"Hey-" Alec walked into my bedroom that night, looking around my room after noticing all the new items in it, a hand going to his ear at the loud noise I was making, "I've been looking for you everywhere-"
"Hi-" I stopped slamming on the new drum set I had gotten, seated in the corner of my room, flipping my stick on my hand, "Sorry, I've been out with Magnus- we did some shopping?"
"And you got-" Alec gestured towards me, blinking a few times, "Whatever that is?"
"It's called a drum set-" I got up, setting the sticks down, "Magnus thought it'd be a nice way for me to get out my anger- instead of hitting things-"
"So- instead of hitting- people-" Alec began to trail off, "You hit- those?"
"It's great-" I walked over to him, pushing myself to my very tippy toes for just a moment, pecking his lips, "I mean- these mundanes- they're onto something with this- music stuff- I even got these speakers- and I can play music- and play the drums with it- I even put up some soundproof foam-"
Alec watched me ramble, his eyes wide with amusement, a small smile on his lips, not saying anything.
"I think it adds a little spice to my room-" I gestured to the drums that sat in the corner of my room, "What do you think?"
"I mean- I love it." Alec looked down at me, then pecked my lips, "I'm glad you found something you like doing-"
I looked at him, "Really?"
"Of course-" Alec pecks my lips again, placing his hands on my waist, "And I love you-"
If this is what Valentine made me so afraid of.
I was all for it.
I softly smile, "I love you too."
"Hey-" I walked toward my boyfriend the next day, shoving a chip into my mouth, a bag in my hand, "What's up?"
"I'm- okay-" Alec turned at the sound of my voice, his eyes landing on me, a soft smile forming on his lips, gesturing to his shirt that I had put on, "Green's a nice color on you-"
"Oh yeah- sorry, I stole it from your closet this morning-" I looked down at his forest green button up that I had on, unbuttoned, accompanied by my usual cropped tank top, black jeans and boots, "Think the green, white and black go together nicely-"
"I like it on you-" Alec put a strand of my straightened hair behind my ear, "Steal my clothes more often-"
"Will do-" I pulled out a chip and held it above my head so it was in front of his mouth, "Chip?"
Alec playfully rolled his eyes, eating the chip out of my hand, before placing a hand on my waist, "Hey- how are you doing?"
"How am I doing?" I looked up at him confused, before realizing, "Oh- how am I doing-"
"Yes-" Alec nodded along with me in amusement, "How are you doing?-"
"I'm doing a lot better-" I set down my bag of chips on the table next to us and dusted off my hands, "Thanks to you."
"I'm glad." Alec reaches, using his thumb to dust off some crumbs off the corner of my mouth, making me scrunch my nose.
"Shadowhunter down." Jace's voice filled our ears, making Alec and I both look towards the sound.
Clary was next to him as he walked, coming over to Alec and I, "Milo Keytower."
I looked at them, "What happened?"
"From what I understand, his runes were carved out." Inquisitor Herondale joined the conversations, "Is that true, Jace?"
"Yes." Jace nodded toward her, "After he was attacked by a wolf."
Clary adds in, "He had multiple bite and claw marks."
Alec questioned, "What kind of werewolf randomly attacks a Shadowhunter?"
I exhale, "One who's trying to send a message."
"And get the attention of the Clave." Inquisitor Herondale added in right after me.
Clary spoke, "We need to find them before this happens again."
Inquisitor Herondale speaks, "Well, I think I have a pretty good idea who it is."
"Are you questioning me or are you accusing me?" Luke shot back at Inquisitor Herondale as Alec, Jace and I stood in the room while they interrogated him.
"A week ago, you demanded the destruction of the Soul Sword- a demand which, of course, is impossible to even consider." Inquisitor Herondale mentioned, "Which leads me to wonder- was this killing an act of revenge on the Clave?"
"You think that I would murder a Shadowhunter?" Luke scoffed lightly at her words.
She shot back, her eyes glued to him accusingly, "We all know about your temper, Lucian."
"Hey, do you dye your hair?" I quietly whisper to Jace, as I stood between him and Alec.
"What? No-" Jace whispered back and looked at me, "Why are you asking me this right now out of all times-"
"I'm bored." I whispered back, "Come on, it looks way more gold than anyone's normal blond hair-"
"Oh, cut it out-" Alec whispered, interjecting into the conversation, "You know he doesn't dye his hair-"
I quietly snicker, "I wanted to hurt his pride-"
Alec then whispered to the two of us, bringing the conversation back to a serious topic, "Does she really think Luke did this?"
"Seems like it." I brush him off, "Don't worry, he's got this."
"Take my DNA." Luke's words made me slowly smirk, "Test it against your evidence- I'm not your wolf. And if any one of my pack did it, I'll kill them myself."
Inquisitor Herondale looked between us, then exhaled, "Take him down to the lab."
"Congratulations-" Alec seethed through his teeth when Jace had told us how Inquisitor Herondale has appointed him Head of the Institute.
"It should've been you." Jace felt guilty, his arms crossed, "I told her that."
"The Clave was never going to hand it to me." Alec pressed just palms against the table we stood around, muttering, "I'm dating- Valentine's daughter-"
I scoff, shooting him an offended look, that was slightly playful because I knew it hurt after working so hard for it, my arms crossing, "Try again-"
"Dating you is the best thing that's ever happened to me- and I love you." Alec reaches a hand out for me to grab, as he hung in the air, moving his fingers, before sighing, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay- I understand." I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "Sorry for being a Morgenstern- I know it ruined your chances."
"Don't apologize." Alec used me wrapping his arm around my shoulders to his advantage and pulled me into his side, kissing my temple guiltily, "I love every part of you."
"Look Alec, I didn't want this, I swear." Jace tried.
"That may be the case, but- now that you're the Inquisitor's grandson- you're going to be handed opportunity's without even working for it." I reminded him, "Unfair."
"She's right- you're a Herondale." Alec shot in after me, "Get used to the perks-"
Alec's sentence was cut off when the alarm started blaring and red lights started flashing, Jace looked toward Lindsay and Clary walking towards us, "What happened?"
"We found Rosegreen and Penmount dead in the Bowery." Clary informed, "Runes carved out."
"Just like Keytower." Lindsay said.
Alec looked down at the bodies they brought us, "Except Penmount's been drained by a vampire."
"Wait- look-" I pointed out, observing, "Rosegreen was lanced by a Seelie Knight- this isn't just a lone wolf- it's multiple Downworlders."
"Luke was right all along." Jace looked up, "The Downworlders want revenge- this could be the start of an uprising."
"Another Shadowhunter was found Dead last night in Williamsburg." Inquisitor Herondale announces at the briefing, "This time, murdered this time murdered by a warlock."
"In this time of crisis, it is essential that we maintain strong leadership." She continued, "That is why I am naming, Jace Herondale, Head of the Institute, effective upon my departure to Idris."
"Dismissed." She said, everyone moving to their duties as Jace headed over to us.
"Let's not make a big deal about this." Jace immediately said as we walked toward a table together, "She's still in charge until she leaves."
"Still!" Isabelle boasts, "Being appointed Head of the Institute and finding out you're a Herondale? Don't let it get to your head."
Clary questioned, "So- Herondales are what, like the Kennedys of the Shadow World?"
"It's an old Shadowhunter family." I huffed deeply, my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket when we came to a stop, "Like the Lightwoods-"
Isabelle adds in before I could finish my sentence, "But- we're the Kennedys."
"Pause." I looked at Isabelle, looking playfully offended, "I was about to insult her."
Clary looks at me, "You insult me every day."
"Well, I'd like you to be aware about how much I don't like your presence here-" I shrugged lightly, but I knew she knew I was messing with her, "It bothers me to an extent-"
"Let's focus on what matters." Jace interjected.
"Second time today-" I looked at Jace, then between Alec and Jace, "Do you guys hate me or something?"
"The Inquisitor would like us to reach out to our allies, to see what they know." Jace waved off my remark, "At this point, she considers all Downworlders suspects."
Alec speaks, "That's casting a pretty broad net."
Clary looks between us all, "She can't possibly think any of our friends did this."
"Yeah, well, we'll prove that to her." Jace replies, "Since Luke's DNA cleared him, we should collect samples from all of our friends to clear them as well- I'll make an Institute-wide announcement."
Clary nods, "I'll go talk to Simon."
"And I, Magnus-" I snapped my fingers once, turning to walk away after Clary, only to stop when I hear Isabelle's words.
Isabelle began, "I'll go see Raphael-"
"No-" Alec and I both said in unison.
Jace looked between us, "Why not?"
I opened my mouth, then closed it, Alec going quiet as well, making Jace look between us, "Am I missing something here?"
"Jace-" Isabelle began, "I'm a Yin Fen addict."
He blinks, "Excuse me?"
"It's a long story, but I'm better now." Isabelle assures, "Not perfect, but better- definitely good enough to hunt down whoever's murdering our people."
"Okay- we'll take all the help we can get." Jace nodded before walking away, "Just report back with any leads, okay?"
"Uh- hey- let's go together." I tried to be subtle, rubbing the back of my neck as Alec and I traded looks, "You know- hit Raphael's, then Magnus'-"
Isabelle stares at me, "I know what you're doing."
"Uhm-" I blurt, "Alcohol?"
"You're not going to persuade me with drinks." Isabelle shot me a look, "I'll have more traction with Raphael if it's just me- I'll leave as soon as Max is settled."
Alec huffs, "Izzy-"
"Guys, I can handle this." Isabelle assured us both, "You just have to trust me."
"Call me to tell me you love me?" I answered Alec's call, as I walked alone in the alley, on the way home from Magnus', "Because I noticed how you didn't say it two seconds ago-"
"Zee-" Alec's worried huff filled the line as he spoke, "Where are you now?"
"Uhm- about- twenty steps away from where I was when you called me a minute ago-" I replied, "Listen- I'm alright- I've walked back from Magnus' hundreds of times-"
"All those other times, there wasn't someone out there killing Shadowhunters one by one-" Alec pointed out, "You don't think they're going to put a hit on Zee Morgenstern herself?"
"Yeah, you're right- that'd be a real prize." I kept walking, "But- I can handle myself."
"You always say that- but what if someone gets the jump on you?" Alec was concerned, "You should have let me come with you-"
"Oh, my knight in shining armor-" I teased lightly, "I'll be extra careful for you-"
Alec began, "I don't know-"
My attention was brought elsewhere when I heard someone behind me, pulling out my kindjal and stopping the blade that was swung for my neck, dropping my phone onto the ground.
"Zee?-" Alec heard the swords, "Zee!"
I grunted, kicking back the person that had attacked me, pulling out my second kindjal and swinging them both in my hands.
My blade hit against there's, fighting them off before they dodged one of my swings, circling around me.
A blow to the back of my head made me grunt and fall to the ground, dropping my kindjals and groaning in pain.
My vision was blurry, the dark silhouette standing above me, raising their blade to hurt me.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head, falling back to into the ground when I tried to get up, a blast like the one of Valentine's massacre bursting from me without intention, sending them flying back, as I passed out.
My eyes slowly opened, feeling sore throughout my entire body, my head feeling heavy, noticing I was in Alec's room.
I looked around, blinking a few times to focus my vision, before my eyes landed on my boyfriend, seated next to my bed, his hands folding, a concerned look on his expression as he awaited my wake.
"Hey-" My voice was raspy, running a hand through my hair, moving onto my side slowly so I could look at him, noticing how I was dressed in his sweater and out of the tank top and shirt I was in before.
"Hey-" Alec's eyes lit up, immediately looking up at the sound of my voice, moving to the edge of his seat, his hands on the arms, "How are you feeling?"
I shrugged barely, nuzzling my face into his pillow, "What happened?-"
"You were drugged." Alec sighed lightly, getting up and sitting next to where I laid, "I was coming to you the moment I heard them attack you on the phone-"
"That must've taken at least- what- ten minutes tops?" I looked at him, "My runes are still intact with my body- and I'm not dead- so?-"
"When we got to you- you were unconscious on the ground- bleeding from your head-" Alec places his hand on my arm, caressing with his thumb, "They weren't in sight- it was like- they just- left you."
"Told you I could handle myself." I lightly teased, nudging his arm lightly, trying to lighten the mood.
"Who knows what could've happened, Zee- I mean- you could've been dead by the time we reached you." Alec's eyes were filled with sadness and slight fear, "I'm so glad you're okay."
"I'm a hard bitch to kill- don't worry about me." I reached up and grabbed his face with one hand, caressing his cheek, "I'm okay, Alec."
Alec leaned into my touch, closing his eyes for a moment, "I can't help but feel guilty for not going with you- if I had- maybe you wouldn't have gotten hurt-"
"Or maybe, you would've." I stared at him, sighing, "I promise- I'm okay- and this isn't your fault."
When Alec's expression didn't change, I raised my pinky, "Pinky swear-"
"Pinky swear?" Alec stares at my pinky, trailing off.
"I don't know- it's a mundane thing- another way to seal a promise-" I linked my pinky with his, "I pinky swear."
"Pinky swear." Alec softly smiles at me, then nodded lightly, "Alright-"
"Plus- I was getting ready to make my move." I wave him off, moving my hand and intertwining our fingers.
Alec looked at me with amusement, "Oh yeah?"
"Totally-" My response made us both laugh.
"You know, your grandmother's a real bitch, but- I didn't think you'd take after her-" I stormed toward Jace after Alec had filled me in on the details, "Being a Herondale getting to your head?"
Jace looked back at Alec who was quickly following me to try and stop me, since I should be resting instead of being up, "I- Zee-"
"Imogen says to lock up Simon and you just let it happen?" I confronted him, stopping right in front of him, "Couldn't have used your sudden Shadowhunter royalty to put her in her place?"
"Zee, I tried to help Simon." Jace said to me, "You know I wouldn't have done any of this if he hadn't broken Clave rules."
"Oh, cut the crap." I snipped at him, "Jace Herondale might have some kind of family name to live up to, but- the Jace that became my best friend would break any rule for the people he cares about-"
"Alright, let's calm down-" Alec places his hands on my arms from behind me, "Maybe- take a breath? A moment-"
"Just because your last name is Herondale now, doesn't mean you have to act like one." I seethed through my teeth, "You and I both know a family name doesn't decide who you are-"
"Zee, people are dying." Jace cut me off, "People I've known my entire life- people you've known- but can't remember- there are no easy choices right now."
I open my mouth, then close it, crossing my arms.
Jace sighs, "A team just found Lockheart dead."
"And we've just caught his killer." Inquisitor Herondale joined us, two men following her, holding Maia in their grasp.
"What the hell-" I looked from Jace to them almost immediately, "Maia, what's going on?-"
"Lockheart was mauled by a wolf." Inquisitor Herondale told us, "Ms. Roberts was found a block away, minutes after the kill."
I stare at her, "And?"
"I was walking home from work." Maia was defensive, "What, is that a crime now too?"
Inquisitor Herondale looked at her, "Did anyone see you walking home from work?"
"Let me get this straight-" I began, "Because she was a block away after the kill and doesn't have a witness to say she was walking home- you- with no hard concrete evidence to back your accusation- claim her the killer?"
Inquisitor Herondale looked at me, raising her voice, "An hour ago, this wolf viciously attacked Jace for carrying out a Clave mandate-"
"Oh, I see-" I scoff lightly, staring at her, "You're singling her out because she touched a hair on your precious grandson's head- emotions cloud judgement, eh?"
Maia shouts defensively, her words making me angry, "He put a tracking chip in my neck!"
Alec dropped his hands, "Jace-"
My head snapped toward Jace, blinking a few times, "You did what?"
"You know, I have been stopped by cops for no other reason than being black, but- I thought the Shadowhunters were more evolved than that." Maia looked at him, "Jace, I didn't do this."
"Six Shadowhunters are dead." Inquisitor Herondale stared at Jace, "Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment."
"Fear is emotion." I took a step closer to her, feeling Alec grab my arm to hold me back, but I pulled away from his touch, "And you? You're doing an excellent job at demonstrating it- I mean- tracking people because of the kind of blood they have, locking them up without recourse?"
"And what would you know, Ms. Morgenstern?" Inquisitor Herondale turned toward me, "You've spent the past three years under the influence of your father- shocking that it's you that has to say anything in their favor-"
"Watch it-" My jaw was clenched, my eyes glued to hers, "Say the wrong thing and that dark side your precious grandson and his friends have tried so hard to keep at bay? It'll come back to play-"
"Is that a threat?" She stared at me, her voice lowering, "Think about what you're about to say next wisely-"
"It is not a threat-" Alec cut in, putting his hands on my arms around, squeezing them, lowering his voice as he spoke into my ear, "Restraint."
"What? Because I'm the first who dares to call you out-" I ignored him, "Chipping Downworlders involuntarily against their will? The Clave shouldn't have any authority over them in the first place, they aren't Shadowhunters and implanting a chip in them is just plain wrong."
"Your idealism is charming, but- when they wheel in the next dead Shadowhunter with their runes carved out, what will you tell their family?" She snipped at me, "What will your ideals have done for any of them?"
"Oh, cut the crap- a while ago we thought Jace had demon blood- you and I both know that if Jace wasn't a Herondale- you'd be locking him up too." I raised my voice and tried to take a step closer to her but Alec didn't let me, "The shots you're calling is making this a hell of a lot more worse than it could be- you're turning the Downworld against us!"
"Maybe you could use some cell time." She challenged me, cutting the conversation, nodding for two guards, "Take her and the wolf-"
Alec's expression widens when two guards teared me away from his grasp, "What?"
Jace looks at her, "You can't be serious-"
"Then she'll learn who talks to who- and who she has the authority to challenge." Inquisitor Herondale made herself clear, "Put them downstairs with the vampire-"
Alec looks at him, "Jace- stop her!"
Jace stammered, not saying anything.
"You're telling me- you had the chance to leave- and save me from- that entire mess- and didn't?" I looked at Simon from where I sat on the ground, my back against the mirror, "I mean- come on, man- I stormed there to defend your honor-"
"Why didn't you just leave?" asked Maia, "There was nothing you could do for her-"
"I just- couldn't." Simon sighed lightly, then looked at me, "Thanks, by the way-"
"Don't mention it." I lightly shook my head, looking down at my sleeve that I messed with, "I was in the mood of hell raising anyways."
Simon sighed lightly, looking down, "I kind of thought Jace would stand up for me."
I looked up, "Jace is a dick-"
"Yeah, Jace looks lost." Maia huffed, "Like a deer caught in headlights-"
It took me a few moments, but I huffed as well, sitting up, "I guess I get it."
"Get what?" Simon looked at me, "That he's under the Inquisitor's spell?"
"No, I know what it's like, to want so badly to have real family- the things you'll do." I messed with my hands, "Just to feel a little less lonely."
Simon softly joked, "Even for the world's most terrifying grandma?"
"Totally- I mean, you should have seen her face when Zee went off on her." Maia mentioned, "That woman was legit scared- Zee was on fire."
"Oh?" I gape at her, a small smirk forming on my lips, "If I didn't know any better- I'd say I'm growing on you-"
"Let's just say I'm glad I didn't maul you to death." Maia softly smiled at me, "Thanks for standing up for me."
I squint my eyes at her in a playful expression, "I would've found my way out of it-"
"Look- you're a Daylighter now." Maia looked at Simon, "Does- that come with any other new tricks that could break us out of here?"
"No-" Simon trailed off, "But- I've realized that being a Daylighter is like, totally overrated. Like, I should have got something cool, heat vision, or invisibility-"
"Don't worry-" I rubbed my temples, closing my eyes for a moment, "Alec's pretty resourceful- just give him time-"
Right on cue, the door swung open, Alec walking in with Clary and Jace, "Hope I'm not too late-"
"Right on time-" I got up immediately, pulling up my sleeves and walking right towards Jace, pulling my fist back, landing a solid one on his jaw.
Jace grunts, grabbing his face, looking at me, as I began to go in for another.
"Hey!-" Alec caught my fist before I could hit him again, "I thought we agreed you'd be using your drums as a way to let out your anger-"
I stared at him, "We did- discuss,"
"It's alright- I deserve it." Jace stood up straight, looking from Maia and Simon to me, "I'm sorry for not standing up for you."
I looked up in thought for a few moments, then looked back at him, "Not good enough-"
Before I could swing my fist toward him again, Alec came behind me and lifted me off the ground by my waist, as I kicked my legs, "Alec!"
"You got your right hook- now, let's have dinner?" Alec kept me off the ground until I gave up and agreed.
"I was wrong." Jace apologized to Maia, "I'm sorry-"
"An apology- from you." Maia gapes, "Wow- there's a first time for everything."
"She had everything- werewolf claws, vampire fangs, Seelie blades." Isabelle sighed, as her, Jace and I were in Jace's office, "She used it to make it look like a Downworld uprising."
"Should've taken me with." I swung my legs lightly, seated on the desk, "She pisses me off- would've been a good stress reliever."
Isabelle teases me lightly, "You were too busy locked up downstairs."
"Alright, alright-" Jace cut in, looking between us, "The question is, why?"
"We're not sure." Alec replied, "But- it has to go beyond covering her tracks."
"I agree." Isabelle nodded.
"That's great work, Iz." Jace nods toward her, "I hear Max is back up on his feet and ready to take over the world."
Jace then looks at her, "How are you doing?"
"Getting better one day at a time." Isabelle softly smiled at him, nodding towards the all of us in assurance.
"Good." Jace exhales, then looks between us all, standing right in front of Alex, "We'll keep investigating Kaelie- but in the meantime, my first official act as Head of the Institute is going to be somewhat controversial, so- I'm gonna need your help."
"Controversial? Interesting." I leaped off the desk and stood next to them, "Can we hurry this up? I have a burger and fries combo calling my name-"
"Trust me, this is worth the wait." Jace softly smiled at me, then looked at Alec, "You're taking over."
Alec's eyebrows furrow, "The Seelie investigation?"
"No." Jace started to smile like an idiot, "I mean you, Alec Lightwood, are now the Head of the New York Institute."
"What?" I gape, hitting Jace's arm lightly as Isabelle got up with a gasp, "No way-"
Alec was starting to smile, "Can you do that?"
"Yeah." Jace shrugs lightly, "I mean, like you said, being a Herondale comes with certain perks- naming a successor is one of them."
"You were right- Downworlders and Shadowhunters, we're all a mix of human, angel and demon." Jace continued, "If we let the Clave forget that- we deserve a revolt."
"I'll always be a soldier." Jace said, "But- you're a leader, Alec."
I was the first to throw my arms around Jace, holding onto him tight, as Jace hugged me tightly, "Wow- hey-"
My voice was low, "I missed you."
"I missed you too-" Jace held me tightly, before setting me down on the ground, ruffling my hair.
I turned and threw my arms around Alec, "Congratulations!"
authors note:
tbh this was a cute chapter, they never fail to make me happy
thank you for 34k!
vote and comment loadsss !
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