A Destined Couple
College jock Touya Todoroki x college preppy nerd reader, twin sister of izuku midoriya
Genre: fluff, smut
College Au
(you are 21 and touya is 24 and every one else is around 21/24/25)
Ever since you got accepted to UA college, and was put into the same class group as the most famous/ popular and handsomeness jock in the college. He was touya todoroki, you knew of him. Well for 4 reasons actually a) your twin brother izuku is apart of the basketball team that he is on. b) your best friends with his sister fuyumi so yeah you had info about him from to two sources and c) he has been popular since he joined this college cause of his bastered father, who apparently is the coach of the basketball team. And lastly d) he is always followed by girls at the college wanting to be with him. But he doesn't care about the other girls except for y/n midoriya that is you.
Everything about him is intoxicating and hot asf. You always hear of what games he has been in and what he did? How he score the last buzzer beater? and so on you would write in your diary about him, like what you liked about him, how you want to be with him, and your dreams about him. Just being around him, like the air he breathes is enough to making you faint before his presence. Beside that you would see from tine to time girls obviously fans of his would crowd his table at lunch wanting to be his gf or want a kiss or a photo by him.
He was just popular but for some reason he would always say "no sorry girls I can't I'm into someone else" he said to them with a sweet smile "ah no thats ok touya they must really be very lucky to liked by you" a girl said to him ''true i mean any girl would be lucky to be liked by you touya'' another girl said to him before the group of girls left for class. he caught her in the corner of his eye, y/n ''yeah she is very lucky" he said to himself as he watches you leave the cafeteria with his younger sister to class "hey y/n! Fuyumi! Wait up for us!" mina yelled as Toru, kyoka, sui, momo, reiko, melissa ran after you and her. as the 9 girls left to go to class.
meanwhile, back in the cafeteria touya was about to walk after you and confess right there and now to you infront of everyone. but when he was stop by your twin brother izuku, the SG of the basketball team ''what do you see in my sister?'' he asked him ''ohh god when do i start man, i like her from waving hair, to her gorgeous green eyes, just about everything about her really, her smile, laugh'' he said to him ''oh, are you love stuck dude, are you ok in there?'' denki joked to him ''oh shut up, I'm not love stuck .. just crazy in love with her thats all''' he said back to him a bit on the flustered side tho. "if that's how you really feel about her then she is all yours touya" izuku said.
meanwhile over at the girl station in the lecture hall, you were writing in your diary again about him. when mina and fuyumi took your diary ''so do you have a crush or are you just obsessed with my older brother touya?'' fuyumi asked you smirking ''no, its just crush.. now give me back my diary would you'' you said to her ''ok here you go'' she said to you. as fuyumi hands you back your diary, you saw she had her phone out, but didn't question it ''so y/n what do you think about touya?'' mina asked you.
''what .. do i think him ... idk he's hot, cute, but i don't think he go for someone like me, even tho i have this big crush on him'' you said to her "oh well that's sad hear that you don't think that cause he totally into you he talks about you all the time at home and college gym locker rooms he is obsessed" Fuyumi said to you "wait really he talks about me that much" you say to her a bit flustered and started to blush at the thought that of touya Todoroki the most popular boy ever in UA liking you.
(at this time fuyumi had already sent a screenshot of what you wrote about him in your diary to your crush (20 minutes later) the rest of the class came and sat at their seats you saw the jocks including your twin brother izuku seat in the back like they do in ever class. But this time was very much different because your crush touya came up "Is this taken?" he asked you "no it is not" you said to him.
so he sat beside you as the class went on. you were writing notes when you felt your crush touya putting his hand on your thigh since you like to wear skirts to college it made you very flustered and distracted. as you couldn't hear what the lecture was talking about (leave a comment on what the subject was?). he leaned in and whispered into your ear ''met me after class we need to have a talk'' he said to you ''ok yeah sure, we talk in costa after class'' you said to him.
with touya's hand still on your thigh, you got some attention back so you were able to finish your note taking for that class. as touya half listened to the lecture, in reality he was more distracted by you, as you were his crush, ironically he was your crush to you(a/n* kind of like a match made in heaven if you ask me lol*). (fast-forward 20 minutes later) nd class was finished.
you packed your bag and walked out of class with touya to get some costa. he had a smirk on his face. he was thinking about something? you didn't know what ''hey are you? you asked ''yeah I'm fine I'm with you y/n" he said "aww that's very sweet" you say back to him. after ordering and getting your drinks. you sat down on the sofa.
you take a sip of your hot Choco. as you turn to him ''so touya what did you want to talk me about?'' you asked ''well i was wondering if you would a) go out with me and b) answer me about this?'' he asked. ''omg did my crush just ask me out'' you squealed in your head as you try ask calm sitting next to your crush. ''yes absolutely i would go out with you touya'' you said to him with a smile ''and to answer your second question answer you about what exactly?'' you ask him giggling ''i think that giggle is too soon y/n'' he said as he showed you his phone. the phone .. well in question had a snapshot of a certain page from your diary. ''so want to explain'' he asked smirking.
you were shocked. your giggled turned into a awkward laugh ' '' that' my diary entry from today .. hmmm weird how did you get that?'' you asked ''that would be my sister doing, she sent me a screenshot of the entry'' he said back ''she snitched on me to you that bitch'' you said shocked that one of your best friends snitched you to your crush. you blushed ''well it worked out for the best right y/n?'' he said ''what are talking about?'' you asked him ''i'm saying i like you y/n ... No.. Wait.. I actually i love you and I want to you to be my gf" he confessed to you. ''and since you accepted to going out on that date well'' he added
you choked on your on saliva as you look at him "Omg .... touya you love me, i love you as well and yes ofc i would be delighted to your gf touya'' you said to him "wait really y/n you love me too?" he asked you in shock that both you and him would have a crushes on each other. but never knew about it "yeah it's like we were oh Idk destined to be together" you said to him as you lean in to his chest "really I guess so I mean we both like each other we out knowing" he say to you as he fiddles with your hair and fingers.
Meanwhile your friends walled pass costa. they saw you and him get quite cozy with each other on the sofa. ''look over there it's my sister y/n and touya, so he got her in the end, i just hope he doesn't hurt her'' izuku said ''you heard him izuku back in the canteen that he was in love with her so i doubt he would hurt her'' katsuki said back ''i guess your right kacchan'' izuku said as he gave him a kiss.
the rest of your friends saw you and touya talking and cuddling. your best friend fuyumi left a comment that made the group speechless "I do hope they have many cute and hot babies in the future" fuyumi said. as the group saw touya starring at them. he was suggesting them to leave costa or else look. "ohh shit let's go now before touya kills us come on" sero said. the group ran away from costa.
you saw touya looking over for a second. then back at you ''what's up you seem distracted?'' you asked ''oh it was nothing, just making sure no interrupts us that's all'' he said ''aww your cute touya'' you said ''not as cute as you'' he said back. as he puts his arm around your back to your waist.
he starts to kiss you around the neck. you let out quiet moans. "do you like that? When I kiss you like this baby?" he asked. as he moves his hands to your ass. he gave it a little spank "maybe I like it" you said to him "oh you do! do you?'' he asked. touya pushes you down on the sofa as he kissed your lips. You lost your hands in his curly white hair as you warp your legs around his waist.
Your lips moving in sync that turned into a very heated making out session. until you heard two coughs. that just killed the magic. you tapped touya's shoulder. "touya we have company" you said "what? Who?" he asked "look just behind you touya" you said "oh its just them meh don't care baby" he said.
touya tried to go back to kissing you. you stopped him. you looked him in the eye "hmm touya don't be mean" you said "fine what? can I do for you two?" he asked "we were wondering if you could help us touya.. But if your busy we can come back later" natsuo said.
as he points to you that your hand around his arm. "well.... that would be nice" touya said with a smile "hmm touya can you not" you said to him "right this is my gf y/n midoriya, you have met her older brother izuku" he said "hi y/n" they said "hi" you said back "tssk fine natsuo show me what it is that you need help with?" he asked.
you let go of touya's arm. he helped his brother "oh ok it's just English I have notes" he said back to natsuo "anything else that you need help with or is that it?" he asked "well I've got something that I need help with too it's for a test" shoto said "show what the subject is then" touya said back to him. you watched him interactive with his two younger brothers.
there was a reason why you loved this men so much. he was cute. so hot. kind and sweet. well he is other stuff lol hehe. shoto showed him the subject was. you looked over your bf's touya's shoulder to see the topic. is one you excel at, "sorry I can't help you with shoto, i don't excel in that topic" he said "wait a second touya I could help him I know this stuff" you said "I could help you if you?" you asked shoto "actually could you y/n that would be really helpful" shoto said to you "yeah sure lets go now" you said to him.
you and shoto left costa to go to a empty classroom. you bf touya helped with natsuo. he left him the notes he took. ''you can give the notebook back when ever you want'' he said he left him in costa. touay took both college bags ''just adjust them so they don't look like my writing'' he adds before he leaves natsuo in costa.
touya walked around he texted you which classes you were in with shoto. after he got the class room number. he found you at the table with shoto. he smiled as you helped him "baby are you also done? I got our bags'' he said "thx touya I'm done here'' you said. then turned to shoto as he stares you and his eldest brother. ''so i hope this helps you shoto" you said to shoto
touya waits for you ''thank you y/n'' he said ''no problem shoto good luck'' you said. as you got up and left him to go to your bf touya "so was everything alright?" he asked "yeah he was just really nervous about a test for next monday it's so cute'' you said. as she looks back over at his younger brother studying. "are well he'll be ready for the test so he'll be fine" he said.
before you left.'' shoto good luck'' he called out. shoto looked up at him with smile ''thanks, touya'' he said back. you thought it was cute. they walked away. you and touya for the 4 years of college you and him teased and messed with each other up until graduation.
but life did get in the way and you had step back from your class for a while. your bf touya was there on the journey. y/n will explain what happened. - is that you and touya have had sex well many times before since you got together.
and you and him will always use protection. but either you and touya forgot and well you ended up getting pregnant. by having unprotected sex in a empty classroom on top of a lecturer's desk the only lucky thing from this. is that no one was going to be using the class room that day so it was fine which also meant you and him would be ditching on a couple of class but what the heck your in love with this guy and you did not care.
After you found out that you pregnant you obviously told him. It was a normal day at the college you on go to as you found your friends first as they were in the Costa so you sat them and told them "guys I have to come clean here" you said to them "what is it y/n? what happened? Fuyumi asked you "well I'm pregnant that's what happened" you said to her "what your pregnant is touya the father then?" she asked you "yes he is the father I told you guys first then I'm going to go and find him and tell him" you said to her "ok well good luck" they said to you "thanks you guys" you said to them.
As you left then to find your bf touya who was in the basketball gym playing with his brothers you smile and went over to them "babe can I talk to you about something Important" you called out to touya. He looked up to see you there "sure coming baby" he said to you as left his two younger brothers. He ran over to you and kissed you and as soon as he puts his arms around you slap them away "what's wrong baby? Are you sick? hurt?" he asked you as you look into his teal/blue eyes that were so fully of love for you.
You just couldn't take it anymore you started crying he took you away from the gym as he hugged you "I have to come clean babe I'm pregnant... and you are the father touya we going to be parents" you said to him as you hold up the positive pregnancy test. He took the stick from you he put it down and put a hand on your baby bump.
"so we're going to be parents huh baby?" he asked you as he hugs your waist very gently "yes we are touya" you said to him. He picked up the test and gave it back to you as you put it in your bag and walk off to have a proper conversation about your future and after a long discussion about the future for the baby and yourself. You wanted to keep the it cause it was now so precious to you.
You just didn't want to give it up and touya agreed so you kept the baby so you both raised it as a couple while give so time for studies to and when you had go into labour your studies were put on hold for a couple of months as your bf studies also pushed back a couple of months too (fast-forward 46 hours later) you had your baby daughter the girl fuji midoriya todoroki (meaning of the name ''wisteria'') she had your green eyes and her dad's original crimson hair colour and her face features (she had her dad's eyes, nose and ear shape, she had your lip, chin shape).
After a few weeks you and him were able to bring the baby home you and him with the help of family moved into an apartment together for the three of you it was close to family so they could take care of the baby while you and him with a college studying which is what happened for the last 5 to 6 months left of college which happened quite quickly well now your graduated with a baby to look after now too.
<<<fast-forward 4 years>>>
You and touya both got good money jobs you are a clothes assistant of women's section in a big Japanese clothes company and your bf touya is a professional player on a Japanese basketball team he had also a another job on the side to help you and to raise the family of three what only you being 29 and him being 32.
your daughter is now 4 you stayed as a family of three until you had decided you wanted another kid and so you moved to a bigger 4 story house had 10 rooms and for 5 bedrooms. One for your daughter and two more for any other future children after your second child that is. Your daughter had gone to her grandparents house for a few weeks while you and your bf went out on a couples holiday together to get away from work and be together.
You arrived on the Saturday to the summer holidays in bora bora you got a taxi from the airport with your bf touya that drove you to the four seasons Hotel resort as they drove you down to the beach house your bags were already there ahead of time. As you got inside the house you closed the door to see your bf smirking at you "what is touya" you asked him "ah nothing baby you just very beautiful" he said to you as he came over to you and kissed your forehead "thank you but that's not you looking at for was it touya do you want me" you said to him "ah ok ok you got me baby I want you" he said to you as he pulled you toward the bedroom "really but I'm not really.... Ah touya" you say to him as he throws you on to the bed "hmm ~ baby ~" he said into your ear as he gets on top of you.
As you kissed he striped your clothes off he wanted you so much that he accidentally cut you with his nail you were fine and so you both continued making out. You yank on his shirt signaling him to take it off he got up and took off his shirt. He immediately went back down on you kissing your lips to your neck and collar as you continue to make out your foot decided fiddle with his belt touya chuckles as he takes off his belt and trousers leaving him in only his briefs. you could see that he was hard in the way your foot kept on touching his dick through the fabric as you rub it he groans " ~ hmmm baby" after another couple of rubs you felt pre- cum through his briefs. He takes his briefs off but not before he rips off your underwear as it left you completely naked.
As he kisses down your body he left touya hickeys on your skin "ah touya!" you moan quietly "what baby?" he asks you as he press his thumb against your heat "ah mhg touya ah" you moan "what you like this? I haven't done anything yet" he said to you. As he put a finger you and moves it in and out of you at a slow sped then at a fast sped your body shakes form the pleasure "ah mhg Touya ah ah" you moan out "baby say my name ah yeah" he said to you as he adds another one and another he now fucking you with three fingers you tilt your head back in pleasure into pillow as your bf went from fingering you to now be on his knees with your legs open wide as he pulls your thighs closet to his mouth.
As he blows at your entrance to give you a shock you jump at the air pressure. he press his tongue into your p$$$$ "still so sweet" he said to you as he laps you up. Pulling on his white hair you moaned as his tongue went further into your p$$$$ "mhg ah touya" you moan out "you like that don't you baby?" he asked you as he teased his tongue in and out of you "I love it touya more" you moaned to him as you grab on his hair more signalling to him take more of you. As his tongue laps on your fold more making it soaken wet and sore as he eats out your clit you scream out his name as quickly that had happened you released all over his face. He licks up all of your juice as he pulls down his briefs to left out his dick.
You immediately spread your legs out wide open for him as he positions himself at your p$$$$. "you ready?" he asked you as he looks into your e/c "I'm always ready for you daddy" you said to him "that's my baby sat my name" he said to you as he moves your legs over his shoulders as he takes his dick and pushes into you. Like you always know he starts off slow then pick up speed like you always like it you grab on his back for dear life ''ah .. fuuck ... ah TOUYA!'' you moan out loud ''aww you like that huh baby?'' he asked you as he teased you with his dick he moves it in and then quickly takes it back out ''i love it TOUYA... I WANT YOUR DICK INSIDE ME PLEASE GIVE TO ME!'' you moan out to him ''aww so honest about what you want when it comes to me ain't that right baby?'' he asked you ''ah... yes it's right now FUCK ME TOUYAI!'' you moan out again getting a bit annoyed at touya teasing you with his dick.
he looks in your eyes to see angry ''ok ok baby i'll stop teasing you'' he said to you as he shoves his whole dick into you as you had count the inches ''ah .... fuuck finally .... TOUYA GO FASTER PLEASE!'' you moan out he gets the signal ''ah fuck baby you really do love my dick'' he said as he felt you wrap your legs around his waist as he went into your p$$$$ deeper. his dick filling up every part of your insides you loved the feeling so much you wanted to stay like this forever "baby you don't want others to hear you being fucked or do you like people hearing us having sex?" he asked you "maybe I do like it.. I mean having people hear us a bit Kinky" you said to him "oh is that so they I guess we should continue on with our show for them shall we" he said to you as bucks his hips into you.
You moan and nod to him as he fucks you at a faster pace then he was doing before as he looks down at your lewd figure ''baby who's your daddy again?'' he asked you out all of a sudden as he continues to fuck you ''ah ... fuck you are TOUYA!'' you moan out to him ''so i make you feel this good?'' he asked ''ah .. fuck TOUYA SO GOOD!'' you moan out to him. he kisses you roughly as he lifts your legs up a bit as he fucks you deeper with harder strokes. Touya hit your g-spot moan out ''ah .. fuuck .. yes hit there again touya!'' you moan out to him as he hits it again and again your legs got weaker and weaker. eventually your legs gave out on you as touya continues to fuck with your rough thrusts. you scream ''ah .. fuck touya.. i'm cumming!'' he replies ''same baby'' he grunts out. with on finally thrusts he releases his sperm into your p$$$$ as he lets your legs fall to the bed his collapse beside you. both share a kiss you eventually and fell asleep
After 5 hours you got up to see your bf touya still asleep smiling down at him you got out of bed and went to the bathroom to have a shower as you hum to yourself when you heard a "where are you baby?" your bf ask you "I'm in the bathroom touya" you said to him as you continued your shower you felt kiss on your shoulder blade "hey touya so you came to join me" you said to him "yeah I did baby" he said back to you as kisses your neck. So you and him had a shower together after that both of you went off to find dinner somewhere. The next couple of days were very fun and after the holiday you came home with your bf touya to your daughter and two surprises.
6 weeks later you brought a pregnancy test cause you weren't feeling well the test came back positive you were pregnant with twins i mean you with a twin. So when you found your bf touya you told him "touya I have to show you something" you said to him "what is it baby?" he asked as you dragged him away "ok close your eyes first it's a surprise so" you said to him. He closes his eyes "ok open your hands" you said to him as he did that. "I hope he likes this surprise" you say to yourself as you put the test in his hands looking at him "ok open your eyes" you say to him "baby is this true? Are you really pregnant again?" he ask you "yes touya I am with having twins" you said to him smiling as you rub your bump "are you serious we having twins?" he asks in shock as he kisses your small bump "mommy! Daddy! What is going on?" fuji your 6 year daughter asked you and touya "want to tell her that is going to be a big sister?" touya asked you "yeah why not" you said to him "fuji sweetie come here we have something to tell you" you say to her.
Your daughter came over to you "what is it mommy?" she asked you "well what would you say to being a big sister now?" you ask her "wait.... mommy am I getting a baby sibling?" she asked you "well yes you are to be a big sister but two baby siblings fuji" you say to her.
4 months into your pregnancy mode you went to a doctors appointment with your bf touya you found out that the twins was a boy and girl. Six months left of your pregnancy mode and your weird food habits and hormonal state when one day at home your water broke you called your bf to come "touya come with now!" you shout at him "what is it baby?" he asked "well my water broke" you said to him "oh shit ok let me get the bags first" he said to you as he rushes to get the bags packed and into the boot of the car.
He then got you into the car and drove you to the hospital you were waiting in a private room as your doctor came into see you "ok I estimate that your 4 cm's dilated so a while to go" she said to you "so I guess we have time to spare" you said to your bf "yeah I guess... Oh I called your parents and mine so they should here after the birth" he said to you "ok that's good" you started to say when a sudden contraction had to happen of course ... Owwww!" you said
"hey hey look at me... *you looked at him*... breath count with me" he said to you as he helped through it. (46 hours later) you had given birth to the twins your daughter saki midoriya todoroki (meaning of the name "blossom") she had her dad's teal/ blue eyes and your green hair and for face features (she had your ear, lip shape and her dad's chin, nose shape) your son yasushi midoriya todoroki (meaning of the name "calm or quiet) he had your green eyes and his dads original crimson hair and for face features (he had your lip, nose shape and his dad's chin, ear shape).
After that you were moved to the visiting hospital room where you were greeted bye your mom and your twin brother and his bf katsuki came into see the twins. they talked with you and your bf for a while then soon left.
You had a few minutes with the twins and your bf before his family came to see the twins you talked with shoto and fuyumi cause you were close to them in college. you knew his family history were their father and was the best. you hated him also for he did to the family. which is why your bf loved you so much.
but still it was salting the mood of the new arrivals. but yeah lets not dwell on it. as you had the most beautiful twins in your arms. "so this are the twins?" his mom asked you "yeah this one is saki on my right was wrapped in a pink blanket and the other one is yasushi on my left was wrapped in a blue blanket.
She came over to you" then both are very beautiful" she said to you "thank you Ms. Todoroki would want to hold one?" you ask her "yeah sure" she said to you as let her hold saki your daughter she opens her eyes to see her grandmother. Her small eyes took a scan of the room to see her three others look down at her "waaah" saki starts cry out.
"oh I thinks she wants her mom I'll turn her" she said to you as she hands saki back to you for you to hold "touya can you take yasushi out of my hands" you say to him "yeah sure ok baby" he said to you as he picks up his son in his arms as you held your daughter saki to calm her down again "shhh baby" you say to her in a nice calm voice as you rock her side to side she eventually fell asleep in your arms again.
As she fell asleep yasushi got to see his dad's family "hi there little one" fuyumi said to her nephew as both natsuo and shoto went over to see their nephew too. As the visits came to an end they left you, touya and the twins. (fast-forward a week later) you were discharged from the hospital so you got to take the twins home you called your bf to come pick you.
He helped you look and care for the twins for 8 months before going back to training while you got a hired nanny you went back to work for another couple of months. Until the twins were 1 year you bf took you out or romantic dinner and thats where he proposed to you "OMG! Touya yes yes I'll marry you" you say to him as he slips on the ring sharing a kiss both enjoying the rest of the time as a now engaged couple with a family.
After that you and him went home and told your family, his family and all your friends they were shocked and congratulated you and him both on the exciting news another year later you and him had your wedding fuji, saki were your flower girls and your son yasushi was the ring bearer as for your maid of honor was fuyumi and your bridesmaids were mina, Toru, momo, kyoka, sui as your fiancé's best man was your twin brother izuku and for his groomsmen it was denki, Katsuki, his two younger brothers natsuo, shoto, sero, kirishima. It was a beautiful day for the day the wedding ceremony and the reception were amazing as both sides of the family came to see you and him married now.
<<<4 years later>>>
You have a family of 5 your eldest daughter fuji is now 8 and is still elementary school as the two twins saki and yasushi are both four years old kindergarten and you are 33 years still working for the big (/j/c/c) while your husband touya 36 years old and still a pro Japanese basketball player and after 2 more years the three kids are 10 years old and 6 years old you and him both decided to have another kid.
It was another girl ren midoriya todoroki (meaning of the name "water lily") she had a mix between your green hair and her dad's original crimson hair and a mix between your green eyes and her dad's teal/blue eyes and for face features (she had your nose, lip shape while she had her dad's ear, chin shape) another three years later you are 38 and your husband is 41 and the kids are the kids are 13, 9 and 3 years old you had another baby.
This was the last one your son masa midoriya todoroki (meaning of the name "genuine" ) he had a mix between your green hair and his dad's original crimson hair and a mix between your green eyes and his dad's teal/blue eyes and for face features (he had your lip, chin shape while he had his dad's nose, ear shape).
as now a happy family of five. your three kids and two busy working parents. you still at your job and your husband still a pro japanese basketball player. for the next 10 years of his life until he was 51 and stepped down from being a pro player. he became a basketball coach at ua college and coached his daughter's team. by that time your eldest daughter fuji was 23 and was captain and point guard of the Ua college girls basketball team.
the same college where her parents both met and fell in love. While your the twins have both finished high school and is on starting their college life too at the same Ua college while Ren is 13 and is still in middle school for two more years as for masa is 10 and is still in elementary school for another 2 more years until he gets to be in middle school.
You had a lot of pictures of your children through out the years you kinda missed when they were small and need their parents with home work or boy/girl issues you just miss it alot you told your husband this so he told fuji to look after her siblings while you and him went on a holiday together.
This was kinda by accident but you ended up being pregnant again with another baby boy which was a shock to you and your husband. you both named the baby boy Sapuraizu midoriya todoroki (meaning of the name "surprise") he had a mix between your green hair and his white hair and mix between your green eyes and his dad's teal/blue eyes.
for his face features (he had your ear, lip shape while he had his dad's nose, chin shape). He had grew up with 5 older siblings. even tho their was a big age gap between him and them. still they played with him all the time and sang to him often when didn't have homework to do or already had it done. but in the day when his siblings were away you had to hire a nanny or child minder to look after him.
when you weren't there to do it. so, as your 5 kids went off to college or high school. while you and your husband went off to work. After another 5 years fuji and the twins saki and yasushi left home to get travel or to be professional Japanese basketball players like their dad or going into working for a clothes company like you.
While you three children were still in school for another couples of years. as for the kids i forgot to put in what colour hair the kids kept or what colour hair changed so your daughter fuji kept the crimson hair colour, while twin your daughter saki inherited a bit of a white top of her hair so her hair is green out there is a pudding colour of white (a/n* as i like this call this pudding hair, think of kenma kozume from haikyu!*)
anyway your twin son yasushi hair turned white and lastly your daughter ren kept her mixed coloured hair and so did your son masa kept his mixed coloured hair and your last son Sapuraizu also kept him mixed coloured hair also.
Name meanings
fuji - wisteria
twins -
saki - blossom
yasushi - calm or quiet
ren - water lily
masa - genuine
Sapuraizu - surprise
Word count: 6656
The end
This took a while but after a picture I found of hawks/dabi in a college Ua Au with dkbk in the background but anyway I had a idea to make a college Au again but with the reader and touya Todoroki. Also I took a very high school musical vibe to it so they are in college but they have actually sports teams like they do in yale University or any other American University but in Japan if that makes sense (cause I don't know if Japan has sports college teams). also i know that its not said in the story but bakugo and midoriya are a couple. Hope you guys enjoy! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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