My Fire Princess
Ejiro kirishima x fire breathing quirk reader twin sister of izuku Midoriya
genre: smut
Your quirk - fire breathing
Use - the ability to breathe fire like dragon you got it from your father.
Quirk Weakness - your throat burns up when you used your fire breathing quirk
Hero name - y/n
You stayed with your twin brother izuku and mother in an apartment you and izuku were very close growing up like you would always protect him from bullies even in middle school you would protect him from his bully Katsuki bakugo.
he would bully your izuku for not having a quirk as a kid since your brother had always dreamed of having a quirk of his own and you felt bad for him you really did since you had a quirk of your own you have fire breathing you got it from your father who for some reason doesn't show up anymore in the family.
One day when a slug monster came attacked two kids one of them was your twin brother but he was save by all might later that day the slug monster attacked the other kid was Katsuki bakugo who was almost devoured by the monster and your brother izuku he couldn't just stand by and let his friend get attacked so your quirkless brother ran out to save him tho in the end all might save day and your brother izuku got into trouble.
While he was walking through the house estates to where he lived he heard running behind he turned around to see bakugo "hey yer damm quirkless nerd don't you save me again I was fine on my own I had already thought of a plan to escape and kill the slug monster"
your brother sighed in relief and I guess in defeat to as he watched his friend leave he turned back around and starts to walk home again when he was stopped by the no. 1 pro hero all might "I saw what you did you trying to save your friend there tho you don't have a quirk izuku midoriya there is still a way to become a hero I could transfer the power of one for all to you"
After that talking he had with All might he work hard to train for the entrance exam when All might transfer his one for all to izuku. After that you and your twin brother went to the entrance exam you passed but your twin brother didn't done as well as you thought he would. When you got your letter to be accepted into UA you were so, happy that you got into UA you and mum waited for your twin brother to get accepted into UA too.
Izuku pov
After I got one for all from all might I still couldn't get passed the entrance exam and I know my sister y/n got in but I didn't well that's not all true I didn't want to know if I got into UA well that's not 100% true I did want to know if I got into UA it was just my nerves at me.
I was still in my bedroom with the UA letter address to me I opened it and a video came out of the letter all might started talking when he showed a video clip of the girl I saved at the entrance exam talking to a teacher a UA
"if It wasn't for him I wouldn't of got hurt so, if I could give him some of my points to him to thank him for saving me please" she said in the video finished with all might saying "with that in consideration the judges have decided to accept you into UA high school congratulations young midoriya"
I was so, happy about the new and I thought it was over when all might said "I'll be teaching at UA too". When the video finished I sat in my chair near the desk with the video "OMG my favourite Pro hero all might is going to be a teacher at UA" I said to myself I got up to see my twin sister y/n and my mum they looked at me with concern I smiled at them.
I got hugged by sister y/n and my who's was cry they were so, happy for me. That night me, my sister y/n and my mum celebrated that me and y/n were going to be UA her course students.
A month later you and izuku walked up to the front of UA your brother izuku jumped when he saw Katsuki bakugo walked passed him. Izuku lost his composure he tripped over his feet when a girl with brown hair stopped him with her quirk from falling to the ground "hey are you OK?" she asked
"yeah I'm fine thank you I'm izuku midoriya it nice to met you" he said to her "its nice to met you izuku I'm Ochako Uraraka It pleasure" you went over to your twin brother izuku "hi I'm y/n Midoriya it's a pleasure to met you" she nodded and stop talking to your twin brother and introduced herself to you "I'm Ochako Uraraka its nice to met you" the three of you went into UA to the hero course.
When you got into the class 1-A you saw the angry blonde Pomeranian sitting down in his seat that you and izuku grew up with when a boy with dark blue hair and eyes ran up to us "I'm Tenaya ida" and three others came up to you, your brother izuku and uraraka.
They was this boy you didn't get the name of a fiery spiky red hair boy and shark teeth he looked very cute and manly. He definitely works out a lot you thought to yourself as you scanned him your twin brother izuku saw where you were looking at he knew that looked
"sis don't stare at him it's are first day" you blushed "no I wasn't staring at him izuku I was merely gazing at him" you said to izuku sighed and teased you "oh so you admit you were staring at them" he said to you.
"izu why" you said blushing as you ran to your seat and hid your face away from everyone your sat in his seat which was behind Katsuki who he calls kacchan there was on problem which was that your seat was behind the very boy you gazing at but great thing was you could stare and dream about him with out him noticing. When the home room teacher Mr. Aizawa came in the students went quiet as they all knew him as pro hero eraser head teaching at UA.
>>>after the event that happened at UA<<<
You got closer to kaminari and kirishima and ashido, jiro, momo, tsuyu, todoroki and the others in the class but mostly kirishima you would practicing with him in the field just so, you at break your in the morning at the weekend when he was free cause you had your free time and so, he have free time playing with kaminari, sero, bakugo while you go shopping with momo, ashido, jiro and Uraraka if she wanted to which did.
You were in your room reading when you heard a known you got up leave to it was kaminari "hi kami-kun why are here" you saw that he slightly blushed at your nickname for him "well I was wondering to get off who you like from are class" you blushed thinking that he might of saw that you googling at kirishima you sighed and nodded he looked pleased.
After accident that happened with a drug organization named Shie Hassaikai that the leader chisaki was using his foster daughter eri with the operation. They saved her from chisaki and now kirishima, eri, nighteye, togota were injured and in hospital after that happened you told him that you had a crush a few weeks before the concert that class 1-A decided mostly for the other classes as stress relief.
Kirishima pov
I was talking to sero, kaminari before he was called for band practice while bakugo was practicing drums in the band tokoyami, jiro, momo, kaminari. He said "I went to y/n dorm room and asked her about who she likes in the class and she said you kirishima she likes you" kaminari said as he was being called to the stage
"I wouldn't be surprised cause she was staring at you on the first day and she was right behind you and I would notice that she stare at you from behind in class when Aizawa isn't watching" sero said smirking he pointed out
"kirishima you should talk to her" he said then left to see anyone in class 1-A who need help with light I walked off to see y/n talking to deku about gently criminal with uraraka and tsuyu I walked behind her put my arms around her waist sniffing her gorgeous green hair. I saw that Midoriya looking at me like I was crazy after I left you go he talked to me.
"do you promised to not hurt y/n Midoriya and love her through life" he said to me "I promise that I won't hurt her and I will always love her always and forever I promise Midoriya" I said to him as I saw his twin sister y/n blushing in uraraka shoulder.
Y/n pov
I was talking to my twin brother izuku when I felt to manly arms around me I could feel someone sniffing my greeny hair I saw that my brother was looking at the person behind with a weird look they let me go as i went over to uraraka to calm down i saw kirishima and my twin brother were talking about something i had over heard him
# "do you promised to not hurt my sister and love her through life" he said to him i was looking at my brother like ''come its not like we are getting married or anything'' you thought to yourself "I promise that I won't hurt me and that I will always love me forever I promise Midoriya" he said to my brother i couldn't help but cry at what kirishima said
"he's so, cute and sweet i love him'' you also said to yourself i saw he was looking over at me and uraraka when mina called us back to the stage for the concert to start kirishima didn't get the chance t confess to you properly.
so, after the concert you saw that the other UA classes loved the band performance you were backstage when you felt a arm around you. you turning around to see the sharky boy that you love you saw that there was a bag in his hand he gave you the bag giving you a kiss on the cheek looking a away from you.
you taking the bag from kirishima you opened the bag to see a (favourite animal plushie) you looked up at him putting the plushie back in the bag you hug him ''thanks for the plushie kirishima i love it'' you say still hugging him.
kirishima pulled you into a kiss ''no problem i'm glad you like the plushie i've got to say that i didn't notice how cute you were at first but know since i'm here with you with my arms around your waist you are cute and i will promise to protect you and love you with my heart'' he confessed you giggled at him being cute
''well since you are confessing i have something too say too i actually have loved you since the day i saw you on the day of the entrance exam i just didn't see how handsome, manly and hot you were until I saw you in class" you said you hiding your face in his chest as he pulled you closer to his body.
"I love you" you and him in sync you laughed as you shared a kiss. Months more into the relationship this being around Christmas you and kirishima decided that you wanted to do it with him you obviously used protection of course.
#So, while the others were outside your inside celebrating Christmas before celebrating it with family you two snuck away upstairs to his room to the naughty naughty. He closed the door behind you as he stripe to his boxers hovered over you as he gave you a strong hot sweaty passionate kiss as he ripped your clothes off since it wasn't kirishima first time he knew what do like he prepared so, he asked kaminari before hand if he so, condoms in his dorm room.
Kiri kissed down your body unclipping your bra sucking and pinching your bub he lefted hickeys everywhere on your body his left hand travelled down your stomach to your p$$$$ he slide off your pants that match your bra down.
as he stuck a finger into you going in and out of you as he added another one and another one as you moaned as he pleasured you forced a kiss to silence your voice as he continued at a fast pace. You moaned again and was about to released when he pulled out leave you wanting his touch as he licked his fingers infront of you.
Your private area getting as he was teasing you he got down on his knees his face was direct to your private area. He had grapped your thing being you closer to his mouth as he gently blew on your p$$$$.
You were whimpered at his touch leaving shivers down your body as he teasily and slowly lick your p$$$$ again and again you moaned loudly as you felt organism again and again you gripped on to his spiky red hair as he moved more into as he continued to eat you out you release your juicies on his face and in his mouth.
He pulled down his boxers pulling on the condom hovering over you trapping your lips in kiss "you ready y/n" he asked "yes I'm ready" you replied. He slowly moved in and waited for you to give him a sigh you waited for pain to go away you then immediately felt pleasure you nodded for to move.
He started to move in and out of you moaned loudly saying his named again and again as you lefted marks and scratches on his back as he moved in and out of your faster and faster and harder and harder you moaned
"e-eijirou I-I'm g-gonna c-umm o-m-g I-it f-feelings s-so g-good" you couldn't speak properly you felt of so good your eyes got all cloudy he chuckle near your ear he whispered "me to pebble" as he released his juicies in to the condom as he pulled of you.
He got up from the bed as he pulled the condom off his dick tieing it in a knot the condom full of his contents in the bin and sees you were chilly hand you a large hoodie of his as he lay beside you "I love my Fire breathing Princess" as he pulled you into a hot kiss as you snuggled into his chest you giggled "I love you too kiri- kun" you kiss him back.
The next morning you woke to see your bf kiri-kun still a sleep you loved around the room you realised that you had done it with in last night you snuggled back into your bf's body you felt someone stir to wake up to see your bf's eyes on you ''morning pebble'' he said kissing your forehead you giggled then said ''morning to eijiro-kun'' you say smiling at him you loved the morning segment you had with him.
you went back to your own floor to changed you put on some concealer to cover up the marks on your neck, legs, thighs and collar until you heard a knock on your door to see your bf ''eijiro-kun are you waiting on me? i'm all most done just doing some concealer to cover the marks then i'll be out'' you say you going to close the door when he came into your room and just took your concealer ''eijir-kun give it back you'' you said trying to back the concealer back.
You jumped since he was taller then you so, basically he had advantage over you kiri just smiled at you cute attempts to get the concealer "so, pebble I'm going to keep this OK" he said to you. You stop jumping you looked at him "but, eijir-kun why tho?" you said to your bf kiri. He stood there for a minute then looked at you and said "well you see my pebble I want people to know your mine you get that right" he said to you. You nodded to what he said to you he put your concealer in his pocket and took your hand in his hand when after you had put on your hoodie and closed the door of your dorm.
You stopped off at his bedroom to your concealer on the dresser then he retook your hand in his and continued to you walk down the halls together to the elevator to the first floor to see your class mates in the lounge area of the common room.
Your bf eijir-kun left you and went to talk with sero, bakugo and kaminari as you went over to the girls uraraka, sui, mina and the other girls that you close to. "so, y/n where were you at the bonfire we didn't see you" uraraka said to you
"oh me, kiri went have some fun in his room" you said to her "ah so, that makes sense to why there is hickeys in your neck" mina said to you. You blushed as you felt kiri sit beside you on the sofa. He moved you to be sitting on his lap hiding your blushed face in his neck he just chuckled in your ear which made you weak in the ankles.
Later that year introduced your boyfriend kirishima to your mum she loved him which made you happy that she accepted him into the family you could enjoy each others company more often.
The end
Word count: 3087
Hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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