I love you my family
BNHA Ua class 1-A character Katsuki bakugo x slight bullied neurodivergent reader
Quirk - replay
Use of the quirk - can replay any audio and video the reader chooses (Kinda like R2D2 from star wars new hope)
when you were born. your parents knew something was different about you for a number of reasons 1) you didn't like to be on your back so you always had to carried up right or had to sleep in your car seat. 2) you couldn't speak properly and would always point to things instead of saying what you wanted. 3) your parents took you too 4 different doctors and therapists before they found that you had a speech and language difficulties, and dyspraxia, also, ADHD, shot term memory too.
your parents were very worried about you cause of this. and after you were turned 5 you got a quirk called ''replay'' ''it allows you to replay videos or messages as a hologram'' you magically got through junior high no problem. you met one boy there was your best friend for life. when you got into UA high school. a school for heroes. you were in shock. your parents were so proud of you. they never thought you would reach this far. but you did and they were so happy that you did.
When you enrolled into UA high. your parents had a talk with the principle and teachers at the school about their daughter's future. ''we fully understand that you want the best for your daughter, Mrs. l/n and MR. l/n, we have created special night time classes for y/n until she thinks she is ready to take the day class for practical's" he said to your parents. "thankyou principle nezu" your dad said to him
"we will sent you a letter in the email of the teachers that will do the night classes for your daughter" principle nezu said to them your parents were happy about the idea and so a month later y/n began her night classes a few weeks later you were having trouble with a piece of homework she had emailed the teacher of math's that she was having trouble with they said "ok y/n you can come in the morning and show me so I can help you" after that you talked to your parents about going in the morning. "ah sweetie are you sure about this?" your mom asked you "it's fine mom" you said to her "ok then be safe tomorrow in school" your dad said to you "yes dad I'll be safe" you said to him.
The day you came into ua in the morning to talk to the teacher when she heard whispers around her as she walked the halls of ua to get to the staff room "hey guys who is that chick?" kaminari said at the door of 1- a class room jiro got annoyed and shocked him with her ear phone jack "I don't know kaminari I have never seen her around" sero said "tape boi and electric boy who are you talking about?" yelled a ashen blonde boy "oh bakugo it's just a new girl" kaminari pointed to you "the new girl" the ashen blonde boy smirked "oy new girl" the ashen blonde boy yelled at you.
You stiffen at the boy yelling at you "oh new girl answer me" he said yelling at you again walking over to you turning you around pushing you up against wall of the hallway with only people seeing was the students of class 1-A at the door of their class no one went to you as ashen blonde boy yelled at you. as you dropped your books you fell to the ground and covered your ears with your hands and rock yourself back and forward the students in the hallway saw and rush to help you back up again class 1-a looked at kacchan when izuku spoke "kacchan leave her alone you don't have to yell at her" he said to the angry boy knowing about bullying in general.
as he was also a victim of it too felt sorry for the girl that was now learning how to breath again "yeah bakubro midoriya is right leave her alone" a spiky red haired boy said to him "fine fine I'll leave her" he said to them as he walked away from you the student that helped you took you to the staff room after you were stable to move again. another student helped you pick up your books and returned them them. after you were tooken to the staff room you thanked them for helping you back there. you saw the teacher and showing them the maths question you were able to solve the problem you were having trouble with then the teacher stopped you "y/n how have you been doing?" the teacher asked you "ah well I'm doing great" you said to the teacher then you went home.
When you got home you saw your parents in the living room "hey mom hey dad" you said to your parents "hey love did you get question solved?" your mom said to you "hey I did" you said smiling "love we have something to ask you now you don't have to answer right away" your mom said to you "oh oK then what is it?" you asked her "right sit we want to know if you ok with starting day classes at UA in a month" your dad said to you "it just that we both think that you able to control your disability enough to go into day classes in UA" your mom said to you.
You sat there thinking "it might not be a bad idea starting me in day classes at UA" you said smiling "right then that settled I'll email principle nezu" your father said to you. A month later you joined the hero course tho you didn't know which class either a or b so, as you go to the Ua high school you saw the teacher Mr. Aizawa and you knew that you were going into be in class 1- a. "y/n I hear you have a neurodivergent disability so, the hero course teachers with make sure to have extra class for you" he said to you walking with you to the class "thanks Mr. Aizawa" the reader said to him "oh OK y/n wait here" he said to you he went into the class "settle down class we have a new student coming into are class so, be nice to her" he said to the class he went outside the class bringing in you.
"it's her the new girl that bakugo yelled at a month ago" kaminari said "quiet down class" he said using his quirk cancellation on the the class went quiet "hi I'm y/n l/n it nice to meet you" you said to the class bowing "now tenya and momo can you show her around Ua since she is still new here" he said a tall black hair girl and tall dark blue guy "yes Mr. aizawa" they said to him so both tenya and momo took you around the school momo and tenya saw there was something off with you "hey y/n are you ok you?" momo asked you. ''oh yeah, sorry i'm fine i just spaced out there'' you said to her.
''oh ok! are you ok then?'' she asked "yeah I'm fine. Why you ask?" you ask "Well it's just that you seem a bit distracted by something" she said "oh saw that?" you ask "yeah is there something up?" she asked "well no not really it's kinda hard to explain ..... haha i am well how would i put this ...... i'm neurodivergent, i have this disability , i'm not going to say what it is just yet, since we just met, but i get distracted, distant, and spacey'' you said "okay alright I didn't know that I'm sorry I asked you in the first place" she said "no it's fine I knew this might happen and people might ask" you said.
so momo and tenya continued to show you around the school. Later that day you were seating alone just having lunch when some students from the class 1-A came over and sat beside you and tried to start a conversation with you just to be friends with you "hey there can we sit beside you?" momo asks.
as she stood there with ida, a green haired boy with freckles, a red spikey haired boy and a few others. ''hmm ... yeah sure'' you said nodding. momo and the others sat down beside you at the table. the cafeteria was packed with students from different courses. chatter in the background could be heard everywhere.
you continued to eat your lunch. ''so how are you liking UA?'' ida asked ''hmm ..... it's good so far i guess'' you said back ''well since your still new, and don't know who the rest of us are we will introduce ourselves to you'' a pink curly haired girl said ''i'll go first.. i'm mina ashido'' she said to you.
"I'm izuku midoriya" the green haired boy with freckles said ''I'm eijirou kirishima" the spiky red haired boy said to you. "and I'm tsuyu asui" a green haired girl said to you "and lastly I'm ochako uraraka" the brown haired girl said to you "well hi hi hi hi and hi" you said to them "well we're sorry that bakugo yelled at you a month ago" uraraka said to you "no it's fine now its just I think I can't forgive him just yet" you said to her "what why not?" Mina asked you.
"well I'm noise sensitive so I don't like loud people and places" you said to her as you went back to eating your lunch as they looked at each other then at you "aw well we didn't know that" Mina said back to you so as you continue to talk with them when the home room teacher Mr. Aizawa came into the cafeteria "sero, kaminari and bakugo can I have a talk with you three" he said to them "yes Mr. Aizawa" sero said as the other two followed sero out who following Mr. Aizawa to the staff room.
"So I heard from a (teacher names from a different course) that you and sero saw y/n a month ago in halls of are school and that you saw bakugo yell at her and didn't stop him" he said to kaminari "Mr. Aizawa it's true that we saw y/n a month ago in halls of UA but we didn't know that he was going to bully her" kaminari said to him "yeah I saw bakugo yell at her and she stiffened up at the volume so i guess he got angry and annoyed that she didn't say anything and so he pushed her against the wall she dropped her books and fell to the floor covering her eyes" sero said to Mr. Aizawa in agreement to what kaminari said.
"thank you sero and Kaminari you can leave now but if you get a chance do befriend her this time" he said to them before they both left the staff room sero and kaminari nod and left bakugo with Mr. Aizawa "bakugou I want to know why you would yell at her?" he asked him "she wouldn't answer me when shouted at her" he said in defense to the teacher "just try and be nice to her from now on and this no yelling at her" he said to bakugou "yes Mr. aizawa I will try and be nice to her but it's not my fault she is weak and another extra I have to deal thing in class now" bakugo said "be nice to her got it" Mr. Aizawa said to him "yeah yeah fine" he said to the home room teacher.
After the conversation with the home room teacher the three boys sero, kaminari and bakugo made a plan with help of ashido and kirishima and izuku I guess bakugo needed his help too. So for the rest of the school year the thee boys aka: sero, kaminari and bakugo befriend y/n well sero and kaminari was actually easy for them to befriend cause they found your love in competitive video games so you and sero and kaminari would compete in a couple of Mario kart 7 on your wii U you have. So two months of "oyi new girl.... Y/n can we talk" bakugo said to as he followed you around.
"y/n please I want to apologies to you" he said as he grab your arm "leave me alone I'm not ready to forgive you hedgehog" you said back. as you walked off to the common room to be with your friends ''hey bakubro you want to apologies to her don't you?'' he asked ''yeah i want to say sorry for yelling at her, but she won't let me'' he said back
"well you could this *kirishima whispers the rest of his idea to bakugo on what he could do to apologies to you* so what do you think?" he asked him "do you really think that would work?" he asked kirishima "yeah she would love it" kirishima said to him. so next day bakugo went to your (favourite store) with the help of his mates.
his mates knew what you liked cause they spent some time getting to know you. so the store you went too was perfect. after buying the stuff. they left the store. they walked back to the school to see you leaving. bakugo walked up to you.
your mom's car was there. you had out your bag in the back seat and was about to get in ''hey y/n can we talk for a minute?'' he asked ''yeah sure'' you said back ''i'll be back in a minute mom'' you said to her. you walked over to him to bakugo. ''so what do you want hedgehog?'' you asked
"well I this is for you? And I want to apologies for what I did to you I'll try not yell at you anymore so will you forgive you" he said to you "aww hedgehog you didn't have to........... Oh its my favourite plushy ah I love it so much" you said to him "so y/n what do you say about being friends?" he asked you "ok I forgive you hedgehog we can be friends" you said to him "wait really y/n?" he said to you bring you into a hug "yes really hedgehog I'll see you tomorrow" you said to him as you hug him then ran off to your mom's car with the gift bag in your hand so for the rest of 1st year through to 2nd year and even 3rd year until graduation.
After graduation you were hanging out with your (m/b/f/n) from junior high school that you close to that didn't go to UA high you were chatting with him when you heard a knock on the front door "sorry (m/b/f/n) but i'm gonna check the front door I'll be back" you said to him "ah no it's fine y/n-chan go go" he said hushing you with his hands for you to go you smiled at him and went to the front door to see it was the hedgehog
"hey hedgehog what's up?" you asked him "hi... Y/n.. I... Hmm... *Katsuki took a deep breath* listen y/n I was wondering if you want to go out with me" he said looking at away from you "I love to go out with you hedgehog" you said smiling at the hedgehog "thanks you y/n I'll see you next Saturday then" he said "yeah that dates is great" you said as you were about to go back in side "oh by the way y/n here this is for you" he said handing you a small gift bag "thank you hedgehog" you said hugging him going back inside to talk to your m/b/f/n who was in the living room.
"I'm back bitch" you sang out. your best friend laughed "so, who was it?" he asked "oh it was the hedgehog I told you about that I met when I went to UA high" you said putting the small gift bag on the coffee table near your (f/c) chair that up against the window "so, what's his name?" he said with a smirk on his face "his name is Katsuki bakugo" you said looking away from your best friend. "and what happened" he said "he just asked me out on a date for next Saturday" you said to giggle like a girl who found out there crush likes you back. "aww luck bitch" he said.
"I know male bestie's name" you said smiling at him. "so who's your love life I forgot to ask?" you asking him "my boyfriend he is fine" he said showing you pictures of him and his boyfriend together "aw you guy look adorable together so, long have you guys been together?" you asked "5 years I met him in 3rd year of junior high school" he said "oh is that guy you were eying for two year straight in junior school" you joked know who insanely in love he was the guy and how you would always see him just eying him in class, "I wasn't eying him y/n-chan I was merely gazing at his raw handsomeness" he said back "oh ok I'll stop" you said giggling after that he left your house you hugged him a goodbye then went inside your house to opening the gift that Katsuki bakugo gave you.
>>>next week to Saturday<<<
You were in your room getting ready for your first date with Katsuki bakugo you had finished with your clothes you now doing your make up when you heard a knock on the door you went downstairs to see Katsuki bakugo "oh hey hedgehog what are you doing here are date isn't for another hour you can come inside until I'm finished with my make up and hair then we can go" you said to him letting him come into your house into the living room.
"thanks y/n" he said he looked nervous anyway you went back upstairs to your bedroom to finished your make up and do your hair and when you were done you picked up your phone and purse and put them in your small hand bag. "alright hedgehog I'm done let's go" you said going into the living room to see him asleep on the couch "aww hedgehog your cute asleep" you thought to yourself you took a picture of it, and save it camera roll on your gallery. "hedgehog wake up" you said to him moving your hands thought his ashen blonde hair he woke to you touching his hair "y/n... Wow you look good" he said to you looking away you blushed taking his hand in yours.
You both went on the date you went to a cafe you got to know each other "any likes, dislikes or hobbies?" he asked you "well let's see I like play video games, and hanging out with friends and my family, music and dancing: my dislikes I hate loud noises, bright lights, insects, rude people in general towards people and or animals: and my hobbies are listening to music and dancing" you said to him "so what about you?" you asked him "well i like going out with my mates to play video games, playing drums, dogs: and my dislikes are people you are disrespecting, insects :and my hobbies are playing the drums" he said to you.
So as the drinks you both had ordered were set you took a sip from my drink you saw he was looking at you "what's up hedgehog?" you asked him as you put down your drink on to the table "something you said before about your dislikes made me very interested" he said to you "what was it then?" you asked him "well you said something about hating loud noises and bright lights what's that about?" he asked you "oh that i disliked loud noise and bright light because I have a disability" you said to him looking nervous cause you don't really like talking about it to others normally when it comes to dating guys.
He looked up at you again "what kinda of disability?" he asked you "ok do you promise not to say anything to anyone if I tell you that it is?" you asked him "yes I promise not to saying anything to anyone" he said to you as he took your hand in his and rubbed it gently you take in a deep breath "ok well I have dyspraxia" you said to him "oh ok you didn't need to be so worried about that y/n I like you" he said to you. Throughout the rest of the date their was a lot of laughs and when the date ended he took you back home to see your parents in the living room you could see from outside the house well there car was there two.
"hedgehog I really enjoyed the date" you said to him giving him a quick hug
"so.. Hmm.. Y/n I was wondering if I could ask you out again?" he asked you
"yes definitely I love to go on a second date with you hedgehog" you said to him smiling as you got the front door of your house
"wait y/n can I have phone number I don't I think have it" he said to you
You remember that you didn't actually gave it to him "oh right sorry hedgehog I'll give it to you now" you said to him
You and Katsuki exchanged phone numbers and hugged again then he left you and you went inside you giggled to yourself as you ran upstairs to your room to squeal into your anime cushion.
Your mom went upstairs to see your figure into a anime cushion "are you alright love?" she asked you "hey I'm just happy" you said to you mom "is it that boy asked you out finally?" your mom asked smiling "ye.. Wait how did you know?" you asked your mom she smiled at you "oh I just know I hope he makes you happy that's all love" she said to you "oh OK mom" you said to her after that you went on many more dates. Meanwhile Katsuki got up and went to his bedroom he locks the door behind him and got his laptop he looked up on the Internet he typed into the search engine.
'what is dyspraxia?' he went into a scientific article to see what it is and what to do if you have someone or know someone with dyspraxia he looked up from his laptop in shock as he remembered that you were nervous telling him this "oh ok so thats what it is no wonder she was so nervous telling me this" he said to himself. So after that you and him both went many more dates and since he knows that you have dyspraxia he was more nicer, kinder and more cuddlier to you he would even surprise you with little gifs.
>>>7 years later<<<
you and katsuki are married for 5 years. you bot have two beautiful children. Kayseri your 8 year old son and kaiyra your 5 year old daughter. after picking them up from school. you let them in to the apartment. you closed the door as your two kids ran off to play in the play room. you went to kitchen to see your blond husband katsuki cooking. "hey hedgehog I'm home" you said as you put down your stuff on the spare stool.
''hey teddy bear, how are you?'' he asked. he turned to see you watched him. "I'm good tired but good" you said "but how are you hedgehog?" you asked putting your arms around his neck "I'm good tired to had a busy day a lot of paper work I might have go back into work later to night I don't know" he said with his arms around your waist "I don't you go into work later tonight I want to spend the night with you after the kids are gone to bed" you said kissing his jaw looking into his red eyes.
"oh is that right teddy bear oh ok then if I do have to go into work later today I'll try to get it whatever it is done quick enough to spend time with you" he said to you smirking as he pulled you in closer as he kissed your neck and lips "~ah hedgehog stop it ah ~ we have some visitors" you said pointing to your son and daughter.
*fast forward cause I can hehe* the evening was creeping in and the smell of food was coming from the kitchen as you and your two children were in the living room while Katsuki was still cooking he got a few pings from his phone. he checked his phone to see texts from no 5. pro hero red riot, no1. pro hero deku, his agency that he was needed.
he put down his phone on the counter "dinner is ready" he called from the door of the kitchen "ok Kayseri, kaiyra come dinner is ready let's go" you said to them as they ran into the kitchen with you to see their dad placing the food on the table they ran to the table to as you gave your husband a kiss on the cheek "Teddy bear I got a text from my agency and two other pro hero's that I'm needed so I have to go into work so I'll text you when I'm finished" he said to you "oh ok hedgehog I'll be waiting for you then" you said to him.
After dinner your children was watching scooby doo on TV in the living room it was your favourite when you a kid and now its your kids favourite other then batman and spider man and marvel animation your husband Katsuki got his work bag together and walked to the front door you walked with him kissing him at the front door then saying goodbye you the car leave the drivethur.
You closing the front door going back inside into the kitchen to put the dishes in the dishwasher and then went to check on the kids to see then watching batman.
"Batman is so, cool" your daughter kaiyra said in the living room
"yes batman kick joker's butt" your son
Kayseri yelled holding his batman plushy his godfather izuku gave to him for his 7th birthday.
"are you two having fun" you said smiling at your children from the door way
"YES mommy we love batman" they said to you "oh ok well don't let your father hear that then" you said jokely as you left then to getting there bedrooms and pj's ready for bedtime.
You looked at the time and It had just turned 8 and your children had school tomorrow so, you went downstairs to see one of your children still watching TV and the another one was asleep.
You smiled picking up your daughter bring her to her bedroom getting her into her pj's and helped her brush her teeth and putting her to bed you read her a story as she closed her eyes you kissing her forehead and walked to the door closing you went back downstairs to your son Kayseri "honey time for bed turn off the TV and say goodbye to batman OK" you said to him "oh OK mommy bye batman" he said to the TV screen then turned off the TV and ran upstairs to his bed to get dressed into his pj's and brush his teeth then went to bed hugging his batman plushy.
You settled on the couch and put on some god classic comedy aka friends your favourite comedy show on Netflix waiting for your husband which wasn't until 10 and you were still not sleepy yet you heard the front door open to see your husband katsu he moved in let go of his pro hero suitcase on the floor kick the front door closed bringing you into a hug kissing you "I missed you so, much teddy bear" he said in your ear you blushed "i missed you too hedgehog but it been like 4 hours" you said jokely looking deep into his red eyes as he looked deep into your light crystal blue eyes.
"where the kids?" Katsuki asked you as he brought you in the living room "oh they are asleep so, along time" you said as you snuggle into your husband on the couch in living room "hey Teddy bear how would you feel if tried again?" Katsuki asked while you watched a episode of friends you pause the show looking at husband "you mean another kid I don't know hedgehog. What brought this up?" you asked "well I was wondering since Kayseri and kaiyra are 8 and 5 there got deal with a baby sibling" he said "I love you hedgehog let's do it lets have another baby" you said to Katsuki.
So, you two tried again and successfully you ended up pregnant again with another girl satsuki bakugo she had your hair colour but your husband hair style so, curly spiky and her eye colour was a mixture between both eye colour of red and light crystal blue her older sister and brother loved her with all there heart.
You spent precious memories and moments with your family of 5 you loved them all you have so, many videos and photos of them with their father katsu and some with out you showed your (m/b/f/n) the picture of his god-children "I forgot to ask you about your marriage I hear you adopted a boy" you said "yeah I love her husband and my baby boy" he said smiling at you as he showed you pictures of baby boy kei "aww he's adorable bestie names" you said to as got a text from your husband katsu that he was hear to pick you up.
"bestie name I have to go my husband Katsuki is here" you said as you hugged him at the door then got to the car to see your husband "how was that you hug Teddy bear?" he asked on the drive home "oh katsu he's my gay best fiend from junior school he was just showing me his wedding pictures and pictures of his adopted baby boy kei. Wait are you jealous you know I love your right hedgehog?" you said to your husband "no nope not jealous I just haven't seen him before that's all" he said giving you a kiss as he took inside the house to see your three children run to greet you and Katsuki.
Your children let go of you and Katsuki your son Kayseri pulled your husband into the living room you closed the front door of the apartment walked in after them to see your husband playing with the children you smiled with happy tears. "hey Teddy bear are you OK?" Katsuki asked you noticing your tears "yeah I'm fine it just so, happy I have a family with you that i love" you said to him as you walked I've to him "come here teddy bear sit" Katsuki said to you sitting beside him he pulled you into a hug
"love you" he said to you "love you too katsu as you enjoyed your children colouring in the colouring books
"so glad and grateful that I found a man that who loves for who i am" you said to your husband "aw Teddy bear I love you doesn't matter what you have disability or not" he said to you and you cried immediately he pulled you into a hug again as you cried into his chest.
Your children saw this and came over to hug you too you looked to see three more figures hugging "mommy why are you crying?" they asked you unison "no sweeties mommy's OK" you said to them as they went back to colouring in their colouring book.
You loved your family so much your glad that you found a family your own family love and support you "I love you my family" as you enjoy your time with your husband Katsuki bakugo and your three kids.
Name meanings
Kaiyra - sweet, peaceful, pure
Kayseri - a city in Turkey
Satsuki - for the month of May
The end
Word count: 5527
This story is really personal to me as I also have dyspraxia and also I got bullied in school. Hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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