the one that got away
Hawks (keigo takami) x reader todoroki twin sister of fuyumi todoroki x crossover with haikyuu! Daichi Sawamura
genre: fluff, angst
Quirk - fire bending
you were born into a family of 7 and where there was love and hate and a twin sister... you are the twin sister of fuyumi todoroki and this is the story of how your eldest brother touya's best friend choose her of you even tho you had a crush on longer on him she had. story begins when you and your twin sister were both 18 years old when you first meet keigo well before she stole him away from you with her being herself and you trying to get him to notice you. it was a after school day and touya had come back from college with this guy he had beautiful red wings and that gorgeous golden blonde hair and gold eyes and beside that you fell in love at first sight.
So when you all went to dinner table you sat beside keigo and touya was on the other side of him. You sigh as you tried to start a conversation with him "so I hear from touya that you started your hero agency when you were 18 that must so be cool?" you asked him as "yeah it was cool I guess! Who are you again?" he asked you. you giggle, and playfully touch his arm
"haha your funny yk that kiego... But I'm y/n twin sister of fuyumi " you said to him "really your her twin sister huh?... funny how touya never mentioned you at all to me" he said to you. looking upset but you didn't leave or give up just yet "oh he didn't say anything to you ok" you said to him as you faked laughed ''actually i did tell you about y/n dude you just don't listen'' touya said to him as he eat his food.
keigo looked at him ''touya i thought you weren't going to say that'' he said to him ''what's true and i don't see you denying it anyway'' touya said back. your spirits were lifted by this sudden news. you started to smile again ''what are you smiling about urgo?'' keigo asked you annoyed with touya. you looked down.
you saw he was starring at your twin sister fuyumi........... your twin sister. you couldn't. you didn't want to believe it as she already has a bf that she loves a lot so why would this happen? you question. you look over at your older brother touya for help then back at your two younger brother's as they two watch keigo talking with fuyumi. they looked back you to see that depressed look again.
you push away your diner even tho it was favourite. you just weren't hungry. ''so fuyumi that you work with kids? That exciting?'' he asked her "yeah well it is but y/n works with me too, and she also loves kids too'' she said to him "really y/n works with you huh? Funny I mean she does look like someone who would help out right? like a servant or housekeeper or something'' he said to her "wow dude thats not cool'' touya said to him angrily.
meanwhile your mom came back from the kitchen and sat down at the table. She sensed alot of tension in the room "you can't say that about my twin sister y/n" fuyumi said to him also mad as natsuo and shoto "yeah that's not right of you" they both said back to him agreeing with their older sister and brother, and annoyed at keigo for what he said to you.
keigo looked at him "oh come ....... I was just joking around" he said to them laughing. Thinking it was funny but it wasn't. the air in the dinning room went into a awkward silence quickly as he looks over at touya ''oh come on dude where did your sense of humor?'' he asked him ''I grew up dude obviously'' touya said to keigo
"tssk oh come on .... ok you want me to apologies fine I'm sorry" he said to you "oh... thats ok thank you keigo" you said to him "oh I'm so sorry was i talking to you" he said snarky to you "hey y/n you want to leave you can go I don't know what's up with him" touya said to her as keigo looks at everyone seeing that care more about the girl beside him "thanks but I'll be fine I think" you said to touya with a fake smile.
you were embarrassed being next to him so you decided to get up and leave the table your om called you back ''sweetie are you not going to eat your food?'' she asked you ''no mom i'm not hungry anymore'' you said to her ''ok i'll save it for tomorrow sweetie'' she said to you as picks up your dinner and puts in cling foil then puts it the fridge.
meanwhile at the table ''what did she put in the fridge?'' keigo asked touya ''oh that was y/n's dinner you don't need anymore cause... you don't need to know keigo'' he said back to him ''oh ok'' keigo said to him. after dinner keigo went outside in the garden to see you. meanwhile back in the living room near the garden your four siblings talked as they watched keigo and you talked very carefully.
keigo stood beside you. ''why is he doing this? he should just go home'' shoto asked them ''idk what to say maybe he is interested in her? i mean idk why after what he said to her at the dinner table'' natsuo said to him ''well he shouldn't for three reasons 1) he said that she was a servant or housekeeper which is wrong. 2) he said that she doesn't look like my twin sister and lastly 3) he was mean and insultful to her front of everyone'' fuyumi said
''well we can see what the does next'' touya said back to her. meanwhile outside "y/n right?..... Hey I think we might of got on the wrong" he said "oh darn well no shit sherlock" you said to him a hint sarcasm as you walked away from him again.
he walks over to you "sorry... so.... hmm.... your fuyumi's twin sister right?" he asked you "oh I thought you didn't believe that?'' you asks him ''well touya showed me a picture proof so i'm sorry that i thought you were lying ... but i still think fuyumi is cutier than you! and since your her twin i was wondering to know if she is single?'' he asked you as he looks up at the clear night sky to see the stars.
you look at him ''wait!.... WHAT! ...... you want to ask her out .. i'm done .. I'm just going to leave now" you said to him as you left keigo standing outside you went back inside the house. your 4 siblings scattered back to their rooms.
as you went to wash up in the bathroom. you going back to your bedroom when you heard conversation in the hallway. You saw it was kiego and touya "I saw you talking to my younger sister y/n outside in the garden what was that about?" he asked him "oh I was asking her about fuyumi why do you ask?" he asked back
"well what did she say?" he asked him "she said 'wait .. WHAT! want ask her out ..i'm done .. I'm just going to leave now' when all i wanted to know if fuyumi was single or not cause i want to ask her out" he said back "really fuyumi you like her not y/n?'' touya asked him.
as he saw you in the corner "yeah i mean y/n is still a servant or housekeeper she isn't fuck able or date able and fuyumi is cuter and hotter'' he said back to touya. At this time you already left to go back to your room to cry into your cushion.
Meanwhile in the hallway "wow... hey.. hey just cause you don't like y/n doesn't mean you can say that about her'' he said to him defending you from kiego being a jerk ''oh come it true... Hey it was a joke man like seriously where did all your sense of humor'' he said back laughing. he looked at touya to see no smile or laugh ''you know what keigo I think you should leave now.... and now I'm going to check on y/n'' he said to him ''fine whatever man'' he said back as left the hallway to the door way.
keigo saw fuyumi he went over to her and chatted. as touya went knock on your bedroom door ''y/n are you there? can we talk?'' he asked you as he waited for an answer ''yeah you can come in'' you said to him.
As he came into your room to see you on your bed crying ''so i guess you heard are conversation in hallway huh? just so you know i defending you back there'' he said to you as he sat beside on the floor and ''thanks touya but you don't need to do that for me i'll be alright.. I'll find someone else I hope so'' you said to him ''what? .... do you mean about that?'' he asked you.
''well when i meet keigo i thought idk we could be a thing .. but no he was more interested in my pretty twin sister fuyumi then me'' you said to him with tears in your eyes as you hug your cushion he sat there beside you on the bed ''ok then you should definitely find someone else ... maybe i could help you find someone so you could get over him'' he offers.
You looked at touya "yeah someone who is not japanese please'' you said to him ''ok do have a transfer friend on the basketball team that is american so i could see if he is taken or single'' he offers to you then he just realised that he was taken.
"aww no that is a petty.. that's alright" you said to him as you tightly hug your cushion "hey I know this guy he is really cute and hot he is originally Japanese but he training to work in America as a police officer I could see with him and check if he is single" he offers again to you when he saw your eyes light up
"oh really could you'' you said to him as you let go of your cushion to hug touya. He hugged you back. He was happy to see a smile on your face ''i'll see what i can do for you little sister'' he said to you as he left the room and closed the door. leaving you to go to bed as he went to the front to see keigo talking to fuyumi "so just think about it ok.. I'll see you around" he said to her as she giggled, touya came over to them.
''what did i say go home'' he said to him still annoyed at him for saying mean stuff about you fuyumi saw that he was annoyed at him "what's going on touya? What did keigo do now?" she asks him angry that keigo did something to you again. she looked at her older brother touya again ''well he said that y/n isn't fuck able or date able and isn't hot or cute which i think is very just rude and insensitive of him even tho she has a crush on you'' he said to her.
keigo face was in shock "she has a crush on me? Idk that? I mean to compare to fuyumi y/n is nothing" he said to him. Fuyumi and touya looked at him "what did just you say about my twin sister y/n? keigo? she ask her older brother touya "what? .. oh come on i was joking" he said to them as he started to laugh a bit. he looked to see they didn't laugh "leave now keigo! I'll see you around" touya said to him annoyed at his bird friend's attitude at the table and to his family. once keigo left and flew home, both fuyumi.
touya had a talk "so can you not go out with him for y/n's sake please?'' he ask her, as he looked back at the hallway of the bedrooms ''i wasn't going go out with him anyways i have a bf kuroo who i love a lot so yeah sure can do that for my twin sister'' she said to him.
touya smiled at his sister ''thanks fuyumi'' he said to her, and was about to leave her and go apologies to his parents about keigo's attitude tonight. she looked down the hallway before he left "so is y/n still up? or is she asleep now I was going to go and talk to her? she seems upset earlier at the table" she asked him worried about her twin "I guess you can try, and i think y/n fell asleep" he said to her as he walked away and went to the living room to see his parents.
as she saw touya leave, she sighed and walked down the hallway to your bedroom which was right beside hers. she knocked you woke up. You rub your eyes "hey come in" you said to the figure "it's me fuyumi.. can we talk for a quick second?" she asked you "yeah sure sis" you said to her
"are you ok? i heard from touya that you had a crush on keigo? i'm sorry he doesn't see anything in you sis'' she said to you worried ''yeah i did but he was a jerk to me, and i don't want to go out with him'' you reply ''well sis you should know ... keigo did try and ask me out, but i saw no to him, cause you know i have a bf kuroo and i don't like him, he's not my type'' she said to you with a smile.
''thx sis, i bet he was pretty pissed at that reply? ........ but i'll be fine, touya is going to find someone else new for me'' you said back to her with a smile ''oh i forgot to ask how's your bf?'' you ask her ''he is great thanks for asking, he works with his father'' she said to you
''thats good to hear, i bet he will take over the company soon then, i'm happy for you sis'' you said to her. mean while touya came back after apologizing to his parents, he walked down the hallway, and stopped outside your bedroom to see you and your twin laughing, he smiles as he see a smile on your face again. after she left your room, touya made his promise to you that he would find you someone for you, your twin sister kept her own promise to touya about not going on a date with keigo.
after (3 months later) y/n was finally happy with someone else. he is was Daichi he was sweet and nice and so kind to you even your family loved him. He was originally japanese and he was from a small place in miyagi he then moved to where you live to go to college to train as a police officer. So after two years of dating you and him were taking a walk in the local park for your picnic date ''thanks for the date i loved it'' you said to him ''your very welcome love'' he said to you as his kissed your cheek.
''hey i was wondering if you want to come back to America with me permanently'' he ask you ''are you asking to move with back to America .. hmm yes yes i would love you Daichi'' you said to him. as you got home you told your parents that you'll be moving out and permanently living with my bf Daichi in America'' you said to your mom and dad. they were surprised that you thought about it so fast
''sweetie we love you right but is this really what you want?'' your mom asked you ''yeah i love Daichi and want to spend that life with him wherever he might go and if that mean leave the county i grew up in then i'll make that sacrifice'' you said to her ''ok they i can't stop you'' she said to you.
after you moved out of your parent's house you got on a airplane with your bf Daichi and flew to America with him. he thought you how to speak like an american. as you the delivery man came with all your stuff as he helped moving your stuff into the apartment he knows.
after you moved to a college and meet alot of friends there and after two more years you decided to run your own clothes business. you stayed with him for 3 years more with him which in total would be 5 years being together you decided to start a family with him in America you and him had sex and ended up having twin girls. when you told your bf Daichi after work.
he just got in the door when you told him the news ''babe i have some thing very important'' you said to him ''what is it love?'' he asked you as he closed the door of the apartment ''well i have some good news i'm pregnant bae we going to be parents'' you said to him ''are you serious we are going to be parents we are starting a family'' he said to you as ran hugged you ''so who do you want to tell first?'' you asked him ''how about your family first'' he said to you ''good idea i'll call them up now on the iPad here'' you said to him.
as you got your iPad you call your family when the screen came on your parents were the first to answer ''hey mom hey dad how are you?'' you asked him ''we good how are you?'' she asked you ''i'm great'' you said to her as your bf sat beside you Daichi ''so what did you call us about now?'' she asked you
''well i wanted to tell you the good news that i'm pregnant so your going to be grandparents'' you said to them ''what your pregnant congratulations sweetie i'm so happy for you'' your mom said to you ''thanks mom i was going to tell my siblings but they can here about this later'' you said to her ''touya! fuyumi! natsuo come into the living room your sister y/n has some good news'' your dad yell. you always hated and i'm pretty sure everyone else hates it to.
you got up to get a drink and got back down and a few minutes later you heard voices ''what is it dad?'' they asked him in annoyance as they came to the living room as your parents left you told your siblings that you were pregnant ''what your pregnant were going to be uncles?'' your three older said to you as they were shocked that after 5 years you were the first one to start a family of your own. your twin sister was happy for you after all she is the twin girls auntie so yeah.
he helped you around the house for 9 months with your hormones, weird food cravings, with the baby yoga classes , and shopping for baby clothes and stuff like baby nurses ideas for the twins girls kayo todoroki Sawamura and Miyuki todoroki Sawamura. he took a leave from work until after 8 months. when one day your water broke you called for your bf and he came running to your aid when you told what happened. he took you to the hospital as the nurse at the front brought you and him to a private room.
(46 hours later) you had given birth two healthy and happy baby twins girls you were brought out of the delivery room. as they brought you the visiting room as your bf Daichi came in with gifts for the twin girls kayo and miyuki as y/n looks down at kayo todoroki Sawamura she had your h/c and his dark brown eyes and for face features (she had your lip, chin shape and his nose, eye shape)
and miyuki todoroki Sawamura she had your e/c and his black hair and for face features (she had your nose and eye shape and his lip, chin shape). after a week you were discharged from hospital and your bf helped you back to the apartment as you looked after them for 8 months. you had step them down in the baby nursey your bf built with his mates for the twin girls (photo down below)
<<<3 years later>>>
you are still with Daichi and the girls were now 3 years old and had they own bedrooms. they loved they own rooms having their own space was great for them. here is the two bedrooms for your twin girls. your bf Daichi got help from his mates with to built the rooms. after they were made you and him surprised them. they ran and hugged you both. then ran to their bedrooms. (photo down below)
ever so often you would see kayo and Miyuki playing in their own rooms or playing tea party and playing dress up in the other it was cute watching them play and sharing.
1 year later your daughters kayo and miyuki are now 4 years old you and him decided to try again cause Daichi has always wanted a son and well and you gave him one. he helped you around the house for 9 months with your hormones, weird food cravings, with the baby yoga classes , and shopping for baby clothes for the your baby boy todoroki Sawamura he took a leave from work until after 8 months. when one day your water broke you called for your bf and he came running to your aid when you told what happened.
he took you to the hospital as the nurse at the front brought you and him to a private room (46 hours later) you had given birth two healthy and happy baby twins girls you were brought out of the delivery room. after they brought you to the visiting hospital room as your bf Daichi came in with gifts for the baby boy.
Dai todoroki Sawamura his had your h/c and his dark brown eyes a (his had your lip, chin shape and his nose, eye). after a week you were discharged from hospital and your bf helped you back to the apartment as you looked after them for 8 months. you had step them down in the baby nursey your bf built with his mates for your baby boy (photo down below)
after two years you and bf and his mates built him a harry potter bedroom. he loved the movies even tho he is very young when he saw the first movie but this is what is looks like (photo down below)
Dai loved his bedroom so much he hugged you and him before running to his bed as he played with his hufflepuff plushy. you smiled at your kids be so happy living in America. you loved your life here. after 2 years later your twin girls kayo and Miyuki turned 6 years old and your son Asahi was now 4 years old still very cute.
you decided to end it with their father when he didn't want to move back to japan with you to see your family. so you took the kids with you and moved into a nice house that had 10 rooms e.g. 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 dinning room and living room, kitchen, garden room, study room, library.
you had moved your headquarters to japan so you could keep in charge and watch what your employers were designing and their ideas for the clothes company you own. after you put your kids in a good private school you went back to the apartment and texted your parents
''i'm back home in japan'' you said to them as you waited for a text instead you got a call from your mom excited that you came home back to japan. after you chatted with her you went and picked them up. You told them that they were going to see their grandparents tomorrow they got excited.
the next day your three kids were excited to see thier grandparents. They ran upstairs, and got dressed. When in the car, you drove them to your parents house. You arrived up at the house and got out with the kids
''hey! Kayo! Miyuki! and Dai! now come here for a second now be nice when you get inside ok say hello to your grandparents, and to your auntie, her bf and your three uncles when you met them ok" you said to them ''yes ok mommy'' they said back ''now girls take my hand now and dai take your older sister kayo's hand'' you said to them as you take miyuki "ok mommy" he said to you.
Dai took kayo's hand, you rang the door bell, the door opened to see her mom "coming..... oh y/n your here and are these the kids?" Rei asked ''yeah this is the twins kayo, Miyuki, and lastly my son Dai" you said to her. You look down at your kids "go on kids! Say hi to your grandmother" you said to them.
They looked at you, and nodded then looked back at their grandmother "hi grandma" they say to her. as she let you in as you let go your kids hands ''don't break anything'' you said to them as they ran playing tag ''their fine sweetie they will be fine'' she said to you.
After an hr you heard the front door open again. You went to see it was touya (y/e/b) and his best friend keigo in the main hall way. "touya!" you called out. Touya saw you and ran over "y/n your back in Japan? I've missed you! When did you get/arrive back in Japan?" he asked.
"oh I arrived/got back two days ago with my kids" you said to him still hugging touya "so my two twin nieces, and nephew are here can I see them? Also what happened with your bf daichi? are you and him still together?" he asked you
He noticed that Daichi didn't come with you back to Japan "well daichan and I broke up cause he didn't want to leave his room and job in America, but I have my own clothes business that is global.... but the i have the headquarters to japan'' you said to touya.
keigo was shocked to hear that you had a family with your bf but then was happy to hear that you were single. ''so your single are you up for dating?'' keigo asked you ''no not really so by keigo'' you said to him as turn to touya ''touya come on i'll tell you see them'' you said to your brother touya.
as touya left keigo to go and see his nieces and nephew ''kayo! Miyuki ! Dai ! come here for a minute i want you to meet your uncle'' you said to them ''coming mommy'' they said to you as you hear running in the hallways and laughter ''they seem to be having alot of fun?'' he asked you ''yeah they have been doing that since before you got home'' you said to him.
as they ran up to you r legs and hid looking up at the stranger for a bit ''kids this is your uncle touya'' you said to them as they come out of hiding behind you and walked over to touya ''hi uncle touya'' they said to him as he picks up your son Dai. "ah your big boy aren't you huh? he looks so much like Daichi" he said to you as dai hugs him.
"yeah well he is an exact replica of him touya" you said to him while your twins daughters hugged him too by the legs ''they never seen their uncle once and they love so much how they going to react when they see shoto and natsuo'' you thought yourself ''when you heard voices from behind you.
''Y/N is that you!?'' your two younger brother asked you ''yeah hi again its be a while'' you said to them as they went over to you and touya to see him hugging a boy ''kids these are other two uncles met uncle natsuo and uncle shoto'' you say to them. as they left go over touya they wanted to hug their other uncles too.
''is fuyumi! and kuroo! coming today?'' you asked them ''yeah they are here actually'' natsuo said to you ''Y/n sis is that you?'' she asked you as came up and hugged you and kuroo walked over to you ''yeap hi fuyumi your choking me'' you said as pull away from her ''sorry so mom said you brought your kids?'' she asked.
''oh right kids these is your auntie fuyumi why don't you great her'' you said to them ''she looks exactly like you mommy?'' your son asked you as she looked at his auntie then back at you ''thats because kids your mommy and me are twin sister'' she said to them ''really your twin sister'' they said to her in shock like they forgot that the daughter were twins.
after they meet their three uncles and auntie, and her bf kuroo their uncle in law they went back off to playing tag and case while the brothers talked. your twin sister fuyumi pulled you aside ''hmm i don't want to worry you but keigo is here do you want me to tell him to leave?'' she asked you
''no its he can leave on his own time besides he might leave early cause shot him down early'' you said to her ''what you knew he was here?'' she asked you ''well yeah i came to see our parents i talked to mom when i heard the front door open I went to see it was our (e/B) touya and his ass hole friend keigo. I didn't say anything to keigo cause I still hate for he said 13 years ago. So talked to touya for a bit. I explained that me and Daichi my bf broke up cause of location (to be continued 👇)
i wanted to move back to japan to be close to our parents again and he didn't so I took the kids with to Japan. Keigo asked if I was single and up for dating and i was like who gives him the right ask me. So I was like no not really by keigo and that it'' you said to her ''well you are 31 years old right y/n can you get over the grudge you have on him, and try dating again?'' she asks ''you too .. hey this isn't the point i'm not going out with him sis until he knows what he did to me 13 years ago'' you said to her ''fine miss out on being with your crush'' she said to you
after you talked to your twin sister you heard crying ''O'God kids what's wrong?'' you asked them running towards the crying to see they meet your dad ''god dad could not scare your grandkids when they came to see the family'' you said to him as you pick up your son Dai and left with your twin girls followed behind you ''hey hey shush Dai its alright mommies here'' you said to your son ''he was scary'' he said to you ''i know he can be alot but you know what he still to look after us too so he might be scary but he does have a heart still i think'' you said to him with a smile.
''ok mommy'' he said to you as he hugs you ''are you two alright or do you girls need hugs too?'' you asked your twin daughters ''no we good'' they said to you ''ah thats good'' you said to them. as you walk back to the living room
''OMG what happened to Dai?'' mom asked you as she saw her grandson crying ''guess'' you said to her as your twin twin daughter went over to her uncles shoto and natsuo ''did he fall over or trip?'' fuyumi asked you ''no he bumped into someone'' you said to her ''who?'' they asked you ''fine he bumped in our dad and i guess his look maybe he scared so he started to cry'' you said to them.
as you put down your son went over to his grandmother as she hugged him ''why would he do that?'' they asked you ''idk maybe he saw him running around in his training room and got angry at him'' you said ''i didn't get the full story from Dai so i don't know what actually happened'' you said to them ''oh did keigo leave touya?'' you asked him ''yeah he left he didn't want to stay long'' he said to you ''ok that's fine i didn't want to see him i know its be 13 years but still its to awkward to face him normally'' you said to him
''oh come at some point your kids are going to want a new dad in their life that stays in their life'' fuyumi said to you ''fine fine i'll think about it ok .. i'm still not happy about this just so you know'' you said to her ''hehe i know but you had a crush on him back then why can't you just go out and see how it go's it won't hurt to just try'' she said to you ''fine you really the less of two evils are you sis'' you said to her. after you stayed for dinner at their place then you and your three kids went home together back to their big house.
the next day you woke up thought about what your twin sister said to you as you sigh in defeat you texted touya for his number after you got the number you stride back and forth until you made a decision to call him. when he answered ''hello this is pro winged hero hawk how can help you?'' he asked you
''its y/n todoroki you met me yesterday i was wondering if you want to go out with me?'' you asked him ''y/n! i thought you still hated me?'' he asked you in shock that you would ask him out ''well i still do hate you but my twin sister said that it couldn't hurt to try and date someone knew for a change'' you said to him ''yeah i guess so date huh? how about we met up for coffee'' he offers you.
''yeah sure i love that so i guess see you next saturday'' you said to him ''why next week why not today or tomorrow?'' he asked you ''well i don't have a nanny for my three kids and well run a business and i have meetings all this week'' you said to him ''oh right your business? and kids? right ok'' he said to you as ended the call after you were furious that keigo would think you had kids so you text your older brother
''hey touya can you text your mate that i'm not lying to him cause apparently he think's i am for some reason'' you said to him ''what did he say exactly to you now y/n?'' he asked you on text he was a bit worried that keigo did something stupid again when he was told to stop hating on y/n. you sigh ''here [insert screenshot]'' you said to him
''i'll have a talk with him cause that doesn't sound right maybe he is jealous'' he said to you ''yeah right just fix your mate or i'm finding someone else to be their dad cause i don't want someone who is going to ignore them for their whole in entire life'' you said to him ''fine fine i'll do it'' he said to you ''thank you touya'' you said to him.
so your elder brother touya texted his mate keigo ''hi man can you be a bit more nicer to my sis y/n she is hurt that you would think that she is lying to you cause i saw her kids they are amazing and if your not going to be a stand up guy and get over you hate my sister and being a jerk and a big ass hole then she'll find someone else'' he said to him
''oh come really she comes back and said that she has a family and a job she is obviously lying right touya your with me on this?'' he asked him trying to have a joke ''why would she lie about that keigo i've seen her job and her kids so get over your hatred now'' touya said to him ''oh come its funny where did all your sense of humor go to?'' he asked him
''i know that answer keigo because i grew up and was always the loving brother figure for y/n other then shoto and natsuo ok but you on the other hand will never grow up you what keigo i do hope y/n finds someone else better then and makes her happy for the rest of her life is not a jerk like you so keigo'' he said to him.
as he texted you ''yeah you might want to find someone else other then keigo cause he has not changed no bit sorry i thought he could change'' he said to you ''no its fine you tried to change him and obviously it didn't work'' you said to him.
so you went on many more dates with other man to see if one of them would be the step-father for your three kids and after a while you did find a guy he was sweet and kind when keigo flew in and ruined everything you went home with the guy ''i'm sorry about him'' you said apologizing
''no its fine is he an old ex bf of yours or something?'' he asked you ''no he's not he was my crush and now not he was a jerk and an asshole to be 13 years ago and still is to this day'' you said to him.
he looked at you ''why tho you are a nice and sweet?'' he asked you ''why tho cause he thought i was lying about my kids and job you'' you said to him ''you have kids?'' he asked you ''yeah want to see them i think they are sleep but i have pictures in the baby album for both the twin girls and boy'' you said.
''yeah i would love too'' he said to you ''they are very cute are you happy that you had been?'' he asked you ''oh heck yeah i love them with all my heart they are the most precious thing in the world to me'' you said to him ''ok i think its getting late i better go home i'll text you tomorrow'' he said to you ''ok by and maybe next time when you come they aren't asleep so you could met them'' you said to him ''yes sure that would nice'' he said to you as he kissed you ''bye'' you said to him.
after he left you went back to the living room to put the baby album away when you heard a knock on the door ''what do you want keigo?'' you ask as he brought a a police officer to check the house ''sir what is this about?'' you asked ''he said that you stealing children or something?'' the police officer asked ''i have the documentation of my three kids here officer if you follow me'' you said.
as you show him the birth certifications of the twin girls kayo, Miyuki and of your son Dai ''there officer is proof that these are legit my children'' you said. he looked at the certificates and then back at you ''ok so i see your their legit mother sorry to bother you so later at night miss'' he said. as he left you. he went over to hawks.
''so did you find evidence?'' he asked the police officer ''sorry hawks but they are her legit children maybe you made mistake my men searched the place and they came with nothing so there isn't any - thing suspicious you must have the information wrong'' he said to keigo.
''men lets move out'' the police officer said. as the men left the house. keigo came over to you ''can't believe you would do that? like i knew you were jealous of me and my perfect life but to stoop that low is unforgivable keigo'' you said ''sorry but y/n can forget about this ever happened and keep this between us? come what do you say?'' he asked.
''eh no .. absolutely not ok i'm telling your best friend touya, my ex bf Daichi who is police officer from japan who is in USA at the moment, my dad and lastly the hero commission and when they find out that you also got a civilian and daughter of the no 1 pro hero arrested for nothing your life will be over ok no longer would see happiness ever again not get out of my house now!'' you said.
''fine i'll leave'' he said. after what happened you told touya, your ex bf Daichi, you dad and the hero commission what happened. your older brother was furious that keigo who he thought was his best friend and now is his ex bf would stoop to that low they broke their friendship.
your ex bf decided to come back to Japan to be with you and his kids to keep you all safe. after he heard you crying over the phone on what just happened. as for your dad.
well he stopped working with him on missions and as for the hero commission decided to give him a warning that if he hurts another civilian again he would be cut off instead of firing him from his job. as they did take him in and trained him at a young age.
they also didn't want this to get out that he would do that to someone or anyone else. so they waited until they were sure that this did not kill his career for that he did.
meanwhile in USA in the police department Daichi told his head chief that he wanted to go back too him family in japan a family matter came up and he is needed right away from it. they give him the go ahead of he packed is bags and left America and the apartment he was in to now for ever more be permanently live in japan.
once he arrived in japan you and him got back together you missed him so much. your kids missed him too as much as he missed them. now happy that he was here to stay in japan. he also hired guards at the front of the house and the back of the house too so no one can come in without an appointment other then if its family or friends then then can come in no appointments asked.
you also got a chief and nanny to help around the house while your busy with your job as a CEO to a big business clothes company. Daichi worked as a police officer of the japanese department police force right beside the policer officer Tsukauchi Naomasa.
after dating for 3 year more years you and Daichi decided to tie the knot and getting so after a night a romantic restaurant he proposed to you and you obviously said to him as he slips the ring on to your finger.
when you got up you told your family that you were engaged with your bf Daichi now your fiancé they were so happy for you that you finally found love and a family you can now spend the rest of your days with.
you were engaged for one year before getting married in japanese castle your whole family was invited and his family was invited even his mates and your friends with invited to japanese and American friends.
your kids were in the wedding as the 2 daughters were the flower girls and your son was the page they were so cute. after the wedding you and your husband Daichi went on your honeymoon to France and Italy for two weeks while your three kids got to spend alot of time your parent and their three uncles and one auntie on the first week then on the second week they spent the time with Daichi's parents until you came back as wife and husband but also mom and dad to your kids.
meaning names
twin girls:
Kayo - dream
Miyuki - beautiful snow
Dai - Big, great, large, vast
the end
Word count: 7771
This was supposed to be happy and a slight angst but it ended up being this. Hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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