The Mirror
The second Iris awoke that morning, she took a moment to realise she was not in her own bed. The biggest give away being that the bed she was currently lying in was much more comfortable than the one she had at the Leaky Cauldron. The mattress felt as though it had cost much more than the pub would ever spend on just one singular item of comfort. The sheets were also much softer, they felt as though there was an element of silk to them rather than the plain cotton sheets she personally owned. The comforter used when the sheets had been washed was also different to the one she used, this one smelling like coconuts in comparison to the fresh cotton one she normally used.
But the biggest give away that she was not only not in her own bed but was also not alone was the weight on her chest. Iris owned an owl not a cat or another animal which would have curled up on her to cause such a weight. And if the only thing she could clearly see which was ginger was any give away Iris very quickly worked out what was going on. And the events of the early hours of the morning came slamming back to the forefront of her brain, the hangover only seconds afterwards.
After all she had been the one to agree to staying the night, but if she was being honest she wasn't sure she could ever say no to George. Not now, not when he owned her heart entirely. She had agreed to stay instantly not thinking about the consequences, not thinking of how the night would go. But when she came to, the way she had awoken that morning she did not mind one bit. George's weight was a comfort and having the feeling as though in that moment he depended on her was a feeling of which Iris did not realise she had missed so much. Having been the older twin it was often her sister depended on her, and since Lavender had passed there had been no such thing as somebody depending on her. But in that moment she could kid herself that someone did need her. That someone did depend on her. George depended on her for comfort in that moment in time, he needed her to remain the way she was so he could continue to sleep. And so she remained as still as possible, firstly attempting to just go back to sleep. Though this did not seem possible, so for a while she feigned that she was asleep. But that too failed, therefore, she remained moving as little as possible only moving her hands to play with a small little section of his hair, curling it gently as not to pull or do anything to wake him up.
She knew not how much time had passed since she had awoken but eventually she was met with a groan as George woke. Though it appeared as though she had been a little luckier in the hangover department getting a little longer before it truly kicked in. George's hangover was present the moment he had woken as he tried to push his way into his 'pillow' only to find it harder than he expected. And that was the moment Iris felt him finally respond a bit more looking up to see what was going on. And it was humorous to watch him work out the last few hours of the morning before they had gone to sleep.
"Fuck me I had too much to drink." George groaned and Iris did let an audible laugh come out at this statement. Despite having spent so much time around people from the southern part of England it still made her laugh hearing them swear considering just how proper it sounded. She was much more used to the northern twang she had been surrounded by in her childhood and with her best friends.
"You and me both Georgie." Iris responded her throat dry and her words coming out much more raspy than her usual tone. George made no real attempts at movement for a while, taking time to just stare at Iris, a challenge of which she upheld waiting for the first one of them to break eye contact. The pair were very competitive, a nature of which led to many small and often rather pointless challenges between themselves, and this was one of those instances. However, Iris lost out this time, though she vowed to get him back later, and feeling rather proud of his victory George reached up just a little to kiss Iris before settling back down where he had been prior. Resting his head back to where it had been whilst he was asleep he waited for any kind of protest, though he did not get one.
"Wake me up in five minutes." George uttered before almost instantly falling back asleep. Iris did not wake him up in five minutes. For she too had fallen back asleep and therefore when he woke again George did not disturb her and rather left Iris to sleep a little longer slipping into the bathroom as silently as he could.
The loud sound of glass smashing was what eventually woke Iris up from her impromptu nap she had fallen into. And instantly she was up and on her feet, noting the sound had come from the ensuite attached to George's room. She was over to the door within seconds of having heard the sound suddenly very worried about what was going on, on the other side of the door. Normally she would have not been so worried about the sound of smashing knowing that George despite what he would lead others to believe could be rather clumsy and did often break things. Yet something was telling her that something was very much wrong.
"George, sweetheart can I come in?" Iris' voice was as gentle as she could be in that moment though she was sure her worry was also evident in her voice.
"I'm fine." George replied but it was obvious he was anything but.
"Please baby, let me in." Iris would get over the petname later if George even noticed she had slipped it in.
"You can't see me like this." George's voice was telling to Iris she could hear just how broken he was in that moment.
"I'm not going anywhere George I promise."
"Iris..." George trailed off and Iris paused for a minute trying to listen for anything that was telling of what was going on inside. Though all she could clearly hear was his muffled cries as he tried to hold himself together.
"George, baby, let me in." Iris had yet to even try to open the door from the outside she would not cross that boundary, she needed him to let her in, she wanted to earn his trust. She needed to earn his trust. A few moments passed, of which felt like an hour, before Iris started to hear shuffling. Though the door did not open, nor no clicks to make out the lock was moved she could still hear movement the other side.
"Iris, I need you." With those words she finally tried the door handle, only to realise that it had never been locked in the first place. Iris slipped her way inside taking note that she had to be careful for how she stepped considering she was in clothing that from the length of the joggers alone indicated that they belonged to George. The second she was in the room, she shut the door behind her before her eyes began to scan the room. Everything looked to be in order as she checked the shower and the area by the toilet. It was not until her eyes cast to where the sink was located did she start to get answers.
For stood bent over the sink was a figure, the fiery red hair a clear indicator that this was the man she was so worried about. And around the outside of the sink were pieces of glass, sharp harsh edges of which had once been a mirror, if the missing mirror gave her enough clues. Her eyes also then focused on his left hand, where blood still seemed to be oozing from, and her brain began to piece together what had happened. She chose not to comment on anything for now, rather closing to move forwards to the distraught man and help him in any way that she could. Choosing to cautiously touch George, even though he had asked her to come in she did not want to spook him, Iris placed her hand delicately over his right and uninjured hand. It took a moment before George finally looked up at her and Iris felt tears gather in her own eyes at the state of him. She knew the look he held on his face, it had been a look she had known to cross her own face. George had spent some time in the mirror staring at his self before the significance of the day had set in.
"Oh baby." Iris used her free hand to slowly cup his face and he leaned into her hand the second the contact was established.
"I... why is it every time I look in the mirror for too long? I swear he was waving back at me this time." George didn't have to lead on who this man was. Iris knew what had happened the second she had seen the scene. And if she could sometimes be convinced that it was her sister looking back at her in the mirror and the Brown twins were the most fraternal a pair of twins could get, then why wouldn't he especially when the brothers had been so identical.
"I can't answer why George. I wish there was a way I could make it so there was an obvious difference." Iris at first was stumped as to there being anything she could do to help. The first option would be to remove the mirrors in the house so for now George did not see his reflection. But that would not allow him to slowly get used to the idea. And then it was like a lightbulb had suddenly turned on in her mind, there was an option of which would allow a subtle difference but enough to provide a solution.
"It hurts." Iris could not respond to his words, there was nothing she could say to him in this situation, other than hope that the people in the veil were looking over and making it so that eventually the pain would stop. Rather all she could do was pull George into her embrace whilst she allowed him to cry it out.
It was only when he had calmed down and gone to pull out of Iris' embrace that she started to think about her next steps. The longer they had been there in the bathroom and her eyes had been cast on the now broken mirror, Iris started to feel like her idea might just be worth attempting. It would either work or it wouldn't, and if that was the case she would just remove the mirrors that she saw around the house. Until another solution could be found, that would have to be the cause of action. When George pulled back, Iris' eyes finally cast down to his left hand. The small abrasions from the glass luckily, looked as though they were clean as in there was no glass left inside. And the bleeding had reduced significantly only oozing a little when he seemed to flex his fingers. If there was one thing at school Iris had excelled at it was wand-less magic. And since she had left she had only gotten better at using magic not only wand less but non-verbally. Her skill set had left her with an offer to work for the Ministry yet there was nothing more than working in the pub of which Iris truly wanted to do for now. Perhaps when she was older she would change her mind but for now she was more than content remaining working in the pub and couldn't really seeing herself wanting to leave for a very long time. Therefore, Iris simple hovered her hand over George's busted hand watching as a gold glow ran over it, patching the cuts to the point where it looked like he had never done any damage to it. Luckily, it would appear none of the wounds were deep enough to scar and he would remain very much unscathed physically from his battle against the mirror that morning.
"I think I have an idea, you don't have to agree but it might help." Iris spoke, knowing it wouldn't be the end of the world if he disagreed.
"I'll take anything in this moment in time." George was quick to respond and his eagerness for a solution was very much present in the tone he used.
"Hair dye." Iris shrugged watching as George mulled over her idea for a second, it would appear he really was contemplating the idea before he made a decision.
"Would it work?"
"One thing that reminds me that it's only me staring in the mirror is the fact that me and Lavender had completely different hair. Maybe it'll work with you. We could go all sorts of crazy colours until we can think of another option." Iris explained a little more, there was obviously other differences between her and Lavender which were a bit more prominent than their hair but they had always styled their hair different irregardless and was a factor that brought Iris back to the current times.
"I'll try it." George agreed though he seemed to suddenly think of something "Where will we get the dye?"
"I think I might have some temporary hair dye back at mine. It's pink but it should be good to go. Your hair should be alright so we won't need to bleach it." Iris wasn't sure about her answer as she had never dyed hair that was not her own. She had brought the pink hair dye a week or so back as an impulse purchase though had yet to actually do anything with her hair, after all she would need to bleach it and that was something that took forever.
"Okay, let's go get it. This bathroom is bigger than yours we'll do it here."
After a lot of faffing about, an hour and a bit later the duo were done. George was pretty fussy when it came to getting his hair done, demanding that they temporarily turn his bathroom into a hair salon as he was too high class to stand over the bath whilst Iris was washing the dye out. However, he did lose the battle as Iris forced him over the bath tub to complete the process. The pair had also decided not to mix magic with the dying process, and therefore the whole task was done the muggle way, hairdryer included an item of which Iris did not need to bring from hers. And whilst George went to grab a drink Iris finally turned her attention to the still broken mirror that was around the sink. A muttering of the spell 'repairo' she watched as the mirror patched itself back together.
George finally returned to the bathroom and dared to look back into the mirror. Iris braced herself not sure what reaction she was going to get from him, though was surprised when he stared in the mirror absolutely silent. That was until he suddenly burst into laughter and Iris felt her stomach drop, the pink was a little bit insane but it didn't not suit him. Rather she found he looked pretty good in the colour, sure it was going to clash with absolutely everything he wore but it suited his personality.
"There's no way I'll confuse us with this. Fred wouldn't dare." George seemed happy kind of but Iris was not sure.
"Do you like it."
"I look like a madman Iris. Of course I like it." George was quick to turn around with what Iris hoped was a true smile on his face, and that he wasn't just saying this to make her happy.
"We better match at some point." He added on and perhaps Iris had read the situation right she guessed she would not know for a little while longer when it had truly set in that his hair was now bright pink.
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