ready! set! go!
Pro Biker Katsuki bakugo x fan girl reader younger sister of izuku midoriya
Biker Au,
Genre: smut
(⚠️🔞 pet names, mention of bathroom sex. Bedroom sex 🔞⚠️)
Ever since you heard about bike racing from your older brother izuku, and searched it up on your laptop. You have been obsessed with it, and always watches videos of them until late in the early morning, leaving you tired and eyes blood shot the next day. you watch them more then ever especially now since your crush a pro biker named katsuki bakugo who went to the same school as your older brother izuku. he was only 21 years old to have already won 10 gold medals and 7 silver medals in the bike racing industry making him the youngest pro biker in japan and since you were 17 years old at the time you got to see him for the first time ever in person. so this how it went down you were up in your bedroom watching the bike races on YouTube as usual of what you do on the weekend now. when you heard (y/o/b) izuku and someone else downstairs ... you paused the video. Got up and went to check it out. To see who it was. When you walked around the corner and saw him. you hid behind a wall. as you gazed at the young 21 year old, taking in everything, even the scenery. he was very handsome and good looking no wonder he has lots of girls fans after him all day, everyday.
as you gazed. you heard a bit of their conversation in the living room you ''so are you the only one in the house?'' he asked izuku ''no my younger sister y/n is here too i think she is in her bedroom watching anime or the bike races on YouTube'' izuku said to him. ''your sister watches the bike races?'' he asked ''yeah ever since i brought it up at the table when she was 10 actually she has been obsessed'' izuku said back as he sat beside him on the sofa. you ran back to your bedroom after hearing your name. you locked the door and returned back to YouTube or anime that you liked to watch. meanwhile when izuku went to turn on the tv, katsuki heard someone running back upstairs and a door locking ''who was that?'' he asked him ''oh that would be my sister y/n, yeah she probably came down to see who it was and then well saw you and ran back to her bedroom to squeal about seeing you'' he said to Katsuki ''ok but why would she do that i wonder?'' he asked him ''probably cause she is obsessed with you for some reason she won't tell me, she just giggles and squeals at the mention of your name'' he said back ''huh very odd well ok can i see her?'' he asked izuku looking curious.
izuku sighed looking back at his childhood friend, ''hey sure i guess come on then ....*he stands up and starts to walk to the hallway, katsuki follows behind him, when they are at the staircase izuku remembers something, he turns to katsuki*..... oh but i do have something to tell you that she is a big fan and does have this fangirl crush on you so, please just don't yell or shout at her, she doesn't like that kacchan'' he said to katsuki ''ok yeah yeah nerd i won't yell at her ... wait i thought you said that you didn't know why?'' he asked ''well she didn't tell me i snooped into her room one day while she was at school and found it in her diary that she has of you, with little sentence and stuff'' he said back.
''wait so your younger sister y/n has this fangirl crush on me, and has no idea you know about it either?'' he asked izuku ''yeap pretty much, she can't stop thinking of you kacchan'' he said to katsuki ''really huh interesting'' katsuki said with a smirk as they continued to walk upstairs. izuku brought katsuki to your bedroom *knock, knock* ''sis can you open the door i saw you downstairs come out of hiding i have here ... someone who wants to meet you'' izuku said to her smirking the noise of shuffling and you getting off the bed and the click of the door. It was now unlock you went back to your bed ''the door is open you can come in brother'' you said to him. as he opened the door he looked at the wall in your room realising how much so a big fangirl you are of his childhood friend ''katsuki met my younger sister y/n'' izuku said to him.
katsuki smirked ''so this is the obsessed fan girl of mine? that you have been talking about to me izuku?'' he said to you with a smile ''yeah this is her'' izuku said back to him smirking ''Izuku! you could of told me that he was coming upstairs and into my room why why?'' you squeaked at him as you got up and rushed to hid any evidence ''sorry i thought you wanted to see your crush'' he said to you smirking again, you knew that smirk far to well he had a plan up his sleeves, and you didn't like it and you didn't want to know the plan either, so as you sigh, went back to your bed, and stuck your tongue out at (y/o/b) izuku.
as he just did the same back to you. you just hugged your plushy of katsuki. ''why don't you too talk ok'' he said to you as he pushed katsuki into your room ''you sound like our mom izuku its creepy can you stop it'' you said to him ''i don't sound like her ...'' he started to say to you in protest ''i'm sorry to say this nerd but your sister y/n's isn't wrong there, she right you do sound like her a lot'' he said to izuku agreeing with you. as katsuki sat beside you on the bed. you blushed at the fact of being in a close proximity with your crush katsuki bakugo as you started to fiddle with your fingers and stumble over your words on what to say to him i mean he is your crush after all. but you were frozen in what to say.
he sighed looking at you so he spoke first as he got more comfortable on your bed ''(y/o/b) izuku told me that you have this big massive fan girl crush on me'' he said to you ''yeah to my brother its a bit obsessive, but to me its not, i mean come one your freaky gorgeous, and good looking, and way too handsome'' you said to him not realising that just you commented him ''you think that about me teddy bear?'' he asked you with a wink, you blushed and looked away from him, as you try and calm down your face. katsuki looked around the dark room ''why is your room so dark? can we turn a light on or open the curtains?'' he asked you ''yeah you can turn on the wall light'' you said to him.
katsuki got up, and turned on the wall light, to see your room brighter as he looked around to see your room full of posters of him ''izuku wasn't kidding around so is this just a fangirl crush or do you have sexual tendances towards me?'' he asked you smirking, as he went over to you, and flipped you around so he was on top of you he lowed his lips against your neck ''teddy bear yk if you are having sexual tendances about me i can help with them'' he said into your ear brushing his lips against your skin nibble it as your hands were above your head so they didn't interfere you nodded ''so what do you want me to do you? hmm neck kisses, hickeys, lip kisses what?'' he asked you in a taunting, teasing way he smirks ''katsuki are you making fun of my feeling cause they i don't want it?'' you ask him.
he let go when you started to fight back, ''no why would i hurt you y/n your cute and your my childhood friend's younger sister'' he said to you as kissed your cheek with a smile ''so your not making fun of me cause i get very uncomfortable if you were'' you said back ''well i'm not so are we good here?'' he asked you ''yeah were good kacchan'' you said to him. katsuki smirked at you using his nickname. you pulled him into you again. katsuki smirked again, as he brushes his lips against yours. as both lips moved together insync.
you lost your hands in his ashen blonde hair, and crossing your legs around his waist. he pressed his crotch against your heat. you letting out moans, as he kissed down your lips, to your neck and back again. meanwhile your brother came back upstairs to see you and katsuki getting along ''huh? ... what is this i know i told you two get along but i wasn't expecting this'' he said leaning at the door way of your room before he left to get his phone. you and katsuki hadn't noticed izuku came back upstairs, nor did you hear even him, when he was there at the door of your bedroom. as you and katsuki continued to make out in bed. izuku took a picture of this, and sent it a copy to all his friends.
izuku left to go back downstairs, after an hour, you and katsuki stopped kissing. you and katsuki exchanged numbers, as you fixed your disheveled clothes and hair. he got up and ruffled his hair to make it less messy looking. "btw I'm biking tomorrow at the ridge, if you want to come, and see me" he suggests "yeah sure I love to go and see you" you said to him "ok teddy bear i'll send you the location" he said to you, when you got the location on your phone ''cool so, i'll see you there'' you said back. As katsuki left, he went downstairs to see izuku. they talked before he left the house. izuku came upstairs to your room, and sat beside you with a smirk ''so, you and him huh?" he asks teasing you "oh shut up zuku, i saw you outside my room with your phone while we kissed'' you said to him.
izuku was shocked, he think that you had noticed him ''ah man and i thought i was being stealthy" he said to you as he took out his phone "you didn't izuku?... delete it! take them down now izuku!" you yelled at him "nope that's not going to happen sister .... So, what's this talk about you going to the biking ridge tomorrow? to see katsuki?" he asked you as he looked at you "what he asked if I could come and well I said yes and there is nothing you can do about it" you said to him "I'm going to stop you cause I'm taking you there I like someone on the biking team so I'll be there anyway" he said to you "who todoroki or is that girl I hate?" you ask him "it's shoto you know I'm gay sis" he said back to you.
On Saturday (y/o/b) izuku took you to the biking thing on the ridge so you could see your crush Katsuki again. izuku saw his bf shoto. he left you, you looked over to see them kissing near the sheds. You sighed cause you wanted that again, even though katsuki already took your first kiss and it was your first time here, you still wanted to kiss him again. so you walked around trying to find katsuki, but when you couldn't find him anywhere. you sighed in despair, and sat down on the ridge as you looked out at the mountain view of the city. you heard voices behind you "hey isn't that izuku's younger sister y/n yk the girl that Katsuki kissed?" a boy asked ''yeah why isn't katsuki not over there with her?'' another boy asked too.
as the two boys looked around to find him kissing someone else .. another girl over near the bikes ''dude what are you doing here? why aren't you not looking for y/n? cause she is here ... yk izuku's younger sister yk the girl you kissed last week? why are you here with this bitch, she has a bf and he isn't a biker, she is just using you dude'' boy said to him. katsuki looked at sero in shock "wait y/n is here right now ....... Shit I'll be right back?'' he asked ''yeah she came here with izuku'' the another boy said to him. katsuki ran off to find you near the ridge. he saw that (y/o/b) izuku was chatting with you then left to with his bf again. katsuki sighed and went over to you.
he got to the ridge and sat beside you ''you came y/n idk?'' he asked trying to make conversation with you ''well you asked me didn't you? , and i came unless you didn't want me to come here to begin with hmm?'' you asked him ''no i did want you to come here y/n i like you remember'' he said to you, as he touched your hand just to have it smacked away "Teddy bear what's wrong .... look I'm sorry if i hurt you" he said to you moving closer to you "I want to go home" you said to him "I can take you" he offers "thanks Katsuki but I'll just ask izuku" you said to him with a fake smile.
you got up from the ridge leaving him alone, and started to look around for izuku. to see where he was, since he was with his bf the last time you saw him, you figured that he would still be with shoto. when you found him, you were right, he was exactly where you thought he would but not what you weren't expecting them to be getting it on! (like seriously) so, you just left them and pretended that you didn't see anything "Idk where he went so I guess you can take me" you said to katsuki ''oh ok really then i'll go find your brother izuku, before we leave so he knows that my taking you home'' he said to you with a smile, as he walked passed you and went to find him to see the same thing you saw.
<<<fast-forward 20 minutes>>>
Katsuki took you home on his bike you held on to his waist tightly. When he got to your house he parked the bike outside. you hopped off the bike and re-turned the spare bike helmet he gave to you. he looked at you and smirked ''keep it teddy bear it's yours'' he said to you, as he pulls you into him ''thanks katsuki but i ... mean .. hmm'' you said, but was interrupted by his lips '' ~ ah ~ Katsuki~ ah" you moaned out, as you drop the bike helmet on the pavement, wrap your arms around his neck, losing your hands in his hair. he pulled you in more by your waist, so basically you were kinda on top of him. when you heard a car beep. both you and katsuki stopped for a minute to see it was izuku your very disheveled older brother in the car.
he got out looking at you and him. as he walked to the front door he commented ''yk if your going make out there i would suggest inside might hurt less'' he said smirking at you ''izuku! why would say that'' you squeal to him as you hid flustered/ very red embarrassed face into katsuki chest. izuku went inside the house leaving the front door wide open for you and him. katsuki chuckles at you being embarrassed by izuku "that's not a bad idea come Teddy bear lets go" he said to you "wait what... ok just let me get this and I'll be going" you said to him as you got the bag and spare helmet and went inside with him up to your room. still embarrassed by what izuku said at the front door.
After that incident that happened at the bike thing and made our you and him actually went on real dates while keeping it a secret for 2 years (a/n *you are 19 and he is 23) anyways you told your family and friends that you have been seeing each other for 2 years. they were shocked that you had told them and ''we just wanted to know each other more before we told everyone'' you said to your mom ''it fine sweetie i'm happy for you that you found someone that you love and that loves you and want to spend your life with'' she said to you as she started to tear up ''oh mom I'll be fine I promise he is amazing ok'' you said to her as you teared up to. you went over and hugged her. after another year (a/n *you are 20 and he is 24*) and now after a few months of living semi with your bf at his apartment and also semi living at your mom's house.
you decided to permanently move out of your mom's house and live permanently with your bf katsuki. your mom was sad to left you leave but was also happy that you were going to live with the guy you love and your older brother izuku helped with taking wardrobe, dresser, bedroom stuff like bedding, pillows, cushions and other stuff except for the clothes and posters and pictures of you and your bf and your family. as you finished the packing and bringing the boxes down to the moving van and into back of your bf's car. as you put the last box that had all your plushies in them into the car cause you are touch sensitive. after that you turned to around and went over to your mom and your older brother izuku hugging them goodbye to them before taking your bf hand's and got into the his car.
as he got into drivers seat he turned on the engine. you put on on your seat belt you looked over at your bf and smiled. he put his seat belt on and turned to you and smiled back as he kissed your cheek ''ready to go to our apartment?'' he asked you ''yeah i'm ready babe'' you said to him as he smirks. he turns his eyes back to the road and drove off to his apartment when he will start a new adventure with you, maybe/possible a family too in the future we well just have to see ...... (fast forward) you and him got to his apartment to your life together. as you sigh, and looked out the window of the car. you saw that your bf lived in a nice neighbour hood.
he looked over at you and took your hand in his ''you ready to get settled in?'' he asked you ''heck yeah babe let as go'' you said to him as you unbuckle your car seat belt and open the car door as you step out on the car and close the door behind you walk around the side of the car and went to the boot when your bf got out to and closed the door of the car. he walked over to you and helped you bring in your bags and small boxes into the apartment you took the bags in sighing that katsuki wouldn't let you touch the boxes as he brought them up to his room that was going to be made into the master bedroom for both of you.
you put the bags in the corner not in the way so your bf could go and get the boxes from the car again a few minutes later the moving van came to the apartment building as they brought in the heavier stuff that could not fit in the car. (fast-forward) they movers were done bring in the last boxes in to the apartment as you and your bf thank them for helping. they left as you closes the door you turned to your bf and smiled ''so hiya roomie'' you said to him waving ''oh you come here teddy bear'' he said to you ''hmm no you have to catch me first'' you said to him as you ran away from him giggling ''oh is that how it is then ok you have 5 minutes to hid baby girl'' he said to you.
after seeing the glow in his eyes you ran away from him giggle you ran into the bathroom and strip your clothes off as a surprise for him to hid ''alright ready to find you'' he calls out. but you stay quiet. you could tell that he was getting closer by the strong scent of his colonel. when he got to the bedroom he saw the light of the bathroom on he chuckles to himself as he to strips to his brief he went over to the bath room door to see your clothes and under wear on the floor and your bare legs on the dresser near the sink "oh Heck yeah" he said to himself as he opens the door more to see you completely naked ''surprise babe'' you said to him ''oh teddy bear'' he said to you as he locks the door of the bathroom and came over to you and pulled you into a heated make out session as you lost your hands in his hair. He moves his hand around your back then to your waist as he touches you.
you giggle as he gave your ass a little spank ''i guess you like your gift huh?'' you asked him as you and him started to use tongue ''oh hell yeah i love it'' he said to you as he moves your legs around him. so you tied your legs around his waist. ''i'm going to show you how much this gift means to me'' he said to you in that husky voice that you love much and that he gets a away with it cause he knows how much his voice makes you weak to the knees. your legs loosen around his waist and fall. he opens them again as he pulled down his briefs and shoves into no questions asked you moan in pleasure.
you were rocked out of your world on top of the dresser sink by your bf but who were you kidding here you wanted this from the start anyway and you loved it so you weren't going to complain to him about it. cause to fairly honest he loved it and love the gift so he wasn't going to complain either (fast- forward) you and him were both of breath as he pulled out and helped you stand which did not work so he lift you to the bed. where you and him sleep for like 5 hours and after that you were still asleep your bf got and put on a robe and left the room after he kissed your forehead. your bf sighs and went to put your bags in the bedroom and last boxes unpack and away in the different rooms in the apartment.
(fast- forward) the boxes were finally unpacked and put a way when you got up to see your bf not there in bed with you ''babe!'' you call out to him as you rub your eyes to be more awake as you heard footstep coming towards ''teddy bear your up'' he said to you as he went over to you and kissed your lips ''i heard you leave the room where did you go?'' you asked him ''oh i just put the boxes full of clothes, and plushies in here and the last remaining boxes that were left in the main hallway unpacked and put away in the different rooms while you were a sleep'' he said ''oh babe that was sweet of you but you could of let me do that when i was up, i could helped you'' you said to him as you got up and went to find something to hear since you are naked and cold.
you and Katsuki shared many memories in the apartment together there was a lot of framed photos in the living room and hallway of you and him. even tho he was (y/o/b)'s izuku childhood friend you never got to see his other mates in the biker gang he is in well other then denki, shoto, sero that was it until today. you had dragged your bf katsuki shopping with you .. well why not after a few shops. you heard voices behind you and him. you turned around to see katsuki talking to a group of friends, you kinda got jealous that a girl who was hugging him and that you didn't know or recognise her from the biker gang. she was with a spiky red haired bot with shark teeth.
you didn't know him either. so you went over to your bf ''daddy who are your friends?'' you ask him, taking his hand in yours ''i thought you said that wouldn't say that in public anymore'' he said to you as looked down at you then back at his mates ''y/n is that you?" denki asks you "yeah it's me denkichu" you said giving him a hug "so y/n your the girl that got Katsuki all flustered all the time?" red hair boy asked you "I guess I'm the that girl Idk that he gets flustered?" you asked him giggling that they tease him about you so much "yeah all time when we ask bakubro about you he gets all red blushing" he laughs at memories of it then realises that you don't who he is "ok right sorry I'm eijirou kirishima and this is my gf mina ashido" he introduces you to her and him.
You still hugging your bf's arm "so what's it like being with him I mean you know" she asked you as she drags you away from your bf Katsuki "he's good, but rough too but I guess it's not that bad living with a biker boy" you said to him "ok girl we have to hang out sometime ok me and the other girls of the biker thing our going out tomorrow night join us it will be fun ok.. Here is my number call me" she said to you as she left with your bf eiji and the other boys. You were about to leave to back to shopping when shoto came up to you "can you give this to izuku he hasn't texted me in 3 months I'm worried ok" he asked you "sure sho I'll give him the note ok you don't have to worry its probably some ting small" you said to him as he left you and him to catch up the rest.
You look up at your bf and back at the note a bit suspicious that izuku would ghost his bf shoto like that "I'm going to call him up now to get this sorted out" you said to your bf as you took out your phone "well I can talk to him if you want while we shop" Katsuki asked you "yeah ok" you said to him as soon (y/o/b) izuku's messing dark green hair showed up on the video call "what's up sis and kacchan what's going on?" he asked you "I could ask you the same thing zuku? What's going on with you and shoto? I thought you loved him because now he is upset and worried that you hate him? which i know you don't. but look even he gave me this note to give to you as well, so i'll give this to you on Tuesday'' you said to him ''fine alright sis'' he said back. after the call to him, you turned to your bf ''so, i guess we didn't need your help babe this time so, let's go back to shopping'' you said to him taking his arm again.
''oh that is it teddy bear your going down for that one girl'' he said with a smirk "oh no I'm scared" you said to him teasing "o.. ok that's it come here" he said to you as tackled you. after you and katsuki went back to shopping you stop and looked at your bf katsuki "oh babe what were you and your mates talking about?" you ask him "oh they wanted me to go over and play video games at denki's place with his gf kyoka" he said to you "oh and what did you say?" you asked him as you looked at clothes "I said no to them I rather being with you maybe next week when your hanging out mina and the girls, then we can have boys night" he said back
you had hearts through your chest "aww that's sweet" you said to him "I have a question for you Teddy bear" he said to you "ok what's it?" you asked "well oh ok you with kinda acting jealous around mina back there.. What was that about?" he asked you. "well Idk her back there cause i didn't see her at biker's ridge on Saturday, so i guess i was a bit jealous" you said to him "oh Teddy bear you don't have to Jealous we have been to together for 4 years'' he said to you "yeah Ik that babe" you said to him grabbing on to his shirt grab "hey look i'm yours ok" he said to you, as hugs you tightly into his chest as he let's you breath in his scent. "well let's go ok we having shopping to do right Teddy bear" he said to you as he grabs your hand in his and intertwining your fingers together. So as you and him walk to different shops getting clothes, lingeries and other shopping like food etc... after 2 more hours you and him went home back to the apartment you had put the clothes, lingerie in the bedroom and went back out of the room to help put the for groceries away in the fridge.
you got to the kitchen to see your bf not there so you sighed and start putting the groceries away when you felt two arms around your waist. He whisper into your ear a question "so if had gone what would you have done Teddy bear?" he asked you as he starts to pull you away from the grocery bags "that Idk needed help or sent you a pic of me in new sexy lingerie for sex'' you said to him" oh is that so Teddy bear... interesting that you would say that" he said to you as he smirks and pulls you away form the kitchen and over towards the bedroom as he spun you over to the bed he locked the door and walked over to you moving in on you as he kissed your lips to your neck you put your hands around his neck moving into his hair as you and him went into a heated make out session as his hands moving to your waist and ass.
he moves you on to the bed as you warp your legs around his waist you could felt his crotch slowly rubbing against your heat moaning he took this opportunity to use tongue. he rips off your shirt and legs as he kisses you again he removes your under wear leaving you completely naked underneath him. you tug on his own shirt and trousers he got the signal and took them off as he moves down your body leaving hickeys. Your bf Katsuki moved to mark your breasts giving each one individual hickeys sucking and massaging the nipples. He then kissed your bridge in between your breasts to your stomach to your legs and thighs.
He bit down on your legs and thighs you moan in bliss he spread your legs wide open as he looked down at his reward he shoved a finger into you slowly you moan when he adds two more fingers into at a fast pace he pulls out and licks his fingers clean "Teddy bear you taste good" he said huskily as he got down on his knees and brought you closer to his face. Katsuki blew at your p$$$$ you whimpered at his touch he chuckles as he grabs your thighs in place as he slowly but teasingly licked your fold with his tongue. You flinged your head back into the pillow in pure bliss he began to suck and eat out your clit. You grab his ashen blonde hair with your right hand moving him in since your left hand was holding on to pillow for support.
Katsuki got the message and he nuzzled his face into your p$$$$ as his tongue went further into your p$$$$ as he continued to eat you out you moan louder "ah katsu fuck so good" he chuckles in your p$$$$ making you weak in the knees as you released again all over his face. "you taste so sweet Teddy bear" he said in your ear as hovered over you again. He got up from hovering over you on the bedsheets he took off his boxers letting his 9 inch dick to spring free from its confinement you were about to get up and crawl over to his dick.
But you bf Katsuki pushed you back on to the bedsheets "ah no no not tonight teddy bear" he said to you as he spread your legs wide open as he hovers over you and traps your lips into a kiss "are you ready teddy bear" he said positions himself at your entrance. "yes Daddy" you said biting your lips your eyes cloudy with lust. "that's my teddy bear" he said to you as he slams into you hard and fast not letting you get use to his size gasp at the roughness "ah do you like that teddy bear" he said in your ear you moan loudly in his ear "ah! Yes Daddy" you moaned as you left deeper marks, scratches down his back.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he moved in deeper and harder "yeah you like that Teddy bear? You like how rough and hard I'm going into you?" he asked you as he goes faster "ah god yes! Daddy faster" you moaned as you flinged your head back again. He switched up his sex position as he brought your right leg over his shoulder as he continues to fuck you from a different angle. You released your third organism as he switched positions again push you up against the bed head as you hold on to the wall as he continues to fuck you "ah fuck! Yes Daddy this feels so good" you moaned as your bf Katsuki nibbled and licked your ear lobe "yeah you like don't you?" he said as he saw your lewd face.
You released your four organism all over the bedsheets as he flinged you around to be on all fours that your ass is facing him "can you gave me a little wiggle" he orders you as he brushes up and down your thigh you nod and gave your ass a little wiggle he chuckles as he spanks your ass. "so Teddy bear I was wondering if you want to start a family?" he asks you "yes katsu I want a family to" you said to him as your bf Katsuki lefts your chin as he gave you a kiss "ok then Teddy bear I want to ask who's your daddy?" he asks you as he shove a finger into you "ah fuck! You are Katsuki bakugo! You are my daddy" you screamed loudly "that's good girl" he said as he shoves his dick right back into you.
"scream my name teddy bear" he said near you ear as moves his right hand to your p$$$$ as he fingers you next to dick as his left hand holding on to your waist.
"ah! Daddy" you moaned
He moves his fingers around your p$$$$ as you shuck from the pleasure "say it teddy bear" he orders you "ah daddy daddy"
"again louder Teddy bear" he said again in your ear "ah! Daddy daddy daddy" he pulls out hsi fingers and makes you lick them clean as moves that hand back to holding your waist.
"ah come again louder Teddy bear" he said spanking your ass leaving a red hand print on you "ah! Daddy daddy daddy daddy"
He thrusts into you faster and harder into your p$$$$ hitting your g-spot "ah god yes! Daddy fuck! Daddy there hit there again please" you moaned.
"your wish is granted teddy bear" he said to you as he thrusts into you even faster hitting and hitting your g-stop as his free hand went down to your p$$$$ and just fingered you making you go over the edge. He flipped you back around so you went back to giving him deep marks on his back "ah! Daddy! a I f-feel I'm gonna cum" you said moaned "ah! me too teddy bear " he said he grunted in your ear.
Katsuki felt his thrusts got sloppier and sloppier "daddy fill me up with your cum please" you moaned in his ear. He chuckles as what you said "what ever you want teddy bear" he said as he intertwined his hands with your hands. You and Katsuki grunts and moans as you felt each other releasing. You released your juices on to your bf Katsuki and the bed sheets as Katsuki shot his seeds into you and bed sheets. He pulls out of you and collapse beside you on the bed he pulls you into a hug and kiss as both try and catch your breath from going for 5- 6 rounds "that was so good" you said to him "i know I'm the best at make love to you teddy bear" he said to you. You giggling at your bf's pride "I love you katsu" you said to him. He looked down at you, and pulled you into a kiss.
as you lay your head on his chest, listening to the rise and fall of his breathing. you snuggled into him, sleeping together until morning. (fast-forward to Tuesday) you met up with (y/o/b) izuku at your mom's house. you gave him the note, izuku read the note ''so are you going to talk to him zuku?'' you asked him, not liking that shoto had a very sad face on when he gave you the note, and didn't like it not one bit, sad faces doesn't suit him nope not one bit ''fine i'll talk to him sis ok'' he said back to you. so, later that week izuku talked with his bf shoto and then fixed their problem they were back together being all cute again.
also over that week too you hanged out with mina and the girls at momo's place a few times, while your bf hang out with his mates at denki's place to play video games, stuff. So you get to have girls night and your bf katsuki finally having a guys night. (9 weeks later) you woke up really early in the morning, like around 4am, so way to early for anyone with a strong sick feeling in your stomach, you immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up the toilet. your coughing and crying woke up your bf. "hey Teddy bear are you ok?" you heard a husky 4am morning voice behind you rubbing your back gently "yeah I'm fi.........*you throw up again*......... yeah I might be pregnant" you said to him.
he looked at you with half awake eyes ''teddy bear it's 4am in the morning, why don't you just go back to sleep, then at 7 i'll get you a pregnancy test'' he offers you '''thats sound like a good idea katsu'' you said to him as you finished throwing up, and headed back to bed. (fast-forward to 7 am in the morning) the sick pain/ feeling didn't go away and you had made a number of trips to the bathroom. So your bf got up and went to get you a pregnancy test from the local chemists in the neighbour hood that opens at 6am and closes at 12 am. you stayed in bed until 8am luckily not having to run back to the bathroom to throw up again.
(fast-forward 5 minutes later) your bf katsuki returned home with a small bag from the chemist, you had started to get up by this time you still not fully out of bed. you heard the front door open and close "Teddy bear I'm back from the chemist with a pregnancy test are you still in the bedroom?" he asked you as katsuki walked around put down his jacket before going down the hallway ''yeah i'm still in the bedroom'' you said to him, as you started to get up. you felt a sick urge come over you again. you holding on to your mouth, and running to the toilet to throw up again ''actually on second thought i'm in the bathroom now babe'' you said to him.
he ran over to the bathroom, to see you throwing up again. tears fall down your face, your bf felt bad for you. "wow .. breath teddy bear, here you go'' he said to you, handing the chemist bag to you with pregnancy test inside. you put the bag beside the sink, as you finish throwing up. you closed the bathroom door and took the test. you waited for a bit then went over to the stick that was on the sick counter. you saw two double pink lines show up. you were pregnant, with your bf's baby. you couldn't believe it. you opened the door of the bathroom to see katsuki waiting outside patiently "so any news?" he asked you nervous ''maybe babe? look at this'' you said to him, as you handed him the pregnancy stick.
he saw tears streaming down your face. katsuki looked down at the test, and then looked back up at you with a shocked expression. ''is this true your pregnant teddy bear?" he asked you moving a hand on your stomach, and gently rubbing it knowing it was his kid in there "yes I'm pregnant katsu" you said crying as you throw your arms around his neck "I'm going to parents'' he said to you crying happy tears ''yes we are katsu, we are going to be a family'' you said to him also crying happy tears. you were both happy to finally start a family together. You told your family and friends that you were starting a family of your own they were very supportive two you and your bf Katsuki.
For the 9 months of your pregnancy mode your bf Katsuki was by your side through everything starting from the pregnancy hormones and the weird pregnancy food cravings so when the day your water broke you were at home with your bf and when it happened you obviously screamed and your bf came running to you and so, you told him that your water just broke. So, your bf katsu brought you to the hospital you were in the private hospital room when you bf Katsuki came back with ice chips for you "hey Teddy bear how are you feeling?" he asked you as he handed you the ice chips he sat beside you "I'm ok the doctor said that I was dialed 5cm" you said to him.
"oh so we half way there oh and I called your parents and my parents" he said to you as he rubbed your big belly "so, are you excited kastu?" you asked him and he was about to answer when you had another contraction "owww" you said "hey hey look at me Teddy bear breath with me" he said to you. You got your breath back "and Teddy bear to answer your early question yes I am excited cause get to my cub soon" he said to you after realizing what he meant you giggled at him "your cute katsu you know that well you can be" you said to him. After a while you were in the delivery room having your baby your bf was there holding your hand with the doctor and nurse for the labour of your baby girl and a couple of minutes later you in the hospital visiting room with your baby girl.
She was wrapped in a soft pink blanket you looked down at her face features she had your bf's ashen blonde spiky hair and your e/c (she had your lip, face, ear shape while she had your bf her father's nose, eye, chin shape). You and your bf Katsuki had decided to go with this name for her it just seem fitting mina midoriya bakugou the name means. You and your bf heard knocking on the door of your room "come in" you said to your mom and your brother izuku and his bf shoto as they came into see you and the baby. ''hey sweetie how are you doing? so, is this her?'' your mom inko asked you ''yes this is her'' you said to her.
your brother got to see his baby niece, and as midoriya's go once one of them starts crying they all start crying. its a curse but it's also cute, adorable at the same time. once your mom and your brother left with his bf shoto. your own bf katsuki's parents came into see their granddaughter "ah she beautiful y/n" mitsuki said to you as she looked at her baby granddaughter "thank you mitsuki" you said to her. You saw Katsuki talking with his dad, then they left too. (fast-forward 2 weeks later you were discharged from the hospital with your baby girl. Your bf Katsuki had already baby proofed the whole apartment to welcome their baby girl home.
When he got to the hospital, and saw you with baby girl mina asleep in her carrier he got out of the car and took her from you and put her in the car and buckled her seated belt. katsuki helped you into the car. as you buckled your seated belt. As he drove home. he helped you out of the car, taking the bags from the boot to the front door. you took the sleeping baby girl kazumi into the apartment. To see all your girlfriends, and his mates waiting to welcome their new born baby niece back home, as you set her down on the table, you hugged, sui, momo, mina, toru, kyoka, reiko, and kendo.
(a/n*p.s uraraka wasn't invited cause she tried to mess up (y/o/b) izuku and his bf shoto's relationship so, she was defriended and shunned from the girl group, and blocked from the chats that mina sent up when uraraka was still a loyal member, and she was banded from the biker ridge to*a/n). you saw your bf talking to (y/o/b) izuku and his bf shoto todoroki, his mates, ida, tetsutetsu, and of course the bakusquad too. you looked around to see the streamers, the banner that said *welcome home Baby girl* in pink writing. You loved the gifts that your friends got for the baby girl. You looked through the gifts seeing little coats, boats, dresses and clothes for her and a plushy or two and rattles.
You thanked all your girlfriends and his mates for the gifts. as your bf katsuki sat beside you on the sofa, checking on his baby daughter as she was a slept. your baby girl kazumi woke up, and you picked her up from the carrier. you held your baby girl ''aww she so precious and cute y/n and bakugou'' momo said to you, and your bf katsuki as she watched kazumi open her eyes to see everyone around her, she saw her mom and dad and her uncle izuku too. ''thank you momo she is'' you said back to her. ''can i hold her y/n?'' toru asked you ''yeah of course just make sure to watch the head'' you said to her, as you hand your daughter over to toru ''she is so cute'' toru said to you ''i know is so adorable ribit'' sui said agreeing with toru. katsuki's mates came over to see their niece, since the girls are hogging the baby, hanta got a quick look at her the back to her parents ''what's her name?'' sero asked you and your bf katsuki ''her name is mina'' you said to him ''what? so you named her after me?'' mina asked you ''yeap we did'' you said to her ''aww .. that's a beautiful name y/n'' reiko said to you. as she saw toru handing baby girl mina around for the others to hold her. kendo handed mina back to you.
she immediately fell asleep, so you put her cot in the baby nursey. you walked back to the main living room. to see your girlfriends and his mates leaving. you thanked them again for the baby gifts and said goodbye. After they left you looked over at Katsuki "ok I'm going to have a nap I'm pretty tired" you said to him, as you walked to the bedroom, that was right next to baby mina's nursey. your bf Katsuki packed away the bags as he went to check up on you. so for 18 months your bf helped you look after baby girl mina. until he had to back to practicing for the next bike race competition, while you were still on maternity leave for another 4 weeks while you found the perfect nanny for your little girl. When you did find the perfect nanny you told your company that you would be back in business in 2 weeks. they asked what happened "ah well I had a baby girl with my bf" you said on the call "ah congrats on the baby girl" they said to you on the phone call while you were in the kitchen you smile and replied to her "thank you ..... *when you heard mina crying*.. ah sorry I have to go my baby is calling me" you said to them.
After you put down your phone you ran to the baby nursey to check up on your baby daughter mina was wake and crying for you in her cot you saw she held on to her small pink Teddy bear from her auntie your best friend mina. you un-buttoned your shirt a bit letting your big breasts show a bit, as you bent over the cot "hey there baby girl" you said to her, as you picked her up in your arms. she smiled letting go of her teddy bear, placed her hands on your chest. "ah so your hungry " you said to her.
as you put her down on the changing table, and unbutton more of the shirt as you moved your bra. so she could get to it. you picked her up again and walked over to the chair in the nursery as you sat down and let your baby daughter have her breakfast. you hum as she sucked on breast. after a while your daughter put her small hand on your chest again well to notify you that she was done you wiped her small mouth with the baby cloth that was on your the cabinet. Then you placed her over your shoulder, gently burp her. You fixed your big bra, and buttoned shirt again, standing up from the chair with her in your arms.
you walked over to her cot and picking up her small pink teddy bear, and gave it to your baby girl mina. she took it from you and rubbed her face against the Teddy bear. you held on to her as she played with it. you obviously holding on to the thing since your daughter still has small hands, and can't hold on to stuff just yet. "hey mina do wanna to see mommy work today?" you ask her, she looked at you clapped her hands together, dropping her teddy bear to the floor of the nursey room "I take that as a yes then" you said to her. as you bring your daughter mina out of the room and to your office.
where you work on listing and drafting new designs that have been created by your designers have draw for the season clothes collection for your own company. You took time out of your work to play with your daughter mina. later around 6pm you heard the front door of the apartment open and close "oh daddy's home early come on mina let's go and say hi" you say to her. as you picked her up and walked out of your office to see your bf Katsuki. You walk over to see a tired your bf katsuki "hey katsu welcome home again! was practice good?'' you ask. as you gave him a hug, kiss, as he locks the front door behind him. taking off his biker jacket, and biker helmet and setting them on the cabinet far away from his daughter.
he returns the hug to you, and gives his baby daughter a kiss on the forehead. your baby girl, she squeals as she hides her face in your chest ''practice was good teddy bear it's a shame you can't come and watch me practice down by the ridge'' he said to you ''yeah well we have the baby girl, and my clothes company is doing so well too, i'm not trying to complain here but it's hard to find time to see you to'' you said to him ''ik we could get a nanny to help us teddy bear, it is not that i' m jealous of a 9 month old baby, but yk teddy bear'' he said to you ''that could help, but she isn't even drinking from the bottle yet so idk babe'' you said back, putting your daughter down in her baby high chair ''so your still breastfeeding her?'' he asked ''yeap for the mean time that is'' you said back. so thats what you did, you got a male nanny or your (y/o/b) izuku or your mom inko or your best friend mina to find your daughter mina. while you went to the bikers ridge watch your bf katsuki's practice or going back to work as your maternity was over.
>>>2 years later<<<
Your daughter mina is now 2 years old so your bf Katsuki of 6 years took you out on your 6 year anniversary you asked your mom to watch over her while you went out to a romantic restaurant that night. While you and him were at your table. a waiter came over and you and him gave him your orders, after the waiter came back with the drinks, and you and him ordered some food for the table. (Fast-forward 10 minutes later) before the desserts were at your table. He got up from his chair. you looked out the window at the night sky ''it's such a beautiful night right babe? miss this don't you?'' you asked him looking over at the chair opposite you was empty ''babe?'' you called out again ''teddy bear'' he said to you ''omg'' you said to him "y/n, my teddy bear when i met you 6 years ago you were just a massive fangirl of mine, but when i got introduced by (y/o/b) izuku we started talking and I fell in love you right there and then no questions asked, we started to hang out as friends to more then that.
(continued ) we started to date for two years before going out to the public, to the world, to our friends and family. we lived together making so many memories for 3 years ... and 2 years ago you got pregnant with my baby. our baby girl, our daughter mina. i was so, happy to become a dad for the first time and start a family with you, and now with this family of three, want to make this complete so, will you do me the honor of marry me?" he asked you with a open red small box with a black ribbon. "yes katsu I'll marry you" you said crying as your bf Katsuki now your now fiancé placed the gorgeous ring on your finger.
He traps you in a kiss as after that you fiancé paid for dinner they brought you home to see your mom was still there. Your baby daughter mina was asleep "hey mom" you said as walk over to he "ah hi sweetie" she said as she hugs her. "hmm mom I have to announcement" you said to her "ah what is it?" she asked you "well me and Katsuki are now engaged" you said as you showed your mom the ring. "aww sweetie congratulations on your engagement" she said to you as she kissed you then she walked over to your fiancé and gave him a hug "well I know you are very happy together" she said to you and him then she picked up her coat and handbag and left to go home. After that you and your fiancé danced for two a romantic playlist you looked into his red eyes as he looked into your green eyes. "we should tell our friends and your parents about the engagement" you said to him. "well we could tell them tomorrow teddy bear" he said to you. You agreed with that so the next day you called up your friends to tell them the news. They congratulated you both on the engagement after that he called his parents and told them the news of the engagement they congratulated you and their son on the news.
>>>1 year later<<<
You and your fiancé had your big amazing wedding with your friends and family and your 3year old daughter mina You and your newly wedded husband to Greece for two amazing weeks. For the first week your daughter mina spent the week with her grandparents her dad's parents then for the for the last week at her grandparents on your parents. After you and Katsuki came back home you came back as husband and wife but also as mother and father to your 3 year daughter mina he had your e/c and his ashen spikey blonde hair for face features (he had your lip and eye shape while he had his dad's face, nose shape) you and him named him Yuri midoriya bakugou. you daughter loved her younger brother so much then would play together all the time as a happy family of four its complete.
Name meanings
Mina midoriya bakugo
Yuri midoriya bakugo
Word count: 10,042
i had to update this. so uraraka is a bitch in this yet again. as she tries her hardest to break and ruin your beloved (y/o/b) izuku midoriya and his bf shoto todoroki's sound, stable relationship to pieces, making her an enemy to you and everyone you love. she was shunned and defriended and blocked from the group chat and biker's ridge. also i made this a long story. Hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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