see that" he said to you "wait you what my king Idk what to say" you said to him "why don't I show you how much I like you y/n hmm? Maybe this might make you see my love" he said to you. So denki took you out to many places in the demon capital and you did have fun but you had to go back home to your cat and you did tell him this.
When you went to leave him and the capital and castle. He wouldn't let you go "I have to go my king I have to go home back to my car kuro" you said to him "I'm going with you to see this cat kuro of yours if you don't mind y/n" he said to you "ok yeah sure Id think my mom is around now so you can see my cat kuro" you said to him "ok guards get a car ready I'm taken her home" he called out to sero his body guard.
"sir my king get a car ready for the king" he said to the guards as they ran to the get car ready for the demon King and his hopeful future wife you. (fast-forward 20 minutes later) "my king the car is ready for you" sero said to him "very good sero" he said him "right are you ready to go home y/n?" he asked you "yes my king" you said to him "my king can I ask a question to you?" sero asked him "processed guard" he said to him "ok well your subjects have been whispering that you fell in love with a maid from the low rank demon clan I just want to tell the people that it's just a rumours and that they have nothing to worry about?" he asked him.
You stood there in silence "well Royal body guard sero it is true I'm in love and I did fall in love with a maid demon who is with me right now so behave yourself" he said to sero his royal body guard "oh right sorry my king I didn't know I'll leave you and her alone" he said to him as bowed to you then left the hallway
"what was that about my king?" you asked him. He looked at you and smiled as he kisses your cheek "nothing y/n let's go ok" he said to you as he took your hand lead you to the car as you both got out of his castle. You saw all his subjects staring as you got in and then him as you looked out the window of the car to see the people still staring.
He saw your face "hey hey y/n come here for a minute" he said to you "I don't like that the people were staring at us like that ....... like I was some kind of crazy king snatcher" you said to him crying "hey they weren't staring I will make sure of that for you y/n" he said to you as he held your hand through out the whole ride to your home.
(fast-forward another 29 minutes later) the car outside your House he got out and helped you out of the car "so this is where you live?" he asked you "yeah Ik it's not much but see aren't rich so" you said to him "it's fine y/n let's see your cat kuro he is interesting to me" he said to you "ok my king" you said to him. As you open the door of your home you call out to kuro "meow meow" kuro said to you as you looked at him "speak english kuro Idk why you do this all the time" you said to him annoyed that your cat was being annoying for some reason.
denki saw your face, and then looked back at kuro the three tail demon cat again. "fine fine y/n" kuro said to you also annoyed that he had to for some reason speak english. he turns to demon king "hi my king how are you? I see you met my owner y/n" he said to him "yes i have! I'm good! also i'm glad to see your kind is still alive? After all that has happened" he said to him. kuro got up and sat beside the king "yk of my kind?" kuro asked him curious
"yes my family worship the three tail demons for centuries and we did have them in your family" he said to him. You looked at him in shock "what... but how come my king only the low rank demon clans have worship these demon cats" you said popping into into he conversation. kuro looked at you annoyed for interrupting the conversation
''well y/n apparently your not the only ones who have worship my kind so you can go away for once in your pathetic life and do something useful'' he said back at you as he went back to talking to the King denki. you were hurt that his words.
you slipped out the back with tears in your eyes and ran off to the graveyard to where your dad was buried. he died when you were little like 86 in demon years so around 10 in human years. still it was a place you went to often when kuro was being a jerk to you more then you would like to admit.
you kneeled down at his grave stone and talked to your father. you wanted to know why he never told you before he died that your family weren't the only ones that worshiped the cat demon or that the crown knows of the three tailed cat demon. after while you heard footsteps behind you ''what do you want kuro i'm not in the mood to talk'' you said to whoever it was clearly still upset
''i'm not kuro i just wanted to know if you were ok out here or if there was something i could do to help you or if i did something wrong maybe i shouldn't of come here?'' he asked you ''my king there isn't any you could do honestly, and if you weren't here kuro would still have been a jerk to me anyways cause that's what he loves doing is hurting me feelings" you said to him.
kuro was still inside the house. when he heard your mom coming back. he went to great her ''oh good evening kuro! where's y/n?'' she asked him ''she ..... hmm is out at the graveyard again'' he said to her licking himself ''kuro what did you do again? you can't be jerk to her all the time you know ! she's trying, and you need to learn how not to yell or be a easily annoyed! remember what happen the last time?'' she said to him
with a warning. as your mom walked away, over to the window. she saw you were talking with a boy. she left the window to the kitchen. kuro still in the living room near the front door not knowing what to do now. meanwhile back outside in the graveyard ''my king can you answer me this?'' you asked him ''what is it y/n?'' he asked back ''ok .... why did you not tell me that your family worshiped them .. the three tailed cat demons?'' you asked him "cause I wanted to see them for myself........... my ancestors worship them I never did cause that tradition faded over time" he said to you.
you looked at him shocked ''idk that my king! i'm sorry, i jumped to conclusions again i always do this'' you said to him. denki puts his arms around you ''hey look at me y/n! its fine ok you dk ok its fine and that demon cat you call kuro is a jerk i'm not going to lie'' he said back "so who is this y/n?" he asked you. as he lets go.
denki walks over to the grave stone to see who it was. ''so this is your dad I'm sorry for your loss y/n" he said to you ''you didn't know my king i was young when i happened'' you said to him "well let me do this one thing" he said to you as he prayed to your dad for his blessings for your hand in marriage when he got a yes from the winds. he smiled as he got up and turned around to you.
He kissed your cheek "ok what did you do now? What did you ask my dad for denki?" you asked him "oh don't freak out now but i just asked for his blessing for your hand in marriage........., and well he said yes to it so I'll be picking out a ring for you my buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget" he said to you
"ahhhh dad why him! you said the next guy i bring, you wouldn't do that and well he is the king! are you FREAKING kidding me'' you shout at your dad's grave "what you don't want to marry me beautiful?" he asked you sad "what... I didn't say that my king" you said in defense as back away from papa's grave stone
"well then I think you could answer me this beautiful now i heard from kuro when you had left the house that you had a crush on me for since you were 118 years old? Why did you not say anything to me?" he asked you.
You look at him ''you want know why i didn't tell you about my crush and kept a secret until now was cause you didn't see me! you didn't notice ... So what was I supposed to do" you said to him starting to cry again "hey hey y/n!.... my buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget look at me I see you! I notice you ok I'm yours y/n" he said to you hugging you closely into his chest
"Ik that now.... but for 8 fucking years denki" you said to him still crying "ik y/n you got me now ok it's over" he said to you as he kissed you. He signed "y/n I was going to ask you later or for a better time to do this. .... but i think now is better then ever" he said to you.
as he got down on one knee and took your hand and signed "y/n would you move in with me? Be my future wife that lives with me and your mom and cat kuro can live in the castle with us" he said to you "are you serious denki?" you ask him "I'm very much serious sunshine and I'll stay until your mom's back to tell het too" he said to you.
before going back to the house. you heard a voice ''she's back! your mom is back for awhile y/n, demon king'' kuro said out before leaving the back door ''well i guess you can tell her when we get inside now'' you said grabbing his hand, walking away from your fathers grave stone. (fast - forward) you got inside the house ''mom where are you?'' you asked out
''sweetie i'm here in the kitchen'' she said back. you and denki walked to the kitchen to see her cooking away. she turned to see you and the demon king ''sweetie? what's going on .. is that the demon king? i am sorry if she been bad or disobedient my king" your mom said to him
"oh quiet the opposite actually she hasn't done anything wrong miss l/n she wanted me to meet you since I'm going to be her future husband" he said to you "what you and him are going to be married? But I don't see a ring?" she asked him "actually the ring is my grandmothers! its back at my castle and I have invited you all to live there at the castle permanently" he said to her as held on to his hand.
Your mom was in shock at this "so what we are to move away from our house and leave my dead husband I don't think so" she said to him upset to leave her only love ''well then if you want you can stay here and y/n can stay with me'' he offered. you stood beside the king ''mom i love him, and i really do want to stay and spend my life with him'' you said to her
"you really love him huh sweetie? ok if that's what you want then I won't stop you" she said to you smiling. You looked at her then at him "I really do mom" you said to her "ok then take this and your demon three tail cat kuro too and I'll come to the castle later on" she said to you knowing that kuro and you need to get along "thanks mom" you said to her.
still not in the mood or want to talk to kuro. but you had to bring him with you still. kuro went over to your bedroom to get something cause this was his fault that you hate him now. so while you with denki in the living room. ignoring kuro to the best of your abilities. kuro went over to lowering his head to show that he was sorry and guilty for what he said to you.
you finally look down at kuro to see a small gift box in his mouth. he put it down by your feet, and moved away to give you space. you looked at the small box curious what was in it. you pick up the gift and opened it, to see a necklace more a choker necklace that was made of a hard to find demon ore that only the three tailed demon cats know of as it is a jewel in there realm.
you look up at kuro. he looked away from your gaze ''denki can you help me put this on?'' you asked him ''ofc sunshine'' he said he puts the choke around your neck ''there you on sunshine'' he said to you giving a kiss on the cheek ''thank you denki'' you said to him with a smile.
you look back at the three tailed demon cat ''thank you for the gift kuro i appreciate it'' you said to him ''sorry for what i said to you y/n'' he said to you ''kuro come here'' you said to him with a smile. he nods and slowly walks over to you ''even though your a jerk to me i forgive you'' you said to him with a smile.
kuro looked shocked cause this incident that happened earlier isn't the first time its happened so he was surprised that you would forgive so quickly. but he knew that was just a start he needs to do more to get her trust back as a simple forgiveness could just be a simple ''ik your sorry for being a jerk but i still am upset about so you still to work hard to win my full trust back'' you saw that he was quiet so you pet him behind the ears and neck. his favourite place to be tickled or to be petted. after that happened and the bags were put into the bag of the carriage you and denki kaminari the demon king, your three tailed demon cat kuro all went back to the castle to start a new adventure: the life of a future royal.
<<<<3 years later>>>>
You are 129 years old and live with your bf/fiancé/future husband the demon King. you and your cat kuro have lived here now that everyone is use to there king picking you that was seen as normal which to others high rank female demon's didn't like it but soon learned that he never wanted to marry a high ranking demon in the first and just wanted to marry someone he choose for once in his life.
So that's what denki did and well you were the answer and after another year of being engaged to the demon King denki you and him had a tradition demon ceremony for the day cause why not. (fast- forward 2h rs later) you were married and now known as demon Queen y/n kaminari wife of the demon King denki kaminari.
You and him loved life together for 2 years as a married couple but as demon traditions go there has to be a heir to the throne after denki passes. So after a nice walk through the capital talking to the subjects you and him came back to the castle grounds. "I'm going to change" you said to him as you left denki standing there "don't follow" he said to his guards as he left them to find you in the master bedroom.
He closed the door to see you in your underwear. (*a/n though technically demon's don't wear underwear as to them it makes no sense to them but in this story female demon's they have under wear*) "hem.. My buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget what's this?" he asked you showing you a gift "that's your hand my king" you said to him "good now you what's going to happen now right?" he asks you as he graze your in thigh "yes I do my king" you said to him.
Denki turns you around and kisses you with force melting into the kiss was Childs play for as you put your arms around his neck then losing them in his yellow hair "having fun?" he asked you as he pushes you down to the sheets. H
he pushes a thump against you as lay there "you like that sunshine huh?" he asked you "hmm I like it master" you said to him "that's my girl" he said back to you as he shoves a finger into you. You bit on your lip to stop your moans which did not work at all when he added another two fingers into you as he went in and out of you.
After you released on to his fingers he move down on you as he pulls on your thighs and as he licks your fold. His tongue making you wet and soaking as he sucks on your clit you pull at his yellow hair to move him in but he move them away as he got the message
"ah fuck yeah" you moan out to him in pure bliss and heaven "~sunshine you like that ~?" he asked you "ah love it master" you moan to him as he nuzzle his tongue further into your p$$$$. After a while of denki eating your p$$$$ out you shortly released on to his face "ah sunshine you taste so good" he said to you as he positions himself at your entrance and pushes into you
You felt every inch of his dick as it pushes in to you "ah ngh ah" moan to him he chuckles as he lay kisses on your neck hard you knew that you would have bruises and hickeys on your body. But you would everything about it.
he moves in and out you faster and harder your screams could be heard from outside of his bedroom your moans were like music to his eyes. "ah come on sunshine say my name" he whispers into your ear as he went deeper into you lifted your legs up a bit as he continued to fuck you "ah ngh mm master" you moan "yes thats it sunshine" he said to you "ah fuck yes master" you moan in his ear he smirks as he feels you clamped up around him your legs were shaking he let out a loud grunt as he released into you and pulling out of you he collapse beside you.
After your bedroom activities you fell asleep next to the King denki your husband now & your pale skin shinning from the light off the window of the master bedroom "you are so beautiful my queen" he said to you as he leans in and kisses your cheek you stir in the sheets and wakes up to see denki smiled down at you "hi my king" you said to him as you pull into you
"oh you want to do it again already?" he asked teasing you "no I'm good I just wanted to say that i love you and even if I don't get pregnant which I hope I do you still have my heart that won't change ok my king" you said to him as you kiss his jaw to his chin and then to his lips "oh my buzzy beautiful sunshine I know you are going to get pregnant" he said back to you "really my king you think so?" you asked him "yes and if you don't we will try again and again until you are" he said to you.
So for the next couple of day and weeks you have been changing up your food diet cause would you believe it or not as of now you were carrying the next heirs to the kaminari demon line and throne and everyone in the castle grounds knew of the two new arrivals to be soon born in a couple of months.
Your husband was over the moon that you were with his baby and it was no it was twins that you carrying. The king would spend a lot of time with you as the wife and mother of the new arrivals to be. (fast-forward 4 months later) you were in labour with the heir of the demon throne and line as your husband wasn't there at the birth. Instead the demon maids were with you the whole time and in a few more hours of pushing you gave birth to the twins and heirs of the throne.
You held your twin heirs in your arms as the demon maid went to get the my king denki your husband to see his heirs. As you look down at your daughter sora l/n kaminari she had his yellow eyes and your h/c and as for face features (she had his nose, lip shape and your eye, chin shape) she slept in the pink blanket on your right.
Next you look down at your son Reo l/n kaminari he had your e/c and his yellow hair with the black lighting mark and as for face features (he had your nose, lip shape and his eye, chin shape). After a few minutes alone with both of them your husband came in "there finally here my buzz beautiful sunshine nugget you did amazing! You can rest now" he said to you as he kissed your forehead "sora and Reo are finally here" you said to him "yes they are" he said back to you.
As the demon king and Queen of the demon land and parents to the twin heirs Sora and Reo to mind with the help from the demon maids to the care for the kids while also to teach the laws and rules of the land of the demons and to talk and worship the demon three tailed cat kuro and his kin for years to come.
They learnt to respect their subjects & people of the land and to always each other and those around them. (fast-forward 5 years later) you and denki just walking and talking about the future and how some day you and him will have to choose successor to the throne cause there can't be two rulers only one.
So up until their 126th birthday they were both given challenges and Sora your first born passed they all with very high exceptional marks while your son the second born did good but not good enough to be ruler.
So when it was your time to step down both as king and Queen you choose the first born Sora to be ruler over the demon castle as the son stayed by her side as first captain guard of the land and as for you and your husband denki stayed at the castle as royals of the land but not as rulers you and him helped the Queen your daughter Sora as she battled obstacles and challenges as Queen until she had heirs of her own with her husband and they rulered the demon lands with the help of her family and three tailed cat and their siblings for the next 10,000 years of ruling which is going on until this day
Name meaning
Sora l/n kaminari
Reo l/n kaminari
Word count: 5014
The end
This story took a while for me to come up with but in the end I made this story kinda like a hard decision so the main character is looking for a wife which ends up being the reader. Hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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