a boxers love story
professional boxer izuku midoriya x boxer fan girl reader
genre: fluff, smut
boxer au
(🔞⚠️ pubic locker room sex, pet name, use of toys, mention of toys and sex 🔞⚠️)
(izuku midoriya is around 24 and the reader is around 21. but izuku has a gf before he meet the reader. )
this is a love story about how two boxers who fell in love and had a family together! you have been doing boxing for fun as just a hobby for about 6 years now you started when you were 15 years old and because you were this massive fan girl of a famous international Japanese boxer named izuku midoriya you have been going to all his boxing match competition in person and on the tv when you were at high school. but recently you have wanted to go into boxing competitively like you were actually want to go into competitions so you wanted to train to become professional boxer so you went to this boxing gym that you go to box when you did this as just a hobby.
So as you got to the front door of the boxing gym you saw a flyer on the door that said as of now ''the professional international japanese boxer izuku midoriya is training those you want to do boxing professional'' you saw this and took a photo of this you got and immediately signed up for it with no hesitation. a week later you got a letter in the post ''that izuku midoriya wants to train you for a couple of years by of next week'' you got so excited you ran into your parents and showed them this they were so happy for you.
a week later you started your training schedule with your professional idol boxer izuku midoriya as you got to the boxing gym you saw him waiting outside you thought it was cute that he would wait for you but in reality he wasn't he was wait another girl you saw them kiss they she got in the car drove away (fast-forward 5 minutes later) you still couldn't believe it that your idol boxer was taken so anyway you got out of the car and went off to train with him and after what felt like 7 hours had gone you then went home.
(fast-forward 30 minutes to when you got home) you immediately drop your gym bag and went upstairs and searched up izuku midoriya taken? up on the internet you looked through different articles for this and eventually found one you click into the article title that said that the ''professional international Japanese idol boxer izuku midoriya has been with his gf name for two years it was pretty serious but now not anymore'' you scrolled through the article you were on now ''there have been evidence that has show that his gf name has been unfriendly and unkind towards female boxers she has been asked this in an live interview about female boxers and what she thought about this "I don't think boxing for females is good it should only be men that do it'' after her interview was done her bf izuku midoriya was furious about this and told not to say this ever after.
You read on itt made you upset that the guy you loved and idolized over was taken out of your reach by a bitch who you would call a Karen so you weren't happy. as you sat on your bed and cuddle your izuku midoriya plushy you got from your parents two year back you still hugged it was your favourite plushy you didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone at this very moment until you heard a knock on the front door you didn't get up to check so your mom did. you could hear the conversation ''oh mr. midoriya what brings you here?'' your mom asked him as you quickly rushed to hid everything that was of him you didn't the professional boxer your trainer seeing fan merchandise of him in your room the room of a stranger to him.
as you hided your room you heard ''oh sorry miss l/n but your daughter might of forgot this i came to return it back to her'' he said to your mom ''oh that's sweet of you to do that you could give it her yourself'' you mom said to him and you hearing this was like ''omg mom your embarrassing just leave him alone he probably wanted to return it then go home'' you said to yourself as you continued to hid you heard a knock your bedroom door and since you technically close the door it was open he walked in ''oh y/n i'm hear to return this back to you'' he said to you as he put down the diary that i kept all of my notes for training in he didn't even bat one eye at the stuff in my room then left to go home.
the next day was the same you would train with him all day then in the evening went home with that bitch of a gf. now he has trained you for over a year you and him have gotten close/ish its hard to say actually cause the way he touches you made you feel and get all hot and bothered and very warm but they he goes home with that girl and the heat is gone it hurt you a lot cause you had a crush on him for a lot longer than he and his gf name have been going out. but you push that aside when one day you were training when of course his bitch of a gf came to visit she saw izuku and ran over to him giving him a kiss then she saw you. #
she went over to you and with in seconds of arriving at the place told you to ''hey girl so, do you like boxing?'' She asked you "I love it" you said to her "well I don't think your every good at this so I think you should just give up and find something else to dream about because if I'm being all honesty you know that your never going to be a professional boxer right it's pretty pointless to kept on dreaming about this anyway" she said to you laughing. you try and say something to get back at her but when izuku came in and well protected you from her. he just glared at her straight in the eye.
"shut up (gf/ name) stop this right now! how many times have i told you not to say stuff like that to anyone! if you say more shit about female boxers or female boxer trainees then we are over i'm breaking up with you!'' he shouted at her. Everyone was silent in the gym as for you he held on tight to you ''wow wow ok we don't allow commentary or language like that in my boxing gym'' the owner of the gym said to her as to other big guys escourted her out of the gym izuku saw his gf leave he let go of you
''i'm so sorry about my gf there I'm going to have a talk with her when i get home tonight'' he said to you. You felt used and annoyed that his gf just did that ''right tonight'' you whispered said as you avoiding eye contact ''what was that? .......hey are you ok now?'' he asked you ''yeah i'm fine... I'm just going to go now bye'' you said to him as you started to move away from him and start to pack your bags you left him there in the gym before your time of your training was done you just wanted to be away from him for a while so the training schedule was put on hold for a couple of weeks.
He sighed when he watched you leave the gym he went to pack up something his gym bag when he saw your diary on the bench he took it with him as he got into his car and left for his apartment. Meanwhile you went upstairs to your and bedroom and cried into your pillow your parents heard from izuku on what happened to you when they came to collect you so they just left you alone in her bedroom for a while. meanwhile at home izuku argued with his gf ''you can't just fucking say that to a fan of mine! i'm trainer her to be a professional boxer cause she loves boxing! just because you don't understanding boxing as a sport doesn't give you right to say that shit'' he yelled at her ''i'm sorry but she isn't that good'' she said ''shut up! she has been working very hard 6 years and you are just lazy, i think it would for the best if we break up and go are sperate ways'' he said to her.
So after that heated argument he had with his gf he sighed "now I'm going to go over to y/n's house to return her diary you stay here OK i' m not do being annoyed with you" he said to her as he left with your diary he got his keys and got into his car. he drove to your house he sighed and got out. He knock on the door and when your mom came to the door "oh izuku midoriya what are you doing here? Are you here for y/n?" she asked him as she saw your dairy in his hands "did she leave her dairy again she is upstairs to the left" she said to him.
"thank you miss l/n" he said to her as he went upstairs to your room he heard crying "did her words hurt that much shit!" he said as he thought to himself as he knocked on the door "what... Come in whoever you are" you said to him. He came in and walked over to your bed and sat beside you "here.. Your diary you forgot it in the gym earlier I came here to give it back to you...." he said to you "thank you izuku" you said to him as you held the diary to your chest.
He sighs and looks away then back at you as he takes your hand "hey are you ok? I'm sorry about her" he said to you "hey I'm fine but can I ask you something?" you ask him as you put your diary down "what's is it y/n?" he asked you "ok.. Why her izuku? What made you start dating her?" you ask him like you wanted to make yourself more upset then were right now "Idk honestly it was a blind date but look its not going to work out so don't worry about her" he said to you as he hugs and leaves. A month has passed well since both a) the incident in the boxing gym and b) the talk he had with you last night.
it was a bit awkward getting back on track as you stayed away from izuku more he knew that something was up and wanted to ask you' what's up or what's wrong?' but everytime he does you would move away from him it confused him a lot of another year has passed and he is still training you he is now single cause he gf did the same thing again so they broke up and now she is in England apparently and he is stayed in japan to continue to train you. After threes of him training you which would make you 23 and him 26 and so you and him have become close friends
Once you had become professional boxer and won your very first match you were so happy your trainer izuku was so proud of you when you won. When you were give the boxer trophy the two hosts came over to you the male host asked you "how do you feel about the win?" you looked at him "I'm over the moon and surprised to win" you said to him the female host "have you being doing this long? and who was your inspiration to make it this far?" she asked you "well have always love boxing since I was 15 and I'm inspiration was of course my parents but also my trainer izuku midoriya" you said to her
"wow so your a massive fangirl of his are you?" she asked you "yeah I'm he is very talented on being a professional boxer" you said to her "well we have him right here in this arena" she said to you "everyone cheer for the professional Japanese boxer izuku midoriya" the male host shouts into the mic the audience cheered for him as he came up on to the stage he saw you and came over to you "amazing job y/n I'm so proud of you for getting this far and for you to win" he said to you "thank you so much izuku I couldn't do it with out you" you said to him.
After the feeling and thrill of winning your first match and getting a trophy to bring home you continue to train under him from time to time while he went back to training himself for his own upcoming matches that were close. One day at the boxing gym you were taken a break from training to write in your diary it was for about your day, to your training, to about your crush on your pro idol boxer izuku midoriya here is a example of one of your diary entries
Dear diary,
hi its been a while since I've written a diary entry and so I'm back again to write about my crush on izuku midoriya the pro boxer from Japan who is my trainer. I've seen him training on his own in the gym while I have had breaks I watch him train he looks so hot and sexy when sweat is coming off his body as he beats the big red punching bag. I have somehow gotten this good looking photo of him and to me well i could just drink him up.
Cause every time I see this picture or him in person i want him to doing dirty stuff to me like what he does in my wet dreams of him everytime E.g. him grinding his dick against my heat, he fingering my p$$$$ on a café date as I give his dick a blowjob, he eating me out on the bench in the locker room on the boxing gym, he fucking me in public locker room of the boxing gym after closing hours, he using dirty talk to me as me and him having sex in the shower, to him railing me in bed as i moan out his name again as he nibs on your earlobe, even more dirty idea of him using toys like: vibrators, cuffs, blindfold, dildo, and other toys on me mostly as a form of a tease or punishment when I'm being a bad naughty girl. So every dream i have had of him doing these to me god it makes my p$$$$ soaken wet. But since he is my trainer, is older then me I can't never be with because I all fairness he wouldn't want me to do that stuff with anyways I guess its wishful thinking and for a crush and feelings that we'll never happened or come true.
yours truly
As you went to close your diary over and put it away you saw him come over to you and sit beside you he turned to look at you "hey y/n is that your diary? what in it that you have been writing about?'' he asked you as he pointed to your diary that was in your lap you couldn't really tell on what you were writing about cause if he knew what was written and the photo you had taken he would probably call the police on you or just tell you to stop it. so you didn't say anything ''ah its nothing I'm going to go back to practice'' you said to him as you got up and ran away from as a form of changing the topic so when you got your stop you practiced while izuku was still on his break he took this opportunity to your diary as he was left beside your stuff.
he picks it up and scrolls through it see various different diary entries you have done from; e.g. training diary entries, to health food options diary entries. you continues to scroll through the various diary entries to then find dairy entries about him who got him very interested so he read them one of them stood out it was your recent diary entry that you written about a few minutes ago and photo with it. his lips formed a smirk as he read what you were thinking about him and about the dirty dreams he found it cute how you have had crush on him for this long and never said anything to him when you and him first over 3 years ago. so when he put down the diary he sighed and look to the window to see the evening was coming in and closing time was near.
izuku wanted talk to you about this so he went to the owner of the boxing gym he knocked on the door ''ah midoriya what is it?'' the owner asked him ''well i was wondering if I and y/n could train a bit longer?'' he asked him ''yeah sure you better tell her then and I'll call her parents that their daughter wants to train later so it is fine with me. but izuku don't do anything to hurt her cause i know how much of a massive fangirl she is of you but just for you to keep in mind of thats all'' the owner said to him. izuku left the office and went to the gym to see you he went over to you ''hmm y/n can you hang back I to talk to you about something?'' he asked you ''yeah sure izuku wanna talk now?'' you asked him.
he looked around then back at you ''well when everyone is gone actually its a bit embarrassing to ask at the moment'' he said to you. so after the owner got the go ahead to stay longer and that your parents were alright with it he left the keys to the boxing gym into the care of izuku and you. around 7 or 8pm you could see him starring at you like he was starring at you with lust in his eyes. he called to you ''hey y/n come here?'' he asked you ''yeah izuku'' you said to him ''what's up? are you ok?'' you asked him ''ah I'm fine you might not being soon'' he said to you ''what are you talking about? you asked him with a puzzled look ''come with me to the locker room and I'll tell you then'' he said you as he gave your ass a hard spank you gasp ''IZUKU! why?'' you asked him ''what i did nothing'' he said to you.
so anyway you followed him to the locker room and thats when ''so what's are all of these dirty/wet things that you have dreamed and wanted me to do to you again?'' he asked you out of nowhere ''what are you talking about?.....wait you didn't read my diary did you izuku? you asked him ''maybe why is that a bad thing?'' he asked you as he pushes you up against the lockers as he kisses you forcefully on the lips into a heated passionate fiery kiss you melt instantly into the kiss. as he moves his hands around your waist slowly taking off your tight ass leggings and your lacy panties and giving your ass around hard spank you moan into the kiss more as you move your hands around his neck your hands getting caught and lost in his hair. he moves a hand to your heat as he spreads your legs wide so he can touch your heat you jump at the touch of his finger teasing your heat first before slipping his finger into you.
his finger went at slowly pace at first and then sped up as it went in and out of you. ''ah fuck izuku'' you moaned to him as he continues to kiss your neck as short while you released on his fingers so he took them out and licked them clean ''fuck y/n you taste sweet i want more'' he said as he got down on his knees and gets between your legs he dives into your p$$$$ as he grabs your ass to hold you still as he sucks at your fold making you soaking wet for him as dives his tongue straight up into you.
he eating and licking your p$$$$ you loving every moment of it ''fuck yes izu...ah'' you moan out to as you pulled on his green hair as you loved the feeling of your crush devouring your p$$$$. after another short while you release on his face he drinks the liquored up as he pushing you around with your ass close to his crotch. you hear him unbuckling his belt and drops down his briefs letting his dick out you knowing what he wanted and what you wanted so you move down a bit as he shoves his dick he kisses the of your neck telling you nothing but sweet things.
After giving him the sign to move. He began to move in and out of you fast and hard you moaned out in pure utter bliss. He saw this and moved his hand to your heat, shoving a finger into you. Shifting for a moment at the feeling of him slamming into your body. "ah fuck yes izu.. Ah" you moan out. He presses your body into the locker, "you like this y/n hmm? You like this feeling of how my dick is moving inside of you? Hmmm?" he asks you as he moves dick around inside of your p$$$$. you could feel everything "yes it feels so, good" you moan out.
Izuku smirks at your lewled expression as he moves your leg over his shoulder as to hit your from another angle. You hold on to his shoulder for support as he moves his dick in and out of your p$$$$. Izuku pinches and fingers your breasts and p$$$$. You moaned out in utter pleasure, as izuku brought your lips into a kiss as you continued your heated sex locker room session. he eventually pulls out of you, izuku shot seeds into your p$$$$, and the locker room floor. He rested beside your limp body.
You lay there and rested your head on his shoulder "wow" you said to him as you try, and get your breath back. He looks down at you ''wow really was it that good? Hmmm? Y/n did you really love my dick that much hmmm? Y/n, you can have it again if you want I don't mind puppy just ask me and I'll rail you, fuck you, eat you and pleasure you in any position possible you like that comes out of your filthy diary or that dirty mind of yours anywhere, anytime, just all you have to do is say the word my naughty baby girl hmmm" he said whispering your ear with a smirk on his face ''what... did I say... Oh fuck that's embarrassing'' you said to him as you hid your face in his shoulder. "what is it not truth my naught puppy" he huskily said into your ear, "I wouldn't... say...." you started to say to him flustered.
He chuckles as he moves you inbetween his legs. He moves your legs apart as he fingers your soaken and wet p$$$$. Moving in and out of your p$$$$ moaning out his name "ah.. Izu.. Fuck" he looks down at you and continues to tease you for awhile but when you felt something cold being well pressed into your p$$$$. You looked down to see a toy going in. A vibrator. You look up at izuku as he pushes the toy all the way in and turns on the button on his phone. You lay your head on his chest as it shakes inside you "ah.. Izu..so.. Ah" you moan/ scream out in bliss. After a while of him toy teasing you he pulled it out and chuckles again ''come on lets get up and have a shower before i bring you home to your parents are probably worried about you'' he said to you as he got and helped you up on to your feet he went walk to the showers but you couldn't walk after the sex and toy teasing. You were surprised that you could get up ''wait izuku i'm still limp'' you said to him.
he turns to you and chuckles ''did I make you feel that good?'' he asked you as he sees you struggling to walk towards him ''oh hush izuku it's not my fault ok you fucked me and toy teased ok i'm surprised that I haven't fainted from the pleasure I mean you did take my virginity'' you said to him embarrassed that you straight up told izuku, that he fucked you good. So he came over to you and picks you up and brings you to the shared showers because no way in hell your going to be able to shower on your own. so izuku helped you shower he was very sweet to do that so while he did that you decided to confess to him right there and then.
''izuku i think i love you'' you said to him there was a dead silence then he spoke ''well actually i love you too i thought you were very cute and passionate about boxing when he meet you 3 years ago and i started as your personal boxing trainer and if i meet you before her i would of kept you'' he said to you ''aww izuku thats cute'' you said to him so after he helped you with his shower he went off to have his own shower and after that he helped you get dressed and himself dressed.
But before he helped you get dressed you ask him something that shocked him a bit to much "you want what inside baby girl?" he asked smirking "you heard me I want the vibrator toy inside me izu" you said to him as you stood there "if that's what you want, babygirl that's what you will get" he said to you. As he picks up the vibrator and shoves it back into your p$$$$. You moan as it went all the way in "there happy now hmm? Now let me get you changed" he said to you as he kisses your lips. You blushed both at what had you asked him to and how complying he was do it.
He helps you to the front of the boxing gym and packs away your gym bag and his. He brought them to the car. As you sat on the bench feeling the toy inside of your p$$$$, signing at the fact there as no pleasure you were getting from it. You wanted it to shake inside you. So when izuku came back inside the gym to get you. He saw that look but still picked you up and brought you outside and into the passenger seat. He buckled the seat belt and was about to leave but was stopped by you and your lips.
After you and him broke apart for air you fell asleep, izuku smiles and kisses your fore head. He saw your were stirring in the car seat and sighed because he knew what you wanted. So he gave you it. He turned on the vibrator at high speed and left the car as he went to lock up and gym. He saw your diary still in the gym. He chuckles and picks it up, he locks up and brings the keys with him.
He puts the her diary into her gym bag as he hears you let out moans. Izuku gets into the drivers side. He closes the door and turns to kiss you again. He smiles and smirks' at the noises that came from you. He turns on the engine (fast-forward 20 minutes later) izuku got you home safely he picks up the gym bag and carried your shaking body in his arms to the house. You had effort to knock on the door your mom came running to see you, and him ''oh thank you god your home y/n thanks so much for bringing her home'' she said to him you tried to moved but also fell out of his arms ''bring her upstairs she must be so tried'' she said to him as he brought you up to your bedroom he opened the door and turned on the light to see posters and plushies of him in your room he puts you down on the bedsheets as he looks around your room he smirks and turns back to you.
''you really are a massive fan girl aren't you puppy'' he commented as he sat beside you on the bed. You were still shaking from the pleasure of the vibrator. He sighs and stops the toy he took the vibrator out of you and put into your bedside time. You still in your nickers after getting back your breath you looked up at him ''well yeah your amazing and talented and hot'' you said to him ''oh really is that so'' he said to you as moves into you.
yours and his lips moving in sync as you pull him into you as he hovers over you as you continue to make out when you heard a ''oh sweet do you want your gym clothes in the wash and some dinner?'' your mom asked as she barge into your room and saw you and izuku making out ''yeah thanks mom and i love so dinner'' you said to her ''oh are you and him a thing now?'' she asked you ''well yeah we are'' izuku said to your mom answering th question that directed towards you ''well you be nice to her she loves you very much as she is your fan so'' she said to him ''yes absolutely miss l/n'' he said to your mom.
you smiled at him as he continues to talk with your mother ''oh you must be tried to do you want to sleep over with and dinner tonight?'' your mom asked him izuku looks over at you and sees you smiling he looks back at your mom ''yes i would love to stay over'' he said ''great i'll leave clothes for you to wear for tomorrow and with that i'll you two lovebirds alone and back to it'' she said to you and him as she closes the door ''i'm sorry about her'' you said to him ''no its fine she's sweet'' he said to you as he kisses you ''so were you telling truth about we being a thing?'' you asked him. izuku looks at you with a cute smirk like you had said a silly question to him ''look y/n i love you and you love me we are a thing now'' he said to you.
hours later you and izuku had dinner downstairs in the dinning room just you and him your parents already had dinner so anyways after that izuku brought you upstairs to your bedroom where you and him just snuggled together as you watched a show together that you both loved but didn't that each other watched so it made the moment with him more special. after another hour you had falling asleep on his chest izuku looked down to see you asleep so he turned off your laptop when he went to move you woke up ''oh go back to sleep y/n'' he said to you as he gets up from the bed and puts your laptop on your desk.
''ah no its fine i wanted to get up so i could brush my teeth and wash my face before bed anyway'' you said to him as you surprisingly got up and didn't fall over ''ok are you sure don't need any help?'' izuku asked you ''no i think i can make it to the bathroom but if you want you could with me and brush your teeth or you could do it afterwards?'' you asked him. he walked up to up to you ''yeah sure why not some more love time with my girl'' he said to you as he gave your ass a little spank ''ah izuku! stop it you at my parents house please'' you said to him ''oh come on we are upstairs don't worry about it'' he said to you.
as he took your hand and walked out of your bedroom to the bathroom you took it in turns to brush the teeth. you went first and washed your face you wash and took off your tooth brush head and since you had a spare tooth brush head you put it on the toothbrush and gave it to izuku so he could brush his teeth. (fast-forward 10 minu later) you and him walked back to your bedroom where you both fell asleep together in each other arms. the next day you woke to him smiling ''morning izu'' you said to him ''morning too you to puppy'' he said to you as he captured your lips in a strong heated morning make out. after you and him broke apart from the kiss for air you and him both got up and out of bed and went downstairs to have breakfast with your parents since you live with them. after that you and him would fooling around with each other until he had to leave to go back home to his apartment.
you gave a kiss at the front door but before he left you ''wait i don't have your phone number so i can call your or text you'' you said to him ''oh right its hmm.. this *izuku gave you his phone number so you gave him yours as exchange* i'll text you later tonight'' he said to you as he kissed you again before saying bye to you and your parents. you went back inside and ran up to your bedroom to soak in the scent of izuku being in your room for the whole day you really wanted to him badly. later that day you got a texted from him. you opened your phone and went to the messages. you the text from izu (with heart emoji) you went into it;
😘💕izu 💕😘
hi puppy
hi izu
how are you?
i'm good i really miss you tho😘
oh you do puppy do you? well i miss you too i want to be with you 😘
aww i do too. my room still has your scent on it. its kinda lonely
you want me with you right now😏
well yeah but if you are to busy to do so then don't bother coming over to see me😖
well how about we meet up at a café for a date does that sounds nice?
yeah sure that sound lovely izu
oh ok i''ll pick you up next Saturday at 4 puppy
yeah thats good can't wait to see you izu☺️
chat ended
after your first chat with him you got all flustered cause he was calling you puppy which you thought was cute that has a pet name for me but until. (fast-forward a week later to Saturday) you were in your room getting dressed for your first date with izuku you were a very cute but smart look as you were putting on your make up your (y/b/n) came barging into your bedroom ''what do you want (y/b/n)?'' you asked him ''oh i was wanting to ask about if i can borrow your charger for my phone?'' he asked you ''yeah sure its over near the bed side then get out i'm getting ready for my date'' you said to him ''wait your dating whos the guy sis?'' he asks you ''no i'm not telling you cause you will see who it is when he gets here'' you said to him you finish putting on your earrings you check your make up in the mirror as he walks out.
you heard a knock on the door ''that will be him'' you said as you check the time on your phone saying it was 4:00 pm you prepared a small bag with your phone, lipstick, and purse and keys to get into the house later after that date you take a light jacket and with you walk downstairs to see izuku smiling at you ''wow puppy you look amazing'' he said to you as complemented you ''thank you izu'' you said to him ''alright you too have fun'' your mom said to you and him as you went out on your first date to the café. after a long drive you got the to café. izuku lets you out of the front passenger seat he offers his you take it as he walks you into the place.
you and him were guided to a table in the back as you waited for a waiter to take your order you and him talked. you and him talked about your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and family and friends. after sometime a waiter came over to your table at the back and asked ''what you would like to order?'' you looked at izuku and then at the waiter ''i would like a peppermint mocha'' you said to him ''yes of course miss and what about your sir?'' he asked izuku while he wrote down your order in a notepad ''oh yeah and i would like a ice latte'' he said to the waiter ''yes of course right away'' he said to him.
the waiter bowed and left you and him as he went to the counter to give someone both your orders. while that was happening you and him continued to talk learn a lot more about each other. when both the ordered drinks with set at your table you took a sip of your peppermint mocha. you loved every moment with him it was a really fun first date. after the date you got your handbag and left with him as you walk out of the café. he helped you into the car and took you home. at the door step of your house ''i had fun on the date'' you said to him ''yeah it was fun lets go on another date'' he said to you.
''yeah absolutely'' you said to him ''alright i'll text you later'' he said to you as he kisses your check ''bye puppy' he said to you ''bye izu'' you said to him as you got inside and went up to your bedroom to squeal into a pillow. You were flustered about the date and a few weeks later after you going back to the boxing gym with izuku to train. you and him went out on another date a carnival date it was really fun you got try some of the drives with izuku but the best part of the date when you both went to the ferris wheel and since it late you and him and some other couples were there.
the ferris wheel started to move as you and him sat beside eachother holding hands as you got to the top. as soon as the fireworks started you rush to the window to see them shoot ito the sky ''wow izu aren't the fireworks beautiful'' you said to him as you turn to see him smiling ''whats with that look?'' you ask him ''oh its nothing your just cute when get excited that's all'' he said to you as he gets up from the seat came to look through the window with you ''they really are beautiful'' you said to him as you look in total aww ''yeah they are but what makes them more beautiful is being here and seeing them with you puppy'' he said to you ''aww izu that's sweet'' you said to him as he moves his arms around your waist as you watch the fireworks together until the end of the date. (fast-forward 20 minutes) the end dated end with a new plushy for your room that izuku won for you which was really sweet of him to do that for you anyways he drove you home.
he opened the car door and let you out as you took his hand helped you up as you took the plushy and your handbag and jacket. he brought you to the front door "I had a lovely time and fun at the carnival izu" you said to him "yeah I had fun lets go out again" he said to you "yeah thats sound good'' you said to him "ok i better go bye puppy'' he said to you ''do you have to go you can stay over'' you offered to him ''ah no puppy maybe on our thrid date i promise you i'm sorry puppy love you'' he said to you as he kisses you then he lets you go and leaves you at the front door. you wave to him as you turn to open the front door of the house as you got in and close the door behind you. smiling you made it to your bedroom and close the door and cloose it behind you as run to your bed and squeal into the new plushy.
a fews weeks later he asked you out again to a romantic homemeal at his place for the night and you would stying over at his place for the nigh too. so when you heard this you immediately started packing a small bag for the dinner date at his place. he picked you up on the day and took you to his place where he cooked you an amazing meal for you and himself. after that he put on some romantic music and low-lit candles as you danced around the living room in each others arms. you ended staying the night. the next day he brought you back home in the early afternoon. after that you and him went on many more dates up until your 20th date which like 5 months or 6 months into your relationship you had told your family and friends that it was a serious relationship they all shipped you and him together.
after telling the your family and friends they syou and him continue ti train as now to pro boxers as a loved couple. you and him still weren't going to announce to the public and media that you and him were a thing. until you were both in a 2 year long relationship you and him both decided to announce to the public that you seeing each other that you were a serious thing after that the press got excited they wanted a interview so you gave it to them cause they wouldn't leave you alone until they got a interview. you and him both did the interview and that had they didn't annoy you anymore which was relief cause the press is annoying. as 2 year couple you would spend christmas, easter, summer and birthdays you went from 2 year anniversaries to 3 year anniversaries. to 4, 5, 6, etc.. at your 4th year of your relationship you had officially moved in with your bf izuku midoriya into his apartment. so back to present day so you and him are now celebrating your 5 year anniversary 4so, you you were putting on a beautiful dress thats base colour green with lacy. (photo below)
while you were getting dressed you felt a strong arm around you and someone sniffing your hair "hey izu babe" you say as you put your favourite colour earrings on "puppy god you look stunning" he said Into your ear licking your earlobe "izu babe stop" you giggling "ah come puppy" he said turning you around to face him you put your arms around his neck as his arms were still around your waist you kissed for a while "izu babe we need to go to are dinner reservation at the restaurant name" you said he pulled away from you taking your hand you taking your handbag. (a/n time skip cause I'm bored and at this point izuku is 29 and the reader is 26). after dinner izuku drove you home back to the apartment you put down your handbag and took your coat leaving you in your green dress that was skin height and backless and lace on as you walk to the mast bedroom teasing him in the way you walk. your bf izuku couldn't get you out of his head as he follow you up stairs to see you just in underwear.
Izuku closed the door of your shared bedroom that originally his bf before but anyway he came up to you and kissed your neck helping you take out your underwear pushing on to the bedsheets striping his dinner suit off too leaving him in just his briefs. He got on top over you and kissed down your body leaving a hickey here and there on your body to then moving down to your breasts he unclipped your bra letting your breasts free as they bounce he took each one an individual hickeys as he sucks and pinches on the nipple to your bridge between your breasts to your stomach to your legs and thighs. He bit down on your legs and thighs you moaned in pleasure he spreading your legs wide open and looking down at his prize he shoved a finger into you going into you plus ultra fast you moaned loudly as he added another finger and another finger you released on to his fingers he pulled out licking them clean "god puppy you taste so good" he said huskily as got down on his knees bring you closer to his face.
Izuku blew at your p$$$$ you whimpered at his touch he chuckled as he grabbed your thighs in place as he slowly but teasily licked your fold with his tongue you flinged your head back in pleasure he began to sucking your clit as he eat you out. You grab his dark green hair with your right hand moving him in since your right hand was grabbing the pillow. Izuku got the message as he nuzzled his tongue into your p$$$$ as he continued eating you out you moan louder "ah izu god so good" he chuckled as you released again all over his face "you really do taste sweet puppy" he said in your ear as hovered over you again. He got up from hovering over you on the bed taking off his boxers letting his 8 inch dick spring free from it's containment you got up on your knees crawling over to his friend.
You took it giving it a quick hand job then bring it to your much giving the tip a kitten lick then taking it all in your much bobbing your head back and forward he groan taking pieces of your hair in his hand pulling you in making you taking more of him making you gag "ah god puppy how are you so fuck good at this" he groaned as he released his seed into your mouth "swallow puppy" he said you did what he told you and swallowed down his seed "open" he said you opened your mouth he looked "good puppy now lie down spread those legs for me huh?" he said to you.
You lay backdown on the bed and spread your legs wide open for your bf izuku. but before he took his position inbetween he too out a couple of toys he wanted to tease you first before fucking you. so he starts to go through the different toys he found one that would pleasure you and him most so he went with that one. he starts it the vibrator near your p$$$$ stroking you before actually putting it into you for a while. he took it out and replaced it himself izuku hovers over you trapping you into a kiss "are you ready puppy" he said positioning himself at your entrance "yes I'm ready daddy" you said "thats my name puppy you scream it loud" he said slamming into you hard not letting you get use to his size you gasped at the roughness "ah do you like that puppy" he said in your ear you moaned loudly in his ear "ah! Yes" you said "yes what" he said slamming into you again slowly "ah! Yes daddy!" you said moaned as you left deep mark and scratches.
he changed up his position to cowgirl so you rode his dick as your breasts bounced you place your hands on his chest as he grabbed on your waist pulling you down on him "ah fuck! Yes Daddy" you moaned he chuckles at your expression "do you like how rough and hard I'm going into you puppy?" he asked you as he moved dick into you faster from underneath "ah! Fuck yes! Daddy faster" you moaned flinged your head back. "aww puppy look at this beautiful growing bulge that is forming because of all my cum your p$$$$ must really love my dick" he said to you as he rubbed the bloated part of your stomach you look down at him and down at where he pressed a finger on opening again you release your this organism.
He pulled out suddenly that's when he went into sphinx position a position you weren't use to but your bf was so anyway he moved you down on the bed as you holding up your elbow as he trapped your left leg below his hip as he moved your right leg and moved you on your side you took a hold of a pillow just for extra support as he pushes his dick into you as he moves your right leg over his shoulder he goes in and out of you "ah fuck nhg mhh" you moaned out into the pillow he chuckles at you as he grabs the pillow you were using as support "ah no I don't think so babydoll" he said to you and throws it away to somewhere else in the room you look up at him "daddy what the hell" you yelled at him "what I didn't do anything babydoll" he said to you as he pinched your nipple with his hand. He flipped you around so your ass is face him "hey puppy do tell me who is your daddy I don't think heard it right" he said as he spank your ass you moaned it the pressure "ah come puppy you do know who your daddy is right?" he said as he shovered a finger into you "you ah are nhg you fuck are my daddy izuku Midoriya" you screamed loudly "that's a right my good little puppy" he said as he shoves his dick right back into you .
"screamed my name again puppy" he said near your ear as he fingered you as he fucks you again.
"ah! Daddy" you moaned
He spanked your ass again "say it louder puppy" he order "ah daddy daddy"
"again louder puppy" he said "ah! Daddy daddy daddy"
"again puppy" he spanked you again even harder "ah! Daddy daddy daddy daddy"
He thrusts into you faster and harder into your p$$$$ hitting your g-spot "ah god yes! Daddy fuck! Daddy there hit there again please" you moaned "your wish is grant puppy" he said as he thrusted into you even faster hitting and hitting your g-spot as his free hand went down to your p$$$$ and just fingered you making you go over the edge. He flinged you back around you went back to giving him deep marks on his back "ah! Daddy! a I f-feel I'm gonna cum" you said moaned "ah! Me too puppy" he said he grunted in your ear. Izuku felt his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier "daddy cum in me daddy" you moaned in his ear "as you wish puppy" he said as he intertwined his hands with your hands. You and izuku grunted and moaned as you felt each other released you released your juicies as izuku shot out his seeds into you. he collapses beside you on the bedsheets ''wow that was amazing'' you said to him as you ''well you did almost blank out there'' he said to you teasing you ''oh thats embarrassing'' you said to him as you hid your face in his chest ''no its fine it just show how much good in bed'' he said to you ''omg i going to bed'' you said to him ''what is true'' he said to you as he pulls you into a hug as you both catch your breath back again "i love you puppy" he said to you.
You giggled "I love you izu" you said to izuku he looked at you pulling you into a kiss as you both fell asleep. 5 week after the fun night you woke up one day really early around 5 in the morning cause of your stomach. you ran out of the bedroom and rush to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet you didn't hear anything at first until you heard a "hey puppy are you OK" a morning husky voice said to you as he pat your back gently "yeah I'm fine you can go back to bed izu i'm fine....*you throw up again in toilet*.... actually on second thought I might be pregnant...*you look over at your bf izuku*....could you get a pregnancy test?" you asked him. "yeah I could do that for you puppy" he said to you "aww thank you love you babe" you say to him "ah ok I'll see you in a bit stay here ok" he said to you as he kissed your forehead as you went back to your only trusted friend the toilet.
A few minutes later passed bye then you heard a "puppy I'm back with the pregnancy test are you still in the bathroom?" he called out to you with a question as he walked around the first floor of the house "oh yeah babe I'm still in the bathroom" you said out to him as he went back upstairs and straight to the bathroom "aw there you are puppy here you go" he said to you as he hands you the bag with a pregnancy test "aw thank you babe" you said to him as you close the bathroom door to take the test. You waited for a bit so you put down the pregnancy test on a counter you went over to the door.
You opened the bathroom door to see izuku there smiling at you "so anything?" he asked you "no not yet I'm waiting'' you say to him as you go back to the counter to see two double pink lines you were pregnant with your izuku midoriya's baby. ''omg izu'' you say out to him ''yeah puppy what?'' he asked you ''i'm pregnant'' you said to him as you pass him the test he looked at the test then back at you "is this true puppy your really pregnant" he said moving over to you and putting a hand on your stomach gently rubbing it "yes I'm pregnant izu we are going to be parents" you said crying as you throw your arms around his neck "I'm going to a father and your going a mother" he said.
For the 9 months of pregnancy your bf izuku has been by your side through everything the pregnancy hormones and the weird pregnancy food cravings until one day your water broke and you had go to hospital you went with izuku. Your bf izuku was by your side through the labour of the birth of your baby twins and in the end it was two twin beautiful healthy happy bay girl. she had his dark green hair and had your e/c (for me it's light blue) and her face features: (she had your ear, nose, chin shape and her dad's eye and lip shape) she was named mayumi l/n midoriya (meaning of the name ''true bow'').
after the birth of your baby daughter mayumi you were then brought to the private room in the hospital the door opened to see your parents and your (y/b/n) came into see the new arrival. so as your dad talked to your bf izuku your mom came over to you so she could see her baby granddaughter you let her hold her for a while when she gave it back to you. your (y/b/n) came over to you and his little baby niece. after they left the room you saw his mother who came to see you, her son and her granddaughter. "hi Mrs. midoriya" you said to her "oh hi y/n how are you?" she asked you "I'm good how's yourself?" you asked her as you cradled your baby daughter mayumi in your arms "so is this her?" she asked you "yeah this is mayumi l/n midoriya" you say to her "can I hold her?" she asked you "yeah sure here" she said to you as hand over your daughter to her to hold "aww she is beautiful you must be very happy" she said to you and her son as she hands mayumi back to you. She turns to her son "ok bye son" she said to her son izuku as she hugged him "see you soon y/n" she say to you "of course bye Mrs. Midoriya" you said as you went back to carrying for your baby girl.
"ok I'll see you out mom" he said to her "I'll see you in a bit y/n" he said to you. Izuku walked out with his mom and saying goodbye at the front door of the hospital he went back to the room you were in "I'm back puppy" he said to you as he gave you a long but sweet passionate kiss "she going to be a great grandmother to our baby girl she is going to love her more then my mom so you didn't need to apologies for not telling me izu" you said to him "wait really your mom is nice puppy" he said to you "meh it more comes and go's izu" you said to him as you talked a nurse came into help you up so you could breastfeed the first twin that woke up then the second twin you had a little sleep cause you were tired.
Two year later since mayumi with your bf izuku Midoriya of 7 years was born (a/n *age wise his 31 and you are now 28*) and so one evening your bf brought you to a nice romantic restaurant. And the drinks were on the table and the waiter left after you order your food and when the food was served at your table you loved and enjoyed the time you spent away from the and just to be with your bf izuku Midoriya of 7 years now so, when you were looking out side the window on the nice restaurant you felt a tap on your hand you look down to see your bf izuku on one knee "izuku" you said tears forming in your eyes "puppy when I met you 7 years ago at the boxing gym where i trained you i though you were very cute about how much you loved boxing and when we became thing after we confessed we continued to go out on dates and thats when i realised that i love you more then anything and then when our beautiful baby girl mayumi was born i realised that I want to spend the rest of my life with so, what I want to say is that will you do me the honor of marrying me" he said to you "yes I will marry you izuku" you said crying.
After that you told both your parents about the engagement they congratulated you on the announcement your fiancé texted his friends "hey guys are you free to chat me and y/n have a big announcement" he said in the text message. After that you saw faces that you never meet before "hey guys how are you" izuku your fiancé said "omg its y/n how are you?'' mina asked you ''i'm great thanks for asking. how's yourself?'' you asked her ''i'm good good'' she said to you ''aww you look so cute to together'' a cute brown headed girl said in the video chat you blushed ''thanks uraraka'' he said grabbing your waist giving you a kiss on the cheek ''so what did you calls us for?'' ida asked you and him ''well we are engaged now'' you said to them as you show them the big engagement ring ''wow'' ida said ''congrats on your engagement'' mom said to ''thats cool'' from kaminari and a ''aww your so, lucky'' from sero ''your so, manly izuku'' a kirishima said 'after that they left the screen on izuku laptop.
izuku pulled up on his straddling his lap as his hands were on your ass giving it as light spank you moaned a quietly in his ear you put your hands in his dark green hair as you and izuku made out in the living room ''izu lets continue this in the bedroom'' you said to him ''ok puppy f that what you want'' izuku said to you letting you get off his lap followed you to the bedroom you walked over to the bed your fiancé izuku closed the door as had your bit of fun before you both went to bed. a couple of days you were spending time your fiancé izuku and your daughter at a local park and when got home you didn't hear about the press until you heard that professional Japanese boxer izuku midoriya asked his gf y/n l/n also a professional Japanese boxer out to a nice romantic restaurant and proposed to her. she said yes and now they are engaged with a family too.
in a interview pro boxer izuku midoriya talked about how he met her and how they became a thing. A year later (a/n *another age wise his 32 and your 29*) you and your izuku had a beautiful and amazing wedding with all your family and friends with your daughter who is mayumi after the amazing wedding you and your husband izuku went on wonderful honeymoon together to a amazing getaway to bora bora four seasons for two weeks and after the magic two weeks in bora bora you arrived home as husband izuku midoriya and wife y/n midoriya and also back home too a family of four now you, your husband, your amazing daughter and baby boy as you continue to being pro boxers got a bigger apartment for the family and hired a nanny to look after then. your baby boy had your h/c and your husband izuku's green eyes and for face features (he had your lip, eye shape while he had his dads ear, nose and chin shape) he was named Ryota (the meaning of the name (''shout; strong'').
name meanings
mayumi - true bow
Ryota - shout; strong
The end
Word count: 11, 021
This was a adaptation from to previous story ideas I had for my first book "haikyu!" for to characters that never go around doing it and I couldn't think so a story idea to start with so after a while I deleted it and also I had college to so, I didn't have enough time to do it anyway. So, when I was watching the Eurovision 2022 final I thought about the idea again and came up with this boxer Au for izuku midoriya. It took a day and a half to write but over time I have updated it as the paragraphs or sentences don't make any sense or I just wanted to add more to it so it would make more sense. I also added a bit of toy teasing as Ik I had mentioned it in the above text so I decided to put it in and so the character izuku teases the y/n who has a big crush on after taking her virginity by having sex in the boxing gym locker rooms. And the Twitter account @littleskrib 👉 go follow this account please they are an amazing artist. Hope you guys enjoy! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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