"Hey, Jace." I heard Underhill say, who's back us to me as he waited for the elevator, "Alec promoted me to Head of Security, and if you have a minute, I'd love to pick your brain-"
Underhill trails off when Jace completely ignores him, "I guess that's a no-"
"Hey, Barbie- that was rude." I walked toward my best friend, an opened book on my hands, as he ignored me just like he did Underhill, "Jace-"
"Jace?" I tried again, only to click my tongue and shut the book in my hands, stretching out my arms just for the kick of it, before hitting him in the back of the head with my book, making him jump lightly and grab his head, looking at me with wide eyes.
"What the hell's wrong with you?" I placed a hand on my hip, looking at him, "Iz told me that you've been MIA since the club-"
Jace was frantically looking around, looking confused, "I- what?-"
"Oh, and why didn't one of you idiots call me?" I crossed my arms, "We've have the Owl in our possession right now if I were there-"
Jace looks at me, "How did I-"
"How did you what?" I stared at him, blinking a few times, "Where have you been, Jace?"
"I have no idea." Jace looked me with slight fright.
Concern filled me, "What?-"
"The last thing I remember, I was- I was fighting Jonathan in the club, but-" Jace was stammering as I sat with him in his room, "But, then- he must've knocked me out, but it was-"
"Okay, Crazy-" I folded my hands together, my elbows resting against my thighs, "Jonathan isn't the Owl."
Jace looks at me, "How do you know?"
"Because based on what the ginger told me, Iz slashed him with her whip, and the electrum in it didn't burn him like it would have if it were really Jonathan." I told him, tilting my head to the side lightly.
"But-" Jace began to trail off, "But, the nightmares I've been having-"
"Are just nightmares." I cut him off, staring at him, "They're not signs- Jonathan is for sure, dead."
"Then that's good." Jace nods slow, looking ahead, "Yeah, that's good."
"Hey-" I put my hand on his knee comfortingly, my voice low, "I'm worried about you."
Jace looks at me, not saying anything.
"Something's definitely wrong-" I knew it deep down, "Do you think it's because of the wish?"
"No-" Jace shook his head, "I'm- I'm fine."
"You aren't fine." I huffed lightly and got up, "Look, we need to tell the others- about the wish, maybe they know something we don't-"
"No!" Jace got up immediately and grabbed my arms, "Zee, listen, you need to swear to me that you haven't told anyone else about this."
"I haven't yet." I looked up at him, "But, we can't keep this from them anymore, I need to tell someone, Jace-"
"Zee, we've been through this- you compelled the one wish from Raziel." Jace tightened his grip on my arm just lightly, "You and I both know that to the Clave, that's the worst offense possible."
"I don't care if they throw me in the Gard, Jace." I stared at him, "Not if it means I can get you the help you need- especially if my wish is what did this to you-"
"Zee, I've lost you twice already." Jace's words hurt my heart, "I don't plan on losing you a third time- and this time being for good."
I went quiet, staring at him.
Jace swallows hard, "I promise you, I'm fine."
"Then why don't you remember where you've been all night?" I cross my arms, "You're losing time, Jace-"
"I'm just tired." Jace's words made me roll my eyes and pull away from his touch, "I haven't slept in days-"
"Do you really take me to be that stupid?" I looked at him, lightly shaking my head, "You are unbelievable-"
"Please- trust me, I just need to get some rest." Jace grabs my hand, "And now that I know Jonathan is dead- I finally can."
"Hey there, Tall, dark and handsome." I clicked my tongue when I spotted my boyfriend seated at his desk, leaning against the door frame, "Got your text- wanna stick me on the Owl case?"
"No-" Alec lightly shook his head, looking up at me with a small smile on his lips at the sight of me, "Blood unit hit downtown- it's most likely a rogue vampire, so- I want you on this with Jace."
"Uh- how about Iz?" I swallowed hard, closing my eyes for a moment, "Or- the redhead?"
"Well, why not Jace?" Alec looks at me, crossing his arms, "Something must definitely be wrong if you're offering to work with Clary rather than being forced to."
"He's- just exhausted." I exhale slow, walking farther into his office, "He's been hunting the Owl- he hasn't slept in days."
"Are you sure this is about sleep?" Alec leaned his arm against his desk, his eyes glued to me with accusation, "When you and Jace were at Lake Lyn, my parabatai rune disappeared."
"Alec," I inhale sharp, "Not this again-"
Alec began, "Zee, Isabelle's rune faded after mine- which means you were alive and probably witnessed him- die- I don't know- I just know something isn't right-"
"Jace didn't die, Alec-" I tried to say.
"Why are you lying to me?" Alec stares at me, "Look, I know how much you care about Jace, how much you would do to protect him, but, if there is something wrong with Jace, something serious- you'd tell me about it, right?"
"Alec, I don't even know how I came back to life." I ended up snipping at him, partially because I was angry with myself for lying, "If I don't even know how I came back, why the hell would I know how he did?"
Alec stares at me, going silent.
"Izzy and I can handle a rogue vamp." I took a few steps back, then left the room without another word.
"You know, it'd be nice if that vampire left more clues than they did blood." I remarked when Isabelle and I stepped out the van, "Couldn't have made our job a little easier, could they?-"
"Maybe we'll find something out here-" Isabelle walks down the sidewalk with me, "Hey- are you sure Jace is okay?"
I barely shrug, "He's tired."
"I've seen Jace tired before-" Isabelle shot me a look, "He's never missed a mission."
"I don't know, Iz- he's been really crazy recently." I was making up excuses, "I think he just needs some rest-"
Isabelle doesn't reply, hanging up a call again, huffing as she put her phone away, causing me to suddenly be interested, "Who keeps calling you?-"
Isabelle sighs, "Someone who can't take a hint."
"The mundane?" I guessed, noticing the look on her face, "The one from the hospital?"
Isabelle playfully rolls her eyes, "I gave him my number to get him off my back."
"That doesn't make sense." I looked at her, "If you wanted to get him off your back, you should've given him a fake- you know, that way he can't reach you?"
"Yeah, yeah-" Isabelle waves me off, before her eyes spot something, as I followed her, "So much for thinking our vampire only came here for blood bags."
I crouched by the ripped part of a bloody lab coat, "If a vampire drained a mundane, you'd think we'd find a body."
"No tracking signal." Isabelle said when she tried to track it, "Body or not, our mundane must be dead."
"Hey-" I stood in the door frame of Alec's bedroom after getting his text, "You asked for me?"
Alec spun around immediately at the sound of my voice, almost dropping the coffee in his hand, "Hey-"
"So," I stare at him, "What's that?"
"I got you- a- I'm sorry coffee." Alec held it up.
I slowly repeat his words, "A- I'm sorry coffee?"
"Yes- because I'm sorry, and- I really suck at apologies, so- I thought coffee- would do the trick?" Alec hesitantly trails off, "I didn't mean to push it- I just- I want you to know I believe you. If you say you don't know- then you don't know."
I had a solid alibi.
But, god I felt guilty.
"You don't suck at apologies." I slowly walked over to him, pushing myself onto my tippy toes and pecking his lips, before grabbing the coffee and setting it down, "I'm a very observant person- so, I noticed that you haven't had anything to eat or drink all day."
I look up at him when he stares at me in silence, "Alright, do I need to force-feed you? 'Cause I will-"
"No-" Alec sighs, then slowly sat down, "Look, Jace- he's my parabatai, so, I should be able to help him- but, this, I just- I don't know how."
I lean against the wall, "Wanna elaborate?"
"Do you remember when Valentine told us how Jace's mother committed suicide?" Alec reminded me, "I looked up Celine's medical records and found that she had a history of- mental illness."
I stare at him, "Mental illness?"
Alec slowly nods, "It's just- it can be hereditary."
"You think Jace is going out of his mind?" My heart dropped to the farthest pit of my stomach, thinking that the wish put him in that state.
"I don't know-" Alec sighs, "It's the only thing that makes sense to me right now-"
"Look, I know it's nerve-racking, but-" I walked over to him and sat next to him, "I mean- there's also a possibility that isn't the case- I mean, we don't know for sure- so there's still hope, right?"
"I guess you're right." Alec softly sighs, then grabbed a book from the pile next to him that I had just noticed.
"Uhm-" I point out, "What's this?-"
"I need to stop these mundane murders, and the Owl is still unidentifiable-" Alec opened the book, "And we hit a dead end on testing on Morgan."
"So, you're digging for clues?" I stared at him, then reached over and grabbed a book myself, "I'll help-"
Alec grabs my arm, "You help me all the time."
"Okay?" I looked at him, "And?"
Alec began to say, "If I came to you every time I had a problem-"
"We'll spend more time together." I dramatically groaned and threw my head back, "Oh, just put me out of my misery!"
Alec softly laughs at me, shaking his head just lightly, as I placed the book on my lap, "How about we grab some food? Once you're all filled up, I can call Magnus to examine Morgan- maybe his magic could reveal some more things."
"I love you." Alec gave me a weak smile, before leaning down and pressing his lips into mine softly.
"No point tracking." Isabelle said to me when we walked through a neighborhood full of vampires, "Our mundane's dead."
"Well, I'm hoping for a miracle." I shot back at her, then exhale, "Hey, I can go ahead on my own if you're not okay being around all of- this-"
"I can handle it." Isabelle assures me, "Yin-Fen dealers know the dirt- if we play our cards right, we might be able to get a lead on this delinquent blood sucker."
"Well, since I have you here-" I looked at her, "The mundane you're dodging- is it 'cause of Raphael?"
Isabelle began, "Let's just drop it."
"Isabelle." I shot her a look, "It's me."
"All the guys I've been with- sex was always a big part of it." Isabelle opened up to me after a few moments of silence, "With Raphael- it was about everything but that- he made me feel like I wanted so much more."
"Well, yeah- because he was sucking you dry most of the time-" I muttered under my breath, but then noticed the look she was giving me, "Okay- I'll be unbiased-"
"Well, you were heading in the right direction-" Isabelle trails off, "We thought we couldn't be together without being tempted by our old habits."
"But, Raphael and I- there's something about us that just- I don't know, fits?" Isabelle thought out loud, "I don't know- when I think of him and I, I think of you and Alec-"
"You lost me." I look at her, "How on earth do those things two correlate?"
"Because you and Alec are the example I'm trying to follow when it comes to this kind of stuff- I mean, you guys make it work- no matter what." Isabelle explained, "I can't think of you guys with anyone else but each other because you guys fit so well together-"
I nodded slow, looking ahead, "And that's how you feel about Raphael?"
Isabelle doesn't reply, giving me the answer I needed, "Look, if you and Raphael- fit-"
I cut myself off, stopping in my tracks when I felt a hit on the not so dead mundane, making Isabelle stop as well, "What is it? What's wrong?"
"I just got a tracking hit on our missing mundane." I look at her, "He's not dead."
"Not yet." Isabelle said, before her and I both were heading in the direction the tracking lead us.
"Tracking signal's on fire." Isabelle had her whip ready when we walked down the steps, the tracking leading us closer and closer to our missing mundane, "The mundane must be close."
"Well-" I noticed a big whole right in the ground, breaking between the cement and revealing dirt, "This is going to be fun."
"Looking for something?-" A growling sounded, making me tighten the grip on my kindjals, the mundane we needed to find emerging from the darkness.
Isabelle was the first to question, "Where's the vampire who killed you?-"
"Oh, come on- the suspense is killing me." I remarked when the mundane simply laughed, "Just take us to your sire-"
"Not a chance." The mundane snarled at us, before launching himself towards Isabelle, who slashed him with her whip.
He grabbed her whip, using her grip to his advantage and flipping her onto her back, where I acted quickly, throwing one of my kindjals at him, getting him right between the eyes, his entire body fading into nothingness.
I smirked lightly, then helped Isabelle up, before grabbing my kindjal off the ground, "You alright?"
"Yeah- nicely done." Isabelle smiles at me lightly, until we heard distant screaming coming from upstairs, making her head snap up, "Upstairs!-"
Isabelle and I ran up the stairs and to the roof, trying to open the door, one that was jammed shut, making Isabelle pause when she could hear the screams more clearly, "It's Raphael-"
The look on her face was all the motivation I needed, as I quickly kicked down the door, the both of us running out onto the roof to see the sun rising and Raphael chained on the ground, in nothing but shorts, the sun burning his leg up.
"Raphael!" Isabelle rushes to him, as we quickly broke him out of the chains, "Get him out of the sun!"
We did exactly that, dragging him to the shade, my first thought being to ask, "What the hell happened?-"
"I tried to get a lead on the vampire- I tried to take her down on my own." Raphael breathes heavily, "But- she got the upper hand."
I questioned, "Well, who is she?-"
"I don't know." Raphael's words made me look at Isabelle, and shoot her a look I knew she understood.
"Hey-" I walked toward Magnus and Alec after just getting back, noticing the Institute in a fritz, seeing them just as confused, "What the hell's going on?-"
Magnus replied to me, "We are not sure."
"How long has the system been down?" Alec asked Underhill when he and Lindsay joined us.
Underhill answers, "Less than two minutes."
"Hopefully it was just a glitch." Lindsay said.
Alec and I traded looks, before he, Magnus and I were heading towards the elevators and right down to the sub cells where Morgan was.
"No-" Alec began to say when Morgan's body was limp in her cell and she was no longer uttering out nonsense, as we entered her cell.
"Is she dead?-" I asked, crouching down by her body with Alec, when Magnus started to use his magic to examine her, to see what was going on with her.
Suddenly, Morgan gasps loudly and jolts up, catching us all off guard, making me stumble back, Alec going with me, grabbing me quickly and pulling me into his side for protection as a quick instinct.
Magnus pulled his hand away, stopping his magic, "She's free of all demonic possession."
"What?" I looked at him, then back at her.
"Where am I?" Morgan was breathing heavy.
"Hey, you're okay-" Alec put a hand on her arm to calm her, "You're okay."
"Jace?-" I peaked my head through his bedroom door, before walking into his room, shutting the door behind me, "I was gonna tell you about this killer shot I got in earlier, but- you missed the alert-"
I stopped talking when I saw him seated on his bed, staring at me, his eyes red and filled with tears, his hair a mess, holding onto his necklace.
"Jace, oh my god-" I forgot anything and everything I was about to say, rushing over to his bed and sitting in front of him, one hand grabbing his face, the other resting on both his hands, "God, you look terrible- what happened? Are you okay?-"
Jace stares at me, another sheet of water overtaking his eyes, my heart shattering at the sight, "Jace, come on- it's only me-"
I squeeze his hand lightly, "Talk to me."
"I was walking back from- from the Jade Wolf, and-" Jace's voice was weaker than I had ever heard it, filled with absolute vulnerability, "I- I don't know how I got here-"
His state brought small tears into my eyes.
"Zee, I think I'm-" Jace was choking over his own words, a quiet sob leaving his lips, "I think I'm losing my mind."
"Come here-" I pulled him into me, hugging onto him as tight as I could, rubbing his back with one hand and the other playing with his hair to calm him, "It's okay, I've got you-"
Jace gripped me tightly, starting to cry his eyes out, making a small tear fall from my eye, my voice quiet, "It's alright-"
"Don't worry-" I shut my eyes tight, rubbing his back slow, "Everything's gonna be alright-"
authors note:
zee is so protective over jace, their constant support for each other literally makes me so soft, like they are each other's backbones-
zace brotp moments made me cry in this chapter, especially the last scene
but, alec being protective over zee >
and, awhhh we got some cute zee and izzy moments too ! they deserved more time
but, thank you for 47k !!
vote and comment loadsss
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