"We thought you'd be here." Alec announced when we rushed into Lilith's home out of a portal to see Meliorn on the ground and bleeding out, while Jace put pressure to his wound.
"Izzy, you okay?" Simon rushed to her immediately but stopped right before they could make contact because of her Heavenly Fire.
Clary's eyes were wide. "Is Meliorn okay?"
"What happened to him?" I asked urgently. "Where's Lilith?"
"She's gone." Isabelle gestured with her hands. "She turned into this enormous flying wraith."
Jace kept pressure firm on Meliorn's bleeding wound. "One of her wings sliced right through Meliorn."
"We'll help." Magnus nodded to Lorenzo and snapped his fingers, walking over to Jace and Meliorn.
Lorenzo summoned his magic with him, coming to his side. "I'll take care of the bleeding."
"This isn't good." I inhaled slowly. I pressed my palms together and looked between everyone. "I've seen Lilith in her demonic form before— it's her strongest form. When she stole a sliver of my soul, she was strong enough to murder Ithuriel."
Alec looked up at the sky. "Where is she?"
"Coming for Magnus." Jace answered him, coming to our side while Magnus and Lorenzo took care of Meliorn. "She wants to reopen the rift."
Then, a loud roar echoed through the skies and our heads snapped upwards. The wraith that was unmistakably Lilith flew towards us, stopping a few feet away from us. Shrieks and roars came from all around the castle and it was clear that Lilith had brought her army of demons to defeat us and kill Magnus.
"Looks as if she's found me." Magnus exhaled lightly, all our gazes glued to Lilith. She looked terrifying in her demon form, her jaw open and her eyes dark. She let out a shriek and all at once, demons were coming at us from all sides.
Everyone scrambled to get out their weapons to defend themselves but we all knew that there was no hope fighting off this many demons. There were too many of them, jumping off the side of the walls and bursting through any opening. Some were careless enough to throw themselves against the stone and break through the wall to get to us.
My eyes shone gold when I quickly tried to muster up on abilities. I focused all my energy on one big blast of energy, launching myself to my knee and pressing my palms flat on the ground. I propelled the angelic energy all around me and forced it out, the screams and shrieks of the demons becoming louder and cutting off abruptly when the light touched them.
Lilith let out another shriek and directed an array of her flame towards me, but Lorenzo and Magnus quickly defended me; blocking that blow and sending a burst of magic right back.
Alec and Jace were on either side of me while Clary, Simon, Meliorn and Isabelle stood behind me. Alec pulled back on his bow, launching four arrows toward Lilith that did the same amount of magic that Magnus and Lorenzo's magic had done— none.
I let down the wave of energy I was propelling towards the demon when I was positive I had taken them out. I forced myself to my feet and honed on my abilities once again, trying to extend the angelic energy towards Lilith despite the exhaustion I felt from how much I had just used.
No matter how hard I tried, my ability wouldn't go as far as I needed to. The more I tried to force my power, the weaker I felt— the more I felt like my energy was being sucked out of me. Matter of fact, I barely got any far before my entire body collapsed with Alec barely catching me because of how abrupt. I shakily gripped onto the sleeves of his jacket, trying to force myself back standing on my feet but I stumbled. I was completely debilitated.
"Zee, you're exhausted-" Alec held me up in his arms, holding me into his side. Concern was apparent over all his features, his eyes glued to me and not the Queen of Edom threatening all our lives in the air.
Isabelle acted on my struggle. She moved ahead of me, her fists lighting up in flames— she was going to use her Heavenly Fire on Lilith. Knowing the consequences, we all shouted at her to stop and not to, but she didn't listen. Her arms flew forward and the flames escaped her, hitting Lilith fast and hard. Lilith disintegrated right before our eyes.
Our victory didn't last long because as soon as Lilith disappeared, Isabelle collapsed onto the floor, erupting into flames.
"Isabelle!" I shrieked in panic when I felt all the pain coursing through her through our parabatai rune, throwing myself out of Alec's grip and onto my knees next to her.
Clary panics. "We have to do something-"
"Magnus, heal her!" Alec stated the obvious.
"I'm trying." Magnus and Lorenzo both were hovering over Isabelle, using their magic to try and heal her but their magic didn't go past the flames on every inch of Isabelle's skin.
"Well, try harder!" Simon said frightened.
"It's not working." Lorenzo dropped his hands to his side right as Magnus did. He huffed and looked up between us, hoping for another alternative. "The heavenly fire's stopping us."
"What if I put the Alliance rune on her?" My head snapped up to look at everyone. "We could bond her to all of us— absorb some of the flame. What if that'll diminish it?"
"How do we know it's not gonna fry us up?" Lorenzo stated a valid point. "Remember, we all have demon blood now."
Alec shot back immediately, aiding me. "We all have Nephilim blood, too."
"We need to trust her." Jace moved from where he was standing, getting everyone to surround themselves around us in a circle. "Let's do this."
"No!" Isabelle gasped while she shook and rolled in pain. "It's too dangerous."
Simon voiced what was given and what we were all thinking. "Izzy— if it's the only way to save your life, we're all gonna die trying."
I pushed myself to my feet and gently grabbed Magnus' hand. He pulled his sleeve up slightly to reveal his bare arm when my eyes begun to glow, knowing that I was going to sear the rune onto him. The alliance rune shone before me as I willed it to connect to Magnus' skin, the same sensation of the energy being sucked from me washing over me. Magnus looked at me in corner when I stumbled slightly, holding me up with his hands. "Biscuit-?"
"I'm okay." I took in a deep breath and forced my limbs still. I crouched beside Isabelle again and brought the rune before me, carefully grabbing her arm and connecting the rune to her skin. "It's gonna be okay in a second, I promise-"
When the rune was on her skin, I grabbed onto her palm and pulled her up to her feet. The moment my hand made contact with hers, my entire body lit up in flames and a gasp left my lips at the sudden torture I was feeling.
Alec's hand found mine instantly at the sound of my gasp and the sight of the flames, taking part of the flame from me and making the pain just a little less terrible.
One by one, everyone grabbed a hold of each other's hands, taking a part of the flame. Our skins were burning and pain was striking through every limb but we pushed through and endured it. Then all at once, the flames that were burning on our skin left and came together in the center of the circle we were in. The Heavenly Fire shot up into the sky and diminished.
Relief was hitting all of us since that had actually worked. Isabelle was now safe, but the environment around us was no longer. Walls were crumbling down and the ground was shaking and rumbling under our feet. Demons were shrieking and running all around us, and large pieces of stone from Lilith's walls were falling and shattering into pebbles.
I could no longer hold myself up after the pain from the Heavenly Fire. My body collapsed forwards and I could feel myself barely conscious. My ribcage hit what felt like a rod— stopping me from hitting the ground. It took me a good few moments before I realized what I thought was a rod was actually Alec's arm, and he had swooped me up into his arms and trying to get me to talk to him.
I couldn't make out what he was saying. His voice was muffled, along with everyone else's. Their voices were loud and there were some shouts of panic, mixing in with the loud destruction of Edom.
My vision was blurry and I couldn't make out a thing. There were colors— dark colors, bright colors— they were all melted together and nothing was outlined. I thought I heard my name, but I couldn't be sure.
My head dropped backwards after that and it didn't take long for it all to go black.
A warm light was hitting my face the next time I regained consciousness. I opened my eyes just slightly, squinting immediately while my hand swung out from under the covers to act as a shade from the sunlight. I blinked a few times, trying to get the striking pain in my eyes to go away as I rolled onto my back.
It took me a moment to realize I wasn't in the infirmary at the Institute but at home, in Alec and I's bed. I was dressed in his large shirt that had rode up all the wall to my abdomen and my tangled hair was all over the place.
I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and slowly sat up, taking a glance around the room. Our bedroom was empty and mostly quiet but there was some murmuring and ruckus coming from through the door.
I slipped out of bed and balanced myself on my feet. I fixed the shirt so that it fell to my knees like it should and ran my hands through my hair a few times to tame it enough so it wasn't sitting like a nest on my head. I slowly walked to the door and opened it, the smell of breakfast hitting me like a truck. It was that moment I realized how hungry I actually was— my stomach was aching in pain and the only thing I could think about was food.
I picked up my pace walking down the hall, heading right for the kitchen. Why did it smell so good? There was no way— absolutely no way— that Alec could have cooked this. Alec couldn't cook to save his—
"Boo!" A voice boomed from behind me right as I reached the end of the hall, two large hands grabbing at my sides abruptly.
A involuntarily shriek escaped my lips, jumping away from the hands that grabbed me. I balled my hand into a fist and spun around, punching them in their abdomen.
A groan escaped their lips and my head snapped up to find Jace, hugging his stomach. "How are you that strong when you just wake up?"
"I told you not to do it." Clary was leaning against the wall by the entrance into the living room and the rest of Alec and I's apartment.
"I still scared her." Jace pointed out, rubbing where I had punched him and then pointed at Simon who had entered the hall. "Pay up-"
"Damn it, Zee!" Simon groaned and threw his head back, his palms covering his face. "Since when do you get scared? All those horror movies we watched— you didn't jump once! You laughed at the murder! Laughed!"
"Don't forget the critiquing on how they could've made the murder go more smoothly." Isabelle crossed her arms, appearing next to Simon. "It was a very stupid bet to begin with-"
"What happened?" Alec bursted into the hall seconds later with Magnus behind him. "Why did she scream? Zee, are you okay?"
Magnus came to my side and put a hand on my back. "Biscuit, how are you feeling?"
I looked between them all when their attention was fixed on me. I blinked a few times and stared, confusion plastered over my expression. "What are you all doing here?"
"We wanted to be with you when you woke up." Isabelle gave me a small smile from where she stood. "We've all been crashing here since we got back from Edom— I promise it was peaceful until we heard your door open."
I blinked. "How long have I been asleep?"
"An entire day." Jace crossed his arms now after he was done rubbing away the pain from my blow. "You know, that's what happens when you over-exhaust yourself."
I suddenly remembered breakfast, my head snapping towards the kitchen. "And I'm taking Iz didn't cook?"
Magnus shook his head. "I did-"
"Oh, thank god-" I pushed myself onto my tippy toes and grabbed his face to pull his head down towards me, pressing a kiss of appreciation onto his forehead before dropping to heels of my feet and making a bee-line towards the kitchen.
"I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear that!" Isabelle called out after me as they followed me back into the kitchen where tons of plates of food were spread out on the kitchen island.
"You do that." I nodded at her blindly and slipped onto a seat at the island. I grabbed a pancake from the tall stack that sat in the middle of the counter, shoving the entire thing into my mouth.
My eyes scanned the living room while I chewed the huge pancake I shoved into my mouth, noticing all the discarded blankets and pillows spread on the floor. My sight of the living room was blocked by a body, my eyes slowly running up the body to find the eyes of my fiancé.
I waved at him slightly, still chewing on my pancake. Alec smiled at me softly and grabbed my puffed up face in his large hands, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
I swallowed the rest of the pancake in my mouth, looking up at him suspiciously. "You're not going to yell at me?"
"I'm not going to yell at you." Alec used his thumbs to brush the crumbs from the corners of my mouth.
"That's ridiculous." I blinked up at him in concern. "You always yell at me."
"You're off the hook this one time— but, only because I'm glad you're okay." Alec brought his hand to my chin and tilted my head up a bit more. "One request, though?"
I nodded. "What is it?"
"Stop scaring me to death." Alec put my hair behind my ears. "Every time you almost die, I almost die myself— really, my heart can't handle it anymore."
I guilty smiled at him lightly as Alec wrapped his arms around me and held onto me tightly, burying his face into my hair.
He held onto me for a long while until he heard my stomach growl loudly, pulling away instantly to make me an actual plate of food.
"Zee?" Isabelle called from where she sat on the couch now with Clary, my eyes finding them going through the binder full of wedding plans. "Have you guys chosen where you're going to have the wedding?"
"Uh— no, not yet." I shook my head and ate a piece of fruit. "I haven't done much wedding planning since my very short notice vacation to Edom-"
Jace picked up a piece of bacon, handing me one as well. "Do you guys have a date?"
I shook my head again and accepted the strip of bacon gratefully, not even bothering to take a bite and just shoving the entire piece in my mouth.
"Why not today?" Magnus looked up from his breakfast. "Or well— tonight."
I stare at him blankly. "What?"
"Why wait even a day longer? I mean, everything's finally quiet around here—" Magnus sat up in his seat and rubbed his hands together. "Who knows what'll happen tomorrow?"
"Magnus, are you nuts?" I blinked at him. "We can't have the wedding today— we haven't had time to plan— we don't even know where it'll be. I mean, we haven't done cake testing, or- the catering- or-"
"Biscuit, when your wedding planner is a warlock, all you need is a bit of magic and exquisite taste." Magnus pointed out, giving me a small smile. "Alec looks in favor of it-"
"What?" My head snapped up towards my fiancé, who was sheepishly smiling down at me. "Alec-"
"He has a point, don't you think?" Alec looked relaxed and thoughtful as he used a knife to cut a piece out of the stack of pancakes he put on my plate. "Who knows what crisis will decide to show up tomorrow— what if we get stuck in different dimensions or something?"
I stared at him completely dumbfounded at his words. "That's not even possible."
"It could be." Simon chimes in.
"It isn't." I looked between them all. "Listen, we're still in the middle of a crisis— we don't even know where Jonathan is— I doubt he's given up. What if he crashes our wedding or something?"
"Don't let him ruin your day!" Clary stood up from the couch and brought the binder to the counter with Isabelle at her side. "Jonathan doesn't matter right now— you and Alec do. They're right, today is your breather— it's your moment of peace, which means the wedding absolutely has to be today-"
I opened my mouth to protest but Alec grabbed my chin and snapped my head up towards him, shoving the perfectly crafted bite he had just made for me into my mouth so I couldn't speak. "I don't care about Jonathan. I don't want to wait— I just want to marry you. I want to be able to finally call you my wife."
"How could you possibly say no to that speech?" Simon leaned against the counter on his elbows.
"She can't even answer now, she's too busy chewing-" Isabelle pointed to my mouth as I worked through the bite. "Nod if yes?"
Jace slipped behind me and placed his hands on each side of my head, nodding my head for me. "Would you look at that? So cooperative-"
I grabbed his hands and forcefully pried them off my head, looking between all their expectant looks. I swallowed and nodded. "Yes."
"Wonderful!" Magnus snapped his fingers in delight. "First up, location— how about the Taj Mahal? In India?"
"What about Italy?" Isabelle suggested.
Clary thought out loud. "Spain?"
"Germany?" Simon ran a hand through his hair. "How about Belgium?"
"Or Brazil?" Jace even assisted.
Alec leaned down so his lips were by my ear, holding his hands out in front of me to mirror a gesture. "Or how about— the Institute?"
"I think your mind's broken." I turned my head to look at him, everyone sharing the same look I was wearing on my features. I tapped his temple lightly. "I know I'm not the super romantic type but not to that extent."
"Shhh— just think about it." Alec dropped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, trapping me in his arms. "The New York Institute holds a very significant meaning to us— it's where we fell in love. And the ceremonial hall was where a Lightwood threw away everything to kiss a Morgenstern in front of the entire Clave. We're a combination they never expected— and no one was okay with at first, but now? The Clave would have to honor and celebrate our relationship— under their own roof because we proved them wrong."
A smile had stretched onto my lips, my eyes still locked with his. "How long have you been thinking that one up?"
"Ever since that exact moment." Alec leaned in and pecked my lips, making my heart combust.
"The Institute it is, then." Magnus was smiling at us. "I'll send out invitations and begin preparations."
"Oh my god!" Isabelle gasped and looked up. "You need a dress-"
I closed my eyes. "Oh no-"
"And the groom can't see the bride before the wedding day-" Clary added in a panic.
"A little too late for that one, don't you think?" I opened my eyes. "Do we have to go dress shopping? Can't Magnus just— poof me a dress?"
"It's part of the experience!" Isabelle rounded the counter and grabbed my arm, tugging me out of Alec's hold. "We have to go— right now."
"Do I get a bachelorette? That's part of the experience-" I let her tug me towards the hall. "The strippers and all?"
"If you get strippers, you won't be invited to the wedding!" Alec called out after me. "And— Izzy, let her finish her breakfast!"
"Don't worry, honey— you know I only want to see you grinding on me in tiny shorts." I looked up in thought while I was being dragged, Clary and Magnus now behind me and pushing me along. "Or— preferably nothing."
"That can be arranged." Alec teased after me, his voice full of humor which only meant that would never happen.
Still, a scream left my lips. "What?"
"Okay, I'm only going to let you drink one more if you promise you'll take this sobriety potion I made so you're not drunk at the alter." Magnus held the champagne above my head while we were dress shopping that day, pointing his finger down at me while he towered over me. "Do you promise?"
"You're putting restrictions on me at my bachelorette?" I held my hands out for the glass of champagne, wiggling my fingers around while I raised an eyebrow at him. I could already feel the affects of the drinks I had already had— dressed in one of the many weddings dresses I had been drinking on for the past three hours. Multi-tasking was key to get everything done in less than no time. "That's just rude-"
"Do you want to be stumbling and falling while you walk down the aisle?" Magnus looked down at me pointedly. My face scrunched up in defeat and I turned my face away from him. "That's what I thought— now, do you promise?"
"Yes, I promise." I heaved out and gratefully accepted the glass in both hands when he brought it down to my reach.
"Be careful, don't spill-" Magnus protectively held his hands around my glass when I gulped some champagne down. "Do you want to try on the last dress?"
"I don't think any of them look good on me." I admitted, doing a spin in front of the mirror. "I've never been able to see myself in a wedding dress. Is this actually happening or am I just drunk?"
"Both." Magnus took the empty glass from me and placed it aside. "You've looked stunning in every single one— but, I think the last one is the one."
I placed my hands on my hips, leaning forward. "And how would you know?"
"Because I had a vision of you walking down the aisle in it." Magnus walked behind me and unzipped my dress for me, holding the one he was talking around over his arm. "You looked gorgeous—"
"Right, because a vision you had in your imagination is going to choose the final verdict." I trailed off slowly and slipped out of the dress, accepting the one he was handing me. "But, uhm— speaking of walking down the aisle. I wanted to talk to you about something."
"What is it, biscuit?" Magnus waved his hand once and the dress was back on its hanger and hung as if it was never touched. He then zipped up the dress once I slipped it on.
"Well, as you know— my father is dead." I kept my gaze on the floor as I felt him fluffing up my hair after walking around to stand before me. My throat felt tight and a wave of fear of rushing over me— I had hoped the alcohol would help with that. "My mother's dead too. And well, you know— my brother is out there gods know where and wants me dead. And I mean, Clary's already—"
"What do you need?" Magnus met my eyes with a warm smile. "I'm already your wedding planner— I can multi-task. What other job do you need done? I'll get right on it-"
"Will you walk me down the aisle?" I asked, staring up at him intently and watching shock strike his features and whatever he was going to say die right there. "I just— you're one of the most important people to me and you're my family-"
"Yes— of course." Magnus was smiling down at me widely, putting his hands into my shoulders. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure-" I relaxed when he accepted, giving him a tiny smile. "I want it to be you-"
Magnus' smile widen before he gripped my arms and turned me towards the mirror to look at the dress I was wearing. "My vision was absolutely right— wasn't it?"
I stared at myself, blinking a few times to process that this was happening. This was actually happening. I was getting married— someone wanted to me and they were tying me to themself in every way possible. A small smile formed onto my lips. "Yeah— it was."
"Can we see it now?" Clary's voice echoed through the curtains from the outer room. "We've been waiting forever— and we're out of snacks."
"She's found the one!" Magnus cheered and urged me through the curtains to show Isabelle and Clary to get their opinions.
"Please don't make me try another." Alec groaned when I held another spoon of cake in front of his mouth. "Zee, I'm going to throw up."
"Me too." I nodded in acknowledgement, wiggling the spoon in front of his face. "This is the last one— try it so we can pick one."
"We're not going to be able to eat the cake at our wedding because we're so full on this— do you realize this?" Alec reluctantly opened his mouth and let me feed the cake to him. I set down the spoon and grabbed his face into my hands, using my thumbs to dust off the crumbs from his mouth.
"It's fine— we'll squeeze in a sparring session before the wedding to burn off calories." I shrugged lightly and leaned back against the couch we sat on in his office. "We'll both be able to fit into our clothes then."
Alec sipped his drink, sitting up on the couch. "Yes— because, I'm so excited to be pinned to the ground by my fiancée after she punches me multiple times before our wedding."
"Is that something you're into?" I rubbed my bottom lip with my thumb, a playful smirk playing at my lips. "Because I'll pin you down anytime, Lightwood-"
"Oh for the love of the Angel-" Magnus reached and pushed another bite of cake into my mouth, shutting me up. Alec snorted and then looked between the cakes, pointing to chocolate raspberry truffle cake we had eaten many bites of and I nodded immediately in agreement, pointing to that one as well. "I take it that one is your guys' favorite?"
"Yes. That's the one." Alec reached over and brushed off crumbs from the corner of my mouth when Magnus used his magic to get rid of the cakes and left the room to continue with wedding planning duties. I groaned after I swallowed the bite of cake I was chewing, leaning my head against Alec's shoulder. "Have you eaten anything besides cake today?"
"No— this is so bad. What if we both throw up at the alter? We already probably have a lifetime of bad luck because we've seen each other on the wedding day." My eyes went wide, lifting my head to looking at him. "I'm going to go make us some tea to settle our stomachs."
"No sugar please." Alec pecked my lips when I got up from the couch and walked to the door.
"I know how you take your tea, Alec." I opened the door wide, leaned against the door while holding the knob in both hands. My left leg was lifted and folded in the air, my chest pressed against the door and my head leaning sideways so I could look at him. "I know how you take your everything— bitter, bland, tasteless—"
"Are you insinuating that you're bitter, bland and tasteless?" Alec stretched his arm across the top of the couch, signaling me to come back over to him with his two fingers between his pointer and pinky. "I might have to check on that last part— in my experience, when I've tasted you and I would say you're more sweet than you are— bland, and tasteless-"
My eyes were wide and my jaw was practically hanging on the floor. "Alec!"
"What?" Alec snorted at my bewildered expression. "I've always enjoyed my experience-"
"I'm putting sugar in your tea. Two sugars, three, no five— actually, tons!" I pointed at him and spun, shutting the door behind me as I heard his protest, a laugh escaping my lips.
I walked down the hall and entered the Ops Center, walking through to get to the kitchen. My quick footsteps slowed when I heard Underhill's voice at the entrance. "Wait, wait— I thought you were a werewolf."
"I was." The voice that could only be Luke Garroway stammered. "I mean-"
Underhill added in "Former alpha of the New York pack, if I'm not mistaken."
"No, no, you're not mistaken." Luke backtracked and quickly said. I took a complete double-take when I caught eye of him. He stood tall, shaved face and covered in runes.
"Dude!" I gasped in surprise, changing course and jogging towards them instead, forgetting the tea for a second. "Underhill, it's alright— let him through— it's just my dad."
Luke smiled widely at my words when he walked past Underhill and towards me. I felt no shame or the need to hold back because it was true. My actual father had never been a real father to me. He was my mentor— but Luke? Luke was.
Luke bent down and hugged me tight when I threw my arms around him. "What the hell happened? Why are you covered in runes? And where's your beard? You lost like— all manliness."
Luke softly laughed and set me down on the ground, stretching back to his height and towering over me once again. "Well, the Praetor made me inject myself with the Downworld cure, but— instead of becoming mundane, I became what I was before I turned."
"A Shadowhunter." A smile formed on my lips.
"Yeah." Luke exhaled. "Good news is, I'm back where I belong— working beside you, helping mundanes and Downworlders alike."
"This is amazing." I pressed my palms together, looking up at him with wide eyes. "We could spar! Like a fair one— I won't be worried that you're going to wolf out on me or anything. Are you going to use seraph blades? Or do you want to choose a weapon of your own? There's so many to choose from—"
"Slow down, kid." Luke placed a hand on my shoulder and stopped my rambling. "I have to catch a Portal to Alicante for a debriefing I can't miss— they're being really insistent so I wanted to stop by just so you know that I'm okay. We can pick out all kinds of weapons and everything when I get back-"
I point out. "You're better than okay."
"Tell that to your fiancé." Luke flatly smiled down at me. "I gotta go tell him that I'm gonna miss his wedding."
"I think you'll be okay. He's too sick from eating so much cake during the cake testing that I think he'll let you off the hook." I laughed softly. "Maybe— he'll just wave you off."
"I hope." Luke groaned.
I watched him walk off. "Good luck!"
"We've just been informed that a string of demonic attacks have taken place at Institutes worldwide with massive casualties, both mundane and Shadowhunter." Alec stood before the entire Institute, his hands behind his back and his posture straight. There was no time to plan for the wedding now, because there were more important things to worry about. "Whoever or whatever is carrying out these attacks is not stopping— and there are several Institutes currently unaccounted for."
"What about Los Angeles?" Isabelle's fists were tight at her sides, so tight that her knuckles were whitening. "Have you heard from them?"
Alec exhaled. "Nothing yet."
"I'm going there right now." Isabelle decided and turned her head towards me. "Zee, can you make me a Portal?"
My eyes had already begun to glow when Underhill called for our attention at the monitor beeping. "Wait— look at this."
"Hello?" Robert Lightwood's voice filled the Institute. My eyes faded back to normal and I was already tearing through the crowd of Shadowhunters to get to the monitor with Jace, Clary, Alec and Isabelle on my tail. "Can you hear me?"
"Dad, yes." Alec answered him when he reached my side. "What happened?"
"Jonathan Morgenstern attacked the LA Institute a few minutes ago." Robert exhaled slightly and my heart stopped in my chest. The moment of peace and forgetting with my wedding had washed away quickly and was replaced with worry and dread. I knew he would show up.
My body went rigid. "How many casualties?"
"He killed everyone except for me and Max." Robert answered. "He only spared us because he wanted us to take his message directly— to you, Zee— he's taking down every Institute in the world, and he's saving New York for last."
"Why?" Clary asked what we all wondered.
Robert's words hit me like a truck. "Because he wants Zee to watch the world die, knowing that it's all her fault."
"He's not showing any signs of slowing down." Alec stared worried and exasperated at the screen, standing at the length of a table we all surrounded— trying to figure out what to do and how to stop Jonathan once and for all. "Denver and Chicago have already been hit— hundreds of Shadowhunters and at least mundanes have already been killed."
"The news is calling it a string of chemical weapons attacks." Simon placed his hands on his sides. "People are being told to stay indoors."
Magnus pressed his plans together. "Lorenzo and I have the warlock community at the ready."
"We're detecting a strong demonic presence in downtown Toronto." Jace brought up a hologram between us so we could see where the presence was located.
Isabelle stared at it. "Same energy signature we've seen in the other attacks."
"He's heading to the Toronto Institute." Alec exhaled slowly and brought his hands to his face for a moment, staying completely stopped and rigid with tension. I stared at him for a moment and then looked back at the hologram, my palms still flat on the table.
I've barely said a thing since I found out Jonathan was doing this because of me. He was getting back at me. Again. This was my fault— he was destined on making me suffer because I would never love him the way he loved me. Because I would never be fighting alongside him without the rune binding us together. And it was my responsibility to stop him.
And I knew how to. I had a theory, per se.
"I'll assemble a team." Jace began to turn.
"Not yet." Alec caught his arm almost immediately, his voice raising and filled with tension and strictness. "I'm not sending anybody on a suicide mission. This is not the same Jonathan as before— he's more powerful than ever."
"I can stop him." I finally spoke for the first time since we'd surrounded the table and tried brainstorming a plan. "I'll go— alone."
"Like hell you will." Alec brought that strict tone to me when his gaze fell onto me. "That's not gonna happen— I won't allow it."
"He's eager to kill all of you." I pushed myself off my palms and faced him, completely still. "But, he won't kill me. Not yet— he wants me to suffer."
"What's worse than death?" Clary questioned. "Zee, he will kill you-"
"He won't kill me." I shook my head lightly and crossed my arms over my chest. "He wants me to see the whole world die first— he won't kill me on sight. He'll talk to me— and I'll handle it."
"And what if you're wrong?" Jace asked.
I blankly stared. "I'm never wrong."
"It's too much of a gamble." Isabelle denied.
"I'm not sending you out there on your own." Alec's stare burned into me. His voice was shaking, I realized then— he was truly scared. The thought of sending me out there alone when Jonathan could kill me without lifting a finger was terrifying him and he was barely keeping it together. "I refuse to send my fiancée to stare death in the face."
"How many more people have to stare death in face because of me?" I looked between them all but my gaze locked with Alec's. "This is my responsibility. I caused this— I have to be the one to finish it. Otherwise everyone will cease to exist— Jonathan's my brother and I am the only one who can put an end to him. Please— just let me do it."
"What happens if you get there and you can't take him out?" Jace brought up a valid point. "He's pretty much invincible now."
My answer was simple. "I'm better."
"Zee." Alec grabbed onto my arms gently and pulled me aside. "Please let me come with you."
"You can't come with me." My heart shattered at the sound of desperation in his voice. I placed my hands onto his forearms and tilted my head back to look up at him completely. "If you come with me, Jonathan has the opportunity to kill the one person I love more than anything in the world and I won't allow that."
"You've had your mind made up ever since the call from the Los Angeles Institute, haven't you?" Alec's voice was tense and quiet, his eyes burning into mine. "You haven't been trying to help us figure out what to do because this has been your plan all along. Why are you trying to let me down slowly if you and I both know I can't change your mind? I'm not okay with this-"
"I don't want you to worry, Alec." I said as gently as I could muster, reaching up and pushing some of his hair out of his face. My body was stiff and my heartbeat was racing with a small sense of fear. "I'm going to take care of this— and then, I'll be back when the clock strikes six to say I do."
I didn't want him to remember me shouting and arguing with him. I didn't want him to remember me as the stubborn, relentless woman I was— I wanted his last memory of me to be peaceful, reassuring— just in case I didn't make it.
"No— that's not it." Alec took a step back and his grip loosened on me when I felt the realization hit him like a truck. "You're saying goodbye."
"I love you so much." I whispered and didn't even both denying it. I stepped back from him when he reached out for me, my eyes glowing and the portal forming behind me. Before he could stop me, I stepped back into the portal and escaped to Toronto.
"Hands on your head! On the ground, now!" I heard officers shout at Jonathan with their guns aimed at him when they arrived at the scene right as I did. Jonathan's eyes went black for a moment and then they grunted, dropping dead within seconds.
Jonathan lifted his head slowly, his eyes fading back to normal when his eyes fell onto me in acknowledgement. "You took your time."
"I've been busy." I exhaled slowly and placed my hands onto my sides. "You know, it's my wedding day— there's just so many things to do."
Jonathan was frozen but showed no emotion in his face. "You're getting married today?"
"You really know how to steal the spotlight, Jonathan." I flatly smiled. "I would have invited you, but— I believe you want my head on a stick. Too gore for the wedding guests."
"I knew you'd come eventually." Jonathan scanned me up and tilted his head aside. "It's kind of ironic, considering all those years when I needed you, you were never there."
I tossed my arms in the air lightly and gestured as I spoke. "To be fair— I had my own problems and you know, I didn't know you existed."
"I'm warning you now, Zee." Jonathan's expression harden further. "Stay back— or I will end you, too."
"No you won't." I took a few steps toward him anyways and watched him tense. "I've been doing a lot of thinking. And I'm here to give you the one thing you want, Jonathan."
Jonathan stared. "And what's that?"
"The chance to kill me once and for all." I took out a seraph blade from my sheath and tossed it onto the ground in front of him. "Fairly, of course— I know you wouldn't kill an unarmed soldier because we've been raised by such honorable people- so, turn off your little death wave and we can sort this out fairly."
Jonathan looked taken back for a moment but wasn't denying the accusation. "You think I want to kill you?"
"Of course you want to kill me. I betrayed you and I hurt you— I left you." I pulled out a seraph blade for myself and spun the blade for a moment to get used to the weight. "This is your chance to make me feel what I made you feel— right?"
"That's all you've been thinking about?" Jonathan looked down at the blade on the ground and then up at me. "The inevitably of me killing you?"
"No— actually, I've been thinking about how alike we really are." I watched his movements as he slowly picked up the blade from the floor. "How we were both tortured and tormented as children— how our sadistic father ruined and manipulated us both. Being tied to you made me realize a lot."
Jonathan snapped at me so quickly that his voice cracked. "Then why did you leave?"
"Because the more alike we really are, the more different." I gestured between the two of us. "Look at us, Jonathan. Valentine experimented on you with demon blood— and on me with pure angel blood. I can propel pure angelic energy without lifting a finger and you bring nothing but darkness and death in your wake. We're complete opposites— we don't fit together. When I aligned myself with you— you turned me dark. You corrupted me, but— I don't think I could do that to you. Because light can't destroy darkness, can it? It can only create more light."
"We could have made it work." Jonathan gripped his blade tightly. "We were so good together—"
"When I wanted my fiancé's head on a stick." I snipped at him, swallowing hard. "Jonathan, I won't become like you again. I can't do it."
Jonathan took a step towards me and stared at me intently. "No one's going to save you."
Then he swung the blade for my head. I brought my seraph blade up immediately and blocked his hard blow. The force sent vibrates up my arms and down my spine but I held my ground. "I'm no damsel in distress. I'm Zee Morgenstern— if anyone does the saving, it's me."
I didn't let him reply and pushed on his blade with all the force in my body. Our swords were clashing together loudly and with all the strength with could both muster. He was stronger than me now— I knew it, but I activated my strength and stamina runes. I would not go down without a fight— or, at least until the right moment.
He was strong but I was quick. He was mostly offense while I was on defense. I blocked his blows and swings and moved quickly to dodge him. We were both nearly completely out of breath but neither one of us was backing down.
"I've got to hand it to you— you are brave." Jonathan swung sideways in attempt to injure my arm but I threw my body in the opposite direction and dodged it before he got me. "But, you and I both know there's only one way this fight will end. You can fight back to your hearts desire, but— you sealed your fate the moment you challenged me—"
"I don't have to be stronger than you." I breathed heavily and swung my body back straight, looking up at his towering body. I took a step back and the corner of my mouth quirked up— I threw my blade aside and left myself completely unarmed. "I just have to outsmart you."
Jonathan's breathing matched mine, his eyes slowly falling down to my fallen sword. He looked up at me and for a moment— regret crossed his features. "I'm sorry, Zee— I was hoping you'd save us both."
"I am." My expression relaxed with a small smile towards my brother and I closed my eyes, looking to him as if I was accepting my fate.
When I heard his sword cut through the air when he swung it back, I stayed still. I could feel the rune searing into a blank place on my shoulder. I was focusing all the angelic energy I had in me in one enormous blast and the rune would help me keep it together. I opened my eyes and right before Jonathan's blade pierced into me— I let the energy go.
Jonathan let out a startled shout, being flung back at the force from the pure angelic energy. I watched it happened as if it were in slow motion— the blade slipped from his hands and he flew back, the energy pushing through him and purifying every part of him— I watched as his blond hair fade back to his original hair color and the paleness in his skin fade into color.
Light cannot destroy darkness, it can only create more light.
When he landed on the ground with a grunt, I slowly picked up my seraph blade and neared him cautiously. He was laying on his back, staring at the sky and his breathing was short and quick. I stopped by him and watched him slowly turn his gaze towards me.
His eyes were green.
I dropped my blade. I fell to my knees by my older brother and took his shaking hand in mine.
This was Jonathan Morgenstern.
The boy behind all the darkness.
"What you did," Jonathan's voice was weak and I could tell he was dying. I wouldn't get to know my real brother. "I've never felt so— light."
"I know." My eyes were burning and I couldn't stop it. I brought his head onto my lap and held him, tightening my grip on his trembling hand. I couldn't hold back the tears— I saved Jonathan. I've finally got to meet the real Jonathan— my brother, and he was going to be gone in a few moments. "It's nice, isn't it?"
Jonathan nodded lightly, looking up at the sky. "Do you think they'll forgive me?"
"Of course they will." The tears in my eyes fell down my cheeks as I combed my fingers through his hair comfortingly. "It wasn't you."
"Thank you." Jonathan looked at me again, choking on his last breath. "For saving me."
Then, his eyes fell closed and his head fell limp against my arm. His trembling came to a halt while my heart shattered into pieces.
He was saved.
I slowly let go of his body and pushed some hair away from his face. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and I was doing my best to hold back my sobs— knowing that everyone was watching from the Institute. "Ave atque vale."
I pushed myself onto my feet and took a few steps back. I forced my gaze off his dead body and looked at my surroundings.
Everyone was dead.
Dead bodies were scattered all over the floor, fires started and fire hydrants broken and flooding the street.
The chaos— the destruction, was all because of me. So many people were dead because of me.
The realization and guilt were setting in faster than anticipated. I clutched my chest at the pain burning in my heart and I collapsed onto my knees, breaking into sobs.
The silence was so ridiculously loud.
A whooshing of a portal sounded behind me but I didn't turn. I didn't need to— not to know who was coming through. His hand found its way to my back and the other on my arm when he crouched down next to me. "You did it."
I nodded barely, weeping into my hand and leaned back into Alec immediately. I watched through my teary eyes and blurred vision as they lifted Jonathan's body and took him away, while other Shadowhunters took care of the mundane casualties all around us.
"I'm so proud of you." Alec whispered to me comfortingly, running a hand through my hair. "You set him free."
I nodded again with another sob, pressing myself against him as far as I could go for every ounce of comfort. Never in my entire life did I think I would be a sobbing mess over Jonathan Morgenstern.
Alec helped me stand up on my own two feet and held me up with his arms around me while we walked towards Magnus and the others so we could portal back to New York. "What did I say about scaring me to death?"
"One slip up." I mumbled quietly, sniffling.
"Now what?" Alec held me in his side, matching my slow steps and not rushing me towards the others. He rubbed my arm with his palm and held me as close as possible.
I took a deep breath and put my brave face on, looking up at him through my tears and puffy eyes. "Now— let's get married."
"I'm not dreaming, am I? Is this actually happening? Did Jonathan actually kill me and I'm just— hallucinating before I face the Angel?" I was pacing back and forth in my wedding dress, moments away from having to walk the aisle. "Did this all really just happen in one day? Did I seriously do every aspect of wedding planning, my bachelorette, and kill my brother— all in one day? Am I seriously getting married right now?"
"Zee— breathe." Magnus has his hands on my shoulders in seconds and stopped me. "Do you need a drink? I won't tell anyone—"
I shook my head. "I can't, Alec will know-"
"He's also waiting for you to walk the aisle— right now." Magnus shot me a pointed look, linking his arm in mine. "Are you ready?"
"No." I paled. "No— is it too late to back out?"
"Yes, it's too late." Magnus pulled me along with him before I could protest and the next thing I knew, I was on the aisle and everyone— everyone was staring at me.
My heart was pounding in my chest and I avoided everyone's gaze— not even turning my head at the gasps of awe.
I slowly looked up and locked eyes with Alec— he was in a daze, like he was completely mesmerized. His eyes were slightly wide and his mouth was gaping open. He looked completely struck.
He was probably shocked by the sight of me in a— wedding dress, of all things. Who knew?
Magnus placed a kiss on my temple and handed me off to Alec when we reached the end of the aisle. I stepped onto the higher platform with my hand in Alec's and his eyes never left me for a second.
"I almost tripped— on my way up here." I whispered to him quietly almost immediately. "I'm going to kill Isabelle for making me wear these ridiculous heels—"
Alec was smiling widely, staring at me with intense adoration. He didn't say a word to me, just looked at me— the light bright in his eyes stood out exceedingly.
"What is with you?" I whispered again, scanning his face. "You're not talking to me— if you don't talk to me, I'm going to lose it."
"Sorry— I just." Alec pursed his lips and looked down for a moment, a rosy color springing alive in his cheeks. "I can't believe this is real— this is really happening— I mean, since when do dreams actually come true?"
I shot him a skeptical look— thinking it was a joke. "You dream about marrying me?"
"All the time." Alec met my eyes again. "At this point, I've lost count."
He had struck me speechless— which was good for him because he reached and slipped the diamond ring on my finger.
I was dumbstruck for a moment but quickly remembered I had to do the same thing when Alec looked at me with gentle expectance. I reached back and grabbed his wedding band, slipping it onto his ring finger.
"It is time for Alec Lightwood and Zee Morgenstern to mark each other with the Wedded Union Rune." Brother Zachariah announced as a stele was displayed to me while Alec pulled his sleeve up lightly and made more room for me to see the back of his hand clearly. "A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart— a union is born."
I slowly picked up the stele and touched it to the stone. I gently grabbed Alec's hand and hovered the tip of the stele above the back of his hand for a moment. I looked up at him and whispered. "Last chance to back out."
Alec raised an eyebrow at me, her voice a whisper. "I want to marry you."
"Are you sure?" I narrowed my eyes at him playfully. "Got another girl rushing to stop this wedding from happening?"
"Hate to break it to you, but— you're the only woman I give my attention to." Alec smiled down at me teasingly. "Are we sure you don't have someone rushing to stop this wedding? I'd imagine that secret boyfriend of yours is just devastated."
"Yeah, I'm expecting him." I looked out to the huge doors, pursing my lips to hold back a laugh. "He's really late."
Alec lightly shrugs, his voice still low to keep the conversation between just the two of us. "Well— I guess you're stuck with me."
"I suppose I am." I sighed dramatically and looked at him. My voice got quieter then, my tone sincere. "Okay, but— seriously. If you want to back out now, I won't be mad— I completely understand—"
"Stop prolonging this." Alec cut me off immediately and his stare burned into me. "If I have to wait another damned minute without being able to officially call you my wife, I'll—"
"Okay, okay!" I quickly drew the rune on the back of his hand and Alec's hand swiftly grabbed the stele from my fingers. He gently took my hand in his and mirrored the rune on my back of my hand.
We had decided we wanted to place the second runes over our hearts in private— so, Brother Zachariah smiled at us. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood, Zee Lillian Morgenstern— it is my honor to pronounce you one."
And then Alec swept me into his arms and kissed me passionately in front of everyone.
"You know," I drawled on, messing with my wedding ring. Alec and I were laying in our bed, completely bare and tangled in the sheets. We were exhausted from dancing and standing around at our wedding— but, our energy hadn't died until very late that night— the mess we had left throughout our apartment while discarding out clothes and the mess we had made of ourselves showed for it. "Technically, I'm not fully your wife yet— we only did the first rune at the ceremony."
Alec covered his eyes with the palm of his hand, a groan escaping his lips. "You are relentless."
"What?" I shot him a small smile. "It's true."
"Alright, my half-wife." Alec reached over and grabbed his stele from the nightstand next to our bed. He twirled the stele between his fingers and held it in front of me. "Mark me."
"How exactly?" I lifted my head from his shoulder. "What do you prefer? Bite marks, love marks—"
Alec pressed the end of the stele against my nose. "Okay— I want a divorce."
"We aren't even fully married yet!" I snatched the stele away from him when he let out a laugh. "We're only half married."
Alec snorts. "Then I want a half divorce."
"Too bad." I smacked his arm away so it stretched out on the bed and wasn't around me anymore, then rolled onto my stomach. I placed one palm flat on his chest and then drew the Wedded Union Rune on his chest— over his heart. "You're stuck with me now."
"Free me from my shackles, devil woman." Alec laughed— saying this as he pushed me onto me back and carefully drew the Wedded Union Rune over my heart— sealing the deal.
I softly smiled. "Never. I'm your wife now."
"By the Angel." Alec rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. "I'm doomed."
I pushed his face and turned away from him. "Okay— now I want a divorce."
"Don't be silly." Alec wrapped his arms around me from behind and hugged me into him tightly. "Like I'd let you escape."
I relaxed into him. "Oh really?"
"Of course— you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm nothing without you." Alec nuzzled his face into my neck. "Every single cell in my body loves you— and when those cells die and new ones are born, those cells love you even more. No matter what happens, my love for you will never die."
"Poetic." I traced one of his runes with my fingers. My heart was swelling with emotions and I wanted nothing more than to just stay like this forever— with him.
"Only for you." Alec rubbed his nose against my skin and murmured. "My beautiful wife."
authors note:
i've been reading too many fantasy romance books, i've adapted too many personalities and vocabularies— hence, alec lightwood in this chapter
a lot went on in this chapter, i am sorry for all this content it was a ROLLERCOASTER.
zee be pushing herself too much but what's new at this point, something's always going on with her
but the gang just makes me so happy— the scene where zee wakes up and they're all just messing with her just makes me so happy
zee and alec >> ugh, i loved them in this chapter, they made me feel all the feels, their banter was exquisite, i am just CONTENT
but zee and magnus, ahhh !!! i love them so much, they had so many good moments in this chapter, MAGNUS WALKING HER DOWN THE AISLE ! ah. wonderful, amazing, outstanding
for jonathan's death, i used a book quote so love that— i was sad writing his death even tho he's like terrible. now that i've practically finished the book, i can say that i was gonna kill zee off but decided against it and came up with a whole new idea so i could give zalec a happy ending slsksk
i will be publishing an epilogue i believe but other than that i think this book has finally been wrapped up. ugh, i loved writing this book so much it's one of my favorites ever
- i published another alec lightwood book. i know, it's absurd, i've written too much zalec but i just HAD to write this idea. i have too many ideas, like i'm not even kidding i have two more ideas for alec lightwood books— like where do these ideas come from? ofc i won't pursue them if you guys aren't interested and think it's super repetitive and crazy BUT. the first two chapters are up so you can go find that on my profile !!!
- the book's about zee morgenstern planning and executing a whole charade to earn a place in the new york institute while she's a spy for her parents— valentine and margaret morgenstern. i include some details and family explanations in an authors note in the book itself just so no ones confused— but, alec doesn't buy her story and they're always clashing yk? idk, that was a bad explanation but— i'm very excited about it so if you're interested in that kinda stuff go readdd
but— thank you so much for 138k !!!
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