My Little Miracles
Pro hero izuku Midoriya x quirkless single mom dancer reader sister of mina ashido
Genre: fluff
Dance Au
5 years after you gave birth to a miracle baby girl. Your little girl Anya. Your little genius. you knew she'll do great things when she grew up in the future.
She has telepathy like her biological father who passed away when she was 3 years old from a car crash. From then on you as the sole protector of little Anya you vowed to the gods that you won't let her near anything that would hurt her. Or use her amazing telepathy power for evil.
But enough about her for now let's talk about you. You are a quirkless girl, one of the few that will never get a quirk and like many of them that are left in this world.
You have decided to move on and make a life for yourself. So you went to school, college, found love and had a family. Now you are a professional dancer at a dancing academy studio in Tokyo.
It was close to where you live and a 20 minute car ride away from where your daughter Anya goes to school.
You were friends with some of them except for one girl. But for some reason she hates you. When you haven't done anything to her and well why would you. your life was perfect at the moment with your little girl. As the dance instructor, clapped her hands, you and others looked up at her said said ''girls take a break now''
As she left the room to get a coffee ''oh that was quite a workout'' mina said ''yeah i mean i know we are professionals but that intense'' you said back to her. You stretched out. You look out to see it was 4 almost 5. ''Shit y/n is Anya's school finished up soon should you go and collect her?'' Momo asked you.
as she looked at the clock in the dance room ''yeah i guess i'll see you next week'' you said to her. As you collect your bag and left the room ''she shouldn't be looking after her alone ik it's been two years since her bf died in that car crash but she hasn't come for help very since i am worried about her'' toru said
''yeah me too ribit'' sui said. Meanwhile you collected your little girl from school ''how was school?'' you asked her as you held her hand across the zebra crossing ''it was good i talked with my friend Becky in class and we got to have a longer break today'' she said to you ''really maybe we could invite your friend Becky over i'll like to met her some time'' you said to her.
(next week) you brought your daughter to school in the morning like normal then went to work. As you arrived you saw the one girl that hates you there with a boy you haven't seen before. You went over to mom and mina
''so, who's the new guy?'' you asked them ''apparently her bf idk how bitch like her got him'' momo said ''yeah i bet she love drugged him or something evil its in her nature'' mina said laughing ''yeah i wouldn't be surprised'' toru said to her
''well who ever he is i hope he wakes up and breaks up with her and finds someone else that is better for him'' you said ''like you ribit?'' Sui asked you ''oh no no not me he would never go for me guys come on i'm not ready for dating yet'' you said to her.
As you start stretching before class. Your instructor came in ''uraraka, how many times have I told you not to bring in bf's into my class this your 10th boy this month'' she yelled at her, as she walked to her desk.
She looked at her ''sorry miss he was saying goodbye right deku?'' she asked him as she touched his arm ''yeah about that i think what we had is over uraraka so, see you around'' he said to her and left. ''Now uraraka come to me'' she said
''yes miss'' she said to the instructor ''this is been your 10 warning now, and you still have ignored me so return your dance shoes'' she said to her annoyed ''what about the others there worse than me .. y/n come is a show off miss you can't kick me out i'm the best in this academy'' she said to her trying make everything worse for every one
''dance shoes now uraraka!'' she yelled at her. Uraraka sighed and handed her shoes over to the instructor and left the room. She was angry that she never got her way so she left Japan with her parents to find better work.
Meanwhile you danced with the girls before you left to pick up your daughter from school. (fast-forward) you had a day off of work so you took your little girl to the park to play. As she ran to the park a car flew around the corner. You weren't there to save your girl until you called out to her ''ANYA! Watch out! someone stop my daughter!'' you cried out as you thought the worst made happen.
when you heard a ''Mama!'' she cried as she ran back to you ''oh my anya you can't run away from me like that i can't deal with another loss'' you said to her as you held her close. ''I'm sorry mama!'' she said to you crying ''its alright your safe now'' you said to her. You look up at the one who saved her ''thank you so much sir'' you said ''it's no prob miss you should keep a good hold of your mothers hand now girl'' he said to her with a smile ''yes sir'' she said to him ''anya why don't thank him'' you said to her. She nods and walks over to him ''thank you for saving me'' she said to him ''it's not a problem little girl'' he said to her. As she ran back to you.
''You look familiar like I've met you before .. you're the pro hero deku aren't you?'' you asked him ''yeah i am miss i have to go see you around'' he said to you as he left. ''You look down at your daughter and then back at the faded figure of deku ''he was rude but look you're safe with me again so let's continue on with going to the park huh?'' you asked her
''maybe not mama i want to go home'' she said to you ''ok if that's what you want sweetie'' you said to her as you picked her and went home. You felt her grab your top tightly ''its ok sweetie mama's got you ok your safe in my arms'' you said to her ''it was scaring'' she said to you as he start to cry in your arms ''ik it was scaring for me too ok'' you said to her.
(fast-forward) you got home and put her down for a nap cause she had fallen asleep by the time you both got home. As you started to text your mom and friends on what happened. You got a ping on your phone and a video call
''omg i saw what happened she is ok y/n? Is my little niece ok?'' Mina asked you in high pitch from the call. ''Yeah, she is, I think .. she fell asleep after she cried almost the whole way home so it overwhelmed her a bit'' you said to her ''who saved her?'' she asked you
''it was pro hero deku why? And how did you know what happened before i even texted you sis?'' you asked her back ''it's all over the news that pro hero deku saved little girl Anya the daughter of professional dancer y/n l/n'' she said.
You turn on the tv to see it's all over the news 'early today pro hero deku saved the young 5 year girl anya l/n daughter of the well known professional dancer y/n l/n almost got hit by a car that flew around the corner in the street we go now to civilians in the street that were there and what their thoughts, we also interview the pro hero behind the rescue'.
You turned down the volume ''good for him'' you commented, as you went back to talking to mina ''y/n its on every news program'' she said '''really wow'' you said as you check the news channels to it was the only thing that they were talking about
''you weren't joking mina'' you said ''y/n why don't you understand he wants to meet you again'' she said to you ''why so he do it again .. just wait a few years ok'' you sad to her ''i have his number i'm sending it over ok .. he has yours he might contact you either tonight or tomorrow'' she said to you.
''Wait, why does he have my number i never gave it to him?'' you asked her ''oh i gave it to my bf who knows him .. they went to school together'' she said back ''oh ok that doesn't sound anyway odd or creepy'' you said to her ''hey its my bf eijiro were talking about'' she said back ''sorry mina'' you said to her.
After Mina hung up your daughter woke up. You went to check up on her as you went upstairs to her bedroom ''mama'' she said 'how's my little genius doing?'' you asked her ''i'm better now mama'' she said rubbing her eyes you sat beside her
''did i hear auntie mina on the phone?'' she asked ''yeah she called to make sure you're alright'' you said ''why did you tell her what had happened?'' she asked you ''yes and no she heard from the news we are all over it apparently so from now on you can't go running off like that for real'' you said to her
''ok mama i promise i won't run off'' she said to you as she got and ran to her playroom. ''I guess i better save his number to my phone'' you thought as you added deku's number to your contact. Later on after Anya went to bed. You got a ping. You unlock your phone to see it was deku texting you.
Hey it's been a minute .. How are you? How's your daughter Anya?
She good tired and i'm good too thanks for asking .. also how's yourself
I'm good y/n thanks .. I was wondering if you want to meet up.
Ok yeah sure i'll check but i think i'm free next saturday can little Anya come or is this an adult talk?
No she can come too
Great i'll put it in my calendar
Ok i'll see you on saturday at the cafe
At the café i won't forget that
Ok see you
Chat ended
It was weird talking to someone that you saw dating that bitch who moved away from Japan to Germany. (fast-forward a week to saturday) you told your daughter that you were meeting a man at a cafe. You also told her that it was the man that saved her so be nice when you see him again
''ok mama i will be on best behaviour'' she said ''good anya now lets go'' you said to her. As you helped her into the car and drove off to the cafe to meet him. (fast-forward) you arrived as you parked the car at the cafe and helped your daughter out. As you locked the car you went into the cafe.
When you got in you saw him sitting near the window. You went over with your little girl. As she sat opposite him with you. ''You arrived at the cafe, I didn't see your car?'' you asked ''oh it's around the corner i don't park in front anymore'' he said
''oh ok well i guess that's fine'' you said ''so this is your daughter anya?'' he asked ''yeah .. hey anya say hello'' you said to her ''hi sir'' she said ''she's a bit shy?'' he asked you. As you looked down at your daughter
''yeah well after what happened she has been a bit more shy a i guess'' you said to him ''ok i can understand how what happened to you would still be making her quite'' he said ''yeah .. let's order something to drink'' you suggested.
''yeah that sounds good'' he said. As a waiter came over to the table ''so are you guys ready to order?'' he asked ''yes i'll have a mango ice tea please'' you said ''ok one mango ice tea coming up and what about you sir?'' he asked him
''i'll have a coffee please'' he said to the waiter ''ok so a coffee and what about the little miss over here?'' he asked ''anya what would like?'' you asked her ''hmm .. that one please'' she said pointing to the hot cocoa ''ok she'll have a small hot chocolate please'' you said to the waiter.
''Ok so let me get this right so it's one mango ice tea, one coffee and lastly one small hot chocolate'' he said. You nod ''i'll get them right away'' he said as he left your table and gave the person behind the bar the order
''so was there actually a reason for this meetup or was this just to chat?'' you asked him ''well kinda i wanted to see if your daughter was alright since she just seemed a bit struck by fear'' he said ''well she's doing better for now'' you said ''and what's the other thing?'' you asked him.
''Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?'' he asked. ''like a date? Idk izuku i mean idk really know if i'm ready to go back on the dating scene again after what happened 3 years'' you said to him ''i heard about that i'm sorry for your loss idk .. forget what i said y/n it doesn't matter'' he said
''no it's been three years since that happened, i was just saying that incase i might be too nervous or scared'' you said ''why would you be scared?'' he asked ''well when Anya's dad died in the car crash three years ago tho she was only three at time i vowed that wouldn't let anything hurt so if and when another man walked into are life again it would be different for us both cause i can't let my daughter lose anything else'' you said to him
''so your worried about her i get that'' he said ''hey look we'll try it out and if it doesn't work out with us then we can i guess stay friends'' he suggested ''i guess that can work'' you said. So after a while of talking your drinks were ready and brought to your table as the waiter placed them down and left the bill on the table.
(fast-forward) it was getting late. You paid the bill leaving a tip for the waiter. ''Bye deku see you around ok'' you said to him ''yeah see you'' he said. As he watches you and your daughter Anya leave the cafe and drive home.
He picks up his jacket and drives home too. Within two weeks you decided to go on one date with deku. You asked your sister Mina and her boyfriend Eijiro to look after her niece for you. while you went on this date. You had got all dolled up in cute but fancy clothing. As you got your makeup done and your hair done up too. You picked up your purse and phone and put them into your handbag.
As you waited for him to pick you up. Your sister and her bf arrived. You let them in ''ohh look at you all pretty'' she said ''so, who's the lucky guy?'' she asks you ''well it's only a first date mina so chill out please and if you're really that interested in my love life then fine its deku'' you said
''what! It's izuku damm so your dating your daughter's rescuer'' eijiro said to you ''oh you hush it's only one date ok'' you said ''ik that i'm only messing'' he said to you ''so where's my niece?'' mina asked you ''she's in her room playing with her lego'' you said
''Anya come down someone here to see you'' you said front he stairs ''coming mama'' she said as she ran down the stairs to see her favourite auntie and uncle in the whole world ''auntie m and uncle e'' she said as she ran to them with biggest smile on her face ''ok anya you better good for them ok while i'm out'' you said to her ''yes mama'' she said to you.
''Good'' you said. Suddenly you heard a door knock ''oh that must be him now i'll see you three later'' you said. As you open the door to see deku or should you be calling him izuku instead since deku's his hero name.
As you thought about it. You left with him on your date. You arrived at a nice cafe, it was full of very romantic music for a first date but you weren't going to judge now were you. You got to know each other ''so where did you grow up?'' you asked him ''near shizuoka prefecture'' he said ''so were you close to your parents?'' you asked
''i'm close with my mom not so much with my dad'' he said ''why is that?'' you asked ''idk maybe i didn't have a strong bond with my dad growing up and he left japan to find work and we just drifted apart'' he said
''sorry about that'' you said ''no it's all good now it's the past anyway enough about me what about you?'' he asked ''well i grew up in chiba prefecture with my sister mina, i went to the same middle school as her'' you said to him ''your mina's sister i never saw you around UA?'' he asked ''oh that's cause when i was 5 i was told that i was one of the few that will never get a quirk so i went to a normal high school when i was 15'' you said.
He had no idea ''why look I grew up to be a dancer instead which is great so i don't care about it that much'' you said to him ''but your daughter has a quirk?'' he asked you ''oh she got her quirk from her dad my high school bf we dated until after college'' you said to him.
You pause ''actually can we not talk about him please?'' you asked him ''yeah sure of course'' he said to you ''thanks it's just rude to talk about previous partners when on a date'' you said ''ok that's fine'' he said to you. Izuku changed the topic to some - thing else. As the date went on. It was really enjoyable, other than that small incident it was grand.
After the date was over he took you home and said goodbye at the door. You went inside the house to see your daughter Anya was still up when it was past her bedtime. You close the door behind and put your handbag down on the chair.
You walked into the living room to see eijiro, and your sister mina watching the Tom and jerry show with little anya ''why isn't she asleep?'' you asked them ''she wanted to watch the last tom and jerry episode before bed and well ended up watching all of them'' eijiro said ''well she to see her grand- parents tomorrow so i'm going to put to bed'' you said
''mama can i please watch this it's also finished'' your daughter said ''anya you will be too tired in the morning and we are leaving at 12 to get their by 2 for lunch'' you said to her ''who are we meeting?'' she asked ''your grandparents'' you said to her ''i'm going to see grandma and grandpa tomorrow?'' she asked ''yes so you better go to bed soon or you'll be too tired to see them'' you said ''ok mama bye tom and jerry'' she said as ran upstairs to her bed ''turn off the tv would you?'' you asked mina.
You went upstairs to kiss anya goodnight. After you went back downstairs, thank your sister and eijiro for looking after her for a few hours. They said goodbye and left to go home. You went to bed not long after that and the next day you and anya went to your parents house for the day. She loves them. Her grandparents.
Even though it's a long drive to get there, like an hour's drive away actually. When it got dark outside you and anya started to think about going home as you both put on your coats and said goodbye to them. You helped into the car and left. (fast-forward 2 weeks later) after you dropped off your daughter at school you got a text from izuku.
hey its been awhile since our first date and i was wondering if you want to go out again
Maybe izuku ... hmm this saturday might work i just have to check first
Ok no hurry y/n
....... I'm free the saturday after that actually
Ok no worries so, i'll pick up the same time on that saturday
Ok sure see you then
Bye y/n
Chat ended
You put your phone away as you made your way back to the car. You drove off to your job. As you arrived there you saw your sister mina, your friends momo, sui, toru there waiting. You parked your car and picked up your handbag and dance bag. Walking over to them ''hey guys what's up?'' you asked ''well it seems that we have a dance performance all next week and possibly week after that'' toru said
''what! Your kidding did she say this or or email that?'' you asked ''no its on the notice board here'' momo said ''ah for fucking hell are we actually ready for that tho?'' you asked as you look at the notice board ''well apparently she thinks we are ready'' mina said ''we better get inside your she'll kill us for being late ribit'' sui said ''yeah sui's right'' momo said to them.
So, as you and the girls went up to the dance room. When you all got there you saw your instructor talking to someone. You all put down your bags and put on your dance shoes and went to stretch before class started. Half way through your stretching the visitor left the room. ''Girls come around'' she called to us
''now i know you saw the notice board outside ok about the dance performance i don't want you to be afraid of it ok it just a temporary at the moment we are still figuring out the final details but while that is going on i still want you to be practicing at home when you can'' she said to you al
l ''miss what song are we dancing to? And what dancing style are we doing as well?'' toru asked ''well the song is going to be different for each one of you and the dance style is also going to be different i'll assign them to you after tomorrow's class'' she said
After that the class began with normal practice warm ups for an hour and then break then be broken into groups of two or three for more practice for about three hours. Around then it was around three so, you all had a break again and chatted for a while then the instructor came back in and gave you a roundup of the songs that might be chosen.
After it turned 4 you left to pick up your daughter who was outside with her teacher. You took her home. As she ran to put her bag down in the living room you smiled and closed the door behind you. You walked into the kitchen to put the letter on the fridge
''what's that mama?'' your daughter asked you ''it's a notice of songs that might be chosen for mommy's big dance performance that is coming up'' you said to her ''are you going to be late picking me up from school?'' she asked you
''maybe sweetie but if i can't get you then i'll call my mom to come pick you up and take you home since she has a spare key to the house'' you said ''but do remember do your homework and no messing around when i'm back home cause i'll be very tired'' you said to her
She looked at the list then back at you ''ok mama'' she said to you even tho she is still only 5 years old. She had homework to do. The next day at work you and girls got your dance style, song choice and partner that you would be dancing with for the day.
It was weird dancing with another guy well he kinda reminded you of your ex bf. As you got to know him more he was a bit of a flirt actually and kept on flirting with you when you said that you were seeing someone else. (fast-forward 2 weeks later)
after you went on the second date with Izuku you were more comfortable around him and you really enjoyed yourself. Two days after the date. He asked you out again and again from your 3rd date to your 20th and now you're in a 5 month relationship with him.
Your daughter really likes him already. She calls him ''daddy or papa'' any time she sees him around. you think it's cute. He thinks it adorable that she trusts him a lot. Your parents love him and think he is an improvement from the last one you brought to them.
Your friends, well they accept him as a good bf choice for you they didn't really like your last one either, tho your last bf was nice to you always i mean he was high school sweetheart but left you and your daughter way too soon.
You continued to date izuku for another 2 years trying your best to stay out of the media cause you both were just not ready to come out. And it did work for a while but somehow it came out and the media was all over you and izuku trying to get some details or gossip.
You and Izuku gave the media an interview about your relationship then they were off your back. You and him were able to rest easily without the press and media always getting in the way. Another year you and Izuku decided to move in. He moved in with you and your daughter Anya now as a family of three. Well kinda it was hard for the 1st three weeks of living together but after understanding the ropes a bit you settled down having another person in the house other than your daughter.
You lived together for 3 years which would make you in a 6 year long relationship with izuku midoriya. Your daughter Anya is now 10 years old and she is still in elementary school with her friend becky.
Who have seen before a couple of times actually she's a great kid and you also get on well with her parents Charlie and Sonya. (fast-forward a year later) your little girl Anya is now 11 years old and she is still in elementary school.
And since she does not have any siblings, you and Izuku decide on having a kid together. So, anytime you were free and alone with him. You would try to get pregnant and you did try different locations too cause let's be honest with ourselves there is no way you would have conceived a kid on the first try.
After a few more months of trying. You finally got pregnant. You took a test and it came back positive with two double pink lines. You were so happy that you were with Izuku's child. You didn't know what to do either call him or to surprise him when gets home at 8.
So while you pondered that thought for a bit in the bedroom. it had just turned 4 and your daughter Anya came back from middle school with her friend becky ''mom i'm home'' she said
''oh sweetie welcome home do you have a lot of home work and how are you becky dear?'' you asked them both ''yes i have a lot of homework i still have another year of elementary school mama'' she said to you ''and i'm good miss l/n'' becky said to you ''well that's good now go on do your homework'' you said them both.
Anya hugs you then runs upstairs with becky to her bedroom ''is your mom ok?'' Becky asked her ''yeah why do you ask becky?'' Anya asked ''Oh no it just looked like she wasn't feeling well or something'' Becky said to her
''i didn't notice anything'' Anya said to Becky as they started doing their homework. After Becky left to go home. Your daughter came back over to you ''mom are you ok?'' she asked you ''yeah why would i be anya?'' you asked her
''no my becky said you looked a bit unwell so i was curious'' she said ''i'm fine sweetie'' you said to her ''ok if your say so mom'' she said to you and left to go back upstairs to her room to stream tom and jerry on Disney plus now that you get it in japan
Around 8 you heard the door open and close and a ''i'm back anya! Puppy are you here?'' he asked ''i'm here in the living room zuku'' you said ''oh so, where is anya?'' he asked you ''oh she is in the room watching tom and jerry but zuku i have something to confess'' you said to him ''omg what is it puppy?'' he asked you
''well how would you feel if you were to be a father very soon?'' you asked ''puppy you're not saying that your ...'' he started to say ''i am zuku i'm pregnant'' you said to him ''i'm a father? This is my baby right here?'' he asked you as he rubbed your belly.
''Yes you are and yes it is zuku'' you said to him crying ''did you tell anya yet?'' he asked ''no but she'll find out by herself'' you said ''how?'' he asked you ''she is a telepathy she'll know'' you said to him.
As the months went on. Your belly was kinda beginning to show. Though you were only 1 month along, your daughter Anya was getting excited that she'll be a big cool older sister. As the baby was growing inside of you.
You told your family and friends of the news and your dance instructor too. They all congratulated you and izuku on the great news. Anya knew that her mom was going to be more tired and cranky with the baby hormones.
As she and Izuku tried their best to help you in any way that is possible with the weird and strange pregnancy food cravings, the emotional state and the baby yoga classes that your bf took you too when Anya was in school. This went on for 5 more months and within that time the baby nursery was built for the little baby girl ume (photo down below)
all the stuff for the baby was brought that you would need when the baby comes. (photo down below)
(fast-forward 2 months later) you're about 8 months along now with your pregnancy. Your big belly was giving you a lot of trouble nowadays as you now have to get help around the kitchen more than ever to the normal everyday stuff like putting on clothes, tying your shoes.
None of your clothes you previously wear fit you any more than won't for a long time after the birth too. You just had one more month to wait until the due date as you chill with your bf since he got paid work leave for 8 months to care and look after you until the baby arrives.
You and him spent most of the time on the sofa with each other. With the occasional ''i'm hungry cravings now and then'' your bf may have found it cute at first but it's got to be killing him inside cause he just wants to see his little girl. When your daughter gets home from school you would help her with the homework if she needs it but she'll mostly always go over to izuku for help.
(fast-forward 1 month later) You are now 9 months along and it's getting very close. You and Izuku went to the doctors for a check up. ''Miss ashido i think you might be a few more weeks before the baby comes but if your anyway nervous at all there all a few home remedies that you could try to induce labour?'' the doctor asked
''what are they?'' izuku asked her ''well they is take a long walk, eating spicy foods, trying yoga, and one that has been very useful is having sex'' she said ''we'll give them a go and see if any of them work'' izuku said to her
''ok well i'll have you down for another appointment ... hmmm 1st of december'' she said ''ok see you in a week miss. l/n'' she said. As the weeks went on you and Izuku tried the different home remedies that the doctor suggested.
but none of them worked ''we have tried all of them except for one izuku'' you said to him ''no i'm not having sex with you so, would go into labour'' he said back ''come on daddy make love to me'' you said to him
''puppy your not going to let this go are you?'' he asked ''what do you think daddy'' you said to him ''right that's it you've been a bad girl'' he said came over and kissed you ''oh god'' you said as you felt something happened
''what puppy?'' he asked as he continued to kiss your neck ''no stop stop i think my water just broke'' you said to him in shock ''man i am good'' he said to you as he gets up and gets all the stuff ready and put them into the car as he came back he looked at you ''can't believe it? It's happening'' you said to him ''yeah i know'' he said as he touched your belly.
(fast-forward) your bf got you to the hospital and was brought to a private room as you waited for the doctor, within that time your bf called up the middle school ''hello who is this?'' the principal asked ''I'm izuku midoriya step father of anya l/n'' he said to her.
Meanwhile in class ''miss anya l/n come to my office'' the principal said on the mic. She packed up her things and left the classroom. Making her way to the principal's office ''miss am i in trouble?'' she asked ''no it's your step father he wants to talk to you for a moment here i'll leave the room'' she said as hands her the phone and leaves the room
''papa is everything ok? Is mom ok?'' she asked ''i'm fine don't worry about me , it's your mom she's in labour ok so, i contacted my mom to come and collect you from school ok'' he said ''ok papa when will she be here?'' she asked him ''in an hour ok so go back to class wait to be called ok'' he said to her ''ok papa'' she said to him.
The phone went dead as the principal came back in ''is everything alright there anya?'' she asked her ''yeah it was my papa telling me my mom has gone into labour and my grandma will be collecting me from school in an hour'' anya said to her
''ok well i suggest go on back to class and tell your teacher that you'll have to leave in an hour'' she said to anya. So as anya went back to class ''is everything alright anya?'' her teacher asked ''yeah it was papa i saying that my grandma is collecting in an hour cause my mom is in the hospital having my baby sister'' she said to her teacher
''oh that must be exciting so you're going to be a big older sister'' she said ''ok well you can stay for an hour then you can go i'll give becky the homework and she'll past it on to you'' she said to her.
An hour later anya was called ''ok goodluck anya'' the teacher said to her as anya left the classroom to be greeted by her grandma inko ''nana'' she said as she ran over to her ''oh there is my little pumpkin are you ready to see your mom and dad?'' she asked her
''yeah i am nana'' she said back as you and her left the school. She drove to the hospital and outside was your step father. You got out and ran to him ''papa'' she said to him ''hey anya'' he said to her. As he hugs anya ''hi mom'' he said to his mom ''my baby how's y/n is ok?'' she asked him ''she's ok mom'' he said to his mom as he took Anya's hand and brought them into the hospital.
As they walk to the private room you were in. your bf and daughter came in to see you ''mom'' she said ''hi sweetie'' you said to her. As your daughter moved out of the way ''hi miss. Midoriya how are you?'' you asked her ''i'm good how's yourself? How's the contractions doing?'' she asked ''there ok i guess'' you said to her
''izuku can you take anya to the playroom here in the hospital'' you said to him ''ok y/n'' he said to you ''ok anya come with me for a minute'' he said to her ''ok papa'' she said to him. As they walked out of the room in that moment you had another contraction.
You were able to get through it with the help of inko. Meanwhile your bf brought anya to the play room ''do i have been here i'm 11 not 6 papa'' she said to him ''this was your mom's order and i'm not going to go against them either should you anya'' he said to her.
Anya sighed then looked up at her papa ''ok papa'' she said to him ''good now did the teacher give you any homework for you to do?'' he asked her as he held her school bad ''no .. but really when they found out about the baby sister thing they said that i don't have to do it right away as a way of being nice'' she said to him ''ok so there is homework but you rather not do it ok anya then i guess you can read for the time being'' he said to her
''ok papa'' she said to him ''ok anya i'm going to leave you here and check up on your mom'' he said to her ''ok papa'' she said back to him. as she went into the room and read a book. Izuku left her and went back to the room to see you going through another contraction.
''Hey hey puppy look up here, breathe for me 1.. 2.. 3..'' he said to you ''ok 1.. 2.. 3.. 4..'' you said counting ''that's it puppy'' he said. As he sat on the chair beside the bed. He looked at you and took your hand in his ''Has the doctor been in since I left there puppy?'' he asked you ''yeah she said i was dilated 5 cm'' you said ''oh that's getting close now'' he said to you.
As they wait ''So is anya alright?'' you asked him ''yeah anya's fine she's in the playroom reading a book'' he said to you ''and what about her home - work?'' you asked him ''well she said that teacher gave her homework but she doesn't have to do it right way as a way of being nice thing'' he said
''that's sweet of them but i would rather her do her homework then leave it until the last time i might to have a talk with her teachers about the nicest thing'' you said to him as another contraction came by again. A few hours later the doctor came ''how are you feeling?'' she asked you ''a bit uncomfortable'' you said ''ok lets see .. hmmm your about 8 cm dilated and well we have to get up to 10 so you might be here for a bit longer i'll come back in an hour'' she said to you.
(fast-forward an hour later) the doctor came back and checked you again. She looked up at you with a smile ''your 10 cm you're about to become a mom congratulations'' she said to you ''it's finally here'' you said to your bf izuku.
As you were brought to the delivery room. Where you undergo 46 hrs of labour and after towards you gave birth to your new baby girl ume ashido midoriya (meaning of the name ''plum'') she had your pink eyes while she had dad's dark green hair and for face features(she had your eye, lip shape while she had her dad's nose, chin shape).
She was warped in a soft pink blanket as you were brought back to the private room you were in again. As you held your daughter in your arms. You saw in the corner of your eye another little visitor come in with her step father ''it's ok anya you can come over'' you said to her.
As anya came over to you and her new baby sister ''anya i want you to meet your baby sister ume'' you said to her ''hi there little ume'' she said to her. Ume had opened her eyes to see Anya and her mom.
Reached out a finger held on to it as the moment was very special it was interrupted by your parents, your sister, and her bf and there 4 year boy riki and your bf's mom came into see her new granddaughter
''ok to many people one at a time please don't ume to start crying'' you said to them ''sorry as the others waited outside for they turn anya went with them to with her cool fun aunt and uncle and her little cousin.
Your mom and dad got to see her. Your precious ume. ''She is beautiful y/n i can hold her?'' she asked you ''yes of course mom'' you said to her as you handed over ume to your mom. Ume opened her eyes
''hello little one'' she said to her. You heard her squealing ''she likes you mom'' you said to your mom. As ume was returned to you. Your dad talked with your bf. You didn't hear what was said. But it looked good. Which was a relief.
As your parents left your sister mina and her bf eijiro and their son riki came in ''hey sis idk you had a kid you could've told me yk'' you said to her ''well it was 2 years after anya was born'' she said ''so this is little riki?'' you asked them as you held ume in your arms ''riki go and say hi to your auntie y/n'' eijiro said to him.
He stepped forward ''hi auntie y/n'' he said to you ''hey sis can i hold my new baby niece?'' Mina asked you ''yeah sure'' you said to her as hand her ume. Ume opened her eyes ''hello little one i'm your favourite auntie'' she said to her.
After your side of the family saw Ume. Your bf's mom came in to see her new grand-daughter ''she is very precious y/n i sure you and Izuku are both very happy'' she said to you ''yeah we are'' you said to her as you looked down and kissed your forehead.
After his mom got to hold Ume in her arms for a bit. She returned her back to you and said goodbye to you and her son then left. As your daughter came back into the room ''oh anya come here'' you said to her ''izuku can you take ume from me'' you said to him
''yes sure'' he said to you. As anya came over to you. She sits on the bed beside you ''now you know mommy has to stay in the hospital for a week so in that time your papa is going to have to look after you ok and you're going to be a good girl for him and do all your homework right anya'' you said to her.
Anya looked at her papa then back at you ''yes mom i promise'' she said to you. So for a week izuku looked after anya. As she had to get up and make breakfast and get brought to school by her dad, anya's school friends didn't know that anya's dad was the no 1 pro hero in japan.
(fast-forward 1 week later) you were ready to be sent home with your baby girl ume. You paged your bf to come collect you ''anya ok that was mom she's ready to come home from the hospital with your baby sister ume i'll collect you same time ok'' he said to her
''ok papa'' she said to him as she ran off to her friend becky and Sam. as her dad left to collect you and ume. He brought them home. Later that day he went to collect anya from school. On the ride home Anya was just too excited that her baby sister was home though that means less attention on her for the next 8 months.
So for the next 8 months you and Izuku stayed at home looking after Ume while Anya had to go to school on her own. Until your bf had to go back to work. Which he did eventually after 8 months.
You on the other hand had to stay home and mind Ume until you found a nanny to look after her when your maternity leave is over which is in 4 weeks time and you can finally be a mom to Anya again. because you have seen every time anya comes home from school she goes straight up to her room for hours and doesn't come down until dinner.
So when you eventually found a nanny you went back to bringing your daughter anya to school and picking her back up after school at 4 every day. You could see a smile on her face. She obviously really missed her mom's center of attention. Since her baby sister the house has been all her and the baby nursery is a bit of a dump at the moment but since you have a nanny and a hired maid around the house.
The house has been looking cleaner. You continue to live your life with an amazing bf and two amazing kids and a big house. (fast-forward 1 year) your daughter Anya has turned 12 years old, has fully finished elementary school and is starting middle school as a 1st year and your other daughter Ume has just turned one today.
It's her birthday so you invited family and friends over to celebrate Ume's big day. The balloons, prezzies with being all ready as the guests started to arrive to help, your mom and dad, your sister mina, her bf eijiro and their kid riki came too, his mom came. And all his friends from high school came too.
As you saw, different people come in. your bf introduced them ''so that is denki kaminari, shoto todoroki, sato, tenya ida, my childhood friend katsuki bakugou and his gf came, Ojiro and hanta sero'' he said to you as you hold your little girl Ume in your arms.
She had woken up earlier that day so she saw all these new things and people as your other daughter Anya was up in her room. ''Izuku can you hold Ume i need to talk with Anya'' you said to him
''yes sure come little girl'' he said to Ume ''thank you'' you said to him as you went upstairs to your daughter Anya's room ''anya sweetie i come in please'' you said to her ''come in the door is open'' she said
''anya why you up here? Come down and enjoy the fun, your cool auntie m and uncle e are here with their son, your cousin riki'' you said to her ''cool m and e are here mom?'' she asked you ''yes they asked where you were? Are you going to come down?'' you asked her.
''Yes mom'' she said to you ''good now i know you love your baby sister Ume me and izuku both have enough love for both of you'' you said to her hugging her ''thanks mom'' she said. So, as Anya and you went downstairs to see everyone.
You could hear voices ''so, where is the Ume our birthday girl?'' you asked izuku ''right here'' he said to you as hands her back to you as she saw her mom and her older sister. She reached out to anya ''happy birthday little sister'' she said to Ume.
as Ume just hugs her. The sister's love moment was cute for everyone. As the day went on and prezzies were open and cake was cut, and friends and family were starting to leave.
You and izuku had one more gift up their sleeve for Ume. as soon as everyone had all gone home. They took her upstairs and showed her very own bedroom. (photo down below)
She loved it. Even though she can't speak yet. She loved it. Also this was your other daughter Anya's room (photo down below)
(fast-forward 2 years later) your daughter Anya is now 14 years, is still in middle school as a 2nd year. And Ume is now 3 years old and is a little trouble maker that's for sure. Always making a mess and having a temper tantrum every 5 minutes it's a bit annoying but its how kids at that age express themselves because they don't know to say it through words
(a/n i just want to say if your girl with a little sister or brother or a mother out there let them cry or scream it out and try to under - stand it from their eyes and there level instead of yelling at them to stop cause that's not going to help any one).
(fast-forward 3 years later) your daughter Anya is 17, still in high school as a 2nd year now. Ume is 6 years old and has a quirk float - a copy from her dad izuku - from his quirk one for all. You were happy for your little girl Ume that she has a quirk.
But you kinda wanted a kid with one quirk like you and that didn't happen until after you and Izuku got married. (a/n which is still a long way from here). As your two daughters grew up faster than you could even blink, your daughter Anya was in 3rd year of high school and your other daughter was 7, still in elementary school a year below Riki, mina and eijirou's son.
Your daughter Ume and Riki though they are related became best friends in school. As for your daughter Anya she found love too. With a boy from her class. When she took him home to meet her parents. N
ow they have been dating since summer of last year, for a while. He looked very familiar. ''what is your name boy?'' izuku asked ''katsuya bakugou sir'' he said to him ''so your katsuki kid right?'' izuku asked ''yes sir'' he said to him ''alright with me katsuya'' he said to him ''really sir?'' katsuya asked him
''yes i'm childhood friends with your father and ik he's a man so you must be too'' izuku said to him ''thank you sir'' he said to izuku ''mom your been quite do you approve of him?'' you asked her ''yes of course sweetie'' you said to her.
So katsuya was approved and a part of the family. After he left. He went home. ''Hey dad! Mom!'' he called out from the doorway as he was attacked by his little 4 year older sister kyai ''katsuya your back, so was your gf's parents were they nice too?'' his mom asked him ''they were nice, they approved of me dating their daughter so that's a good thing'' he said to her.
''What's her name?'' she asked him ''its anya is in my class'' he said to her ''oh that's a lovely name'' she said ''ik that kids it's that nerd izuku and his gf's kid'' katsuki came in
''oh is that their kid?'' she asked ''no anya is y/n's kid but izuku's step daughter'' katsuki reminded her ''oh anya is good girl i would love to met her'' she said to katsuya ''i'll bring her over sometime she has a little sister Ume she probably fall in love with kyai'' he said to her.
As Katsuya left the kitchen, Katsuki followed him ''son come here what did izuku ask you?'' he asked him ''oh what my name was and then we really hit it off'' he said back ''what do you mean by that?'' he asked
''well he said that he knew you were a good man that i must be too so he approved of me what dad?'' he asked ''nothing i just wanted to know that's all now go up stairs and do your homework'' he said as he walked off back to the kitchen to be with his wife and daughter.
As Katsuya went upstairs he called you up on video call ''hey teddy what's up? He asked her. ''Hey kat nothing much ... I can still hear my parents go on about you. They really really like you'' she said to him ''really wow that's good to hear oh my parents want to meet you at sometime'' he said to her on the call ''oh is that so, when kat?'' she asked him ''oh anytime teddy after school or possibly a weekend'' he said to her.
After the call you called her down for dinner ''coming mom'' she said to you. As she ran came out of her room and ran downstairs to her sister and parents there at the table as she sat down next to Ume.
''now anya if you ever want to go out or sleep at your bf's place you can'' izuku said to her ''papa can you not please'' she said to him ''what i'm just saying the truth right y/n?'' he asked you ''maybe you could lay off the teasing izuku now don't want our daughter anya to be upset'' you said to him.
He looked over at anya and saw she was about to cry. He started to cry too. You saw ''oh no not again i swear you're like twins you cry at the same time'' you said as you eat your food.
Ume just looked at her older sister and her dad crying at the dinner table ''weird'' she said as she ate her food after dinner when izuku and Ume were watching kid tv before Ume went to bed anya went over to you ''mom can ask you something?'' she asked
''yes of course what is it sweetie?'' you asked her ''well my bf just asked to meet his parents and i'm nervous like how did you meet papa's mom?'' she ask you ''well his dad's katsuki so i'll let him speak and if he teases you at let him cause the more your going to say stop more he is going to tease you and for the his mom i would probably be nice like constantly say some well sweet and good her son is'' izuku said from the living room.
''there listen to your dad anya'' you said to him ''but mom i wanted your advice not dad's advice'' anya said to you ''well if you want my advice do what your papa said'' you said to her ''fine mom love you'' she said to you as she hugs you ''love you too sweetie'' you said back to her.
That next Saturday you went to meet his parents. It was a bit nerve racking at first. I mean his father is the no.2 pro hero and his mom is a fashion designer at Gucci. As the day went on. It went really well and you didn't mess up.
They seem to like you. But you needed their approval since you and him have been hiding this as a secret for 5 months straight from both your parents so big moment here.
As you waited ''son she's alright. You found a nice girl. Keep her close and don't let her go'' Katsuki said to him. You were thrilled to hear that they both like you so much
''oh don't worry dad i don't plan on letting her go anytime soon'' he said to him as warped his arm around your waist ''that's boy'' he said with a smirk on his face. As his son remind him of how he met his wife's parents too
''now if you want you can stay and have dinner with us anya?'' his mom asked her ''i would love that'' she said to her ''great that's sorted'' she said to her with a smile on her face. As anya was left with her bf ''wanna go up to the bedroom?'' he asked you
''yeah of course'' she said to him ''use protection katsuya'' his mom said ''mom that's not what we going to doing'' he yelled back at her ''did he just yell at me?'' she asked katsuki ''katsuya don't yell at your mother'' he yelled at him ''whatever let's go'' he said to her as he took anya's hand up to his bedroom.
As they reached his bedroom ''i think we followed'' she said to him ''no we are .. oh hi kyai'' he said to his little sister ''so this is the little kyai i heard about well then little miss i heard a lot about you from older here'' you said to her
''really'' she said to her ''yeah that your very cute, adorable, and i'm going to lie katsuya but she reminds me of my younger sister Ume when was that age'' she said ''really i haven't seen your sister'' he said to her
''oh that cause she is always over at riki's place my aunt and uncle their are like best friend with Ume'' she said to him ''want go'' he said to her ''yeah sure katsuya'' she said.
But the one thing was that ''kyai unless you want to be seeing kissing i wouldn't follow us'' she said to her ''noted!'' she said to anya and ran away from them back to her room ''you'll thank me later'' she said to him ''yeah heck i will'' he said to her.
After you stayed for dinner at her bf's house. It was late. So, she stayed the night. The next day she went back home when she was sat down by two worried parents. She told them that she was approved by his parents, and they asked to stay for dinner.
I said yes, I met his little sister Kyai, and I stayed the night. ''Ok oh thank god'' you said ''don't scare us like that ok anya'' izuku said to her ''ok i won't papa sorry mom for making you worried'' she said to you ''it's alright now'' you said to her.
<<<4 years later>>>
Your daughter Anya is 22 years and is in her final year of college. Your other daughter Ume is 11 and is still in elementary school with Riki. As you now have been in a 14 year long relationship with your bf now.
So, one night when you got the kids a babysitter aka; your sister mina. You and your bf went out on a date. It's been awhile since it's been a date night. As you brought to your table. You had no idea what was going to happen.
So as the orders were done you stared out the window of the restaurant, you heard some- one get up ''puppy i have something to ask?'' he asked '' izuku i'' you try to speak
''14 years ago when i met you at that park when i saved your kid ik you were different in a good way and then i got approved by your daughter anya to be her dad i was delighted i could spend more time with you and her as time went i fell more and more in love with you with every passing day and then you had Ume are beloved daughter with me i just couldn't be anymore happier, so what i'm trying to say will you marry me and make me the luckiest man in the world?'' he asked you ''omg yes izuku of course i'll marry you'' you said to him crying.
He slips on the ring and kisses you. As the night went on now as fiancés to each other. It ended up being a magical night to remember. As you got home to your sister mina ''sis i have to tell you'' you said to her ''what y/n your pregnant again?'' she asked you ''what! No mina i'm engaged'' you said to her showing her the ring ''omg y/n congrats'' she said to you and izuku as inspected the ring ''thanks mina'' you said to her
''are you going to tell the family and friends and have to tell your kids?'' mina asked you ''yes we will tell everyone'' you said to her. The next day you told your family and friends of your engagement, your fiancé izuku called up his friends on skype and broke the news to them ''oh congrats on the news'' they said.
After a long talk on skype, they left. You called up your parents and broke the news to them, then it was his mom. They were all very happy for you both. After you told your kids, they were very happy that their mom and dad were getting married.
You and Izuku stayed as an engaged couple for two years before even thinking about getting married and that you had another kid with him as well so you were busy with your newborn baby boy Akira Ashido midoriya (meaning of the name ''bright '')
he had your h/c and his dad's green eyes and for face features (he had your lip, chin shape while he had his dad's nose, eye shape). His two older sisters loved him and always played with him when they weren't busy with school or bf's. This is his baby nursery (photo down below)
Plushies he loved (photo down below)
A year later four things happened: one your daughter Anya who was 25 years old and is in her 3rd year at a different college, your daughter Ume is 14 years old starting 3rd year in middle school with her cousin riki, your son akira had turned one and got his own bedroom(photo down below)
And, In the summer around June, you and him decided to start planning your wedding. Going to different boutiques for flowers, cake designs, etc.. as the months went by quickly. You and Izuku had the big wedding day in February.
Up on top of a mountain in the bora bora. The day was good as the guests started to show up. You were in this beautiful white dress, Your fiancé izuku and was to be newly wedded husband was in a black suit and tie.
Your daughter Ume were the flower girl for the wedding day, Your other daughter Anya was a bridesmaid, And your little one year old son as the page, your best friends with as your bridesmaids, and your sister mina was your maid of honor. izuku's mates shoto, denki, hanta, eijirou, ida, tetsutetsu, ojiro, sato were his groomsman's and katsuki was his best man.
The day was amazing with your family and friends being here on the day to celebrate the wedding. You had the ceremony and reception in bora bora. The music list was amazing. As you danced in your newly wedded husband 's arms for the first dance. Then everyone joined in the fun as your two daughters with them.
It was indeed an amazing day and night to have an amazing day. After the wedding part, you and Izuku went on your 3 week honeymoon to mo'orea Tahiti, Bahamas. As the family went back to japan, your daughter anya spent most of her time with her bf and his family,
but she spent time seeing her cool aunt M and uncle E and her little nephew riki and her gran-mother from both sides of the family with her two younger siblings. after you came back from your honeymoon with izuku back to a family of 5.
A year later your eldest daughter anya now 26 years old and has graduated from her college with two degrees; 1)in hero media law from Ua college, 2)in fashion. she is now running her own business a hero fashion company she also lives with her bf katsuya (since the summer of 3rd year actually) who is working as a pro hero like his dad.
you had turned her room into a spare guest room for visitors, family or friends that come over to stay. Your daughter Ume is now 15 years old and starting 1st year at Ua high school with her cousin riki for 3 years, and your son Akira is now 2 years old. as for your other daughter anya does come over now and then to visit her baby sis ume and bro Akira from time to time. more now then ever when she found out that you were pregnant again with a girl.
(9 months later you gave birth to a baby girl, Maya ashido midoriya (meaning of the name ''good mother''). She had izuku's hair, and eye colour and for face features (she had your eye, nose shape while she had her dad's chin, lip shape).
A few years later when your son akira had turned 5 years old, and second your daughter ume had turned 20 and went off to be a pro hero like her dad izuku. you and your husband izuku took your son to a doctors cause around that time he was supposed to start showing a sign of a quirk but the doctor said he probably won't ever get a quirk cause there was supposed to be a bone joint to his pinky and there isn't, and the same thing happened with your youngest daughter Maya too.
after finding out that you and izuku's two kids akira and maya would never get a quirk, but your youngest daughter maya ended up developing a special need so you put her into a school that went up until high school that helps with special need children.
as for your son akira went on with life as normal, so went to school, met friends and found love, same went for Ume as well she found love too, and for first daughter anya you heard that she had started a family with her pro hero bf and that they are thinking about getting married some day.
as you said goodbye to your son akira as he left the house. your last children maya stayed with you and her dad izuku until she found someone to care and love her. as then left the house to live her own life now. you said goodbye to all your's and izuku's little miracles.
the end
meaning of name
Anya - Melody
Ume - plum
akira - bright
maya - good mother
Word count: 11513
This was not supposed to be this long but I guess I'm preparing myself for 4 year where I'll have to write paper that long. Hope you guys enjoy! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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