Getting off on the wrong start?
shoto todoroki x reader daughter of Toshinori Yagi aka ( all might )
Genre: smut, angst
college au
All of the characters are around 20 - 24 years old ok. You have been ignoring shoto todoroki for two years after he kissed momo yaoyorozu in front of everyone even though they weren't dating at all.
He just decided to do it for the craic and to make you upset which of course worked to his favour. He would even bring her back to the apartment when he knew that you would be back at that time and have sex with her.
You were very upset about this and had complained to your mom about this. She said ''i'll sort it out don't worry just get some sleep you'll feel better tomorrow'' on the phone ''fine alright mom bye'' you said hanging up the call to her.
You did talk to your best friends myra, toru and classmates sui, mina and kyoka kendo and reiko about this ''you should get over him! he isn't worth your love anymore he is just a jerk'' mina said worried that if you keep going you will eventually fall into a pit of deep depression which all your friends and including your mom didn't want to see happen.
''Yeah ik that mina it's just hard yk i mean its shoto todoroki like how i'm supposed to get over him? I mean have you met the guy? it's physically impossible?'' you asked her ''well how you date someone else for a change?'' myra suggested
''did you not hear what i said about shoto it is just to physically impossible ok'' you said back to her ''ok well then you are going to fall into a pit of depression'' toru said ''tssk i don't want that ..ah maybe i guess but who then?'' you ask them. They thought about who you could go for.
''hmmm... izuku is single or maybe katsuki, or sero they cute'' kyoka suggested ''yeah wasn't sero dating reiko or mina i forget now....., and isn't izuku with that blond girl Melissa shield'' you said back to them
''ok then it's settled y/n your dating katsuki until you get over shoto'' myra said smiling ''but he yells all the time'' you said back ''y/n Yagi you can't be picking about men anymore! now do you want to get over shoto or not?'' Myra asked ''I do want to get over him'' you said back to her.
So while your friends made you go out with katsuki bakugou, on the other hand momo was kicked out of the college for hurting the principal's daughter y/n Yagi and shoto was giving a warning. When shoto got news that you were dating katsuki bakugou he was kinda tooken back at the news that he got from izuku.
He was shocked, he thought you were still stalking him but apparently not any - more now that you have a bf. Your friends and mom were happy that you smiling again as you were the jewel of the college. As shoto was still confused for another two years before finally being able to talk to you .... even though you were still dating katsuki bakugou. Ok ok let me start from the very beginning how this all happened.
>>Past - two years ago<<
Y/n Yagi pov
After I graduated from Ua high i packed my bags and left my mom's home and went off on a new adventure at the new Ua college for the young and gifted named after my father had retired. After enrolling I got my key to the apartment and went to open the door to see two other girls and three guys.
''So you're the new roomie? Hey i'm mina ashido, this is myra midoriya and then there is shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya and the last katsuki bakugou it's a pleasure to meet you'' she said to me ''hi, hi, hi, hi and hi i'm Y/n Yagi it's a pleasure'' i said back.
''your all might's and the principal's daughter?'' izuku asked me ''yeah i am'' i said to him ''don't be such a nerd deku'' katsuki yelled ''don't yell at me that's not nice kacchan'' izuku said to him ''so, does this happen alot?'' i asked mina
''yeah pretty much everytime they see each other they fight'' mina said back to me ''oh ok we will show you to your room roomie since you will be bunking with us'' myra said to me. As myra and mina showed me around the apartment.
I could feel eyes on me. I looked back to see shoto todoroki. I ran back to the girls. He smirked and walked away. A month later. I was walking to the bathroom when I bumped into the same boy again. But this time coming around the corner of the hallway.
I wasn't going to lie but he was hot and very good looking no wonder mina told me not to get a crush on him cause it will fail and he would just end up breaking your heart. I blushed at how fit he was like god damn ''can you stop thinking about me it's disgusting ok you may be all might's daughter but embarrassing for you think that you would ever be with me and btw i'm not into urgo's like you'' he said to me then walked away leaving me. I ran to the bathroom. I cried for hours.
Later i came back to the girls bedroom i saw mina and myra talking. I ignored them and went to bed. The next day they saw I wasn't eating and just left the apartment on my own. Myra, mina, izuku were worried about me so they left the apartment with katsuki.
Leaving shoto alone by himself. As he left for college to see everyone around him in the hallways hating him for hurting the jewel. To get back all of his popularity he dated momo to get back at me for two years.
It hurt me so much, and after a suggestion from myra i started dating katsuki bakugo for 2 years. While momo was kicked out of the Ua college for being a slut and shoto was given a warning from the principal of the college, your mother.
Back to present
You were happy with Katsuki for once in your life you didn't have to worry about anyone else but him. You went on dates while studying. While shoto was still in shock that you were dating katsuki bakugo. You loved him very much.
But also you loved shoto but not that way any more you were finally over shoto todoroki yes finally. After a year of dating katsuki. You have seen that shoto has been trying to talk to you. This went on straight through to 4 year where he finally got you talking, and now even though you are still dating katsuki bakugo.
Until after graduating from Ua college. You broke up with Katsuki and thanked him for being your bf for 2 years because of what shoto did to you back in college. ''Tssk no problem dumbass, I don't like that icehot guy anyways'' he said back.
you and katsuki bakugo stayed friends. You started your own hero business. When you got a unexpected call from shoto wanting to meet up. You texted your girlfriends about this ''y/n he is texting you because he knows why you dated katsuki for 2 years'' myra said to you
''but why? How? When did he know? Who? told him?'' you asked them. You didn't want to see him. ''Just go and see him y/n'' mina said to you leaving the chat. You texted shoto back and the next saturday you met up with him.
Once at the cafe shoto apologized for the stuff he said and did to you back in college. You said nothing to him, you still hated him. He knew that you hated him, and so with that in mind he made up a plan to be -come your friend, by getting to know you better.
After a year of shoto slowly becoming your friend finally. Shoto found that you had a crush on him. When you met him again at your uncle's funeral from your mom's side of the family. Your friends had come to show their condolences to your family. As you got home with your parents. You got a text from your friends and an unexpected message from shoto.
Hey if you ever want to talk about how you feel i'm here for you
Thanks shoto but i'll be fine for now
Ok y/n just a suggestion but i'll let you be
I'll keep that in mind ok but thanks again shoto
Chat ended
You smiled at what he said. He was so caring now. Then he was back in college. I guess people grow up and change in time. As you took what he said in mind. You talked to him more about what was on your mind or ranted to him about stuff that annoyed you.
He just listened though getting weird eyes from his siblings and your friends. They didn't know what he was up to but .. they didn't like it. After another year had passed you and him got closer than friends. Yk wanting to hang out more than just with friends;
like watching movies together or going out on dates and stuff. One night you had the friends over and shoto it was a friend's movie night. You all sat around the big sofa at your house while Mina got the popcorn and myra selected a movie for you all to watch.
It ended up being a Disney movie cause they knew you love Disney and well they love it too once you introduced them to Walt Disney movie world. Shoto was a bit confused as you never watched Disney with him before so you gave him a basic rundown of the Disney and the movie.
As mina came back you got settled on the sofa beside him. Mina beside you then it was katsuki, myra and izuku on the floor. As the movie started. You put your arms around shoto's arm and snuggled into it. Mina looked over at you and smirked.
She secretly got the others' attention to see you and shoto being so close. They also smirked and went back to watching the movie. At the end of the movie you were asleep on shoto's shoulder. Myra went to turn on the lights to see this. The scene was very cute. Mina took a picture of you sleeping on his shoulder and sent it to you so that you would always have a memory of him.
Shoto brought you to your room. When he went to leave your bedroom. He heard you call his name in your sleep again and again. He smirked and went back over to your bed. He sat beside you and gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear to see more of your sleepy face.
He moved closer to your face when he was taken by surprise you had pulled him down into the sheets with you. So shoto stayed the nigh with you. When shoto didn't come back down to the living room again. Your friends thought the worst so they all went upstairs to your bedroom to see shoto and you fast asleep in each others arms. Mina took a picture of it to send to you later so you would have another memory of him.
>>>the next day<<<
you got a text from mina saying ''so you got with your crush shoto! finally! good for you y/n! we are so very happy for you! hope it all works out this time'' blushing madly, you try and hide the phone from shoto. but when you heard stirring behind you. it was to late to hide the truth from him. you dropped your phone that happened to be in his lap.
he woke up, picking up the phone and read the text from mina ''i'm your crush y/n?'' he asked you still sleepy but with a smirk on his face now ''i .. hmm .. i can explain shoto'' you said to him blushing more trying to reach for your phone again ''huh sure no i think i'll keep this until you explain everything'' he said to you
he hide your phone. he then gets on top of you and kisses your neck to your collarbone. '' ah - shoto - wait'' you said to him. as he stops for a minute ''so are you going to explain?'' he asked you smirking ''fine it's true i have a crush on you ok shoto it's not like its a secret that i have been hiding from you ok'' you said to him.
''ok then long have you had this crush on me?'' he asked you curiously ''since 1st year of college actually i thought you really cute, and hot, and good looking, and you still are'' you said to him blushing ''you thought that of me .. wait this crush has been going on since 1st year so shit i'm sorry i was a jerk to you back then y/n .. you could of told me that you liked me so much'' he said to you
''well i could of told you back then ... but you called me a urgo when we first met and you dated momo so i didn't say anything and kept my distance while trying to get over you by dating katsuki bakugo'' you said to him '' i said that you? .. y/n i'm so sorry i said that'' he said to you as he looed guilty for saying something stupid like that ''hey hey look at me shoto! you got me now isn't that enough'' you said to him with your arms around his neck smiling.
he smirked at what you said. as he kissed you again. Pants and moans coming from you. As he kisses every where from your cheeks to your collarbone. You quietly moaned out when he left a hickey on your neck after that you got up with shoto hand in hand.
Your friends came around to the house that day. Well they wanted to get the news/ gossip from you and shoto seeing if you and him. They asked questions as you blushed the colour of his hair as he hid your hand in hand behind his back.
As he tried to change the topic so it wasn't embarrassing for you and him by pointing a discussion onto someone else. It's been months since that very embarrassing incident happened. Your friends were still curious about you and him.
So they might have spied on you and shoto for a bit well to see what kind of dates you and him went on. After two years of dating. You and shoto came out to the media, family and friends about your relationship.
You moved out of your parents house and into an apartment with shoto for two years while tackling work and money. After a year you moved into a house together now in a 5 year long relationship with shoto todoroki.
You are working as a (?????) and your bf shoto todoroki as a pro hero. A year has passed 1) since you and shoto started living together in this house, and 2) it has been 6 years living in a long relationship. You wanted kids now. You had the space.
There were three extra rooms. Not being used at all. So when you brought up the conversation about having a family now. He liked the idea but was unsure about starting one now and maybe in a few months. But you want kids and you knew that one day his parents and your parents would be expecting grandkids soon or even marriage soon.
When you brought that up to him ''fine snowflake if this is really and truly what you want then we can start a family'' he said to you putting his arms around your waist ''so are we trying?'' you asked him putting your arms around his neck ''we trying to get pregnant'' he said smiling.
After months of trying you finally got pregnant. You and him were on holiday when you had to conceive your first child or so you thought it was one and actually it was twins. So this is how it went. After having a romantic dinner shoto took you back to the beach house at the four season. Shoto took you to the bedroom.
He closed the door behind him and kissed your body. You stripped and he threw you onto the bed. Shoto also stripped and crawled over you and kissed down your body. He took off your white lacy bar letting your breasts free as he slowly and teasely removed your lacy pants with his teeth.
Leaving you completely naked laying on the sheets infront of your bf shoto todoroki. He got up from the bed and removed his trousers leaving him in just his boxers and crawled back over you and began to kiss down your body from your neck to your collarbone to both your breasts sucking and licking the bub on the right breasts and massaging the left breasts and then the visa versa to kissing the bridge between your breasts to your stomach to your legs and thighs as you let out quiet moans of pleasure as he continued to mark your body.
He spreaded your legs wide open and stucked one finger moving in and out of your p$$$$ as you moaned loudly. As shoto added another two cold fingers. Then pulled out cleaning his fingers. Shoto told you to stand up he took off his boxers letting his member spring free from it's confinement
you did what he said he then lay down on the bed he then told you to sit on his face. You crawled on top of shoto and brought your p$$$$ over his face Shoto grabbed a hold of your waist a brought you down.
He slowly blow on your p$$$$ you moaned loudly as you hold on to the bedpost for support. Shoto started to eat you out licking and sucking on your fold and clit you using your right hand grabbing onto shoto's multi coloured hair as your left still holding on to the bedpost as you moaned loudly again.
Shoto continued eating you out as you screamed and moaned in pleasure as he nuzzling his tongue further into your p$$$$ you flinged your head back and screaming "ah! Feels so good" you moaned and released your organism all over shoto face as he lick all of your juices.
Shoto pulled you down on top of his member as it roughly thrusts into your p$$$$. Shoto asked "aww does my snowflake like the way I make her feel hmm?" as you continued to bounce up and down on him you didn't answer well you could cause he was going at such a fast pace
you could say a word and all you couldn't do was moan loudly he asked you again" do you like how I make you feel hmm?". You moan replied" ahh i - love - it daddy - it feels so good" he is now happy with your answer.
Shoto's left hand still holding on to your waist as his right hand went from fingering you to gropping your breasts as he speed up. You release your third organism all of him he pulled out he flipped you around to be on all fours
he crawled up behind you and asked "what's my name to you my love come on who's your daddy" you moaned loudly as he fingered you again he grabbed your chin to face him and asked you again "come on my empress tell them who's daddy makes you feel this" he said huskly in to your ear as you felt weak against that voice you screamed "ah! Y-you are my daddy".
He kissed you and re-entered you hitting you roughly and every second he would spank you. He order you to say his name again.
He spanked you screamed "daddy"
Spank order "say it louder"
Ah! Daddy! Daddy!
Spank order again "say it louder again" as shoto brought his finger to your p$$$$ and fingered you.
You screamed "ah! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy"
Shoto continued to hit into your p$$$$ as hit and hit g-spot again and again harder and harder you screamed "ah! Yes! Daddy! Hit there again! Please hit there again" he replied "anything for you my love" as continued to hit your g-spot at an angle with even more harder thrusts. The harder thrusts were that shoto gave you the weaker your legs got. After a while your legs gave out and you fell into the bedsheets as shoto continued to roughly thrusts into your p$$$$.
You scream "D-daddy I-I'm g-gonna c-cummm" he replied "I know my snowflake me too" he grabbed a hold of your hands as his thrusts got sloppier he felt himself releasing soon. You and shoto moaned and grunted.
As you both released your juicy contents onto the sheets and each other leaving his contents inside you. It drips a bit down your legs. As you and Shoto both got your breath back now he pulled out and collapsed beside you.
He pulled you into a hug and whispered ''snowflake for being a jerk to you and for us getting off on the wrong start when we first met back then and i know you have forgiven me but, i still do feel guilty for hurting you''
you giggled you bringing your hands to his face and said "I have forgive you for hurting me back then but, i love you shoto and nothing will ever happen, so don't worry'' you said to him smiling. he whispered a "thank you" you both shared a kissed as he. Deepen the kiss with you as both parted from the kiss you both fell asleep. After 9 weeks you woke up, at around 4 am in the fing morning to throw up in the toilet.
luckily you didn't make up shoto.. well that's before you started coughing from the smell of sick coming from the toilet. you heard footsteps and a very tired morning voice ''snowflake are you ok? i heard you crying and coughing is everything alright?'' he asked you.
until he realised that he could smell sick coming off you ''omg snowflake you could of told you weren't feeling well is there anything i can do to help'' he asked you as he rubs your back ''well i think i know what it is, and why, but i need to make sure first '' you sad to him to with a smile ''ok well if you what it is i won't both you snowflake'' he said to you as eh kissed your forehead as he went back to bed.
Meanwhile in the bathroom. You got up awkwardly, walked over to the bathroom cabinet ''i know put them in here somewhere'' you said to yourself ''ah here they are'' you said to your self. As you picked up the pregnancy test sticks.
you took and it surprisingly came back with two pink lines you were pregnant you couldn't believe it. After another hour to yourself in the bathroom. You walked back into the shared master bedroom and woke up your bf shoto again.
But this time it was intentional ''snowflake it's 4am in the morning you know i have to leave at 6 are you ok?'' he asked yawing at you as he got up ''sho i'm pregnant'' you said to him ''what are you talking about snowflake?'' he asked you as he turned on the bedside lamp.
He saw you holding a pregnancy test stick in your hands ''Here sho'' you said to him, handing him the stick ''two pink lines ... are you serious snowflake your pregnant'' he said in shock, he pulled you onto the bed kissing you also making sure not to hurt the baby or baby(s).
You went back to sleep, you could feel his hand on your stomach. You giggled at this ''we are a family now'' you thought to yourself. After you woke up at 6am got your bf shoto some breakfast and then went to work.
You told your colleagues that you were pregnant and your boss that you were pregnant. They were very nice and let congratulated you on the news, and also let you have longer breaks cause you were carrying a baby/ baby(s). Your friends, family and his family were happy for you and shoto. So for the 9 months of pregnancy mode your bf shoto took paid work leave to help you at home.
One day your water broke, shoto was right there, ''sho my water broke'' you said to him, he jumped off the bed, as he rushed to get stuff ready to be brought to the private hospital under his family name. As he told his parents, and your parents.
After an hour of being in the private room your doctor came in to check you. ''You're about 4cms and we need to get to 10 so you're going to be here for a while, i'll check again in an hour '''s he said to you and him. you and him waited until you were in labour (after 46 hours of labour) you gave birth two twins, one girl and one boy.
The first twin was called Asami Yagi todoroki (meaning of the name ''morning beauty'') she had your h/c and her dad shoto's hectercromatic eyes (grey) and for her face features (she had your chin, eye shape while she had dad's lip, nose shape)
and while the second twin a boy was named hiroyuki Yagi todoroki (meaning of the name ''widespread happiness'') it was also a perfect name for him anyways he had your e/c and he dad shoto's hair (red) and for his face features (he had your nose, lip shape while he had his dad's chin, eye shape) you loved your twins.
(4 hours later) your parents and his parents and lastly your friends came to see the twins. Once you were discharged from the hospital, shoto helped you look after the twins while he checked his emails to see if anyone was needing him.
(fast-forward after 18 months) of caring for the two twins. As shoto went back to work. You waited another 4 weeks then went back to work. As your nanny looked after them until they turned 3. After they turned 3 years old you said bye, and thanked her for helping out.
You put them into a nursery school. you and him had another kid. A baby girl. You and him named her atsuko Yagi todoroki (meaning of the name ''kind child; warm child'') she had your e/c and his hair (white) and for her face features (she had your eye, lip shape while she had his dad's chin, nose shape) you loved your big family.
(fast-forward 3 years later) when your twins Asami and Hiroyuki were starting elementary school and Atsuko was starting nursery school where you went to school. Shoto proposed to you after 12 years of dating, you said yes , and was engaged to him. Now engaged for 3 years.
You and him had moved into a big house again when you were expecting another set of twins. Another girl and boy. You and him named your daughter Ayaka Yagi todoroki (meaning of the name ''color- petal'') she had your h/c and her dad shoto's hectercromatic eyes (teal/blue) and for her face features
(she had your nose, lip shape and his eye and ear shape) and for the second twin. Your 2nd son was named ichirou Yagi todoroki (meaning of the name ''first son''). He had your e/c and his dad shoto's red hair and for his face features (he had your nose, eye shape while he had dad's chin, lip shape).
After another year later you got married to him. A big amazing and wonderful wedding to have on top of the mountains in bora bora. your four kids, the first set of twins asami and hiroyuki both aged 9 and your daughter atsuko aged 6 and lastly your second set of twins ayaka and ichirou both aged 3.
all your family and friends came too. After the wedding you went on a romantic honeymoon to mo'orea and Caribbean's. After two weeks you and he went back as husband and wife but also mom and dad to four amazing kids. After another year you had another kid with your husband shoto. Another boy.
You and him named him kazuki Yagi todoroki (meaning of the name ''harmonious hope; one/first shine'') he had your e/c and his hair (white) and for his face features (he had your eye, lip shape while he had his dad shoto's chin, nose shape).
Your 5 kids loved their baby brother Kazuki and your parents and your husband shot's parents loved their new grandson and your friends loved their new nephew. As now a big family of 6. (4 years later)
After your first two set of twins Asami and Hiroyuki are aged 13 and in middle school and your daughter atsuko aged 10 in elementary school and your second set of twins ayaka and ichiro aged 7 is starting elementary school and your son kazuki is 4 in nursery school.
you had another baby with your husband. Another girl. You and him named her Miyoko Yagi todoroki (meaning of the name '' beautiful generation child'') she had a mixture between your h/c and her dad shoto''s multi - coloured hair (red) and for her the eyes she also had mixture between your e/c and his hectercromatic eyes (grey)
and for her face features (she had your eye, lip shape while she had his dad shoto's chin, nose shape). Her 6 older siblings loved her very much, even her grandparents from your side and her dad's and her aunt and uncles from her dad's side too. And her godparents and uncles and aunts loved her too.
The end
Name meaning
First set of twins
asami - morning beauty
hiroyuki - widespread happiness
Second daughter
atsuko - kind child; warm child
Second set of twins
Ayaka - color- petal
ichirou - first son
Last son
kazuki - harmonious hope; one/first shine
Last daughter
Miyoko - beautiful generation child
Word count: 5203
This story was supposed to be a songfic au or a idol au story. But I decided not to and go for another college au. But this time with shoto todoroki. I copied over a Seijuro akashi college au story i made a while back. Also this college for the young and gifted is basically like the UA high school but like another level so you study the same thing and still can become a pro hero if you want to. Hope you guys enjoy! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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