My neck felt sore as I finally felt myself become cautious again. My head was leaning back on some sort of hard metal, my wrists clamped down as I was seated in a cold metal chair.
My eyes slowly opened, a bright light shining over my face, making my eyes squint instinctively.
I slowly brought my head up straight. I was in the sub cells of the Institute, through the Annex.
My eyes fell onto the mirrored glass in front of me, scanning what I was locked in.
When I looked further around the room, I saw Jace, and the two other Shadowhunters I remembered.
"Should've killed you guys when I had the chance, huh?" I was the first to speak, my voice raspy.
"It's good to see you again too, parabatai." The woman walked over and stood in front of me, her arms crossed.
She was stunning.
My eyes squint in confusion at why she called me her parabatai when I've never seen her before in my entire life, "What did you just call me?"
"Izzy, I told you- she doesn't remember us at all." Jace came to her side, "She tried to kill me."
"Let's jog her memory then, shall we?" She softly smiled at me, "I'm Isabelle Lightwood, and this is Jace Wayland."
I grit my teeth, attempting to pull my wrists from under the clamps but it was no use; I was trapped.
"So- is this the part where you torture me to get answers?" I asked, looking between them all.
"No, you're one of our own." The man walked over by Jace and Isabelle, his arms crossed, "You might not remember- but you are."
My eyes scan his entire body, making sure not to overlook any of his features.
His hair was dark, and his eyes were hazel. His height was towering over Isabelle, as he was just a few inches taller than Jace.
I was intrigued by him.
Jace's eyes were fixed on me, "You don't remember us, at all?"
I didn't even glance at Jace, my focus fixed on the nameless Shadowhunter I was so attracted to, my head tilting to the side in curiosity, "What's your name?"
"Alec." He paused before answering me, his eyes locked with mine, "Alec Lightwood."
I licked my bottom lip, "Noted."
Isabelle speaks up in question, "You don't even recognize us?"
"Am I supposed to?" I huff deeply and slouch in my seat, "Listen- If that's all you're concerned about, you guys should let me out so I can get back to business."
"Business." Isabelle repeats, crouching in front of me, "As in going after Clary?"
"I need to impress my boss." I wasn't affected by her confrontation, "Any chance you know where she is?"
"Somewhere you can't get to her." Jace simply said, "We're here to talk about you."
"Well, that's not a interesting topic, don't you think?" My eyes scan his expression, a small smirk forming on my lips, "I'm betting she's upstairs in the Institute with her little mundane friend; unsupervised."
Isabelle bends and puts her hands on my knees.
"I've never seen you people in my entire life before today." My eyes locked with her, "You guys should just give up now because there's no getting through to me."
"I'm not giving up on you, Zee." Isabelle was completely sincere, "I won't."
Before I could speak, a woman walks into the cell.
"I'm guessing you somehow know me too?" I dramatically sigh, my eyes following the woman as she walked over to us, Isabelle standing up straight.
"Zee." The woman was older than the three Shadowhunters standing in front of me, "I'm your mother."
I let out a stiff laugh, but then notice the seriousness on their faces, "What?"
"You're not my mother." I shook my head, laughing at her attempt to fool me, as I had been left alone with her, "My mother left me to die in Idris."
"You were kidnapped by your father three years ago." She corrects me, her eyes locked with mine, "My name is Margaret Young."
"Kidnapped." I repeated laughingly, "You sound ridiculous right now."
"Because according to your friends, you don't remember any of us- or anything after Valentine." Margaret was leaning against the glass, her arms crossed, "The Clave has been notified you're here and I pulled a favor with Maryse to make sure they don't have you on trail with the Soul Sword since you're not in your right state of mind right now."
I scoff, "So, you're pulling strings for me?"
"You're my daughter." She crouched in front of me, and for a moment I almost believed her, "I wouldn't let them lock you up in the City of Bones when none of this is your fault."
But, I didn't trust who I didn't know.
"You do realize they could arrest me for aiding Valentine in a war against the Clave?" I remark, "Are you pulling strings for that too?"
"No, because I know for a fact going after Clary was your first mission." Margaret called me out, "Valentine is stupid enough to let you leave until he knows you're ready."
This makes me go silent.
Because what she said was true.
"Even if you're right-" I inhale sharply, "Since when is the Clave this easy going?"
"They aren't." Margaret folds her hands, "But, when you're friends with one of the most respected families, you can pull a few favors here and there."
I stare at her, "What happens now? I'm just trapped here for the rest of my life?"
"You're treating us like the bad guys." Margaret stood up, "We're trying to help you."
"Locking me up is helping me?" I watched as she walked to the door, "Good one."
Margaret shot me one last look before leaving me alone in the cell.
I stared at the door, feeling the familiar wave of dizziness I have only ever felt once before.
My eyes fall shut as the same person flashes before my eyelids, but I didn't know who.
I tear my eyes open, breathing heavily, blinking a few times.
Who was that?
When the door swung back open, Jace and Clary walked into my cell.
I slouched in my seat, sighing dramatically, "You know these surprise visits are getting really annoying."
"We need to talk." Jace fixed his glove, "Did you know that Clary was Valentine's daughter?"
I look between them, "No?"
Clary inhales sharply, "I went to the Silent Brothers. I saw a memory- it was of my mother and she said Valentine was my father."
"Okay- let me get this straight." I sat up, moving my wrists under the clamps, "Valentine is alive and actively seeking the Mortal Cup and you're concerned that you're his daughter?"
Clary crosses her arms, "I'm concerned that my older sister tried to kill me."
"Older sister?" I repeated, noticing the looks on their faces, "You think I'm- no way, that's impossible."
Jace crosses his arm as well, "How so?"
"I'm an only child." I stared at them unamused.
Margaret walks in, "Excuse my interruption, but perhaps I can shed some light on the matter."
Jace nods for her to speak as she began, "I married Valentine young- after him and I separated, he married Jocelyn."
"I literally have never seen the red head before in my entire life." I raised an eyebrow, "Wouldn't you think I'd recognize my own sister?"
"No, because my mother has lied to me about this- Shadow World- my entire life and I didn't know I was one until a few days ago." Clary crossed her arms, "I didn't know I had a sister until just now."
I then realize I should've put this together way sooner.
Valentine told me that Jocelyn was his latest wife. He found out that Jocelyn had a daughter.
Valentine being both our fathers meant that we were sisters.
How could I be so foolish to not figure this out myself?
I was too busy in my thoughts to reply, when Alec walked in alone, "Can I have a moment alone with her?"
Jace, Clary and Margaret obliged, leaving me alone with Alec.
I push away my thoughts and look at him, a smug look crossing my features, "You think you can loosen these clamps on my wrists? They're starting to hurt."
Alec walked over to me and unlocks the clamps, stepping back, my eyes slowly trailing from him, to my red wrists.
I rubbed one of my wrists and looked up at him, "What're you doing?"
"I'm letting you go." Alec crosses his hands, "As acting head of the institute, I kind of have the authority."
My eyes squint in suspicion, "You do?"
"Well, we'll most certainly find out, won't we?" Alec lightly shrugs, his eyes glued to me.
I slowly got up, staring at her in suspicion, "Have you failed to realize that I'm going to go right back to my father?"
"Well, we've gotten you a room here at the Institute." Alec brought up, "You can stay here- protected, safe."
"Yeah- no, I don't need anyone's protection." I shook my head, beginning to walk towards the door, "Thanks for the offer but I think I'll pass-"
"You can stay here- or you know," Alec calls out behind me as if he knew this would stop me, "You can go back to the man who kidnapped you and took your memories of everyone you've ever known and loved after him."
And it did.
I froze in my spot.
I slowly turned, "What did you just say?"
"Valentine has been lying to you." Alec's hands were behind his back, "He forced a warlock to take your memories, and that's why you don't remember any of us."
The dizziness spells I've been getting, of that person.
It's been withdrawal of getting my memories taken.
My eyes fell onto Alec, not saying a word.
But, by my expression, he knew that what he had said and informed me about had hit me hard and made me realize a few things.
I have been blindly aiding my father in a war against the Clave, being completely devoted to him thinking he was on the right side.
Yet, he took my memories from me.
Learning this broke my trust in him.
Alec's eyes linger with mine as he walks out of the cell and leaves the door open on his way out, "It's your choice."
authors note:
okay, i know it's literally so bad.
but, i swear it's gonna get better
like I'm SO sorry
i sincerely apologize for how bad these first two chapters have been
but, hey i updated
vote and comment loadsss
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