10 years later.....
"Luna! Get down here right now!" I hear Zane yelling up the stairs to Luna. She must be in big trouble for him to yell at her like that.
"Honey, what did she do?" I ask.
"Lizzie stopped me outside. Apparently she threw a handful of rocks at Charlie. They hit him in the face and in his eyes."
"Oh no! Luna!!!!" She's definitely not hurrying, so I go to her room and she's not in there. I look at Julian sitting on the couch, playing his game. "Have you seen your sister?"
"No, she came in and slammed her door an hour ago and haven't seen her since."
"God help us when she becomes a teenager." Zane says.
I can't help but laugh at this. "Julian where's Mattie and Morgan?"
"Mommmm I'm not their keeper!" Julian whines.
Luna is now ten, Mattie and Morgan are twins and they are eight. Julian will be seven in a little more than three months and I'm pregnant with my last one and this ones going to be a girl. After this I'm done. Five kids is more than enough. We had to build a bigger house because there just was not enough room.
Charlie is Lizzie's little boy, well he's turning ten in a few weeks, so he's not so little anymore. Lizzie also has a seven year old girl named Kira. They don't want anymore kids so they stopped after Kira.
Jamie and Serena got married and got with a donor. Serena wasn't taking to getting pregnant. They tried three times and it wouldn't take, so Jamie jumped in to take over. They ended up with triplets. Nolan, Erica and Fred. They will be six in two weeks.
Paul and Travis got married also and Jamie was a surrogate for them. Their little boy is four and his name is Felix.
Hannah, Jeremy and Jake are all much older now. It was really nice to see my brother's and sister grow up. Hannah had just turned 16 and just got her license. Jake is 17 and has had his license a year and Jeremy is now 18.
Time sure has flown, with me being 38 now and Zane 39. Lizzie and Ryder are both 36, Paul and Travis are 41, Jamie is 36 and Serena is 35. She's the baby.
The farm has definitely became pretty busy. Dad built the bakery shop about eight years ago and sales went through the roof. We ended up getting more cows and more horses. Paul and Travis hold horse back riding lessons and eventually lead them onto trails that they cut out with quads.
So far my health has been excellent. No signs of anymore cancer or heart problems. I've gone through the last two pregnancies without any problems and so far this ones been good.
Now to find Luna, because she's going to get it! I walk outside and check around back and find her in the pool on a raft with headphones in. She is only ten years old but you would think that she was at least sixteen with the way she's acts. Mattie and Morgan are in the pool with her too and can tell by the look on my face that I'm pissed at her.
Mattie is now under water swimming toward her and flipping her raft, her arms flailing and she goes under.
"You asshole!" She shouts and my brows crease. Strike two missy!
"Luna!" I yell and she hurries up to get out of the pool.
"Oh hi mom. Were you standing there the whole time?"
"Yes I was and one you are grounded for a week for swearing and two you are grounded another week for what you did to Charlie. I want you to get inside right now and change and you and I will be going over to Aunt Lizzie's to apologize to Charlie."
"But mommmmm!" She whines stomping her foot. "I was just defending myself! Let me guess you didn't hear what he did to me just what I did to him."
"Alright Luna, what did he do to you?" I ask suddenly losing my patience rather quickly.
"He punched me really hard in my arm and caused me to fall into the gravel. Look at my hand mom, it's all scraped up and my arms bruised. I'm sorry I shouldn't have thrown gravel but it really hurt mom."
"Go change. We are going to go over there to have a chat with Aunt Lizzie and Charlie."
"What Luna."
"Kira was there too. She witnessed it."
"I believe you, Luna. Now go get into dry clothes and meet me back down here."
Luna runs off and heads upstairs to change her clothes. While sitting here waiting there's a tap at the door. I look up and see Lizzie standing there with Charlie pinching the arm of his sleeve between her fingers.
"Can we come in?" Lizzie asks through the screen.
"Yeah, come on. Luna just went upstairs to change and we were getting ready to come see you."
"Charlie decided to tell me the truth about what happen between him and Luna." Lizzie says.
"Yeah Luna told me too. We will discuss this more once Luna comes downstairs."
I hear Luna slowly walk down the stairs hesitant about walking into this room with Lizzie and Charlie sitting here.
"Hi Luna." Lizzie says.
"Hi Aunt Lizzie. Charlie."
"I'm just going to cut to the chase. Charlie told me that he punched and caused you to fall and you defended yourself by throwing gravel at him. While I'm upset you did that because you could have caused him to go blind, I understand why you did it."
"Honest, Aunt Lizzie, I didn't know it went in his face. I threw it and walked away. I was so mad at him for hurting me."
"I'm sorry Luna. I shouldn't have punched you."
"And I'm sorry too Charlie." Luna smiles. "Mom am I still grounded?"
"For swearing yes, but for defending yourself no but next time you better not ever throw gravel at someone's face."
Luna nods her head at me accepting her punishment. Lizzie stands up and motions for Charlie to come along.
"Alright. We will see you guys later. Thanks for hearing us out and I'm sorry that Charlie did that to Luna."
"I'm sorry Luna did that to Charlie too. Have a good night sis."
Lizzie leaves with Charlie and I head into the kitchen to make dinner. Settling on spaghetti and meatballs, I call Zane to come here.
"I spaghetti and meatballs ok?"
"Yep sounds good. I'll help you cook." He says.
We cook dinner and calls the kids in to eat. In the middle of dinner mom and dad stop over to see their grandchildren.
Mom and dad are going ok. They are getting up there in age and dad hasn't been feeling too well. Mom and I have been trying to get him to go the doctors, but he won't.
We try to guilt trip him, using his children as a pawn and his grandchildren, but I don't think that bothers him. The only thing that seemed to get him was when I said dad if I can make it through something as rough as cancer whatever is going on you can make it through it too. That upset him but he still stayed as stubborn as before.
Aunt Rita and Uncle Rick are still around too. They visit often to see all of us. Mom and Aunt Rita definitely get along much better and are still running grandpas company.
All in all life has been pretty great and it's amazing to be so close to everyone. I love watching all the children grow. Life couldn't have ended being any better than it is now.
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