''sleep tight my little fighter''
junior Sniper denki kaminari x general leader reader twin cousins to sniper general kyoka jiro
Sniper Au
Genre: smut, angst
(🔞⚠️ mention of rape, pet name, kitchen sex 🔞⚠️)
you are were the famous general leader y/n jiro and you are now undercover by your boss izuku to be a sniper for a mission it was exciting cause you get to be your twin cousin kyoka which don't get to see now cause of the big promotion you got last week.
everyone was all geared for the big mission to stop a underground thugs organization from selling illegal drugs to a business. you were talking to the group about what route to get so they wouldn't get caught the mission would be more successful ''you all understand the plan right'' you told them ''yes miss'' they said. ''good now get to your trucks we well be leaving soon'' you said.
you left to talk to kyoka ''hey cous where is that junior sniper he missed out on the debriefing just now?'' you asked. kyoka looked at you then heard running towards them ''well there he is now'' she says ''he's later yet again why am i not surprised, this is why our boss izuku asked to go undercover and spy on him, izuku add him to the team so the mission would a success'' you said ''well i'm sure he's on his way'' she said
''well whatever i'm going to be getting my badge and title after the mission anyway'' you said back. so as denki came over to you and kyoka ''well hello girls ... sorry i was later, where s general y/n jiro, she is not coming?'' he asked ''she left there but we have a male general instead for this mission'' you told him ''cousin can talk to you?'' she asked ''yeah what?'' you asked.
you looked at her ''oh yeah izuku put me in charge of the mission'' you said ''izuku wanted me to keep an eye on the two junior snipers denki and lyra'' you added ''so who is pretending to take your place? since your undercover!'' she asked ''general ida, we will be in charge of the yahoos why i take notes on there performance and report it back to our boss'' you said
''everyone knows that i'm undercover but the junior snipers. izuku gave them the same brief but let that piece of info out for the success rate of the mission'' you added ''ok thats good, i won't tell them' she said
(fast-forward) you were with ida, in the truck. while the two junior snipers were in back. as the rest of the group for the mission followed behind. you heard laughing and giggling from the two junior snipers ''denki do you want your title of junior sniper took off you?'' you asked ''ah no and your not the boss of me'' he said ''who does she think she is i mean your just another sniper so shut up'' lyra said laughing.
denki laugh at what she said ''ida you tell him thats not your job now'' you said ''lyra! denki! behave your i'll be reporting back to izuku on this and you'll both be striped of your title do i make myself clear now'' he said ''yes sir ida'' they said to him. as the mission went on you. your team finally got the thugs and the stuff they were trying to sell
(fast -forward an hour later) after the successful mission you gave the report back to your boss izuku. he asked about the snipers ''did they behave?'' he asked ''no they didn't, they kept on laughing and giggling, making jokes and not taking the mission seriously so general ida had to yell at them when they wouldn't listen to me'' you said ''very we good! well done general y/n, you are free to go now'' he said
''yes boss'' you said. as you left his office. you walked down the hallway. you saw denki and lyra kissing. ''junior sniper denki and lyra, come to my office now!'' izuku said over the mic. they stop and went to his office. you smirked and left the hallway.
meanwhile in izuku's office ''you want to see us boss?'' they asked ''yeah sit!...*(they both sat down)* ... i hear from general y/n and general ida that you were messing around and not taking the mission seriously?'' he asked. lyra laughed ''sir, general y/n wasn't on that mission it was some other sniper bitch and general ida'' she said ''you stupid girl, that bitch was general y/n jiro, i sent her undercover so we report you both for disobeying orders'' he said
''and what i hear is that you told her to shut up'' he added. they were shocked ''so she was on the mission the whole entire time'' she said ''so the girl i was talking to before the mission was general y/n jiro'' he said ''ha .. you weren't supposed to know cause if you did it not have worked and now lyra give me your badge as of now you are striped from your title'' he said.
''what sir you can't i worked hard to get this title'' she said ''badge now lyra!'' he yelled ''yes sir of course'' she said. as she hands izuku the badge. looking back at denki before leaving the office to pack up her things and leave the organization.
denki still in izuku's office was still in shock ''so what's going to happen to me?'' he asked ''you are to be under fully watch of general y/n and ida up until i say so you are dismissed now on'' he said ''yes boss'' denki said. so as he left he saw both general y/n and ida talking in the hallways. denki walk over to them you saw him at the corner of your eye ''hold on that thought ida'' you said. as ida looked over to see denki going over to them.
''oh what do you know look it is mister junior sniper denki kaminari'' he said ''i see you were in the our boss's office ... what did you get in trouble?'' you asked. you and ida were just taunting and teasing ''look i'm sorry for what happened on the mission early and general y/n i'm sorry idk it was you there i was a jerk to you'' he said ''yeah you were a jerk to me but i'm able to over look this ok denki'' you said
''i said told that i'm to be watched over by you and general ida until he knows what to do with me'' he said to you and ida ''wait he did WHAT! no i cant have this boy .... no i can't you watch over him ida please'' you said ''we both have to do y/n or you know what will happen'' ida said ''yeah yeah alright i'll do it but i won't like it ok not one bit'' you said to ida as you look over at denki.
you hated the thought of having to watch over a junior sniper it was so beneath you .... it was not in your job description ''yeah when you get promoted to be general leader you have to look after a junior sniper when he fucks up'' never across your mind whatsoever. you sign in defeat as you watched over 5 months before your boss izuku .... i mean no offense you love your boss and your job but ... i tell you what happened ... .. one day you were watching over denki when izuku walks over to you in the training room. ''general y/n can i speak to you'' he said.
you turn to see him. ''boss izuku'' you said as you saluted ''general y/n all is good .. i have news about that boy you have been watching over'' he said ''trainees leave the room'' he said into the mic. as they left the room. you saw denki looking back at you ''denki leave with the others .. take break ok'' you said.
he saluted to you and left with the others. as you turn back to your boss izuku ''so about denki boss?'' you asked ''general y/n i know you don't like looking after him and i'm ok with that but you might not like what i'm going to ask of you to do now for me'' he said ''what is it boss?'' you asked.
''general here is the new brief for the mission i have assigned you and denki to'' he said. you took a look at it. 'the brief explained that you and denki were to be in a fake relationship maybe engaged, and you have a child aged 17' ''wait .. WHAT! boss izuku you can't do this i hate him'' you said ''y/n i can strip you of your title'' he said ''fine i'll do it boss'' you said. ''does denki know of the brief?'' you asked
''will there be back up incase something goes wrong?'' you asked also ''yes, too both'' he said ''chiya is going undercover as your daughter. Sam and ida are coming on the mission as your body guards'' he said ''ok right boss' you said. as you saluted. denki came into your office.
''i know you already read the brief, but turn this to memory'' you said. as denki drilled the brief to memory '' the mission is in two months right'' he said ''yeah what about it?'' you asked ''well we are to be acting as a fake engaged couple, don't you think we should act like one before so it is not awkward'' he suggested ''no it should be fine denki'' you said
<<<two months later>>
you and the team that was sent on this new mission was away your boss izuku had a jewellery designer make a fake engagement ring for you for the new mission. you sighed denki had to put ring on to your finger. it was so the whole act was believable. the mission was a success and the fake ring was returned to the jewelers.
you gave the report back to your boss izuku. and was walking back to your office. you felt some one following you ''denki what do you want?'' you asked ''i was wondering if i could talk to you about something that happened on the last mission'' he said.
you got into your office. denki followed you in ''forget what i said 'it was a in the moment thing' ok denki just drop it'' you said ''oh really well what if i do this'' he said. moving in and kissing your cheek ''denki why are you trying to make me say it again cause i'm not'' you said ''oh we will see about that'' he said.
he warps his arms around waist, pulling you in. you push against him. ''hmm .. what .. den ... idk .. stop'' you say ''fine y/n'' he said ''your cute when flustered yk that right'' he comment he leans against the desk. ''what do you want denki?'' you asked ''i want you y/n who else would i have this much fun teasing'' he said laughing.
''so is this a game to you huh? so teasing, flirting with girls making them fall in love for you and then what? break their hearts .. i'm sorry but i'm not na going to be a victim of this .. so denki please leave my office'' you said ''i'm not messing with you y/n this is from my heart'' he said ''LEAVE NOW DENKI! you shouted ''fine i will leave'' he said.
he went for the door and left. you broke down in tears in your office alone. meanwhile denki was upset and not himself for months are the little fight or whatever that happened in your office. tho in fairness you weren't done to well either as thy was black shadows underneath the eyes.
your friends were worried so they asked around to see .. no to find out what had happened well between denki and yourself. when they found that denki tried to ask you and you said no and he did not take no for an answer at all and well kissed you as you were trying to get away from to reframe from getting a broken heart from him.
they sigh knowing you would do this. but never to someone you like. so they came up with a plan to get you and denki together. they told their boss izuku this plan and well he liked it. so when another mission came up.
he request both y/n and denki to go on the mission with three others as backup. the brief was to assassinate a target spy from east that was leaking documents to a drug organization. it was going to be a week trip to find the spy. so as you look at the brief of the target.
you summarized the information so you would know where and how to catch the spy. on the day after packing away weapons, clothes or essentials that you will need on the mission you put them in the truck. you hoped into the truck with Sam, denki. while chiya, kuroo was in the other truck.
as they drove off to the docks. the trucks were deport on to a submarine. as the ship left for the east. you were putting your stuff away in the cabin. when you heard a knock you through it was chiya for a second cause you were sharing the cabin with her. but it wasn't her at all as you turn to see denki ''what's up? is there something you need?'' you asked.
denki walked into the cabin and sat down on the bed ''i was wondering if we could talk'' he said. you sighed and sat beside him ''so what do you want to talk about?'' you asked ''well what are we i mean i want to see we are friends but i'm getting that you don't and want more but you won't ask for it'' he said taking your hand.
you giggle ''what gave you that idea?'' you asked ''well idk its just the i guess the aura or vibe i get off you y/n and everyone else..'' he said ''what about everyone else denki?'' you asked ''well don't you think its a bit strange and weird that we were put on this mission together when after we had a fight it just feels like they are trying to fix us together like they fed up with us pretending that there isn't anything there between us'' he said.
you thought about it and realised that your boss seemed awfully happy that you and denki were going on this mission ''actually yeah i know that i'm thinking about it denki maybe your right since our boss seemed happy more then usual when we left like he planned this or something like it wasn't just a mission but for us to get close'' you said.
''would it really be a awful thing if it comes true if we do become closer?'' he asked ''idk maybe not i guess'' you said ''well i think its good idea y/n'' he said. as denki moved in and kissed your cheek you looked back at him touching your cheek to see a smile. you don't know what happened next or what came over to you right there and then. but you pulled him into a kiss make out session that wasn't supposed to happen.
he was took by surprise at first then pushed you down to the bed. you warp your legs around his waist as you lost your hands in his yellow hair. as you kiss which felt like an hour was cut short by the intercom ''general y/n and junior sniper denki come to the launch pad i repeat come to the launch pad'' then left you looked at denki ''right we have to go'' you said taking his hand.
''are you sure holding my hand is a good thing right now since i would have thought you would have wanted to keep this a secret until it was official but if your ready to come out and tell them then i'm all in but i mean we haven't even started dating yet so'' he said to you ''thats good point but they are going to find out by chiya if we get caught by her'' you ''well then lets not get caught'' he said.
as you and him arrive at the launch pad the crew went over the brief and mission again so that everyone knew what was happening. they were through the pair ups for the mission so it was you, Sam and chiya and denki for the pair ups. sad that you weren't with denki but in another way it was good cause they you wouldn't be distracted by him on the mission. (fast-forward a few days later) your team had successfully assassinate the target spy and brought back the leaked documents back. as you went to give your report to your boss izuku.
you were stopped by denki ''where do you think your going? he asked, you giggle ''hmm to report back to our boss on the mission why'' you said ''well after that why don't we spend sometime together in your office?'' he asked ''that sounds good denki'' you said. as you put your arms around his neck. meanwhile at that time chiya was waking around the corner and saw this. both you and denki kissing in the hallways. she came over ''what's this about? are you thing? oh please say your thing?'' she asked ''maybe we are and maybe we aren't chiya'' you said.
denki's arms were still around your waist ''oh come he is holding you in his arms like hello thats a sign tell me y/n your thing'' she said ''fine we are a thing'' you said ''how? when? i thought you hated him?'' she asked ''well i did hate him at first but i mean its kinda hard not to like him he's good looking and funny'' you said ''you didn't tell when?'' she asked again.
''around the last mission he came into my cabin to talk and we did then we realised that everyone was trying to get us closer together so we took it a step to close and well now we are here'' you said ''so you knew the plan to get you and denki together'' she said ''it was the aura and vibe that you all gave off'' denki said ''but anyways i'll see you later y/n'' he said. kissing your cheek ''ok see you'' you said.
''so where were you going before that happened?'' she asked ''oh to our boss i was going to report back on the mission why chiya are you going in that same direction?'' you asked ''yeah i was going to meeting up with some one now'' she said.
so when you went to give izuku the report from the recently successful. you knocked on the door of his office ''come in'' he said. his voice sounded weird ''boss i have the report from the recent mission ... is this a bad time i'll come back later?'' you asked ''well yes but anyway you can just leave the report on my desk'' he said
''ok bye'' you said running out of his office. you dumped into denki ''y/n are you ok?'' he asked ''well i could be better'' you said ''what happened?'' he asked ''well i was going to give our boss izuku the report on the our recent successful mission. so i knocked the door and when izuku answered he sounded weird but i took no notice of it'' you started
''ok so that's so wrong about that?'' he asked ''denki listen to me you don't understand when i went into his office, he was dressed to the 9s in a very revealing lacy outfit, had garter socks you name it'' you said ''maybe he is waiting for his partner and though you were them'' he said
''yeah but guys don't wear that stuff unless its a male partner them are waiting for'' you said ''no don't you dare'' he said ''what i'm not going to do anything'' you said ''exact for find out who it is that's all'' you added.
''are you sure he is gay tho?'' denki questioned ''yes ofc, he is gay come on, you have to blind not to see it'' you said. as you thought of the two candidates that it could be. 1) the head chief's son; its captain shoto todoroki in the brief he is know as strong, very good-looking, hot, sexy, cold to others and lastly from other he has a deep sexy voice which it could be him.
or 2)its the general lieutenant commander katsuki bakugo and in the brief he is know as strong, hot, sexy, angry, and temperamental, cussing alot, very dreamy, very straight toward aka; like if you were doing something wrong or he didn't like it he would go straight up to you and tell you that your rubbish and lastly from others too he had deep sexy voice like shoto's but a bit different. they are very well high in their fields so it could any of the two .
you found chiya, sam and kuroo at lunch the next day and asked them if they could help you with some research ''babe don't do this'' he said '' no no i want to know, it could cost me my life but i mean come on when you walk in on your boss and lacies and garter socks you mind has to wonder ok'' you said
''that is true'' sam said ''so i was thinking of the candidates you mentioned it could be shoto, i see them hanging out alot in izuku's office'' chiya said ''ok well i'm not surprised considering how good look shoto is'' you said ''lets go down to the hackers department and find reiko she is master at hacking'' you said ''this is a bad idea babe'' denki said ''no nonsense'' you said back. you saw hanta talking to reiko. the girl you wanted to see. you walked up to them.
when hanta parted from her. ''reiko what's up?'' Sam said ''what do you want?'' she asked. as she looked at the group ''oh we were wondering if you could help us with some hacking?'' kuroo asked 'what do you want this time? who is it?'' she asked ''well its our boss izuku'' chiya said
''what you want hack your boss why?'' she asked ''cause i want to know who he is dating and ik it's a guy since our boss is gay from the clothes i saw him in'' you said ''wait what clothes?'' she asked ''oh just lacies and garter socks'' you said back ''ok interesting, that's interesting'' she said before returning to her laptop. ''i won't do this unless i can get something out of it'' she said ''ok name your price reiko?'' he asked ''one date with me at the japanese gardens tonight'' she said to him ''ok sure'' he said.
(fast-forward) as she searched on her laptop. she got a hold of the camera's in izuku's office and live footage. ''remember sam tonight'' she said ''ik reiko i'll met you there or do you want me to pick you up?'' he ask. a shadow was under the desk. as the women came in. it was that bitch uraraka. ''when are you going to pick me?'' she asked ''i'm sorry what?'' he asked ''come on ik you like me! your just to nervous to ask me, that's why you are always avoiding me'' she said.
''no cause i have a bf'' he said ''no you don't'' she said laughing ''yes he does'' the man stood up behind under the desk ''captain todoroki, i didn't know you were there'' she said ''i told you i have a bf now leave'' izuku said ''fine whatever, see if i came when he cheats on you'' she yells before stomping out of the room.
''what was that about?'' shoto asked ''oh she does everytime, she thinks that anytime i come and see you in your office, i'm actually coming to see her'' izuku said ''oh yeah, why don't we show her that my baby boy will forever be out of reach from her'' shoto said.
it got a bit sexually graphic. ''i guess you were right'' she said. your bf apologies for not believing you when you said that izuku was gay. he still didn't like you spying on your boss. so he did some thing that he thought would be good. but actually it ended up in a break up.
when you got home. walking into your apartment alone. you saw your cat named RAX. you gave him some snuggles. before you heard the door open ''babe is that you?'' you asked ''no it's me chiya'' she said ''i'm in the kitchen'' you said.
chiya and the visitors walked into the kitchen ''what is this?'' you asked ''hmm ... i'm sorry y/n'' she said ''i'll take over from here'' he said ''did you rat me out to izuku?'' you asked ''its sir or boss midoriya'' he said ''no i did y/n'' denki said
''why would you do this?'' you asked him ''i thought you loved me?'' you asked again '' i do love you y/n, i didn't want you to dig yourself into anymore trouble'' he said ''well congrats you have already done that'' you said ''Baka denki Baka'' you yelled. as the guards took you away to be interrogated. by captain shoto todoroki, general lieutenant commander katsuki bakugo. your boss izuku midoriya was also there. but only stayed for the talk.
after the talk you were moved to a holding cell. your boss and the captain wasn't there was this part. the general lieutenant/ commander katsuki bakugou came in. he locked the door so no one would interrupt him.
he ripped your clothes off and sexual abuse and assault you. he basically raped you cause he wasn't satisficed with the interrogations earlier. after he was done abusing your body. he left you go. but only on the deal that you don't tell anyone what he did to you in here or you would be raped again.
(fast-forward 2months later) its months since the incident happened. denki was promoted to senior sniper. the relationship status between you and him isn't anyway near fixing. its gone. its dead. you barely speak to anyone these days. or go on missions. you just refuse unless. you get another threatening email from katsuki bakugo about the deal.
you were scared of him. so you threw everything away that reminding you of denki. you threw it in the bin. you went on more mission. more you could count. one of them you almost got killed. you were rushed to the medical bay. it wasn't anything serious but you couldn't move for a still 6 weeks.
you stayed behind your desk. or in your one bedroom apartment with your car RAX. he was your only comfort these days. your friends came to see you. but only to be yelled at. after the 6 weeks were up. you could walk again. your friends were in cafeteria. when they saw you walking in.
they were shocked to see you and about since you yelled at them for coming to see you. they had no idea you were raped and threatened by the guy who raped you. it was later found out about.
denki came in and saw you. all he wanted to do was hug you. kiss you. make out with you. and to apologies to you. for what he did. since the break up. denki hasn't been the same. he wanted to talk to you so bad. it hurt him. it physically hurt him.
there was a knock ''go away i'm in the mood'' you said ''its me ida can i come in'' ida said ''fine come in ...... wait why is he here? ida i'm not talking to him? get out of my office'' you said ''y/n breath, ok just for me please listen to what he has to say'' ida said
ida left you and denki along. ''so what do you have to say?'' you asked ''y/n please i want to say i'm sorry for ratting you out, i didn't know that it would cause more trouble, i miss you so damm much'' he said ''idk denki you betrayed my trust you were supposed to love me with all my crazy faults, flaws and obsessions i have'' you said.
''ik that and i'm sorry y/n i want to try us again please give us another chance to redeem on what we lost in the 2 months''' he said ''maybe we can start off as friends again you have way to go until i can trust you fully denki'' you said ''fine as friends then we will see'' he said. as he left your office distraughted that he wasn't going to get back to together but realised what he did to you four months he kinda deserved to be just a friend again to you.
so you and denki started to be friends it was going well. until your boss izuku wanted to have a chat with you. apparently izuku wasn't be able to get in touch, since the incident. so later on that week. you went to his office. you knocked on the door ''come in'' he said ''i'm sorry sir midoriya for my breach of privacy'' you said bowing ''your alright y/n l/n, nothing bad happened, no footages was linked so we all good and no got hurt'' he said (not realising that you were hurt physically and emotionally by the whole thing).
''yeah izuku, no one did get hurt right y/n?'' he asked ''i'm so sorry captain todoroki, i didn't know you were here .. i'll leave'' you said ''no no it's fine, y/n you don't have to leave, idk think you have meet my bf shoto todoroki'' izuku said
''so this the girl that was say on my izuku?'' he asked ''yeah she was, but please don't scare off, she is on of the best in the field'' izuku said. ''oh is that so it's pleasure to meet you'' he said as he went to shake your hand.
''like wise sir shoto'' you said nervously ''are you scared of me y/n?'' he asked. but never got a response ''anyway i better be going now sorry again'' you said then ran out ''thats was weird'' shoto said ''didn't i tell you not to scare her'' izuku said ''yeah but i didn't scare, i guess she's has trauma from the interrogation'' shoto said
''yeah i know i was there for the talk! it just seemed like a normal talk tho'' izuku said ''but i did not get to see her after the talk'' izuku added ''yeah that's because katsuki bakugou wanted to talk to her in private in a separate room'' shoto said
''ok then katsuki's scared her'' he said ''i wonder why?'' shoto adds ''ok i'll see you later shoto right now i'm going to check up on y/n'' izuku said ''ok well you see her, tell her i'm sorry'' he said back, before leaving ''i will if i can talk to her that is'' izuku said.
so after shoto left. izuku went to find you. in your office. hiding underneath your desk. you had your hands around yourself. like a shield of protection. ''y/n ... what are you doing down there? wait .... are you ok? can i touch? .....*izuku tried to touch your arm. but when you flinched away. your sleeve was exposed. and he saw bruises *... y/n where did you get this?'' he asked ''please don't hurt me? i'm sorry i won't tell anymore'' you said crying
''wow i'm not going to hurt you y/n'' he said 'hurt you?'' he questioned ''who hurt you y/n?'' he asked ''are you so sure?'' you asked ''yes ofc i'm sure, i promise, ...... hmm wanna tell me what happened 2months ago y/n it might help with over coming it'' he suggested ''i hate him'' you said ''who hate y/n?'' he asked ''blonde one'' you said.
''katsuki bakugo! what did he do to you?'' he asked ''well 2 months ago when i was sent to be questioned, boss, captain todoroki and he was there and after you and shoto left, that's when it all went to hell' you said crying ''ok go on y/n'' izuku said.
''i was brought to a cell, with no windows or cameras and i stupidly thought that he just wanted to ask me more questions or something, ..... '' you wanted to say the rest but couldn't ''y/n what did he do?'' izuku asked, thinking the worst case scenario that you were raped or something.
he knew katsuki bakugou was know for being and nice when he wants to be but also can be quite sadistic. you looked at your boss. ''he touched me and beat me'' you said crying ''so he sexual assaulted you y/n?'' he asked ''yeah he did i told him no multiple times and he wouldn't listen'' you said in tears.
''ok that sound like raped you y/n did you tell anyone else about this? like a friend, bf, family member?'' he asked ''he told me after he was finished with me that i was free to go but i could not tell a single soul i would be raped again, so i kept my mouth shut until now'' you said crying again.
''i'm so proud of you for telling me this, ok listen to me very carefully ok i need you stay here and do not move from this spot ok, i will go off and tell shoto then you are coming home with me ok i can't let you stay in that apartment alone'' he said. you nodded to him.
izuku left and found his bf shoto. ''so did you find her?'' shoto asked ''yeah i did but we need to have a talk'' izuku said ''omg what's going on izuku? what happened to her? is she ok? do we need to call the hospital?'' he asked ''ok slow down and maybe a hospital right work'' he stated.
shoto looked at him concerned ''when i went to talk to her, i found her underneath her desk and when i went to touch her, i saw bruises on her arms. she told me not to hurt her that she was sorry for telling people and went on to say that after the interrogations katsuki bakugou raped her, he told her never to say any of this to anyone or it would have again'' izuku said.
''for fuck sake katsuki, you had no job question her that's it'' he said ''please lower your voice shoto, y/n doesn't katsuki to find out we know'' izuku warned him ''oh right sorry, right ok where is y/n then?'' he asked
''she is in her office until she is moved'' he said ''moved?'' shoto asked ''yeah i was thinking of moving y/n here to our apartment until this mess is fixed'' izuku said. so that's what happened you were moved into shoto's and izuku's apartment. you stayed there. while doing therapy.
katsuki was scolded by the high ups. and was given harsh punishment for raping general y/n jiro after the interrogations. eventually after 4 years. you moved back to your apartment. and started to date denki. you did not tell him that you were rapped cause it was before your time. however denki did find out about it from your boss. and was more mindful of you now. 3 years into your relationship. you decided to become physical with denki your bf.
after work you were driving home with your bf now that he lives with you full time ''babe what do you think about have sex?'' you asked ''ok sure but what brought this up sunshine nugget?'' he asked ''well we have done it in what 5 years 6 months so i was just wondering since i'm getting any traumatic memories or whatever i think it might be a good idea to try'' you said to him.
as you turn a corner ''ok if your sure'' he said worried ''your sweet you that babe but i'll be fine ok i promise'' you said to him. as drove into the apartment carpark ''ok so when do you want to star like tomorrow, next week oh your birthday is coming in a month we can do it then'' he was throwing out suggestions left, right and center since you got to the door open and closed the door behind you ''babe why not this week'' you said to him ''ok thats good too i just you to be absoluting clear that ok with this i don't to force if you think your not ready yet'' he said to you worried at this point it was getting annoying.
''i'm fine babe ok don't make rethink my idea ok i want to do this'' you said to him. (fast-forward) two days later. you were in your office when you got a email from denki ''babe i'm working on something for our boss izuku'' you said ''but my sunshine nugget you would look so good in this tonight'' he said back ''babe show when i get home ok and maybe just maybe i'll wear it'' you said ''thanks y/n you won't regret wearing this i promise'' he said.
as you went back to work. later that day you met up with chiya, kuroo, Sam, ida for a late coffee when chiya turned to you ''so what's up with you and denki hmm?'' she asked ''its good why i'm not telling what we do i've told you this before thats personal information'' you said ''oh come i share stuff what i do with my gf to you all the time'' she said whining ''fine we are planning on having roleplay sex tonight don't ask me this is all denki's idea'' you said ''what damm idk you had it in you'' she said ''oh shut up chiya'' you said back.
(fast-forward later that day) you were on your way home. when you got inside the house. you saw your bf in a suit. ''well look at you all handsome babe ..... question am i wearing this maid's outfit?'' you asked ''yeap you are'' he said to you as he helped you into the outfit.
you walked out of the master bedroom in the short maids outfit. as you pretend to be sexy maid cleaning his house. when he came behind you ''master i can't clean if your behind me'' you said to him ''oh well why and clean this'' he said back. as he moves a hand up your leg and pass your thigh to panties. he moved them aside and pets your heat as he brushes a thumb.
you moan out loud as he pushes the finger in and out of your p$$$$. ''ah master'' you moan ''thats my name say it'' he said speeds up by adding four to the mix. you shift against them and after few minutes you released on them. he pulls his fingers out and licks them clean ''delicious nugget'' he said into your ear. you felt him leave for a minute. just for him to be right there under you. as he takes down your white panties. as he blows on your entrance. ''ah fuck master'' you moan out to him again as you hold on to the kitchen counter.
he chuckles as he thanks god for the meal as he dives up into you. ''as fuck so good'' you moan out to him ''you like my tongue it hasn't been near you yet'' he said. as he starts to suck on your fold making it wet. you moan as he starts to lick his tongue over and inside your clit. moaning in pure pleasure as he eat you out. until you released all over his face and kitchen floor. he got and moved you to be laying on the kitchen counter.
he pulled down his trouser and briefs letting you get a little seek peak of his friend. he removed the ribbon from the top half of your outfit. he was not goin to let them out just yet. cause he just wanted to see them jiggle when he fucks on top the kitchen counter. he positions himself at your entrance and starts to rock back and forward as your body started to rock with his sped.
he moves in and fast. as see your boobs start to jiggle a bit to the movement of his pace. he start to sped up. letting them jiggle and bounce. seeing them going made him sped up even more as you latch on to his back "do you like that sunshine" as he continues "do you like how I make you feel hmm" you moaned the answer "ah master! you make feel so good please faster, harder i can take it'' as you screaming and moaning got louder and louder as you answered.
sadly denki had suddenly slowed down. he pulls out and flips you around ''do like be fucked on to of the kitchen counter like this? imagine what others might think of you like this so submissive to me?'' he asks you ''its exciting master'' you said ''i wondering what our boss izuku would think of you hmm? .. like this does that get excited hmm?'' he asked you ''its exciting to master thinking of it'' you said to him.
you felt his dick teasing your entrance ''y/n who's your master hmm?'' he asked "come on tell me who's your master?'' he asked again ''you are denki kaminari your my master'' you moan out to him "thats a good baby girl" he re-entered you from behind. as bodies rocking and slapping together in sync. lifting your right leg a bit to hit your g-spot ''ah yes mhg right there'' you moan out to him ''oh here sunshine'' he said hitting the sweet spot again. right leg over his shoulder blade and your eyes were white and cloudy. he saw your lewd face and your mouth stuck out in the pleasure ''fuck mmhg ah coming master'' you moaned.
"me to baby girl" as he continued his thrusts then soon got sloppier. he intertwined his hand with yours as went through your last high together. as you finally released letting out all over the kitchen. he released all of his seeds into you. as some dripped down from your thigh then to leg, making a puddle on the floor. he helped you off the counter and stand. when that didn't work he carried you tot he sofa and got you a drink of water. as you took the drink. he sat beside you ''how you feel about doing a CEO x worker roleplay in a couple of weeks huh?'' he asked ''maybe i'll see babe'' you said. you lean into his on the sofa as you both watch tv and order fast-food. as you share a passionate kiss.
(fast-forward 9 weeks later) you felt unwell. you looked at the clock on the bedside table it was like 4:50 it was also 5 in the morning. you tried to go back to sleep but the pain wouldn't leave you. so as you went to the bathroom and the moment got to the door you ran to the toilet and throw up. in a few secs later you felt a pair of hands on your back ''are you ok sunshine nugget?'' he asked rubbing your back softly as you continued to throw up. you wipe your mouth as you look up at him ''i think i might be pregnant where are the test sticks?'' you ask ''over here'' he said as he goes over to a cabinet and takes out a pregnancy stick.
he then hands it to you and leaves to wait outside. (hours later) you came out of the bathroom to see your bf denki. ''so what is it?'' he asked. you holding the positive stick close to your heart as you sigh ''look at this babe'' you said ''what your pregnant nugget?'' he asks as he rubs the belly of his unborn child ''yes i am babe we're parents'' you said to him. after he found out that he was going to be a father he told everyone in the organisation. he was very protective of and didn't let you go on any mission's even your boss said it was a bad idea to let a pregnant women to go out and fight so you were stuck in the office for 4 months.
until you and him figured out the sex of the baby. it was a girl. (so fast-forward a lovely 5 months later of fun) your water broke and was rushed to hospital where 46 hours later you gave birth to one happy and healthy baby girl she was like her father. Senshi jiro kaminari (meaning of the name ''fighter'') she had your e/c and his blonde and black lighting mark on her hair and for face features (she had your lip, nose shape and his eye, face shape).
after three weeks in the hospital you got discharged to go home with your baby girl Senshi home to a family of three. when you went back to work you brought in to met everyone that her mom worked with that includes her boss and his bf shoto which you heard from chiya that they having a baby through surrogacy which is exciting for them now that will have their own family too and since they are males they wouldn't have been able to carry one them selves. anyway everyone loved her.
she became the little star of the office. (fast-forward) when your daughter turned 5 years old she came into her parents ''i want to grow up to be like you and papa or auntie kyoka i want to be cool'' she said. they both look at her ''sweetie that a big step do you not want to go to a regular school?'' you asked ''no i want to go to at the organisation'' she said to you ''ok sweetie if thats what you want they we can do that'' you said to her.
so she enrolled at the school that was owned by the organisation her that parents worked at for years to be like them. after that time she became friends with your boss izuku' and his bf shoto's son Yuta . they became great friends and in future hopefully lovers tho it would be weird but you get the handle of it. (after another year) now your daughter is 6 and your bf denki of 11 years now asked you marry him one night and well you said yes.
so your in engaged for 2 years cause of work and of your daughter. (fast-forward 2 years later) you got married and everyone was invited to the big day your wedding you excited. As your work friends, your twin cousin, your parents, his parents, and even your boss izuku and his bf shoto and their kid Yuta. after the wedding you went on a 3 week honeymoon to Spain, Italy, Germany.
while that was happening Senshi spent her week with your parents and his parents, the the second week she spent at her auntie kyoka your twin cousin place with her bf and then out of nicest your boss offered to look after to her for the 3rd week.it was very sweet of your boss izuku and his bf shoto to offer that to look after your daughter while you are away. but it was fun for her cause she got to play yuta in the back garden and in the play room. lets just say your boss's house and since he lives with his bf shoto too is like really big like wow its probably be a 100 floors up its really big. after the 3 weeks were up you came home with your husband to your daughter Senshi and a possible future baby boy.
as you went back to normal life you. one night before you went to bed. you saw your daughter still up ''Senshi why you up?'' you asked her ''idk can't sleep mama'' she said ''anything i can do to help?'' you ask her at the door of her room. she thought about it ''can you read to me'' she said to ''of course which book?'' you asked her ''my favourite one mama'' she said ''ok the little fighter it is'' you said. as you pick up the book and sat beside your daughter. reading the book to her for a bit. until you turn to see your daughter had fallen asleep. you put the book on the bed - side table and put her into bed. kissing her forehead you whisper ''sleep tight my little fighter'' you said.
you left room as you joined your husband in the bedroom. he saw you ''are you ok? what got you held up?'' he asked ''ah it was Senshi she couldn't get to sleep so she and i asked what i can do to help and she requested the little fighter again her favourite so i read it to her and she fell a - sleep'' you said. as you got into your nightdress. ''how is the other being doing?'' he asked you pointing to your belly ''he's fine babe he liked the story too'' you said rubbing your round belly as you get into bed next to your husband.
as you and your husband slept until morning. the next day you and him were thinking of names for the boys as you were 4 months away. after a long discussion on names your daughter came into the living room and saw names being written down on a notepad. she suggested a name to them. Seishin (meaning of the name ''spirit''). they liked it ''Senshi when did you get so smart?'' denki asked her ''idk i got good parents i guess'' she said to him ''aww come here sweetie'' you said to her ''ye mama'' she said back as she ran beside you.
she now beside you on the sofa ''very soon you are going to be a big older sister and going to have to be a big girl for a while for me and your daddy cause we are going to very tired with the arrival'' you said to her ''ok mama'' she said ''yeah but that doesn't mean we won't love you any more then we do ok don't you forget our little fighter'' denki said to ''ok mama and daddy'' she said ''now go on Senshi'' denki said to her.
as she ran off to her playroom ''so i guess we now have a name for the boy'' you said as you move to get more comfortable on the sofa. denki saw this and help you. (fast-forward 4 months later) you had your son in a private room. you held son. after a week you got to take him home to a family that will love him so much he doesn't know yet cause he is still so small and young.
meaning of the name
Senshi - fighter
Seishin - spirit
Word count: 8773
the end
This took some time to think about and for a while never thought I write it until I today when I thought about the first sniper Au story I did for Toru oikawa from my first book and so I'm re-constructing it. i was having trouble finishing this story so i made katsuki a bit of a bully and i don't want to as the story its self wasn't going anywhere sorry if this story makes you sad. also Senshi's baby brother is born at the end of the story so, he doesn't show much in the actually story (all that happened is that he is born and they take him home) all the same i hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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