Love You Princess
Pro hero Tododeku x cute nerd next door neighbour reader twin sister of pro hero denki kaminari
Genre: fluff, smut
(🔞⚠️ use of toy teasing, pet names🔞⚠️)
(you live in the apartment block as two pro hero's (shoto todoroki and izuku midoriya) you are a college student aged 22 and they are aged 23/24 you meet them coming home from your part time job as a bartender at a famous local (bar name) at 8 one day you share greetings them left)
you are the twin sister of famous pro hero chargebolt (aka: denki kaminari) by like 10 minutes anyway so you work at the famous bar name for like 2 years its good money so your fine with working there you also live with your twin brother and his girlfriend kyoka Jiro in a big apartment block building where they are a lot of young hot pro heroes you live there too. oh i forgot to say you are a business college student with a part time job so yeah.
so when your twin brother denki went off to work around 7:00am you got up around 7:50am you had breakfast at 8:00 then got dressed, brushed your hair out and put in a ponytail you walked over to the bathroom to brush your teeth, wash your face.
you then walk out of the bathroom and went back into your bedroom to get your college school bag. you pick up your coat and your reading glasses you then making it to the main part of the apartment you collect your keys and leave the apartment you lock the door behind you.
when you step out of the apartment block building you put on your headphones and select a music album to listen to on your phone you get a bus to college and back and its the same buss everyday.
(a/n fast-forward 30 minutes later) you arrive at the college you get off the buss to meet your two best friends ''hey bitches I'm here'' you say to them ''yeah we know'' they both say to you as the three of you laugh.
you and your two best friends chatted until class started which wasn't until 10:00 which was unfair that you had to wake up early to then have to wait around for the class to start. after a 2hour class in the morning you had lunch around 12:00 for 45 minutes then you had 3 more hours before college was finished.
your last class was practical class so it wasn't all that bad it wasn't anything to do with media law or culture which to you and your two best friends thought were really boring. anyway the class finished and so you went home to get changed into your part-time job outfit you hugged your two best friends
''by I'll text you later when i get home'' you said to him ''ok see you later'' they said back to you as they went to meet up with their partners. you put on your headphones and listened to the music album of song on your spotify playlist on your phone.
you waited for the buss to come and when it did you hopped on and got within 30 minutes you then got off the buss and went inside the apartment block building you got to your floor and unlock the door to the apartment you walk in and close the door behind you.
setting down your college school bag you take off your coat and throw it on to the chair and walk over to your bedroom to get your part-time job outfit on as you put on your makeup. you picked up your small work bag that had your phone, work badge and your apartment keys.
you put your headphones around your neck as you put on your coat as you walk out of the apartment you lock the door behind you. this what you look like picture down below:
so as you walk out with your coat and your small work handbag out of the apartment block building you made it to your job after taking a 20 minute buss ride to the work place you walk in the black where it said staff only you open the door to see your nice boss
''are your here right I'm sorry to put this on you but one of our other female bartenders call in sick of can you take her job while she gone for a couple of week I'll pay you extra after the week is done?'' he asked you in the back room ''yeah sure'' you say to him as as you walk to the bar you go to work for 3 to 4 hours then after your shift was done you cleaned up the bar counter and said bye to your boss.
''bye boss I'm going to leave now'' you say to him ''oh right see you tomorrow'' he said to you as you got your coat and small handbag you left. you catched a buss home (a/n fast-forward 20 minutes later) you reached home you got off the buss and went into the apartment block building and at this time all the young pro heroes were coming home.
you successfully got to floor your apartment was on and that's when you saw them. they saw you too and waved back to you as you did the same and wave to him then you went into your apartment.
A month after your first in - counter with them you couldn't stop thinking about them I mean they were just so hot. You could help dream about them both at time and every time you see them you giggle and blush as you run away from them into your own apartment.
Your two best friends, your boss, your twin brother denki and his gf kyoka saw this. So one day on the weekend you asked denki "hi bro can I ask you about the two pro hero's that live across from us?" you asked him.
"oh do you mean the multi-colour boy and the green freckle boy" he said to you "yeah them" you said to him "yeah what about them?" he asked you curious "what are there names?" you asked him "one the multi-colored boy is shoto todoroki and the green freckle boy is izuku midoriya.
Why are you asking about there names all of a sudden? What do you like them or something? Cause if you do I'm sorry to say that they will just use you sis y/n sorry" he said to you "oh alright sorry asked about them" you said to him as you went back to your bedroom.
Kyoka went over to denki "what was that all about she obviously likes them both and you saying that is just mean" she said to him "but babe they have girls in the past" he said to her "stop lying you they haven't done that to any girl they are sweet boys ever and I'm thinking more then you" she said to him
''babe thats mean i'm not that bad?'' he asked her ''meh you have your moments denki'' she said to him as she went to check up on you "hey y/n it's me kyoka can I come in?" she asked you "yeah sure come in" you said to her.
"hi y/n I heard from your brother that you like midoriya and todoroki is that true?" she asked you "yeah but Idk after what denki said" you said to her "he was lying to you they are most nicest boys ever you would be really happy with them and if you want I could help you telling them when your ready that is just tell me and I'll help you ok" she said
"ok thank you kyo your the best" you said to her as you hugged her "your welcome" she said to you. So a couple months went bye and you saw them again and again. But now this time you wanted to tell them so you asked kyoka to help you with telling them and she helped you with a letter cause she knew you to well and that you are to nervous to speak to guys you like or have a crush on. So kyoka helped y/n write the letter.
Dear Shoto and izuku,
Ever since I meet you coming home to the apartment building and when we waved a hello I couldn't get you both out of my head cause your both so hot and handsome and very good looking and of course i know we don't know each other but have feelings for you both and so I'm wondering if you feel the same way. If you do here is my phone number: (** *** *****)
Cute next door neighbour
Y/n kaminari
After you wrote the letter for them you left the love letter outside they apartment and waiting until they came back home to see the letter which was late and you were still at your job. So when you got back the letter was still there at the door of their apartment you looked sad as you went into your own apartment you went to your bedroom to cry alone.
You heard the front door open to hear 5 or 6 voices "so where is y/n? A voice asked out "I don't know hmm Y/N! Y/N! Where are you?!" your twin brother denki ask/shouted out to you as he walked around he knock on your bedroom door "y/n can I come in?" he asks you "hey sure bro you can come into my room" you said to him.
"so what what's.... OMG y/n why are you crying? What's wrong y/n? What happened are you ok? Hmm babe can you come in here for a minute?" denki called for his girlfriend kyoka "hey what is denki?" kyoka asked him as she ran to your room to see you in tears
"OMG what's wrong y/n? What happened?" she asked you "I - was - going - home - when - I found t - he love letter that kyoka helped me write for todoroki and midoriya I saw it not opened and on the floor of the of their apartment door" you said in between sods "oh they bet explained themselves to her" denki said to you as he went to get both shoto and izuku who was in the living room.
You stayed in your bedroom with kyoka as she hugs you tightly "what was he talking about Kyo?" you asked her "oh well both todoroki and midoriya actually read your love letter and came to see us cause they didn't know you were his sister cause when back in high school.
he never talked about his family so they didn't know except for the me and bakusquad of course knew that you were his twin sister" she said to you "I'm back with them shoto, izuku this is my twin sister y/n" he said to them both as he points to you
"hi" you said to them waving "hmm babe let's go" he said to kyoka "oh right bye y/n" she said to you as denki and kyoka left your room. The door was closed as you stayed sitting on your bed as todoroki, midoriya came over to you and sat on the bed
"so we hear you like both of us?" izuku asked you while still holding your love letter in his hand "yeah I do like you actually like you both alot" you said to them "then why did you not tell us in person?'' shoto asked
''well i didn't know if you were single and i didn't know if i would see you again cause the only time we see each other is at 8 and thats coming home so i decided to write a letter to you both'' you said to him.
''oh well we got your letter as you can see and of course read it and we think its very cute that you have this crush on us and to answer if we are single or not well.....* shoto and izuku lend into and kissed your check you blush as you could still feel their lips on your skin*...... what do you think snowflake?'' shoto asked you
as he took your hand in his and gave it a sweet kiss "well i guess your single then ..*you giggle*.'' you said to them both. ''yeah so puppy we were wondering since you are single and we are both single then why don't go out on a date with us in next week'' izuku asked her as he moves closer to you as he holds your hand in his
''yeah thats great idea midoriya'' shoto said to him ''yeah well maybe idk... *you look at both of them then sigh*... actually yeah i would love to go out with both of you'' you said to them smiling ''thats great'' they said to you
''wait so does this mean you accept my feelings cause if you are just going to ask me out with accepting my feeling toward you both then i decline your date with me?'' you asked them ''oh puppy we accept the love letter you gave us'' izuku said to you smiling genuinely as he kissed you
''yeah we accept so don't worry we don't use girls like that'' shoto said to you as he sees izuku let go of you he turns you around and kisses you too. after that you and them walked out of your bedroom your twin brother denki, his gf kyoka and others saw you three holding hands.
they go as your twin brother went over to them to ask them questions cause he overly protective of you. meanwhile you went over to the girls and told them everything that happened in the bedroom ''so what happened?'' mina asked excitedly ''well they came over to me and sat beside on the bed'' you said to her starting to explain what had happened.
''and so what happened next come we want to know?'' uraraka asked you happy for you as mina tried to calm down but couldn't cause she was to excited ''well they asked me why i didn't tell them in person about my feelings toward them and so i said to them i didn't know when i would see them in day when the only time we get to see each other is at 8 and thats just coming home'' you said to her.
''there is more what happened next?'' mina asked you again ''well they asked me out on a date set for next week and i said yes, but i did ask them if they were for real and not messing and they said back that they liked me alot an thought i was cute so they did accept my feelings so yah for me hehe'' you said
''wait you three kissed? when?'' kyoka asked ''well before we walked outside my bedroom izuku kissed me first then it was shoto'' you said. ''oh you are so lucky'' uraraka said ''yeah they were the most popular boys in ua other then kirishima, katsuki'' mina said ''yeah ik that i did go to the same high school'' you said.
meanwhile on the boy's side of things. your twin brother denki asked both shoto and izuku a lot of questions and what they motive is? ''do you really love her cause she has a big crush on you both?'' he asked ''yes kaminari we love her we even asked her out for next week'' shoto said ''yeah we aren't going to hurt we are jerks or playboys'' izuku said
''yeah i guess your not but she is my twin sister you guys just don't hurt her or make her cry or make her upset'' your twin brother denki said to him ''yes promise not to hurt her or make her cry or make her upset'' shoto said to him ''ok you both are free now'' he said to them.
they saw you talking to the girls and as that happened they saw you that you saw them you wave them over izuku and shoto came over to you who was sitting on the sofa with the girls they sat beside you on the sofa as you lean on izuku's shoulder while you hugged his arm meanwhile shoto had his arm around your waist as the girls left you and them alone together.
(fast- forward a week later) yah it was the day of your first official date with both pro hero izuku midoriya and pro hero shoto todoroki also your neighbours too. when they came to pick you up for the date then greeted you like pure gentlemen they gave you a bouquet of flowers it was from both of them. they complemented your outfit (below is your outfit)
you looked very fancy and posh look ''wow puppy you look just absolutely stunning'' izuku said to you as you blush he kisses your cheek ''yeah you look so beautiful snowflake'' shoto said to you as he agreed to what izuku said to you as he also kissed your cheek they both took your hand in theirs.
as they both took you to a very nice place it was fancy so it was most likely shoto's choice but you didn't ask instead you enjoyed the date with them they brought you home back to the apartment and both kissed your check as you thank them for the date you went inside the apartment you live with your twin brother denki and his gf kyoka.
the next day you were out with your best friend mina she had a day off so you and her went shopping you told her every thing about the date with both todoroki and midoriya she listened everything you she does love the gossip
''i do hope they both ask me out again'' you said to her ''oh they well girl'' she said to her ''ok i believe you'' you said to her ''yeah and actually why don't you ask them right now'' she said to you ''what are you talking about?'' you asked her
''hey princess and hi mina'' they said to you and her. you turned around to see both todoroki and midoriya ''hi izu and sho what are you doing here you could of texted saying you were out'' you said to them.
''well we wanted to surprise you snowflake'' shoto said to you ''oh sho well it was a brilliant surprise'' you said to him ''so what's up?'' you asked them both as mina went to another part of the store to leave you and them together
''well puppy we wanted to ask if you wanted to go out again with us? and if you wanted to be bfs and gf?'' izuku asked you ''well i would love to go out with you both again and to be your gf'' you said to him and shoto
''thats great snowflake'' shoto said to you as he kissed you ''yes it is so we will see you this weekend then for our second date'' izuku said to you as he kissed you ''well i have to go back to mina and shopping but i'll texted you both later sho and izu'' you said to him.
they looked at you and nodded to each other then took a hold of your hand walk to where mina was ''oh todoroki and midoriya and y/n so what's up?'' she asked you ''tell her snowflake'' shoto said to you
''well mina they asked me to their gf and i said yes and we are so going out again on a second date'' you said to her ''omg i'm so happy for you girl'' she said to her ''thanks mina'' you said to her ''so why are they still here?'' she asked you
''maybe they wanted to spend time with me'' you said to her ''our puppy is right we want to spend more time together with you y/n so if want can we join your shopping day?'' izuku asked mina ''yeah sure more the merrier lets go shopping'' mina said to your two bf's now.
so you and your two bf's and mina went shopping the whole day. (fast-forward) that saturday then brought you to the cherry blossom park where you three had picnic underneath a tree that shape all three of you it was amazing date so they asked you again and again until you dating from 1 year to 2 years to 3 years to now 4 years together now you were graduating from college and your two bfs of 4 years came to your graduating ceremony.
after getting your certificate you took picture with your family and friends first then you saw your two bfs you ran over to them as izuku catched you ''oh we are so proud of you puppy'' he said to you as he hugs you
''thanks izu'' you said to him as you let go of him your other bf shoto walked over to you ''here we both go you something snowflake'' he said to you as he gave you both presents they were small but they were precious to you.
and they loved you for that cause you never take anything for granted but anyway you and your two bfs went over to a excluded spot as they sat beside you and watched you open the presents.
you opened sho's first cause that the first one you saw so you opened that it first ''oh sho its beautiful i love it'' you said to him as you picked up the necklace that had your name on it in silver
''well i'm glad you love it snowflake'' he said as he kissed your check you smiled as you put a side as you opened izu's ''omg izu i love it how did you know thank you thank you'' you said to him as you hugged ''ah it was no problem really puppy i'm glad you love it'' he said to you as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.
after you spent the day with your two bf's and your family and your friends as you celebrated at a restaurant and after that you went home with your two bfs back to the now shared apartment you live together in.
a year later you had asked your best friend mina over for a chat on a day that she was free over to your apartment to help you think of an idea to surprise your two bfs for your 5 year anniversary that was coming up in 3 months you heard a knock on the door you rush to the door and open it to see mina you let her in ''i'm glad your here'' you said to her ''so what's this emergency sos?'' she asked you.
''well i was wondering if you could help with something i want to go shopping for my two bfs for our 5 year anniversary but i don't know that to go for in the realm of underwear and i was wondering if you could help me out with that'' you said to her
''oh yeah sure girl just pick a day and we can go shopping for that stuff don't worry about that girl'' she said to her ''oh really thank god and well since you are here want to do a TikTok or two if you want?'' you asked her ''yeah i'm in girl'' she said to her so for the whole day you spent with her making TikTok or just hanging out with her like use to do when you were in high school.
later that day your two bfs came back to the apartment to see you and mina giggling your two bfs smile they love that giggle that you do they put down to their pro hero suitcases and went into the living room area to see you and mina watching a show together ''hey princess and hi mina'' they said to you. you turned around to see them and jumped off the couch to them sho catched you this time ''welcome home sho and izu'' you said to them.
''ok well y/n i'm going to go my bf eijiro is home and is looking for me so i'm need will you walk if me'' she said to you as you nod you left both your two bfs their as you walk mina to the front door of the apartment she looked at you
''so net weekend we can go out shopping for the day ok'' she said to you ''yeah that sound good'' you said to her so as she hugs you and then says bye to your two bf's then she left as you closed the front door of the apartment you turned around to see your two bf's starring at you.
your green haired bf came over to you and brought a arm around your waist "so what was that about puppy?" izuku asked you "oh it was nothing izu don't you worry about it OK" you say to izuku giving him a kiss.
as you passed our other bf sho and ran to the your office room to put a little reminder note in your diary that you were going out that day on a shopping trip with mina as a surprise for your two bfs on your 5 year anniversary after making the note you heard a knock on your office door ''can you come here for a minute snowflake?'' sho asked you.
''yeah sure what sho? you asked him ''bedroom now!'' he said to you ''oh ok sho'' you said to him as you closed your office door and walked to the bedroom your bf shoto walked behind you and closed the door behind him as he came up to you striped your skirt off as he grazing against your thigh as he moves your panties to the side
"so snowflake i want to know what you and mina were talking about at the front door before she left?'' he asked into your ear as he moves his cold hand to your heat ''ah ¬ sho ¬ stop ¬ it !¬ its ¬ ah ¬ cold'' you moaned out to him as your bf shoto kept on fingering your p$$$$ while your other bf izuku smirked and listened to his gf getting little punishment.
After your punishment you took in a deep breathe as your bf sho step away from you as he licks his fingers clean you sign and looked up at him ''sorry i still can't tell you sho and izu anything well not yet its a surprise'' you said to shoto.
your other bf izuku opened the door and let you go as you went over to the sofa in the living room to continue to watch your show you were watching before they came home. your two bfs saw you leaving them t watch your show so as shoto went to the cooking izuku went over to you on the sofa
''puppy are you ok? it just you don't seem ok after you left the bedroom?'' he asked you ''it's fine izu why are you so worried that i was hurt'' you said to him ''oh ok if you say so then puppy'' he said to you as he sat beside you and pulled you into him as you ad izuku snuggled together watching your show.
next saturday you and mina went out shopping as promised for anniversary gifts for your two bfs for the 5 year anniversary that was coming up in 2 months so you both went out to a store that had kinda of thing that you were looking for.
you and mina searched for a while when a employer came over to you and her ''can i help you were anything?'' they asked you ''yeah actually i'm looking for some lacy garter socks and lacy red/white underwear'' you said to the employer ''oh right then follow me i think we have then right over here'' they said to you ''oh thank you'' you said to the employer.
''so are these for a friend or a lover are you buying for?'' they asked you as they looked at me ''lover yeah they are for my two bfs its our 5 year anniversary in 2 months so i wanted to surprise them'' you said to the employer ''well they must be ever lucky to get a gift like this on you'' they said to you as they left you and mina at the isle of the clothes you wanted after picking up what you wanted (outfit what you picked down below)
the red lacy coreset
and the white lacy garter tights. after that you went up to the counter and paid for the stuff by credit card and the nice employer put the stuff into a bag and said ''thank you for coming'' they bowed to you as you and mine left the store to continued your shopping trip. as you went to another store and brought (photo down below)
green cat ears
and a green cat but plug. After you got what you want you went to the counter and paid for the stuff. after that you went Boba café and to a few more shops after a long trip it was 4 and you wanted to h id the stuff before your two bfs come back home again so your best friend mina drove you home you let her inside the apartment. You hid the the stuff for your two bfs in your office room as you and your best friend talked for a bit while having a coffee at the kitchen bar counter.
when the clock hit 6 your best friend mina left to go to home to her apartment to her bf eijirou while you said bye to her at the front door you closed the door behind you went to your office room to take out stuff and to lay it out on the table to see it.
after hour it was 7 you walked out of your office and wen to the living room to sit on the sofa and watch your show while drinking your Boba as you waited for two bfs to come home again. when they did come home shoto closed the front door and izuku went to find you in the living room ''puppy how was shopping with mina?'' he asked you pointing out the cup from the Boba café.
he knows that it's your favourite place to go when you are shopping with the girls ''yeah it was good i got what i needed in ways of shopping'' you said to him ''hmm snowflake there is something on the table in your office?'' shoto asked you
''ah shit sorry thats for a friend of mine she was to nervous to go out and get it and she like does colours'' you said to him you were obviously lying to them both you didn't want to tell them just yet it was a surprise for of them
''really if thats the case then why does it have our names on the box puppy?'' izuku asked you ''what they don't have any names on them'' you said to him ''puppy come here! BEDROOM NOW!'' izuku said to you '' o oh ok shit i'm coming'' you said to izuku as you walked passed your bf shoto who just smirked as you went to the bedroom izuku followed behind you.
as he closed the bedroom door he came up behind you and gave you a extremely harsh spank as you scream he pushes you to thee bed ''strip now puppy we are goin to play a little game '' he said to you as he pulls out a box of toys he pulls out the vibrator that wired by Bluetooth so as you lay there completely naked he shoves the vibrator into your p$$$$ and press the on button on his phone at a slow pace first then to a fast pace then back down again as he teased you or lying to him and shoto about the outfit you got for them.
he walks over to you and sits on the side of the bed he caress's your face as speeds up the pace of the vibrator ''ah ¬fuck! ¬ izu ¬ i ¬ promise ¬ i won't ¬ lie ¬ again'' you moan out to him ''ah ah i don't think so puppy you see the things is that only bad puppies get punished for lying right?'' he asked you ''yes they do'' you said to him
''thats my good little puppy! and so are you going to continue to be naught for us hmm? and lie to us both?'' he asked you again ''no i won't lie to you both again'' you said to him ''good thats my good little puppy now since you went through this and i don't like seeing you in pain why don't i help you out a bit doesn't that sound nice? then after i'll run you a nice warm bath for you and cuddle with you afterwards and through the night to keep you comfy how does that sound?'' he asked you as he looked at you he saw you nodded.
so he turned off the vibrator from his phone ad took off the vibrator from your p$$$$.izuku gets down on his knee's and with his tongue sucks and licks at your p$$$$ you pulls on his green hair as he continues to eat you out after that you lay there out being able to move he sighs ''i'll make you a nice warm bath for you puppy'' he said to you as he saw you tired of activities that happened with him
after few minutes the bath was drawn your bf izuku came back to the bedroom and picked up your tired naked body in his arms to the bathroom you rested your head against his chest as he brought you to the bath.
he helped you into the bath and left you bathe bye yourself while he picked out some comfy for you to wear meanwhile you were in the bath wash yourself and after a few minutes you were done you called out for izuku as he came to you he helped you out of the bath and wrapped you in a warm towel as he carried you back to the bedroom.
so you could dry yourself off and after that he helped you change into your comfy clothes after like he promised he cuddle you on the sofa in the living room watching your favourite show as shot ordered dinner to be delivered since it would have been your turn cooking and well after that happened you were still a bit weak in the knees and also midoriya was cuddling you as he promised so he wouldn't of let you anyway.
(fast-forward 30 minutes later) the take-away was now delivered shoto went to get it he paid the delivering guy and closed the front door behind him and walks to the living room where he sat beside you. as you three had your dinner while you watch a movie together.
(fast-forward to after the movie) it was getting late and you had already fallen asleep on izuku's shoulder as the movie credits rolled on to the screen izuku picks you up and bring you to the bathroom to help you brush your teeth and wash your face after that was done he brought you to the bedroom and helped you get undressed as he handed you on his favourite hero t-shirts (guess what hero t-shirt it was? and leave it down in the comments).
you put it and snuggle into the sheets as you went for your two bfs izuku and shoto. izuku went to the bathroom to brush his teeth as he walked back he passed shoto he gave him a kiss on the cheek then went to join you in bed.
shoto went to the bathroom to brush his teeth then joined you and izuku in the bedroom. he walks into the bedroom to see you and izuku were already snuggling together he as smiles to his gf and bf already snuggling he got un-dressed and closed the bedroom door.
he walks over to the other side and gets in you snuggle into shoto as he moves a arm around you as fall asleep between them both ''night izu and sho'' you said to them as you snuggle into izuku and shoto they smile ''night princess'' they said to you as you three fell asleep together until morning.
<2 months later>
it was the day of your 5 year anniversary and you had received a lot of kisses and comments from your two bfs shoto and izuku you got little gifts from them all day which was sweet of them to that on your day. you had also got them gifts from you to them which they loved very much after that you got dressed for the romantic dinner. your dress was cut down to your shin covered in green lacy at the bottom and top around the collar and neck area. (outfit here)
You heard a "wow you look absolutely beautiful'' the voice said you turned to see your bf izuku smirking at you from the doorway of your shared bedroom you blushed "thanks izu you look handsome in that dinner suit'' you commented back to him.
izuku smiles walking over to you he puts a arm around your waist loving the moments you had with izuku until you heard "hi izuku, snowflake are you two also ready?'' your bf shoto asked you both ''yeah we are ready todoroki we are coming now'' izuku said to him. izuku turns back to you ''are you ready puppy?'' he asked you ''yeah i'm ready" you said to him as izuku took my hand in his and brought me out with my coat, handbag in arm you saw your other bf shoto standing there all handsome.
He saw you walking out with izuku "oh my snowflake you look beautiful" he said to you compliment you as he walks over to you and helps you put on your white coat that he got for you one year as a gift you loved the coat cause it soft and comfy
"thank you sho" you say to him as you and shoto had some time together "right are we ready to go?" izuku asked you "yeah were ready" you said to izuku as you took the keys to the apartment and as the three of you walked out you close the front door. The three of you walk down the hallway to the front of the building they brought to the car as you three set out on your 5 anniversary dinner at a nice and romantic restaurant.
(fast-forward to later) after the dinner at the really nice restaurant they brought you back home to the apartment. You gave shoto the keys to open the door as izuku grabbed your ass giving it a harsh spank you gasp and jump at the pressure.
When the front door opened shoto walked into the apartment as izuku followed you paused "wait I have got something special for you two so could you wait here" you said to them as you ran to the bedroom to get dress into your lacy coreset bar which was in red and garter tights that was in white you giggle as you put on the green cat ears and tail but plug for them.
as you looked in the mirror at your outfit you gave yourself a little spin then you sat on the bed waiting for them to see their delicious gift (you the reader) as you heard a knock on the door of the bedroom
''are you alright in there? can we come in now princess?" they both asked you "yes come in'' you cooed to them. They walked into the bedroom to see you in this "wow puppy you look so..... *izuku walks over to you and pushes you back on to the bed and kissed you*.... you really like being punished don't you puppy?" he asked you in your ear as he licked your earlobe. '
Shoto locks the bedroom door behind him, strips his dinner suit "yeah you really do...... *shoto looks you up and down* ...... mmm snowflake" he said to you as he sat beside you on the bed as he looks up and down on your body as izuku got and stripped too.
Shoto moves his cold hand down to your lacy pants that was connected to the white garter tights he press his thumb against your heat making little ice cubes on your stomach and your p$$$$ so as izuku went back to kissed down your body leaving hickeys on your skin.
You whimper at the touch of both izuku and shoto the nice sensation of it was amazing. Shoto shoves a cold finger into your p$$$$ moving it back, forward while izuku unhooked your lacy red coreset and your white lacy garter tights now leaving you completely naked as izuku went back to kissing down your collarbone to your breasts as he sucks and pinches on the bub.
shoto slowly but with a bit of tease he pulled out the cat tail but plug as shoto. as izuku kissed down your bridge between your breasts to your stomach as shoto continues to finger you with his cold finger as he adds another and another one
"ah fuck sho" you moan out in pleasure. Izuku got up and let shoto eat your p$$$$ as he spreads your legs wide open and shoves his half hot and half cold tongue into your p$$$$ lapping up your fold making it soaken wet he sucks and licks your clit as you pull on his multi-colour hair.
he got the message as he nuzzles his tongue even further into you letting his nose sniff you moaned out his name. Izuku pulls down his briefs letting his dick out he walks over to you. As you take it in your mouth giving him a nice good blowjob "ah fuck that's it puppy" he grunts out as he release in your mouth shoto finished up and let's izuku eat you out.
Your p$$$$ red and swollen from shoto ice quirk and so your other bf izuku got down on his knees and ate his meal "got puppy you tatse so delicious I want more" he said to you as he ate you out "ah wait no fuck so good ah" you moan out to him
"wait what was that puppy?" he asked as his teased his tongue against your p$$$$ "daddy so good keep going" you moan out to him "what was that puppy?" he asked you as shoto shoved his dick into your mouth as you and your p$$$$ got destroyed, your mouth was being filled by shoto.
You bobbed your head back and forward after a while they got up. shoto helped you up as izuku lay down on the bed he looks at you ''puppy come ride me'' he said to you so as shoto helped you level your p$$$$ on to his dick you slowly moved down on it first.
your green haired bf izuku got a bit impatient and took ahold of your waist and slams you down on his dick you place your hands on his chest as you scream "d¬ a¬ ddy so ah fuck'' you moaned out loud he smirks at the new nickname you gave him.
''that's that name again so daddy ok'' he said to you with a smirk as he pumps his dick into your p$$$$ more as shoto came up behind you and positions his own dick into your p$$$$ right along side izuku's dick. he puts his hands on your waist as he moves in and out from behind you. ''aww does my snowflake like when i fuck like this?'' he asked you as he groans.
''i wonder would like cold or hot hmm?'' he asked you again ''ah fuck! master ah yes and i like cold'' you moaned out to him. izuku pulls down your waist as he fucks you from underneath as shoto fucks you from behind he uses his ice quirk on you.
the feeling of the ice on the your skin you loved it and the feeling form the pleasure that they were giving you You threw your head back in pleasure "d~ a~ ddy ~master~ ah! Fu~ ck yes fe ~ els so go ~ od" you moaned again and again as izuku left marks on your body while shoto spanked your ass "say are names again"
"daddy ¬ master"
shot spanked you again you screamed "daddy ¬ master"
Spank order "say it louder" he said to you
Ah! Daddy! ¬ Master! Daddy! ¬ Master! "
Spank order again "say it louder again" as izuku brought his fingers to your p$$$$ and fingered you.
You screamed "ah! Daddy! Master! ¬ Daddy! Master! ¬ Daddy! Master!" shoto followed izuku's movements and fingered you with his cold finger.
Izuku and shoto continued to thrusts into your p$$$$ as they both hit and hit your g-spot again and again going harder and harder you screamed "ah! Yes! Daddy! Master! Hit there again" they thrusts into you hitting your g-spot your legs were going weaker and weaker.
They gave out as you fell on to izuku chest as both himself and shoto continued thrust into your p$$$$ you scream "D¬ a ¬ ddy ~ master I~m gnna cu~m". they both replied to you "same here to puppy'' izuku said to you as he grunts outs in her ear.
"yeah same here snowflake" shoto said to you as he grunts out. as their thrusts got more sloppier with one final thrusts they came inside your legs and body were shaking as shot pulls out of you and falls beside you on the bed and kissing your hair.
While izuku moves you a bit to pull out of you as you fell asleep next to your other bf shoto while izuku pulls the duvet over you and shoto and himself. "good night princess" they both said to you "night izu and sho'' and with that you three all fell asleep.
9 weeks later you woke really earlier in the morning like around 5 cause your stomach felt sick as you ran out of the bedroom to the bathroom to throw up in the toilet. around that time your two bfs woke to hear couching and crying they jumped out of the bed and ran toward the noise they opened the bathroom to see you throwing up
''snowflake let me take your hair out of your face for you'' he said to you as shoto took your hair out of your way. as izuku rubbed your back after a long while you stopped throwing up you lend your head on izuku's shoulder .
'are you ok now puppy?'' he asked you ''well no i think i might be pregnant'' you said to him. they were in shock shoto spoke up ''snowflake you think you might be pregnant'' he said to you in shock
''yeah but i need a pregnancy test to confirm it tho and i don't think i have one'' you said to him ''well we could get for you puppy after work'' he offered you ''aww oh could you izu'' you said to him ''yes of course'' he said to you ''thank you izu'' you said t him as you stayed with your new best friend the toilet for the day.
>>>after work<<<
Izuku pov
After work it was around 7 and i was still in my office in the my hero agency when i couldn't stop thinking of what y/n said "that she thinks she might be pregnant that she needs to pregnancy test to confirm'' so while i was here i called up shoto when his multi-colored hair showed up on the video call
''hey todoroki i'll meet you back at home after i get the pregnancy test for y/n remember'' i said to him on the video call ''yeah yeah baby i'll see you and snowflake at home bye'' he said and left the screen i sighed as packed up my work bag and left my office say bye to the janitor and secretary in my agency.
I got to my car and drove to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test for my puppy. After I bought it, I drove back to the apartment. After I got into the apartment I called for her ''puppy where are you? i'm back with the pregnancy test" I said calling out to her ''Izu I'm in the bedroom'' she said to me i walked to the bedroom to see her. i saw she got up and walked over to me.
I handed her the bag and she took it and left for the bathroom to take the test. While she was in the bathroom I heard the front door to see shoto. He saw me ''hey baby did she take the test yet?'' he asked me
''no she is taking it now'' i said to him. We both walked back to the bathroom and waited for the answer. When heard the door of the bathroom to see her crying she ran into my arms as i hugged her tightly i looked over at shoto "so, what is it positive or negative?" i ask him since y/n gave shoto the pregnancy test. "baby its positive" he said to him they looked at you they at the positive test they stopped in shock.
"wait you're pregnant with our child(s) we are going to be dads and your going to be a mom princess'' they said to you ''yes we are going be a family'' you said to them with tear in your eyes they both kissed you.
Throughout your pregnancy they have been nothing but helpful with everything you need with your emotional state with your hormones and your very weird pregnancy food cravings for your three babies. They didn't know that until you brought them to a doctor's appointment and that's when they found out.)
9 months later
You gave birth to three triplets even tho you were a twin (apparently there was triplets in your family in your family history) so anyway you had one boy and two girls. The your baby boy your son first on the twins he had one of shoto's hair colours (white) and your e/c and for face feature (he had your lip, nose shape but had izuku eyes, chin shape)
he was called Raiden l/n midoriya todoroki (meaning of the name ''thunder and lightning'') the second was a baby girl the second of the twins she had your h/c and had izuku's green eyes and for face feature (she had shoto's lip shape, chin and your nose, eye shape).
she was called izumi l/n midoriya todoroki was (meaning of the name ''fountain'') and the last girl had one of shoto's eye colour (grey) and izuku's green hair colour and for face features (she had izuku's lip, nose shape and shoto's eyes, chin shape)
she was called chou l/n midoriya todoroki (meaning of the name ''butterfly''). after the birth of the triplets you were moved to a private hospital room where your twin brother and his wife kyoka and their d/n came to visit.
your twin brother and his wife and daughter got to see their nieces and nephew and cousins along side your mom and dad who got to see their three grandchildren. when they left your bf shoto's family came in.
his older brother and sister and his mom came in to see you and the three little ones. once they chatted and left. your other bf izuku's mom came in. you never got to meet his dad. but they are reasons or not going to ask like with shoto's elder brother.
you don't ask questions. its kept secret. so anyway she got to meet her three grandchildren and chatted with her son, son-in-law and daughter-in -law (aka, you and shoto). after the visitors all left the hospital.
a nurse came in and took the triplets to the nursey. while shoto and izuku left the hospital room for you to sleep for a while. (fast-forward an 12 hours later) you woke to your two bfs there beside you while that happened a nurse came in with Raiden your son he was up and was hungry so she helped you breastfeed him then two girls when they both woke up.
(fast-forward a few days later) you were discharge from the hospital you were able to take them all home with you after calling your by shoto he hop into his new car that he got the babies were born with izuku as they arrived to the hospital and helped you and the babies into the car as they drove home.
when home you were surprised that all your friends were their to see the three new arrivals to this world as you looked at the gifts and the banners and strimmer's you thanked your friends for coming to see them and after a few hours.
they left and you went to cause you were still very much cranky and your two bfs didn't judge or anything else as they go the three babies away into they coats in the babyroom. then they cleaned and put away everything so the house was nice and tidy for when you wake up again.
it was alot taking care of three crazy triplets but had your two bfs izuku and shoto to hep you out since then had being given leave to hep you out at home and so after that 8 months were gone they went back to work and you found your kids a nanny cause you maternity leave ends in 4 weeks. after found someone to look after then you went back to work as the CEO boss of a business.
(fast-forward 4 years later the three crazy triplets are now 4 years old and so your bf shoto asked you and izuku to marry him. He asked "snowflake, baby will you marry and start a family with me and for the three kids?" you cried and nodded
"yes I will marry you sho" you kissed him as he placed the ring on your finger kissing your knuckle "yes i'll marry you puppy and todoroki'' izuku said to him and you. a year later after you and them were engaged your kids had turned 5 years old.
and you know what that means it meant that they should be showing so form of a quirk now or very soon. you and your two fiancé's izuku and shoto both waited patiently for there quirks to show and when they did it was kinda of a surprise well for one of them it was.
so your son Raiden had inherited ice quirk from his dad shoto and your daughter izumi had inherited lightning quirk from you and your last daughter chou she inherited a copy quirk called (black whip) from one for all and she inherited from her dad izuku when he found out it was just a normal day the twins had already show their signs of a quirk when you three all heard a noise coming chou's bedroom.
you and your fiancé shoto went to investigate what happened and when you opened the door to see your daughter crying with black ribbon stuff coming out of her ''get izu'' you said to him ''baby can you come here for a minute' he said to midoriya.
izuku came running ''what is it? what happened?'' he asked ''talk to snowflake she'll tell you'' he said as he walked over to you ''so what happened puppy?'' he asked. you looked over at him before moving out of the way for him to see what had happened
''well you see our daughter chou showed sign of a quirk and well look'' you said to him izuku looked inside the bedroom of chou to see black ribbon coming out of her fingers ''omg she inherited my quirk puppy'' he said to you
"yes she did izu" you said to him shoto came over to him to see that he was happy to find out about this "baby you seem really happy about this?" shoto asked him as he hugged izuku and you "yeah I'm happy about this todoroki" he said to him as he walk over to chou as you and shoto both watch them bond and now that each of your kids have inherited a quirk from each one of you.
another year later and you got married you had the most beautiful wedding with your friends, family and with your three kids. After the wedding you three took a nice leisure trip down to salou then to bora bora for your honeymoon.
It was so romantic for two weeks while your family looked after the three crazy triplets. After the amazing two weeks to salou and bora bora for your 2 week honeymoon after that you came back home as wife and husband(s) and also as a mommy and daddy(s) to a family of three crazy 6 year old triplets that all have quirks and that are in kindergarden still
while you went back to running your own business as CEO they both went back to being pro hero's later you moved into a even bigger house for the 6 of you to live happily together.
Name meanings
Raiden - thunder and lightning
chou - butterfly
izumi - fountain
Word count:9752
The end
this was a long struggle to even start this with out this being depressing or sad in anyway possible but i did it. Hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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