cooler then me
idol singer denki kaminari x fan girl gf reader,
genre: fluff
singer/ idol au,
Story idea - when the golden hero rose to fame with his music. Making fans around the world crying for his name. Many fans fell for his song. You weren't that interested in music until you heard him. You didn't get why so many girls love this guys so much. To you he was just another idol guy who just came to fame to make a quick buck in the music industry. That was it to you.... Well that's what you thought at first. ... That was until you met in person. And your whole attitude towards this idol pop star changed.
hi this is y/n l/n of a small town company. I'm originally from Kyoto before I moved to the next state over and went to school there. Was in the business study course. I heard that some famous idol pop star went to this school.
You didn't care cause you just didn't see the hype. The love for music. In your family music wasn't played much. Good grades were more important than fun. So that was the ideology you grew up with. You got plan only on the weekends but it only to go outside or writing fan fic stories. That was it. Your weekend activities were very limited. Your dad and mom were very strict on your upbringing.
You met a few people there in your class and became friends with three people. They were shocked that you were brought up in a strict household. So they decided to disrupt the old you into a more fun version.
They got you into music, anime, games, anything that was fun. That your parents would like ''nah no''. If you asked them. You enjoyed this version of you. There was a live concert being played in the stadium nearby. It was on the weekend. It was great timing. Your two friends took you down to the concert.
[Chorus: Mike Posner]
If I could write you a song to make you fall in love
I would already have you up under my arm
I used up all of my tricks, I hope that you like this
But you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me
There were so many people around. .... Maybe over 1 million fans came to see one guy sing and perform. You were still new to his music. So you danced to ones you were from the live concert list. The two friends that took you to the concert. Myra and kyo.
They were happy to see you dance and smile. You never got this growing up. So it was nice to see you let loose and just have fun. you knew that after the concert you would have to come up something to your parents
A good lie.. Enough for them to believe you. cause you will be back to studying on sundays. Only having Fridays and Saturdays off. The concert went on until midnight. After the tour. You got a lot of calls and texts from your parents. Asking you to come home.
You had to leave your friends and get a bus back home. When you were at the gate you had to come with something. Tho you had a face on. You had to make up a lie. So you got to the front door. And got berated by your parents. ''Where were you?'', ''what took you so long to answer your phone?'', ''where are your friends?''
You got designer shades just to hide your face
And you wear 'em around like you're cooler than me
And you never say hey or remember my name
And it's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me
You sighed as you told them you were at my friend's house until midnight and forgot to text you saying I would be back late in the night. ''I'm sorry for telling you'' you said ''its ok just let us know next time when this happens ok'' your mom said. You went upstairs. And went straight to bed. You were tired. I mean it was like what .. 1 am in the morning by the time you got home. So like yeah. You didn't start your studies until 11 the next day.
You studied until 6. Taking small breaks when you could. The next day you went back to school. You saw your two friends at their desks. You went over to them with a smile. They smiled back. ''Hey, how are you?'' you asked them ''we are good, i'm sorry you had to go back straight after the concert'' myra said ''well my parents berated me as soon as i opened the front door'' you said to her
''So what did you tell them?'' kyo asked ''i said i was over at my friends house until midnight and i forgot to text saying i would be back late'' you said to him ''damm and they believed you ok maybe this whole new y/n is a good thing'' myra joked ''maybe maybe'' you said to her.
Class started as the lecturer talked for an hour before your second class started around 11. That went on until 1. You had lunch in the cafeteria. You sat with them at a table. You chatted about the concert from saturday.
You got your high brow shoes on your feet
And you wear 'em around like it ain't shit
But you don't know the way that you look
When your steps make that much noise, shh
Myra remembered something important ''oh right y/n, i forgot to give this to you, it was left for you after the concert'' she said ''oh what is it?'' you asked her ''i don't know, when we were about to leave the stadium, a security guard ran over to us and told us to give this to you so here we are'' kyo said
''Oh ok, that's weird'' you said back. As you took a break from your lunch to open up the gift. The mystery package in front of you. Inside the box. Was a poster, cd and a note. You pick up the note. To see someone's writing. A number signed to it with a name.
''So what was it?'' kyo asked ''ok you're going to believe me but I think someone gave me there phone number'' you said back ''what are you on about?'' Myra asked, "Here, see for yourself'' you said back to her.
She looked at the note ''omg, y/n do you know who's number is this? This is big'' she said to you ''chill, your going high pitched again'' kyou said ''i don't care, kyo, y/n has a idol's phone number so i'm going to talk about it'' she said to him ''what idol's number?'' he asked
See, I got you all figured out
You need everyone's eyes just to feel seen
girl , you're so vain, you probably think that
This song is about you, don't you?
Myra showed him the note ''girl, your luck'' he said to you ''what are you on about kyo, and don't give then look'' you said back ''you have denki kaminari's phone number'' myra said to you
Myra returned the note back to you. Looking at them both for a second then back at the note in your hand '''you mean the idol we went to see on saturday gave me his number'' you said to them ''ya ha, girl save the number'' kyo said ''i'll do it, y/n isn't going to do it'' myra said to him
She steals your phone for a second and adds the number. She texted the number to make sure it was his before. She returned the phone back to you. The number texted back quickly with a ''hey, how are you?'' and a ''are you free this saturday?''. Myra stole your phone to text back ''i'm good, how's yourself and yes sure i'm free on saturday, we could we met at cafe shope name'' she said to him
(fast-forward to that saturday) you left your house at 12 and made it to the cafe shop name that was just two blocks down from where your neighbour is. You waited for him outside to arrive. When he came you and him went into the cafe. You both ordered drinks and got to chatting.
If I could write you a song to make you fall in love
I would already have you up under my arm
I used up all of my tricks, I hope that you like this
But, you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me
It was a good first date to be fair. You didn't tell your parents it was a guy. You said it was a class project at the library. You had fun getting to know him. After the date. He turned to you asked ''it was fun, I was wondering you were free again next friday?'' he asked ''i think I am, let me just check,.... Yeah i'm free on friday'' you said to him
He texted you later that day on the second date plans. He didn't go into detail but that it would be fun. The day you went back to class you told your friends myra and kyo all about your first date with him. It was so fun. You said smiling.
''So do you have a date 2 planned?'' kyo asked ''yes next friday, since right now my only two free days are Friday and saturday'' you said to him ''Ooooo look at you with the second date, do you like him yet?'' she asked ''i don't know, it's hard to tell right now'' you said back
(fast-forward to friday) got dressed up all cute like for the second date. You may have or may not have gone shopping the day before after school with your two friends. So you had some -thing to wear for the second date. You told your parents that you would be back around 7, maybe 8 tonight. You left the house and walked down to wait outside the cafe where you first met. When he came. He took you back to his studio.
You got designer shades just to hide your face
And you wear 'em around like you're cooler than me
And you never say hey or remember my name
And it's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me
You got to see his music studio. Like OMG!. you got to hear one of his songs he was working on for an album. ''Hey it ok if i film you guys recording?'' you asked ''yeah sure i don't see a problem with it'' he said back. You took out your phone and press record. They started to practice until 4. After the jam practice was done. The rest of the band left. It was only you and him left in the studio.
''You were really cool'' you said ''oh yeah, do you play any instruments?'' he asked ''no not really, my parents were really strict so they thought music is just a silly hobby but i don't'' you said ''i'm sorry you went through that.. Do you want me to teach?'' he asked ''i would love that'' you said.
For the rest of the date. Denki taught you how to play guitar and a little bit of piano. It was fun. You enjoyed yourself. You wished that your parents would have let you do music when you were younger. When the clock reached 7. You started to pack up the date. You and Denki walked out of the music studio.
You walked down the street. Holding hands. The roads seemed quiet. So there weren't many people around. You and him made it to the bus stop. You turned to him ''i had so much fun today denki, thank you for teaching me music'' you said ''it was no problem at all y/n'' he said back
You got your high brow, switch in your walk
And you don't even look when you pass by
But you don't know the way that you look
When your steps make that much noise, shh
See, I got you all figured out
You need everyone's eyes just to feel seen
girl , you're so vain, you probably think that
This song is about you, don't you?
Your bus came. And you had to go. You turned to denki no more time before getting on the bus. You hugged him. He hugged you back. You took one step onto the bus to only take that step off. Denki turned you around. He kissed you. I REPEAT ''HE KISSED YOU'' you were in shock at first.
Then melt into the kiss. After that he left you. You went home. And that was that. You and Denki texted until 3 in the morning on friday. You had free time on saturday. So when he was busy you would text him. But you mainly went out with your friends and told them about what went down on friday.
They were shocked when you told them that you and Denki kissed. They were happy for you. You had a smile of pure joy on your face. It was love you were feeling for him. And you knew it. Your friends knew it. The only ones that didn't know it was Denki and your parents.
You wanted to tell Denki how you felt. But decided to tell him on your third date. But enough about that. You showed them the videos of the band practicing. You went on and on about how he taught me to play music. They were really happy for you. That you found someone that you love.
If I could write you a song to make you fall in love
I would already have you up under my arm
I used up all of my tricks, I hope that you like this
But you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me
On your third date. It took you to a picnic date. It was cute. He had his guitar with him. You had no idea he was going to play something for you at the park. You were just sitting down next to him. Under the shade of the giant tree. You leaned your head against his shoulder. As he starts to hum a song. You listened to his voice.
He took his guitar and strummed a littel tune. Everyone in the park could hear the sound of a guitar being played. They listened to the words. Some passbyers took out their phones and press record. He continued to sing his song to you. It was cute. You almost cried as his voice for some reason always brought you to tears.
He did that at the first concert you were at. His words. His voice brought you to tears. You just started weeping. But this time you were able to control the tears a bit more. Cause well you had make up on. And well you know the rule makeup + tears = a messy face lol. You didn't want that.
He finished his song. He turned to look at you ''are you crying y/n?'' he asked ''No! Yes! Maybe I am and maybe I'm not'' you said back ''you were crying'' he said with a smirk ''was it my voice again'' he teased ''denki! You knew that'' you said shocked ''it was kinda obvious'' he said chuckling.
You got designer shades just to hide your face
And you wear 'em around like you're cooler than me
And you never say hey or remember my name
And it's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me
You pouted at him for a while. He chuckled at your pout. Stealing your pout away with a kiss and a smirk. You blushed ''hmmm denki there is something i have to say'' you said ''ok then what?'' he asked ''well how do i put this... i have feelings for you. I love you a lot. I had great fun with our first two dates and everything i think about you, it brings a smile to my face'' you said
You looked at him hoping for a good answer to your confession '' you like me y/n! I like you, i wanted to ask you to be my gf after the date but i guess now is a better time than ever to ask you'' he said back ''will you be my gf y/n?'' he asked you ''Omg yes, ofc i would love to be your gf denki'' you said back with a smile. You and Denki shared a smile and kiss. You held hands for the rest of the date.
Now that you and Denki are dating. You decided to keep away from the media. You were only 17 and he was 19. So you and him kept it a secret for a year. Before telling your parents. Your two friends Myra and Kyo already knew. You told them after your third date with denki. They were so happy for you. That you have a bf now. You were happy that you also had bf. You and Denki continued to date.
After a year of dating. You turned 18 and Denki will be turning 20. It was a two year difference in age but you didn't care. You first told his parents first. You thought his parents would be less strict than your parents which were thank god for that. After they accepted you as his gf. You went to your parents. They were just sitting in the living room. You walked in with your bf denki.
Now don't you dare act like you don't know (don't know)
Know what's up, (know what's up) ' cause your nose is up
I'm appriachin' up pshht, yup
Like i can give you winter in the summer
You sighed as you held his hand. ''Mom! Dad! There is someone I want you to meet. He is really important to me'' you said to them ''who is then?'' your mom asked ''mom! Dad! met my bf denki kaminari'' you said ''you have a bf? Is he interrupting your studies?'' your dad asked. Knowing this was going to happen ''no dad he isn't interrupting my studies'' you said ''ok well i guess then it's ok'' he said back.
as he went back to reading the newspaper ''yeah sweetie as long as he doesn't interrupt your studies to get into college then we are fine with you dating him, just as long as he makes you happy that's all that matters'' your mom said. You and bf denki left the living room ''you weren't kidding when you told me they were strict with you as a child'' he said ''yeah well they only had one child so and they wanted the best for me.. I think'' you said back
After that you dated for another year before coming out to the public. You were only 18 and studying for finals and entrance exams for colleges. Your bf denki was 21 still making music. When your mom found out that your bf was the famous idol pop star. She didn't really say much of anything really. All she said was ''I'll keep this a secret, and don't tell your father about this'' before leaving the room.
After you got into a great college. You moved out of your parent's house and into the apartment with your bf. Your parents still paid for the intuition. While you work a side hustle for some extra cash. After 4 years of college. You got a good job. A small company in the town where you and bf live. It was close to the apartment. Only a walk away.
Or summer in the winder, miami into december
Tryna look bored in the them dior (dior)
She probably is
Was actin' shallow 'till she found out how deep that my pockets is
After another year. Your small company business started to boom. You expanded the small shop to a massive company. Your parents knew you were going to do big things. And well you did do big things. You were only 23 and your idol star bf was only 26. A few months into the year. You were thinking of maybe having a family with denki. On one of the days he was busy. You asked him. You and him were at home.
You were just watching tv with him. ''Babe what do you think of kids?'' you asked ''kids, i think they're cute! Why do you ask?'' he asked ''well i was wondering if .. i don't know you would want to have one'' you said. He looked at you. Completely ignoring the tv. ''You want kids y/n?'' he asked ''yeah kinda of i think it would be cute'' you said leaning on his shoulder. After that conversation.
You and Denki tried to get pregnant. After a year of trying. You finally did got pregnant. But it took a while. You had to go through some tests. You were so happy and overjoyed with the good news. Denki was in the studio recording a song for his new album. So you waited until he got back from work to tell him.
After 6. He got home. You were in the living room looking up baby stuff. He walked in on you and sat down on the sofa beside you. ''What cha doing?'' he asked ''i'm looking up baby stuff why?'' you asked ''why baby stuff ... wait are pregnant y/n?'' he asked ''maybe i am'' you said ''babe?'' he asked '' i am pregnant'' you said
Mr's primadonna, this is your reminder
That i think you fine, but i'm finer
'Cause it sure seems you got no doubts
But we all see you got your head in the clouds
Denki was overjoyed with the news he was going to be a father. You told your friends first and his friends too. Before telling the parents. You did tell them. And they were delighted that you and Denki were settling down with a family of your very own. (fast-forward 5 months) in to your pregnancy and your dad found out about Denki being an idol pop star. And you have been dating him for 8 years and didn't tell him.
He was beyond furious. He told you not to get involved with a pop star all your life and you disobeyed him. Your mom was mad at your dad for taking this out of proportion. She was happy for you and denki. Your mom decided to cut things off with your father. She moved out and brought a very nice apartment in the city next to you and your bf.
You had a funny feeling that your mom might do this. But since your parents' marriage was set up by their parents and then she had you. She couldn't leave so she stayed until you were older and moved out. So now she is living a quite nice life being separated from your father.
She helped you around the house when your bf denki wasn't around. Your father stayed in his parents house. He never remarried. You were kinda glad that he didn't remarry cause you never had the best relationship with him in the first place. Why would he want to marry someone else who already had a child or have a future child with them. Just for the child to be a disappointment cause they broke out of their trap.
If I could write you a song to make you fall in love
I would already have you up under my arm
I used up all of my tricks, I hope that you like this
But you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me
(fast-forward 4 months later) you went into labour. Your water broke. Your bf denki wasn't around so your mom had to come take you to the hospital. After the birth of your little girl. You were resting up in the visiting room with your little girl in the cot beside you. Your bf denki came in to see you and his daughter.
He was at the studio practicing for the tour he has in 7 months time. He closed the door beside him. Denki went over to you ''y/n babe you could have told me you were in labour i would have dropped everything to be here'' he said to pouting ''i'm sorry denki i .... I just thought that if interrupted your band practice, you would be mad at me'' you said to him
He sighed and kissed your forehead ''i would never be mad at you y/n'' he said ''so this my daughter?'' he asked ''yes that's her'' you said. He went over to his baby girl. She stirred in the cot. She opened her eyes to see her father. Denki and your little girl suzu l/n kaminari (meaning of the name ''bell'') she had your h/c and her dad's yellow eyes.
For her face features (she had your nose and lip shape and her dad's eye and chin shape) after a while. Your mom came into the visiting room to see you, her son- in - law Denki and her new granddaughter. After she left. Denki's parents came into do the same then left. Your friends came to see you, Denki and their new baby niece.
After a week in the hospital. You paged your bf denki to come and get you and suzu out of the hospital and back home. He came and picked you both up. He took you both home. Back to your apartment. Now where the three of you will liv.
You got designer shades just to hide your face
And you wear 'em around like you're cooler than me
And you never say hey or remember my name
And it's probably 'cause you think you're cooler than me
Your mom did help you for a bit at the start but with your bf denki's help. You had it under control. You hired a nanny for your daughter. When you went back to work. A year later. Your daughter had turned one. Your bf denki has been in a relationship with you for 9 years. Took you to a nice restaurant.
A waiter took you to your table near the window. You ordered food and drinks. As you waited for the waiter to come back with your order. That's when your bf Denki decided to propose to you. You had noticed he had gone from his seat.
You looked around for him to only be infront of you on one knee. With a ring in his hand. He looked up at you ''y/n we have known each other for 9 years now, and i'm so happy that we did meet at my concert 9 years ago. I got to know this amazing person, we had so many great memories but the best one happened last year when you gave birth to our little baby girl. I love you so much. So what i want to say is will you marry me y/n?'' he asked you
You started to cry ''omg yes yes ofc i'll marry you, denki i love so much'' you said to him as denki slips the finger on to your finger. You and Denki enjoyed the rest of your night at the restaurant. The next day you told your friends and family of the engagement. They were happy and shocked for you.
A year later you got married. You were so happy that you got to marry the man you loved for 9 years. Your daughter suzu is 2. All your friends and family were there on your and Denki's special day. After the wedding and reception. You and Denki went on your 2 week honey moon to sweden. After the magical 2 week honeymoon. You and denki came back to japan as husband and wife and as parents to your little girl suzu
The end
Meaning of the name
Suzu - bell
Word count: 4763
This story took a while for me to write. Even though I'm crammed with assignments that are due. I still had time to write this story. This took a day to write. I had a lot of motivation and fire to write this story. Hope you enjoy it. See you all in the next story.
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