🎉🎂it's my birthday🎂🎉
pro hero bf denki kaminari x gf birthday girl author- chan
Genre: fluff
The next two days you waited for Thursday to come. Cause that day you would be turning 21 and will if you were American you would be legally allowed to drink there but you are from Kyoto, japan. After moving there when you were 10. But anyways you were happy since your birthday is on 3rd of Nov which is the week of the mid term. As you looked at your beautiful dress that was hanging up in the wardrobe that was set for the day. you loved the color. It was yellow with black lace it had matching heels to go with it, and your makeup that you wore for the night of fun drinking and partying with friends and your bf.( photo down below 👇)
<<<the next day>>>
"I'm 21 finally at last" you thought to your self as you rolled over in your bed to check the time on your phone ''8:35'' it said as at the bottom it was ''3rd of November'' you smiled at the day you had always loved that day. Cause it was the day you were born in Ireland and it was also the day you met your bf denki kaminari at 15.
As you got up from bed. you got pings on you phone from your friends saying ''happy birthday'' and ''are you free to go drinking to tonight'' smiling you answered back to them. ''thanks and yes i love that'' you got dressed and went down stairs to see your parents and your older brother their having breakfast ''happy birthday sweetie'' your parents said to you ''thanks mom! Thanks dad!'' you said back to them ''happy birthday sis'' your older brother said to you ''thanks (o/b/n)'' you said to him.
After breakfast you went to meet up with your friends myra and kyou. they cheered a happy birthday. The rest of the day went well as you walked around town with them shopping. When you got a text from your bf denki kaminari. You read the text ''Happy birthday my sunshine. I'm outside with your present. Come find me?'' it read. ''hey guys can you wait for me i'll be back i just need to do something'' you said to myra and kyou ''ok yeah sure author-chan'' they said to you ''great thanks'' you said to them. then ran out of the mall to see your bf denki kaminari with a big ass plushie. ''Omg babe'' you said laughing at the mere size of it at first. You got up and hugged your bf thanking him for the big ass plushie. (photo down below 👇)
you it had a card. you picked it up and read it. it said ''dear y/n l/n - happy 21st birthday to my buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget love you lots - love bf denki kaminari'' you looked up at him. you smiled at him. ''babe thanks this is so sweet'' you said to him ''your welcome i'll do anything for my buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget'' he said to you kissing you. after that you called your dad to come collect the plushie cause there was no way you are carrying it around the mall with you today.
once your dad came to collect the plushie and left to return home. you looked back up at your bf denki ''thank you again babe for the big ass plushie i love it .. so can you stay or do you have to go back to work?'' you asked him taking his hand in yours ''sorry sunshine but my agency is calling me i'll join you and friends later for drinks afterwards ok and after that i'm yours for the rest of the evening'' he said to you
as he kissed your cheek and left you at the entrance of the mall. You went back inside the mall to (y/t/b/f's) to see their smiles "so was that your bf author - chan?" myra asked "yeah he just came to say happy birthday to me and surprised me with this big ass plushies that I had to call my dad to collect it" you said to her "so how big was the big ass plushie?" Kyou asked you "well .. here" you said to him showing them a photo of the gifted that your bf denki surprised you with a few minutes ago.
''jesus that massive how tall is the plushie?'' kyou asked you ''its 7feet tall'' you said blankly. you, myra and kyo went on with your shopping trip for the day. after you went home. you went to bedroom. once you opened the door you saw the big ass plushie that your bf denki got for you. You tackled it again and again. You loved that it was big and very fluff and white. You hadn't named it yet but you will.
but noneless it had already become one of the tope favourite plushies that you own that was big. You had a shower got into your cat onesie and went downstairs to see your parents, and your two older brothers. one you saw at breakfast and the other brother took a train to Kyoto from Tokyo. You got to see both your brothers. The best thing was that you got to see your grandparents and your uncle from your dad's side since you haven't had the chance to celebrate your birthday with them for 3 years cause of covid and all.
since the last three birthdays you haven't been able to celebrate. which was sad cause you loved seeing your grandparents and uncle a lot. so it really hurt a lot for you not to see them. but now you can and it was great to see them. After you celebrated with your family and opening up all the presents from them. Your grandparents and uncle went home before it got too dark because they don't drive at night anymore. You went back upstairs and got all dressed up and went out with your friends to celebrate at a nightclub. Normally you wouldn't ever go to a nightclub or bar but it's your 21st and your friends wanted to celebrate that with drinking.
As you all got to the nightclub the club waiter showed you and friends to the VIP room. It had pretty lights, balloons and strimmer's saying ''happy birthday''. You sat down with your friends and chatted when you got a call from your bf denki saying ''i'm on my way, sunshine got a little side track by a mission i was on today and i'm in a bit of traffic ' you texted back to him saying ''don't worry i'll wait for you we just arrived at the nightclub'' you said to him on the phone "... your at a nightclub, sunshine you know that i love you right?
but you don't like night clubs? Why are you at one then? Wait .... second was this mina's plan again?'' he asked you ''yeah it was her babe'' you said to him. After the call. You went back to the VIP room to have hands wrapped around your eyes ''guess who?'' he asked you ''hmm idk .. is it denki?'' you asked ''you got it right'' he said to you as he turns you around ''babe you came you could've texted me'' you said to him ''i could of but i wanted to surprise my birthday girl'' he said to you kissing your neck ''babe stop not now you can do all that later tonight when your at my house'' you said to kissing his cheek.
Denki took your hand and a waiter took you back to the VIP room. Where your friends were talking and celebrating your birthday without you. ''So that's why you were late author-chan and I was beginning to think it was because of something else'' mina said teasing you ''shut up mina'' you said to her as you sat down with your bf denki. everyone was laughing and chatting it was great fun hanging out with your friends celebrating like this. as more drinks served at your table. your friend myra made a speech
''We are all here to celebrate our friend author-chan's 21st birthday tonight as we drink to her ageing'' myra said to you ''cheers to author-chan'' they said as they all clinked their glasses together and drank. afterwards presents were giving and you said thank you to them. later on 3 hrs of celebrating at the nightclub you and your bf denki went home. Back to your house. Your bf Denki helped you bring in the presents all your friends had gave you at the nightclub before they left to go home too.
Once in your bedroom you put the gifts in the corner as you dragged your bf denki over to the bed. As a part 2 of the present from your bf denki kaminari. The part 1 being the big ass plushie at the other side of your bedroom. You and denki made love until morning. In the middle of the night denki whispered into your ear ''happy birthday my buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget i love you'' he said before collapsing right beside you. Smiling you snuggled into his chest as you whispered ''thankyou babe'' happy that your bf pro hero denki kaminari had celebrated the day with you. The next morning you realised that you can't move cause of the fun part 2 gift that your bf denki gave you last night on your birthday.
Later that breakfast you opened the gifts that your friends got for you; from small plushies, to fun birthday cards, to posters, to makeup or jewellery, or video games. You loved them all and you thanked your friends when you saw them in college or when you were out in town shopping with the girls from your Ua high school days. As the memory of your 21st birthday was framed and placed on the wall of the stairs landing you smiled as it had the memories from your previous birthdays from your 4th to your .. well now. To be able to celebrate the day with all your loved ones, your parents, your two older brothers, your grandparents and uncle and of course all of your friends and your bf denki. It was the best birthday ever.
the end
Word count: 1855
It may look like a weak ass story but it is my 21st birthday on tomorrow and denki kaminari is one of my favourites so i'm writing this story to celebrate. Also it's denki's fluff story. Hope you guys enjoy! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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