7 Minutes In Heaven
Shoto todoroki x reader midoriya twin cousin of izuku midoriya
Genre: smut
Quirk - shadow control
you had this crush on shoto todoroki and boy that you fancied from your class. he didn't know about well for two reasons 1)he had a crush one momo your best friend even tho she was dating tenya ida for like a year and 2) you never got around to telling him cause you didn't want to get rejected by him. your best friends decided to have play a game over a momo's house. the game in question was spin the bottle mixed with 7 minutes in heaven.
all the friends sat around the living room together. those who were taking part are as follows: (mina & hanta) , (izuku & his gf Melissa) she had flown over from I - island for a few weeks. (katsuki, eijiro), (kyoka, denki), (momo and ida), (sui, tokoyami) and (uraraka and her bf) then it was (you and shoto)
most the friends were together except for you and shoto. so, as the game started you saw shoto glancing over at momo. you hated the feeling that was going through your heart in the moment. the bottle landed on tenya, so they went up to a spare room (fast-forward 7 minutes later) they came back down looking disheveled.
they sat opposite each other, shoto noticed a mark on momo's neck. but didn't say anything so, the game continued. the bottle spun again, it was mina and hanta's turn (fast-forward 7 minutes later).
they came back looking very flustered and disheveled. you saw shoto talking to momo ''so are you ok? you have hmm'' he said pointing to her neck ''oh that its fine you should be up next with y/n'' she said to him '' yeah i guess, but after this i have something to say to you'' he said to her ''ok, yeah sure, but later ok'' she said to him.
the bottle spun again for the next couple to have their 7 minutes in heaven. it landed on you and shoto ''ohhhh'' everyone said in sync as you stuck your tongue out to mina you walk upstairs to the spare bedroom ''this is my chance to tell him how i fell about him'' you thought to yourself.
once you got to the bedroom and close the door ''so, i guess we have 7 minutes to ...'' you were about to finish your sentence when shoto interrupted you ''oh just shut up'' he said. he sat down on the bed and look at you ''do you really think i would be into somebody like you hmmm'' he said to you ''sorry .. i hmm .. guess not'' you fumble on your words. he laughed at you ''what cat got your tongue just shut up'' he yelled at you ''no .. i'm.. sorry'' you said to him standing there frozen. as he shot you down quite harshly.
but besides all that happened within the 2 minutes you were in there with him. instead of leaving you stayed and sat beside him as it was the rules to not leave until the 7 minutes are up. you scooch over to shoto but he kept on moving away from him. it was also time up ''GUYS its almost time!'' you heard mina shouts from the staircase as she back to the group of friends to pray for a new couple
meanwhile back in the room he smirks at you ''you hear that, time is also up and now i finally ask momo out and you will be staying alone forever'' he taunts you as he moves away from you once more ''you what? i had it! your always been mean to me for no reason. i've done nothing to you at all, but until you get that through that brain of yours i'm done with you.. but before i leave here. there is one thing i want to do first'' you said to him.
walking over you kissed his cheek. he push's you away. you felt hurt and let a tear out as you slap him right across the face (you bitch slapped him basically). you ran out of he room crying, but by the time you got to the stair case you stop and rejoined the group of friends in the living room. shoto stood there in the bedroom alone, as he walked out of the room and went back down the stairs to the living room to rejoin the group too.
your friends noticed that nothing had happened to you and shoto within the 7 minutes you both in the room. the group went on the quick break as mina, kyoka, momo, uraraka, sui and melissa took you away for a talk. they went to the kitchen ''so what happened? i thought you were going to confess to shoto?'' mina asked you ''well i was going to but when i got up there with him. he started yelling at me'' you said to him ''what did he say?'' melissa asked you ''i recorded what he said'' you said to her.
as you press play on your phone. they heard the whole conversation between you and shoto. it was hard to listen to this. you cried at the end. the girls were shocked ''that's crazy'' mina said to you ''i never would have thought shoto was capable of that izuku told he was the nicest boy in class, but i guess he was wrong'' melissa said.
''you are one of the nicest girl's ik, why would he do that'' mina said again ''yeah that is not right for him to say that'' uraraka said agreeing with mina and melissa. ''thats very low of shoto ribit'' sui said ''do you know why he do such a thing?'' kyoka asked ''ask momo'' you said to her ''do you know anything about this?'' kyoka asked.
''sorry y/n we didn't want to hurt his feelings because me and him are still very close friends, but besides all that if you don't want to be here then you can go home if you want too or do you want shoto to go home first?'' momo asked you as she hugs you.
you look at her ''yeah i'll go home first i don't want to be around him'' you said to her 'ok I'll let the group and I'll tell shoto, to leave' momo said to you with a warm smile momo.
as she went back to the group to the her bf tenya and other guys that y/n is not feeling well so she is going home then she went over to shoto ''i have something to say to you momo and i can't wait any longer to tell you but i had this crush on you and i wanted to know where your heart is with me?'' he asked her
''you really think i''ll fall for someone like you when you were a jerk to my best friend y/n, she had a crush on you shoto! now get out now!'' she said to him ''sorry momo i'll leave ... wait a sec y/n what? has a crush on me?'' he questioned her.
''oh now you care about her? shoto just go!'' she said to him, pointing to the door ''wait y/n!'' he calls out ''babe can you come here now!'' momo asked her bf tenya. tenya went straight up to shoto and just nicely told him to leave. shoto left the yaoyorozu mansion annoyed for two reasons 1) he didn't get with momo cause of y/n and 2) he broke y/n's heart by being a jerk to her.
the rest of the group was told what happened. they were shocked that shoto todoroki would such a cruel thing to y/n. after a few weeks melissa went back to i-island. <<<fast-forward to 3rd year>>> shoto tried to talk to you and become well friends. if you would let him.
he almost gave up until the saw you along at the UA graduation. he took then opportunity to talk to you ''so .. hmm .. hi .. y/n look i am sorry for what i did to you ...'' he started to say but you cut him off. ''ok shoto let me stop you right ... listen to me, you might be feeling sorry and guilty but i don't have time for that anymore ok. yk your trying to smooth things over we can be friends and you can get close to momo ask her out again but i'm done, i'm leaving early to go England in the morning so bye shoto'' you said to him.
as you went to get up ''wait what?! ..... y/n can i just try something for sec'' he said to you ''sure go ahead '' you said to him. he walks over to you .. but what you expected was a snarky comment ... it instead was a strong kiss on the lips ''bye y/n'' he said to you as he let go and faded into the background of the party again as you stood there like a statue. you left the party after saying goodbye to all your friends and teachers and then went home to do some finish packing the next day you left got on your flight and left Japan to go to England for 5 years.
5 years later
After 5 years in England being a famous designer work a big clothes company you move back home to Japan cause your sister was getting married and would get to see your cousin izuku again and the UA gang you missed them so much. So you when stepped on to Japan soil you went to meet your mom and great your sister and her future husband you were so happy for them you then went to meet your cousin izuku so you texted saying.
"I'm back in Japan for a couple of months do you want to meet up and chat" you texted him when you bumped into the one person you didn't want to see at all. you wanted to kiss and talk to him but words never came out of your mouth so you just waved at him. as he waved back he got urge to hug you and he did so, you wrapped your arms around his back and neck. After the hug you looked into his eyes and just for the life of you couldn't help yourself but to pull him and kiss him.
It was deep and hot as you lost your hands in his multi colour hair and before anyone could see you and him kissing. He brought you to the side of a building in the alleyway as he pushes you up against the wall you wrap your legs around his waist in the heated kiss.
(fast-forward 10 minutes later) you and him broke apart from the kiss and look into his eyes. You and him walk back in a very awkward silence and when shoto got the nerve to speak to you again a high pitch voice rang out in the crowd of civilians "OMG It's y/n" she said.
as she just ran down the street to you and bear tackled you to the ground and once you had reunited with mina "hi mina?" you asked her but she was so happy and bubbly to see you and to talk properly so she excitedly yelled at you.
"girl we are going out tonight to a club/ bar we are going to have a couple of drinks and have some fun" she said to you as she called up everyone in the group chat so: hanta, Izuku, Katsuki, Eijirou, denki, ida, momo, kyoka, uraraka, melissa and ofc shoto.
were to celebrate at a club/bar for y/n's return to japan. the sad truth was that sero and melissa and uraraka couldn't come. sero and uraraka had a work thing and melissa was caring for her and izuku's son. while you were away. your friends had moved on. your twin cousin izuku and his wife melissa had a baby boy named hiro.
so the group got to the club/bar. they were all just talking and drinking like the good old days. back in school you and gang did this all. and you hate to admit it but you missed this too. just to talk with your friends was all you ever needed.
You and gang had a lot of fun reuniting and catching up on good times together when you turn to your twin cousin izuku "congratulations on the baby boy and on the wedding I'm sorry I missed it while I was away for 5 years in England" you said to him.
"hey no it's fine y/n you had work so hmm.... do you want to see the photos from the wedding and of your nephew?" he asked you "yeah of course I would love to see them izuku" you say to him. As your twin cousin shows the photos to you from his and his wife melissa wedding day the photos were really beautiful "aww these photos are amazing izuku.
melissa looks beautiful in that wedding dress you must be very happy izuku that you married her. Who was your photographer?" you asked him as you look from the photos "oh yes I'm very happy that I married to her and it's was hmm...(p/n)" he said back to you "wow I heard great things are that photographer he is brilliant" you said to him.
After izuku showed you the wedding day photos he went on to show you photos of your little nephew his son hiro to you ''aww he's very previous Izuku'' you said to him as you look at the baby photos you gave them back to him as he puts them away safely in his jacket ''thanks y/n he is very precious but he can be a handful'' izuku said back to you as he let's out a deep parental sigh ''well if you want i can mind him sometime if you want'' you offered him izuku's eyes lit up immediately.
''really would you y/n if that's not to much trouble for you?'' he asked you in shock ''yeah sure it's fine what are twin cousins for Izuku'' you said to him with a smile ''aw thankyou thankyou'' he said to you as he hugged you tightly ''ok ok calm down izuku'' you say to him "sorry thank you" he said to him "no it's fine izuku so hmm old is your son hiro?" you asked him cause you haven't seen before "oh he is also 4 so still very much crazy and taking a lot so don't worry" he said to you "oh ok no I was just curious that's all" you say to him after you reunited with your cousin izuku.
You got and went over and talked to the girls mina, kyoka, momo as you look over to see the guys your twin cousin izuku, Katsuki, denki, shoto, Tenya, eijirou chatted among themselves every once and a while you would see shoto looking which was weird cause that never happens.
After a while you check your phone to see what time it was because well you went out around 9 and well its 12 now so you were curious since this club/bar was your best friend mina's idea and choice cause it has been 3 hours so you got and sat beside mina. She looked up at you.
''mina how long are staying at this club/bar just curious?'' you asked her ''ah come on girl we are to celebrate your return back to japan just have some fun'' she said to you as she returns back to talking to kyoka and momo you returned back to siting next to shoto and there you tried to start a conversation with him which actually worked you and shoto both talked which was a big shocked.
So a hour went and now it was around 1:00 am in the morning and so the group decided to go home cause well a)shoto was drunk and someone needed to get him home safely and b)izuku wanted be back with his family he was missing them but the great thing was it was the Saturday morning and so it was the weekend and so was working.
so you all paid for your drinks then Katsuki and izuku helped up shoto and brought him out to the cars ''bring him into my car'' tenya said to him as katsuki and izuku opened the back passenger car door and helped shoto into the car then were about to close the door but shoto kept on saying ''y/n'' again and again in his drunking yaze katsuki called out.
''oyi y/n shoto wants you'' he said out to you izuku looked at him then at the others then at his cousin y/n you came over to him to see shoto in the tenya's car you got in but that was a big mistake cause shoto grab y/n's arm and hugged her as she just looked ahead in a flustered state so you were riding with shoto, your cousin izuku and katsuki back home while momo drove kyoka and denki, mina and kirishima back home.
Momo dropped mina back home to her bf hanta. Who was particularly happy about mina being drunk. But the club / bar was her idea.
Momo took kyoka and denki back to their home then dropped eijiro back to his shared apartment with katsuki.
Meanwhile tenya stopped out at shoto's place first. izuku and katsuki helped him inside. you went after them to make sure he is ok.
when izuku and katsuki went to leave the apartment shoto grabbed you by the waist. izuku and katsuki looked behind them ''I'll stay here at shoto's place for the night" you said to them.
"ok y/n be safe" they said to you "I'll try to" you say to them as both izuku and Katsuki left you with a very drunken shoto todoroki to look after you were successfully got him to his bed.
''ok I'm gong to sleep on the couch you get so rest shoto'' you said to him. as you went to leave his bedroom. when he pulled you back into the room ''please stay here with me'' he said to you as hugged you from behind again ''ok ok shoto I'll stay here and sleep with you'' you say to him but since he is drunk.
you didn't know what he is like in this state so you were at a disadvantage so he got undress well ish and got into bed. you did the same but putting a pillow between you and him so he didn't do anything. throughout the night pillow was thrown away and now he had his arms around your waist. the next morning you had woken up yet.
but shoto had woken up with a pounding headache and you still asleep beside him untouched which he was thankful for. he leaned over ''good morning y/n'' he said to you and kissed your cheek.
you started to stir in your sleep and woke to see shoto and his gorgeous hecteromatic eyes ''morning shoto'' you say to him with a smile you get up and rub your eyes you look at him.
"so how are you feeling? Do you want me to make you anything for me to leave?'' you asked him ''hmm.. some coffee and headache tablets would be nice'' he said to you as got up.
You get out of bed to make him some coffee and to find the headache tablets "oh and this" he added as he pulled you back into a kiss then let you go as you got your balance back you actually left his room and walked into the kitchen to make coffee and to get him some headache tablets when you were done in the kitchen you felt to arms around your waist ''hmmm.... ~y/n~ .... '' the husky morning voice said.
''hmm.. shoto i put your headache tablets and coffee over there for you'' you say to him as you pointed to mug and tablets on the kitchen counter he saw them and releases you to take them as that was happening you quickly ran back to his bedroom.
as you quickly find your clothes, shoes you put them on then you got your handbag, coat you went out of shoto's room you were about to leave his apartment when he stopped you ''hey y/n before you go home can i get your phone number i don't think you ever gave it to me'' he said to you after long thought about it you decided to gave him your phone number.
After you gave your phone number to him he exchanged his one to you and so after that you and shoto decided to stay close friends and a month late you got a text from your cousin izuku texted you.
Green cousin
Hey y/n can you look after my son hiro for me and melissa for a couple of hours?
Sent by him
Yeah sure I love to see and look after my nephew for you and melissa. where do you guys live? i forgot to ask you at the club/bar lol? *cry emoji*
Sent by you
Great thank you so much I'll text when you. oh right yeah, i'll sent the location to you now. insert location.
Sent by him
oh thank you and your welcome cous
Sent by you
Chat ended
So when izuku texted you the day: 20th of May and the time is the whole day for you to mind your nephew hiro you got a text from shoto. So you went into your contacts and opened the message from ❄️icehot🔥
❄️Ice hot🔥
Hey shoto
Sent by you
Sent by him
How are you?
Sent by you
I'm good. How about you?
Sent by him
I'm good. Thanks for asking
Sent by you
So what you up to?
Sent by him
Oh I'm on minding duty for my cousin izuku and his wife melissa for next week. What are you about you?
Sent by you
Well that's nice. I'm not doing much then doing hero work
Sent by him
Oh well if you want to you can join me in minding his son hiro?
Sent by you
Well Idk if you want me to be there then I'll help out if you want me to?
Sent by him
I love if you would help out shoto
Sent by you
Really OK sure I'll be there to help out
Sent by him
Great I'll text my cousin izuku that you are helping out then
Sent by you
OK y/n tell text me what day and time when you done
Sent by him
Oh right I'll do that now its 20th of May and the time is the whole day
Sent bt you
Great I'll see you there
Sent by him
Great I'll see you there too by shoto
Sent by you
By y/n
Sent by him
Chat ended
After your long chat with shoto you texted your cousin saying "oh shoto wants to help out with minding your kid if that's alright with you?" you asked him "yeah sure hiro loves him so yeah that's fine with me" he said to you "ah great thanks izuku" you said to him so after your text conversation with your cousin izuku you texted shoto saying "yeah allowed to mind hiro with me" you said to him "ah great see you then" he said to you.
So on the 20th of May which was the Friday. you and shoto looked after hiro for the whole day for your cousin izuku and his wife melissa "aww he is precious" you said to him "yeah he is. Hey y/n ever thought about having kids?" shoto asked you out of nowhere "yeah I guess at some point having kid with someone in the future" you said to him "why you ask?" you ask him "well I was just curious thats all" he said to you. After you and shoto looked after hiro for your cousin izuku and his wife ochako they came back around 6 you and the shoto went home to your houses.
You were staying at your mom's house and as you walked around the first floor you decided to check the calendar to see how far away your younger sister's wedding day was which was in about 7 weeks time so it was getting close you texted your younger sister to meet up for coffee and so she accepted to the meet up. You and her sat down and ordered drinks and when they were served and set at the table she turned to you.
"so why you asked me out?" she asks you "oh I was just wondering who is coming and how many people coming to your big wedding day?" you asked her as you took a sip from your drink she turned to you "ah around 40 to 50 maybe 60 guests why? Who do you want to bring with you?" she asked you as she took a sip from her drink.
"well yes and no i was just wondering if you had invited our auntie inko and our cousin izuku, his wife melissa and their son hiro our nephew to your wedding day?" you asked her "well yeah of course I did they our family y/n why would you ask a question like that? Do you want to bring someone to my wedding day?" she asked you.
"well yes I want to bring a friend of mine as my plus one" you said to her "who is it then that you want to bring?" she asked you "it's.. Hmm.. Shoto todoroki, i want to bring him to your wedding as my plus one'' you said to her "the shoto todoroki. the guy you had a crush on. the guy that hurt your feelings at a stupid game of spin bottle 7 minutes in heaven like 5 years ago Are you ok with this I thought you still hated him for not seeing or realizing your feelings for him?" she asked you.
"yeah I'm fine I met up with him and the group with went out for drinks when I got back to Japan and so me and shoto are close friends now. But he did ask me the weirdest question ever when he was helping me mind hiro for izuku and melissa" you said to her.
"what did he ask you?" she asked you "well he a asked me 'hey y/n ever thought about having kids?' and I was like 'yeah I guess at some point having kids with someone in the future. why you ask?' you asked him and he said 'well I was curious that's all' he said to me and so that was it" you said to her "what he really asked you that wow sis?" she asked you "yeah ik right what would he mean by that tho?" you asked her "oh well sis he probably wants to be more then friends so why don't ask him out something" she said to you.
"yeah I guess so" you said to her so after that long conversation you thought about what your younger sister said to you and decided to go with it. You texted shoto over and when he accepted to come over "hey y/n what's up?" he asked you "good good.. Well I think" you said to him "what's wrong y/n?" he asked you "well I was just wondering what you really meant about the question you asked me when we were taking care of hiro?" you asked him "well I don't know I guess I wanted to be more then friends at some point with you" he said to you.
You were in shock at what shoto said to you after realizing your younger sister was right that he wanted to probably start something up with you "well I don...." you started to say when we're you interrupted by shoto "I'm sorry y/n I have a confession to make and to tell you the truth" he said to you "ok what is it?" you asked him "i want to say i'm sorry for everything i did to you back in 1st of UA.
it was wrong of me to hurt you like that.......but i've got to tell you after i kissed you at the graduation party i couldn't for the life of me get you out of my head. i realized that i was blind and stupid to not see anything in you and see a life with you until now" he said to you "wait.... what! you see a life with me shoto? What's in this life of ours?" you ask him "well we dated for a while then we had to twin girls, got married, then another to kids to sons not twins what do you want that future" he said to you.
"I do I really do with you sho" you said to him "but we aren't friends are we sho?" you asked him "thats was the plan at first but if you want to be more then friends more" he said to you "I do want that to but I have to tell you something first as well" you said to him "so you wanted a future with me but didn't see it until after 3rd year but how I mean you didn't know about my feelings at all towards you" you said to him.
still in shock that he wants a life and a future with you "the thing is y/n i actually knew about your crush on me for a while'' he said to you ''what? .. how? who told you?'' you asked him ''momo told me after the spin the bottle twist game we all played back in 1st years, she told at the door before telling me to leave'' shoto explained how he knew of your feelings toward him. ''so you got over her huh?'' you asked him ''momo yeah back in 1st year, when she called for her bf i knew she was taken, but that was 5 years ago y/n and i want you now" he said to you.
You were silent so he walks over to you and brings you into a hug you wrap your arms around his back as you cry into his chest he softly pet your hair "yeah look I'm sorry y/n if you want I can leave?" he asked you "no don't leave me shoto" you said to him "ok I promise y/n I won't leave you ever" he said to you as he hugs you tighter "thank you shoto" you said to him.
as you look up at him as you move your arms around his neck you look into his hectercromatic eyes "do you want to kiss me?" he asks you "maybe I was thinking about it" you said to him "so is that a yes?" he asked you. you nod. he looked into those green eyes of yours. he chuckles and lifts up your chin and presses his lips against yours. you moved your arms around his neck. your hands getting lost in his two toned hair. your fingers tugging slightly on his hair. as his hands on your waist moving to your ass.
He lifts you up and moves you up against the wall you wrap legs tightly around his waist as the kiss went quickly into a hot steaming make out session "ah god shoto" you moaned out "god I love the way my name falls out of your mouth" he said to you as he moves his lips from your mouth to your neck and left a hickey final y/n and shoto found happiness with each other and so after you and shoto finally got together you asked him.
"hey i just realised something this is probably the fifth time we have kissed'' you said to him snuggling into his chest he chuckles ''i guess it has and you y/n what i'll gladly do it again'' he said to you as he got top of you and kissed you again and again. after a short while longer 'hey I was wondering if you want to come as my plus one to my younger sister's wedding day?" you asked him.
"yeah sure I would love to come with you to her wedding day" he said to you as he kissed you into the bedsheets yet again you just couldn't say no to him. you loved his lips and the way it felt on your body. So the rest of the weeks you and went on dates until the day of your younger sister's wedding day your friends and family were happy and shocked that you and shoto finally got together as a couple.
7 weeks later your sister had her big day. Her wedding day was just beautiful and amazing. The whole family came to see her get married. the venue was beautiful. at a seaside manor. later on at the reception your sister throw the bouquet.
''ok girl's are you ready'' she said to the bride maids and maid of honour (you) "1.. 2.. 3.." she said as she threw the bouquet of flowers up into the air as the maids all tried to catch but it landed in your hands as your sister turned around to see you with bouquet of wedding flowers in your hands.
"we have our future bride" she said to the mic. everyone clapped and whistled. you blushed in to your bf's chest. the rest of the day went well. your younger sister pulled you over ''so, y/n how do you feel about being next bride? don't freak out about the whole speech i said up there! think of the bouquet of flowers as a promise ring ok'' she said before leaving to back to her guests.
you went back to the table. with the bouquet in hand. your bf shoto was sitting at the table. he saw that look ''what's wrong? you seem quiet y/n?'' he asked you kissing your hand. ''my sister told that bouquet of flowers should be seen as promise ring, and i'm just not ready'' you said to him.
''hey hey listen to me snowflake, we can take our time getting there and about that promise ring i do have something do about that'' he said to you. as you and shoto walked across the sand. you generally hate the sand. to quote a wish men from a movie you watched when you lived in England. the line goes ''its coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere''. hehe
you walked with your bf ''the wedding was beautiful wasn't it?'' you asked ''yeah it was y/n and i hope one day that will happen for us too'' he said back "yeah... wait... What are you talking about?" you asked him "well what I mean is that I want to give you *shoto gets down on one knee. he opens a box with a ring in it* I don't have a real proposal ring just yet for you but I'll give you this promise ring until that day happens" he said to you.
"yes yes" you said to him as he slips on the promise ring he kisses you "right we better get home" you said to him "yeah your right y/n let's go home" he said to you as he took your hand in his as he brought you back home back to the apartment you stay at together that you got a couples of weeks ago your parents and his siblings helped you both move into the new apartment together.
So after 3 months of dating shoto todoroki and the long holiday you took to come back to Japan for family reasons. you had to go back to England for work. you didn't want to so you called up your boss of the famous clothes company in England that you work. her face showed on the video call "hey boss how are you?" you say on the call "hi y/n I'm good and how are you?" she asked you "I'm good thanks for asking" you say to her "so did you want to talk to me about it?" she asked you.
"oh I was wondering if I could stay in japan cause of my partner and I don't like having to be in a long distance relationship'' you say to her "ok ok y/n if you want to stay there in Japan with your partner you can. but i'll let you have a short term distance so that allows you to stay in japan with him and work for us here in England'' she said to you.
"wait really thank so much boss" you said to her in a very excited tone "ok ok calm down y/n I'll email you the time table of the days that you will be in England for and travel arrangements'' she said back to you laughing "ok thank you boss" you said to her and after she ended the call with you.
When your bf of 3 months around 7 pm you greeted him at the door he closes the front door of the apartment and brought you to the couch so he cuddle you cause he misses you so much when he is at work all day "I have something to tell you" you said to him shoto "what is it snowflake?" he asked you as he looked at you.
"well I talked to my boss back in England and she has give me a offer to stay here with you and that I still get to work for her" you said to him with a happy smile "ah that's amazing snowflake" he said to you he kissed your shoulder and neck "it's is cause then I don't have to leave you alone in this apartment cause you would be missing me a lot" you said to him "yeah that is true snowflake" he said back to you.
You turn to look at him "so shoto what's with the pet name?" you asked him out of curiosity "well I love snow and I love you too and so you are now my snowflake" he said to you as he hid his face in your shoulder you giggle at his cuties "I love you shoto you know that right" you say him "yeah why?" he asked you "no you just can be really cute and adorable sometimes that's all" you say to him.
"I'm not adorable, you are, snowflake" he said back a bit flustered. You bicker for a while until 8:30 pm.
You and him had dinner then went to bed at 10 pm. The next day your bf left for his pro hero work.
You stayed home. You got an email from your boss in England. You clicked into it. And read the email. It had a timetable of the day's you to be in England and the rest of the week you are in Japan.
When your bf shoto got home. You told him about the timetable. <Fast - forward > you are in a 5 month relationship with shoto todoroki.
He brought you to the airport. He got a short goodbye. You got on the plane that was heading for England. You worked there for three days then came back to your bf.
Your boss told you could stay in Japan, as for now on you would be working for a similar company she owns in Japan. You got excited as you packed your things.
You met up with your bf at the airport and told him that from ,on you are here to stay in Japan full time now. Your bf of 8 months now. "ah snow flake how was your trip?" he asked you "it was good I have some good news" you say to him "what is it snowflake?" he asked you as he let go of you.
"well I don't have to travel from Japan to England anymore I get to stay here so I can be with you all of the time" you said to him shoto's heterochromatic eyes lit up.
"wait.. What really snowflake you are staying here like permanently" he said to you in excitement you giggle at this "yes I'm staying here permanently my boss has called her company here in Japan and so I'm going to work with that design company" you said to him.
So you worked at the company Japan as a high ranking designer for the company while your bf stayed as a pro hero you stayed together in the apartment for 4 years when you decided that you wanted a family with him so you move an even big apartment of 10 rooms:
a office room, a living room, a dinning room, two bathrooms, a big kitchen and four bedrooms and the fact that it was a two story apartment which is so much bigger and way better for a big family which is what you and shoto wanted so yah. a year has gone and so now it's yours and shoto's 5 year anniversary of being together. so you went out to dinner at romantic restaurant that your bf shoto of 5 years.
You were in the shared master bedroom getting on your beautiful red/white lacey dress the base of it was white but it dressed in red lace that connected around the collar neck apart, picture below of dress:
After you put in the dress you got your hair all done up then you went to your make up and after that you got up went to on your favourite earrings that your bf shoto got for you on your 4 year anniversary. You were just standing in the long standing mirror when you heard a whistle "damm snowflake you look hot and sexy In that dress" shoto said to you as he approve of the choice of dress you giggle.
"thank you shoto I love that you approve of this dress choice" you say to him as you turn around and continue to put on your earnings shoto came over to you and put his arms around your waist pulling you into his body "hmmm.. Shoto what are you doing?" you ask him as he sniffed your hair "what I'm just sniffing the hair of the women I love" he said to you "aww shoto your cute" you say to him as you heart broke by a shoto cutest arrow.
He turned you around so that he can see your face he kisses you for a bit then you went to the restaurant and had a love time and when you came back home that when the fun starts your bf shot had opened the door for you and him. he let you inside the apartment first he followed behind you and locked the front door you took off your coat that you were wearing and put it on the coat hanger then you put down your purse on the table near the keys you walk seductively upstairs to the master bedroom your bf watch he couldn't get his off of you he walked upstairs to see you with no make up and in just your matching lacey underwear that you got specially for him as a art of seduction which was working.
shoto chuckles darkly as he locks the master bedroom behind him and comes over to you he moves his hands softly over your skin making up jump every once and while he left little icy kisses on your neck and collar as he picks you and throws you on to the bedsheets he gets on top of you as he goes back to marking your body with hickeys. he moves down your body to your collarbone again and leaving hickeys down until he reached your breasts he gave each one individual attention kisses sucking and massage the nipples you moaning and whimpering at his every touch.
he moves down to the bridge between your breasts to your stomach to your legs and thighs. He bit down on your legs and tights you whimpered in pleasure he spreading your legs wide open looking down at his present he moved in as he shoved a finger into you he moved in and out of you. You moaned at the coldness from his right hand as it added two more cold fingers before you could release he had created small little ice cubes as he displayed them on your naked body moaning at the cold of the ice cubes he continued to pleasure you as he put his cold fingers back into you.
after awhile released all over his fingers he pulls out and licks them clean right in front over you he commented "god snowflake you taste so, good" he said huskily as he created more ice cube to replace the ones that had melted he then got down on his knees brought you closer to his face. shoto blew a mixture of cold and hot air at your p$$$$ you whimper at the feeling of his half cold and half hot breath down they he chuckles as he grabs your thighs in place and after saying.
''thank for the meal'' he dives tongue first into his long waited prize he slowly and teasingly licked your fold with his tongue you flinged your head back in bliss he began to suck your clit as he start to eat you out. You grab his two toned hair with your right hand.
your left hand was on the pillow for support. shoto got the message and nuzzled his face and his tongue into with your p$$$$ as he continued to eat you out you louder "ah shoto ah so, good" he chuckled as you released again all over his face "you really taste so, sweet snowflake" he said to you in ear as he hovered over you again.
He got up from hovering over you on the bed taking off his boxers letting his 8 inch dick spring free from it's containment you got up on your knees crawling over to his friend. You took it giving it a quick hand job then bring it to your much giving the tip a kitten lick then taking it all in your much bobbing your head back and forward.
he groan taking pieces of your hair in his hand pulling you in making you taking more of him making you gag "ah god snowflake how are you so good at this" he groaned as he released his seed into your mouth "swallow snowflake" he said you did what he told you and swallowed down his seed "open" he said you opened your mouth he looked "now my snowflake why don't you be good, lie down and spread those legs for me huh?" he said to you.
You lay backdown on the bed and spread your legs wide open for your bf. shoto hovered over you trapping you into a kiss "are you ready snowflake" he said positioning himself at your entrance "yes I'm ready daddy" you said ''that's it snowflake say name'' he said to you as he slams into you hard not letting you get use to his size you gasped at the roughness.
"ah do you like that snowflake" he said in your ear you moaned loudly in his ear "ah! Yes" you said "yes what" he said slamming into you again "ah! Yes daddy!" you said moaned as you left deep mark and scratches. he changed up his position to cowgirl so you rode his dick as your breasts bounced you place your hands on his chest as.
he grabbed on your waist pulling you down on him "ah fuck! Yes Daddy" you moaned he chuckles at your expression "do you like how rough and hard I'm going into you snowflake?" he asked you as he moved dick into you faster from under Neath "ah! Fuck yes! Daddy faster" you moaned flinged your head back. "aw snowflake look at this beautiful growing bulge that is forming because of all my cum your p$$$$ must really love my dick" he said to you.
as he rubbed the bloated part of your stomach you look down at him and down at where he pressed a finger on opening again you release your this organism. he pulled out suddenly and flipped you over so your hands were holding on to the headboard off the bed he came up behind you and moved one of your legs over his shoulder so you were kinda on your side anyway.
he re-entered you again and cause you in much a difficult position you had to keep a hold on the headboard and his arm as he destroyed your p$$$$ you moaned out in pure bliss "ah fuck nhg mhh" as you looked away from him. your face was so lewled enough he could tell you wanted more so he chuckled as he gave you exactly what you asked for ''yeah you like that snowflake? this what you wanted yeah?'' he asked into your ear.
you blushed as his other hand his cold hand reached your heat and slowly brushed up and down against it making you shiver against the coldness of his fingers ''ah fuck nhg ah'' you moaned he loves your moans it was music to his ears. after a while of having fucked up against the headboard of the bed he moves you down to the so your ass was in his face
"hey snowflake why don't you tell me who's your daddy I don't think heard it right" he said as he spank your ass you moaned out from the sensation it gave you "ah come snowflake tell me who's your daddy hmm?" he said to you as he shoves a cold finger into you "ah fuck you are shoto Todoroki your my daddy" you screamed loudly "that's a good snowflake" he said a he shoves his dick right back into you.
"snowflake why don't you say name again" he said near your ear as he fucked you as he spanked you with his left hand.
"ah! Daddy" you moaned
He spanked your ass again "say my name again say it louder babygirl" he order "ah! Daddy! Ah fuck daddy"
"come on say name again snowflake" he said into your ear as he kissed the back of your neck "ah! Daddy! Ah! Daddy! Ah fuck! Daddy"
"one more time say it again snowflake" he said spanked you again even harder "ah! Daddy! ah! Daddy! Ah! Daddy! Ah! Fuck daddy!"
He continued to thrust into you faster and harder into your p$$$$ hitting your g-spot "ah good yes! Daddy fuck yes! Daddy there hit there again please" you moaned out to him "as you wish snowflake" he said as he thrusted into you in a unhuman speed going faster and harder hitting your g-spot as his right hand went down to your p$$$$ and just fingered you making you go over the edge. He flinged you back around you went back to giving him deep marks on his back "ah! Daddy! I - I f-feel I'm gonna cum" you said moaning.
"ah! Me too snowflake" he said he grunted in your ear. Shoto felt his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier "daddy can you cum in me?" you moaned in his ear "if that's what you wish for snowflake" he said intertwined his hands with your hands you and shoto grunted and moaned as you felt each other releasing soon you released your juice as shoto shot out his seeds into you he pulled out of you collapsing beside you on the bedsheets catching both your breath back again he pulled you into a hug " I love you snowflake" he said to you. You giggled "I love you too babe" you said to shoto he looked at you pulled you into a kiss as you both fell asleep together in each other's arms.
The 5 weeks later you woke up really early in the morning cause you felt sick so you ran out of the bathroom that was connected to the master bedroom and threw up in the toilet. meanwhile shoto woke up to feel you not around to then hear crying and coughing coming from the bathroom he quickly jumps out of bed to check you were ok he knocks on the bathroom ''snowflake are you ok in there?'' I'm coming in'' he said in a morning husky voice as he opens the bathroom door to see you throwing up in toilet.
''aww snowflake here let take your hair out of your face for you'' he said to you as continue to empty your stomach ''sorry i woke you up shoto you can go back to sleep i think I'm ok now i think *you said to him but you spoke to soon as you turned back to the toilet to throw up again* yeah actually i might be pregnant so i might need a pregnancy test babe" you said to him. "I could get a pregnancy test for you snowflake" he said to you "ah could you sho love you babe" you said to him "ah OK I'll see you in a bit OK" he said to you kissing your forehead as you went back to your only trusted friend the toilet.
after an hour shoto came back to the big apartment ''snowflake i'm back with a pregnancy test for you. are you still in the bathroom?" he said as he walks around the big apartment then goes to the second floor of the apartment then walks to the master bedroom "yeah I'm still in the bathroom" you call out to him "ah there you are snowflake here you go" he said handing you the bag with the pregnancy test you closed the bathroom door he sits down and waits in the bedroom as he looks at the closed bathroom door and after a while it the bathroom is unlocked and is opened by you crying.
shoto sees this and comes over to you he hugs you ''what's up wrong snowflake? what did the test say?'' he asked you as you look up into his hecterocmatic eyes ''look yourself sho'' you say to him as you give him the pregnancy test he looks down at the stick and sees to pink lines indicating that you were pregnant ''is this true snowflake your really pregnant?'' he asked you as he rubs your stomach the stomach of his unborn child. you giggle at his reaction ''yes sho pregnant we are going to be parents. we are going to have family of our own'' you say to him crying as you throw your arms around his neck "I'm going to be a father and your going to be a mother" he said to you.
after that exciting news you told your family and friends that you pregnant and that shot was the father of the baby(s) the thing was you still hadn't told him it was twins you were carrying actually so after a couple of months you went to hospital with shoto to have a check up on the baby well that's what shoto thought but when the female doctor did the span she said she could two babies were in fact two twin girls. after she said that to you and shoto she left the room for you and him to have a minute to think about the good news.
''so were are having twins girls'' he said to you ''yes i guess we are you nervous?'' you asked him ''nervous no not at all I'm excited'' he said to you ''really your not nervous are having twins wow'' you say to him in shock ''snowflake listen I'm not nervous cause even if you were pregnant with one baby or three or four i wouldn't be scare cause i would love you and them regardless'' he said to you "aww sho i love you so much" you said tears forming in your ears he brought you into a hug and kiss on the lips and so after the news about he gender reveal you told your family and friends about it and they were so happy for you.
For the 9 months of pregnancy your bf shoto has been by your side through everything the pregnancy hormones and the weird pregnancy food cravings until one day you water broke and you had to go to hospital your bf shoto brought you to the hospital your friends and family would be coming in later to see the new arrivals.
your bf shoto was by your side through the 48 hours of waiting and the giving birth part of the labour of the twins and in the end you gave birth two beautiful healthy and happy twin girls. the first baby twin girl had your black hair and your bf shoto's heterochromatic eyes her face feature: (she had your lip, nose shape while she had your shoto's eye, chin, ear) you and shoto decided to name her name was Mizuki l/n Todoroki (meaning of the name ''beautiful moon'').
you and him thought the name suited her best and then for the second baby twin girl she had his mixed red/white hair and had y/e colour also her face features (he had your eye, ear, chin while he had your bf shoto's lip, nose shape) so you and shoto decided to name her Miyuki l/n Todoroki (meaning of the name ''beautiful fortune/ happiness or beautiful snow or deep snow'').
When you heard a knock to see your mom and your dad and your younger sister and her husband came to see the twins girls first after ''aww they are precious y/n'' your mom said to you ''thanks mom do you want to hold one'' you offered to her you give her mizuki l/n todoroki they she passed her on to your dad then to your sister then her husband then back to you.
after that your bf shoto's family came to see the twins girls his mom rei and his older sister fuyumi and older brother natsuo ''hi mom'' he said to the women you look over to them hugging then they talked while his older sister fuyumi ''is this my two twins nieces?'' she asked you ''yes this one is Mizuki l/n todoroki *that was sleeping on your left* and the other one is Miyuki l/n todoroki *who was sleeping on right*'' you said to her ''can i hold one'' she asked you ''yeah sure you give her Miyuki l/n todoroki ''aww she beautiful'' she said to you.
''thanks fuyumi'' you said to her your daughter opened her eyes to see she wasn't in the arms of her mother ''hello there little miyuki I'm your auntie fuyumi'' she said to her you saw natsuo was looking in on miyuki too ''can i hold her too?'' natsuo asked you ''yeah sure'' you said to him so fuyumi handed miyuki over to him your daughter saw her a man ''hello I'm your uncle natsuo'' he said to miyuki. at the that time Mizuki woke up and your bf shoto was finished talking to his mom when he came over to you ''hey shoto'' you said to him ''hmmm.. snowflake can you handed me Mizuki my mom wants to hold one of her grand-daughters'' he said to you ''oh yes yes of course here'' you said to him as he picks up Mizuki and walking over hands her to his mom.
she takes mizuki in her arms ''aww she precious shoto and y/n'' rei said to you and her son ''thank you Mrs. todoroki'' you say back to her while that was happening natsuo had handed Miyuki back to fuyumi who then handed her back to you and after a short mizuki was re-turned to you.
shoto's mom and older brother sister left the private visiting room in the hospital you going to sleep but when your twin cousin izuku and his wife melissa came with their son hiro to see you and their cousin/nieces then talked for a while when all your friends came to see you at the hospital you saw your best friend mina, kyoka, momo, sui, Eijirou, katsuki, denki, tenya, sero tokoyami and uraraka got to see their nieces.
2 hours they all your friends left it was just you, your bf shoto and the two twin girls. you chatted for a while then two nurses came into your room and took your twin girls away to the baby nursing in the hospital so you could get some sleep your bf went with the two nurses to leave you to rest since you haven't had any sleep in 45 hours so you were a very tired.
so fast-forward to when you woke up to see your bf shoto right beside you when a hour later a nurse came into the visiting room to help you up so you could breastfeed your first twin miyuki who was a wake at the time then you breastfeed the second twin mizuki when she woke up too. after a few weeks you got discharged from the hospital and you were able to bring home the twin babies miyuki and mizuki to a big bay proofed apartment.
it was tiring looking after miyuki and mizuki mostly all on your own cause your bf had to back to work when they were 6 month old and you still hadn't found a nanny for them yet until they were 7months you found a nanny it was a male nanny but you didn't care if it was female or male nanny that looked after you and shoto's child as long as there are qualified to do they its alright with you and your bf shoto and so you went back to work 4 weeks later as your bf shoto went back to work a pro hero. two years later and the twin girls are 2 years old and you are in a 7 year long relationship with your bf shoto todoroki oh you did get a new nanny a female nanny that lesbian it was fine.
anyway so to celebrate your 7 year long relationship and anniversary he your bf shoto took you out to a nice romantic restaurant where after the drinks were set at your table. he decided there and then to propose to you so he got up and down on one knee in front of you ''omg sho'' you say to him as you turn to see this.
''snowflake i know we haven't had the best start at first but after you left for 5 year you left I knew I was missing some thing in my life and I didn't know what it was at first when you came back but then we started to be friends and then sooner then later we confessed to another and now we are in a 7 year long relationship with two beautiful 2 year twin girls and i couldn't be more happier. so what I'm trying to say is will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?'' he asked you ''yes yes yes yes shoto i will marry you'' you said to him.
shoto slips the ring on to your ring finger you and him enjoys the rest of the night as a now newly engaged couple (fast-forward brought to by twins miyuki and mizuki). you got home with your fiancé shoto. your two crazy girls were asleep.
you told your friends as soon as you and shoto were settled with laptop in front of you. they were shocked and happy. ''congratulations y/n and shoto'' they said to you both ''thanks guys'' you both said back. as the group disappeared.
you and shoto told your parents the next day. they were so happy for you both. now that you have settled down. have twin girls. now are engaged. the news were all over it too. the news headline said "that pro hero shoto (aka shoto Todoroki) took out his girlfriend professional designer at this famous clothes company (aka y/n l/n) out for a romantic dinner at a nice restaurant and proposed to her and she said yes" they new said as they show a video of a interview you and shoto as it said "on how they met and how they got together".
A a year later you and shoto got married your wedding was amazing and wonderful have all your friends and family around you on yours and shoto's day. After that you had a beautiful romantic honeymoon with your newly wedded husband in Hawaii for two weeks and so for the first week your twin girls miyuki and mizuki to your mom's house and they got an occasionally visit from they auntie and uncle and a visit from your twin cousin izuku and his wife ochako and their son hiro then for the second week your twin girls stayed at their dad shoto's mother rei their grandmother's house so miyuki and mizuki both got to see they uncle natsuo and their auntie fuyumi and have fun.
so after that second week you and shoto both came back as husband and wife but also as a mother and father too your two twin girls miyuki and mizuki and another kid one the way. years later you have now three children your two twins girl miyuki and mizuki who are both 16 and are starting first year at UA miyuki has one of your husband shoto's quirk which is ice.
and mizuki has your shadow quirk while your son Masahiko l/n todoroki (meaning of name ''just prince'') is now 14 years old and is still in middle school with a mixed quirk combination of your quirk shadow quirk and has your husband shoto's ice quirk so it basically its :ice shadows anyway two more years later you had another kid and it was boy you named him Masahiro l/n todoroki (meaning of name ''justice prospers'') and he ended up having his dads fire quirk and he is still in elementary school .
name meanings
Miyuki - beautiful fortune/ happiness or beautiful snow or deep snow
Mizuki - beautiful moon
Masahiko - just prince
Masahiro - justice prosper
The end
Word count: 11, 243
I still don't have a idea of which side of the midoriya family is apart of so that is still under negotiations at the moment. This is also the long very written story I have ever done which I wasn't expecting this story to be this long as it wasn't intended to be so yeah. Hope you guys enjoy! See you guys in the next story ✌️
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