Ch.16 Virtual world
~Y/n pov~
I opened my eyes to see what I thought was the virtual world. I'm a lot smaller than I thought I would be...
The first thing Kokichi did was punch Keebo.
"That's impressive! If you can feel pain our senses are connected." He laughed...I feel like he's trying to tell us something.
Is Miu planning something? We're pretty close....but should I trust her?
Miu finally arrived.
Tsumugi turned to her, "The graphics are really disappointing."
Maki looked around for a few seconds, "I want to leave."
Kaito stopped her.
"There is a special rule to this world."
Everyone turned their attention to Miu.
"Objects don't break."
"Don't break?" Shuichi asked.
"Yeah." Miu proceeded to explain, "That means if you were to stretch a rubber band it would just keep stretching and wouldn't break."
"Maybe you should've told us all this before we came here." I sighed.
"Oh, another thing. All the avatars have the same physical strength."
We walked into the next room to see a map on the wall.
So this is the map of the virtual world?
There were black lines around the edge of the map and a wiggly line in the middle.
"What are the black lines?" I asked.
"The walls."
"Even in this world we're trapped?" Tsumugi cried.
"What about the wiggly line?"
"It's a loading point."
We explored the whole area before we were designated an area to search.
Miu pulled me aside just as I was about to leave the chapel, "Can you meet me on the roof in fifteen minutes?"
I nodded silently, before heading back to the mansion to search.
I made it to the roof.. shouldn't Kaito be here?
Nevermind that, where's Miu?
A few seconds later, the door opened and out stepped Miu.
She was hiding something behind her back.
"So what did you want to talk about?" I smiled.
She didn't smile back and instead muttered an apology.
As soon as Miu touched me, my whole body froze.
What is this? Why? Why now?
Miu brought a hammer above my head.
The door swung open and there was Kokichi and Gonta.
Kokichi was sprinting towards me, but he was too late, the hammer came crashing down on my head.
I collapsed as everything turned black.
If only he had come sooner, if only he had told me Miu's plan.
Maybe this wouldn't of happened.... this wasn't supposed to happen.
Monokuma File 4 (モノクマファイル4)
[Monokubs File 4]
The victim is the Ultimate Inventor, Miu Iruma. The victim's body was discovered in the computer room, on the fourth floor of the school. The estimated time of death is 6:30 a.m. No injuries can be found on the victim's body.
Kaito's Account (百田のログアウト)
[Kaito's Lie]
Kaito was the only one logged out from the Virtual World. While he was looking for the secret of the outside world on the mansion's rooftop, a ring of light appeared around his feet and he was suddenly logged out against his will. Not knowing if it was okay to log back in or not, he went to his room and slept.
Small Bottle of Poison (毒の小ビン)
[Small Antidote Bottle]
A bottle of poison from the Ultimate Detective's lab. It was found on Kokichi's seat. The poison is neutralized if it is mixed into anything, but it is still quite dangerous and even a small amount will kill someone. It causes subconjunctival hemmorhaging, making its victim's eyes completely bloodshot.
Events At The Chapel (教会側の出来事)
[Events at the Mansion]
While looking for the secret of the outside world, Miu volunteered to search outside the chapel and split up from Himiko and the others. While Himiko, Maki, and Keebp were searching inside the chapel, they heard a loud sound as though something hit the chapel from the outside. When they went to investigate, they found Miu's avatar on the ground. Himiko and the others ran back to the mansion to log out and check on Miu, but with no bridge, they couldn't cross the river. It was there they met up with Shuichi.
Tsumugi's Account (白銀の目撃証言)
[Tsumugi's Lie]
While Tsumugi was searching for the secret of the outside world, in the Virtual World's mansion, she saw Miu's avatar through the window.
Loud Noise (大きな物音)
[Soft Noise]
While Shuichi and Tsumugi were in the mansion's kitchen in the Virtual World, they heard a loud sound, as though something crashed into something else. Shortly after, while they were both in the entrance hall, they heard Keebo's voice, despite the fact that he should have been past the map loading point.
Miu's Corpse (入間美兎の死体)
[Miu Alive]
Miu was found grasping her neck with both hands. She died with her eyes open and an expression of agony on her face. As the first to log out, Keebo was the first to discover Miu's body. She still had her visor on at the time.
Killing Game Simulator (コロシアイシミュレーター)
[Hope Restoration Simulator]
The killing game simulator's text file contained the following information: Objects can't break. Avatars cannot be injured. However, the body's five senses are connected to the avatar, and any damage an avatar takes is felt by the user's real body. If an avatar takes fatal damage, then the real body will also die from shock. Besides that, the Virtual World is the same as the real world, down to the laws of physics. There are no special travel methods such as vehicles or warps.
Login/Logout Record (ログイン・ログアウトのログ)
[Login/Logout Forgery]
With the exception of Miu, who died before she could log out, everyone only logged in and out once each. The timestamps for their logins and logouts are as follows:
23:02 Himiko, Tsumugi, Kaito, Keebo, and Shuichi logged in.
23:03 Maki logged in.
23:04 Kokichi and Gonta logged in.
23:06 Miu logged in.
05:17 Kaito logged out.
06:55 Keebo logged out.
06:55 Himiko logged out.
06:55 Maki logged out.
06:56 Gonta logged out
06:56 Tsumugi logged out.
06:58 Shuichi logged out.
07:00 Kokichi logged out.
Map of the Mansion (館の見取り図)
[Fake Map of the Mansion]
The first floor of the mansion in the Virtual World has a salon, a dining room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The second floor is only the rooftop. While looking for the secret of the outside world, Kokichi searched the salon, Tsumugi searched the dining room, Kaito searched the rooftop, and Gonta searched outside of the mansion.
Map of the World (世界の見取り図)
[Fake Map of the World]
The Virtual World is surrounded by walls on all four sides, and there is a loading point between the two areas of the map. The loading point splits the map into two sides—the mansion side and the chapel side. When going through the map loading point, sight and hearing are momentarily cut off. In order to go between the mansion and chapel, it is necessary to go through the map loading point and across the river that runs parallel to it.
Toilet Paper (トイレットペーパー)
[Tissue Paper]
Found on the ground outside the mansion.
Signboard Used as a Bridge (橋に使った看板)
[Signboard Used as a Sign]
A signboard just long enough to use as a bridge to cross the river. There is only one in the Virtual World. Miu threw it into the river, but it was later found stuck on the rocks in the river by the mansion.
Miu's Avatar (入間のアバター)
[Miu's Real Body]
Found frozen and collapsed in the snow between the chapel and the wall where the Virtual World ends. When a user logs out, their avatar disappears, but if the user's real body dies, the avatar stays in the Virtual World. Since avatars cannot be injured, it doesn't look any different from when Miu was alive.
Hammer (ハンマー)
[Squeaky Hammer]
Found on the ground by Miu's avatar, Hammer had blood on it. Miu claimed she had rewritten the Virtual World's program to delete all dangerous objects that could be used as weapons.
Cell Phone (携帯電話)
Found on the ground by Miu's avatar. Like the phone in the salon, it allows its user to log out by saying their name into it. However, it can also be used to force someone else to log out by saying their name into it.
Lattice Near the Chapel (教会付近にあったスノコ)
[Lattice Near the Mansion]
Found on the ground by Miu's avatar. Was not seen in the chapel before that point.
Miu and Kokichi's Meeting (入間と王馬の待ち合わせ)
[Miu Didn't Meet Kokichi]
While everyone was gathered at the chapel, Miu told Kokichi to meet her on the rooftop of the mansion. However, when everyone was deciding how to split up to search for the secret of the outside world, Miu volunteered to search the chapel.
Kokichi In the Salon (サロンにいた王馬)
[Kokichi Not in the Salon]
Kokichi agreed to meet up with Miu on the rooftop, but because the door to the rooftop was locked, he couldn't. Because of that, he returned to the salon and decided to search there. There are no witnesses who can confirm whether or not Kokichi was actually in the salon.
Wall Added by Miu (入間が設置した壁)
[Wall Removed By Miu]
Coordinates in the Virtual World are represented on an X and Y axis. Miu added a wall along the length of the Y-axis. The wall had a special setting that allowed non-human objects to pass through it.
Setting on Y/n and Kokichi's Avatar (王馬のアバター設定)
[Kokichi's Normal Avatar]
Y/n and Kokichi's avatar had a special setting. If Miu touched them, they would be unable to move.
Avatar Error (アバターに関するエラー)
[No Avatar Error]
When everyone logged in for the first time, an avatar user error occurred.
Device Instructions (頭に被る装置の仕様)
[Device Obstructions]
For the visors to function, they need to be plugged in to the computer with two specific cords. The red cord is for consciousness and the blue cord is for memory. It is unknown what would happen if the cords were plugged into the wrong slots, but there's a chance that some kind of glitch might occur.
~Kokichi pov~
I couldn't bring myself to investigate Y/n's body...I just couldn't..
We didn't have to kill Miu, a murder had already occurred, but Gonta carried out the plan anyway before I could say anything.
1992 words
A/n Another double death, except it's not the same killer.
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