"He said my name." Clary's voice filled my ears as I walked past Jace's room that night, making me stop,'"He said, your mother for Zee and the Cup."
"Who said that?" I stopped and barged into the room, "Was it would I think it was?"
Jace looks at me, holding a purple necklace that looked like portal shard, "Valentine."
"He's with my mother." Clary turns and faces me, "And he wants you and the Cup for her."
Alec walks into the room as well, "And he can speak to you through that necklace? Here, in the Institute?"
Clary nods, "It's like when I saw Dot."
"I have no idea who this Dot person is but-" I place my hands in the pockets of my sweatpants, "There's no way in hell I'll go back to him yet."
Alec looked down at me, "You make it sound like you'll go back."
"You make it sound like I'm going to stay here longer than I have to." I looked up at him.
"It's a Portal shard." Jace cuts in, "That's why your mother made sure you had it."
"All I know is what I saw-" Clary inhales sharply,
"My mother's alive- she's unconscious, but alive."
"Where are they?" Alec looked at Clary.
Clary ran a hand through her hair, "I don't know."
"But- you said you saw them." Alec presses, "Were there any identifying characteristics? Equipment, weapons, photographs?"
"I don't remember." Clary was tearing up at the thought of it, "It was awful."
I placed my hands on my hips, tilting my head as I looked at her, pure shock and amusement on my face, "Do you ever stop crying?"
Jace looks between Alec and I, "Alec, lighten up."
"I'm trying to get something we can use out of this." Alec shot back at him, "Clary, what did you see, exactly?"
"Valentine has my mother." Clary snipped, blinking away her tears due to my remark, "That's what I saw."
"Emotions are nothing but a distraction." Alec rolled his eyes and told her straight forward, "You're ruled by them- we're taught to control them."
Clary crosses her arms and looks from Alec, to me, "And how is that working out for ya?"
"It is my job to protect the Institute." Alec stares at her with what looked like annoyance and was stern, "If Valentine can see in, that's a door I have to shut."
I shrug, "If you're right, you're right."
"Now- let me take a look at that thing." Alec almost smirked at me agreeing with him, and held his hand out for the necklace.
When Jace hands it to him, he turns and leaves the room, "Now, it's in the proper hands."
Clary's eyes widen as she looks between Jace and I, "What?"
"Alec!" Jace almost yelled, as I left the room and went after Alec, them following me, "Alec-"
I ran after him and jumped onto his back, clinging on, taking this approach instead of knocking him to the ground like I did with Simon.
Alec stopped for a moment, but kept walking through the Institute, holding the necklace.
I looked around, picking at a remark due to me being almost a foot shorter than him, "Wow- the weather's nice up here."
Alec doesn't even need to grab my legs to hold me up as he simply walks through the Ops Center with me clinging on his back, "Wow, uh, you're strong-"
Alec doesn't even look at me as he walked, "You being on my back isn't going to stop me."
"Well, this wasn't my immediate response to you taking her necklace because I was going to knock you down and restrain you but- this is so much better." I looked up at the ceiling, "Is this what it's like being a giant? You know- trampling people wherever you go?"
"What's it like being a dwarf?" Alec shot back at me, making me purse my lips to hold back a small smile.
Clary caught up to a fast walking Alec, and looks at me, "You're on his back- can't you stop him?"
"Let's see." I threw myself back, hanging off his body by my legs tightly around his torso, now seeing everything upside down, my arms hanging to flip back but they never touched the ground, and neither did my tough pull him far.
Alec stops for a moment at my tug, but then continues walking, as I hung from him, my eyes wide, "Clearly- I can't stop him-"
"Alec-" Jace ran over and grabs my shoulders and pulls me back up, my arms wrapping around Alec's shoulder's, "Where are you going?"
"To put this somewhere safe." Alec walked up the steps and into the training room, "Where no one could be tempted to use it."
Then he looks back at me when he came to a stop, his face unbelievably close to mine and I hid the fact that I was holding my breath, but simply giving him a straight look.
"Will you get off my back?" Alec asked, as he was standing in front of a safe that was hidden under a tile.
I purposely held tighter, "No- I'm actually enjoying this quite a lot."
"Well, enjoy the ride." Alec bends down, his hand now holding a stele.
"We should use it." Jace cuts in when Clary and Jace came to a stop behind him, "Alec, we should use it to get to Valentine."
I looked at him, slipping off Alec's back, standing straight, "Are you stupid?"
"If I were Valentine, I'd make you think that you could rescue Jocelyn." Alec ran the stele over the rune, "And then I'd lure Clary to me and leverage her life for Zee and the Cup."
"I like Jace's idea." Clary crossed her arms, "We saved Simon from the vampires that way."
"I can't believe you just said that." I stare at her, crossing my arms, "Do you even know the difference between my father and vampires? One of them's a monster."
"If you know Valentine's a monster," Jace looks at me, "Why are you on his side?"
"Because he's my father." My eyes shift to him, "And he raised me- taught me everything I know."
"He's also the man that took your memories of all of us." Jace crosses his arms, "He didn't teach you everything- and of course, you wouldn't know because he made sure you didn't."
"Valentine is a real threat." Alec had placed the necklace in the safe and locked it back up, standing up, "He can't be handled by four-and-a-half Shadowhunters."
"Three and a half." I correct him, "Not on your side, remember?"
"Whatever." Alec looks between us and then walks away, "Leave it there."
I grunt as I spun kick the air, in the training room alone later that morning.
My hair was straight, as I was dressed in black jeans that only had rips at the knees, a white v neck tucked into them, an unzipped maroon leather jacket on and black combat boots on my feet, two thigh sheaths around my legs.
I held my kindjals tightly in my hands as I practiced, smoothly and swiftly nailing every move that I performed that sparked in my mind.
I then tossed my kindjals while spin kicking, both of them landing on the bullseye of the target I had set up.
I smirked and walked over, pulling them out and tossing up, catching one of them as I came back to the center of the training room.
Then, I felt stares on me.
I looked in the direction I felt the stares from, my eyes falling on a woman I didn't know, Isabelle and Clary.
My eyes fell onto the woman who was almost glaring at me, "Can I help you?"
"Zee, this is Maryse." Isabelle introduces, gesturing toward her, my eyes shifting to her, "My mother."
"Maryse Lightwood." I placed my kindjals on the table as slowly walked over to them, hopping down the two steps, onto the lower level, "Zee Morgenstern."
"You've changed so much." Maryse eyes me, keeping her form straight, "You used to despise anyone who would address you by that last name."
"Maryse?" Jace jogs over to us and gives her a hug, "Hey- It's great to see you."
"How's everyone in Idris?" Jace smiles at her, "Where's, uh- where's Max?"
"No Max." Isabelle walks over, "Just Mom with her hair on fire."
"I love how Shadowhunters share." Clary follows Isabelle, staring at Jace, "A hidden brother, and a secret country, and a private Portal."
"Well, he wasn't exactly obligated to tell you about his entire life because you told him about yours." I cross my arms and looked at her, "Is that a mundane thing?"
"Mother." Alec joins us, standing next to me, "Welcome back, we didn't expect you."
Maryse puts her hands behind her back, "You should be prepared, whether you expect me or not."
"I am." Alec clears his throat, "We are."
"We'll talk about the Institute later." Maryse inhales sharply, "Right now, we have a bigger problem."
"The Seelies have stopped communicating with the Clave and won't explain why." She walks around us all, "My guess is they're still upset we asked them to send scouts to look for Valentine, but no one in their realm will talk."
Then she stops in front of me, "Zee, do you have any idea where your father might be hiding?"
I stare at her, "No, I don't."
"According to what I was informed, you showed up here- from Valentine's lair- to kidnap Clary and obtain the Mortal Cup." Maryse stares at me suspiciously, "And you're still telling me that you don't know where he is?"
"I don't know, if I did, I would've gone back by now." I shot back at her, keeping a straight face on.
Maryse took a step closer, "And how do I know I can trust you?"
"You don't." I shrug lightly, "But, you can put me on trail and my answer will still remain the same."
What I didn't admit was that, Valentine sent a warlock under his control with me when I used the stand in portal to come here, and wiped my memories of where he was. If anything, I couldn't even give them a location, because he doesn't trust me enough to let me know.
Isabelle cuts in before the conversation got too heated, "I have Seelie friends."
"Yes, I know about your friends." Maryse's attention fell on her as she now stood in front of her, "Isabelle, we stay separate from the Downworld for good reasons. The wrong move, the wrong word-"
"Do you think there is such a thing as harmless rebellion? Who knows what offends these creatures?" Maryse continued, "Maybe you told him- them something they shouldn't know. Maybe you trod on one of their ridiculous customs without knowing it."
"Maybe." I stepped up to her when I noticed the small tears in Isabelle's eyes, tilting my head to the side as I looked at her, "You should just back off."
For some reason, I felt the need to stand up for her.
Maryse looks at me, "Excuse me?"
"She's an adult and is completely capable of making her own decisions on who she chooses to spend her time with." I was completely straight forward, "If she wants to be involved with the Downworld, she doesn't need your approval to do so."
Maryse turned to me, looking taken back but ready to spite back, "You're Valentine Morgenstern's daughter- you were raised to hate the Downworld."
"I guess the influence didn't really put any affect, did it?" I held my ground, "Considering the fact that- I don't have a problem with Downworlders. As a matter of fact, they're not as bad as you make them seem."
"Wait, wait." Jace cuts in before this got any more heated than it already was, "I don't understand- you're laying all this on Izzy for having a friend in the Downworld?"
"When someone upsets the natural order, everything falls apart." Maryse simply said, stepping back.
"Natural order?" Clary repeats, "What are you saying?"
"I can help." Isabelle inhales sharply, "I know how to talk to Seelies."
"She's right." Alec agreed, "She can visit with Meliorn and see what he knows, I could go with her if you want."
"I'd rather Jace goes along this time." Maryse pats Jace's shoulder, "Alec, Zee, you stay with the Fairchild girl."
"As flattered that this is to my knowledge my first assigned mission." I dramatically sigh, "I don't take orders."
"I want her under control, and you're highly trained. Today, you will be accepting and following orders." Maryse looks at me, "She's caused enough trouble already."
"Excuse me?" I almost had to do a double take, shaking my head and began taking a step away, "Yeah, no-"
Alec grabs my arm secretly and stops me, as I gave him the dirtiest look, followed by a death glare.
Clary decided to defend herself, "Maybe that's because I wasn't even a Shadowhunter until a few days ago!"
"And what an exciting few days it has been." Maryse eyes her, "The Clave counts on us Lightwoods to maintain order here."
"You don't need to tell me that." Alec told her, "If the mission is important to the Clave, I would prefer to be the one who goes with Isabelle."
"You're all so eager to do what you would prefer, it's time to face the truth." Maryse was getting angry and more stern, "Life is not about what you want to do, it's about what must be done."
I remark, "Life doesn't sound that fun when you put it that way."
"I have given you your assignments, now carry them out." Maryse points at Jace and Isabelle, "You and you, with me, now."
Then, Maryse walks away, Jace following right behind her.
"No offense, but your mom's a real bitch." I inhale sharply, pulling my arm away from Alec's hold.
Isabelle went to, but stopped, looking at me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "Thank you for defending me."
Then, she follows after her mother.
I looked between Alec and Clary.
Clary walks over to me, "So-"
"Just- no-" I wave her off and walk away from them.
"I'm being forced into this and I'm not liking it." I walked with Alec up the steps, him and I coming to a stop, "That girl's been here not three days and has caused more trouble than she's worth, and now I have to babysit her?"
"You're not the only one dealing with the suffering." Alec comments, looking down at me, and this is when I notice the look on his face.
"Are you okay?" My eyes were locked with his, quickly recovering from the look of slight concern I had on my face, crossing my arms, "I mean, you know not that I care but, if you want to rant about your life's problems, I have nothing better to do."
"I, uh-" Alec stutters, blinking a few times, looking away for just a moment, then looking at me once more, "You have every right to be mad at me."
"Why would I be mad at you?" I was confused, looking between his eyes, almost laughing, "Are you going to turn me over to the Clave or?-"
"This isn't a joke." Alec's tone was serious, making my smile fade, realizing he was being sincere.
"Okay." I drop my arms, nodding, "What is it? I mean- whatever it is, it can't be that bad."
"At Magnus's." Alec recalls quietly, his eyes lingering with mine, "The demon image of you."
Recalling this made something pang in my chest.
"And here I thought I had to get your attention." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could think, "When, in reality, I had it the whole time."
Alec stays silent, staring at me for another reaction.
"Okay- I mean, I didn't think much of it." I shrug lightly, placing my hands on my hips, "I mean- apparently you've known me for a while, and according to what I've heard, we were like best friends, so I guess you love me, and I would love you too- if I had my memories."
I didn't even know what love felt like.
"Yeah, you're right- that's true." What looked like hurt, pretend and also relief crossed Alec's expression, a fake smile cracking onto his hard expression, "I just thought you'd think that- uhm-"
I looked at him, completely oblivious, "What?"
Alec goes completely silent.
I stare at him in silence, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion when he steps up suddenly and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.
My entire body stiffened, his grip tight, his face buried into my shoulder.
I stood there for a few moments, my expression softening. I slowly wrap my arms around his middle and placed my chin on his shoulder, squeezing him as well.
Before the hug could last any longer, Jace's voice almost makes me jump back, "Alec, Zee!-"
I slowly step away from Alec and looked at Jace, a straight, fake smile forming on my lips, "Hello, Jace."
"Will one of you switch assignments with me?" Jace steps closer and looks between Alec and I, "Alec- you're the acting head of this Institute. If there's a diplomatic mission, you should go."
"Nope." Alec pops the 'p', finally breaking his gaze away from me and looking at Jace, "This time I'm actually gonna obey orders, and babysit your girlfriend."
"Clary?" Jace repeats, "She's more like my responsibility."
Jace stares at us, "Hey, you guys'll keep an eye on her, right?"
"No promises." I slip my hands into my leather jacket's pockets, "I'm antagonized by her."
"If you want to follow Mom's orders tonight, that's great, but- please, just do me one favor-" Jace pretends not to what my remark and looks at Alec, "Swear to me you won't take your eyes off of Clary."
"I- I can't believe I even asked you that." Jace realized and hugged Alec, "You won't let me down."
Alec hugs back for a moment, then Jace pulls away and wraps his arms around me as well.
"This is the second time I've been hugged." I don't even bother to hug back, as Jace nudges me, before walking away, "What is up with you people today?"
"All right- just, watch and learn." I slip off my jacket, tossing it next to her on the bench, grabbing the bo staff.
Alec walks over to me, holding a bo staff himself, as I flipped the staff around my hand, getting used to it.
Alec's eyes scan my form, "You need to plant your feet wide."
I looked at him, pretending to be clueless and purposefully not moving, "What?"
Alec sets his bo staff down and came behind me, slowly placing his hands on my waist, my back against his chest.
He uses his feet to plant my feet wide in the correct form I already knew, as I watched him, a small smile on my lips.
Alec grabbed his staff and stood in position in front of me.
"Now, you must always be aware of your surroundings." I looked at Clary, "Use all your senses- especially sight and hearing."
Alec swung his staff at me, mine flying up and blocking his swing, looking back at him.
"When you're in combat, it's not about who's stronger." I hit my staff with Alec's over and over as he came closer to me as I backed away, "It's about who's smarter."
I spun kicked Alec's staff out of his hands and grabbed his wrist, flipping him onto the ground, "The key is to outsmart your enemy."
Alec grabs my staff and flips me onto my back, looking at me from where I laid next to him, groaning, "You know, for someone who doesn't know to plant her feet wide, you know awfully a lot on how to fight."
"I did that on purpose." I groaned, forcing myself onto my feet and grabbed my staff, "Now, you're gonna get it-"
Alec got up, his staff hitting against mine, our movements fast and quickening with every block.
Our breathing accelerated, the clanking against the staffs getting louder. We both grunt as we took swings at each other, dropping our staffs.
Alec grabs my ankle once I spin kick for his face, making us both pause at stare at each other.
My fists unclench as he twisted my leg, making me entire body twist that way, but I quickly threw myself back and flipped backwards onto my feet, grabbing my staff.
Alec grabbed his, hitting his against mine and within seconds, in quick movements, my back was against his chest, his staff at my neck.
I could feel Alec's hot breath on my neck, "Got you."
My staff was between his legs, as I pressed the wood to his thigh, only smirking as I looked up at him, the top of my head against his chest, "Got you."
"If you guys are done flirting," Clary's teasing voice filled my ears, reminding me that she was still here, "I'd like to train- please."
I slip away from Alec and looked at her, "Come on, red head."
Clary looks at Alec as she walks over to us, "Why did you let your mom say all those awful things about Izzy?"
I step back, leaning against my staff, as I watched Alec and Clary's staff hit.
"Don't step into the strike, step through it." I instruct right away when I notice was she was doing wrong as I looked at Alec, "Yeah, why was I the one to stand up for her and not you? I mean, I don't even know her- you're her brother."
"Izzy was out of bounds." Alec's staff hit against Clary's, "The law is hard but it's the law- even I forget that sometimes."
Clary scoffs, "So, you're just gonna let her send Jace out instead of you?"
"If I screw up, I expect to be punished." Alec held his form, "I'm supposed to be a leader."
"Not a very good one, I might add." I remark, tilting my head as I looked at him, "Leaders don't just stand and watch as their partners get criticized."
"She's right- and you know what a leader does, Alec?" Clary stepped back, "Makes decisions."
"You guys need to find Valentine and stop him." Clary said, "I need to find Valentine and help save my mother."
Then, her words are followed by a grunt when Alec had flipped her onto the ground.
I looked at Clary, "You need to work on your defense."
"What do you think?" Alec was annoyed, "Do you think we haven't been trying to find your mother?"
"Yeah, I've been so caught up in your bullshit that I haven't even had time to think about how I'm going to get my memories back." I ran a hand through my hair.
"Of course you have- you all have helped." Clary looks at me, forcing herself up, "Even if some of us claim that they're not on the right side."
I roll my eyes, placing a hand on my hip.
"But- I know you can color outside the lines." Clary hit his staff, "You're just not letting yourself think that way."
"Oh, yeah?" Alec scoffs, "What's the big thought I'm not thinking?"
"We can still find Valentine." Clary told us, standing straight, "I might know a way."
I grew curious, "What way?"
"My mother hid a lot from me, but I did see one thing there's a box." Clary mentioned, "She didn't think I knew about it, but- she opened it once a year and cried."
Alec pauses and stood straight, "'Cause?"
"It belonged to my- our, father." Clary inhales sharply, "Had his initials, JC, on top."
"Are you illiterate?" I blink, "Our father's Valentine. I don't know if it's just me but- V and JC don't really- look the same?"
"For 18 years, she told me his name was Jonathan Clark." Clary interjected, "It was a lie- but, whatever was in that box meant a lot to her, maybe there's something inside that could help us track him."
Alec questions, "Where can we find the box?"
"I think it's still back at the loft." Clary looks between us, "Let's go get it, what do you say?"
"I say we go for it." I tossed my staff to Clary, her catching he but barely, as I grabbed my leather jacket and slipped it on, "I'm always up for an adventure."
"Absolutely not." Alec denied right away, shaking his head, eyeing me, "Not without permission."
"Alec." I grabbed the two staffs from Clary and walked over to him, humor playing at my tone, "Could you be a doll and put these away for me?"
Alec stares at me suspiciously, grabbing the bo staff's from me and turns away, walking to where the staffs rested.
"Go, go, go!" I whisper shouted to Clary, pushing her along and away from Alec, running out of sight before he could notice.
"Why'd you run out?" Alec's voice made me sigh dramatically and roll my eyes, feeling his body right behind me as I stood next to Clary.
"Oh, man." I looked up and back at him, giving him a straight smile, "Buzzkill's here."
"And what's the point of an Invisibility rune if you don't silence your phone?" Alec asked, as Clary dug through her back for her phone, "That was childish, sneaking out like that."
"Uh, yeah- I was actually just about to say that." I cross my arms and stood straight, noticing how he used my hair tie to track me down.
"Simon, hey." Clary answered the phone and stepped away from Alec and I, "I know I should have called you right back- I'm really sorry, are you okay?"
Alec looked down at me, "I can't believe you snuck out with her-"
"Will you chill?" I completely faced him, "She's safe with me, also- do you have five bucks?"
Alec was slightly confused, "What?"
I pointed at the coffee shop down the street, "Five bucks."
"I'll get you one another time." Alec walked over to Clary as she began to tell Simon where she was heading, "Hang up, that's it, we have to go."
"No- I'm on my way to the loft." Clary continues to tell Simon as I joined them, "There's something there that I think could help me find my mother."
"Are you crazy? That's way too dangerous." Simon said through the line, "You think nobody's watching that place?"
"I'm fine." Clary assured him, "I'm with Zee and Alec."
"And those words are supposed to make me feel better how?" Simon asked, "Yeah, I'm coming to help."
Clary denied, "No, Simon, you've been through enough already."
"So have you." Simon shot back, "Meet me at the old shortcut, you know the one."
"Are you kidding me?" I shot at her the minute she hung up, "The mundie's joining us?"
"Mundanes." Alec looked over my head, "Look at them, running around like ants."
"Can you stop being so miserable for just a moment?" I hit his arm, "This is gonna be fun."
Clary crosses her arms, "Yeah- why do you always look so miserable?"
Alec looks between us, "I don't."
"You do." Clary decided to confront him right there, "It must be hard being in love with Zee since she doesn't remember anything."
I was completely caught off guard, but I was enjoying this.
Alec looked like his entire life had been exposed but he quickly recovered, "Excuse me?"
"What's the big deal?" Clary asked, scoffing, "I was there when that memory came out. Busted, no?"
Alec shook his head, "You're wrong, her and I spoke about this earlier."
"And you probably just lied to her and made her believe something that isn't true." Clary crosses her arms, "Alec, just say it, you'll feel better, you're in love with Zee."
"Hold on, okay-" My palms were at my temples in confusion, "Are you confronting him for me?"
Alec shook his head, "Forget it, you're wrong."
"Alec, we have a real problem to solve, okay?" Clary exhales deeply, "Come with Zee and I."
I didn't think much of whatever this conversation was. I didn't know what love felt like to begin with, so I didn't have an opinion on this.
She walks away and I follow her, Alec dragging himself behind us, "This better be quick."
"Hey-" Clary ran over to Simon when we walked through the alley, hugging him, "Oh, thanks for being here."
"You don't need to do this alone." Simon held her tightly, "It's not who we are."
"Well, she wasn't alone." I placed my hands on my waist, stopping next to Alec, "But, of course."
Clary glanced at for a moment, then pulled away and looked back at Simon, "Are you sure you're feeling up to this?"
"Yeah, it's just a cold." Simon shrugs it off, "Not the end of the world."
"The world's been ending for a thousand years, you get used to it." Alec spoke up, his tone dismissive, "Now, we need to move."
Clary nods and points, "Yeah, my mom's loft is just across the alley."
"All right, we have to be careful." I nod towards them, "There are eyes all over this place and everybody in the Shadow World's looking for you."
"I mean, I guarantee you, no one's gonna find this shortcut." Simon looks between Alec and I, "I used to take it back in middle school to see Clary."
"Mundie-" I held my palm out, waving it in front of him, "Just- enough."
"You might know the Shadow World, but trust me I know Brooklyn." Simon said to us, before running off and jumping up the wall.
Alec and I looked extremely confused, but regardless, him and I followed after a shocked Clary, who went after her best friend.
Clary watched as Simon practically jumped up the fire escape, landing on the higher platform as leaves and vines were surrounding us all, "Have you been doing parkour or something?"
Clary follows him up, as he smiled down at her, "You've gotten a lot better at this."
I went up the ladder, grabbing the railing, swinging myself up and landing on the higher platform with ease, Alec meeting me there.
Clary eyed him, pleased as she followed him up the steps, "I was just gonna say the same thing about you."
"Climbing a fire escape excites mundanes." Alec remarked to me as we went up the steps, "I'll never understand these people."
"Couldn't agree more." I muttered, joining Clary and Simon at the top, Alec by my side.
"Whoa!" Clary looked around at the colorful runes on the brick walls, "I don't remember it like this."
Alec takes notice of them as well, "These are runes and wards of protection cast by a warlock."
Clary thought out loud, "Dot."
"Some of these have been here for years." I touched a rune, examining all of them.
Clary exhales deeply, looking as well, "The only difference is now I can actually see them."
"Yo, Clary." Simon calls out from the other side of the railing, looking at a wall, "What are all these tags?"
I looked at him suspiciously, my hand stopping and resting on the wall, "You can see the runes?"
Simon stammers nervously, "Yeah, kind of hard to miss."
"For a Shadowhunter." Alec stood behind me, my back facing him as I faced the wall, my head turned toward Simon, "They should be invisible to most mundanes."
I turn fully to face Simon, my eyes squinting, now showing how suspicious I was, "When did you get the Sight?"
"I don't know." Simon crosses his arms and I could see him fidgeting, "But- whoever drew these should take some lessons from Clary. Their, uh, work is pretty sloppy."
"Okay, what the hell is going on?" I stepped closer, calling him out, "The last time I saw you, I had you on the ground with just a flick of my wrist, and now you suddenly have The Sight and can jump over walls and up the fire escape like a chimpanzee?"
Simon shrugs at me, his voice shaky but firm, "I told you- I don't know."
I looked at Alec, the look of suspicion not leaving my face, and Alec had the same look on his.
Clary smiled at something on the wall, as it was a heart with their initials in it, "This is from when Simon and I were engaged to be married."
I crossed my arms, the look on my face showing them that this was the stupidest thing I've ever heard, "That's the whole point of getting engaged- to get married, you didn't need to say that- like really."
"You were engaged?" Alec's expression doesn't change, "I'm almost certain I don't wanna hear this story-"
Simon interjects, recalling the memory as Alec rolls his eyes, "We were eight years old."
"That was a whole other world ago." Clary's finger traced the heart, her eyes glued to it.
Before either of them could continue, I went to the door and grabbed the knob, "Yeah, don't even bother because Alec and I don't care, and we should really be moving."
I grunt as I repeatedly pulled the knob, but it jammed shut. My foot was on the frame, as I pulled harder, grunting again.
"Let me give it a go-" Clary walks over as I took a few steps back to where I stood by Alec.
"Oh yeah-" I sarcastically spoke, crossing my arms, "If I can't get it open, of course you can- why didn't I think of that?"
Clary tries, but gets the same result, "There's only one flaw in your plan here, Simon."
"Here, let me try." Simon walked over and grabs the knob, pulling it and prying the door off it's hinges with ease, "After you."
Alec and I immediately exchange looks.
Alec's eyebrows were furrowed in suspicion, and the hard look on his face made him look even more attractive.
I shared the same look, and tried to focus on the mission and not Alec, the fact of how Simon was acting crossing my mind.
Clary and Simon walked into the apartment, as Alec and I slowly followed, looking around.
"Holy crap, Clary." Simon looked around, "Who torched your loft?"
Then, he notices Alec and I glaring at him in suspicion, "Yeah, I can see this, too."
"Hey." He walked over to Clary, "You okay?"
Clary looked around her ash filled room, all her things and belongings destroyed, "There's nothing left of me here."
"Of course, there isn't." Alec said, "Your mother was trying to erase any trace that you existed, so that you couldn't be tracked- she was protecting you."
Clary scoffs, "Let's see how well that worked."
I placed a hand on my hip and looked at her with my head tilted, "You're alive, aren't you?"
"These floorboards-" Simon's voice filled our ears, along with two different squeaks, "They sound different in these two spots."
"Can't you hear it?" Simon crouched and pushes away ashes and things from the ground, "There's something under here."
Simon pulled out a floorboard from the ground, setting it to the side, revealing a space underneath, "Another score for Brooklyn."
"Hey, move-" I interject before Simon could put his arm into the whole as he steps away.
Simon stumbles next to Clary, "You're welcome."
I crouch, getting onto my knees and stuck my arm down, my fingertips brushing against a wood-like surface.
I stretch my arm farther, except I couldn't reach it.
"There's something down here." I pulled my arm around, "I can't reach it."
"It's because your arms are short." Alec kneeled next to me and places a hand on my back, stretching his arm in, feeling around for what I felt.
My hair fell from behind my ears and hid my face like a curtain as I bit my lip to him putting a hand on my back.
He pulls out the box, "Is this the box you remember?"
"Yeah." Clary took it as I quickly recover, "She used to wait till she thought I was asleep and then take it out."
"Well, let's open it." Simon urged as Alec and I got up, watching Clary.
Clary opened the box, revealing baby booties and a few other items, "I don't know what any of this is."
"How does a pair of baby booties help us locate my father?" I cross my arms, staring at her with a straight look on my face.
Then, there was a crash that sounded that made us all react quickly and turn to where it came from.
"There's someone here." I walked to the door, already taking lead, "Get what you need."
"Do not move until we get back." Alec told Clary and Simon, "We've been here too long."
Alec and I left them and went outside, hopping down the fire escape and to the ground.
I held my kindjals tightly, as Alec already deglamoured his bow and quiver.
A dark haired wolf ran through the bushes, Alec and I staying close as we eyed our surroundings, our backs to each other.
The wolf ran around us, making us do multiple 360's, Alec shooting an arrow at it when it showed itself.
The wolf dodged it and ran through the alley, my eyes falling on the road where Clary and Simon were being shoved into a black car by two men despite Clary's protests.
"Alec-" My eyes went wide, "It was a distraction-"
When Alec sees what I'm looking at, him and I bolt down the alley, but it was too late as the car sped off.
"Will you calm down?" I watched Alec as he threw a box at the wall, making me do a double take, "Actually, wait- do that again, that was hot-"
Before Alec could reply, Jace walked in with Isabelle right behind him, "Where is she? Where's Clary?"
I exhale deeply, "She's gone."
Isabelle looks between us, "What do you mean, gone?"
"She and Simon got arrested when Zee and I were securing the fire escape." Alec told them, looking everywhere but Jace, "We got distracted."
Jace didn't look happy, "The mundane was here?"
I hum in response, "Jealous?"
"Simon?" Isabelle's eyes were wide, "He's gone, too?"
"It was an unmarked car." Alec stuttered, "We don't know where they took her."
"What did you do, Alec?" Jace was laying this all on him, and I could see all the regret and hurt on Alec's expression, as Jace grabbed one of Clary's drawings and left the room.
"Damn it- she's not showing up." Jace sighed, looking back at Alec as we stood in the alley, "We need to parabatai track."
Alec walks over, Jace drawing the rune on his palm, as they held the drawing, trying to track Clary.
"Alec, concentrate." Jace said, inhaling sharply, "Alec!"
"I'm doing it." Alec sighed deeply and stepped back, letting go of the drawing, "She's not showing up."
"Just like I thought." Isabelle walks over to us, "She wasn't arrested."
Jace spun to face Alec, his tone laced with anger, "It was your job to look after her."
Alec doesn't move, "I did my best, Jace."
Jace scoffs in spite, "Then maybe your mother was right, and your best is just isn't good enough-"
Isabelle didn't like this, "Jace!"
"Clary and Zee snuck out." Alec stares at him, "I went after her to protect them- I did nothing you haven't done a thousand times before."
"Yes, you did, because Zee can handle herself just fine- but, Clary-" Jace glared at him, "You lost her."
I came between them and shoved Jace back with all the force my body could come up with, as he stumbled back, staring at me with wide, anger and alert eyes.
Alec gaped down at me, and Isabelle looked between Jace and I.
"That's enough, okay?" I raised my voice, stepping closer to him, "I mean- what the hell, at this point? You've known this girl for what- three days and you're literally raising hell for her?"
Jace stayed silent, staring at me, breathing heavily.
"Are you so blinded by your feelings for Clary, you've lost sight of Alec and Izzy?" I scoffed deeply, "Because that- is so low, even for you."
"You're laying this all on Alec, and for what? Because we left your helpless girlfriend alone for one minute to secure the perimeter to make sure she's safe?" I shot at him, "Pay attention to how I emphasized we, because I've been here too. I initiated this entire thing, and you're giving Alec crap about it?"
Jace looked down, not daring to make eye contact with me.
"You're not helping this situation at all." I looked between Alec and Jace, noticing how Alec was staring at me in what looked like shock, "You're only making it more difficult and if that's how it's going to be, Alec, Izzy and I will find her."
Jace exhales deeply and finally looked up, "Whoever took Clary and Simon must be holding them over a body of water. That's why our tracking rune won't work."
Suddenly, a phone ringing filled our ears and Isabelle looks at the backpack on the stairs, "Clary left her phone in her backpack."
Jace was quick to grab it and answer it, "Hello?"
"Oh, I thought I'd never utter these words, but thank God it's you." Simon's nervous voice filled the line, "It's me, Simon."
"Where are you?" Jace asked, as we all huddled around him, "Where's Clary?"
"I don't know- some Chinese restaurant, I think?" Simon stammers, "This cop Alaric arrested us, but it was a total fake-out. Him and his buddy, they took us to their hangout and then they told Clary that they'll kill her if they don't find the Cup."
"Just calm down, all right?" I spoke up, "Tell us what you see."
"Okay, uh, we're definitely on a pier, there's a ton of water." There was shuffling across the line, "Uh- I see lockers and- I'm in some sort of torture chamber, there's claw marks all over the wall."
Isabelle looks up, "Werewolves."
"That's possible." Alec nods.
"It's positive." I looked between them, "The distraction was a wolf."
"Okay, Simon, you need to get more specific." Jace said, "Tell us what you see, help us find you-"
"There's nothing else that can help- wait, hold on!" There was crinkling sounds on the other line, "I'm at the Jade Wolf Chinese Restaurant on the pier at Greene St- and they have really inexpensive cocktails. Just hurry, just hurry."
"You need to create a diversion." Jace told him, handing Alec the phone and pulling out his own, "Stall them."
"How?" Simon asked, "All I have are clothes and a lighter."
Jace simply spoke, "Start a fire, Simon."
"That never works!" Simon shot back, "Have you ever seen an action movie?"
"We're on our way." Jace hung up.
The night had fallen and we had all arrived at the Jade Wolf, ready for anything.
Jace, Alec and I went after Clary, while Isabelle went after to Simon, as well all ran through the night.
We all heard Clary's distant cry, "Where are you taking me?"
"Someplace safe." A deeper voice followed hers as we skid around the corner, "These people aren't messing around, they will kill you."
"Alec!" I called out when we stopped in front of him, my eyes landing on Clary slung over a older man's shoulder.
The man's eyes slightly widen, "Zee?"
"Put her down!" Jace's foot came in contact with the back of the man's leg, sending them onto the ground, Alec catching Clary, then he knocks him out.
"Wait- wait-" I point at the man in the ground, out of breath from running here, "He knows me too?"
"We can talk about that later, we need to find Simon!" Clary ran off alone, making me roll my eyes hard.
"I'm really getting sick of her." I huffed, running after her, Alec and Jace right on my tail.
"Clary!" Simon shouted, running over to Clary as we all met up in front of the Jade Wolf.
"Simon!" Clary ran into his arms, "Are you okay? I was so worried-"
"Why do I come anymore?" I looked between Isabelle, Jace and Alec, gesturing to them, "Like- that's just, not cute-"
Jace interjects, "I hate to break up this little reunion, but we got a bunch of werewolves trying to kill us so maybe we should get going-"
"Wait, wait, the box." Clary stops us, "My backpack- I think I left it at the loft."
"No, we've got it." Alec told her, looking away, "I didn't screw up everything."
I looked at him, and for a moment, I felt guilty for him.
Simon nods quickly, "Let's get out of here, then."
"Wait, Simon!" Isabelle stops him before he could make any more movement, "Whatever you do, do not make any fast moves."
We were surrounded by the entire pack of wolves, their eyes glowing bright green in the fog that enveloped around us.
We all huddled together, Simon and Clary between us, our backs to them as we looked around, guarding them, our weapons out.
Jace pulled out his seraph blade, "This can't be good."
"We're surrounded." Alec had his bow and arrow aimed, "Everyone, stay together."
Simon stutters, staying as close to Clary as possible, "Believe me, I'm not going anywhere."
Jace raises his voice when a wolf walks out of the Jade Wolf, bigger than everyone else, "Everyone, get back, that's the alpha leader!"
All our attention was now on that alpha, and it was like fear was radiating off of us, and he took advantage of that, growling as he slowly came closer.
"You know what-" I held the grips on my kindjals tightly, beginning to step away from them.
Jace grabs my arm with his free hand, "What the hell are you doing?"
"Let go of me." I pulled my arm from him, flipping my kindjals in my hands, walking away from them and towards the alpha, despite everyone's protests and fear that I could get hurt, "I'm not scared."
The alpha snarled, leaping towards me.
Right as I was ready to pierce my swords into the alpha, a wolf launched from behind me and prevented the alpha from even hovering over me, as they landed behind the dumpster.
Alec was the first to run over to me, "You could've gotten yourself killed-"
My eyes were glued to the two wolves fighting behind the dumpster and crates, "I wasn't scared."
Jace, Isabelle, Simon and Clary join us, recreating the huddle that we had previously, as we all watched what was happening.
I swallow hard, completely caught off guard on why a Downworlder would try and save any of us, or in particular, me, "He's challenging the alpha."
Clary's eyes don't leave the wolves, "He's helping us!"
Simon stammers, "Or cutting in line to kill us."
Then, a bright light shined from behind the dumpster, a man on the ground, dead.
Isabelle spoke as we all slowly inched closer, "The alpha's dead."
Then from behind the dumpster, the same man from before emerged, claw marks on his chest, hat were using with blood, his shirt teared up, him breathing heavily.
Clary gasped, "Oh, my God, Luke."
All the wolves around us howled loudly, changing back into their normal selves, bowing to Luke.
"What is it?" Clary asked when this happened, "What's happening?"
"When a werewolf kills the alpha leader, he becomes the new alpha." Jace looked around, letting his guard down, "Your friend Luke's the leader of the pack now."
Luke looked at me, "Zee."
I leaned back lightly, confusion crossing over my features, "Man that I don't know."
"I promised your mother- that I'd always protect you." Luke's voice was strained, looking between Clary and I, "Both of you."
Then he was falling, as I shove my kindjals in my sheaths and caught him, "Wow-"
"Luke!" Clary ran over to Luke and I, "Oh, my God!"
Simon joins us, as I held Luke up, Simon wrapping one of his arms around himself.
"Hey-" Alec grabbed onto Jace's arm before he could walk over to us, "We need to get Clary back to the Institute and stay out of Downworlder business."
"Why don't you stay out of it?" Jace shot back at him, "I'm going to help Clary."
Alec stares at him, "We have to report back to our mother."
"You and Isabelle can do that." Jace said, inhaling sharply, "I'll be fine on my own."
Jace walks over to us, "His wounds are deep, only a warlock's magic can cure an alpha's bite."
"We have to get him to Magnus." Clary nods quickly, worry on her expression.
"As much as my father wouldn't approve of this-" I put Luke's arm around me, "Let's go."
Alec looks at me, "Zee."
"No hard feelings- but, I do what I want." I held Luke up the best I could with Simon, "Luke saved my life- so, I'm going to help save his."
Clary was already running toward the car, "We have to get him to his car."
"Here, I'll drive-" Simon handed Luke off to Jace and ran after Clary, "I'm the only one with a mundane license-"
I helped Luke to the car with Jace, leaving Alec and Isabelle behind, "Come on, we got you."
authors note:
i literally just-
i love zee's character in this so much like-
like idk how to describe her at this point but she's so omg-
agh they're goals
holly marie combs plays margaret young btw !
vote and comment loadsss
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