"Damn it, Jonathan!" I blurted out, gripping onto the hall frame when I had stumbled at the sudden movement at him moving the apartment, "What the hell was that?-"
"Don't worry." Jonathan stood up straight, "Just a little change of locale."
This made me quickly rush to the balcony doors and push them open, my eyes instantly falling onto the Eiffel Tower.
My expression dropped.
No where near New York.
"What's wrong?" Jonathan slowly followed me outside, "You're in Paris. I thought you'd be happy."
"Happy?" My head snapped toward Jonathan, my eyes squinting to a glare, "What- did you think I was going to be ecstatic about the fact that I've lost everything and now I'm bonded to my sickening, incestuous brother for life?"
"I take it you're afraid of our little bond." Jonathan stares at me, "I forgive you for trying to kill me, by the way."
"I didn't apologize." I walked away from him and back into the apartment, "What the hell do you know about this anyway? Is there anything else I need to know that this damn rune is going to do to me or is it just the sharing a life force- one gets hurts, the other does too-"
"Not that I know of," Jonathan trails off, following me back into the apartment, "Well, if we can't be enemies, perhaps we'll be allies."
I almost laugh, "You're kidding."
"We never got a chance to really know each other-" Jonathan began to say, "And what better place than Paris? Home of Renoir, Matisse, Van Gogh and now? Morgenstern."
I stared at him, crossing my arms, "The only thing stopping me from punching you right now is the fact that I'd probably bust my own lip open too-"
Jonathan inhales sharp and takes a step back, "I'm gonna go get us some food- maybe when I get back, we could talk about hobbies- like playing your drums-"
I watched him turn away, my eyes slightly widening at a thought in my head, "Jonathan, wait!-"
He stopped and looked at me.
"Take me with you." I baited him, walking towards him, "If you really wanna get to know me, you can't keep me locked up in here- and what's the point of bringing me to Paris if I don't get to breathe the air outside?"
Jonathan begins, "I'm afraid it's not that simple-"
"Only you would make it seem like it's not." I shot him a look, "What the hell am I gonna do? Run away? Get caught by the Clave- get sentenced straight back to death?"
Jonathan took a slow step towards me, "How can I be sure you're telling me the truth?"
"You can't." I shrug just lightly, "You're just gonna have to trust me."
Jonathan took a step closer, "Does that mean that you trust me?"
"You haven't earned my trust yet." I stood my ground, "Maybe if you can prove to me you're worth all of this nonsense- I'll consider it."
Jonathan stares at me, and from the look on his face, I knew I had won him over.
"See what you can find." Jonathan said to me after he had opened up a closet to find me a change of clothes before we had left to spend the day in Paris.
"This is all horrid." I immediately blurted, looking through the closet, "Is there not just one leather jacket in here-"
"These belonged to Lilith." Jonathan stepped out of the closet, "Happily, she won't be needing them any longer."
"Yeah, well- this closet looks like something Magnus would try and force on me." I muttered under my breath before grabbing a turtleneck sweater and a blazer, the two seeming to be the only things that lacked sparkle and color, before grabbing a pair of boots and heading over to the foldable wall.
I looked at myself in the mirror, slipping out of my shirt and grabbing the slim white turtleneck, until I felt someone's stare on my back.
I knew it was Jonathan.
That sick bastard.
I turned my head lightly and locked eyes with him, noticing him watching me from where he was, only catching a glimpse my bare skin from the side.
Anger sparked in my chest, my impulsive thoughts encouraging me to dig my fingernails into my arm and drag them up my skin, watching as Jonathan hissed and quickly looked down at his breaking flesh.
I hadn't realized how hard I was piercing my nails into my skin until I noticed the blood seeping from his scratches.
Jonathan grabbed out his stele and healed the scratches, looking up at me but I was quick to hide further behind the wall, watching as the scratches faded from my arm.
I inhaled sharp, before putting on my clothes and shoes, stepping out from behind the wall, fixing my sleeve.
Jonathan's eyes landed on me, "You look gorgeous."
I said nothing.
"Good choice on the turtleneck- Paris is home to the world's the largest Institute, and we're both on the run, so- best to keep our runes covered." Jonathan put on his coat and stares at me, "You're not going to ask me to change your hair?"
I dryly reply, "I think I'll be fine."
"Don't be silly- you're Zee Morgenstern, anyone who is anyone could spot you anywhere-" Jonathan walked back into the closet and then came out with a wide trimmed fedora, placing it on my head, "Better."
[ third person's pov ]
"These are the coordinates." Jace exhaled when they landed in Siberia by portal after Luke had an insane theory that Zee wasn't dead, "It must have touched down here-"
"Jace- I don't understand why we're here-" Clary couldn't grip the thought of her sister being alive after watching Isabelle's rune fade and stay gone, "Izzy's parabatai rune was gone-"
"The apartment moved, Clary- there has to be some sort of explanation-" He told his girlfriend, taking off his mask that was holding a barrier between his skin and the freezing cold air, "There- that cabin-"
Luke was ahead, "Let's take a look around."
"This is a hopeless mission!" Clary couldn't handle the pain of this insane theory of theirs, having a strong hunch that it would end with hope being ripped from them, "So what if the apartment moved? If Zee were alive, Isabelle's rune would still be visible- she can't feel her anymore, I- I don't understand why we're doing this-"
"I don't care about Isabelle's rune, Clary-" Jace looked at her with slight wide eyes, knowing she was right, but he was clinging to straws, "Lilith could've done something to her- she could be held captive- I just- I can't just sit back in New York when she could be out there- needing us- our help-"
"I got tracks!" Luke's sudden shout caught both their attention, putting their little bicker session to a halt, "They look like a female's-"
Jace and Clary rushed over to him, a trail of footsteps leading down the snow before there was a halt, then continuing of the tracks.
Jace was quick to get to where the tracks stopped, observing the snow that had pushed down into the ground as if someone had fallen.
Jace pushed over the snow that had fallen overtop, digging through the branches under it before his eyes fell onto shining sliver, pulling out the necklace Margaret had given Zee when she had first shown up.
"That's-" Clary was in shock when she reached him, realizing how wrong she was, "That's her necklace-"
"It's her. It's her- there's no other explanation-" Jace looked up at the two, his eyes teary with relief and his hands slightly shaky while holding the necklace, "If she died in New York, her necklace wouldn't be all the way over here- she's- she's still alive- she tried getting away-"
"The tracks- they keep going-" Luke was already rushing down the half covered tracks, Jace and Clary rushing behind him immediately, only for them to come to a stop at the end of the hill, their eyes falling onto a dent in the snow as if she had fallen again at the bottom of the hill.
Clary inhales sharply, his eyes wide with fear for her older sister, "She must have come this far and then collapsed-"
Luke points are the dent and then the tracks trailing back to the cabin, "Well, whoever was after her must have picked her up and carried her back to the apartment."
"It was Jonathan." Jace breathed out in fright.
Luke looks at him, "What?"
"He was in the sarcophagus when the Mark of Cain went off." Jace looked between them, "He must have escaped too."
Clary stares up at him, "So- you think Lilith actually brought him back to life?"
"Yeah- he has her-" Jace held onto the necklace tightly, "Wherever she is, she needs us- and we need to find her."
[ zee's pov ]
"Feels like another century, doesn't it?" Jonathan sat across from me at a outdoor café he had brought me to, "It's perfect- and, after everything we've been through, we deserve a little peace."
"We?" I snipped at him dryly, "If I recall correctly, I was used as a pawn to resurrect you- what the hell did you go through lying in a damn coffin?"
Jonathan shot me a look before thanking the waiter that brought me a croissant he had ordered from me, "Go on- taste it. It's the best thing you'll ever had-"
I looked from the croissant, to him, "You think I want to have a meal with you?"
"I know, I know-" Jonathan poured me some hot chocolate, "Just- please. You haven't had anything for days- you're completely dehydrated and malnourished."
"I wonder why." I shot him a glare before reluctantly sitting up and picking up the croissant, biting into it.
And god did it taste like the best thing I've ever had.
"I told you." Jonathan couldn't help but softly laugh at me shoving half the croissant into my mouth due to my now growling stomach, "They'll bring you another if you want- you're attacking that like a wolverine."
His words ruined my appetite, making me drop the croissant back onto the plate, "Sorry, I didn't have time to eat after I passed out in the Arctic."
Jonathan purses his lips before inhaling sharply, "You know- this was the first place I came after I escaped Edom."
I stared at him with a blank expression, "I don't care about your life story, Jonathan."
"I know you don't." Jonathan continued anyways, "I was hideous- burned raw from my mother's little love marks, so I huddled in a hoodie, hoping no one would notice me."
"Love marks?" I grimace, "Oh- god, don't tell me she was into all of this incest bullshit too- you guys are really screwed up-"
"Will you just shut it and listen to me?" Jonathan cut me off, "I'm trying to get you to understand-"
I barely react, "You're wasting your breath."
"Never." Jonathan shook his head slowly and then inhales, "I sat here- at this very table, hoping no one would notice- but, it was clear they did no matter how hard I tried- I felt like a disgrace until the most beautiful boy came and asked if he could share my table."
"He looked me right in the face." Jonathan exhaled slow, "It's like my burns weren't even there."
For a moment, I was no longer being rude to him, "Sebastian Verlac."
"He was so- good- so full of light." Jonathan said to me, "He was everything I wanted to be."
I scoff, "So you kidnap and murder him?"
"Murder was never part of the plan." Jonathan immediately said to me, "But- seeing the hate in his eyes every time I would bring him his meals- it made me feel like a monster."
"And all the time I was at the Institute, I-" Jonathan stammers, "I was terrified that you would all find out who I really was and hate me too."
"This is a joke, right?" I stared at him with a now blank expression once more, "You slit my throat open- you hurt Max- almost killed both Alec and Jace-"
"I know and I'm so sorry." Jonathan stares into my eyes, "I never wanted to hurt any of you- just Valentine."
I didn't say anything.
"The way that you and the Lightwoods took me in- it made me want to be good." Jonathan's words made my heart ache, "For the first time in my life, people cared- can you imagine what that feels like?"
I knew exactly how that felt.
It was what happened when I first showed up.
What made me fall in love with that life.
To try and be a better person.
To fight for love.
I couldn't even muster a insult to those words because of how much I related to it.
"Yes." My voice fell weak when I finally spoke after a few silent moments, staring off into nothing, "The Lightwoods were the reason I stayed at the Institute in the first place- they were always there for me no matter what I said- or did-"
Jonathan didn't know what I was talking about, "What do you mean?"
"I was a terrible person before I met the Lightwoods." I finally locked eyes with him, feeling my eyes starting to water, "They changed me- they made me- a much better person than I was- they saw through the person I'd become and made me good again- and now, I've lost them all."
"I know it's sad, Zee." Jonathan reaches over the table to grab my hand, "But- I can be there for you now, if you'll let me."
I pulled my hand from his touch and blinked my tears away, "Like hell, Jonathan-"
Jonathan opened his mouth to speak, but looked at the clock when it rang, "Damn it- uh, we have to leave-"
"There's an antique dealer in Saint-Germain who keeps odd hours." Jonathan walked me down a bridge after we had left, "I was thinking we could pay a visit."
"Really?" I stare at him, my voice completely monotone, "An antiques dealer?"
He looks at me but says nothing else.
"Jonathan." I roll my eyes and crossed my arms as I walked, "Look, if you expect me to warm up to you- you've gotta be straight with me."
"It was supposed to be a surprise." Jonathan began trailing off, "The Morning Star Sword has surfaced in n Par. I was going to give it to you as a gift."
"A sword." I repeated his words, "You were gonna give me a sword as a gift? Are you insane? Try money- that's a gift I'll always accept-"
Jonathan shot me a look, "It's an ancient family relic, a symbol of Morgenstern dignity."
I scoffed, "Oh, wow- Morgenstern and dignity in the same sentence- never thought I'd live to see the day where I'd hear that."
"Our family used to be great heroes until Valentine disgraced our name." Jonathan said to me, "It is up to us to change that."
I was no longer listening to him, as my eyes had caught the attention of something else.
A Shadowhunter.
One with a stele.
That was just hanging out in his pocket waiting to be stolen. And I'd gladly oblige.
But first, I pulled down my turtleneck just enough.
I took the chance and bumped into him when he passed by, grabbing the stele and slipping it into my sleeve as Jonathan shouted at him, "Hey- watch where you're going!"
"I'm sorry, it's my bad!" I blurted out, keeping my arms behind my back, praying he didn't notice I stole his stele, "Je suis une touriste stupid-"
"Y a pas de soucis, mademoiselle." Relief washed over me when he gave me a simple nod and walked away from us.
[ third person's pov ]
"We can confirm that the apartment jumped again early this morning." Jace told Alec and Magnus when they had met up in the Ops Center, Luke and Clary trailing behind them.
Luke continued, "And we have good reason to believe that Zee was in it."
"You're saying she might still be alive?" There was a light in Alec's eyes, a glimmer of hope, "How?"
"I don't know." Jace admitted and held up the necklace, "But- we found this in Siberia- if she wasn't still alive- this wouldn't have ended up there, Alec- there are too many clues-"
"This is her necklace." Alec slowly took the necklace from his hand, a wave of relief washing over him.
All he could think about now was reuniting with her.
"We can't explain what's happened to Izzy's rune, but- we know she's out there-" Jace exhaled.
Clary nodded slowly, "The problem is she could be anywhere-"
"Well, not anywhere." Magnus cut in, "Inter- dimensional domiciles run along ley line grids, based on the apartment's size and power, there are only a handful of habitable regions with grid junctions large enough to support it."
"All right- well, let's get a list of all places that fit the prole and check any nearby Institututes for unusual activity." Alec was already taking lead, wanting to find her as soon as possible, not doubting Jace for a second, "Magnus, you must have some international warlock friends who could keep an eye out for us? Anything that could hint that it's her-"
Magnus nodded instantly, "Well, I'm not one to name drop, but- I'll make a few calls."
"Even if we check all these places, it's still like finding a needle in a hay stack." Luke pointed out.
"Then we better start now." Jace looked up at his parabatai, "Hey- we are going to find her."
[ zee's pov ]
"I'm sure you can make an exception." I watched Jonathan negotiate with the man behind the counter in the antique shop, "Coins from dead men's eyes- a particular favourite of the Vetis demon- don't ask me why."
"Damn-" I point, "He's a demon?"
"Not to worry, our friend-" Jonathan gestured, as the man fills in the blank, "Our friend Mirek is relatively harmless- part of the Greater Demon middle class that rarely gets mentioned."
"They live quietly among us, working at our banks schools, brothels, gently stoking the lesser vices- for the most part, they sail under the radar." Jonathan explained to me, "You know, I'll bet Mirek here hasn't gotten so much as a jay-walking ticket."
Mirek stares, "What do you want?"
"The Morning Star Sword." Jonathan began, "I hear you have it, and I'd like to make a deal."
"I'll speak with you, but that one- outside." Mirek's pointing at me made me smirk, "Phew! I can smell your Nephilim blood from here."
"My sister and I are rather- attached." Jonathan tried, "I'd prefer if she stayed."
"I've stayed out of the Institute's sight for years- I won't have any trouble now." Mirek waves off, "Come back tomorrow without her."
"So you can disappear overnight with your treasures?" Jonathan takes a step closer to him, "I don't think so-"
"Hey!-" I cut him, walking over to Jonathan, "Why don't I just wait outside- hm? How does that sound?"
Jonathan looks at me, a hesitant look on his face.
"What?" I stared, "What am I gonna do? Run?"
[ third person's pov ]
"I think I've got something." Alec's words caught the others' attention almost immediately, as he had not stopped working ever since he found out that Zee might still be alive, "A Shadowhunter in Paris just rerted his stele missing."
Alec wouldn't rest until he found her.
He wouldn't stop searching.
He was determined to get her back home to him.
Especially since she had been exonerated of all crimes for saving Consul Penhallow's life.
At first, when he was told his heart had shattered.
But now? He was eager to put that into effect.
He had been on edge ever since she was pulled from Magnus' apartment in handcuffs after being sentenced to death.
He had been filled with relief when he heard that she was broken out, but the pang of fear and pain returned to his heart when she had supposedly died in the explosion.
Alec's heart couldn't take more disappointment.
All he knew was that he needed to see her again.
"Do they have any suspects?" Jace asked instantly, coming to his parabatai's side, his eyes skimming over what Alec had brought up for them to see.
"They think it's a rogue Shadowhunter." Alec looked up at them, "A young woman."
"It says here that there's an agony rune at the base of her neck." Jace stared at the description, his heart leaping in his chest, "This is her. I know it-"
Jace could recall exactly when she got that rune.
When they were hostage on Valentine's ship together, hung by their wrists, beaten and tortured.
He watched as he seared the rune onto her corium, a piece of her skin that she'd see whenever she'd look in the mirror. To be reminded of where she came from and what her punishments were.
This was their Zee.
"We leave right away." Alec was already backing up, squeezing the necklace in his hand tightly, his heart racing, "We're getting her back."
Jace nodded once at Alec, exchanging looks with the others, "Let's go get our girl back."
[ zee's pov ]
"Arrêt!" I heard a shout when I stood outside of the antique shop trying to get a fire message to Isabelle, seeing the man I had stolen his exact stele from charging towards me and halting my actions by a grab of my wrist, "I believe you have something that belongs to me."
"Damn it-" I clenched my jaw in annoyance and tried to tug my wrist from his hold, looking back to make sure Jonathan wasn't looking, "Look, I'm sorry- I'm trying to get word to my colleagues in New York."
"You're a Shadowhunter." He stares, "I knew it."
Hell if they took me back to my execution.
Better than spending eternity with him.
"I can explain." I tried, "My name is Zee Morgenstern- I'm an Clave escapee- I was broken out- and now I'm being held hostage by my brother- and he's extremely dangerous, if you don't let me get this fire message out to my colleagues, it won't be long until he and I are far, far away from here-"
"Save your story." He took the stele and grabbed my arms aggressively, pulling me along with him, "You're coming with me."
Well, this worked too.
"Listen- you need to call for backup before he catches up to us because you won't stand a chance against him." I was telling the man as we walked down the street, the breeze making my fedora fly off my head, "You know, of course- unless you arm me-"
His tone mocked mine, pulling me into an empty street that was behind the buildings, "Yeah, whatever you say Miss "Morgenstern"."
"You don't believe me?" I forcefully jerked to a stop and stared at him, "Jonathan Morgenstern is inside that shop- he's trying to buy some kind of weapon-"
"Zee Morgenstern is dead!" The man shook his head down at me, "And so is Jonathan."
"Are you blind?" I gaped at him as though he was the stupidest person I had laid eyes on, "I'm standing right in front of you, you idiot! And very much alive-"
My sentence was a halt when two arms came around the man's body, two firm hands snapping his neck right in front of me.
When he body dropped dead to my feet, my wide eyes fell onto Jonathan, who stepped over the body with ease and grabbed me by the arms gently, "That was close."
Normally I wouldn't be scared of him.
But the circumstances made fear burn in my chest regardless of my pride.
No one would help me.
I was on my own.
And I needed to get the hell out of here.
"Hey- don't worry, don't be afraid." Jonathan gently grabbed my face to catch my attention, "You're safe now with me."
I knew whatever pain he felt I felt too.
But, I acted anyways.
My fist came in contact with his jaw, making a grunt leave his lips, stumbling away from me and my body to tense at the feeling of pain striking in my jaw.
Before he had a chance to speak, I threw myself onto him and started throwing punches at his face, feeling pieces of my skin break open on my face, dampness of blood welcoming themselves on the surface.
Jonathan fought back and threw me off him, his eyes wide as ever, "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you-"
I said nothing, round house kicking him right in the face, jamming my foot right in his rib cage right after.
Jonathan was now trying to knock me unconscious, but I proved difficult as I pushed myself off when he caught my ankle, landing on his shoulders before bringing him onto the ground hard.
"There isn't anywhere you can run where I won't find you-" Jonathan's words taunted me as I slammed my foot in his face to try and shut him right back up, fishing out his dagger from his pocket, "There is no where you can go!"
Jonathan forced himself up to his feet and tried to grab me, but I was quick to stab the blade right into my abdomen, clenching in jaw at the pain as he collapsed onto the floor.
I balled my hand into a fist and punched him once more, knocking him out cold.
But, I wasn't.
Guess it didn't apply to being knocked unconscious.
With that, I spun on my heel and ran, holding the blade in one hand and my side in the other.
I was breathing heavily when my legs started to slow down after running for as long as they could carry me.
I leaned back against a pillar, having made it to a platform between two roads, still bleeding out from the wound I had given myself, having dry blood, cuts and bruises all over from fighting Jonathan.
I should've brought the damn stele with me.
If I had that, I would've sent a fire message by now.
But, I didn't.
Of course I didn't.
I was too busy trying to get away to even think.
All I knew was I needed a phone.
I knew Isabelle's number by heart, if I just had my hands on someone's phone, I could get a hold of her.
Maybe I could collapse in front of someone and they'd rush me to a hospital. If I were admitted there, I reckoned they'd find me instantly.
Or, at least they'd let me make a phone call.
My thoughts were interrupted when I felt the wound and just the wound on my abdomen start to heal.
Jonathan was awake.
"No- no, no-" I found myself whispering to myself, my bloody palm pressed against the stone pillar, stabbing the dagger into my side with a grunt.
I did it again, and again.
At this point, I should just slit my own throat.
Get it over with.
Then, I heard footsteps.
Multiple footsteps.
Fast footsteps.
It had to have been.
It made me freeze up and hold onto the dagger tightly, ready to take on whatever was coming for me despite the state I was in.
When I spun and revealed myself, holding the dagger and ready to attack, my body immediately froze when I saw Jace Herondale standing right in front of me, skidding to a stop at the sight of me.
"Jace." The dagger slipped from my blood stained hand, feeling an overwhelming rush of relief at the sight of him, my body collapsing into his.
His eyes were wide at the state they encountered me in, looking towards Clary, "Stele! Give me a stele-"
"No!" I gripped his arms, trying to steady myself up on my own feet but I was too weak, "If you heal me, then Jonathan gets healed too- and then he's going to find me- and he's-"
For once, I truly looked weak in front of them all.
And I couldn't even put up a front.
"Hey, hey!-" Jace stares into my eyes as Clary had lifted my shirt and was healing the few wounds on my abdomen, "We're not going to let him take you again- do you hear me? Never-"
When I felt Clary activate my stamina rune so that I had enough energy to stand on my own feet, I threw my arms around Jace as tightly as I could.
"I've got you-" Jace held me equally as tight, the shakiness in his voice catching me for guard, "Everything's gonna be okay-"
"Zee, I am so sorry-" I heard Clary's broken voice when I finally pulled back from Jace and looked at her, "This was all my fault- I'm the reason you ended up on this mess and I know you'll never forgive me, but- I am so- so sorry-"
I didn't let her finish before I found myself hugging her just as tight as I had just hugged Jace, catching him, her and Luke completely off guard.
"It's okay." I barely raised my voice to a normal tone, hugging her tighter as I felt my eyes water when I hear her softly sob after hugging back, "It's okay-"
I held onto her for a few moments, before I pulled back and looked at Luke, who was smiling down at me, "I knew you weren't dead-"
"You came for me-" My lips broke out into a smile, a small laugh of relief leaving them when I threw my arms around him instantly, feeling him hold a tight grip on me.
"Of course I did, kiddo-" Luke ruffled my hair, "Didn't I already tell you to get used to the fact that you had people that cared for you now?"
I couldn't help but smile widely while I hugged him, but that smile dropped the moment I pulled away, my eyes landing on him.
He stood a few feet away, just watching.
It seemed as though he was frozen in his spot, not knowing a way to approach me. As though he was having difficultly believing that this was all real.
And so was I.
I took a few steps, my voice breaking and my eyes watering at the sight of him, "Are you- are you real?"
"Are you?" When he replied, I knew for sure he wasn't a hallucination, which made me break from the frozen state I was in and rush towards him, throwing myself onto him.
Alec lifted me off the ground and hugged me as tight as he could, "I can't believe you're here- you're alive-"
"He told me you were dead-" I found myself bursting into tears, gripping onto him as though if I let go, he would disappear and I would be dawned that this wasn't real, "He told me you were gone- I thought you were dead-"
"I'm right here." Alec set me down after a long moment, grabbing my face and using his thumbs to wipe my tears, tears streaming down his own cheeks, "I'm okay- and now, we're going to bring you back home- and everything will be okay-"
"I'm already home." I pushed myself onto my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning my forehead against his, trying to contain my sobs, "I'm with you again-"
Then Alec closed the distance between our lips.
authors note:
birthday update !!!
hi ! very late update, i know, but i've been swamped with schoolwork and lack of motivation. but, i came through with an update today
there's so much to unpack, omfg
i loved this chapter a lot. 1) because i missed writing zee 2) her fucking character development !! it still shows that no matter what, she's a survivor but she used to not show emotion whatsoever— now look at her, i mean, oh my god i love it so much
i love how zee hasn't grown soft on jonathan for a second— she's calling him on his bullshit lmfao
like- the way she literally scratched up her arm because she noticed him looking at her? wack
and she really fought her way out even tho she knew she'd be hurting herself. i just love that so much
but jace in this chapter >> i love their relationship so much. they're my favorite brotp
and omfg the agony rune.
but the reunion !
zee and jace !
zee and luke !!
the zee and clary hug !!!
and ZALEC. the way they were asking if each other were real because they thought they were dead. agh, i just love this chapter
anyways, thank you for 66k !!
vote and comment loadsss
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