Ch.19 Truth
~Kokichi pov~
I grabbed my motive video, I had a feeling I'd need it.
When I arrived at the dining hall, everyone was already there.
Silently, I took a seat before beginning.
"Honestly, I'd be surprised if any of you trust me but it's time that my mask comes down. I had this big plan to expose the mastermind..."
Himiko cut me off, "How do we know you aren't tricking us? You're the least truth worthy so you're the most likely to be the mastermind."
I smiled sadly, "If you don't believe me, watch my motive video."
I handed it to Shuichi and waited as they watched it.
My hands covered my ears, I didn't want to hear it or see it again.
Shuichi smiled sadly, "I'll trust you, Kokichi."
"My plan well....I decided I needed a new one...after Y/n went and died. We both wanted to end the killing game. I hate it more than anyone in the room. How can a game you're forced to play be fun?" Tears streamed down my face as I wiped them away.
Everyone looked shocked that I had let down my mask.
"The mastermind is one of us....right?"
Everyone was silent at that.
"I have a plan and you'll have to just trust me... I can't reveal my full plan because of the mastermind...but just know whoever you'll pay for this.."
Keebo started destroying everything, just as planned.'s time.
History of Hope's Peak (希望ヶ峰公式資料集)
[History of the Ultimate Academy]
Found in the Ultimate Supreme Leader's research lab, this book details the history of the battle between hope and despair. The afterword claims it was compiled by several esteemed researchers and it is the most thorough and accurate book written on the subject. However, it contradicts the memory Shuichi and Maki received from the Flashback Light. The key passages of the documents are as follows:
The cause of the biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history was the Ultimate Despair. The term "Ultimate Despair" can refer to both the group and the events caused by Junko Enoshima. In order to plunge the world into despair, the Ultimate Despair plotted the killing game of Hope's Peak's 78th class. To protect themselves from the Tragedy, the 78th class sealed themselves inside Hope's Peak Academy as part of the Hope's Peak Academy Shelter Project. Hope's Peak Academy did not admit students by application. The only way to be admitted was by being scouted.
Hope's Peak Afterword (公式資料集のあとがき)
[Hope's Peak Foreword]
Description of Official Documents Afterword.
Kokichi's Motive Video (王馬の動機ビデオ)
[Shuichi's Motive Video]
One of the videos distributed as the motive in Kirumi's case. Though most of the videos ended up with the wrong person, Kokichi got his own. According to the video, Kokichi was the leader of a secret society named D.I.C.E. Together with his ten underlings, he committed nonviolent crimes and harmless pranks around the world.
Killing Game (コロシアイについて)
[Killing Game Lie]
Monokuma is particular about the killing game's rules and making sure it's exciting.
Almost like the killing game is meant to be shown. In addition, it's very similar to the killing games held by Junko Enoshima in the past. Kokichi claimed that this killing game was being watched by someone.
Two Mysterious Messages (2つの謎の文字)
[One Mysterious Message]
Two different messages found in the courtyard. The first message said, "This world is mine. Kokichi Oma." However, when first discovered by Gonta, it said "horse a." The second message said, "twins b." It was found on the wall next to the boiler.
Rantaro's Video Message (天海のメッセージビデオ)
[Rantaro's Video Will]
A video file found on the USB stored in the vault in the Ultimate ???'s research lab. It is a message from Rantaro before he lost his memories to himself after he lost his memories. According to the message, Rantaro was the Ultimate Survivor and had participated in a previous killing game.
Gofer Project Participant List (ゴフェル計画参加者リスト)
[Gofer Project Reject List]
A document found in the cold sleep room. Written on it are the profiles of all the participants in the Gofer Project. According to this document, Kaede has a younger twin sister.
Bugvac (吸い込み式虫取り機)
A vacuum device for capturing bugs. It was found in the Ultimate Inventor's Research Lab. Thought to have been designed by Kokichi to check whether or not the "tiny bugs" Gonta sometimes saw were real. Although it's still a prototype, it is functional and shows signs of use. However, it doesn't seem to have captured any bugs.
Motherkuma (マザーモノクマ)
A giant Monokuma head in a glass case. It was in the hidden room in the back of the library. It is a machine that creates spare bodies for Monokuma and copies his thoughts over to them.
Hidden Door in the Library (図書室の隠し扉)
[Keyless Hidden Door]
To enter the hidden room from the library, a card key is needed. However, when exiting to the library from the hidden room, no card key is needed.
Motherkuma's Account (マザーモノクマの証言)
[Motherkuma's Lie]
Description of Motherkuma's Account.
Survivor's Perk Monopad (生存者特典のモノパッド)
[Victim's Perk Monopad]
A Monopad given to Rantaro for being the Ultimate Survivor. "Clue to end the killings. The mastermind who is behind the killing game is hiding somewhere within the academy. Your best chance of exposing them is when Monokuma needs a spare. At that time, the mastermind will go to the library's hidden room. To prove this hint is accurate, I will predict something. The first thing you will remember is the Ultimate Hunt. Only share this information with people who you know you can trust." -Rantaro Amami
Shot Put Ball with Pink Fiber (ピンク色の繊維が付いた砲丸)
[Bloody Shot Put Ball]
Found inside the trash can in the hidden room. There were no bloodstains on the shot. It is different from the one used to kill Rantaro. Pink fibers were found on it.
Flashback Light Settings (思い出しライトの設定)
[Blackout Light Settings]
Flashback Lights can be made in the classroom on the second floor. There are four categories for the type of Flashback Light that can be created:
The Survivors
The Outside World
The Killing Game
The Participants
From those basic categories, several options are available.
Hidden Room Passageway (隠し部屋の隠し通路)
[Normal Room Passageway]
A secret passageway hidden in the back of the supply closet in the girl's bathroom on the first floor. It is connected to the hidden room in the back of the library. This passageway was not even shown on the map of the school in the Survivor Perk Monopad. Only the mastermind knew about it.
Motherkuma's Voiceprint System (マザーモノクマの声紋認証)
[Motherkuma's Fingerprint System]
Motherkuma recognizes the mastermind's voice and cannot create spare Monokumas without their command.
Final Picture of Rantaro (天海の死ぬ直前の写真)
[Picture of Rantaro's Corpse]
The photograph taken by the camera facing the hidden door in the library during Kaede's case. It was discovered in Kokichi's room. Rantaro is pictured trying to remove the camera.
The Sixth Monokub (6体目のモノクマーズ)
[The Seventh Monokub]
Named Nanokuma, they are collectively the sixth member of the Monokubs. The true identity of the "tiny bugs" Gonta thought he saw. They are so small, they cannot be seen by normal human eyes. They exist as a hivemind, rather than as individuals. They fly around the academy and use their cameras to take footage, which is then wirelessly sent to Motherkuma. Motherkuma parses the footage and then sends it off to Monokuma in the academy.
Clues to the Mastermind (首謀者の手掛かり)
[Clue to the Victim]
According to Motherkuma, the mastermind goes to the hidden room in the library quite often.
Hope (希望)
The outside world doesn't want despair. It wants hope.
Use Our Lives (命を使う)
[Don't Use Our Lives]
Refusing to vote will cost you your lives.
Continue the Game (ゲームを続ける)
[Stop the Game]
Participating in the game will make it
1405 words
A/n it's almost time...TO END DANGANRONPA.
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