idol singer izuku midoriya x dancer gf reader
idol au
genre: fluff
As hundred million fans flooded into the stadium to hear the one very hot popular idol singer "green gem" aka izuku midoriya your bf of 3 years as the fans screamed out as they saw the main dancer you and the three to six backing dancers walked on to the main stage the intro backing tune song came you and girls started to swaying your hips to the beat as you moved your hands around your body through your hair then back to your side as the fans started to dance to the tune. The audience stop in aww as the middle of the stage started to show a green curly hair boy "OMG is him" one brown haired girl screamed out "it's the green gem omg he is so hot" a blonde girl scream out into the audience he chuckles as he waves to the audience winking a couple of the girls in the front he moved to his mic as started to sing the audience was dancing
Verse 1
Living on a loop with no strings and no ties
No ties
You've been covering the fake love, good times
Good times
I've been sleeping with excuses, the truth is The truth is
You lie
You lie
You order two of the backing dancers over to your green bf so both mina and momo went over to izuku and danced around him while you the head dancer was swaning your hips with 4 other backing dancers when the second verse came up you asked mina and jiro to dance near him.
Verse 2
Yeah, so I'm gonna run faster than a bullet do
So I'm gonna run and if I were you
I wouldn't wait up for a late night call
You ain't gonna hear from me at all
We could be one hundred miles apart
And I ain't even gonna write you a postcard
Green gem started to sing the second verse and like on que jiro and mina danced near him as he winks at a couple of fans while he dances with two backing dancers you moved back to uraraka in the back whispers to her. "don't worry urachan you and sui go next to dance with him in the third and four verse" you said to her with smile.
Verse 3
If you don't know you should know by now
You ain't gonna hold a good one down
We could be one hundred miles apart
And I ain't even gonna write you a postcard
The third verse happened and nodded to sui and uraraka to go over to izuku they ran over and danced near and around him as the fans starts to sing with him both momo and jiro came back to you as they danced with you
Chorse 1
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
And I ain't even gonna write you a postcard
You saw your bf individually dancing both with uraraka then with sui infront of the fans through the first Chorse of the song they he went into the fourth verse as he dances with uraraka for a bit then with sui until the end.
Verse 4
Nothing left to say, it's over, got no words
No words
Always trying to tame the fire, I got burnt
I got burnt
No way you deserve the closure, I'm so hurt
I'm so hurt
You're gonna learn who you should've put first
After the four verse both ended both sui and urachan step away from him and came back to you as told Toru, mina and jiro to dance around him though the fifth verse.
Verse 5
Yeah, so I'm gonna run faster than a bullet do
So I'm gonna run and if I were you
I wouldn't wait up for a late night call
You ain't gonna hear from me at all
We could be one hundred miles apart
And I ain't even gonna write you a postcard
After they danced around him they came back to you as it was your turn to dance with your bf now as you move seductively towards him as you moved your hands around his neck moving your hips to the beat as he saw your every move you made around him
Verse 6
If you don't know you should know by now
You ain't gonna hold a good one down
We could be one hundred miles apart
And I ain't even gonna write you a postcard
He took your waist as you both starts to dance around the main stage as he kepts on singing while the backing dancers swaning their hips
Chorus 2
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
I ain't even gonna write you a postcard
You moved away from minute then back in hold as you continued to dances you moved away once again and went behind him moving your hands on his chest.
Chorus 2 and verse 7
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
I ain't even gonna write you a postcardI wouldn't wait up for a late night call
You ain't gonna hear from me at all
We could be one hundred miles apart
And I ain't even gonna write you a postcard
You continue to dance around with your green haired bf as you left a wink and kiss on his cheek as you and him both continued to dance around the main stage. You saw the backing dancers swaying their hips behind you as you continued to spin around with izuku.
Verse 8
If you don't know you should know by now
You ain't gonna hold a good one down
We could be one hundred miles apart
And I ain't even gonna write you a postcard
He went through the verse 8 as you move out of hold of your bf and moved around him as you move your hands around him as you sway your hips fans scream and sang along with your bf you saw some of the fans looking at you "green gem is such a good dancer he's amazing" one blonde haired girl said "yeah I know but you don't always see idols that can do both at the same time that can sing and dance like are green gem" one black haired girl said.
Chorus 3
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
And I ain't even gonna write you a postcard
You and him continued to dance around the stage as you move in and out of hold with your bf as the fans continued to sing along with your bf.
Chorse 4
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
Oooh, na na na na na na na na na na na
And I ain't even gonna write you a postcard
You and him danced around one more time until the end he finished singing and you were still in his arms as his adoring fans clap, scream and cry as the song finished sadly you let go of your idol bf and went back over to the backing dancers "come on girls let's go backstage" you said to them you walked backstage to the dancers dressing room the girls followed behind you as your green curly haired bf to enjoy the adoring fans he had "we love you green gem" they screamed to him.
He saw big banners saying "marry me green gem" it said he chuckles as he took photos and autographs with the girls in the front with his bodyguard Katsuki bakugo there to stop fnas from getting to close to him seeing that he is taken by you of course. He smiles and waves at them as he hops back on to the stage with his bodyguard Katsuki and walks backstage to see you nowhere he went to his dressing room to get dressed into something more casual they went to see you. After he got dressed in his dressing room he opened the door to see his bodyguard Katsuki with a smirk on his face "hey kacchan what is with the smirk?" he asked Katsuki "go and get your cute girlfriend you damm nerd" he said to izuku. Your bf nods and runs over to the backing dancers dressing room he takes in a deep breath and then knocks on the door.
Y/n pov
Me and girls were in the dancers dressing room just laughing and chatting when we heard a knock on the door my close best friend uraraka went over to the door and opens it to see my bf "ah izuku what are you for?" she asks him "ah hi uraraka I'm here to see my gf y/n" he said with a smile to her "ah y/n-chan someone is here to see you" she said to me smirking "oh well ok urachan I'm finished here" i said to her with a smile as i had my oversized hoodie on and a skinny pair of tight legs that showed off my hips and butt. I walked over to the door to see my bf standing there "aww hi izu" i said to him with a smile "hey puppy" he said to me.
Your bf izuku took your hand in his and he brought you out of the dressing room for the backing dancers uraraka one of your best friend was still at the door as she looks at you and your bf izuku walking down the hallway backstage of the stadium you and him went over to the lounge area to have some bf and gf time together just snuggling and talking while on the other hand Katsuki his bodyguard got your bags and his bags to the car with the help of your bodyguard kirishima.
When you heard footsteps behind you "oyi nerd, y/n get assets off the sofa and save that lovely dovey stuff for later and get into the car now" your cousin Katsuki yelled at both you and him. You and your bf izuku both laughed as you got off the sofa with your bf as you took his hand and walked pass your cousin Katsuki "hedgehog you don't have to yell" you said to him "yeah yeah whatever just get into the car" he said to you as move his eyes to eyed your bf his childhood best friend.
You smile as you and izuku walk off to the black limousine as you got in first then your bf got in next to you still holding your hand he squeezed it gently but lovely too as your bodyguard kirishima got in front passenger seat and izuku's body bodygaurd Katsuki also your cousin was next infront of your bf as the driver went off to yours and izuku's big house. BTW by this time the backing dancers have had already left so the stadium was empty anyway the limousine driver continued down the road to the house as the driver turned around a corner street your bodygaurd kirishima didn't see the crazy fans until they got closer the to front gate of the big house blocking the car path.
Your (B/g) kirishima didn't say anything but izuku's (b/g) was annoyed "those blooding fans of yours are in the way deku" your cousin Katsuki yelled out in annoyed "ah come on don't be like that bakubro it's will be fine" kirishima your (b/g) also the bf your cousin Katsuki said in front passenger seat you giglge as you saw your cousin staying quiet as he looked away flustered you and your bf izuku loved teasing him when he gets like this "aww is the mighty hedgehog getting all flustered from his bf" you said to him teasily. "ah shut up y/n" he said to you as face turns more red you and your bf izuku laugh as the driver droven into the driveway of the big house you and your bf waved to the fans as your bodyguard and his bodyguard brought in your bags two security bodyguards at the front gate came to stop the hundreds of fans from coming into the driveway "get back now" they yelled at them.
They fans went away and went home as you and your bf both sigh in relief as you went inside the house and went straight to your lounge area as your bodyguard eijirou and his bodyguard Katsuki brought your bags to your shared bedroom as you and him enjoy your time together. "oyi y/n and deku your bags are in your shared bedroom" your cousin Katsuki told you "oh did he just stop yelling?" you asked your bf as he was also to shocked that he didn't yell either "oyi what did you say y/n?" Katsuki yelled coming over to you "oh no by izu" you said as you got your bf's lap as you ran away from your cousin as he ran after you and around the big house "get back here y/n" he yelled at you as you giggled "No no No no noway in hell hedgehog am I going near you" you said to him as you stuck out your tongue to him you continued to run away "ah that is it" he said yelled at you as he released a bit of his explosions in his hands you ran away from him as you hide behind your bf izuku and your bodyguard eijirou.
"get back here y/n" he yelled getting more annoyed at you teasing him "kacchan can you stop yelling" izuku said to him "oh shut up deku" he yelled back at your bf "puppy why did you have to say to him" he said to you with a smirk *which actually meant he was happy you said that* you smile at him as you gave him a sweet passionate kiss on the lips as you heard "bakubabe please calm down for me" eijirou said to him "fine E I'll calm down" Katsuki said back to him after a while he calmed down you and your bf had dinner and hungout with your cousin and his bf eijirou your best friend all hanged out for the rest of the night until you and izuku decide to your fun in the bedroom *if you know what I mean 😉😏 a/N but it wasn't anything sexual it was just a cat and mouse game you would play from time to time but don't be getting any ideas you dirty people this is a fluff*) anyway after your and izuku game you and him went to bed together snugglin' into each others arms as your best friend & cousin slept together in the spare guest bed room.
The next you and your bf were in the record studio singing songs together as that was past time of yours and his when you weren't on tour together you loved the moments you had with him as he also loved the moments him had with you. After you and your bf would enjoy yourselfs in the pool together as your bodyguard also your best friend eijirou and his bodyguard Katsuki also your bf's childhood best friend and your cousin also too watched from the side lines as you kissed and made out in the hot tube
Word count: 2754
I found this picture from a twitter post I forgot to credit the twitter account cause I forgot the name. I found the account name here it's @_09iu on twitter go follow them cause their my hero academia art is fucking amazing they are such an amazing artist. Hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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