a girl worth fighting for
CEO izuku midoriya x new employee reader
genre: fluff, smut, angst
CEO au
(⚠️🔞 abusive past, teasing, and finger sex, plus caught office (desk) sex, plus mention of sex scenes, pet names 🔞⚠️)
*i said this in the end but i'm going to say this at the top too. if this is too much for then don't read it. skip past it. don't think you are being forced to read this. i have changed a few things in this but the story is still the same but scene's are different. *
when you were only 10 years old you had a very traumatic incident with your dad. By you accidentally walking on him with another women. though you were 10 at the time it wasn't your fault technically. But your dad was mad at you for walking in without a knock on the door. So later that day when the women left. he grabbed you by the arm into his room and beated you for disobeying his rulers.
Three years later your dad was caught cheating again with the same woman you saw him with that day and abusive actions to his daughter. You moved in with your mother and started middle school though.
the principal and the teachers at the school quickly understood that you went through something really big before coming to this school. As they noticed you would always sit alone in class or at lunch you always have it on the rooftop of the school.
When the principal called your mom into his office and said ''your daughter is very bright but she is very quiet and is always sitting or eating on her own? Is this normal behavior? Or did something happen in her past?'' she asked her ''well yes and no, my ex husband cheated on and abused her a lot when she was younger before she lived with me'' she said to her ''that might explain it! why she flinch every time her classmate tries to get her attention in class'' the female principal said.
''don't worry this is between you and me ok, i'll email the counsellors and get it sorted, might i ask does she get any help with traumatic memories outside of school? The principal ask her ''yeah she sees someone about every Friday at 1pm'' your mom said to her ''ok well you might be getting a call or email from the counsellor here at our school within a few days'' she said to her.
After that you went to the counsellors for 6 years and studied to work in a big fashion industry. You got a job working as a employee with many others at his business. It was great. You loved it until it went to hell....
so you were finishing up your report for your boss izuku. and was going to hand it to him. what no one had told you was that your boss izuku midoriya was taken. well in your eyes it seems like he was taken.
but in reality was just flirt and playboy. but you didn't know that then. anyway you went to his office and walked to see your boss and the a women half naked on his desk. in that moment you frozen.
it brought you back to the time you walked in your on dad and his mistress when you were 10 years old. ''I'm so sorry sir'' you said crying as you ran back out of his office and went home and the report brief fell to the floor.
Meanwhile back in his office she looked at him ''so that's the new employee you were telling me about she cute, are you sure want me tho?'' she asked ''idk i need to think about it, i need to speak with her if i see her again'' he said as got up and pulled back up his trouser and did his belt ''ok tell when you have made a decision'' she said to him as she left now fully clothed.
When she had left his company building. He went over to the report brief that y/n brought in for him ''i'll check that later, first i want to make sure she is ok'' he said to himself. He walked out of the office and went around trying to find you ''has anyone see y/n come back to the office?'' he asked them, his employees ''no sir i haven't seen her here i think she went home or something'' shoto said to him
''yeah she seemed upset about something when she came running out of your office'' momo said to him ''does anyone have her CV i remember reading on there when she came for her interview here that she has been going to counsellors for 6 years'' izuku said to them.
As they found her CV. he read through it again if there was anything he was missing that he didn't know of. ''Sir why don't you just wait for her to come back to work'' ida said to him ''ah you're probably right ida'' he said to him.
So he waited for you to come back, and when you didn't come back after 3 weeks. He got worried so he tried to call you and failed many times.
he emailed you but that failed so he emailed your mom instead ''hi, miss l/n - i'm informing you now that your daughter has not be at work for 3 weeks and as her boss i'm worried about all my employees so i ask you to tell that she can come to me if there is a problem or issue that is making her upset i'll sort it out'' - regards your boss izuku midoriya.
When your mom opened her laptop to see an email from your boss ''hey love your boss is worried about you? What should I say to him? That your ok?'' she asked you from her office ''tell him that i don't want to see him or anyone i'm fine'' you yelled at her crying as you cuddled into a corner in your room as you fell asleep.
Your mom email him back ''hi, Mr. midoriya - i'm happy that you are worried about my daughter's health but the truth is that she had a traumatic past in her life and she really hasn't been the same i do apologies if this in anyway means you don't her to work for you anymore. I hope this doesn't make you think less of her either as she is getting help'' - regards miss l/n. She closed down her laptop in her office, sighing, she went to your room to check up on you. When she got a ping from her laptop.
She went back to her laptop to see another email from your boss ''hi miss l/n - apology accepted but she can still work for me, my condolences to her trauma i had no idea that had happened to her. If there is anything i can do for you or for her i will love to help out in anyway?'' - regards izuku midoriya. As your mom read the email from him. She thought about it then replied back ''hi Mr. midoriya ''i'm truly grateful about your concerns about her. There is a way for you to help her out, you could come over for dinner'' - regards miss. l/n.
When izuku saw the email and accepted the dinner request. She went to your room ''love i've invited someone over for dinner tonight so can you be nice with them'' she said ''fine ok mom' you said back to her.
Later the door bell rung ''i'll get that love'' she said to you as she opens the front door for the visitor "oh you came great" she said "y/n come in here" she said to you. As you ran to the door ''yes mom what? ....... boss, why are you here? Mom did invite him?" You ask her all these questions as went to leave
''love listen to me, you have to talk to him ok it will help you'' she said to you ''what help i don't need his help i have my counsellor next Friday'' you said to her as you went upstairs to your room ''i'm sorry izuku about her i'll try to speak reason with her'' your mom said to him ''no i'll try and speak with her miss l/n'' he said to her as he went upstairs to your room.
When he heard nothing from your room. He heard the bathroom door open and shut as he saw you going back to your room. When you saw him you tired to ignore him ''boss i told you i don't want to talk about it'' you said.
as you push him out of the way ''no you are talking y/n'' he said grabbing your hand, bringing you back to your bedroom. he shut the door behind him. izuku dragged you to the bed. ''now talk, what happened? It will make you feel better trust me'' he said ''fine you want to know why? and how my trauma's started?'' you asked him '' i really do'' he said.
''fine this all happened when i was 10, my mom had just moved out of my dad's house cause of a fight they had so I stayed with dad for 3 years cause I went to school near his house so it was easier. One day I walked into his office and saw him in the arms of another women, she had her legs wrapped around his waist. It was horrible to watch. When he saw me, and he yelled at me to get out of his office.
After she left he took me to his room, and beat me for disobeying his rules in the house and so i guess i'm just scared that it might happen again'' you said openly ''look at me y/n, what your father did was awful and thank god he is in jail for what he did to you'' he said pulling you into his arms ''boss what are you doing?'' you asked laying against his chest ''i'm hugging you y/n'' he said.
He looked down to see you were still very tense ''I'm not going to hurt you y/n breathe with me'' he said to you. After he talked with you, he walked down with you, had dinner with your mom. You went back to work a year later
izuku helped you through your trauma. he got you therapy. after you came back a year later. you saw the same women he was thing that day he found out what happened to y/n's past. y/n tried her best to not be noticed by him.
it didn't work at all. he saw you leaving the corridor '''y/n! Wait! Don't go!'' he called out to you as he ran over to you well before you could leave ''sorry boss i was just ......'' you said trying to put together a sentence ''stop it y/n! It's ok'' he said
''i really was just going back to my office'' you said to him ''uh uh really was that so y/n'' he said to you as he wrapped his arms around your waist ''hmm boss what are you doing?'' you asked him.
He looked back at the women he was with previously talking to ''hmm uraraka can i talk to you later'' he said to her ''yeah sure go you too have fun'' she said to him ''right let's go y/n'' he said to you as he dragged you back to his office ''boss what are you doing? You asked him as you saw him lock the door.
''desk now!'' he ordered ''yes boss'' you said to him. you sat on his desk. ''it's a good thing you're wearing a skirt huh y/n?'' he asked ''hmm boss, what are you doing?'' you asked him ''oh don't you worry'' he said back. as he pushed your skirt up and took your panties down.
he pushed a cold rubber like toy into you ''get up now y/n you're done'' he said to you. he kissed your cheek ''go back to work'' he said. as he presses a button on his phone. the toy holts to life inside you. it starts moving ''yes - ah - mhg - boss'' you moaned out. he smirked. as the toy was Bluetooth he could tease you from his office. you had no choice but to go back to work.
As the women that you saw in the corridor passed you and went to izuku's office, she looked back at you with a very concerned face, she wanted to go over and see if you were ok. But when Izuku called her in to his office she just left you to suffer alone. Mean while in the office. Izuku looked at her "you looked worried uraraka? What's troubling you?'' he asked you
''well your employee y/n she seemed upset'' she said to him" I'm just teasing her dw about her" he said back to uraraka ''really after you were going to help her through her trauma'' she said to him ''it's be a year, since you found out and helped her through therapy but still maybe that was not the best way to start off a new year with her'' she said to him before leaving.
meanwhile you couldn't take it anymore. you ran to the bathroom. as the vibrator still moved in side you. izuku came out to find you not at your normal seat. he went to the bathroom ''y/n are you in here? come out. i'm sorry if this was to soon for you'' he said. he raised the speed up to a 11. he could hear high pitch moaning from the stall.
he helped you up and cleaned you down. he took you home after that. he took you back to his place. as ofc your mom had to be out of town that week. he let you stay the night. you ate food and slept in the same bed as your boss. he did have some fun with you.
you gave him consent for this so. before you got into the bed. he moved you in between his legs. as he moved hand down your body. he reached your heat. as he just figured you ''ah - izuku - ah mhg'' you moan into his arm as he fingers you faster ''say my name y/n again'' he said while still moving his fingers from inside you.
you moaned out his name again and again. he teased you until you almost fell asleep on his chest. >>fast-forward 2 years <<< you couldn't believe it. your boss izuku helped you through your trauma got you through therapy. he teased you in his office with a Bluetooth vibrator. he took you home where you had dinner at his place. finger teased you. you slept together. now this.
your kissing in his fucking office. you wanted him now. it all you ever think about now. the whole building knows you want this man. the man you are kissing. cause he thought why not kiss the girl. he found out through friends of yours from the office department you work in. he asked you out soon after that. and now you are in a relationship. having sex where he see fit. with your consent still hehe.
when the day he found out you had a crush on him. he asked you why ''well you helped me alot and over those years, i realised that i had developed a big crush on you izuku'' you said to him. he smirked at your response to the question he gave you. ''what your co-workers said was true, that your crazy about me? that you can't stop thinking about? that you want me?'' he asked you in a teasing manor.
you blushed ''well yeah, i want you izuku'' you said to him kissing his jawline '' i am curious, why were so persist with me for that long of a time?'' you asked him ''cause i know since i saw you on the first day that a 'girl worth fighting for' i wanted to help you and help you be the girl i know you are to be now'' he said to you kissing your lips.
after that you moved into his place permanently. you continued to work under him for a while as his employee, after the relationship went public he bumped you up to executive to his company. Which meant you and him could spend more time fooling around in his office.
having sex on his desk, to up against the window of his office that looked down on to the on going traffic and people, the sofa in his office too. now there having been times where you both have been caught fucking.
one of his co-workers came into his office to give some reports. they came in and saw you with your legs wrapped around his waist tightly. he moved in and out. you moaned out in pleasure. a knock came ''boss i have some reports from other companies that want to Collab with you on some new clothes design'' he said.
he walked in and saw this. your bf didn't stop fucking you ''sorry i didn't know you were busy, i could left outside?'' he asked smirking down at you ''ah no that won't be needed, thank you kacchan, but you can show the briefs'' he said to him.
izuku moved his dick around inside you ''ah - zuku - ah'' you moan to the feeling of the veins off his dick ''hush now baby doll you don't want others to hear and see you like this now do you? like kacchan did hmm?'' he asked you. ''you must be so embarrassed y/n'' katsuki commented as he shows the company briefs to izuku.
you couldn't do anything but stay quiet as izuku continued to give you nothing but pleasure. as he read the reports. ''so these are the companies that want to Collab with my company am i correct?'' he asked him ''yes boss'' he said back ''should i email them saying yes or to get lost?'' he asked ''no need i'll them myself'' izuku said to him ''good work you can leave now'' he said to him.
katsuki left the company list in his office then left. ''have fun y/n'' katsuki said teasing you at the door. but he closed and went back to his office. Your bf continued to pleasure until everyone went home, so around 7. You were weak and could barely stand nor walk to the door. So your bf carried you out of the company to his car out front. You came home with him.
As helped you into the house and to the bedroom to go to sleep for 3 hrs, before waking up to your bf kissing down your neck ''evening babydoll'' he said to you ''evening daddy'' you said weakly to him ''sleep babydoll we did a lot today in my office so rest now'' he said as he kissed your forehead. You fell back asleep as he left the shared bedroom to get you a bath and food. He called a maid to get the bath ready for you in an hour or so for y/n.
After an hour went by she ran to the bathroom and put on the water to warm it up first. When the bath was warm enough she called your bf ''sir the water warm for miss y/n'' she said to him ''great i'll go and get her, can you fetch up clean clothes?'' he ask her ''yes sir izuku'' she said as bowed and ran to find clean clothes for her. While that was happening izuku woke you up ''babydoll your bath is ready now get up'' he said to you.
You woke to see him, smiled as you try to get up. He chuckles and picks you up from the bed, carrying you out of the bedroom to the bathroom. He helped you into the bath as you washed yourself a bit to only fall asleep again.
Your bf izuku signed at this scene and helped you out. After you wash he helps you out of the bath. Turned off the tap and drain the water from the tub, bringing you back to the bedroom. He let you get dressed into fluff and feathers sitting on the bed. He thought you looked very cute in it.
After a night of love and snuggles to the morn. He took a couple of days off work to be with you, taking you shopping and spoiling you a bit. As your his babydoll and his gf, we all need to be spoiled by our bfs' from time to time. You had a wonderful time with your bf shopping as the clothes, and plushie bags were brought to the bedroom to be sorted while the food bags were brought to the kitchen by the maids.
After a nice fun day of being spoiled by your bf, you thought it was over. When he rolled over the next morning. You woke up in the arms over your bf. As you snuggle into his chest, he wraps his arms around you. It was one of your days off with him. As you lazed around with him.
When in the afternoon you saw your bf giving you those 'i want you right now vibes yk'' so you went over to him, flirted with him. Teased him ''bedroom! Now babydoll!'' he ordered you, as he pointed up at the staircase. You nodded and went upstairs to the master bedroom and started to strip before he could come up to see you completely naked.
''Babydoll you're such a good girl'' he said to you, coming over to the bed, touching your beautiful skin with his fingers. He gets up and stripes too, as he pushes you back on to the sheets and hovers over you immediately as he hungrily starts to attack your neck with kisses, bites he moves down to your breasts.
you cover them with your hands as the cold air hits them too. "ah babydoll why? you can't hid yourself from me" he said to you, taking your hands away and putting them above your head ''keep them there until i say so babydoll'' he ordered you
As he licks and sucks the bub on the right breasts he massages and pinches the left breasts and visa versa you let out whispers and moans as both of your breasts got individual attention. He continued to kiss down your body by kissing the bridge in between your breasts to your stomach to your thighs and legs. he spreads your legs wide open to see a gift he licked his lips in hunger as his eyes danced with lust.
as he press his thumb against your heat pressing on it roughly you moan as he shoves his a finger into your starving p$$$$ he moves in and out of you adding another and another you hitting your first organism you release and he pulls out to clean his fingers "babydoll your delicious" he said to you moves more down south as he knells down "ah babydoll your so wet for me already" he said as he blows at your already wet p$$$$ you squirm as he chuckles under neath you.
He slowly starts to lick your fold making it soaking as he slid in his tongue to your p$$$$ as he sucks and eats your clit. You couldn't help yourself. But to break his rule, grabbing on his dark green hair, pulling him in closer to you. He gets the message, he nuzzles his tongue further into you, letting his nose sniff up your sex you moan loudly "ah ~ izu ~ daddy ~ feels ~ so ~ good" into his ear "ah do you like that babydoll" he said to you
as he eats you out more you release your 2nd organism all of his face. He pulls out and taking off his boxers to let out his 8 inch dick free from its very tight confinement ''now i saw you moved your hand there babydoll, so what i'm going to do is cuff them, until i say for you to use the code word ok'' he said to you. As he got up from the bed, his dick bounced a bit. As he got the green fluff cuffs. He cuffed your hands together, connected them to the top of the headboard/ bed post.
He goes back to you, lifts up your legs to be either of hips as he positioned himself at your wet entrance teasing you as he slowly brushes the tip of his dick against your heat then roughly enters you scream at the pressure then you start to moan loudly to match the fast pace your bf fucking you at the rocking of the bed against the wall. "da ~ ddy ah ngh" you moan as he continues to slam into you
"ah what was that cat caught your tongue baby doll ?" he asked near your ear as he lifted up your hips to tease you more. "izu ~ da ~ ddy ~ fuck ~ me ~ harder" you loan in his ear "ah you like this rough pace huh babydoll?" he asked you again as he increased the speed of his thrusts all you could do it nod and moan in absolute pleasure.
"Babydoll, do you like how good my dicks feel in you?" he asked you "nyaa ah ngh so good daddy" you moaned "good little babydoll hmm I wonder what you would feel about doggy style?" he asked you "just - ah fuck me" you said loving the pleasure and sensation of having him in your p$$$$. He chuckles at your answer and lewd expressions. He uncuffs you from the bed and flips you around to be on all fours so your ass was in the air
"babydoll wiggle for me would you?" he asked you "yes Daddy" you said giving him a wiggle he chuckles and spanks your ass he brings his closer to you and asks again "babydoll whom do you belong to?" you scream when felt his fingers re-enter your dripping wet p$$$$ you arc your back as you answer him "i ~ ah ngh ~belong to you daddy" he brings dick closer to your heat again.
"Babydoll who's is your daddy" he said spanking your ass again you moan and scream loudly and answer "ah ~ fuck ~ nya ~ nhg ~ you izuku midoriya is my daddy" he replied with a "that's my babydoll" as he re-enters you from behind as he completely destroys your p$$$$ he hits your g-spot again and again you screamed "D-daddy! Hit there again! Feels so good!".
Izuku continued to hit your p$$$$ until you felt yourself going to release you scream in utter bliss "ah nya ~ da ~ddy nhg I'm ~ go~nna cum" he nods and said into your ear "me to babydoll" his thrusts getting sloppier as he releases inside you as he shots his seeds into your p$$$$ as you squirt your juices all over him and bedsheets he pulls out of you and collapses beside your tired body as he pulls you into a hug and another passionate kiss as both fall asleep together.
after a few weeks later you woke up in the morning like around 3am you ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet lucky you didn't wake up your bf izuku well until you started coughing and crying thats when you heard running and morning voice ''babydoll are you ok? i heard you crying and coughing is everything alright?'' he asked you.
until he realised that he could smell sick coming off you ''omg babydoll you could of told you weren't feeling well is there anything i can do'' he said to you as he rubs your back ''well i think i already know why but i need to make sure first '' you sad to him to with a smile ''ok well if you what it is i won't both you babydoll'' he said to you as he kissed your forehead as he went back to bed.
Meanwhile in the bathroom. You got up awkwardly, walked over to the bathroom cabinet ''i know put them in here somewhere'' you said to yourself ''ah here they are'' you said to your self. As you picked up the pregnancy test sticks. you took and it surprisingly came back with two pink lines you were pregnant you couldn't believe it. After another hour to yourself, you woke up your bf izuku ''babydoll it's like 5am in the morning are you ok?'' he asked yawning.
as he got up ''daddy i'm pregnant'' you said to him ''what are you talking about babydoll?'' he asked you as he turned on the bedside lamp. He saw you holding a pregnancy test stick in your hands ''Here daddy'' you said to him, handing him the stick ''two pink lines ... are you serious babydoll your pregnant'' he said in shock, he pulled you onto the bed kissing you also making sure not to hurt the baby or baby(s).
You went back to sleep, you could feel his hand on your stomach. You giggled at this ''we are a family now'' you thought to yourself. After everyone in his fashion company knew that you were pregnant. They were more aware of you now, even your bf was two. so, for the 9 month of pregnancy's your bf was on full protective mode. izuku and the others co- workers wouldn't let you carry any heavy or that might look or be heavy.
he took business leave to look after you when were sent home to prepare for the baby. with the help of the maid. he was mentally prepared for the kid. when your water broke. you at the hospital. you paged izuku. who was in a fashion meeting at the moment with other important people. ''ah sorry gents but my gf is in labour i have to go'' he said to the video call. he took off his laptop and left his office. he call his driver.
as izuku rushed him over to the hospital to be with you. When there he was brought to the private room ''baby doll how are you?'' he asked you as he sat beside you rubbing your big belly ''well i could be better .... but the doctor said i'm 4 cm dilated so i guess we are going to be here for while'' you said to him ''no thats ok baby doll'' he said.
''did you contact yours parents, my mom to tell them about the news?'' you asked him ''yes they know and they are coming after the birth'' he said to you as you got a rush of a contraction ''oww oww'' you say as you try to breath again ''hey hey look at me babydoll breath with me just breath'' he said to you as he help you through it.
you and him waited until you were in labour (after 46 hours of labour) you gave birth to two twins, one girl and one boy. The first twin was called aya l/n midoriya (meaning of the name colourful or design''). you work in the fashion industry with your bf izuku so it was perfect for her. Anyway she had your h/c and her dad izuku's green eyes and for her face features (she had your chin, eye shape while she had dad's lip, nose shape).
and while the second twin a boy was named aoi l/n midoriya (meaning of the name ''blue '') it was also a perfect name for him anyways he had your e/c and he dad izuku's green hair and for his face features (he had your nose, lip shape while he had his dad's chin, eye shape) you loved your twins. (4 hours later) your mom and his parents came to see his grandchildren they both got to hold the twins after that your friends came to visit you in the hospital to see their two nieces.
Once you were discharged from the hospital, your bf izuku helped you look after the twins while he checked his emails to see if anyone was needing him. (fast-forward after 18 months ) of caring for the twins, you and your bf went back to work.
You did bring your twins to work to see everyone once or twice. Until they were 1 years old. After they turned 3 year, went to nursery school you and him had another kid. A baby girl. You and him named her aimi l/n midoriya (meaning of the name ''love beauty'').
she had your e/c and his green hair and for her face features (she had your eye, lip shape while she had his dad's chin, nose shape) you loved your big family. (fast-forward 3 years later) when your twins aya and aoi were starting elementary school and aimi was starting nursery school where you went to school your bf of 7 years proposed to you.
You said yes to him, and was engaged to him. Now engaged for two years you had another kid. A baby boy. Another son. You and Izuku named him aki l/n midoriya (meaning of the name ''autumn or bright or sparkle''). He had your h/c and his dad izuku's green eyes and for his face features (he had your nose, eye shape while she had her dad's chin, lip shape).
A year later you got married to him. A big amazing and wonderful wedding to have on top of the mountains in bora bora. your four kids, the twins aya & aoi both aged 7, your daughter aimi aged 4 and lastly your son aki aged 1, all your family and friends came too. After the wedding you went on a romantic honeymoon to mo'orea and Caribbean's. After two weeks you and he went back as husband and wife but also mom and dad to four amazing kids.
The end
name meaning
Aya - colourful or design
Aoi - blue
Aimi - love beauty
Aki - autumn or bright or sparkle
Word count: 5837
I saw a picture of a bakudeku CEO au on twitter, of CEO izuku midoriya x employee katsuki bakugou. So I liked that pic idea. So when i made my first CEO au ''an arranged marriage'' for izuku and you (aka; the reader). i decided to make another. so here is another CEO au story with the same character and reader. but the reader has bad past and izuku is here to help the reader through, there will be smut scene and teasing of toys in this story so be warned before reading the story. Hope you all enjoy. See you in the next story✌️
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