"Bastard-" I cussed under my breath that morning when I saw the time on the clock that told me it was the afternoon, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I stumbled right out of bed. "Alexander!"
"That's the first time I've ever heard you say my full name." Alec appeared in the doorway of our bedroom, leaning against the frame and crossing his arms. "What is it? Am I in trouble?"
"Yes." I dropped my fists to my sides, unsurprised to see he was here. "You let me sleep in again— I have a job-"
"Actually, I benched you, remember?" Alec reminded me. "Because you're still healing."
"Well then, I demand you unbench me." I walked over to the our closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and a plain t shirt to change into and out of Alec's t shirt I wore; a t shirt so large on me that it practically reached my knees. "I'm your best Shadowhunter-"
Alec agreed. "I know."
"I can handle a herd of demons in minutes-" I continued. "And I do an excellent job at any assignment you assign to me!"
"I'm aware." Alec nodded along with me.
"So why won't you let me get back onto the field?" I tossed my clothes onto the bed and faced him. "I'm ready-"
"Like I said before." Alec pushed himself off the frame and walked into our bedroom. "You're still healing. I don't want you out there like this. By the Angel, Zee- the medics said the scar on your neck was going to take days to heal because of how deep your cut was."
"I've had my throat slit before." I pointed out. "Matter of fact— it was Jonathan who did it."
"That doesn't make me feel any better." Alec stopped in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders. "No missions until you're at your best again."
"At least give me an assignment." I had to tilt my head back to look up at him due to the extremely noticeable height difference. "I don't like being stuck at home all the time. Especially when you're at the Institute all the time-"
Alec points out and gestured his head toward the clock. "I visit you during lunch."
"That's not enough." I argued, scanning his face a few times. "Please?"
"Fine." Alec let his hands slide down my arms and grab my hands. "Only if you agree to have dinner with me tonight."
"Dinner?" I repeated.
"Yes, dinner." Alec intertwined our fingers. "On the balcony, view of the city- the head chef can prepare something special."
"What's the occasion?" I questioned.
"There's no occasion." Alec looked down at our hands and swung them lightly. "I just thought it would be nice- for the two of us."
I stare at him suspiciously. "Really?"
"What?" Alec locked eyes with me again. "I can't do something nice with my girlfriend?"
"It's not typically our style." I reminded him and scanned his face. "Plus, I don't think I'm really- date- material with this scar across my throat."
"You're gorgeous." Alec grabbed my face with both hands and leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "Do we have a deal?"
"Alright, deal." I pushed myself onto my tippy toes to try and close the distance when Alec pulled back from the kiss lightly to speak.
And he had gotten the hint, leaning his head down and his lips meeting mine once more.
"Did he say anything?" asked Jace when he and I walked down to the sub cells and by the cell where Jonathan was being held, Alec stood before the glass.
"No." Alec had his hands folded behind his back. "Underhill's been questioning him about the Morning Star sword, but- he refuses to speak to anyone except Zee."
"What? Why didn't you tell me?" I looked at him immediately. "Let me in-"
"Because I don't want you to talk to him." Alec stated it as if it were obvious. "None of us do- the rune influence sends you over the edge and then you make impulsive, life threatening decisions."
"How else are we going to get answers out of him, Alec?" I turned and stood before him. "Look, I'm sorry- I know I broke my promise- I know I've hurt myself too many times just to hurt him. But, I swear- I'm done with that."
I couldn't bear the thought of seeing the look on his face when I first woke up in the Infirmary again.
"Please, trust me." I stared up at him, my voice getting quieter. "Let me question him."
Jace wasn't in favor of it either. "Zee, if you get any closer to him, you're only gonna strengthen his power over you."
"Look, as long as you guys are here, I'll be fine." I assured them. "I can do this."
Alec sighed and gave in with a nod, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my forehead before allowing me to enter the cell.
Jonathan's eyes were glued to me as the gag was removed from his mouth; speaking when the door had shut and he and I were alone. "Don't worry— I won't bite."
I wasted no time in questioning him, keeping my distance. "Where is the Morning Star sword?"
"I missed you too." Jonathan sickly smiled.
"Where is the sword, Jonathan?" I demanded. "Why do you want the sword? Because it can open a rift into Edom? You want to release demons into this world? What are you planning?"
"It's a Morgenstern family heirloom- it belongs in the hands of its rightful owners." Jonathan stares at me. "Us."
Then, he looked past me and through the glass. "Your boyfriend is keeping an awfully close eye on you, isn't he? How much do you think it kills him to know the fact that no matter what you do, it's always going to be you and me? I mean— you live, it's only a matter of time before you join me, if you off yourself— I go with you and then we're together again- is that why you did it? You wanted to rid yourself of him?"
"Jonathan, do not test my patience." I walked toward him this time and stood directly in front of him. "The only thing stopping me from killing you and taking myself with is the fact that I know the man I love will bring me back to life just so that he can kill me himself."
Jonathan stared at me silently.
"This is hopeless." I took a step back and turned on my heel towards the door. "I hope you enjoy the Gard-"
"Wait." Jonathan called after me. "I'll tell you everything you want to know- if you just stay here a little longer."
I clenched my jaw and turned back around, crossing my arms to show him I was listening.
"I didn't even know you existed, Zee, 'til not so long ago." Jonathan inhaled sharply. "I'd been in Edom for what felt like an eternity- and my entire life, I thought that only Jace and I were our father's only experiments. But, then- Lilith mentioned that there were two new experiments- she told me how you sent a demon to Edom by shooting sunlight right from your palm- that you were a threat to all demon kind."
"That was the first time I ever heard your name— Zee Morgenstern." Jonathan looked up at the ceiling for a moment, a small smile creeping onto his lips. "It was like music to my ears- and I felt something that I had never felt before. Hope."
"I don't care about your life story, Jonathan." I grimaced. "This has nothing to do with the sword- you're not answering any of my questions-"
"Of course it does! That moment changed everything for me." Jonathan dropped his head so he was looking at me again and argued with me. "I realized that you were the only person that I needed- I felt it. Finally, I had someone to fight by my side, not against me, not in spite of me- but, with me."
"Everything I do, I do for you." Jonathan's voice lowered, his eyes burning into mine. "I want the Morning Star sword for you. For us."
"What was so urgent?" Alec questioned when he and I walked into the armory where Isabelle and Simon awaited. "We're very busy-"
I glanced at Simon, my hands in the pockets of my jacket. "What's the bloodsucker doing here?"
"I think I liked Vampey better." Simon shot me a soft smile in greeting. "Or- you know, Fangs-"
"Sorry, Dracula." I shot him a small smirk, and then looked at Isabelle. "What is it?"
"I was able to de-crypt the chip I extracted from Sentry Greenlaw." Isabelle pulled it up on the screen. "I think it holds the key to breaking your bond with Jonathan."
Alec stared at the screen. "Greenlaw smuggled out prisoner profiles?"
"And they're all Downworlders." Simon nods.
Isabelle looks at us. "They've been redirected from the Gard to project Heavenly Fire."
"Heavenly Fire— as in Glorious?" Alec slowly trailed off, his eyebrows furrowing as he spoke.
"If the sword still exists, there's a good chance it's being kept in the same facility where these prisoners are being sent- and this place is totally off the grid." Isabelle explained. "The only way to find it is to get someone on the inside."
Simon added in. "But, not just anyone- a vampire named Zeke Russo."
"Who's Zeke Russo?" I questioned.
When Isabelle pulled up the profile plastered with Simon's face, Alec scoffed. "You're kidding me."
"This file has all the specifications needed to guarantee a transfer to the facility." Isabelle began, pointing to the file they created.
"No- no way." I shook my head and looked at Simon. "This is dangerous-"
"I know the risks." Simon said to me.
I argue. "You can't risk yourself for me-"
"Yes I can." Simon shot back at me. "There's no way I'm not doing this- it's vital that we break your connection with Jonathan-"
"Don't worry- I'll be following him with a Tracking Rune." Isabelle assured me. "Plus, these Seelie rings will help us communicate telepathically."
Simon looks up. "Seelie rings?"
"These rings were used by Valentine to communicate with Hodge right under our noses." Alec explained. "So, once Zeke's inside, all he has to do is get the sword?"
I look at him in slight shock. "Are you seriously in favor of this?"
"If it means freeing you from Jonathan, yes- absolutely." Alec shot back at me, his eyes glued to mine.
"The moment he has Glorious, I will be standing by with a team to extract him." Isabelle told us. "Trust me— we can do this."
"What are you hiding?" I questioned, my arms crossed as I stared right at Jonathan after returning back into his cell to continue questioning him.
Jonathan shook his head at my words. "I'm not hiding anything."
"I don't buy that." I took a step towards him. "You don't want me to know what your plan is- will it make me hate you more than I already do?"
"You don't hate me- you can't." Jonathan looked into my eyes. "I'm your brother- and I would never hide anything from you."
"Jonathan, if I've gone to the lengths of literally- harming myself to get rid of you? I'd say I hate you." I shot back at him. "Next question- how did you hear about the sword?"
"Mother." Jonathan muttered and looked down. "She told me about it. I had been in Edom just a few years- I was still naive enough to think that my time there was temporary. She said that there was a sword that went by the name of Morningstar- that the sword could only be wielded by someone with Morgenstern blood and there was not a Morgenstern alive that would want to save me."
I didn't react to his sob story. "She wasn't exactly wrong, was she?"
"It's cute- how hard you're putting up that front, to make everyone believe you hate me." Jonathan smiled at me. "I know it'll melt away soon-"
"We're done here." I ended the conversation and ignored him when he called after me and begged me to stay, walking out of the cell and out by Alec and Jace. "I did good, right?"
"Yes, you did great-" Alec reached over and grabbed my arm, pulling me into him and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"So, the sword can only be used by someone with Morgenstern blood." Jace thought out loud. "That's good news."
"Which means it doesn't matter what he's planning." Alec trails off. "As long as we have him locked up in here-"
I finished. "We don't have to worry."
"If the black site is so top secret, how are you getting your intel?" Aline questioned Isabelle and I in the armory, his voice low and filled with curiosity.
"I have an asset on the inside." Isabelle replied. "An undercover prisoner."
Aline looked impressed. "Clever."
"He's a good friend." I admitted and stared at her intently. "He could be in danger."
"So- you guys want me to use my mom's security clearance to figure out where it is." Aline looked between us both. "You know I can't-"
"Remember that summer in Alicante, when you forged Jia's signature to get you, me, and Alec out of field training for the day?" Isabelle mentioned, trying her best to convince Aline.
"We were kids, and my mom wasn't even Consul yet- if she catches me, she will have me de-runed." Aline argued, then looked at me. "Besides, why would I help you after you almost killed me?"
Isabelle immediately defended me. "She acted that way because of her connection with Jonathan."
"You're going to help because you and I have one thing in common, Penhallow." I placed my palms flat on the table. "We both want Jonathan to suffer. If we sever the connection he and I have through the rune, we can finally kill him and we can avenge your cousin."
"Please, Aline." Isabelle pleaded. "We can get justice for your cousin."
"I was able to access Raphael Santiago's prisoner profile." Aline typed away as we stood at a monitor off to the side in the Ops Center. "His profile has the same prefix as the other Heavenly Fire prisoners, but, weirdly, his transfer request was put in after Raphael arrived at the Gard."
"Who would be interested in Raphael?" Isabelle thought out loud, looking at the screen.
I looked at Aline instead of the screen. "Was Jia mentioned in the file?"
"No- of course not." Aline looked at me. "Whoever's responsible for this is doing it behind my mom's back."
Isabelle questioned. "Who else was there when the request was put in?"
"The only person at the Gard with high enough clearance to pull something like this off is-" Aline pulled up the profile, the face that overtook the screen catching both Isabelle and I off guard.
I moved closer to the screen, blinking a few times to make sure I was seeing it right, "Victor Aldertree?"
Isabelle was silent for a few moments before she turned her head to look at me. "Zee- you know how you've been trying to get Alec to send you on a mission?"
"Agh!" I thought loudly in my mind, absolutely frustrated when I walked towards the private Clave dining room. "I can't believe I let Iz rope me into this. I don't want to see him again- and god, especially in this dress! I can't believe this!"
"You said you wanted to go on mission." Alec's voice filled my mind through the Seelie ring we were connected through. "Your wish has been granted."
"This is not what I meant." I argued, stopping right before I entered the dining room and hiding behind the wall. "You know, if I just ended it right now- I wouldn't have to go through the pain of making him believe I'm actually interested."
"Zee, honey- as much as I hate him, you have to focus, okay?" The nickname coming from his mouth sent a furious blush to my face and it made me thankful he wasn't with me right now. "You need to buy Aline time-"
"I'm just saying, tying him down and forcing answers out is more my thing." I replied and then sighed to myself. "Fine- alright, I'm going."
"Zee, I'm so happy you called." Aldertree smiled at me when I walked into the dining room, putting a fake smile on my lips as he greeted me and pulled up a chair for me to sit.
"A table in the private Clave dining room?" I acknowledged, giving him my best smile. "I must be special-"
Aldertree scanned my face, his smile never fading. "You are-"
"You're doing well for yourself, Victor." I looked around the dining room, then back at him.
Aldertree nods. "I've actually been named HSD."
I immediately panic. "Alec."
"Yes?" Alec replied instantly.
I question. "What the hell is HSD?"
"Head of Scientific Development-" Alec was quick to answer, making me throw a wider smile at Aldertree.
"You're the new Head of Scientific Development?" I recalled exactly what Alec just told me. "Congratulations! How did that come to be?"
"Well, I'm a dedicated Shadowhunter." Aldertree said as they brought us our food, setting it before us.
"Well, whatever it is you're doing, I'm sure it's as brilliant as you are." I put a strand of my hair behind my ear and let my eyes linger for a moment, then looked down at my food.
"Ew." was the first thing I thought.
Alec's voice filled my head. "What?"
"He ordered seafood." I complained and grabbed the freshly poured wine instead, taking a long sip. "I'm going to throw up-"
"What? That's absurd- you hate seafood." Alec sounded shocked. "I can recall multiple times where you've gagged at the smell- and you always skipped dinner whenever they served anything like that here at the Institute. I mean- does this guy even pay attention?"
"I know right? He's a terrible date-" I set down the wine glass, catching Aldertree staring at me intently.
"You know, I'm surprised you wanted to see me." Aldertree began slowly. "The last time I asked you to dinner- I'm positive you were seeing Alec Lightwood at the time-"
"Oh, Alec- and I- we broke up." I lied and ran a hand through my hair. "After a while, our differences weighed out the similarities- we were never in sync- we just had to put it to an end."
"I'm sorry to hear that." Aldertree reached over the table and put a hand over mine. "It's good to see that you're moving on."
"Agh!" I thought. "He just grabbed my hand!"
There was a tad bit of humor in Alec's response. "How dare he?"
"So- what's the latest in the sci-tech division?" I asked, fighting the urge to rip my hand out from under his hold.
"It's a little too early to fill you in on the details, but- let's just say I'm on the verge of a major breakthrough." Aldertree briefly told me.
"Oh- you can't tease me like that!" I pressed further. "Tell me more."
"I've already said too much." Aldertree shortly replied, before taking a sip of his wine.
"Aline's in." Alec's voice suddenly filled my mind. "Twenty minutes."
"I have an idea." Aldertree set down his fork after we had both finished our meals as I was doing everything in my power to not throw up all over him.
I drowned the taste of seafood in my mouth with the rest of my wine, setting down the glass. "What're you waiting for? Tell me."
"After-dinner digestifs back at my place." Aldertree trailed off slowly. "I have the most beautiful view of the fountains from my balcony- and I know how to make the best sunny side up eggs you've ever had."
I was internally screaming. "Unbelievable!"
"What is it now?" Alec asked.
"He just invited me back to his place." I was distraught. "And he said he knows how to make the best sunny side up eggs! He's insinuating that I'd stay the night! And I hate eggs-"
"He went as far as to offer making you eggs for breakfast?" Alec asked with humor in his tone. "Oh, the nerve of this guy-"
"Apologies." Aldertree pulled his phone when it rung. "Work. I should get this."
"By all means-" I nodded with a smile and then dropped it the moment he stepped away and turned his back to me.
I watched as he murmured back and forth on his phone, my heart stopping when he pulled back his phone to look at the screen and Simon's profile was clear as day on it.
"Don't let him out of your sight-" I heard Aldertree's hard voice before I was getting up and leaving the dining room as quickly and discreetly as possible.
"All these Downworld prisoners, they're having their powers taken away, their traits." Aline was filling me in on what she had just told Isabelle while she trying to warn Simon. "Warlocks, werewolves, vampires, Seelies- they're making them all mundane by injecting them with Heavenly Fire."
I walked alongside side her down the hall. "So, the Clave's had Glorious all along?"
"Just a fragment of the sword, but enough to create a serum." Aline nodded at my words.
"So this is the Clave's corrupt way of rehabilitating the prisoners?" I looked at her.
"Aldertree, not the Clave- and it gets worse." Aline stopped walking. "Aldertree is planning on using the serum beyond the prison population- he has a plan to slip it into the water supply in New York City as a trial run for worldwide disbursement."
"So- all Downworlders get cured whether they like it or not?" I scoffed lightly to myself when she nodded. "Do you have the location on Simon?"
"I have the coordinates." Aline nodded in confirmation. "We need backup-"
"Okay, send them to me- I'll call Alec- you assemble a team from here." I was already moving. "We have to get Simon out of there."
"I have a team standing by whenever you're ready." Alec told me through the ring as I paced back and forth in the hall, phone in my hand.
"It's worse than what we thought, Alec- we need to get Simon out of there as quickly as possible." I replied immediately, sending him the location. "I'm sending you the coordinates- alright?"
"Zee." Aldertree's voice made me freeze in my spot. "You never said goodbye."
It took me a moment but, slowly, I turned and faced him, not saying a word.
"Did you really think this would work?" Aldertree took a step towards me. "After the years of work I put into this project, I won't let you and your colleagues ruin it."
"What are you going to do?" I took a step towards him this time. "Have me killed? Like you did with Sentry Greenlaw?"
"Join me, Zee." Aldertree stares down at me intensely. "Be part of the revolution."
"Join you in eliminating the entire Downworld?" I scoffed at him. "I don't think so."
"You're Valentine Morgenstern's daughter- hatred for Downworlders is in your blood." Aldertree seethed through his teeth. "The world will be a safer place once it's free from demon blood-"
My fist clenched at my side. "If that's what you think, you don't know me at all-"
"Without the Downworld, we can focus on protecting mundanes from demons- like we were always meant to do." Aldertree exclaimed. "No one will ever be poisoned with the abomination that is demon blood."
"And what about those that are born with demon blood in their veins?" I tilted my head to the side slightly.
Aldertree's words made my blood boil. "They'll thank me for the favour."
"That's sick." I took a step back from him. "Alec told me that your wife was a werewolf who went feral and attacked you- that one incident does not justify this- it does not stripping the Downworld of who they are without their consent. It's like being deruned and exiled without reason-"
Aldertree went tense. "If I could go back to that moment and cure Eva, I would still be holding her in my arms today."
"I won't let you do this." I shook my head and turned on my heel, starting to walk away from him.
"You don't have a choice-" Aldertree grabbed my arm aggressively and pulled me back with force, wasting no time to piss me off.
I turned, my fist coming in contact with his nose hard enough that there was a loud crack, Aldertree stumbling back and letting go of me to tend to his nose. Then, I gripped my collar and pulled him back towards me, kneeling him so that his legs weakened, using it to my advantage to knock him to the ground.
Right as he hit the ground, Aline stormed with Isabelle and a group of Shadowhunters. "Victor Aldertree, by the order of Consul Penhallow, you're under arrest."
"Simon!" I sighed in relief and threw my arms around him the moment I saw him when Alec and I walked into the armory. "Never again will you pull something like that- understood?"
"No promises- are you okay?" Simon hugged me back. "Because I think- you just initiated the hug."
"Shut up- I'm just glad you're not dead." I pulled away and then hugged Isabelle just as tight. "I can't believe you guys did this-"
"We'd do anything for you." Simon reached over and ruffled my hair. "Especially if it means disconnecting you from your creepy brother."
"Well, we have Heavenly Fire." Alec was watching me with a soft smile. "We don't know where the Morning Star sword is, but the only three people who can use it are right here at the Institute."
"Aldertree will be prosecuted for his crimes against the Accords." Isabelle said. "And Jia is considering commuting Raphael's sentence, along with the other Downworlders now turned into mundanes."
"It's the least they could do." Simon nodded.
Alec looked between us and then just at me. "All right, well, if we're no longer needed here, there's somewhere we need to be."
"I'll meet you there-" I let go of Isabelle and flattened out the dress I was still wearing. "I need to burn this dress-"
Alec shook at his head at me but leaned over and kissed my forehead, leaving the armory.
I then looked at Jace, my voice lowering. "Will you go with me to see Jonathan?"
Jace nodded immediately. "Of course."
"What's wrong, Jace?" Jonathan asked when I removed the gag from his face. "Are you jealous of our bond too?"
Jace stood still. "I feel nothing towards you."
"We found a way to destroy the Twinning Rune." I set the gag down. "You won't be down here much longer."
"No." Jonathan looked at me immediately, his words coming out shaky. "It's not possible."
"It's more than possible." Jace shot back at him. "It's inevitable."
"No- you won't do it." Jonathan kept his eyes on me, a wounded expression on his face. "I have so much more to share with you. I'm your brother. Zee, don't let them do this!"
"You almost killed my brother." Jace took a step towards him. "You killed a dozen Shadowhunters- people I trained with. She wants you gone just as much as the rest of us- actually, a hell of a lot more than the rest of us."
"Let her speak!" Jonathan shouted loudly.
"You want me to speak, Jonathan? I'll speak." I walked closer to him and stopped in front of him. "Personally, I can't wait til this rune's off. Because the moment it's off, Jonathan- I swear to the Angel- I'm going to make your death last days. I'm going to make you bleed- and suffer- I'm going to make what you went through in Edom look like a joke."
"You don't mean that." Jonathan was angry at my words. "You don't know what you're talking about!"
"Yes I do." I snapped at him, my fists clenched at my sides. "You're going to wish you were never resurrected after I'm done with you."
"Zee, stop-" Jonathan shakily called out after me when I turned, walking towards the door with Jace. "Zee, don't let them go through with this!"
"Zee, don't leave me-" Jonathan was now begging, his words becoming shouts when we left the cell. "Please don't leave me!"
And for a moment, I froze and looked at him through the glass, watching his scream and beg for me to come back. To reconsider.
But, I turned and walked away.
"If I knew we'd be going on a walk after dinner, I would've worn different shoes." I looked down at my feet, my hand locked with Alec's. "These heels are murdering me-"
"It's not a far walk." Alec swung our arms lightly. "Plus, if you can walk around in heels for Aldertree- you can walk around in heels for me."
"Yes, because I'm being so inconsiderate right now." I rolled my eyes. "Where are we going anyways?"
"You'll know when we get there." Alec simply said. "It's close-"
"Okay?-" I look up at the sky when I felt a droplet on my head. "I think it's going to rain-"
"I know." Alec abruptly stopped and faced me, taking a glance around us. "Do you remember this place?"
I took a glance. We were right outside the Institute, stood on a road path, surrounded by grass on either side of the path. Rain began to pour down on us, drenching our nice clothes before I realized. "This is where we first said I love you-"
"Good." Alec put a strand of my wet hair behind my ear. "I was beginning to worry you forgot."
I shook my head slowly and stared at him. "What's going on?"
Alec stared at me for a moment and then put both his hands into his pockets, staying silent for a moment.
Then, he broke the silence, his gaze falling onto the ground. "I once told you that when people were looking back on my life, I didn't want them to think that- I was the Head of the New York Institute, or that I walked out on my own wedding- but, I wanted them to think that I loved one woman so much that I changed the entire world for her."
"I don't know if you've realized it yet or not, but- you've managed to change my entire world before I could even begin to change yours." Alec swallowed hard. "You were the first person to not look at me as a shadow- a sidekick of some sort. You taught me how to love. How to care for someone so deeply- you'd do anything for them- how to prioritize. You taught me that it's not just about duty- or the law- that there's more to life than obligation. You broke me out of my shell, shattered everything I've ever believed in and built a much better man with the pieces."
"I love you- so much." Alec brought his eyes to meet mine. "I love you so much that it scares me- it terrifies me the lengths I'm willing to go for you- the way I'm willing to let you ruin me- to break me down- into pieces- at your hands- again and again if that's what you want-"
And it was when Alec took out a small velvet box from his pocket I realized what was happening.
I stopped breathing when he got down on one knee and opened the box.
I took a step back at the sight of the ring, my eyes watering with slight tears and my heart racing.
"I want to be by your side, with you, for as long as you'll have me, so- please-" Alec's eyes had watered and his voice was shaking. "Zee Morgenstern, will you marry me?"
authors note:
i'm sorry, zee is RUTHLESS to jonathan omg
and hahaaa cliffhanger, does she say yes? does she say no? who knows
but, zee and simon !!! they had their cute little moments aw
but zee going on a date with aldertree and spending most of it talking to alec through the ring is the funniest thing to me
aline and zee having a common denominator >>
but, AH alec choosing to propose to her where they first said i love you >> AND IT RAINS. amazing. wonderful. brilliant.
and he called her zee morgenstern too- not zee young, just completely proving that he loves her for who she is now and not before. that little detail just makes me skskskks
but, thank you for 99k !!!
vote and comment loadsss
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