7: Dreamer
"We challenge you to a double duel!" Kaden screams, quickly forming the dueling pose. "Each trainer may use a partner Pokemon of their choice, and we fight until an entire team is no longer able to fight, even if that point is death." To his side, Kaden sees that Isa's slowly gathering himself to form the same pose, albeit a lot more shaky and nervous than Kaden.
"I didn't think you would act so formal." Valencia has a sly grin on her face, which stands out in stark contrast to the Patroness next to her. Her face is one of complete seriousness, showing no emotion as Valencia speaks. "I thought you Mercenaries were supposed to be ones of trickery and no formalities. Or is it the influence of that one as to why you're acting so formal?" Valencia points to Isa, who immediately seems a bit shocked.
"I act this way as to show respect for my opponent." Kaden says, hoping to relieve some of Isa's tension. "You're a wise woman for having been able to rule for so long with such little opposition. Even as the enemy, I can respect that aspect of you."
"Then that would be the difference between us. I hold no respect for the Admiral of the Mercenaries who would go so far as to let his whole organization fall apart and then use such an innocent bystander as a stepping stone to get where he is now." Valencia approaches Isa, gently putting a hand on his face like a mother would. Isa's stone cold now, staring at the Empress. "You really don't think that I'm as corrupted as this fool says I am, do you? If anything, he's the corrupted one. You had no business being here, yet you stand before me, but for what purpose? Do you really think you can win this fight?"
"I-" Isa's shaking is clear to the point that Kaden has to walk over to his friend and grab his hands to calm him down.
"Don't let her intimidate you. Just be honest. And if you honestly think I'm doing something wrong, then go and get yourself to safety because I'm not gonna make you do this, okay? Yeah, there was a part of me that knew you'd be just another way to my goal, but that part of me is gone. If you're standing by me now, I want you to do it of your own accord." Kaden speaks in a very soft tone towards Isa, who doesn't turn. His shaking has gotten mostly under control, but it's still there.
"Why didn't the Patrons come to help save my village?" Isa finally speaks, his voice much more quiet than what Kaden knows it can be. "A leader is supposed to protect her people in times of their need, even if it puts her own life at risk. The Patrons are legends for us, and they couldn't even bother to come when we needed them the most."
Valencia pulls away from Isa, which Kaden notices relieves almost all of the tension Isa's been building up. "You're a strange little one. But I suppose that there is some sense to what you're saying. Regardless, I hope that you soon realize your faults. Ayana and I accept your offer."
"Ayana?" Isa finally makes the realization, starting at the Patron next to Valencia.
"That's not your friend, Isa. She's been warped by Valencia. She probably doesn't even know who you are." Kaden's a little strict in the comment, grabbing onto Isa to pull him back from approaching her.
"Ayana, listen to me! It's Isa, don't you remember?" Isa yells, shaking his hand away from Kaden's and reaching out for her. Kaden grabs his hand again and pulls him back just before Ayana makes a fast attack aimed for Isa. "Ayana?"
"We have to get ready to fight. Houndoom, Sandslash, on my mark start heading for Darkrai. Isa, on my mark we both go after Valencia. She's the target here. If we take her out then we can convince Ayana to surrender. Besides, no one should be able to handle a two on one. Not even her." Kaden commands, pointing a sword straight at Valencia. "Now!" Kaden presses down on the keystone around his neck, causing for Houndoom to transform in a flash of rainbow light. It lets out a proud roar before sending a wall of flames at Darkrai. Sandslash follows the attack, creating a beam of ice to follow the flames. Both attacks are evaded, but give enough of a cover for Isa and Kaden to start attacking Valencia.
Kaden's hits are always deflected, but Isa's much quieter and sneakier offense manages to hit Valencia a few times. She smiles madly each time Isa lands a hit, which never fails to send chills down Kaden's back. Kaden glances over Valencia's shoulder to meet eyes with Isa, silent telling him to switch positions. The two switch their sides, Isa now deflecting each blow back at Valencia while Kaden strikes. He looks to see Isa's struggling a bit to keep up with Valencia. Isa's style is a firm defensive one, but not fast enough to evade and deflect the attacks that Valencia deals. Kaden glances over Valencia to signal for Isa to step out of the way. "Oblivion's Wing and Destruction's Envoy, come-" Kaden's cut off from performing his curse when he hears an ear-splitting scream. "Isa?!"
Isa falls to the ground in front of him, reaching up for something to grab onto. His sword drops to the ground as Valencia towers over him.
"Don't touch him!" Kaden screams, reaching out to turn Valencia to face him. He's blown back by something and grabbed by Ayana, who holds him down to watch as Valencia calls Darkrai to her. She turns back to smile at him before raising a hand in the air. Darkrai copies the movement, a wisp of dark energy almost absorbing the area. "STOP!"
Kaden flinches back as the energy is released, but nothing happens. No screams, no cries for help, no nothing.
The scene is suddenly gone, and in its place there's just darkness. Not even Houndoom is there with him. The darkness fades and it soon becomes an underground lair, with a large podium for battles in the middle of it all. Kaden knows he recognizes it from somewhere, and the memories attached are none too pleasant.
He starts to run from it, but no matter how hard he pushes or how fast he moves his feet he doesn't change location. It's terrifying, but he's not quite sure why. It becomes clear within a moment, a large birdlike Pokemon appearing in front of him.
"Where am I?" Kaden demands as he stares up at it.
"You seem to have forgotten more than you wish to acknowledge." The Pokemon speaks back in a low voice. "Come and find me."
"How can I find you if I don't know who you are?" Kaden yells back, starting to step away from the Pokemon.
"I think you know who I am, Kaden. You just don't want to admit it."
"What are you talking about?" Kaden denies.
The scene fades once again, returning to the battle from before. He's conscious of the dream just long enough to see Darkrai unleash the energy and hear a painful scream.
Kaden woke up suddenly, his eyes darting the area to find that everything was just as he had left it the night before. "So you finally decided to wake up?" Isa asked, glancing over at Kaden as he ate.
"Yeah." Kaden said, his breathing slowing again. "Hey, do you know if there are any sort of relics like the ones at the village except for Yveltal instead of Xerneas?"
"Yveltal? Does this have to do with the Mercenaries?"
"I had a really weird dream last night, and I think Yveltal was in it." Kaden stood up to sit down next to Isa. "It's probably just a dream, but when it comes to Pokemon like that, it's better safe than sorry."
"That makes sense. I think there might be a few relics for Yveltal, all hidden away in caves and such, definitely not as openly found as relics for Xerneas and Zygarde. When I was a kid, a few of the Mercenaries that helped protect the village would tell us stories about where they came from, and how they all worked in caves. So maybe if we find the old cave of Mercenaries, we'll find some of the relics?" Isa offered.
"Sounds like a plan. So, do you wanna do it after we get to Luminia?"
"Well, if you said that Yveltal might be involved, then it's probably best that we go ahead and do this right now. We can continued heading towards Luminia, but every once in awhile we could stray off the road and look for caves?"
"Let's do it."
"This is one creepy cave, huh?" Isa and Kaden were descending the cave they had found, with only a flame from Houndoom and Kaden's gut to guide the way.
"I don't like it." Kaden said, mostly silent besides the one comment. He led the way as the two continued going lower.
Yes... You're getting closer. Just keep coming.
"Did you hear that?" Kaden started looking around, only seeing the two Pokemon and a very confused Isa.
"Besides you, nothing." Isa shrugged. "Let's just keep going."
As they went through the cave, the same voice kept coming back to Kaden.
Wrong way. You're almost here. I can feel your presence.
"Are you absolutely sure you don't hear anything?"
"It's probably you going insane." Isa snickered a bit.
"Or maybe you're going deaf."
"With you around, I probably am."
As Kaden kept walking, Isa suddenly stopped, wincing back a bit. "What's keeping you?"
"I can't go any further. There's some sort of invisible wall... thing." Isa pressed a hand against the air to prove his point.
"You sure?"
Isa nodded. "Maybe that means there's a relic nearby, and Yveltal only wants you seeing it."
"I guess that'd make sense. So are you okay if I go on without you?"
"Yeah, I'll just wait here until you get back." Isa sat down, leaning against the air with Sandshrew.
"I'll be back soon." Kaden waved a little before turning around, looking to see that Houndoom was already well down the tunnel. "Houndoom? Get back here!"
Kaden ran down the tunnel after the Pokemon, soon dissolving well out of Isa's sight. "Good luck."
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