"Hey, redhead." I walked over to Clary where she stood next to her floating mother, her arms crossed, "How's your mom?"
Clary inhales deeply, "The same, I guess."
"I don't know how we're gonna wake her up- but, we will." I place my hands on my hips, "I can't exactly knock her awake, so-"
"Zee-" Clary's voice stopped me, as I looked at her, "I know you and I don't always see eye to eye on things-"
"Actually, we never see eye to eye on anything." Clary corrects herself, facing me completely, "But- I do want to thank you for everything you've done to get my mom back. Especially- since everything you have gone through is probably ten times worse."
I face her, staying silent.
"Forgetting your family- and realizing the one person you thought was your family was the cause of that- I can't imagine what that must feel like." Clary presser her hands together, "So- thank you, for helping me even despite everything."
"Actually- I should be thanking you." I forced myself to quietly blurt out, looking down, "I don't know what would have happened to me after the trial if you hadn't returned the Cup."
"Not that I would've cared, but-" I looked back up st her, "But, thanks anyway."
"Yeah, my whole world turned upside down, but, um, you and I thanking each other-" Clary began to smile, chuckling softly, "That's- that's too much."
"Yeah, no kidding." I scoff lightly, putting my hair behind my ears, "If you tell anyone I thanked you- I'll kill you myself."
Clary only smiled, "Noted."
Then, Alec's voice filled our ears from behind us, "Uh- I'm looking for Lydia?"
"Oh, how did you know that I wanted to punch somebody?" I faced him, looking at him with unamused eyes, "If you find her, send her my way- will you?"
I was being so hostile because of his wedding that was coming up. It infuriated me.
Alec's eyes linger with mine, as I turned and walked away from the both of them.
Alec's quick footsteps were right behind me, "Zee-"
I kept walking, down the hall and towards my room, wanting to avoid this conversation more than anything.
Alec grabbed my wrist and makes me face him in the empty hall way, "What's going on?"
"You tell me, future Mr. Branwell." I ripped my wrist from Alec's touch, "If I knew I could marry people I've known for two seconds, I would've proposed to Jace!"
I said that just to spite him.
"I'm getting married." Alec looked between my eyes, as if my words had wounded him, "We're Shadowhunters- marriage is about family, and tradition, honor-"
"Honor? That's rich." I cut him off, crossing my arms, "Where's the honor in living a lie?"
Alec swallowed, "What are you talking about?"
"I can't believe I'm actually saying these words, but- what about love?" I shot at him, feeling frustrated with him.
My voice fell quiet and slightly vulnerable for just a moment, "I mean- everyone falls in love one point in their life, right?"
I clear my throat, recovering quickly, "So, tell me- are you in love with Lydia?"
Alec stares into my eyes, "I don't know."
"One day, you're going to regret this." I looked down, "You'll realize that it's not always about family- that sometimes it's about you- about how you feel."
"What do you know about love?" Alec was getting just as frustrated as I was, "Even- if i did feel something for someone else- what, am I just going throw my life for them? I have to do what's right for me- I could lose my family, my career, everything!"
I stare at him, feeling a pang of pain in my chest.
"Well, maybe- that person you feel for would've done it for you." I stepped back, and spun around, walking away.
This time, he didn't follow me.
I stare at the ceiling, just waking up.
I skipped breakfast, my thoughts focused on one thing, that made me forget about my hunger.
Alec's wedding was tomorrow night.
I shouldn't care this much.
I shouldn't.
But, I couldn't stop the pain in my chest.
My door opened and stepped in Margaret, a sympathetic look on his features.
"You skipped breakfast-" Margaret stated the obvious as she closed the door behind her, "Why?"
I don't reply.
Margaret sat down next to me on my bed, the bed dipping, "Wanna talk about it?"
I paused, inhaling sharply.
"Yeah." I slowly sat up, putting my hair behind my ears, leaning against my headboard, "What does it feel like when-"
I stopped, many thoughts running through my mind, not knowing how to word this in a way that didn't make me seem soft.
"When you meet someone and they just destroy all the walls you've built." I stare ahead, "They make you think against- almost- everything you believed in- what you've been taught."
"You're one way with everyone- but, with them- you're different with them- because- of- them." I was struggling to put what I thought into words, "And- you find yourself thinking about them- worrying about them- caring about them more than you should."
"And whenever you're alone with them- there's this connection- like you're being drawn to them." I ran my hands through my hair, "And whenever they do the littlest thing- there's this- weird feeling in your chest- and I- I don't know what it is."
Margaret was only softly smiling at me, as if she was shocked that I hadn't figured it out yet, "Love."
I looked up at her, "What?"
"That's what you call love." Margaret pressed her hands together, "It's confusing- but, you can't help but feel it."
"Well- it doesn't matter how I feel." I hugged my knees to my chest, sighing deeply, "For the first time- ever, I really liked someone, and it didn't work out- because he's getting married."
"His duty is more important to him than anything else." I looked at Margaret for a moment before shaking my head in regret, "I got lost in him so easily- and just for a second, I thought maybe he- felt what I felt."
"That's how it's supposed to feel when you love someone." Margaret scoots closer to me and grabbed my hands, "Believe it or not he's lost himself in you."
I began tearing up, feeling vulnerable and dense.
"And you'll find yourself in each other." Margaret assures me, "So- don't let go of something before it's even begun."
Margaret then pulls me into her side and held me, rubbing my arm in comfort, "Because I guarantee you the moment you walk into that wedding, he'll forget all about Lydia."
"Hey, Magnus-" I walked over to him in the Ops Center at the table he was seated up, noticing Jace as well, "Morning, Jace."
Jace looked up at me, something striking in his eyes, "Morning."
"What's going on- bro?" I purposely add the little nickname in the end, my hands pressing onto the table.
Jace inhales, "You heard."
"Yeah, I did." I gave him a sly smirk, clearing my throat, "Question: half or full sibling this time?"
"Margaret is my mother." Jace slouched in his seat lightly and stared at his hands, "For years I thought my mother was dead- but, she had been right in front of me the entire time."
I questioned, sitting on the table, "You talk to her about it yet?"
"Yeah, we've talked." Jace crosses his arms, keeping his gaze on the ground, "It was- I don't know how to explain it."
"Hey, at least I'm not an only child anymore." I cross my legs, purposely pretending like I wasn't related to Clary.
Jace ruined it for me, "Clary's your little sister."
"I was purposely trying to forget that I was related to the bimbo, so thank you-" I shot him a glare, "Thank you for reminding me that I'm related to her."
"While this conversation is no doubt scintillating, remind me why we couldn't do this at my place?" Magnus suddenly interjected, "At least there we'd have cocktails."
I looked at him, "It's 9:00 in the morning."
Magnus simply smiled at me, "Oh, it's happy hour somewhere, my dear."
"Oh, how I could use a drink right about now." I laid on the table as if I was exhausted, looking at Magnus upside down.
"We invited you here, Magnus, because Hodge can't leave the Institute." Jace stared the obvious, "He's an important part of this mission."
Magnus looks around, "Well, then, where is our tardy little tutor?"
"Pardon the delay, Magnus." Hodge finally joined us, "I was following up on a lead."
"All right, let's make this quick." I exhale deeply, "There's a few individuals I want to avoid."
Hodge uses his tablet to pull up the warlocks on the screen, "Now, we've narrowed down our list of warlocks to these three."
"Why is Ragnor Fell up there?" Magnus questioned immediately, "He's not more powerful than I am."
"Well, some would disagree." Hodge said, pointing out, "He is older than you."
Magnus remarks, "Certainly not wiser."
"So-" I sat up, "Anyone wanna tell me who this Ragnor Fell guy is?"
Jace inhales, "The former High Warlock of London."
"And one of my oldest friends." Magnus adds in, "Very prickly, likes to keep to himself."
"Okay, look." Hodge cuts in, "We just need to figure out which one of these warlocks had enough access to Jocelyn that they could create the potion for her without anyone discovering what they'd done."
Magnus sat up, "By the early '90s, Ragnor was a professor at the Shadowhunter Academy in Idris."
"Well- I'm just going tot take a wild guess-" I began, "Isn't that when Jocelyn lived in Idris? Could he have made the potion for her then?"
"The little bugger!" Magnus suddenly realized, "That's why he hasn't responded to my fire message!"
I looked at him, "Elaborate."
"Ever since Valentine began hunting warlocks, Ragnor's been holed up in his secret country house just outside of London." Magnus thought out loud, "For all I know, Ragnor suspected my fire message was a ploy by Valentine to lure him out of hiding- we'll have to confront him face-to-face."
Hodge looks at him, "You're going on this mission?"
"Of course! I'm the only one Ragnor trusts." Magnus made it clear, getting up, "Besides, I've played my last hand here- even I know when to fold."
Lydia's voice suddenly filled our ears from behind us, "Magnus, I didn't know you were here."
"Damn it- so close." I muttered under my breath, slipping off the table, facing her to see Alec stood right next to her.
Seeing them together made the pain in my chest intensify, and I hated it.
Because I was stupid enough to feel anything for anyone, even when I was taught that to love is to destroy and to be loved is to be the one destroyed.
"We're just on our way to greet a few representatives of the Clave who arrived early for tomorrow's wedding." Lydia smiled sweetly, "How long are you staying?"
"What's going on here?" Alec looks between us all as Jace got up, "Nobody told me about a meeting."
"That was intentional." I told him straight up, placing my hands on my hips.
Magnus inhaled deeply, sensing the tension, "We figured out that Ragnor Fell is the warlock who can wake Jocelyn- we're just bringing him back to the Institute."
Alec nods once, "How can I help?"
"We're just recovering a warlock, Alec." Jace crosses his arms, "We got this covered."
"Besides, you have emissaries from the Clave to meet." I stared at Alec, "You don't want to tarnish your family's perfectly-crafted image now, do you? Because of course- that would be- horrible."
Alec's eyes were glued to mine, as Lydia inhales, "Again, lovely seeing you, Magnus."
"Get ready." I instruct, breaking eye contact with Alec as he slowly followed his fiancée, "We leave in an hour."
"Ragnor's house is just across these fields." Magnus told us when we had gotten out of the portal.
"Let's make this quick." Jace inhales sharply, "We'll talk to Ragnor, then Portal him back to the Institute before anyone knows we're gone."
Magnus looks between us, trying to make some conversation, "So brother and sister, huh?"
Jace exhales deeply, "I don't wanna talk about it."
"Actually, I want to-" I chirped sarcastically, holding a bubble of laughter back, "This is the most amusing thing I've heard of since I showed up."
Jace suddenly stops and looks at me, "What- do you think this is- funny?"
"No, I think it's hilarious." I stopped as well, "I mean- you wanted to screw your sister- you don't hear a lot of those stories around here."
Truthfully, I felt bad for him.
But, my own problems were overpowering my judgement.
"What do you want me to say, Zee?" Jace exhales deeply, "That I was attracted to my sister?"
I shrug, "That's what you get for falling for the redhead."
"Point of fact, brother and sisters are often attracted to each other." Magnus points out suddenly, making me smirk even more, "I once knew this one couple in ancient Egypt-"
Jace stopped him, "Magnus."
"Hey, at least you're reconnecting with your mother." I began walking away, "Margaret's- sweet."
"She is- she really is, I just-" Jace sighs deeply and covers his face for a moment before following me, "I never thought that- I was her son."
"When Valentine's your father? I get that." I related to him, "It's such a weird combination."
Suddenly, there's a sizzling sound around us, making Jace look up quickly, "What was that?"
"Uh-" I began, but immediately was pulled back by Jace when there was green fire surrounding all of us.
Magnus looks around, taking notice, "Ragnor put up wards to protect his lair."
"I know I haven't been out and about for a while but-" I stared at the green flames, "I know fire isn't green."
"It's a wall of fire that only the pure of heart and intention can pass through." Magnus informed us and looked at us, "Are you ready?"
"Alright, let's get a move on." I lead, inhaling deeply as we all walked through the fire and suddenly, I was alone.
Jace and Magnus were no longer with me.
Almost instantly I pulled out my kindjals, looking around, "Magnus? Jace?"
I did a complete 360, as they were no where in sight.
My eyes fell onto the house across the hills.
Ragnor Fell.
I made a run for it, running as fast as I could to the home, jerking to a stop on the porch.
"Ragnor?" I called out.
When there is no response, I kick the door open, "Ragnor?"
"Hello?" I slowly inched into the home, looking around, as it was unusually quiet, "Anyone here?"
"Ragnod, if you're listening- I understand why you may be afraid to come out." I held my kindjals tighter, "You may think I'm a threat- but, I'm not."
I stopped when I saw a self portrait of Ragnor.
When I saw the twitches in his eyes, I put my kindjals away, reaching into the painting and grabbing him by the collar, pulling him out, "You think that would've fooled me?"
"Well done, Zee Young." Ragnor got up, not addressing me as a Morgenstern, "Only a true artist would notice the subtle changes in my eyes."
"Yes, I know." Ragnor suddenly spat to the side, "I need to work on not moving my eyes, you don't need to remind me."
My eyes watched him in suspicion, "You addressed me as a Young."
"Of course- because, that's who you are." Ragnor lead me into a bigger room, "You're so much more like your mother than your father."
I followed him, "You know her?"
"Of course I do." Ragnor looked back at me, "She's one the kindest people I know."
"I, uhm-" I clear my throat, reminding myself I wasn't here for this conversation, "If you know my mother- than you know Jocelyn."
When Ragnor nods, I stopped, "So- did you make the potion that put her to sleep?"
"At her request, yes." Ragnor confirmed, "And I knew it was only a matter of time before your sister
came to me looking for the antidote."
"I've got to say, I was not expecting it to be you."
Ragnor gestured toward a middle seat, "Please, sit."
"I came here with two- people- Jace Wayland and Magnus Bane." I don't sit, "They were with me, but- I lost them in the fire."
Ragnor raises his voice to my side, "Let me do this my way!"
Ragnor then turned to me, looking at my expression, "Your friends, are they true?"
"Magnus said he's known you for centuries." I huffed deeply and rolled my eyes, "He sent you a fire message that you never responded to."
"This is not an act." Ragnor said to my right, "It is not an act! It is essential."
"What the hell is your deal?" I moved to the side, suddenly blurting out without realizing what I was saying, "My friends are missing and if you can't help me, I'll find them myself, because all you're doing is wasting my time."
I called them my friends.
Ragnor was in front of me, "What is it worth to you?"
"I'll- give you whatever you want." I persuaded, "Is that what you want to here?"
"That's what I wanted to hear." Ragnor smiled, snapping his fingers as Jace and Magnus were in the two chairs next to me.
That makes so much more sense.
Magnus sighs, "Honestly, Ragnor, was that nonsense necessary?"
"Of course." Ragnor simply said, "She offered me anything, you were only up to a timeshare of your flat in Paris- yawn."
"All right, enough." I interjected, "Can you really wake Jocelyn or not?"
Ragnor exhales, "Not without the Book of the White."
Jace sighs, "What is the Book of the White?"
Magnus nervously chuckled, "It's an ancient book of warlock magic containing spells more powerful than most warlocks could ever imagine."
"I possessed the book when Jocelyn came to me, and I used its contents to create the potion." Ragnor told us, "Regrettably, I no longer have the book- I asked Jocelyn to hide it that Valentine might never find it."
"Great another scavenger hunt that takes longer than it should." I said with annoyance in my tone, "How the hell do we get this- Book of the White?"
"I may have something that can help us." Ragnor raises his finger and turned, walking into another room, "Won't be but a moment."
Magnus looks around, "It's a bit drab, isn't it?"
Then, there was a deep roaring followed by Ragnor's scream, our head snapping toward the sound.
Magnus ran towards the scream, "Ragnor!"
Jace and I follow him as Ragnor fell off the staircase and landed on the ground, a deep wound on his neck.
"Creature took me by surprise." Ragnor was shaking when Magnus came to his aid.
"The Shax demon must have followed us-" I looked around to see it had disappeared, "Jumped through when the fire wall reset."
"Be still, my little dear cabbage." Magnus used his magic, "Your wounds are deep- hold on, please."
But, it was too late as Ragnor went stiff.
Magnus stares at his dead friend, "For centuries, this man knew me better than anyone."
"Magnus." I inhale, "I'm sorry."
"We have to leave, now." Jace suddenly got up, "If one Shax demon found us, you can bet there are more on the way."
"Get back to the Institute." Magnus snapped his fingers and opened a portal, "I'll transport everything back to my place, and find what you need."
Magnus held onto Ragnor's dead body, tears filling his eyes, "Now, leave me to take care of my friend."
Jace and I don't question it, as we entered the portal, leaving Magnus with Ragnor.
"Jace, you're coming to Alec's bachelor party, right?" asked Isabelle as her and Clary joined Jace and I when we entered the Institute.
"No." Jace exhales deeply, "He doesn't want me there, and I'm swamped."
Isabelle huffs, "You two seriously haven't worked things out yet?"
"There's nothing to work out." Jace denied, "If he wants to talk, we'll talk."
Isabelle argues, "He's your parabatai."
"We have more important things going on than a bachelor party." Jace's voice lowered as he led us into the training room, "Come with me."
Jace stood by my side as he quietly told Clary and Isabelle, "We have a mole in the Institute."
"We were attacked by a Shax demon when we went to see Ragnor Fell." I went in depth, placing my hands on my hips, "The attack couldn't have been coincidence- my father must have been tracking us."
Clary's eyes slightly widen, "You don't think someone from the Institute told Valentine where you were going?"
I inhale, "There's no other explanation."
"No one here would betray us like that." Isabelle didn't want to believe it, "This is our family."
Jace walked past us and stared right at Lydia who stood across the Institute, "Not everyone's family yet."
My eyes widen slightly in amusement, a small smirk falling onto my lips, "Oh, this just got interesting."
Jace faces us, angrier than ever, "I swear, if Lydia is the leak, I'm gonna-"
"Slow down." Clary stops him, "We don't know if she did anything yet."
Isabelle adds in immediately, "And wrongfully accusing someone of a crime is dangerous."
"Lydia was right there when we were talking about Ragnor Fell." Jace seethed through his teeth, beginning to head for Lydia, "If she's not gonna admit what she did, I'm gonna make her admit it."
"Jace, stop." Clary got in front of him, "You are too worked up to talk to anyone right now."
Isabelle backs her up, "Especially not an important envoy from the Clave."
Clary stays put, "If you accuse Alec's fiancée of treason, you will ruin whatever relationship you have left with him."
I slip my hands into my pockets, "I'll talk to her."
Jace looks at me, "You're going to talk to her?"
I nod once, "Yeah."
Isabelle stares at me, "Zee, you hate her."
"Exactly, so she won't be surprised if I'm the one accusing her of treason." I reasoned, "I'll just- offer her a drink or something, and get her talking."
"Fine." Jace gives in, "But- I wanna know everything she says."
"Drink?" I stood in the door frame of Lydia's office, holding two glasses in my hands, Lydia looking at me, dressed in only a robe after she changed out of her wedding dress during her fitting.
Lydia blinks, "Yeah- thank you."
"Your dress is stunning." I handed her a drink, walking further into the room, after had caught a glimpse of her dress.
"Thank you." Lydia inhales sharply, "I feel more nervous wearing that dress than I ever have on the battlefield."
"Well, you're marrying a stranger." I remarked, placing a hand on my hip, "That'd surely give you the wedding jitters."
Lydia doesn't reply to this, simply taking a sip of her drink, her face scrunching, "This is strong-"
"Yeah, I know." I held drink to my side, "Lydia, I need to talk to you about something."
Lydia set down her drink on her desk and leans against the wood, "What is it?"
"My father sent a Shax demon to track us on our mission today." I stare at her dead in the eye, "It killed Ragnor Fell."
Lydia gasped, "By the Angel-"
"Very few people here at the Institute knew we were going on that mission." My voice was low and filled with accusation, "You overheard us this morning, then we were attacked."
Lydia set down her drink, "If I was working for Valentine, don't you think I would have already given him the Mortal Cup?"
"I don't believe this." Lydia scoffs in disbelief, "Fellow Shadowhunters accusing me of high treason."
"Shadowhunter." I corrected her, keeping a deadpan tone, watching her every move, "I'm the only one."
Anger crossed Lydia's expression, "Unless you have hard evidence to back your claims, I believe this conversation is over."
"Fine, but- know this." I stepped closer and stood directly in front of her, "These people have become like family to me and I protect my family."
That was the first time I had ever admitted that.
I always made them believe otherwise, but, that was the truth.
"I care about them too." Lydia counteracted, "Why else would I be marrying Alec?"
I scoff at her response, anger threading my tone, "How well do you actually know him?"
"You're talking about Alec's feelings for you?" Lydia mentions, looking between my eyes, "I'm not blind."
"If you're not in love with Alec-" I began, setting down my drink and standing still, "Why the hell are you going through with this marriage?"
"Alec's love for his family and his desire to restore the Lightwood name has touched me in ways that I haven't felt in a very long time." Lydia's words made me want to throw her out the window, "Alec is a man of honor and I truly care about him."
"If you truly cared about him, you would consider his happiness." My jaw clenched and my teeth gritted, "You're willing to let him sacrifice his life for his family name to be reinstated?"
"Shadowhunters know that our duty to our family supersedes our personal desires." Lydia said to me, "You should know that."
"What I know is-" I stepped back, grabbing my drink, "Alec should not have to give up who he is- just to please his family."
"But- Alec proposed to me." Lydia shot back at me, "This is what he wants."
I scoff, turning to leave, but then stop, focusing on what I came in here for to begin with, spinning to slowly face her, "How do I trust you?"
Lydia's expression changed, "You're Valentine's daughter and I learned to trust you."
I don't reply.
"Please, I'm asking you trust me." Lydia took a step closer to me, picking up the drink I brought her, holding it up, "As friends."
"We're not friends." I stare at her with pure hatred, downing my drink in one gulp, setting the glass down, staring at her dead in the eye before walking out of the room, leaving her speechless.
"I picked something out for you to wear to the wedding." Magnus walked into his living room, where I stood, delicately holding up a dress that was elegant and radiant.
The chiffon dress was a deep red color and was a v neck, long and had a side slit.
"Thank you for the gesture, but-" I sat down, "I'm not going- that's why I came here."
"You're not going to go win Alec back?" Magnus questioned, gently resting the dress on the couch and using his magic, having gold ankle strap heels appear right next to them, on the ground.
"Magnus-" I began.
He cuts me off when he walks over to me, his blue magic waving around my face, suddenly my hair behind done half up and down in a braid crown, and was now wavy from straight.
"Magnus!" I stood up, stopping him, "I'm not going to the wedding to watch the guy I have feelings for get married to another woman!"
I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, shocked that I even admitted that out loud.
"Biscuit." Magnus grabbed my hands gently and had me sit down, "I'm sure with very little effort you could win him back."
"That doesn't matter, Magnus." I throw myself back, my back hitting the cushions of the seat, "He's getting married right about now, and there's nothing I can do to stop it."
Magnus looks between my eyes, "You can go."
"And do what?" I shot him a look, "Magnus, there's not point. I'll only be humiliated when he picks her."
"Biscuit, listen." Magnus let go of my hands and stood up, pouring us both a drink and handing me one, sitting down across from me, "I know you may not believe me, but-"
"Somebody, someone- will come along that will tear down all the walls you've built around your heart." Magnus' stares into my eyes as he said this, "That someone will make you believe against everything you've been taught of to love is to destroy and to be loved is to be the one destroyed."
Magnus' words unlocked something in me, "And when that love comes to you, you must do everything in your power to fight for it."
I paused.
I impulsively got up, downing my drink, "Let's go-"
"It is time for Alec Lightwood and Lydia Branwell to mark each other with the Wedded Union rune." I heard Brother Jeremiah's voice from a distance as Magnus and I ran through the Institute, "A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart, a union is born."
The doors slam behind Magnus and I loudly as I rushed into the ceremonial hall where Alec's wedding was being held, my footsteps slowing when all eyes were on me, including Alec's and Lydia's.
The stele Lydia held was only an inch away from Alec's wrist.
"What is she doing here?" Maryse whispered to Hodge and Robert from where they sat.
From the corner of my eye, I could see the relieved look on Margaret's face that I came.
Maryse marched over to me, my eyes locked with Alec's, "Zee, leave this wedding now."
"I'll leave if Alec asks me to." My voice came out quiet, not moving an inch, not even glancing at her.
My heart was beating out of my chest.
Jace whispers to Alec, "Are you gonna be okay, buddy?"
"Alec?" Lydia forced Alec to break eye contact with me and to look at her, "Hey."
Alec was stammering for breath, "I- I can't breathe."
"I know." Lydia comforted him, "It's okay."
"I can't do this." Alec suddenly said, breathing heavily, "I thought we were doing the right thing, but- this isn't it."
Lydia's expression dropped, nodding once, "You don't have to explain."
Alec swallowed hard, apologizing, "Lydia, I'm sorry-"
"Hey- you deserve to be happy, okay?" Lydia places a hand on his arm, assuring him, "I'll be fine."
Then she stepped back, and Alec faced everyone.
Alec breathes deeply, scanning the faces in the room.
His eyes then connected with mine once more.
Then, Alec was suddenly moving; determinedly.
And he was making his way over to me.
Maryse walks toward him and past me, in hopes of stopping him; disapproving of whatever he was about to do, "Alec, what are you doing?-"
"Enough." Alec silenced her and kept walking, not even glancing at her, his eyes locked with mine.
My eyes began to slightly widen when I begin to process that he had just told his mother off and he was making his way over to me.
When Alec reaches me, he grabs me by my waist and pulls me into him, wasting no time to press his lips into mine eagerly, my heart leaping out of my chest.
I kissed back, grabbing his face, a numerous amount of emotions overwhelming me, a rushing feeling through my veins.
My heart was beating faster than ever.
Alec pulled his head back gently to look me in the eye when I reached for more.
As if he was making sure he wasn't dreaming.
He then reconnects our lips, ignoring that the entire Institute and the Clave were watching us.
When we finally break apart, I looked around to all the shocked faces, as I swallowed, looking back at Alec as we were still wrapped in each other's embrace, "You just threw your life away for me."
"Yeah-" Alec exhales deeply, everything that just happened finally hitting him, "What did I just do?"
I slowly slipped away from Alec when I see the look on Maryse's face, as she looked between us in pure disgust, walking off, Robert following her.
Isabelle quickly made her way over to us, "Alec, I am so proud of you."
"Guys, that was incredible." Simon suddenly joins us, "It was like watching the live version of The Graduate- you know, the Dustin Hoffman movie, the amazing one?"
"You were Ben- the shorter, feminine, stunning version of him-" Simon began to ramble, pointing at Alec and I, "And you were Elaine- I mean, a taller, masculine, handsome version of her."
"But at the altar, though, you were like- Ben!" He continued, "And then and then now, you're both sitting on the bus at the end of the movie, both totally stoked, but- wondering, like what're we gonna do now? You know?"
"Wow." I gaped at Simon, "That was a lot."
Alec's expression had dropped when he noticed Simon, "Who invited the vampire?"
Simon's smile dropped, "Seriously?"
As we all faded into conversation, Magnus joined us, placing a hand on my back, his voice quiet, "We need to speak privately."
"I pulled every item of magical importance from Ragnor's belongings." Magnus used his magic, as they appeared on the table in the training room, "But- I can't determine which will lead to the Book of the White."
"Wait, this bookmark." Clary suddenly grabbed a bookmark, "I've seen it before- in the alternate dimension you showed me a book of spells, and this was in it- it must have been the Book of the White."
Alec slips his hands into his front pockets, "If that's the case, we can use the bookmark to track the owner of the book."
"Okay." Jace reaches for it.
Magnus caught it first, "Warlock tracking is stronger."
Magnus breathes deeply and closed his eyes, tracking the bookmark.
A moment later, he speaks, "Well, there's good news and bad news."
"The good news is I know the owner." Magnus exhales deeply, "The bad? It's Camille."
"Camille?" I repeated, "Why the hell does a vamp have a warlock spell book?"
"I don't know-" Magnus admits, "Looks like Raphael has her locked up in the basement of the Hotel DuMort."
Clary huffs deeply, "Well, after I punched her, there's no way she'll help me."
"You punched her?" I looked at her, "Nice."
Clary looked at me, slightly surprised, "Is that a compliment?"
My eyebrows furrowed, "Don't get used to it."
Clary nods once, "Noted."
"Camille won't have a choice." Jace looks at Clary, "Trust me."
"I'm so glad we got away from that crowd and all those people." Alec messed with the buttons of his button up, "So intense."
"I know- the stares, were just- nerve wracking." I agreed, but I couldn't help but smile widely, looking down at my feet.
"I haven't seen you smile this much in so long-" Alec's eyes scan my face, a small smile forming on his own lips.
"How can I not?" I went soft, my hands on his arms, "The guy I really like just kissed me in front of everyone."
Alec's smile only widened, as he leaned down and pressed his lips into mine once more, a wider smile breaking on my lips as I grabbed his face, quietly giggling into the kiss.
This was so not like me.
I was being so giddy.
When I heard footsteps approaching, I pulled away from Alec, to see Maryse.
"What have you done, Alec?" Maryse was fuming with anger as Robert followed her, "To us, this family?"
Alec stood tall, "This isn't about you."
"Of course it is." Maryse snipped back, angry with her son, "You are either being selfish or naive."
"This wedding was your plan from the start." Maryse spat at him, "And now you have humiliated us in front of the most respected members of the Clave."
"You were supposed to be with Lydia- but, you chose- her!" Maryse pointed at me, "Valentine Morgenstern's daughter."
"And what about it?" Alec defended me, "You're acting as if I've sided with the man himself. Zee is nothing like her father, despite what you may think."
"She's twisted, evil and manipulative." Maryse said it right to my face, "When she goes back to her roots, is when you will understand that mistake you've made."
Before Alec could speak, I placed a hand on my hip, running a finger over my bottom lip, "Well, it certainly won your son's heart over, didn't it?"
Alec looked at me, his eyes slightly wide but his lips holding a tiny smirk, as if he was holding back a scoff of laughter and surprise.
Maryse stares at her son in disbelief and disappointment, "I don't even recognize you anymore."
"I'm the same person I've always been." Alec shot back at her, implying about his feelings for me and not Lydia, "Now- everything's just out in the open."
"And all for Valentine's daughter." Maryse scoffs deeply, then walks away from us, leaving me speechless.
Robert watched his wife and looked at Alec and I, "Just give her time."
Alec inhales deeply, "And you?"
"I don't really understand this." Robert admits, gesturing between us, "How long has this been going on? Are you two in love?"
"Love?" Alec stammers, "No, it's, uh, it's sort of a different-"
"What? No-" I was stammering as well, clearing my throat, "It's all very new."
"Right." Robert nods once, before following after Maryse, "I better go check on Mom."
"I'm sorry." I blurted out right away, looking up at Alec, "Your mother is giving you so much for that-"
"You know what I just realized?" Alec suddenly cut me off, placing his hands on my arms, "We kissed before our first date."
"That's what you're concerned about right now?" I was amused, "Our killer first kiss and our non existent date?"
"Yeah." Alec gently smiled down at me as if the only thing that mattered to him right now was me, "You wanna- I don't know, get a drink sometime?"
I couldn't help but smile, "I would love that."
authors note:
this has been my favorite chapter so far
I'm actually so soft
but, I'm so soft for them tho, like I can't even
like she can't stop smiling, she's at the beginning of her softie stage
alec's def gonna turn zee into a softie
but, wow zee and margaret moments
zee and magnus moments
zee and jace moments, wow the possibilities are endless-
but, ah i loved this chapter a lot
vote and comment loadsss
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