i had a crush on you
Slytherin shoto todoroki x hufflepuff reader twin cousin of Toru Hagakure
Genre: fluff, smut
Hogwarts au
ever since you were young and before you met him. you hated him.. well not him precisely its was more his elder brother that you actually hated. but he was related to him, and so, you hated him too. your older sister Hisoka told you of what happened 10 years ago and why your eldest brother Yukio was expelled from Hogwarts.
''listen y/n, i'm going to tell you a story, of when your Yukio was still in Hogwarts.. he was amazing in his class and always getting excellent marks in school, and was going to become a prefect soon, but you see there was boy around Yukio's age.. he was from a famous slytherian family the 'todoroki house' they were famous for following the dark lords wishes... but the family stop after a while to keep the peace but their eldest son touya did not stop and is still a long time follower of he shall not be named and well he killed a muggle using a killing curse in broad daylight for no reason, he blamed yukio for manipulating him and so the school board expelled your elder brother and touya was sent to azkaban after the head master found it was him who killed the muggle'' she said to you
your curiosity got the better of you ''so what happened next?'' you asked ''well you see y/n, (y/e/b) Yukio is still expelled from the school and their touya is still in azkaban but as rumours have it the todoroki are still humiliated about the whole situation'' she said to you. a few years later you got a letter from Hogwarts school saying ''y/n hagakure we have accepted you into the school of wizards and witches'' you were so excited.
so you told your family. They were so happy for you. "What house did you get?" Hisoka asked you, she a Hufflepuff. You looked at the letter "I didn't say, so I don't know until I get sorted by the sorting hat right?" You said back. "Yeah that's how it works and how I got into Hufflepuff" she said to you. A few days later. Your parents heard from the paper that the todoroki's youngest child shoto todoroki is also accepted to the same school.
"Remember to stay away from the children of the todoroki's" your parents said to you "yes mom, yes dad" you said back to them. Next Monday you set off on your new exciting school journey.
When you got your books, wand, fox familiar, Hogwarts clothes, robe you and your sister and parents went with you to 93/4 to go to Hogwarts express train your sister got on the train to her friends in hufflepuff house.
At the school you got sorted into the house of hufflepuff. the house your sister was in You made friends along the way. So you end up joining your time at Hogwarts until one day you were ........ Well unfortunately paired up with the one guy that you weren't supposed to be around at all. But he had no idea why you hated him so much. So the professor still paired you and him together.
''you are to be split into pairs of twos to work on a paper of magic that is due in 4 weeks now go find a partner ... oh right shoto! y/n! your a partner'' he said to you and him. You tried to protest against it ''no y/n he is a lovely boy you will like him or i'll get point off of hufflepuff house'' the professor said ''fine fine i'll be his partner professor'' you said
''good now class go off talk'' he said to the class as shoto came over to you ''hi i'm shoto ....'' he was about to finish. ''I know you're a todoroki and just so you know I hate your guts for what, y/e/b did to mine" you said to him annoyed ''oh i didn't know anything about what happened between my brother and yours y/n l/n right'' he said to you
''its a long story shoto want me to tell you about it at diner?'' you asked him ''yeah why not most of our class has left all ready so'' he said to you ''no they have ..* you looked around to see most of the class room was indeed empty*.. ok yeah sure lets go'' you said to him.
so as y/n and shoto walked out of class their was eyes on him even tho he had no idea why until you told that his brother did very fucked up thing that involved your brother too and so both were expelled and touya was sent to azkaban for life until he is trailed again.
he had no idea he came over to you and hugged you which surprised everyone in the diner ''i'm sorry i had no idea that had happened to your family cause of what if eldest brother did'' he said to you ''so you really have no idea do you huh? your parents talked about him?'' you asked him ''no not really they just not to mention him but thats it'' he said to you.
so you started a friendship with him you kinda have to tell your parents after your older sister ratted you out to them ''why would you do that to us?'' your mom asked you ''i didn't do it on purpose we were assigned and as much as plead my professor to have another partner he said no and well i'm here'' you said to her.
''but what his family did to us'' your dad said to you ''dad its touya todoroki not his family and while we on the topic when i told shoto he had no idea of his eldest brother to mine at all ... yeah as i recall he said that he asked about it they say not to mention at all.. the todoroki family are embarrassed that happened to its not just our family cause you know dad their son is azkaban for life until trial again in a couple of months and where is my brother here home safe but expelled from on of the best schools in the world dad so do you want to be in the world where .... idk what would you feel if your son went to azkaban'' you said to him
''not good .. it would be terrible to have son in that position'' your dad said to you ''yeah it would be so can not say mean stuff like that to my friend'' you said to him as you stormed off to the face that your parents would ever thing that he was evil in any way.
well you were mistaken. one day you saw him in the hallway you were going to say hello to him but when you saw him flirting with that bitch momo from his class. you hated her, cause she was mean to everyone. always playing tricks on the first years even the upper classmen too. when you heard from your bff tenya from ravenclaw.
that he saw shoto and momo kissing and that they actually did it in the Slytherin dorm room . you were upset cause she didn't even like him, she only went for him cause of his family history. she would steal other girls bf's all the time for her own use them throwing them away when she gets what she wants.
you felt sick and jealous and upset about the news. so you ignored him until 3rd year of Hogwarts. shoto got word that you were dating someone from your house. izuku midoriya another Hufflepuff like you. he didn't want to believe it. that you were taken. that you weren't single anymore.
when changing classes he saw you and izuku holding hands down the hallway. he pushed pass everyone to get to you. when izuku went off to talk to mina and tenya. shoto swooped into talk to you ''y/n can we talk?'' shoto asked, he tried to touch your hand, but was smacked away by izuku who came back just in time. ''she doesn't want you, shoto, why don't you just leave her alone, you have momo, isn't that enough for you'' he said to him. shoto tried to say something but couldn't cause izuku was protecting you ''sorry i didn't know i was mistaken i'll go'' he said izuku as he left.
shoto didn't want to make a scene so he retreat back to his class. you and izuku watch him leave to the next class on that day. ''ah you ok y/n lets go'' izuku said ''yeah we have that class to get to or that professors name would be mad at us'' you said to him. when got the class early enough before the teacher. you and izuku sat beside each other. you saw shoto and momo in the back. you hated her with a passion.
''y/n please don't tell, your not still thinking about him, you can't cause he broke your heart?'' he asked you ''i'm fine, i think, it just hurts, how would you feel your crush katsuki bakugo was with idk uraraka or Melissa or something you would be hurt to'' you said back to him
''ok yeah yeah, i know and kacchan would never cause i know he is into guys but i see what you mean it would hurt alot'' izuku said back ''also keep your voice or he might us, i don't know him to know i have a crush on him'' izuku whined ''yeah, yeah i know, i know your just one gay cry baby who i love so much'' you said to him teasing ''im not a cry baby y/n'' he retorted back.
you giggled at izuku's pouty face ''hmmm sure tell your face that baby'' you said him. as you and izuku went on fake dating for another few months. one day you got the best news ever. ida came over to you and izuku and told you the good news. ''momo got expelled Hogwarts after getting caught experimenting on animals and muggles in a lab'' ida said to you
''what was that?'' you asked him with glee in your eyes ''yeah apparently a professor caught her in the act, she tried to blame it in someone else 'say that was tricked and manipulated' or something but the teacher wasn't having it and expelled her'' ida said ''ok is that it?'' you asked ''no not really so shoto found out, he broke things off with her so he is single now'' ida finished and sat down beside you and izuku.
izuku looked happy that momo was now out of the picture, ''i'm happy for you y/n, now we can just be friends, so i'm going off to sit next to kacchan'' he said as he slid over to kacchan. you just giggled. ''does izuku like katsuki?'' mina and jiro asked in unison ''yeah he is obsessed with him it so cute'' you said to him
''aww thats cute'' mina said seeing katsuki & izuku talking. you look back at tenya ''ok so what's, he doing now?'' you asked him ''i was wondering i could talk to you actually'' shoto said behind you. ida moved down for shoto to sit beside you ''we will moved out of your way so you too can talk?'' mina said ''you don't have to do that i'll leave its fine'' you to said them.
you got up and left with shoto ''what do you want to talk to me about?'' you asked ''well since its be a while since have talked ii was wondering we talk in private'' he said ''ok sure i guess'' you said back. shoto took you back to the Slytherin house.
you couldn't see anyone in the common room so you went to the guy's dorm room to chat. feeling a bit uncomfortable you sat near the window. shoto sat beside you ''so what was it that you wanted to speak to me about?'' you ask him ''i wanted to know if well you would go out with me?'' he asked
''wow... ok shoto idk about that i mean i just got out of a relationship with izuku so i don't think now is the best time i'm so, sorry to waste your time bringing me here'' you said to him. shoto looed mad he didn't take no for and answer so he tried to mark you as his. but you just slapped him across the face and ran out of the dorm and went back to the hufflepuff house.
shoto sat there shocked that you would slap him across the face like that. '' i guess the rumours of her have a crush on me was false'' he said he fell back on his bed. later that day izuku and the rest of the hufflepuff family came back.
izuku heard you sniffling in the corner of the common room. he cuddle with you and tried to ask ''what happened, i saw you going off with shoto, so what happened?''.
but the pain was to much for you to speak about . so you just cried. you went to your bed with out dinner. that weekend they went to the village. shoto still feeling weirded out and guilty about what happened decided to get you something.
when he saw izuku he pulled him over ''i need your help, i don't know what to get y/n?'' he asked ''why do you want to get something for her, were you the one that made y/n cry'' izuku said ''ok yes i am and i'm guilty about it so could you help me'' he said to him
izuku sigh and nodded. so izuku and shoto went off. (fast-forward to 6) izuku and shoto went back to the hufflepuff house to find you and fox familiar cuddling by the window. ''go on. this is your fault'' izuku said to him, pushing on.
shoto sigh and walked over to ''is there a seat?'' he asked. you moved for shoto to sit down beside you. fox started to hostile with shoto. biting and screaming. ''fox name calm down '' you said to it as you scratched behind the ears ''you fox doesn't like me, but i would really love to get to know you y/n, so got you this, i heard its your favourite so'' he said to you.
giving the box. it was indeed your favourite ''thanks shoto'' you said to him. you put it down and hugged him ''i'm sorry y/n, for hurting you last week'' he said, 'idk if i want to believe you now'' you said to him ''he is sorry y/n, so i'm going to leave you too be. so, i can be katsuki'' izuku said to you with blush
you giggled ''i hope he scores'' you said with a smirk. shoto chuckled ''Y/N! you said that you wouldn't say that'' he wined ''what so it's not true, ... hold just a minute'' you said. you ran up to the hufflepuff boys dorm room.
you took izuku's diary and brought it back down stairs. waving it around in your hand. izuku knew where this was coming. around that same time. katsuki bakugou had just arrived at the hufflepuff house. he heard izuku whining in the common room.
''Y/N! please don't do this! don't read'' he plead ''nope lets see oh right here it is ... dear diary, its me izuku midoriya again, i love love katsuki bakugou. he is so hot and handsome. i want to be with him. i love the way he acts. and talks. i love the way he teases me. i want to be his bf so much. i want him to kiss me. and fuck me. i don't care in what position as long as i'm moaning his name over and over again im fine'' said said.
you finished reading his recent diary entry. thats when katsuki walked over to izuku. ''its true izu .. oh no'' you were about to finish. but shoto gave you that ''no don't say it'' look. ''so you want me to fuck you huh deku?'' he asked.
izuku turned around to see katsuki. his arm around his waist. his left hand moving down to his pants. rubbing his clothed crotch. izuku shivered under the feeling. ''so are you going to tell me what y/n was saying about ''i hope i score'' he asked
izuku couldn't get out of katsuki tight grasp ''i kacchan i can explain'' he said getting flustered. as he starts to mutter ''oh yeah well you explain while i'm railing you in bed nerd, so come on'' he said as katsuki dragged izuku out of the hufflepuff dorm room ''good lucky zuku'' you shouted out to izuku ''thanks y/n'' he shouted back to you. as they fled to the Slytherin dorm room.
they left you and shoto alone. your fox slept by your foot, ''i'm sorry y/n but i have to ask, when you said to me that you just got of a relationship with izuku was that true or were you just faking it to get my attention, cause well it worked?'' he asked with a smirk
''the second one shoto, i had a crush on you. i was jealous and upset you were with momo and not me so izuku thought it would be a great idea to be my fake bf for 3 years'' you said.
shoto moved closer to you on the window. he kissed you. i repeat SHOTO TODOROKI KISSED YOU Y/N L/N HAGAKURE! AHHH YEE. ''oh is that so BED! now y/n'' he said ''what shoto ... *you saw the look he gave you* .... oh ok''' you said.
as he followed you upstairs to the shared rooms. meanwhile katsuki had throw izuku on to his bed and was already on round 3. by the time you and shoto started making out. they were on their 4th round.
you knew that izuku wasn't going to be able to move ... actually never mind that he wasn't going to be able to walk at all. cause katsuki broke him. you sent screenshots of izuku's diary to his crush katsuki bakugou.
katsuki asked izuku out after the screenshots were taking. and now izuku is happily snuggling into his now bf katsuki bakugou. meanwhile on your end. shot was giving you rough punishment sex mixed with sweet tender kisses.
it felt so good and so amazing. well he is your crush after all. after you were done. you couldn't move at all ''so next time you have feelings for me, tell me actually this won't happen cause your mine now'' he said
''what are you asking?'' you asked ''will you be my gf'' he asked ''yes ofc sho'' you said ''great so i'll see you tomorrow at around 7'' he said ''ofc'' you said. so you were asked out and to be his gf by shoto.
you and izuku ended up with your crushes after all. so it was win/ win for everyone. your friends were like ''its a about damm time they get together now thank god''. y/n and shoto went one mean more dates through out the 4 more years of Hogwarts until they graduated from the school to be professional witches and wizards and in a 4 year long relationship.
you started to have the talk about kids with your bf since you wanted kids and you didn't know if he did so you asked him "babe can I speak to you about something important?" you asked him "yes what is my snowflake? What's on your mind?" he asked.
as he stopped what he was doing to pay full attention on you "well wanted to asked you about maybe Idk starting a family" you said "huh? a family .... ok snowflake we could start trying to have a baby" he said.
"so are we trying babe?" you ask "yes we snowflake we are trying to get pregnant" he said to. so you would try this is one of those times after an amazing dinner he brought you back to the house you share with him you went upstairs
he followed you to he came up behind you as he brushed his hands against your arms as he kissed down your neck to your shoulders. Leaving little icy kisses on your body he picked you up throwing you on to the bedsheets getting on top of you as he continued to kiss you.
He moved down your body to your collar bone leaving hickey down to your breasts giving each one individual attention kisses sucking and massage the nipples he moved to the bridge between your breasts to your stomach to your legs and thighs.
He bit down on your legs and tights you whimpered in pleasure he spreading your legs wide open looking down at his present he moved in as he shoved a finger into you he moved in and out of you.
You moaned at the coldness from his right hand as it added two more fingers as you released on to his fingers he pulled out licking them clean "god snowflake you taste so, good" he said huskily as got down on his knees bring you closer to his face.
Shoto blew cold and hot air at your p$$$$ you whimpered at his touch he chuckled as he grabbed your thighs in place as he slowly and teasingly licked your fold with his tongue you flinged your head back in bliss he began to suck your clit as he start to eat you out.
You grab his two toned hair with your right hand living him in as your left hand held on to the pillow for support shoto got the message as he nuzzled his tongue into your p$$$$ as he continued to eat you out you louder "ah shoto ah so, good" he chuckled as you released again all over his face "you really taste so, sweet snowflake" he said to you in ear as he hovered over you again.
He got up from hovering over you on the bed taking off his boxers letting his 8 inch dick spring free from it's containment you got up on your knees crawling over to his friend. You took it giving it a quick hand job then bring it to your much giving the tip a kitten lick then taking it all in your much bobbing your head back and forward he groan taking pieces of your hair in his hand pulling you in making you taking more of him making you gag
"ah god snowflake how are you so good at this" he groaned as he released his seed into your mouth "swallow snowflake" he said you did what he told you and swallowed down his seed "open" he said you opened your mouth he looked "now my snowflake why don't you be good, lie down and spread those legs for me huh?" he said to you.
You lay down on the bed and spread your legs wide open for your bf. shoto hovered over you trapping you into a kiss "are you ready snowflake" he said positions himself at your entrance "yes I'm ready daddy" you say ''that's it snowflake say name'' he sat to you as he slams into you hard not letting you get use to his size you gasped at the roughness "ah do you like that snowflake" he said in your ear.
you moaned loudly in his ear "ah! Yes" you said "yes what" he said slamming into you again "ah! Yes daddy!" you said moaned as you left deep mark and scratches. he changed up his position to cowgirl.
so you rode his dick as your breasts bounced you place your hands on his chest as he grabbed on your waist pulling you down on him "ah fuck! Yes Daddy" you moaned he chuckles at your expression
"do you like how rough and hard I'm going into you snowflake?" he asked you as he moved dick into you faster from underneath "ah! Fuck yes! Daddy faster" you moaned flinged your head back. "aw snowflake look at this beautiful growing bulge that is forming because of all my cum your p$$$$ must really love my dick" he said to you. #
as he rubbed the bloated part of your stomach you look down at him and down at where he pressed a finger on opening again you release your this organism. he pulled out suddenly and flipped you over so your hands were holding the headboard.
he came up behind you and moved one of your legs over his shoulder so you were kinda on your side anyway he re-entered you again and cause you in much a difficult position you had to keep a hold on the headboard and his arm as he destroyed your p$$$$ you moaned out in pure bliss "ah fuck nhg mhh" as you looked away from him your was a lewled enough to say that you wanted more and so if a chuckle he gave you exactly what you asked for.
''yeah you like that snowflake? this what you wanted yeah?'' he asked into your ear you blushed as his other hand his cold hand reached your heat and slowly brushed up and down against it making you shiver against the coldness of his fingers ''ah fuck nhg ah'' you moaned he loves your moans it was music to his ears.
after a while of having fucked up against the headboard of the bed he moves you down to the so your ass was in his face He "hey snowflake why don't you tell me who's your daddy I don't think heard it right" he said.
he spank your ass you moaned out from the sensation it gave you "ah come snowflake tell me who's your daddy hmm?" he said to you as he shoves a cold finger into you "ah fuck you are shoto Todoroki your my daddy" you screamed loudly "that's a good snowflake" he said a he shoves his dick right back into you.
"snowflake why don't you say name again" he said near your ear as he fucked you as he spanked you with his left hand.
"ah! Daddy" you moaned
He spanked your ass again "say my name again say it louder babygirl" he order "ah! Daddy! Ah fuck daddy"
"come on say name again snowflake" he said into your ear as he kissed the back of your neck "ah! Daddy! Ah! Daddy! Ah fuck! Daddy"
"one more time say it again snowflake" he said spanked you again even harder "ah! Daddy! ah! Daddy! Ah! Daddy! Ah! Fuck daddy!"
He continued to thrust into you faster and harder into your p$$$$ hitting your g-spot "ah good yes! Daddy fuck yes! Daddy there hit there again please" you moaned out to him "as you wish snowflake" he said as he thrusted into you in a unhuman speed going faster and harder hitting your g-spot as his right hand went down to your p$$$$ and just fingered you making you go over the edge.
He flinged you back around you went back to giving him deep marks on his back "ah! Daddy! I - I f-feel I'm gonna cum" you said moaning "ah! Me too snowflake" he said he grunted in your ear. Shoto felt his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier
"daddy can you cum in me?" you moaned in his ear "if that's what you wish for snowflake" he said intertwined his hands with your hands you and shoto grunted and moaned as you felt each other releasing soon you released your juice as shoto shot out his seeds into you he pulled out of you collapsing beside you on the bedsheets catching both your breath back again he pulled you into a hug " I love you snowflake" he said to you.
You giggled "I love you too babe" you said to shoto he looked at you pulled you into a kiss as you both fell asleep together in each other's arms. The next week morning you woke up in the arms of your lover when you felt sick you ran to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet.
"Hey snowflake where are you? are you OK?" you heard a husky morning voice behind you he patted your back gently taking your hair out of your face "yeah I'm fine... *throws up again* yeah I think I might be pregnant tho but I need a pregnancy test babe" you said to him. "I could get a pregnancy test for you snowflake" he said to you "I love you so, much babe" you said to him "ah OK I'll see you in a bit OK" he said to you kissing your forehead as you went back to your only trusted friend the toilet.
you took a test to see if you were and well you were pregnant you ran downstairs to see shoto on the phone to izuku and katsuki ''babe can i talk to you about something?'' you ask "hmm... What is it snowflake?" he asked ''i got the results you want to know?'' you ask
''yes what is it?'' he asked "well I am pregnant babe" you said showed him the positive test "snowflake is this true your really pregnant were going to have a family" he said "yes babe I'm pregnant we are going to he parents" you said as you both hugged and told all your friends and family that you were now pregnant with twins.
4 months into your pregnancy you and your bf had gone to the doctors to see if it was two boys or two girls or even a boy and girl as the doctor did the scan she told you that it was twin girls that you were carrying she left afterwards to give us some space.
After that you both told your friends and family about the pregnancy of the twins and that you were doing a baby gender reveal at your baby shower your family and friends came cause they wanted to know so they all arrived to help with the decorations and when they did the baby gender reveal both your family and his and both all your friends with in shock that you were having two girls were so happy about the news.
6 months left of pregnancy mode you had a your cousin bf's tenya, your friends izuku, katsuki, eijiro and your bf shoto to decorate the twins baby nursery for when they arrive while your gf's took you out shopping for baby clothes and stuff like that and plushies for the twins babies as you got the for the first girl (photo down below)
for the second girl
after 5 hours of shopping you got home to the house and bye that time the boys were done with building the baby nursey you got inside to your bf shoto and all the guys just standing there you smiled as you out down the shopping ''oh snowflake you came back did you have fun out with your gf's?'' your bf asked you
''it was good i got stuff the baby room so plushies and clothes and stuff'' you said to him ''oh did you get the nursery done for the twins?'' you asked him ''yes we did would you like to see it?'' he asked you ''yes of course i would love to see it babe'' you said to him ''ok then you better close your eyes it is a surprise'' he said to you walked you to the baby room aka the twins nursery izuku opened the door to the room as your bf shoto helped you into the room ''ok now you can open your eyes as you did you saw this (nursery photo down below)
it was beautiful you cried as your bf shoto came over to you he put his arms around you ''oh babe its amazing its beautiful i love it'' you said to him ''snowflake you really love it?'' he asked you ''yes of course i love it'' you said to him. later that day you and him sat down in the living room to make it more comfortable for you and the twin babies. as you said out names for the twin girls your bf shoto wrote them down on a list of possible girl names for the twin girls.
you had gone through a list but when you decided to go with juri and rei for the girls names your bf didn't complain with you. so you could relax for the rest of the 6 months of pregnancy until the day that your water broke it was a good thing that your bf was on a work leave to help when he heard you scream from the bed room he came running to see you in water ''what's wrong snowflake?'' he asked you ''my water just broke'' you said to him as he quickly got the message and packed a bag for the hospital he put the ag in the car as he helped you out of the house and into the car he drove you to hospital.
your bf shoto was by your side from the 46 of waiting to the labour then to the private hospital room you looked down at the twins your first daughter juri l/n Hagakure todoroki she had your e/c and one of her dad's multi- coloured hair (white) for face features (she had your nose, eye shape and her dad's chin and lip shape)
while the other twin rei l/n hagakure todoroki she had your h/c and one of his hectercromatic eye colour (grey) and for face features (she had your lip and chin shape but she had his eye and nose shape) after 4 hours in the private hospital room your friends came into see their little niece and nephew then your parents came into see you and their grandchildren they your twin cousin toru got to see her cousin nieces.
after they left his side of the family came to see the twins but bye that time the twins in the hospital nursery so shoto brought they to the nursery to them it was only his mom, older sister and older brother.
then your friends tenya, izuku and his husband katsuki with their son yuta he was so cute like an exact copy of them, sui, mina and her husband eijiro and hanta and his gf. they all got to see twin nieces juri and rei after a week of being in the hospital you were discharged so you got to take the twins home you paged your bf shoto to come and get you and well he did.
(fast- forward to later ) after arriving home your bf helped you look after the twins for 8 months before he went back to work while you were at home taking care of the twins for another 4 months until you got a nanny.(fast- forward 2 months later) you found a nanny to look after the twins while you had still another 2 months later before going back to work.
< 2 years>
you still have a nanny you actually hired a full time nanny to mind the kids until they our 3 years old the twins are 2 years old at the now and your bf shoto of 6 years now took you out to a nice romantic restaurant where after the drinks were set at your table he got down on one knee and proposed to you and well you said yes.
You and him enjoyed the rest of the night as a newly engaged couple. (fast forward to later that evening) you got home with fiancé shoto to your two crazy twins you told your mom who was minding them that night that you were engaged now she was so happy for you and him after you told your friends and his family to that you were now engaged they were excited about the news and congratulated you both the exciting news later in the news was all in the witch and wizard for new engaged couple the wizard.
"aka shoto Todoroki took out his girlfriend witch y/n (aka y/n l/n hagakure) of 6 years out for a romantic dinner at a nice restaurant and proposed to her and she said yes" they new said as they show a video of a interview you and shoto as it said "on how they met and how got together". after being in engaged for a year you and your fiancé shoto decided to have the wedding a year after that. so 2 years later you had the big wedding in japan with all your friends and family your twins with apart of the wedding to as they were flower girl and ring bearer after the wedding ceremony part of over it was now the reception where you and your now newly wedded husband danced and celebrated.
Then 4 days later you and him went your honeymoon you and him went Hawaii and bora bora for 2 weeks your twins are 4 years old and are in kindergarden they have yet not shown what quirks they might have yet. after another year your twins are now 5 years old they started going witchy things which made you very happy and of course your husband very happy about this but he still wanted boys so after another two year you and him had sex again.
and you got pregnant with his baby it was another set of twins you had to twin boys he was very happy about the new and this time he go tot name them not you since you got to name the girls before they were born so yeah. after birth you looked down at the twin boys. the boy on your right was named riki l/n hagakure todoroki he had one of his dads multi- coloured hair (red) and your e/c and for face features (he had your nose, chin shape and he had his eye, lip shape) one the left it was reo l/n hagakure todoroki he had your h/c and one of his dad's hectercromatic eye colour (red) as now a family of 6 six the two parents four kids all twins one set of twin girls both witches like you and one set of twin boys both wizards like their father shoto
Names of the children and meanings
first set of twins
juri l/n Hagakure todoroki -
rei l/n Hagakure todoroki -
second set of twins
riki l/n Hagakure todoroki -
reo l/n Hagakure todoroki -
Word count: 6373
the end
this was going to be also sad but it ended happy cause i hate making sad stories for shoto todoroki he is one of the many characters from MHA that simp for. so hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story✌️
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