Ch.8 Himiko's magic trick
~Y/n pov~
"This is...I guess hell." Kokichi beamed at everyone.
"Why are you doing this?" Keebo demanded.
"There's no use trying to escape anyway. Gonta will just catch you again." Kokichi smiled.
"Kokichi, why did Gonta kidnap us?" Shuichi asked.
"Kidnap? Oh no, you've got it wrong." I smiled.
"Yeah," Kokichi agreed, "Welcome to the insect meet and greet. Gonta is so simple minded, as soon as I told him you guys hated bugs, he started crying and said he would make it so you all loved bugs!"
"You're terrible! You tricked Gonta!" Tsumugi cried.
"Isn't it great!? Only an ultimate supreme leader like me could do something so....eeeeevil!"
"Kokichi, why are you doing this?" Keebo asked again.
"We're gonna watch everyone's motive videos! How fun!" I beamed.
"Y/n? But.."
"Silence...well it's not like it matter what you say, since you're trapped here." I laughed at Keebo.
"Have fun with the bugs til then!"
Me and Kokichi left them to fend for themselves.
Me and Kokichi grabbed all of the motive videos and shoved them in a bag.
We bumped into Kirumi and messed around for awhile too before returning to the meet and greet.
It had been a good few hours, I almost felt bad for them.
"There are bugs everywhere." Kokichi panicked slightly, "How nast- I mean nice!"
"Did you guys have fun?" I grinned mischievously.
"Let's have more fun." Gonta exclaimed.
"Ah- I think the bugs are tired and should sleep." I suggested.
Gonta nodded, "Right."
"You guys okay?" Kokichi teased, "You all look like drowned sewer rats!"
"Cuz you're late!" Tenko complained.
"Whoops?" I laughed.
"Nishishi~ Now we call all watch the motive videos."
"We said we don't want to." Tsumugi frowned.
Keebo played back a recording of Kokichi telling everyone how he manipulated Gonta.
Gonna got angry and everyone quickly left, leaving me and Kokichi to fend for ourselves.
Tenko snatched the kub pads on her way out.
"Hey, Gonta...that recording was fake. You shouldn't trust others so easily. They want to ruin our friendship!" I scowled.
Gonta's expression lightened, "Really? How mean. Gonta sorry."
"No we're sorry. See you tomorrow!" I grabbed Kokichi's hand and dragged him back to the dorms.
"Thank god.." Kokichi sighed, "Thanks, that was some good lying."
"Yup! Well, night."
I had been told about the magic show and decided to go since I had nothing better to do.
There were a few people who didn't show up, but I didn't really care too much.
I took a seat next to Shuichi as the magic show began.
"N-Nyeh...the m-magic I will p-perform today is the extreme water magic u-underwater escape act." Himiko stuttered, she was shaking like a leaf.
Angie beamed, "If you would please turn your attention to the water tank in front of you. When the timer above the stage starts, Himiko will enter the water tank. Once she's in the tank, her assistant- me! - will draw the curtain in front of the tank. After sixty seconds have passed on the timer... A separate suspended tank will open and drop in a school of piranhas. Oh my goodness!"
Everyone was silent as they listened to her explanation. For some reason, I had a bad feeling.
"After the piranhas have fallen and the curtain is opened....If, by some miracle, Himiko has been gobbled up, please give a round of applause." Angie joked.
No one laughed.
"Just kidding! It's a joke!" Angie laughed cheerfully.
"Nyeh...well then, let's begin....The Amazing Himiko's Magic Show!" Himiko exclaimed.
She took a deep breath, and then dove into the water tank.
Angie closed the curtain as the timer started.
Only thirty seconds left now.
Some people started to panic...mainly Tenko.
Gonta leapt out of his seat and ran over to the tank.
Twenty seconds left.
He peered into the tank as Angi protested.
"Gonta! You can't do that! We're still in the middle of the magic trick."
"But Himiko might get eaten by piranhas if Gonta does nothing."
The piranhas fell in, it looked like another object fell in with it though.
I licked my dry lips in anticipation.
Angie opened the curtains.
Ryoma's dead body, in handcuffs.
It was only there for a second though before head devoured by the piranhas. All they left were his clothes and bones.
The water turned pink.
I feel sick...
*ding dong bing bong*
"A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather in the gym."
A few seconds later, the door burst open and all the people who weren't here came bursting in.
Kokichi worriedly scanned the scene, before his eyes landed on me.
He then turned to notice the water tank and Ryoma's corpse or bones at the bottom of it. The water was murky.
"We should break the tank." I suggested.
"Break the tank?" Tsumugi asked.
"Yeah." Kokichi agreed, "It'll take too long to drain by hand. Gonta, throw Kee-boy as hard as you can! Use that robot like a battering ram!"
Keebo protested but didn't have time to do much else as both Gonta and Tenko flung him into the tank, effectively shattering it.
Monokuma File 2 (モノクマファイル2)
[Monokubs File 2]The victim is the Tennis Pro, . The victim's body was discovered in the gym. The cause of death was drowning. Afterward, the victim's body was consumed by piranhas until only the bones remained...
Scratched Handcuffs (傷付いた手錠)
[Pristine Handcuffs]Locked handcuffs that were in the water tank for the Underwater Escape Act. Since it was made out of stainless steel, it was difficult to leave any marks, but small scratches were still visible.
Square Glass Pane (四角いガラス板)
[Round Glass Pane]A square glass pane that was at the bottom of the piranha tank where Ryoma's body had appeared. The other bits of glass were shattered, but this pane remained perfectly square. Crammed
Piranhas (増えたピラニア)
[Free Piranhas]The piranhas that ate Ryoma. Before the magic show, Angie said it looked like there were more piranhas compared to when she prepared for the show the night before.
Marked Window Frame (窓枠の傷)
[Clean Window Frame]The window frame of the top window in the gym. It had distinct abrasions, as if it was scratched by something.
Piranha Tank (ピラニアの水槽)
[Empty Tank]The water tank that had the piranhas inside. It was kept in , and was carried over by Kaito, Keebo, Himiko, and Angie. During the magic show, it was hung over the water escape tank, using the control panel for the stage lights. Only the front side was made out of glass. The other sides were made out of wood. It looked like there was no lid from the start.
Gonta's Account (ゴン太の証言)
[Gonta's Lie]During the magic show and when the timer hit twenty seconds, Gonta went up on top of the stage. No one was in the tank during that time. Gonta didn't notice Ryoma inside the tank until after the piranhas were released.
Insect Meet and Greet (昆虫でなごもう会)
[Insect Flee and Plead]The night before, Shuichi and some of the others were forced to stay in the Ultimate Entomologist's lab by Gonta, who was tricked by Kokichi. Himiko and Angie were brought in five minutes to 9 p.m. Kokichi left the lab at 9 p.m. Shuichi and the others were forced to participate in the "Insect Meet and Greet" until after 11 p.m. Wet
Staircase (濡れた階段)
[Dry Staircase]Behind the stairs that led up to the stage, there was a puddle. The stairs themselves were not wet in certain places. It doesn't seem like the stairs could have gotten wet when the water tank broke.
Long Sturdy Rope (長くて頑丈そうなロープ)
[Short Weak Rope]The rope that was around 65 feet in length and behind the stage. It was originally found in the wing of the stage. Angie did not know why it was behind the stage.
Inner Tube in the Pool (プールに浮かぶ浮き輪)
[Empty Pool]A rubber inner tube that was left in the pool. There was a rope tied to the handle. The were not the ones who left the inner tube there. Black
Piece of Fabric (黒い小さな布切れ)
[White Piece of Fabric]A piece of fabric that was floating in the pool. At first glance, it looked like trash.
Maki Alone (1人だった春川)
[Maki Not Alone]Maki was standing guard in front of her lab last night. She stayed in her dorm room only during nighttime.
Witnessing Ryoma (星を目撃した情報)
[Overlooking Ryoma]The last person who saw Ryoma was Gonta. It was around 8 p.m. last night. Miu also saw Ryoma 30 minutes before that.
Scratched Sink (傷付いたシンク)
[Pristine Sink]The sink in the Ultimate Tennis Pro's lab. It looked large enough to fill a good amount of water into it. There were small scratches on it, as if it was scraped by something.
Tennis Net Cable (テニスネットのワイヤー)
[Racket Strings]Found on the ground in the Ultimate Tennis Pro's lab. The tennis net cable was properly set up when Shuichi came to the lab the first time around. But the wire had been taken out later. The wire was around 50 feet in length.
Kokichi's Account (王馬の証言)
[Kokichi's Lie]Immediately after Kokichi left the Ultimate Entomologist's lab at 9 p.m. last night, he was caught by Kirumi in the entrance hall. He stayed with her until 10 p.m. After, he went to the dorms and returned to the Ultimate Entomologist's lab at 11 p.m. He saw the figure of a girl in lingerie wandering around the courtyard a few times.
Water Tank Trick (水槽の仕掛け)
[Magic Water Tank]A hatch near the top that opens the water escape tank.
Alibis For Yesterday (昨日のみんなのアリバイ)
[My Alibi for Nighttime]Shuichi, Keebo, Kiyo, Tsumugi, and Tenko were forced to gather in the Ultimate Entomologist's lab from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. for the Insect Meet and Greet. At five minutes to 9 p.m., Himiko and Angie joined as well. Kokichi was in the Ultimate Entomologist's lab until 9 p.m. He was with Kirumi from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. By 11 p.m., he returned to the lab. Kirumi was in the gym until a little before 9 p.m. with Himiko and Angie. From 9 p.m. to 10 p.m., she was with Kokichi. She was in the gym alone for around five minutes. Miu was seen multiple times last night wandering around the courtyard in her lingerie.
Pool Rules (プールの校則)
[Swimming at Night]Entering the pool is prohibited during nighttime.
1846 words
A/n I feel like this book is gonna be shorter than I around 30 chapters or something I expected it to be like 50 chapters tbh..
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