Ch.4 First death
~Y/n pov~
I'd been hanging out with Kokichi and Miu, I quite enjoyed their company.
The time limit was nearing.
Truth be told, I was considering killing myself, that way Kokichi and Miu would survive, but that means the killing game might start.
...I've made up my mind.
Walking into the kitchen, the only person there was Kirumi... I could stealthily grab a knife, she'd probably notice though.
I could make up a lie..but it wouldn't be very believable.
I guess it doesn't matter if the lie isn't believable as long as I have enough time to end it.
Grabbing the knife, I turned and saw Kirumi staring right at me.
She raised an eyebrow, "What are you planning?"
"Ah...a prank."
I internally cursed myself, why did I lie badly on purpose? She's surely knew it was a lie from the start.
It must be I was so scared of dying I lied badly on purpose in hopes that someone would stop me.
I locked my doom's door and a click resounded through my room.
My chest rose and fell as I took deep breaths.
A glint of life hit the knife as I lifted it up.
A blur of purple came whizzing in and knocked me too the ground, the knife was whacked out of my hand and flew across the room.
No words were exchanged.
Kokichi wrapped his arms around me tightly, burying his face in my stomach.
I felt my dress becoming damp.
Silently, I cupped his face and pulled it up to face mine.
Tears silently fell from his eyes.
My eyes widened, shocked by the glassy eyes staring back at me.
"You're an idiot! You better not die!" Kokichi frowned, hugging me tighter, "Don't leave me.."
"Kokichi.." I looked away in shame, "I'm sorry."
"What were you thinking?"
"If I died, you wouldn't have to."
He sat up, wiping his tears and standing up.
Kokichi held his hand out for me to grab and I took it.
" did you..." I sighed, "Nevermind I know...I was so scared that I lied badly in hopes Kirumi would stop me...but she told you right? She probably thought I was gonna kill someone though."
Kokichi nodded, "Kirumi told me she was worried because she saw you take a knife and lie badly...I expected more of the ultimate liar! Nishishi~"
He was quick to mask his sadness.
Our conversation was cut short as the monitor turned on and this loud video started playing.
"What horrible music..."
*ding dong bing bong*
"A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather in the library!"
Me and Kokichi turned to each other, wide eyed.
So someone was killed within the time limit.
There it was, Rantaro's dead body. Someone had killed him.
Around his head was a small pool of blood and a few meters away, was undoubtedly the murder weapon.
A bloody shot put ball. I never imagined someone would actually kill someone else.
Then it hit me, this situation we are in....I can't trust anyone..I should put up my mask and stay away.
A warm hand grasped mine and a voice whispered, "It's okay! I'm here."
I squeezed Kokichi's hand. Maybe there is one person I can trust...
"Ta-dah! The Monokuma file!" Monokuma distributed these so called Monokuma files.
It had information like the wound and murder weapon.
Rantaro is really gone.
Moving Bookcase (動く本棚)
[Immobile Bookcase]
One of the bookcases in the far left end of the library. After it's been moved, it automatically shuts itself to its original place when a certain amount of time passes. The bookcase moved back to its original place right before Kaede and Shuichi found the body.
Card Reader Dust (カードリーダーの埃)
[Clean Card Reader]
The dust Shuichi planted in the hidden door's card reader. When it was checked during investigation, the dust was left exactly the way it was originally set up.
Receiver on Shuichi (最原が持っていた受信機)
[Receiver on Kaede]
The security alarm's receiver. A sensor was placed on the moving bookcase, so in case someone moved the bookcase, it would notify Shuichi.
Stacked Books (積み上がった本)
[Single Book]
Library books that could not fit in the bookcases, and were instead stacked on top of them. Nothing has changed since Shuichi and Kaede placed the hidden cameras. The books Kaede stacked in front of the vent were left exactly the way they were.
Library Vent (図書室の通気口)
[Blocked Vent]
Connected to the classroom vent on the first floor. The vent grate was still propped open, exactly the way Kaede left it when they set up the hidden cameras.
Classroom Vent (教室の通気口)
[Blocked Vent]
Connected to the library vent. Both Kaede and Shuichi were on watch until the security alarm went off. It was not possible for anyone to sneak into the library by going through the vent.
Rantaro's Belongings (天海の持ち物)
[Rantaro's Card Key]
Rantaro's personal belongings. He had a key to his dorm room and a Monopad. He did not have anything that looked like a card key.
Bloody Shot Put Ball (血痕のついた砲丸)
[Clean Shot Put Ball]
The bloody murder weapon found on the floor of the library. It seems to be the same as the shot put balls in the warehouse.
Maki's Account (春川の証言)
[Maki's Lie]
Before the murder, seven people went to the Game Room in the basement: Rantaro, Maki, Kaito, Tenko, Angie, Himiko, and Gonta. But Gonta had immediately locked himself in the A/V Room in the back. Rantaro left to go to the bathroom. After, Kaito and Tenko went to get Rantaro. The only people left in the Game Room when the murder happened were these three: Maki, Angie, and Himiko.
Sliding Door (建て付けの悪い扉)
[Fixed Sliding Door]
A sliding door in the A/V Room that leads to the hallway. The door was poorly made, and only opens wide enough to slip an arm through. It would have been difficult for a person to enter and exit through it. It is faced straight to the library's rear entrance.
Korekiyo's Account (真宮寺の証言)
[Kiyo's Lie]
During the Body Discovery Announcement, Kiyo, Miu, Kirumi, and Tsumugi were in the dining hall. Miu was in the middle of building a remote-controlled gadget. Tsumugi had briefly gone to the bathroom and returned to the dining hall shortly after.
K1-B0's Account (キーボの証言)
[K1-B0's Lie]
During the Body Discovery Announcement, Keebo and Ryoma were in their own rooms.
Front Entrance Photos (図書室正面口の写真)
[Front Entrance Forgeries]
Four photos taken by the camera facing the library's front entrance. The first photo is a shot of Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito, and Tenko running in, shortly before the body was discovered. The second photo is a shot of Maki, Angie, Himiko, and Gonta running in after they heard Tenko scream. The third photo is a shot of Keebo, Ryoma, Kiyo, Miu, Tsumugi, Kirumi, and Kokichi running in after they heard the Body Discovery Announcement. The fourth photo is a shot of Shuichi removing the camera for investigation.
Rear Entrance Photos (図書室裏口の写真)
[Rear Entrance Forgeries]
Two photos taken by the camera facing the library's rear entrance. The first photo is a shot of Rantaro coming in. The second photo is a shot of Shuichi removing the camera for investigation.
Hidden Door Photos (隠し扉の写真)
[Hidden Door Forgeries]
Two photos taken by the camera facing the hidden door. The first photo is a shot of Rantaro opening the moving bookcase. The second photo is a shot of Rantaro attempting to remove the camera.
Promotional Video BGM (コロシアイ促進BGM)
[Warning Video BGM]
The promotional video and background music that Monokuma played to encourage everyone to start the killing game. It was on full volume until the murder occurred.
Lookout Classroom (見張りに使った教室)
[Normal Classroom]
Kaede and Shuichi were on lookout in the classroom near the stairs to the basement. Although Shuichi left briefly to go check the basement, the two were together the entire time until the receiver went off.
The waterfall transformed and an elevator appeared, a stone path appeared.
This is it. We stepped into the elevator and it began descending.
It's time for the first class trial.
1459 words
A/n this is the easiest way to do the investigation for me, I know the class trials took a while but did not end up getting split. I tried to keep the best parts in though.
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