35-Why Not Me? Zane's POV
Staring at her tiny little nose and round little face I lean down to kiss the tip of her nose. I can't believe how much she already has me wrapped around her tiny little fingers. I would literally die for her at this moment if I had too.
Birth was hard on Lucy and she was still out. She hasn't even been able to hold our baby girl. She was in labor for 13 hours when labor became strenuous to both Lucy and our baby girl. Both heart rates dropped and she was rushed in for an emergency c-section.
During the c-section Lucy's heart stopped and I was forced out of the room. The doctor took our baby and rushed her out of the room too. I felt helpless as my tiny baby girl was wheeled past me to the NICU.
Lizzie and Ryder arrived at the perfect moment and Ryder caught me as I was about to hit the floor. Everything went black.
When I came too, I had explained what was happening and I was so terrified, tears streamed down my face. I wasn't one to usually cry but I found myself changing so much over the past few years. I mean come on I settled down, I have a wife and now I'm a dad.
Our baby doesn't have a name yet, we didn't know what we were having and I want Lucy to see her first. I have a few ideas but Lucy needs to just wake up.
I held our sweet little girl in my arms as I held Lucy's hand and begged for her to wake up. Suddenly the heart monitor started going crazy and I stand up yelling for help. Once again I'm forced from the room and a nurse takes my baby girl from my arms. I don't want her too, but she promises to bring her back in a little bit.
Walking to the waiting room, Martha and Joe are stepping off the elevator. Martha sees the look on my face and runs over to hug me. I let her comfort me and sob into her shoulder. I'm so scared, I don't want to lose her.
I feel Joe's hand on my shoulder and it's then that I realize that Martha too is crying. I smooth her hair with my hand and wipe a tear slowly falling down her cheek.
"I'm sorry." I say.
"For what son?" Joe asks.
"For falling apart, when I know you both are just as worried."
"What happened Zane?" Martha asks.
"Her heart stopped again. They took our baby from me and made me leave. I have no idea what is going on."
"I'll see what I can find out." Joe offers and I nod my head ok.
Joe walks out of the waiting room and I take Martha's hands in mine. We sit there silent and I know she was saying a silent prayer in her head.
It feels like hours before Joe comes back letting us know that Lucy is stable but still unconscious. He said the doctor will be out shortly to talk to us. We are not allowed to go to back yet, so we sit her waiting for the doctor.
It's been two days since the baby was born and two days since I got to talk to my beautiful wife and look into her eyes. This is killing me and I want to know why this is happening. Obviously something is wrong. She went into labor a month too soon.
Finally the doctor comes out and sits on the table in front of us. "So Lucy is pretty sick. We did an echocardiogram of her heart and found that she has a clot. We will need to do surgery. I know a really good cardiovascular surgeon and I've already called him. He's on his way now and has agreed to do her surgery."
"Is this a risky surgery?" I ask.
"Well Zane, every surgery has its risks. There is no doubts that he can't fix her heart, but we are hoping that is the reason she's not waking up. In the mean time she is down getting a scan of her head, just to roll out the tumor coming back or any other possible brain injuries."
"When will you be doing the surgery?" Martha asks.
"As soon as Dr.Grant gets here. Which should be within the next five minutes."
"Can we see her before you take her into surgery?" I ask.
"Well they are doing the scan right in the OR so we can get her prepped as soon as they are done, but as soon as she's in recovery we will come get you. We just don't want to waste any time."
I look at Martha and tears begin to pool in her eyes and I take her hand as Joe walks around to sit next to her, putting his arm around her.
"Hold tight, I'm hopeful. Dr. Burgundy will be out in a few minutes also to discuss with you about the baby."
Alarm hits my face. "Is she ok?"
"Yes she's perfect, they will need to discharge her soon, but Dr.Burgundy will be out to talk about that."
I didn't even think about that. Our baby girl with no name will be leaving the hospital without her mother. How do I do this? How do I be at home for our daughter while my wife is fighting for her life in the hospital.
Martha must have seen the look of concern on my face and rubbed my back. "Don't worry honey, we all got this. You're not alone."
I do my best to smile. "She doesn't even have a name."
"I'm sure Lucy will be ok with what you choose." Martha says.
"I was thinking of Luna. What do you think?"
"Beautiful name!" Martha says happily, tearing up.
Doctor Burgundy comes out to talk to me and she seems like she's friendly. She holds her hand out to shake mine and introduces herself.
"Have you and your wife discussed names for your baby girl?" She asks.
"Actually no, we weren't sure what we were having and we threw some names out there but never really came up with names. We weren't expecting her to go into labor early."
"Well I don't want to do this to you but we have to send your baby home, but we have to have a name."
"I discussed it with her parents and we agreed that the perfect name for her would be Luna." I say confident that it's a great name and Lucy should approve.
"So beautiful! It fits her perfectly! I will go ahead and get everything ready for your baby girl to come home." Dr. Burgundy gives me a hug this time. "Congratulations and I just know Lucy will be just fine and come home soon too."
"Thank you." I say returning her hug.
Dr. Burgundy walks away and I turn to Martha and Joe. "I guess I better run to the car and get the car seat."
"Here Zane, we brought this with us." Joe hands me a bag and I didn't even see him bring it in. I open it and it's a cute little pink and gray sleeper with owls on it and a blanket to match. There's one more thing and it's a cute little matching woobie.
"Thank you both so much." I say trying not to cry.
"You're welcome. Jamie, Serena, Ryder and Lizzie are out getting clothes and such for her. I told you we are all in this together." Martha says.
I walk over and hug her so tight. "I couldn't do this without you. Thank you again."
Martha smiles and brushes my cheek. Dr.Burgundy is now coming toward me with Luna. She has what looks like a diaper bag and she's no longer wearing the hospital outfit she was in.
"The nurses and I came up with this cute coming home outfit for sweet little Luna. Here's a diaper bag with some bottles, formula, diapers and wipes. I figured you'd be here for a while waiting on Lucy's surgery."
"I don't know what to say." I say at a loss for words.
"I'm glad to be able to help, WE are all glad to help you."
Even though I'm breaking inside, everyone coming together to help is incredible. I'm forever going to be grateful to everyone. Now if Lucy could just wake up. I seriously hope this surgery works and she wakes up and can meet her daughter.
Lucy's surgery went good and here I'm sitting once again next her bed side willing her to wake up. The doctor seems to think once the anesthesia wears off she should come too. I sure as hell hope so.
Martha and Joe wanted to take Luna home but I didn't want them too. I know Luna would probably be more comfortable at home but I have hopes that Lucy will wake up and when she does I want her to see her daughter. In the mean time she stay with me in my arms.
The nurse was able to get a bassinet from the maternity ward. She said she felt bad so she did what she could. Luna napped as I sat her and tried to patiently wait for her to wake up.
It's been three hours since her surgery and she has not woken up or started to wake up yet. I'm losing patience and I'm so scared right now.
The doctor has come in three or four times to check on her. One of the other nurses brought me some dinner and gave me the pity look. I don't want pity I want someone to have hope that she's going to be ok.
Nurse Oakley comes in. "Hey, why don't you go home and get some rest? We will call you if anything changes. Your little princess probably would love to see her home."
"I'm not going anywhere. I don't want her to be alone when she wakes up."
I see her look up over my shoulder and I turn around to see Lizzie and Ryder standing behind me.
"Hey. Any updates?" Lizzie asks.
"No she's still unconscious." I answer her.
"We will sit with her. Take Luna home and get some rest." Lizzie says.
"Absolutely not. I'm staying right here." I say.
"Zane, can I talk to you?" Ryder asks.
I stand up and step out the door. Leaning against the wall I wait for Ryder to start talking.
"Yes?" I ask.
"I understand you are worried. But you're not doing any good being tired for you, Luna or Lucy."
"Ryder, my wife is unconscious. She went into a coma on a day that should have been the best day of our lives. Our daughter has not even been able to be held by her mother. We have this beautiful little blessing, but the woman who has been through way too much, gets another raw deal. Why her Ryder? Why not me?"
"Dude, she will come out of this. Her body is just tired. She knows you got this and when she comes too and holds Luna for the first time, it will be the best day of your lives all over again."
"Thanks man." And I hug him. Ryder and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. We partied together, picked up chicks together and got into trouble together. Who knew we'd be straightening our acts up together. "I'm glad you found me and I'm glad you decided to get straight. You and Lizzie seem good together."
"I'm thinking of asking her to marry me." He says grinning from ear to ear.
"You should and I would be happy for the both of you." I genuinely say.
"Would you help me go pick out a ring? I'm terrible at this stuff and I don't know what size to get."
"Sure. There's this ring of Lucy's that she borrows on occasion. We can get the size from that."
"Zane you're a genius! She does wear on her ring finger right?"
"Yep. I've let her into the house a few times for her to go into Lucy's jewelry box to get it and I've watched her slide it on. Lucy says all the time, I don't know why she doesn't just keep it."
"Thank you! I knew you'd know what to do."
I laugh and some how feel a little happiness warm it's way into my heart. Ryder and I head back into the room and I walk over to the bassinet to check on Luna. She's such a good baby and barely makes a sound. She is awake now so I grab the diaper bag to change her diaper and Lizzie takes a bottle out to make her a bottle. The nurse pre-filled the bottles with water so all I had to do was add the formula. This hospital staff has been beyond amazing.
Lizzie finished shaking the bottle and went to hand it to me. I tell her to go ahead and take the chair I was sitting in and hand her Luna. She is beyond ecstatic that I had let her feed Luna. We all sit there quietly while Luna sucks her bottle down and listen to the sounds of the machines beeping.
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