Ini hanyalah sedikit tips untuk sesiapa sahaja yang nak hasilkan satu penulisan tak kira untuk karangan atau cerita.
Ini dia....
• korang kena faham cerita korang buat.
• elakkan daripada melakukan kesalahan tatabahasa atau grammar.
• jaga korang punya punctuation.
Kalau titik bagi dia nampak.
• korang kena menjiwai cerita korang, rasa apa yang watak tu rasa. Biar cerita yang dibuat tu ada feeling.
• Kena ada tujuan. Tanya diri , kenapa korang nak menulis. Stick to that purpose.
• Apa message yang korang nak bagi kepada pembaca. What do you want the readers to know or learn from your story?
• Jangan cepat putus asa! Ingat balik dah sejauh mana korang buat cerita korang buat. Ingat usaha korang untuk mula menulis.
• Sebelum nak mula buat story, atau update try siapkan dulu apa yang lebih penting. Jangan jadi mcm saya ni😥.
Tu je kut😅
Is not easy like you think
Because we use our brain
To think about the idea for the story
We put our experience, imagination, soul, knowledge in the story
And post it .
So everyone can read the story
But, remember...
Write the story because of Allah
And make your story had a benefit and a message
So the story will be the most precious things you have done.
*Sorry for all the mistakes I had made while posting this kind of message. Mybe some of the message is useless. Don't trust to much. If it good take it. If it not, ignore it.
( Just an ordinary girl that have done so many mistakes in life and want to be a writer.)
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