"All I know is, we gotta get you out of here." Alec paced back and forth in front of me as I was seated on the couch, "All right, who do we know in Idris?"
"I'm a Morgenstern." I stare at him as if he the most dense person I knew, "Nobody cares if I get deruned and banished."
"Well, I do." Alec shot back at me, "And your mother, and Isabelle-"
"I meant in Idris, you moron." I shot him a look, slouched, my feet on the table, "There's nothing we can do to get me out of this."
Alec stopped pacing and looked at me, shooting out anything that came to mind, "Uh, what about Lydia?"
I blinked hard and looked at him in annoyance, repeating his words, "Lydia?"
Alec stares at me, "Yeah."
"Lydia isn't doing her job." I used his words towards his parents against him, "The Institute was under her control when Meliron was broken free."
Alec noticed this, sighing deeply, not replying to my remark, "Okay, Lydia-"
"Why do you keep going there?" I suddenly sat up, infuriated with him, "Your- oh so beloved fiancée is prosecuting me."
"She has no choice." Alec looked between my eyes, noticing as my face twisted at his words, "She doesn't."
"Everyone has a choice, Alec." I snipped at him and got up, pausing for a moment, then looking away, "You taught me that."
"Look, I know you don't want to believe this, but- Lydia said she would help if we can give her a way to do it." Alec messes with his hands, "Maybe I can get her to delay the trial."
"What- so, you can buy me a few hours to inundate in self pity until I'm convicted?" I cross my arms, turning my back to him, "Just- let me be deruned and banished in peace."
"I've already lead them to believe that I singlehandedly saved Meliorn." I muttered in a sigh, "I've made sure that Isabelle, Clary and Jace don't get convicted with me."
I was sacrificing myself for these people.
I just, couldn't let them go down with me.
Alec took a step closer to me, "Zee, we will get you out of this, trust me-"
"How, Alec?" I pinch the bridge of my nose, shaking my head, "The Clave is using me as leverage for the Cup. I'm just a pawn to the Inquisitor."
"So- let me buy some time to find it." Alec exhales deeply, grasping at straws at this point, "Hey, Jace and Clary-"
"Disappeared through a door to God knows where, right along with the Cup." I spun to face him, my eyes wide at how he was trying so hard to keep me safe, "See? There went my ticket out of here."
"What if I was wrong?" Alec replied to me, walking closer to me til he stood directly in front of me, "I can't find Jace because I weakened our bond, but that doesn't mean he can't be found, or that he can't find us."
My eyes squint as he sighs, "We need more time."
"You're failing to realize that whatever evidence and accusations they have all point towards me." I turned away from him and sat on the arm of the couch, staring ahead of me, "There's no hope of me now."
"Zee, listen." Alec crouched, placing a hand on my knee, "Ever since I've known you- back then and now, you've always found it in your heart to help me."
My eyes connect with his.
Alec squeezed my knee gently, "Please, let me help you for once."
"You know what?" I scoff in surprise, running a hand through my hair, "I'd rather be stripped of my runes and sent into exile than be part of the world we're in."
I cross my arms, "What kind of people sacrifice justice for law?"
"That's very noble, Zee." Alec eyed me, "But the high road's not gonna look so great when you're running for your life from a pack of demons with no Shadowhunter powers to protect you."
"Well, If I hadn't stayed here in the first place, I wouldn't have to think about taking the high road, because I wouldn't be in this mess!" I snipped at him, turning away, placing a hand on my hip and pinching the bridge of my nose, "God- I'm stupid."
This makes Alec go silent.
"You know what- I'll be fine." I faced him once more, trying to be optimistic, "I can handle a pack of demons without my weapons- I'm highly trained, I'll figure it out."
"And-" I pointed at him, running a hand through my hair again and placing it back on my hip, "Jocelyn lived as a mundane."
"You know Jocelyn had her runes and her weapons." Alec walked closer to me, "You think the demons won't find you?"
I glared at him and looked away.
"You can't just let them convict you." Alec argued, "You need an advocate."
A thought came to mind.
I place my hands on my waist and looked at him, a small smirk on my lips, "Magnus Bane."
I sat at the table as the trial was now in session.
Isabelle and Margaret had forced me into an outfit that I could never see on myself unless it was some sort of special occasion.
Which it wasn't.
I was dressed in a short sleeve black crop top that ended where my tube skirt began, as it was black and knee length, and black ankle strap heels.
Magnus stood in front of the Silent Brother, pointing at the Soul Sword, "Will I survive if I touch it?"
Inquisitor Herondale was seated on the higher chair in the set up in the Ops Center, "If you tell the truth."
The Silent Brother began as Magnus grabbed the sword, "By the power of this sword, do you swear to defend your client with integrity and honesty?"
Magnus smiled awkwardly, inhaling sharply, "No argument from me on that."
Inquisitor Herondale speaks as Magnus makes his way back to me, "Make your case, warlock."
"My case is simple." Magnus faced her, "It is true that Zee Young acted against the orders of the Clave by trying to free the Seelie, Meliorn."
"But- she did not act against the interests of the Clave." Magnus adds, "Preventing the forced questioning and possible death of a Seelie may have saved the Accords."
Inquisitor Herondale doesn't react, "We're not here to speculate what might have happened if the defendant hadn't interfered."
"You mean what might have happened if she hadn't stopped the Silent Brothers from torturing a Seelie?"
"I await a valid argument." Inquisitor Herondale adjusts her position, "Do you have one?"
"What you really want is the Mortal Cup, and my client doesn't have it." Magnus argues back, "Since this whole proceeding isn't about what it's really about, I move to have this case dismissed."
Inquisitor Herondale inhales, "You're out of order."
"No- this whole thing is out of order." Magnus seemed to be getting slightly frustrated with her, "It's not Zee's fault, it's the Cup! Put the Cup on trial!"
Lydia stood straight as I was at the stand, "You have led us to believe that you alone carried out this operation."
"I'm Valentine Morgenstern's daughter." I stared at her dead in the eye, my expression relaxed, "I was trained to do the impossible."
I was acting like this didn't matter to me.
But, I couldn't help but be slightly frightened.
Lydia stepped closer, "But- Clary Fairchild was seen near the City of Bones that night."
"And I'm supposed to know what she was doing there?" I remarked, resting my arms on the arms of the chair, "Who knows? Maybe, she was out for a walk- spending all her time being monitored by at least someone here must be exhausting."
Lydia stared at me, "And you expect us to believe that you distracted the guards, and escaped with the prisoner on your own?"
"Is it shocking?" I blinked, "I'm highly trained."
Inquisitor Herondale looked at me from where she sat, "I suggest you think about how "shocking" it would be when Valentine uses the Mortal Cup to raise an army of rogue Shadowhunters."
I turned my head and looked at her, "And what does that have to do with me?"
"According to my records, you tried to escape where you were being held captive." Inquisitor Herondale confronted me about what I had pulled, implying to it as a reason not to trust me or for any of the odds to be in my favor at the moment.
"Clearly, you people don't know the difference between escaping and stopping a friend from making the biggest mistake of his life." I snapped at her, my eyes immediately going to Alec, our eyes locking in sight.
"You have given us no reason to trust you." Inquisitor Herondale's voice makes me look back at her, "What we are seeing now is the same pattern Valentine showed prior to the Uprising, bending of the law- wanton defiance of Clave order."
Inquisitor Herondale continued, "And now, you, Zee Morgenstern- are following in his footsteps and recreating what happened years ago."
"You think I want my father to succeed?" I slowly got out of my chair, staring at Inquisitor Herondale with wide eyes, "That's far from what I want!"
"Valentine Morgenstern despises Downworlders and treats them like they are less than what we are because of the type of blood they have." I was angry, raising my voice lightly, "I saved one's life!"
Lydia clears her throat, "Zee, I should warn you that everything you say here will be considered in the verdict."
"Oh yeah? Well, consider this." I faced everyone, my voice at a loud tone so everyone could hear me clearly, "My father didn't just come out of nowhere- what he's done and will do is still present in what you people say is your duty- using the Law as an excuse."
"Everyone in this room uses their angel blood to justify everything they do- just like my father." I stepped closer, "As if we are some higher beings, and Downworlders are just the lower standard."
"If anything, we are no different than my father." I looked at each and every person in the room, "Because we hide behind the Law- laws that are unjust and unfair towards Downworlders- making us seem like we are of higher ranking."
"We turn our fear on Downworlders, just like my father did." My voice fell to an unusual calming in disgust, "And just as he did we will end up turning on each other."
Inquisitor Herondale finally speaks, "You think we're doing that to you?"
I exhale deeply, feeling as if I had nothing more to say after my outburst.
"You tell me." I looked down, crossing my arms, "Madam Inquisitor."
Magnus got up from next to me, "I'd like to call Lydia Branwell to the stand."
Inquisitor Herondale looked at him, "I don't see the relevance."
"Well, that makes two of us." Magnus buttoned his blazer, "I don't see the relevance of this whole trial."
"Ms. Branwell?" Magnus looks at her, "If you'll take the stand?"
Lydia slowly got up and walked to the higher platform, sitting in the seat I previously sat in.
"I just have one question." Magnus stares at her, "Why are you prosecuting this case?"
When Lydia doesn't reply, Inquisitor Herondale looks at her as well, "Answer the question, Counselor."
Lydia swallows hard, saying exactly what pleased Inquisitor Herondale, "Because the Law is hard, but it is the Law."
Magnus sighs quietly at her answer, as if he wanted to get something else out of her.
Lydia's words catches us all off guard, as she had all our attention, "But- that doesn't make it right."
She surprisingly had my undivided attention.
"We're trying someone for being compassionate, thinking for herself- of the person she wants to be." Lydia expresses, my eyebrows furrowing at her words, striking confusion in everyone, "She saved a life that was being sacrificed for nothing."
Inquisitor Herondale didn't like this, "That will be enough, Branwell."
Lydia glances at her once, "No- it isn't."
"I'm looking out at the faces here." Lydia looked from me to Isabelle, "I see two parabatais, who love and support each other, even if one had slipped to the wrong side."
"A mother who never gave up on her child, despite everyone's doubts." Lydia continued, then looked from Margaret to Alec, "The man who risked everything he had for a woman who didn't even remember who he was when she first got here, because of how much he wants to protect her from any harm that may come her way."
I looked back at Alec, just for a moment.
His eyes connect with mine, a small smile forming on his lips, just to keep me calm.
I blinked and turned back, looking at Lydia.
Lydia looked at Magnus, "A man who took this case pretending to want payment in rare objects, but who really cares for the woman he's defending and believes that injustice toward his friends is intolerable."
"Loyalty, decency, compassion, love." Lydia's words were shocking me to the core, "These are the concepts that we should consider to decide guilt or innocence in a case like this."
My eyebrows were furrowed, confused twisting on my expression as I stared at her.
I couldn't understand why she was speaking in my favor, especially since her and I never got off on the right foot since she arrived.
"Those are not the concepts of the Law." Inquisitor Herondale's tone was stern, "Now, enough of this nonsense."
"I agree." Lydia got up, "The case is nonsense."
Lydia's choice was clear, as she stood by it and held her ground, "I withdraw the charges."
Loud applause erupted in the room, as I stood up, my hands flat on the table, my eyes wide with a mixture of shock and surprise, my jaw slightly dropped.
Magnus immediately turned to me, holding his arms out as he hugged onto me, lifting me off the ground as I hugged back, relief overpowering the fear I felt in my chest.
Alec, Isabelle and Margaret joined us, surrounding us as everyone got up, the brief case Magnus had erupting in confetti.
Magnus sets me down, my eyes falling onto Lydia who had joined us as well.
As everyone had wide smiles on their faces, I could only muster up a look of shock as I looked at Lydia.
I didn't know what to say.
"Silence! Order!" Inquisitor Herondale bangs the gavel hard, "Silence!"
"If you think refusing to prosecute exculpates the defendant, you are wrong." Inquisitor Herondale made it clear when the noise went down, "She is guilty."
"The defense was correct, the Clave does want the Mortal Cup." Inquisitor Herondale said, "If it is returned within 24 hours, this ruling will be vacated."
Her words made the fear in my chest return, "If not, Zee Morgenstern will be stripped of her runes and exiled from the society of the Shadowhunters forever."
I stared into nothingness as I stood in the office with Magnus after the trail, my hands on my hips.
I couldn't deny the fear in my chest.
I just wouldn't admit it.
But, Magnus could read through my hard rock expression, "I'm sorry we lost the case."
I looked up at him, a small smirk forming on my lips to lighten the mood slightly, "Yeah, but- at least we lost it with style, right?"
Magnus walked closed to me and placed a hand on my back, giving me a sympathetic smile, "You're different."
I looked at him, "Am I?"
"The way you stood up for the Downworlders during your trial." Magnus reminded me, "I can't say I've ever been more proud of you."
"Eh-" I exhale deeply and place my hands on my hips, "I needed to vent."
Magnus couldn't help but smile, as the door opened, Alec walking in with a straight look, making the lightened mood disappear.
I stepped away from Magnus and closed to Alec, staying silent as Magnus and I's expressions expressed the question burning in our minds.
"Jace and Clary are back." Alec looked at me, inhaling sharply, "They gave the Cup to Lydia."
The light in his eyes had returned from when it disappeared, when I was arrested.
My expression twisted in surprise, "What?"
Alec broke out into a smile, "You're free to go."
"I am?" I couldn't stop myself from throwing my arms around his middle, hugging onto him tightly, "You were right, they came back, you knew!"
Alec softly laughs, wrapping his arms around me and holding me just as tight, "Oh, I didn't actually."
I looked at him, as he looked down at me, a smile on his lips, as I puckered my lips lightly to stop myself from smiling as well.
But, I knew he could tell I was fighting it.
Before I got lost in his eyes, I buried my face in his chest, as he tightened his grip, his warmth surrounding me.
To my dismay, his grip and being in his arms alone made my heart leap out of my chest.
I didn't let go and neither did he.
The smile of relief and happiness was permanent on Alec's lips as he hugged onto me, leaned his cheek against my head.
authors note:
literally fucking goals ?
also I've realized that zee literally doesn't smile
like she smirks
but, she doesn't smile
also, i loved this chapter so much
but, hey they're literally such a great duo, i-
thank you for 2k !
vote and comment loadsss
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