Did You Miss Me?
Villain shoto todoroki (burn) x Ua student hero bunny y/n young sister of Rumi Usagiyama retired no.5 pro hero (mirko)
Genre: fluff
quirk - bunny
Hero name - y/n
Years later after a great war had happened in Japan. Many were lost and many were saved, as the villains behind it were in prison.
Life slowly went back to normal as the cities that were destroyed in the war, were being re-built with the help of the new pro heroes around.
A few years later a new villain came to town known as burn. No one knew who he was. But what they did was that he was in his early 20's.
They didn't really know what his goal or mission was either at first. But it came a bit clearer when he kidnapped a UA student/n Usagiyama who was only maybe 16 or 17 years old, and she was the younger sister of the old NO.5 pro hero mirko aka; rumi Usagiyama.
the new villain Burn took her away back to his castle where you stayed in a darken cold room for about 30 days now.
y/n pov
Ever since i was kidnapped by the villain burn. I have the locked in this room for about 30 days now ... maybe its more actually.. It doesn't matter anyway. i've stopped counting at this stage how long.
It has .. well been getting a bit annoying how he would come in to visit me in the room from time to time just yk to talk .. but like i was going to give up anything to him about the heroes .. my lips are shut.. Well so what i thought that is ... well this got him annoyed when he didn't get his way,
''fine be that way i'll know soon enough'' he would say before storming out and going to that one girl in his villain group .. what's her name? .. ah momo .. yeah her to calm him down again. I think she has a bf or something but still. Ik she was very pretty and more beautiful then me anyway. I could see why he would go for her.
But that still doesn't explain why he would always go for me when he could be with her. Despite her having a bf or whatever it is.
As i lay on the bed that was made of rough hard cotton. I waited for him to come back to try to talk to me again like he does every weekend at this time.
I mean he doesn't need to do this, like he probably doesn't have time for those who disobey him like this. ''I'll probably end up dead one of these days'' i said to myself.
You waited on him for a while, when you heard a knock, door opening and closing. You saw him again looking relax and calm, ''right sorry about that i'm moving you to another room y/n if you please follow me well unless you want to stay here in this cold room'' he said to you.
of course you definitely didn't want to stay in the room ''sure get me out of here'' you said as you ran out of the room.
He chuckled darkly ''your cute yk that y/n'' he said back ''i'm what? now'' you asked shocked on what came out of his mouth.
''come with me'' he said as he took your hand in his, dragging you to another room ''where are we going?'' you asked nervously what he was going to do next ''oh you'll see'' he said. as he brought you to the room ''what is this?'' you asked not really wanting to know but also wanting to know as well.
you looked at him, he chuckled ''just open the door'' he said to you ''ok here goes nothing'' you said to yourself as you open the door to see a brand new room
you look around the room, then back at him who was beside you at the door ''ok what is this? I thought you were ....'' you started to say to him ''what? .. you think that i was going to let you go, or worse .. oh no you forget this is your new room .. i hated that other room i putted you in when i first kidnapped you, ik you hated it too so, enjoy your new room'' he said
as he went to leave the room ''why are you doing this? You're a villain, you're mean and hurt people why are you being nice?'' you asked him ''because i want you ... can't you not see that? Oh y/n my sweetie baby'' he said to you
''but why me i'm just a bunny ! you would probably want someone with a better quirk than me i mean'' you stated ''that doesn't matter to me'' he said to you ''want to know why me then? Why would you pick me? Can you answer me?'' you ask
''i want a family, y/n and not just with anyone i want one with you, just think how cute our child would be running around here, the child of a villain and a hero'' he said to you, as he dreamed off into the distances
''that's absurd you can't do that to me i won't allow it, no no no no, you have no right to ask that of me, i'm still young i want a life not to be used by anymore just cause they want a child'' you shouted at him.
He tried to get close to you, to calm you down, ''hey hush now y/n you're going to have a panic attack if you're not careful'' he said to you ''oh screw a panic attack i don't care! No just no you can't do this to me'' you said to him moving away from him getting yourself upset,
as you start to hyperventilate, he saw this and came over ''y/n hey hey look at me .. breath ok! just please y/n just listen, you don't know the reason why kidnapped you really!'' he said to you, he paused for a moment when you got your breathing back, he let go of you and sat on the bed
''then why? what is your reason? Oh please tell me your reason?'' you ask him sarcastically as you sat away from him on the bedsheets ''i'll tell you if you stop moving away from me, it's only going to make this harder, none of your sassy y/n'' he said to you ''fine'' you said to him, as you moved over to him on the bed.
Where he could wrap his arms around your waist ''that's better now, y/n the reason i kidnapped you was that i liked you, i found you cute'' he said to you ''that's not right, that's impossible you can't be in love! villains can't love'' you said to him, hoping it was just a joke.
but he didn't laugh, you stayed silent ''it's true y/n Usagiyama, i like you alot'' he said to you ''i .. hmm don't know what to say'' you said to him 'well for starters you can call me by my first name shoto'' he said to you with a smile
''i hmm ... *he gave you a look* .. ok shoto'' you said back to him as shoto smiled at you ''see that wasn't so hard, now we are on a first name basis we can idk get to know each other maybe?'' he asked you.
As pulls you into him ''hold your horses tiger i need to know if your true to your word you like me, words are nothing if you can't show or prove them'' you said to him ''if that's what baby wishes then i can't argue with her on that i'll prove myself to you and show you much i love you then'' he said to you, as he kiss your cheek. He thought about what he could do to prove himself to you ''hmm.. Wait here for a minute, I'll be back with something'' he said to you.
You nod, as he leaves the room. Meanwhile ''girls i need you to find clothes for my baby before she dies of a cold now hurry'' he said to them ''of course sir'' they said to him, as a maid runs to find the prettiest dresses for you to wear for tonight. shoto went down the hallway to the main hall to be stopped by momo
''so you're really going for it huh with her?'' momo asked him ''well we are talking aren't we and i want prove to her how i love her so i'm start in the first direction for us'' he said to her ''shoto just remember she is a Ua hero and your a villain, just be careful she might of wanted to get caught by you in the first place or something maybe she has a tracker on her clothes'' momo said warning him
''don't be ridiculous momo all her clothes were searched by the guards at the front before she was thrown into that dark cold room 30 days ago, so stop it ok why are you like this momo'' he said to her, as he left her in the hallway. The maid came back with four maids behind her, with 20 different dresses for you
''we found dresses, we picked her the best ones we could find sir'' shoto looked at them envisioning you in them ''very nice take them to her, oh but make try this one especially'' he said to her ''but sir what if she doesn't like these dresses or the one your choose?'' a younger maid asked him
''hush you don't say that to your boss'' a more older maid (not senior maid) shoto looked at them, and the air in the hallway fell silent, he sighed ''then well bring more dresses for her to choose from i want her to be happy in something just go'' he said to her.
as they bowed and left, to your bedroom. the senior maid knocked on the door ''come in'' you said ''hello miss'' the senior maid to you ''who are you?'' you asked her ''i work here miss'' she said to you ''and then they work here too?'' you asked
''yes that's right miss'' they said to you bowing ........ *clap clap*....... ''girls dresses the to bed'' she said to them ''right away senior'' the other maids said to her. the other maids lay the dresses on the bed, and step back in a line at the front of the door. you to look at them ''what are these?'' you asked her
''they are the dresses that shoto picked out for you miss, he hoped you would choose one'' a maid said to you ''oh he does, does he now?'' you asked her ''yes miss'' another maid said to you ''ok i'll pick this one'' you said to her, as you pointed to the dress (it was the one that shoto picked for you) ''an excellent choice miss'' the senior maid said to you.
the dress you picked was red and white. it was sleeveless and tight fitting around the waist. it did really show off your waist, as the top of the dress showed of a lot of neck and cleavage. as the top was connected by a ribbon around the neck. as the back was low and covered in jewels.
as the other dresses were brought away and put in your wardrobe a younger maid went to take the hanger off the red and white dress ''thats the one shoto, picked as well miss'' she said to you as she took away the hanger ''really interesting i wonder why he picked it?'' you ask yourself as the maids helped you into the dress, styling the hair, and finishing up your make up.
once they were done. you looked at yourself into the mirror in your room, giving the dress a good spin ''you look beautiful miss'' she commented as she stood there ''really idk it seems a bit much .. i seem a bit much in this dress'' you said back to her
''don't silly miss, shoto would love it, shoto would think you look beautiful in this dress miss'' the younger maid said to you ''really do you think so?'' you asked her as you looked at yourself in the dress again ''why yes of course miss'' the senior maid said to you ''ok if you say so i guess'' another maid was outside and knocked on the door
''Is she ready there?'' a different maid asked ''yes she's ready, right miss are you ready to see shoto now?'' the senior maid asked you ''as ready as i'll ever be i guess'' you said to her with a smile as you walked to the door. As the two girls brought you to the ''sir shoto as your requested miss y/n Usagiyama'' a girl said to him ''ah y/n you came great, men! this is a joyous occasion tonight as your queen has arrived'' he said to them giving you an introduction.
You walked up the dinner hall, passing his men. they all bowed to you. as you walked up to the stairs. shoto took you hand in his as he brought you to the throne ''long live queen y/n and king shoto'' as the men cheered. Though you were confused on what was happening, while everyone was dancing. He took out the back to the balcony
''i see your still confused baby'' he said to you, as he looked out at the night sky ''yeah what's going on?'' you asked him ''my men might have thought we are engaged now'' he said taking your hand in his ''why would they think ...... unless you said that to them shoto?'' you asked him as looking at the night sky
''i would never do that remember i'll still trying to prove to you how much i love you baby'' he said to you ''ok shoto i believe you'' you said to him ''good baby, oh i forgot to say to you that you look beautiful in that dress i choose right'' he commented you
''thank you shoto that's nice of you'' you said to him ''question why this dress? Don't take this the wrong way. I do love this dress but i want to know why you choose this dress for me to wear?'' you asked him
He looked at you ''baby i chose this dress for you cause i knew it would look amazing on you more than anyone else, i like how it perfectly forms your body'' he said to you as he pulled you in him. Wrapping your arms around his neck. You both kiss under the starlit sky. After an hour of kissing, you still wanted more from him.
you wanted to continue kissing him. He knew that too, as he still held your hand in his ''Come with me y/n i know a secret tunnel that will hide us away from the others'' he said taking you to a tunnel that led straight to his chambers.
You got out and him ''so where were we?'' he asked you, as he put his arms around your waist pulling you in ''well i believe we were kissing me shoto'' you said to him ''oh that's right baby'' he said. as he pushes you on to his bed. Moving your dress to the side. Not ripping it. As it fell to the floor, you wrapped your bare legs around his waist as it moved in on you. Moans could be heard from his room.
You eventually stopped and fell asleep in his arms. As he smiled at your sleeping figure right beside him. He kissed your forehead.
As he falls asleep too, moving you into his chest until the morning. The next few months he proved himself, on how much he loves you.
Until the day he proposed to you. Which was a normal day, out at the garden hidden by trees and a big wall. You were sniffing the flowers when he came over to you. ''Baby i have something to ask you?'' he asked ''yes what is it sho'' you said
''well y/n Usagiyama, my baby though we came from different backgrounds in the past that doesn't matter cause i love you and want to end this by saying three words to you. So will you marry me?'' he asked you as he opened a small box.
The ring inside was beautiful ''yes yes of course i'll marry you sho'' you said to him with tears in your eyes. He slid the ring on your finger ''she said yes'' he said. As now an engaged couple.
You and shoto had to be careful around where you live now. As the pro heroes and police are still looking for the young UA hero y/n Usagiyama to come home. Though it's been 4 years since you were kidnapped and not once have you tried to escape him.
Which shoto and his men are surprised you haven't. You just fell in love with him and just couldn't leave him now. After all, you're engaged to him now so you have to stay with him through every- thing that might come your way you will stick by him. As the days went on you and him were now planning your big day.
The wedding day between villain burn aka; shoto todoroki and Ua hero y/n aka; y/n Usagiyama. The day was performed at a hidden mountain of where he lived now.
The day was good, clear skies, with a nice smell of the ocean breeze. As you did your vows and said I do. You were officially husband and wife now on the run forever and ever.
You honestly never thought your life would turn out like this, always on the run from good and doing evil. What you thought your life would be like was to go to school, meet a nice boy, settle down, have a family and become a pro hero like older sister rumi.
But now your life turned out to be better because you fell in love with someone stronger than anyone in your class and you're married to him now for eternity. As you make it back home with your husband shoto. You knew something was wrong. Something felt different.
You had a walk around the castle to see no one in sight ''hello'' you called out just to be knocked out ''we got her take her to the hospital'' the police officer said. As you were taken away shoto and his men to tartarus prison. When you woke up, your older sister
'''don't worry, you're safe y/n now'' she said to you thinking that you were scared ''save me? You didn't save me sister! I was happy with him'' you said to her ''but he kidnapped you?'' she asked you shocked that you didn't actually want to be saved ''yeah and what you thought i wanted to be rescued from him well i didn't cause i fell in love with him, now shoto todoroki is my husband'' you yelled at her.
They thought y/n was wrong, that she was under a spell, or something but they got a pro hero that could read the truth ''it's true she fell in love with him , she didn't care about her hero life anymore'' he said to them. Meanwhile at tartarus your husband shoto was getting integrated by the pro heroes and police.
But all he would say ''is my wife y/n ok?'' he asked them ''you will never see her again'' the old police officer said to him ''yes it's me mirko i'm coming with my sister y/n she wants to see her husband'' she said on the phone ''what are you talking about mirko he kidnapped her? Why does she want to see him?'' the old police officer asked her
''well apparently we made a mistake/n didn't want to be saved she was happy with him'' she said back ''fine let her in'' the old police officer said. As the car arrived at tartarus, they brought you to him, in the containment room ''you have an hour with him'' they said to you.
As they shut off the cameras but left on the mic so they could hear you both talk ''sho what have they done to you? Are you ok?'' you asked him ''i'm fine baby i'm more worried about you'' he said. You cry/laugh
''i'm fine sho'' you said to him. From the room on top they hear your conversation ''they really love each other, maybe we could let them go'' mirko said to them ''what are you talking about?'' the police officer asked
'it's true that they are in love she wasn't love drug this is her actually feelings'' pro hero myra said ''are you joking me, he is a villain and she is a hero or now i guess ex hero but still they can't actually be in love'' uravity said to her ''well hawks is with dabi so its possible that it's the same thing here'' no.1 pro hero deku said to her
''yeah i guess, but she's still young, she can still make a good decision right'' pro hero pinky said to him. It's like they didn't know what actually happened ''she was kidnapped 5 years ago, she didn't once try and run away from him not even once in those 5 years being there'' mirko said to her
They were shocked that y/n Usagiyama was not scared at all over the 5 years ''Are you saying that she never wanted to be saved? Like at all?'' pro hero earphone jack asked in shock ''it seems that way to me, when I was at the hospital I questioned her" myra said to her ''really well if that's she wanted they should have let them go'' the no.2 pro hero Dynamight said to them ''no we can't just can't let them be together it's not right'' one of the old police officer said
''oh so, you're still stuck in the olden days aren't you? Why don't you grow up grandpa?'' no.2 pro hero dynamight said to him in anger. ''Calm down bakubro not all people can change or are willing to change'' pro hero red riot said to him as he looked back at the old fashioned police officer
''yeah life has changed, people have changed, this society has changed, but some people never do that cause they are two chicken to do it'' pro hero deku said in agreement to red riot and dynamight. The other pro heroes agree with izuku, katsuki and eijiro on this.
After they had a long discussion about what to do, your hour with shoto was over. As you were dragged out of the room.
Never to see him again. You cried honestly, you were starting to understand why villains hated this society so much.
In which they were grouped together as being evil without getting a second chance or even being given a second chance. So, for 2 years of crying and wanting your husband to be free. You took desperate measures to get him out of there. As another year went by. You still didn't trust anyone.
As they even tried to get you to be with someone else, to make you let go of your husband shoto, but no you just bunny kicked them into the wall and walked away. As you didn't want any of this. All you ever wanted was to have him back in arms again.
So, as you stayed in the hospital because they thought you weren't ready to be let out. You heard a window break as you got up thinking it was someone stupid. You looked out the window.
When the door of the room opened you heard the voice of someone you thought that you would never see/hear again ''did you miss me baby?'' he asked you.
You cried as you turned around to see him in the flesh. Y/n ran to him ''sho your here? You got out! How did you get out? I've missed you so much'' you said to him,
as you hugged him so tight ''i've missed you too baby, but we have no time for this! We have to go now'' he said to you ''to where sho?'' you asked him
''to the mountains where we made vows then we can go anyway you want baby! It's all up to you as our queen'' he said to you ''then let's go sho'' you said to him.
So, as you and shoto left the hospital with the remaining men that were actually caught they fled japan. Moving to the mountains to hide there.
When you got there you saw the maids, and the other men and girls that worked for him. You were happy that no one was caught ever again for the next 3 years you and him hid in secret.
The pro hero and police stopped looking for you when they found your suicide note on your bed in the hospital. A life that you and they thought you wanted was now gone to the grave it seemed.
They mourned the death of y/n Usagiyama for another few years as she was the one who brought together an idea that was later reinstated as law that villains and heroes can walk the streets, with no fighting unless they have proof.
While back at the mountain side manor you stayed there with your husband as you bedridden cause you were with child now, his child.
Everyday the maids would come in and wash you down, help you get dressed for the day as you were brought around in a wheelchair for another 4 months.
It was kinda a bit annoying cause well you couldn't go anywhere on your own. Your husband shoto knew this and he did his best to comfort you a lot when you and him were alone. Though it didn't work all the time.
(4 months later) you were in labour, having your kid, your baby girl. After 46 hours of the maids telling you to push. Your baby was finally born, they wrapped her in a soft pink baby blanket and had her over to you.
Your husband wasn't there for the birth of his own child as he was busy with something else, honestly you didn't care as you were tired from all the pushing and labour you went through.
You were brought back to the master bedroom when you heard a knock ''sorry i was late is everything ok? Is this her baby?'' he asked you.
As he made his way over to you ''yes sho this is her'' you said to him ''baby you know we have to give her a name right'' he said to you
''hmmm... how are kiseki Usagiyama todoroki (meaning of the name ''miracle'') .... so what do you think sho?'' you asked him ''i love baby'' he said to you as he kissed your forehead.
He looked at his daughter to see she had your white hair and his heterochromatic eyes both grey and teal blue and for face features (she had your nose, lip shape and his eye, chin shape).
He was happy that she was finally here. As Kiseki opened her eyes to her father she held her tiny hand out and grabbed on his finger, squeezing it tight.
After a while Kiseki let go of his finger as she had fallen asleep again. Now with a happy yet very tired wife and mother, shoto was finally happy.
As his wife went to sleep, shoto took his baby girl Kiseki in his arms, put her down in her cot for a nap. He walked back to the bed and kissed you goodnight then left the bedroom.
The next couple of months were troubling for shoto as he had to look after her while his wife y/n was asleep. He did get help from the maids, cause shoto was completely lost in looking after a child, never mind his own child. When y/n woke up she would care for kiseki while he went off and did villain stuff only when in reason.
They needed to stock the baby cabinet so he sent the maids that weren't working that day to go and get the stuff. Through the years kiseki your daughter grew up to be an amazing girl and woman. she had both inherited your bunny quirk and her dad's ice quirk so ice bunny.
Her dad trained her how to use her ice quirk. While you taught her how she could use her bunny quirk as a threat or as a gift for humanity and peace. 5 years later your daughter was 15 years old, though she had a home - school life growing up.
Somehow she got into UA, the school you went to. Now with new pro hero teachers like uraraka, others as teachers. They shaped her to be and respect what, y/n Usagiyama her own mother laid down in this society. They knew she was y/n's daughter tho, they didn't know she was pregnant before she took her own life.
(well that's what everyone thinks when the truth is that y/n just hide away with shoto, her husband). After school Kiseki came home back to the mountains ''mom! Dad!'' she called out
''lady kiseki your parents are in the garden'' a maid came to her ''on thanks i want to see them'' she said to her ''well you can, my lady, but they are busy at the moment'' she said.
As the maid brought Kiseki to see her parents ''mom! Dad!'' she said to them ''ah our little miracle has come back from school! Come here my girl was it?'' you asked her ''it was good i guess'' she said to you
''what's wrong? What happened?'' shoto asked her ''well when i was having lunch in the cafeteria students were coming up to me and saying '...condolence on your mother, we wish you could have seen your mother' .. what are they on about?'' she asked you ''i think it's time to tell her baby''
shoto said to you ''yes i do agree'' you said back to him ''what do you have tell me?'' she asked you ''well kiseki before you were born i faked my own death to stop heroes and police finding me and your dad here cause in my society back then it was against the rulers to fall in love with a villain and so after i left they changed the rulers so that villains and heroes and even children both from them can walk the streets without be worried and go and find happy lives so i didn't tell anyone where i was going or where i was i'm sorry my little miracle i didn't mean for this to happen for you and at some point i'll come out and tell people i'm fine'' you said to her.
She looked up at you and then at her dad ''but what if they try to find us mama?'' she asked you ''well then we will have to move and run away'' you said to her ''but i like it here i met 2 new friends today in my class and i like my new teacher'' she said to you
''who's your new teacher?'' shoto asked her ''uravity why? Do you know her dad?'' she asked her ''yeah i do know her i went to school when i went to Ua before i turned evil and became the villain burn but that's all old history'' he said to her.
As life went on your daughter kiseki went back to school as normal as you on the other debated on calling your sister rumi just to talk. Your husband shoto came to see you standing by a telephone
''baby what's wrong? Something on your mind?'' he asked you ''something kiseki said yesterday in the garden got me thinking it's been years maybe i can talk to her, my older sister rumi'' you said to him ''baby i heard they had a funeral for you when they found the note.
It would be cruel to that now'' he said to you ''when do you ever talk rationally?'' you asked him ''i always do when i'm around you baby i just don't think it's time to say 'hi remember me i'm still alive' to your older sister rumi or to anyone else'' he said to you.
''Yeah i guess your right it would be to cruel to tell her i'm alive after all these years tho they never found my body'' you said to him ''baby please move on we have a life together and a family together can not think about this and think about what we are going to name our new unborn baby boy soon'' he said to you as he rubbed your round belly. You giggle ''I guess you're right sho'' you said to him. So, as you and shoto thought of names for your baby boy soon to be born in 5 months time.
Your daughter came home from school ''mom! Dad!'' you called out to them. ''Miracle were here'' you said to her. As you came in to see her with her dad shoto ''mom you should be up and walking go rest i just to know if you and dad were here that's all'' she said to you as she left to do her homework. ''Also fyi i think kenzo for a boy is cute'' she added before leaving down the hallway to her bedroom ''kenzo - it means wise that's not a bad idea for a name for our son'' you said to shoto ''i guess not baby so it's kenzo'' he said to you.
(5 months later) you were in labour, having your son, your daughter kiseki was at school at the time. After 46 hours of the maids telling you to push one more time.
You gave birth to your son kenzo Usagiyama todoroki (meaning of the name ''wise'') he had your e/c and his multi-colored hair both red and white and for face features (he had your eye, chin shape, his nose, lip shape). Your husband was here for the whole 46 hrs of labour.
As he looked down at his son. Later after you had rested a bit your daughter came home the maids told her that kenzo her little baby brother had just been born. Kiseki was excited to have her baby brother.
The maid brought her into the master bedroom to see her mom and dad ''oh kiseki come here met your new baby brother kenzo'' you said to her.
As kiseki came over to the bed she sat on the edge. Her baby brother opened his eyes. As they shared a moment together, a brother/sister moment. It was over very quickly.
As for the next few months you and her dad looked after him kenzo even home schooled him when he got his quirk - fire bunny. After a few more years you came out and told your sister rumi, when she found out, she realised that you did this all to be with your husband, she didn't tell anyone that you were alive.
But she did get to see her niece kiseki and nephew kenzo. 2 years later what was left in the old castle they brought back at the mountain side manor so, everything even your dresses. As now a happy family of 4.
The end
Meaning of the name
Kiseki - miracle
Kenzo - wise
Word count: 6050
This was a hard one cause this is the second villain story where the reader has been a Ua high student, but wanted a story that reader was related to a pro hero. Hope you all enjoy the story. See you in the next story ✌️
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