Do You Trust Me
Dragon King Katsuki bakugo x Town Village reader fluff, smut
Fantasy au
In a world where there is Kings, Queens, Princess's, prince's, knights, bandits, witch's, wizards, bar maids and dragons, forbidden forest there lived a rumour of a dragon in the mountains near the a village town where you lived with your Nana. You have been living with your nana since you were 17 and now you are 22 and have a job as herbalist at your herbal store. When one day you had to go into the forbidden forest to find some new herbs to use for medicine you took your red cloak and your herbal bag and went into the forest you walked deeper into the forest to the find the right herb.
Hour later you were still in the forest when you found the herb you cut the amount you needed then was about to turning around and go back tot the town village when you heard a noise that sounded like someone was hurt and you being you wanted to help so you know what you did you walked up and further into the forest where you heard the noise more clearly you then realised the sound was actually coming from the moutians.
As you got closer to the mountain and now since you were out of the forest you saw there was a cave you took a deep breath and adventured further into cave you saw in the corner was a big red dragon it was alone but in alot of pain so you scanned over it to see a big gash wound in his front right leg from what it looks like was an arrow.
You took the courage you had and went over to the dragon it saw you but put down whatever stuff that might of startled the dragon and spoke "hey dragon.. Its OK" you said trying not to anger it you were surprised that it was calm enough for you to get the arrow out you used the herbs that you found in the forest turning it into medicine for the gash.
After putting the crushed up herbs on the gash you covered it up with a bandage and left a note for the Onwer of the dragon since you saw the name on the cave. You walked back into the forbidden forest to more herbs for the medicine then you went back to your town village. As you got out of the forest and went back home since it was evening time. You got to the front door you went inside the house to see your grandma watching the birds from outside the window you looked to your left to see your pet bird "Lulu" you putting your herb bag down you went over to the bird cage she was in letting you her out "there you go lulu" you said to her.
Lulu chirpped as she flew off your finger as you went over to your grandma. "good evening Nana. How are you" you said to your grandma "oh hello dear I'm grand. Did you find the herbs you needed?" she asked as you sat beside her. "oh yes I did get the herbs" you said to her as you showed her the herbs in the bag "hey Nana you know the rumours of a dragon in the mountain at the other side of the forbidden forest well I might of meet the dragon" you said to her "why did you go that far you could got hurt dear?" she said with worry "oh I was fine in fact the dragon was injured by a dragon hunter" you said back to her.
"dragon hunter what are you talk about dear?" she asked you "oh yeah there was an arrow in the dragons leg so I used the herbs to cure the wound but I did go back into the forest to get more of the herbs so I won't run out for the medicine" you said reassuring her. "that's good dear cause the Royal family needs the herbs" she said.
Meanwhile back at the mountain cave in the forbidden forest. the owner came back to see his pet. his dragon asleep. he yells to make him up. the dragon makes up happy to see his owner back. he talks to the dragon before seeing the note. on to the owner's point of view.
Katsuki pov
i came back with food from the village. i walked up to the cave. i saw my pet dragon still asleep, sighing i walked over to him. sitting beside him "oyi shitty hair wake up?" I yelled. he woke up and changed into his human form. "oh master your back" the red boy said. "what's with the white bandage?'' I asked him "a nice for the village on the other side of the forbidden forest.. she helped me'' he said back ''oh yeah.. did she leave a note?'' I asked him "yeah here" he said back to me. he handing me the note. I read the note
Dear dragon owner,
I was in the forbidden forest looking for herbs when I heard noises coming from the mountain I found your dragon. I saw he was hurt by an arrow in his leg I was able to heel the gash by wrapping up the wound with a bandage. I have left some herbs in the cave for him and some instructions on how to use the medicine.
Step 1
You cut up the herb leaves. After that you crush the broken cut up herb leaves in a bowl.
Step 2
you stir the crush herbs into a soup alike liquid then dab the herbs on to the wound. Then you wrap it up with a white bandage.
Step 3
You repeat the process for a couple of days until the wound is fully heeled up. If you need any help with any just whistle and I will come.
Town Village herbalist
i scrunch the letter and threw it into a open fire. my pet watched me. ''master i know you hate it.. when others help out. but you should thank her least, i could have died'' he said turning back in to a dragon. his snores filled the cave. i looked at him and sighed ''shut up shitty hair I know that I just don't know when I will see her" he said to the dragon.
(minewhile back at the town village)
Weeks after you meet the cute dragon you were in the chemist crushing the herbs for the medicine for the Royal family. You heard the bell ring notifying someone was coming into the chemist "good morning sir ida" you said as you saw the Royal knight to the crown kingdom "ah good morning to you too miss. l/n do you have the cure done?" tenya ida asked you. "Yes it actually about ready" you said as you pour the herbs into the medicine bottles as you packed them into a bag then gave it to the royal knight.
"thank you again for your service to the crown miss. l/n how much is it this time?" tenya asked you at the counter after putting the herb cure in his knight bag you smiled at him "since it is 5 bottles of 30ml of herb cure the price is 45 quarters" you said to him. Ida nodded giving you the right amount of money you bowed to the knight as he left the chemist shop and went ba k on his horse back to the kingdom.
After knight left you got a the post from the back of the your shop when you were taking a break you went to the back and opening the door "oh hi Timmy. How are you?" you asked him as he took off his hat and passing your post to you. "your welcome miss. l/n. Anyway how's your grandma?" Timmy asked you "oh she's doing fine thanks for asking about her" you said to him ''how's yourself? how's the family?'' you asked him.
''then are great my kid is 5 next week, she is so excited about it and she is getting another sibling and my parents are good still around'' he said to you ''that's nice to here, your little daughter must be excited about her the unborn baby sibling then? you asked him. he smiled and sighed ''yeah she can't stop talking about baby names with us'' he said back to you laughing ''i can imagine that.. what gender is the baby?'' you asked him ''its a boy'' he said to you ''wow so she is going to be a big older sister to a baby brother?'' you ask him.
''yeah she can't wait and either can i or my wife'' he said to you ''well it was good talking to you Timmy and if sure you have many more deliveries to make today before going home to your family i'll let you go now see you around'' you said back to him ''yes sure see you around y/n'' he said back to you as he walked down the down to continue his deliveries. a couple of days later you were working at home when you heard a whistle coming from the forest you told your Nana that you going to and get more herbs "oh OK dear be careful" she said to you.
"I will I promise you Nana" you said back to her you took your herbal medicine bag and your cloak with you. You closing the front door you walked to the forbidden forest you collected the herbs you needed for the chemist. When you heard a whistle coming from the mountains you knew it was him you went further into the forest and down to the path to the mountains.
That's when you saw the cute red dragon you went up him "hey there dragon. I see your owner has been using the cure I left behind for you" you said see the leg was fully heeled. You got up and looked around the cave you when all of a sudden you saw smoke "what's is go on" you said turning around to see a boy with small red dragon wings "so you can turn into a human?" you said to yourself.
When you heard a "oyi shitty hair why are up?" a boy with ashen blonde hair said well actually yelled to the boy "oh master your back" the red boy said to his owner "master so this is your owner" you said. The dragon's owner saw you in his cave he got up the nerve to talk to you "oyi medicine girl *he got a stare by the red boy* .... I mean y/n can I talk to you?" the ashen blonde boy asked you nodded and followed him outside the cave of the mountain.
"what do you to ask me?" you replied "well... I... Hmm.. I want to say thank you for helping my dragon when he was injured while I was away" he said to you outside of the cave he looked away at the sky. "oh thats no problem I hope your dragons is OK" you said seeing the sky turn colours of pink, purple, red and blue "Sorry I have to go it's getting late I'm sorry bye" you said bowing to the ashen blonde boy "wait y/n here this for you" he said to you walking back inside the cave and went over to a box in the back he took a small bag with "to y/n" writing on it he came back to you and handed it to you.
you put the small bad in your herbal bag. you thanked the owner of the dragon. you left him in the forbidden forest. walking back to your home to see your nana talking to some knights with white horses. "good evening Nana what's going on?" you asked. "the royal family wants you as their court herbalist'' your Nana said to you. "OK and what am I supposed to leave you what if something happens to you Nana I can't leave you no, no sorry I can't go" you said going into the home.
"I'm so sorry about her my granddaughter is just over protective of me I 'll talk to her" your nana said to the knights Your Nana went back inside to talk some sense into you "dear please go with them i'll be fine" she said to "no I won't live there. i met a boy in the mountains. he is very sweet and nice. i can't leave you. what if something happens to you while i'm away. if you died i would never forgive myself for not being by side. what kind of grand-daughter leavings there gran like this'' you said as you pet your bird lulu in the living room.
"Ik you have meet someone, and ik you would feel guilty if you leave me here. but you have to y/n. darling you have always wanted to be a court herbalist. this is your opportunity. this is your shot. take it'' nana said "fine i'll go for now, but i will return i promise'' you said packing your bag to leave your home town. "so dear what is the boy's name?" she asked 'oh it's the dragon king .. Katsuki bakugo" you said "OK why do you ask?" you asked "on no this was left for you two days ago. its from him'' she said. handed the letter over.
Dear y/n
I know I don't you that well but I think I might be falling for you I don't know why this happened but every since you heeled my dragon I can't stop thinking about you. I was wondering if you ever want run away I am up for that if you answer whistle and I will come to you.
The dragon King
Katsuki bakugo
"aww he's cute I'll keep that in mind" you said to yourself "knights what is the hold up did you get the herbalist" a boy on a white horse came up to them "my lord" they said as he came in to view of the house "what's the problem?" he asked one of the Royal guards that was there "my lord the herbalist won't leave cause she is worried about her grandmother she is in there talking some sense into her" the guard said to the Prince.
"maybe I'll talk to her" the Prince said as he was about to get off his white horse when he door opened to see you and your Nana "alright I'm coming I'm coming I get bye Nana love you" you said to your Nana as you hug her. "knights you go on ahead I'll catch up to" the Prince said to the Knights as then went on ahead but the Royal guards stayed behind "ah you ready to go miss. l/n" the Prince said to you. "ready as I'll ever be" you said smiling at the Prince you saw him going back to his white horse and hoping on top of it you were then lifted on the back of the white horse with prince.
(fast-forward to the kingdom)
The travel was long. as you reached the castle. prince shoto left you on his horse. a guard came and helped you off. they brought you into the throne room. when the royal family waited for your arrival. "ah so this the herbalist that saved our son from poison" the Queen asked the royal guard. "yes Majesty" the guard said "well we thank you for your service" she said "guard bring her to court herbalist'' the king said. the guard nodded and left with you. he brought you to the court herbalist here in the castle.
your job while living at the capital was to look after prince shoto. since he was poisoned before. the royal family was worried he might fall ill again. he was jerk to you. he wanted you to mess up so he could laugh at you. it never worked tho. he was pissed when it didn't work. after a month you were feeling home sick. you missed your home town. you missed the boy that lived in the mountains. and you hated working or babysitting shoto.
you remembered the letter that katsuki gave to you. well before you left for the capital to work for the royal family. you remembered the line ''if you ever want run away. whistle and i'll come and get you''. so when you thought about. you had enough of the royal family. you whistled and waited for a response.
when you saw his ashen blond hair in the distance. you waved him over. he flew over to the castle balcony. he jumped off the dragon. as he hugged you. ''as you ok? y/n i got your whistle? is everything ok?'' katsuki asked. you cried into his chest. sigh in relief ''i hate it here! i want to run away from this place. i want to be with you kastu" you said. ''pack your bags'' he said. you start to pack your bags. you gave the bag to katsuki. he tied to the dragon.
with your herbal bag around your shoulder. katsuki got back on the dragon ''jump y/n! we can leave'' katsuki said. as the door open to see the prince. you were hesitate about jumping "do you trust me?" he asked ''i trust you katsu'' you said back jumping. as katsuki caught you.
Shoto pov
After she was assigned to be my personal court herbalist i would taunt her and make her heal me my many injuries until she had messed up but she never did mess up not even once which kinda annoyed me cause i wanted to see her flip out and mess up so i make fun of her but nope and this went on for months now. so one day i walking around since that day i didn't have sword practice with sir knight ida i took stroll down to the court herbalists to see that y/n wasn't there i walked over to the head court herbalists ''where is y/n?'' i asked her.
'oh prince she is on one of her breaks right now but i wouldn't bother her though she isn't feeling all to well for visitors'' she said to me ''oh ok what's wrong with her?'' i asked her ''oh she's home sick so she went back to her bedroom'' she said to me ''oh ok thanks'' i said to her as ii was about to walk out when the head court herbalist called me back in ''did you need for something prince with you sick or injured cause if you are i have another herbalist here at the castle that would check you if you want that is?'' she asked me.
''no i'm fine i just wanted to know where she has been'' i said to her as i went to walk out and search for her she called me back in ''oh is that so cause I've heard stories of what you did to her prince that you have been trying to make her mess up on purpose just to laugh at her'' she said to me. ''she is a professional court herbalist assigned to you by your parents the king and queen just be nice to her from now on or she might want to leave here'' she said to me.
i was in shock i had no idea she had told them and that word had spread through out the castle my siblings might heard this then especially my eldest brother touya would tease the hell out of me for this i know it. i nod and bow as i walked out and continued my search i went in to the main hallway to see my three older siblings just standing there at the stairs case they were clearly talking when they saw me then stopped looked at me.
i gulped as my older sister ran over ''how's your personal court herbalist doing shoto?'' fuyumi asked me i looked at her ''oh ok i guess'' i said to her ''what's wrong?'' fuyumi asked me ''well i was going to go off to see her and but the head court herbalist said that she wasn't feeling well for visitors and that she was home sick'' i said to her ''well i wouldn't be surprised that she is home sick that she doesn't to see any visitors especially you'' touya said to him ''what are you talking about?'' i asked him as i looked at him.
''well word has it that you taunted her and wanted to make fun of her and that you wanted messing up which she didn't cause she a professional which then you got annoyed about cause you just wanted to be mean to her'' he said to me. my older sister and older brother looked at me in shock ''is that true?'' fuyumi asked me ''yeah its true'' i said to her my other older brother was still in shock ''why would you do that to her anyway she didn't do anything you?'' natsuo asked me ''i don't know why'' i said to him ''well you can still make it to her by being nice to her for a change'' fuyumi said to me ''oh really like how she won't to talk to me'' i said to her 'idk talk to her get on her good side be friends with her'' she said to me.
so after the talk with my three older siblings i left them in the great hall as i went upstairs to her bedroom to talk to y/n and as i got to her room and i was about to knock on the door when i heard a ''are you ok y/n I got your whistle are you ok? is everything ok?'' the male asked i knew it was katsuki bakugou "I hate it here! i want to run away from this. from this palace. i want to be with you katsu" she said to him i couldn't believe it. that she hated it that much. ''fine pack your bags'' he said to you.
when he said "ok then jump y/n we can go". i ran into the room. she was hesitate about leaving but then jumped. he caught her. as he wrapped her arms around his bare waist. she looked at me. so i ran to the balcony. "wait y/n did you really hate it here that much. i thought you were enjoying yourself?'' I asked . ''shoto you were mean to me. you taunted and teased me. wanting me mess up. but i never did. i am a herbalist. your court herbalist that is my job to treat injuries as stupid or as dump they might be'" she said to me ''you can still be a court herbalist. you can still work me'' i said back ''i'm done with you. i'm done with the capital. i'm done with the royal family. i'm done the todoroki's. katsu lets go home'' she said.
i watched as katsuki and y/n flew off together. i went back downstairs to see my siblings in the great hall''so what happened you went up to talk to her right?' natsuo asked me ''yeah i did well that was the plan at least but no its to late now she already with someone else'' i said to him my older sister looked at me ''then what happened shoto?'' fuyumi asked me.
''so well i went up to her room and when i got there i heard y/n talking someone else and she said how she wanted to run away from here and so when i opened the door she saw me and hesitate then she jump but the guy caught her i ran to the balcony and asked her why would she want to leave here? and she said that I was mean to her and that she never really wanted to be here in the first place" I said to her "well your an idiot" natsuo said to me "don't say that" my sister said to him trying to defend me but it was no use cause it was the truth "no its fine he is right tho I am an idiot" I said to her as i agreed with natsuo "father is going to kill you" touya said to me "yeah I know that" I said.
(Meanwhile back at the mountain)
You and Katsuki made it back home to the mountain a couple of months later "katsu why don't you come with me back to my home village/town there is someone I want to introduce you to who is really important to me" you said to the dragon King "yeah sure why not shitty hair is asleep and I want to spend time with you y/n" he said to you. So you and him went to see your nana he stood outside your house as you went into the house to see her and your pet bird were still alive. You cried when you saw them "hey Nana, hey lulu" you said.
"hi dear why you here I thought you were at the kingdom as a court herbalist" she said to you as she came over and hugged you. You sighed and said to your Nana "well I was there for a month or so but I hated it there in the capital so I came home with dragon King Katsuki bakugo" you said to her "is he here can I meet him" she said to you "Yes you can" you said as you went to the door "hey Katsu you can come in now" you said to him.
You were surprised when he took your hand in his "OK Nana this the guy I have been talking about" you said to your Nana "so your the dragon King who lives up on the mountains?" she asked him the guy standing right beside you "yes I am" he said to your Nana you were very surprised that he didn't yell at her at all. "ah well I hope you are happy with him" Nana said to you pointing out the fact you and him with still holding hands. "I don't know Nana I.. Mean.. Ah" you got interrupted when you felt a hand on your ass squeezing it "katsu stop it" you said turning red "I'll leave you too alone" your Nana said smiling as she left you and the dragon King alone.
"why did you have to grop my ass while I was talking to my Nana katsu?" you asked him blushing "I just wanted to y/n" he said to you with a smirk you sighed and looked him dead in the eye "katsu you could of waited until we were back in the mountains" you said to him as your Nana came back into the room "I see you want to leave you can go dear" your Nana said to you and the dragon King. After you and katsu got back to the cave he wouldn't left you go he like he just got your body and moved you over to the his dragons side and with that you fell asleep in each others arms.
The next day you woke to see katsu still asleep "morning kiri" you said as you pet the dragon you heard stirring beside you "katsu good morning" you said to him as you stroked his soft ashen blonde hair "don't leave me" he said as hugged you tightly "oh no don't worry I won't leave you katsu" you said he smiled at you as he pressed his lips on to yours as you shared a kiss.
(warning mature content ahead if you are too uncomfortable about reading this just pass or skip it)
You had finished up at herbal store and was going back when you had stopped by your nana's house "hey nana I was wondering do you want to live up with me and kastu up in the mountain" you suggested to her as you per bird lulu. She smiled and said to you "no dear y/n you stay up in the mountain with him but do take this with you" as she hands you a jewel and some herbs with your pet bird lulu as a memory of her if anything goes wrong. "thank you nana" you said as you hugged her.
Then you went to the forest to see kastu you made it the mountain to see him with his dragon asleep as you got up to the cave you had no what was going happen next until he grabbed your waist and push you down on to the soft carpet. He kissed you as he grop your ass your hands being tangled in his hair as he removed your clothes until you were completely naked as he kisses down on your body "listen I love you y/n and i have been thinking about starting a family with you" he said inbetween kisses you look into his red eyes "aww katsu I love you too and I would love to have a family with you" you said smiling at him.
"thank you" he said as he pulled down his trousers as he went back to kissing you and marking your body as he reached your private part. He uses his thumb and pressed against your fold brushing it up and down teasing the entrance of your p$$$$ you moan quietly as katsu pushes a finger into your p$$$$ as he moves it in and out of you "ah ~ katsu" you moaned "are you ok y/n?" he asked you "aww i'm fine katsu please continue" you said as he pushed in another finger until you felt you were releasing. He removed his fingers and licks them clean in front of you as he down south as he slowly licked your p$$$$ you instantly grabbed his hair as he continued eating you out you felt yourself release he licked his lips.
As he removed his briefs he positioned you at your entrance as he pushed in "go katsu I want you" you said in his ear he growled as he started off slow then went fast and hard you flinged your head back in pleasure as you crossed your legs around his back as he fucked you harder and deeper "ah ~ fuck ~ yes ~ katsu" you moaned he smirked at your reaction "yeah you like that don't you" he said in your ear. "ah ~ Fuck ~ yes ~ katsu ~ please hit there again" you said.
as you felt his dick hitting your g-spot he nodded and hit deeper into you hitting your g-spot more "ah! Fuck I th~ ink I'm go ~ nna cum" you said to him as you felt yourself get closer to your release "I feel it to y/n" he said as his thrusts got sloppier and sloppier. As moans and grunts came from you and katsu you released your juicies on to him and the carpet as he shot his seeds into your p$$$$ and your stomach. He pulled out of you as you both snuggled together getting back your breath. Katsuki wrapped his cloak around you feel asleep on his chest as he kissed your head.
The next morning you woke to be naked and alone to see no katsuki at all you got dressed and went back to work as a herbalist in the town. That evening you came back to the cave up in the mountains to see katsuki he was alone with his dragon you went up to him. "hey katsu and kiri" you said to your lover and his dragon. A week later you felt a bit ill and dizzy you closed your herbal store early as you went home back to the mountain and that's when you threw up. You had finished throwing up and went inside the cave to take a nap" hey y/n wa..." katsuki said to you. "is this the girl you love son" another voice said "yeah this her" katsuki said to them as he goes over to you. "hey y/n" he said again brushing your hair you woke up to see him you smiled "hey katsu" you said in a weak voice.
"are you ok?" he asked you "yes and no I'm just a bit dizzy and I think I might have morning sickness" you said to him with a smile "are you saying you might he pregnant?" he asked you with a shock he looked up at his parents and doctor "well it's not fully see able at the moment" the doctor said to him "yeah son give it a while" his father said to him "fine fine" he said to his father "so we will leave you to alone also tells us when the baby bump is showing" his mother said to him "oh yeah sure mother I'll tell you when it is visible" his said to her. So as what he doctor said, katsuki waited for a while for the bump to be seeable which didn't take that long cause of a month after you had your first dose of morning sickness the baby bump was showing you woke up from a nap to see just the dragon kiri.
your lover Katsuki wasn't there until you heard "y/n your a wake" he said to you "yeah well I noticed that you were gone so" you said to him you saw the doctor with him "Katsu why is there a doctor with you?" you asked him "well she wants to check the baby bump" he said to you as he sat behind you "now let's see two heirs for the dragon King" the doctor said to you and him "wait what two heirs?" you ask the doctor "yes miss you are pregnant with twins" the doctor said to you "so how long is she?" Katsu asked the doctor "well she is 2 months in so probably in another 7 months time" the doctor said to him.
after the news of the twins you and your partner katsuki were very happy "I'm going to be a father we are going to be parents y/n" he said to you so (fast forward 7 months later) you in alot of pain you were in labour and your lover Katsu stayed outside the cave while the doctor helped you give birth to the twin heirs after a few screams you ending up giving birth to one boy and one girl you were asleep while the doctor got the dragon King Katsuki. "the birth of your heirs are here" the doctor said to him "oh thank god... Wait is y/n ok?" he ask the doctor "yeah she is fine dragon King she is just resting and over here is your two heirs" the doctor said to him "I'll leave you two alone" the doctor said to him "thanks for helping her" he said to the doctor.
Katsuki walked over to his two heirs he was so happy he had a family with you now that the dragon King blood line can continue living on he looked down at his son he had your e/c and had his ashen spiky blonde hair (he had his eye, nose shape while he your lip, face shape: ear, chin) the son was named katsuro l/n bakugo and then he looked over at his daughter she had his red eyes and your h/c (she had your nose, eye shape while she had Katsuki lip, face shape: ear, chin) and the daughter was named Katsumi l/n bakugo. After a while you woke to see your lover katsuki "hey katsu your heirs are born" you said to him weakly with tears down your face "y/n no no don't cry you did wonderful" he said to you as he went over to you he helped you up on the bed as he walked over to the twin heirs and brought them both over to you so you could hold them.
After you 2 weeks you back to work while katsuki looked after the kids when you went off to the herbal store debating on where either leaving he cause he hasn't friendly to you since his heirs were born so while you write your letter to him when your Nana came in "dear what are you doing?" she asked you "Idk Nana I'm writing a letter to katsu" you said to her "why I thought you loved him?" she asked you "well yeah I do but he has been distance and unfriendly towards me now ever since I gave birth to his two heirs" you said to her "well maybe there is a reason dear" she said to you "I hardly doubt that Nana" you said back to her "why would you hardly doubt that y/n?" a voice asked you from the door way you stiffened up at the tone of voice as you throw away the letter that was for him "ah the dragon King and are these the twin heirs?" your Nana asked him.
"hey katsuro and katsumi can go with your great grandmother for a bit while I talk to your mother" he said to you "oh OK daddy" they both said to him as twins go off with their great grandmother Katsuki walked over to you and sat beside you he took your hand in his "y/n what happened? why are you here and not with us?" he asked you "well I don't katsu 2 weeks after I got back to work for some reason you have been all distance to me" you said to him "what are you talking about y/n?" he asked you "well you haven't been friendly and lovey dovey to me like you use to be" you said to him with a tear down your face "aw y/n I didn't mean to be all distance towards you" he said to you "then why katsu?" you asked him "well why don't I show you what I was doing cause I think you love it" he said to you "why would i ...." you started to say to him "do you trust me?" he asked you taking your hand in his "I do trust you katsu" you said to him to you smiling.
Katsuki took your hand and left your Nana house after you told her that 'you and Katsu would be gone for a bit" you said to her "oh ok dear so I'll mind the twins until you get back" Nana said to you as the twins katsuro and katsumi came over to Katsuki he looked at them "hey you two go over to your mom she has something to say" he said to them pointing at you katsuro and katsumi came over to you "hey mommy" they said to you.
"hi sweeties me and your father have to go for a bit so you two have to stay here with your great grandmother for a bit" you said to them "oh ok mommy" they said to you as they hugged you and you hugged them back you look up at your Nana "we will back late for them" you said to her as you saw both katsuro and Katsumi ran off "ok dear I'll tell them that" she said to you "y/'you ready to go?" he asked you "yeah katsu" you said to him as he took your hand in his and walked out of your Nana's house he then took you back to the cave up in the mountains "ok why are we here katsu?" you asked him "well you will see y /n just close your eyes" he said to you.
You nod and close your eyes Katsuki took your hand and took you down to the river "oh ok you can open your eyes" he said to you "oh ok katsu" you said to him as you open your eyes you look out towards the lake see the reflection of the sun bouncing off the water "what is this katsu?" you asked him as you look back at him "well I know you have been feeling a bit neglected but I wanted to do something for you so *Katsuki gets down on one knee* y/n will you marry me?" he asked you.
"oh my god katsu yes yes I'll marry you" you said to him katsu gets up and places the necklace around your neck signifying that you now engaged after that you picked up the twins you told your nana that you were engaged and 4 months later you got married. You stayed with your husband Katsuki and your kids the twin heirs katsuro and katsumi up in the mountain cave so it was close to both your family and his family it would have been easier that way so anyway fast forward 4 years later you got new that your Nana had passed away you wanted to bury her up in the mountain side near the cave you stayed as a herbalist in the town with your family with your husband the dragon King.
Name meanings
Katsuro - victorious son
Katsumi - victorious beauty
Word count: 6969
This is my first crossover fantasy Au of two of my favourite amines: BNHA and snow white and the red hair. Hope you guys enjoy the story! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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