7 - Let's go Shopping
The next day I head over to the bar and it looks like we should be opening very soon.
"Lucy! Good morning." Paul comes out from the back.
"Hey Paul. What do you need me to do today?"
"Nothing sweet cheeks. We have a crew for the rest. Are you getting bored or something?"
"Yes! I'm about to crawl out of my skin Paul."
"Why don't we go shopping or something?" Paul asks.
"Alright let's go." I say in agreement.
We head over to the mall and Paul drags me from store to store. I found some clothes for myself and Paul ends up with about 13 bags for himself. Paul loves to shop, any chance he gets he will shop.
"So how are things with Chris?"
"It's going pretty good. I really like him."
"I'm glad you finally opened your heart and let someone in. Chris is a good guy I like him but if he hurts you I will break his balls." I say with a grin.
"Ha you wouldn't hurt a fly. So what if Zane ever comes back?"
"Then he does. He's not really my concern anymore."
"You wouldn't run back into his arms?" Paul asks.
"No I'm not into games."
"Lucy he's not a game player. That I will defend him on. I think he's just scared."
"Scared or not, he left. All you wanted to do was help him."
"Lucy it's ok. I know him. You cared about him a lot, didn't you?"
"Yeah I wanted to see him become a better person."
"Kind of like when you came to me?"
"I guess you can say that. You're a good person and he's your brother he comes from the same blood line. If you can become a good person, so can he. Does that make sense?"
"It does for sure Lucy. Although I owe it to you. You've kept my ass in gear."
"I didn't do anything. It was all you hun."
"Ohhhhhh I bet Chris would love that shirt!"
"I agree, let's get it for him."
Paul smiles at me and it's the happiest I've seen him in the longest time. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the store toward the shirt. Taking the shirt off the rack we go over to the register and pay for it.
Paul puts his arm around me and kisses me on the cheek. "Thank you Lucy for coming with me today. I'm having fun and we haven't done this in a while."
"Thanks for the invite. How about I treat you to dinner since you treated me to that fabulous spa day."
"Alright dinner sounds good."
Pauls stomach growls and we both laugh and head to the pizza joint in the middle of the mall. Paul gets his pizza loaded with everything on it and I got for the simple white pizza with spinach chicken and feta on it.
Chris texts Paul after a while wanting to know when we will be back. Paul let's him know we are in no hurry and we will be home later. Chris tells him he has a surprise and Paul says he has one too but both will have to wait. He tells him today is about cheering me up and I laugh as he hits send. He's so dramatic about it too.
"That's that!" He says.
"You two crack me up, I'm genuinely happy for you both."
"Why thank you Lucy that means a lot to me."
We finish eating then we are off to do more shopping. Paul insists on buying me shoes, a new shirt, pants. He said I needed a makeover. It's time for a new me as he would say. Weaving in and out of the stores that I swear we've been in at least 2-3 times a piece, I finally spot the perfect outfit!
Paul gasps. "It's perfect Lucy! You're getting it and you will not tell me no."
It's a ruffle skirt that hangs longer in the back and comes up shorter around the knees. It's an off white color and there a black and off white striped shirt that goes with it and it has a light lace over it that matches with the Ruffles of the skirt. It will match perfectly with the Mary Janes that Paul got me. I actually really really really love the outfit!
"You have to wear it home! We have to show Chris how amazing you look!"
"I wouldn't say amazing." I say sheepish.
"Give yourself some credit Lucy!"
"Fine I'll wear it home! Just to appease you." I say sticking my tongue out in a childish manor.
"Too bad Zane couldn't see you now. His jaw would be on the floor with a puddle of drool."
"Oh stop it Paul!"
"I have a confession Lucy." He says not sure if he should go further.
"What Paul?" I ask.
"I've talked to Zane...."
"Go on." I say shooting him a look.
"He called me to assure me he had nothing to do with the break in that no one was after him. His debt has been paid and he's done with that and has since before coming here. I told him how sorry I was and that it didn't come out as it was supposed too and he forgave me. He feels really bad about walking away from you before you two even had a chance."
"So why did he, why did he walk away?"
"He feels he's not good enough for you. He feels he has much more improvement to do before beginning a relationship with anyone. He told me that he could tell us till his blue in the face that he won't go back to who he was but he doesn't have himself convince yet."
"So he lied straight to my face when he promised he wouldn't?"
"Lucy he hasn't gone back to drugs and he for sure will never commit another crime. He's in a rehab house right now. He's helping with repairs in exchange for a room and attends the group meetings. He feels he needed just a little more time and support and that's needed from the professionals."
"I can respect that."
"Part of why he's called is part of the therapy. He said he was beyond angry at me but they helped him to understand where I was coming from. He told them about you and don't be upset by this but told him to not think about relationships right now."
My heart sinks, but I have to try to understand its for the best. I want him to get better.
"Lucy it's going to be ok. I promise you and I'm not going anywhere."
"I know Paul. We've made this promise to each other a long time ago."
"Well promises are made to be kept. Now let's go we have a few more stores to go into."
"Paul you are exhausting! How can one shop so much?"
"Because I don't get to do much for you and I'm loving this! You need some new make up and we have to go into lush and get your bath stuff and shampoos and whatever else you need."
"Did you hit the lottery or something?" I ask.
"Ha no but I've been saving as much as possible and well that savings just racks up continuously. I don't think you are aware of how well the bar actually does."
"Well that's good to know but you've put all that money into the renovation."
"Mostly paid for by the insurance."
"I guess I didn't consider that."
"Stop rationalizing Lucy and just let me spoil you for once!"
"Ok ok I surrender!"
"Good now let's get you some Lush! That sounds kind of kinky." He saying laughing.
I shake my head and follow him into the store. He turns to me and tells me to go crazy and if I don't he will pick whatever for me. Going through the baskets I decided on 6 bath bombs and 3 different shampoo bars along with the conditioner bars. Got some lotions and soaps for the bathroom as well. I look over and see Paul sampling a bunch of stuff for the men. He looks in my basket and is not happy with the quantity in which I had put into my basket. I shrub my shoulders and he rolls his eyes. I let the sales clerk talk me into trying the hand scrub that does indeed make your hands feel amazing so Paul grabs a tub of it and puts it into my basket. He grabs me lip scrub and more bath bombs and lip tints and the Henna hair dye bars.
"Ok this is enough Paul. I've pretty much bought the whole store."
"Fine let's get checked out." Paul pouts.
"So aren't you the least bit curious to know what surprise Chris has for you?"
"Oh it's probably the same old surprise. He's not very clever. So it's either food, desert, floors, or a candle lit night." He winks at me. "What's your bet and how much do you want to put down on it?"
"Paul! That's terrible!"
He smirks at me and the sales clerk finishes ringing us up. "That'll be $586.11." My mouth drops open as Paul hands over his debit card.
"That's too much Paul!"
"Hush it! Just say thank you and move on from it."
"Fine but let's go back because I'm dying to know what his surprise is for you!"
"One more store! I have to pick up some sweets. The candy store around the corner has all the candy you can imagine and I'm going to grab some chocolate covered strawberries for Chris. They are his favorite."
"Ok, I don't say no to candy stores. I love me some candy!"
"Ha I know this!"
We rummage through the candy store picking out everything possible. I grabbed myself a box of chocolate covered Oreos and sweet tarts. Paul actually lets me buy my own candy. Once he's done we head out of the store and walk toward where we parked. It's gotten pretty dark outside and we didn't realize it's almost 10:00pm.
"Chris is going to be so mad!" Paul suddenly says.
"Well he will have to get over it." I giggle.
"Do you mind if we drop your stuff off before going to the bar? I don't want him to get jealous."
"Don't mind at all. But since he has a surprise for you I won't go back to the bar with you."
"Are you sure Lucy?"
"Yep. Besides I have all this shit to sort through."
Paul pulls up in front of my apartment and helps me take my stuff inside. Once he has brought the last bag in he gives me a hug and says to wish him luck! I wish him luck and he's off.
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