The defilement
The one place Iris had to visit before she returned to London was the place her sister had been laid to rest. After all many things had changed since the last time she had visited, no matter if that was only a few months prior. George had followed her to the outside of the cemetery though she did not expect him to follow her inside. After all, he had his own things with visiting places like this and therefore, did not expect him to come in after her. Though he seemed for a while that he might have tried to follow her inside. Rather Iris noted his apprehension and whilst being proud that he was even willing to approach, knew that it was just not time for him to come in. Even if he was not visiting his own brother.
"It's alright George you can sit on the bench over the road there. I wont be long." Iris sent him a smile, one she hoped would reassure him that it really was okay. She just wanted to say hi to her sister, give her a little life update and then they could be on their way back to London.
"I can... I can try to go in with you." George attempted to say but it was obvious to anyone who was around him that this would be a push.
"It's okay really. You're not ready yet and that's fine." Though George did not seem fully convinced at her words, he seemed less likely to argue against it this time around. She watched as he seemed to slowly come to terms with the idea of waiting outside on the bench, but she was not sure just how long he would stay out there. "And if it's too much on the bench there's a little café just around the corner. I'll come and find you."
With one last look at George, who did finally seem to come to an agreeance and sit on said bench, Iris walked her way into the cemetery and in the direction of her sisters plot. The path was not an overly familiar one, considering how difficult it was to visit, but it was one Iris seemed to have memorised entirely by now. And nothing on the path seemed out of place, nor like it had overly changed in the last few months and Iris pondered upon this for a little while. Considering the nature of the place she would have thought that perhaps it would have changed just the slightest as more mourning families laid their loved ones. Yet nothing in the particular section she was aiming to visit had changed.
And that was when the magic could be felt. Considering it was just in the centre of Nottingham, Iris had never considered that the part of the cemetery her sister was in was actually only for magi folk. But the magic was rich in the air, and it was clear that most normal visitors to the site probably didn't even know about this section. Which only made things worse when Iris finally came to her sister's plot.
For written across the headstone in a sickly green colour was the word 'slapper'.
"Oh no,no Lav. What have they done to you?" Iris at first was upset by what she came across. But the closer she got and the more rubbish she found littered around the headstone the more angry she became. Somebody, some low life had the audacity to defile her sister's place of rest. And she wanted revenge.
"Not even in your death are they allowing you peace. They are going to pay." Iris was desperate to fix what she saw, but she knew better. Iris knew that this was a crime which had been committed both in the muggle world and in the magi world. And there was one benefit of Nottingham being such a large city, the was a small branch of the ministry located in town. A place for magi folk to report crime. And boy was she going to get the person who was responsible for this.
George was a little confused regarding his emotions whilst he sat on the bench a few yards away from the entrance to the cemetery. The first emotion he was trying to overcome was guilt. George felt guilty for many reasons. He felt guilt regarding never having visited his own twin, George had been there when they had buried Fred but he had yet to go and see him since and it had been nearly two years since then. The second was the guilt he felt that he had just let Iris go in without him. Sure he understood where she was coming from and was thankful that she had not pushed him in to go with her. But it still felt like something they should have done together. But he was not sure he could go to see Iris' sister without having seen his brother first. The second emotion he could not see to understand was this feeling like something was wrong. The longer he sat on the bench the more this feeling of imminent doom seemed to be getting stronger. And he was confused, there was nothing around that overly indicated something bad was going to happen. But he had lived through one wizarding war and was prepared for it to go wrong. He would never not trust that feeling, that instinct again.
Therefore, when Iris suddenly appeared on the bench next to him, tears evident upon her face George began to piece together that something bad had happened inside that cemetery. And he felt even worse that he had not gone inside with her. Though he gave her time to say whatever was wrong he knew it was bad.
"Iris?" He had to ask her for it had been a couple moments since she had just appeared and he was growing more and more concerned regarding her silence.
"I need to go and see the ministry branch in town." Though her words were not exactly a give away as to what had occurred it was enough to alert George that it was serious.
"Yeah of course." He did not push for an explanation knowing he would get it when she was ready. And as he blindly followed Iris in the direction of the building that housed the local ministry branch and the Aurors who could look into whatever had occurred on the inside of the cemetery. And sure enough he did get the answers he was looking for.
The inside of the Nottingham local branch of the Ministry looked like any other offices you would see inside a muggle building. The receptionist seemed very much uninterested in his job, most likely counting the hours down until his shift was finished and he could go home. The room itself was lined in bright colours to invite people inside and there were stretches of marble surfaces for as far as the eye could see. And George supposed it looked like any other high end offices, maybe.
"Some vile human being has desecrated my sisters grave." Iris responded as she was asked to explain the crime she was reporting to the officer behind the bench. It had taken a while for someone to come out and see the pair of them.
"And why is this a Wizarding offence?"
"My sister is in the magi folk only section of the cemetery officer. There's no way a muggle could have done this." And despite the officer looking like they were going to deny the request to look into it, they very quickly agreed at Iris' words. As if the question no matter how rude had been only to check off a box on their paperwork.
Four hours later and enough evidence had been collected, including tracing spells being performed and Iris was allowed back inside so that she could clean her sister's plot up. And George despite his opposition to entering the cemetery knew this time that he could not leave her alone to enter. And even though he wished to visit Fred beforehand, he could not just leave Iris alone to do this. Even if it meant sucking up the aversion. Iris needed him this time, and despite him not having seen her break until this moment he knew she was moments away from doing so. After all one could only remain so strong for so long.
"Georgie it's okay you can stay outside. I won't be long. Now they've done the trace it'll only be a spell or two to get her looking good again. I know you want to visit Fred first." Iris tried to stop him the moment he followed her inside the gate.
"Fred is safe, Fred is in pristine condition. Lavender is not. And it doesn't feel right to sit out there when I know that." George's words did not feel forced after all he knew there was little chance that his own brother would be left like someone had left Lavender. Fred had no known enemies really, whereas it was clear that Lavender did if someone went as far as to ruin her image even after death.
"I'm fine I promise. I can do this alone."
"We'll talk about that later but you don't have to do it alone. That's what I'm getting at you might be able to do it alone but you don't have to. Let me be the strong one for once." And with his own persistence did George watch as Iris stuck out a hand in his direction. He took it in his own as they both ventured to see what damage they could easily repair.
"She doesn't deserve this."
"No she doesn't. We will find who did this to her."
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