I inhaled sharply when I felt sunlight hit the top of my eyelids, my cheek against some sort of surface, in someone's embrace.
I was covered in a blanket, and there was a sharp pain in my head, my entire body feeling too comfortable too move.
My eyes slowly open, immediately shielding myself away from the light, burning my face in what I thought was a pillow.
Except, it wasn't.
It was someone's chest.
My face twists in confusion, slowly lifting my head up to see Alec Lightwood, his eyes closed, holding a tight grip on me.
A small smirk fell onto my lips, gently laying my head back onto his chest, enjoying the unintentional embrace.
When he pulls me even closer, there's a pang in my heart that I didn't recognize.
Then, his eye crack open lightly, my eyes immediately shutting to make it look like I was still asleep.
A small yawn left his lips, and suddenly I could hear his heartbeat accelerate from resting my head on his chest.
His hand began running through my hair slowly, playing with it as if he was letting me sleep for as long as I wanted, not wanting to make any moves to wake me up.
My heart began to beat faster.
I adapted to him playing with my hair, almost falling back asleep due to how much I liked it.
I pretended to yawn a few long minutes later when the feeling was too much for me, opening my eyes lightly, looking up at him.
I blink, pretending to be caught off guard, "Oh-"
"Hey." Alec's voice was deep and raspy, moving his hand from my hair and running it through his own messy hair.
"I guess we fell asleep after drinks." I leaned my head back on his chest, too lazy to move, "I'm actually enjoying this."
In that moment, Alec's eyes were locked with mine.
Until, realization crosses his expression and he was getting up, "Wait, what time is it? I have to get back to the Institute."
"Wow-" I fell into the bed when he was no longer under me, slowly forcing myself up into a sitting position, "You really know how to ruin a moment."
Alec grabs his jacket, slipping his on, looking at me, "I- I'll see you at the Institute."
Alec stammers for a moment, then leaves me alone in the room.
I sighed and got up, running a hand through my messy hair and walking outside into the hall.
Jace was walking towards me from the living room, "Hey, sleeping beauty, we gotta go."
"Go where exactly?" I question, stretching, "And before we go anywhere, I need a change of clothes and to brush my teeth."
Magnus joins us, "And to tame the mess on your head-"
I looked at him, "Thank you, for that."
"Clary knows where the Cup is, you, Luke and I are gonna go to precinct to get it." Jace's words shocked me due to how he was trusting me on this, "We're leaving now."
I had to admit, I was enjoying my time with them.
It was more entertaining than being with my father, and if anything, I wasn't going to please him with the Mortal Cup when he screwed me over the most.
I shot him a look, "Did you not hear me when I said-"
Suddenly, I was surrounded in magic, changed into clean clothes, as they were black ripped jeans, a white v neck tucked into them, a blue leather jacket and black combat boots.
There was a sudden clean, minty freshness in my mouth and my hair had been done, wavy, half of my hair being clipped up with a hair claw.
Then, the magic fades and I'm staring at a proud looking Magnus, "I like your hair like that."
"Thank you, Magnus." I thanked him for it all, grabbing my kindjals from the table, putting them in the sheaths, "Let's go-"
"All right, cards are on my desk." Luke told Jace and I as we followed him towards the precinct, "It shouldn't take long."
Jace nods, "All right."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Luke stops us from going any further, "It'll be easier to avoid unnecessary attention if I do this alone."
"Really sucked the fun out of this one, huh?" I remark, then shrug lightly, "We'll wait here."
Jace crosses his arms, watching Luke walk inside, "It sounded boring anyway."
I shot him a look, leaning against the brick wall, squinting my eyes due to the bright sunlight, looking lighter brown due to it, "Why do you trust me?"
Jace looks at me, "What?"
"Why do you trust me?" I repeat myself, looking at him, "I'm Valentine's daughter, according to you guys I disappeared for a few years and I come back completely devoted to my father."
Jace stares at me as I continued, "So, why do you trust me? I haven't given you guys any reason to."
"That's where you're wrong." Jace points out, taking a step closer to me, his eyes bright and clear in the sunlight, "You've given us many reasons since you've shown up."
"Really?" I scoff, "Like what?"
"You helped us at the DuMort." Jace began to list off, "And when we were trying to find Magnus- you helped protected Clary when you snuck out with her and defended Alec when the wolves took her- you helped save Luke's life, and now you're here."
I looked down, my voice lowering, "Yeah, I don't know why I did that, I barely even know him."
"All of those things- you chose to do, not out of a sense of duty, or because you wanted to get back at your father, but because you wanted to help us." Jace's words felt like knives through my heart, "That's why we all trust you. It shows us that the person we knew and loved is still in there, deep down, no matter what Valentine did to you."
"Well, the one thing I am gonna do to get back to him is obtain the Mortal Cup and not hand it over to him." I exhale sharply, "Except, Luke is taking ten years to get those cards- what's taking him so long?"
"I know a way we could find out." Jace shrugs lightly in suggestion, "Just go in and see for ourselves."
That's when I notice Luke being escorted by a few men in the hall above us, "Just so I'm clear, he did mention something about trying to avoid attention, right?"
"From the looks of it, he's doing a terrible job." Jace notices where I'm looking, "Mundanes, internal affairs officers."
"Luke had his chance, let's go." I nod towards Jace, as we made our way into the precinct.
"You want a coffee or anything?" The man asked Luke when Jace and I walked into the interrogation room, glamoured, "Garroway, coffee?"
"No-" Luke shook his head, "No, I'm good."
"Suit yourself." The man shrugged and closed the door behind him, as I crossed my arms.
Luke grabbed a tissue and pretended to sneeze, "Camera."
Jace takes care of it, as I smile in humor, tilting my head as I spoke, "Well, hello, Mr. Discreet."
Luke shot me a look, as I put my hands in surrender at my joke, "All right, might wanna fill us in, though."
Luke exhales deeply, "I think I'm about to be the prime suspect in a murder investigation."
"I'm guessing you're gonna say that it's up to us to find the cards?" I guessed, placing my hands on my hips, "All right, where are they?"
"In my desk, bottom drawer." Luke told us as we began to walk towards the door, but his voice stops us, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, you can't glamour yourselves."
I looked back at him, "Why the hell not?"
"I'm not the only Downworlder on the force, and we don't know who's working for Valentine." Luke explained, "If anybody spots you, especially you-"
Jace sighs, realizing what he meant, "We'd be leading them right to the Mortal Cup."
"Exactly." Luke nods, "Better to assume that everybody has the Sight, than gamble that they don't."
"All right, whatever- let's just get this over with." I walked through the door when the same man opens in, in question of what happened to the camera as Jace followed me out.
"Really?" Jace almost laughed when we squeezed into a closet, "In here?"
I shot him a look, "Yeah."
Jace chuckles lightly, "There's got to be a better place-"
"Well, guess what? I don't care, this is sufficient enough." I grabbed my stele and deglamoured.
Jace stumbles into boxes when pulling out his stele, "Ow-"
"Do you not know how to just- stay still?" I placed my hands on my hips, "You know, the mundanes wouldn't suspect a thing if they didn't hear you knocking over boxes with your every move."
Jace was only smirking at my words when he deglamoured, "If you're this bothered by me, why are you here?"
"What can I say?" I put my hands up in defense, "Shockingly, you idiots are growing on me."
Jace broke out into a smile, "Not shocking-"
I roll my eyes at his comment, "Can we stay on topic? I don't wanna be here longer than I have to."
"How exactly are we gonna get the cards?" Jace questions, "I doubt we can make it out of this closet without drawing attention, let alone Luke's desk and we are covered in runes."
"I have a plan." I put my hair behind my ears.
Jace nods, almost laughing, "A good plan this time?"
"Are you aware that I know six different, very painful ways to shut you up using just my index finger?" I remark, swinging the door open and leaving the room, heading for where Luke's desk is when I notice all the officers staring at me.
When I know Jace is behind me, I spun around and slap him across the face as hard as I could, "You son of a bitch!"
Jace's head snaps to the side, his eyes wide with surprise, "What?-"
"I told you that if you didn't stop following me, I'd get the cops on you!" I used every cell in my body to not laugh, my face twisting in fake hurt.
Jace grabs my wrist and whispers, "Hey, what happened to being discreet?"
"What?" I gasp, my eyes burning with tears due to keeping them open for so long, "You cheated on me? I can't believe you'd do such a thing! I thought we were forever."
"I- huh?" Jace's eyes were wide when two officers grabbed him as I was walking away, "I did not-"
"You will never see me at your crappy apartment again." I scoff deeply, walking over to Luke's desk and opening up the cabinets to see nothing."
"That girl means nothing to me." Jace finally decides to play along, "Nothing!"
A woman who's pin said Captain Vargas walked over to me, "Long time, Zee. Boy trouble?"
"Nope, not anymore, we're done." I stood up straight after closing the cabinets, "Where is all of Luke's stuff?"
"IA took everything." Captain Vargas looks down at me, "What are you looking for?"
"I, uh- I lost a house key and Luke normally keeps a spare in his desk, so is there any way I can get it?" I made up some sort of excuse.
Captain Vargas shook her head, "Uh, not till he's cleared."
"Cleared?" I pretend to look surprised, "Of what?"
"Oh, don't worry about it." Captain Vargas waves it off, "We'll get it handled."
"Zee, I'm sorry." Jace cuts into the conversation, "I apologize, I just want you to know it only happened, like two or- it just happened a couple of times, and I am totally-"
I looked at him, "Shut up-"
Jace keeps up the snobby act, "Baby, come on-"
"You know what? That's enough-" Captain Vargas steps up, "Take him out."
"I have rights!" Jace shouts when he's pulled out of the precinct by the two officers.
"Perhaps it's for the best?" Captain Vargas sighs, then notices the deflect runs on my neck, "Oh, matching tattoos. That's- big red flag."
"Oh!" My hand flew to my rune, forgetting that I was keeping up a character for a moment, "Yeah, don't tell Luke- ran out of makeup to cover it up this morning. He'd kill me."
"I get it." Captain Vargas' words make my eyes go wide with amusement, "You always fall for the bad boys, right?"
"Totally." I clear my throat, "Uhm, though- I really need that key."
"I'm sorry, Zee, but IA has all of Luke's things in the evidence vault upstairs." Captain Vargas told me, "Maybe- I can help you find the one you lost. Did you check your pockets? Or your car-"
"Oh, you're so right!" I chirp, wanting to gouge my eyes out due to it, "I think it's in my glove compartment- thank you so much!"
With that, I ran out of the precinct, rolling my eyes.
"You know what?" Jace scoffs lightly when I caught up with him outside, "I'm gonna bring Alec with me next time, I don't think he's ever slapped me in the face."
"That's because he probably hasn't had the guts to." I shrug, slipping my hands into my pockets, "You probably deserved it for something."
Isabelle speaks when we walked over to her, "Someone call for backup?"
"Yeah." Jace stopped, "What took you guys so long?"
Alec shot him a look, "Funny, I was gonna ask you the same thing."
Jace looked at him, "It's complicated."
Clary notices the mark of my hand on Jace's face, "Are you okay?"
I pout, looking at Jace, imitating a baby voice, holding back a laugh, "Little Jace is sad because I slapped him."
Jace shot me a look, as I broke out into a devious smile, feeling Alec softly smile at me.
I looked between everyone, "In other news, I know where the Cup is. It's in the evidence vault upstairs with all of Luke's stuff."
Alec sighs deeply, "This is a disaster-"
"Hey, demon pox is a disaster." Jace points out, "This is an inconvenience, we just need a plan."
It took me a few moments, but I spoke up, "I have a plan."
Jace looks at me, repeating his words from before, "A good one this time?"
I tilt my head and cross my arms, "Are you gonna cry if I slap you this time?"
"Okay, I'm guessing you're the distraction?" Alec asked Isabelle when we walked into the precinct.
"Nope." Isabelle shook her head, "I've decided to grow up, remember? No more distracting for me."
"Besides, I don't think you're her type." I remark, my arms crossed when I gestured to the elder woman at the desk.
Alec exhales deeply in nervousness, "Oh, crap."
Isabelle softly smiles, "Don't worry, it's good practice."
Alec looked at her, confused, "Huh?"
"You know, for asking out a certain someone." Isabelle was smiling like an idiot, knowing something that I didn't, but I was too busy looking around to pay attention.
"What are you- what are you doing?" Alec's stutter brings me back to the conversation, Isabelle unbuttoning Alec's shirt while he was trying to stop her.
"Unbuttoning your shirt." Isabelle stares the obvious and kept trying to unbutton is further, "What's it look like I'm doing?"
"Izzy, this is not really my department-" Alec kept trying to stop her; uncomfortable.
"Come on." Isabelle acted like it was nothing, "You do this sort of stuff all the time-"
Alec's tone varied, "You do, I don't-"
"Iz, enough-" I stepped in, putting my arm between them, making Isabelle step back, "If he isn't comfortable with doing that, he doesn't have to."
I was always soft when it came to him, and I didn't know why.
"Plus, he's got his looks." I came between them and button up his shirt, Alec watching my every move, "He'll be fine."
Alec slowly walks over to the woman at the desk, leaning on his palms, as she looked up at him, "Can I help you?"
"Yeah, um-" Alec shot her his best nervous smile, "You come here often?"
I broke out into a smile, holding back a howl of laughter, rocking back and forth on my feet as I watched him, stood next to Isabelle.
"I work here." She looked at him, unamused, "What can I help you with?"
"Right, um- right, right, yeah, um-" Alec was rambling on, remaining nervously, looking around, "Yeah, I'm just- I'm looking for some information."
When I notice that he was too nervous for this to get anywhere, I stepped in.
I slip the ring on my hand to my ring finger and rushed over to him, skidding into his side, "Honey, did you get the brochures?"
"The brochures-" Alec looked down at me confused for a moment, then blurts out, "The brochures!"
"I'm sorry, he's just very shy." I place a hand on Alec's back and shot a playful smile at the woman.
She notices the ring on my finger, "Are you two married?"
"Yes!" I smiled sweetly, looking at Alec, my eyes trailing from him to the opened water bottle on her desk, signaling for him to knock them over, "Recently, and very happily."
"Oh, look-" Alec reaches over, purposefully knocking over the water when reaching for the brochures, "Oh, wow- I'm so sorry-"
When her attention was diverted to the water, i slickly tossed her ID to Isabelle, as Alec attempted to help her clean it up to make sure her attention was still intact with that, "Oh, that's such a mess, let me clean that up- uh, it's not working-"
"No, I got it- I got it." She waves us off, frustrated, "Just go- go!-"
Alec grabs a few brochures, giving her a smile, walking away with me, "Thank you so much."
Alec looked down at me as we were following the path Isabelle took, "Married?"
"You enjoyed the few seconds we were married." I playfully shrugged, switching my ring to another finger.
"Did you get it?" I immediately asked Clary when her and Jace joined Alec, Isabelle and I outside.
Clary inhales sharply, "Theoretically-"
"Theoretically?" Alec repeats, squinting his eyes at her.
"I found the card." Clary began, "I just have to figure out how I reached into my notebook before- It's not an exact science."
Alec stares at her, "Can't you just pull the Cup out?"
"I can, theoretically." Clary huffs, "I just- it's not as easy as it looks, Alec."
"Listen, you two can discuss theories as much as you want when we get back to the Institute." Jace cuts in, "But right now, considering we just stole from the cops, I suggest we get home."
Isabelle quietly speaks up, "Guys."
I speak when we all notice her necklace pulsing, "I think the mundanes might be the least of our worries, so I propose that we haul ass."
"Well, at least we know the demon necklace works." Alec mentions, shrugging lightly, looking around.
"Never a dull day." Jace nods, "Let's go."
"Guys, slow down!" Clary calls out after us as we began walking quickly, until we hear her gasp.
"Grandma." Jace calls out and kills the demon that almost had Clary, making us all stop and look back.
Clary breathes heavily, "What the hell?-"
"Language." Jace puts his seraph blade away, "Not in front of Grandma."
Alex was the first to speak when we joined them, "How did it find us?"
"I don't know- but she brought friends." We followed Jace's gaze to the shining blue eyes, as we began walking as quickly as could in the direction we were once going in.
"How can you tell?" Clary questions, trying to keep up.
"It's like seeing through a glamour." Jace told her, "You just got to pay attention to the details."
"But- I can't see anything." Clary only raised her voice.
Isabelle doesn't turn back to look at her, "Behind us."
Clary spun, still walking next to us, "I- I still can't see them!"
"Will you shut up?" I snapped at her in annoyance, "You're drawing more attention."
Then, we were practically surrounded, we came to a stop, looking at every corner.
Clary breathed heavily, "Okay, there's too many people."
I clear my throat, reluctantly speaking, "I don't say this often, but I agree with Clary."
Alec nods, "We gotta get out of here."
"Hey, this way!" Clary announced and ran for the stairs, as we followed her down the steps, pulling out her stele when we reached the Electric room and looked back at Jace, "What's the Unlock rune again?"
"We don't have time for this-" I push past them, and kicked the door open, rushing inside, pulling out my kindjals, them all following me.
When Alec stops a few feet from the entrance, I spun around to look back at him, "Hey, what are you doing?"
"Holding them off." Alec pulled out an arrow from his quiver, "Take Clary back to the Institute."
"No, if you're staying, I'm staying." Jace protested, walking over to him, "We fight together."
"Don't be stupid." Alec shot him a look, "If the demons get the Cup, we're dead anyways."
Jace stares at him, "I'm not leaving anyone behind."
"You don't have a choice." Alec shot back at him.
"I know you guys are having a moment, okay?" Clary cuts in, making me roll my eyes, "But- we really have to go."
"Don't worry." Isabelle said, "It's not like this is the first time Alec has saved your life. I doubt it'd be the last."
"Go." Alec nods toward us, as Jace nods slowly, Clary, Isabelle and Jace running down the hall as Jace nudged me to come along before rushing after them.
"Hey." I quietly called out to Alec, staring at him, not liking how we were leaving him behind, "Stay safe, okay?"
Alec stares at me, and just for a moment, there was something between us.
I felt it.
But, I didn't know what that feeling was.
Alec's tone matched mine, "Okay."
I nod and ran off into the hall, after Jace, Clary and Isabelle.
"Guys? It's pulsing." Isabelle inhales sharply when we were getting closer to the demons and farther in the tunnels.
Clary looks at her, "Again?"
"We're getting close." I held my kindjals tighter, "Let's spread out."
There's faint chittering around us, making Jace speak, "Izzy, where is it?"
"I don't know." Isabelle admits, holding her whip, "It's like they're right here, but I don't see them."
Then, suddenly a Shax demon leaps into Jace, Clary gasping and Jace grunting.
I pierced my blade into the demon, killing it, "You good?"
"Yeah-" Jace exhales deeply, "Thanks-"
Clary looks around, "What are those things?"
"How uneducated are you?" I looked at her, "I mean- didn't they fill you in on this yet?"
Jace shot me a look, "Zee."
"They're Shax demons." I roll my eyes, "They're like the bloodhounds of the Shadow World."
Isabelle inhales sharply, "They've been tracking us."
"So- what do we do?" Clary questions, breathing heavily.
"The Institute's only a couple of blocks from here." I thought out loud, "We can't lose them, but they won't be able to track us if we split up- and, or if I hold them off and draw them away."
Jace's eyebrows furrow, "What?-"
Clary looks at me, "That's dangerous-"
"You guys go, I'll hold them off best I can." I stepped away from them and stood in the center, positioning myself.
"Zee- no," Isabelle walks over to me, grabbing my arm, "I'm not leaving you."
I looked at her, "Listen, I know we're about to have a moment where it truly shows our connection and how much we care for each other but- we don't have the time nor the luxury- so go-"
Isabelle stares at me, "Meet us back at the Institute."
"Got it." I flipped my blades in my hands, as they back away.
Clary was being pulled back by Jace, as they disappeared into the hall, "Thank you-"
"Don't thank me, red head." I spun at the sound of tittering around me, "I'm only helping you to get back at my dad."
I lied.
I was helping because truly, I wanted to make sure they didn't get killed.
I walked through the empty tunnels, a while after holding off the demons as much as I could.
I turned the corner, hearing footsteps approaching me but I let my guard down when I see it was Alec, "Hey-"
Before I could process anything, his hand was in contact with my neck, pushing me against the wall.
I gasp, my expression twisting in confusion and annoyance, my hands going to his hand, croaking out, "What the hell are you doing?-"
Alec looked completely stunned and cautious, as if something had just happened and now he wasn't going to just let anyone go by without thoroughness.
Alec held his grip on my neck, "There was already three of you- you're not going to fool me again-"
I lift my legs and kicked him back, his grip loosening on me, as grabbing his arms, twisting them behind his back, pinning him to the ground, my knee on his back, breathing heavily, "God, if you do that again, I will kick you ass!"
When Alec realizes it's truly me, regret crossing his features when I got off him and he got up, "I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to- the demons, there were shapeshifting into you- and they caught me off guard three times, and-"
"Hey." I grabbed his hand, "It's okay. I get it."
Luke ran over to us, making me drop Alec's hand and look at him, "Oh, did they shorten your sentence or let you out on bail?"
Soon enough, Clary joined us, breathing heavily, "Hey-"
"Impressive." I looked at her, "I thought you would've been dead by now."
"Shouldn't we get going or something?" Clary swallows, "More demons could be coming, right?"
"Oh, don't worry about it- I got the pack on the lookout." Luke assured us, "If there's any other demons, we'll take care of them."
"All right then." I huff deeply in satisfaction, walking away from them, "Let's get a move on."
authors note:
this pair. this couple. this two people.
one word.
i love them so much smfh, i wish zalec was a real couple, yk I love malec with my whole heart and beyond but bro my heart aches for zalec
like don't all our hearts ache for them?
vote and comment loadsss
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