33-Surprise Lucy's POV
"Pregnant?" I look at the doctor in question. I'm not sure that I'm hearing this correctly.
The doctor smiles. "Not good news I take it?"
"No no, it is! Just we expected something else." Zane says.
"How is this possible? I'm on birth control." I ask.
"Well the chemo pill can act the same way an antibiotic can when taking it with birth control." The doctor explains.
"So the chemo pill cancelled it out?" Zane asks.
"Yes." The doctor shakes his head.
"So what are the risks?" Zane proceeds to questioning. "I mean, I'm assuming the chemo is still in her system. Can it be harmful to the baby?"
"Well Lucy's obgyn and will need to monitor the baby closely, but there should be little to no risks at all." He says.
"So this baby will be normal?" I ask.
"Yes Lucy, I have no doubts."
"I guess it's a good thing I made an appointment for tomorrow already." I say.
Zane turns to me smiling. "We're going to have a baby!"
"Yes we are!" I smile and shake the doctors hand. "Is there anything else we need to know?"
"No, but here take these booklets on pregnancy after cancer and call me if you should have any questions."
Zane stands up and shakes the doctors hand and thanks him. Zane looks happy but scared at the same time. I can't believe we were talking about beginning a family and boom here we are.
Standing up I shake the doctors hand and Zane places his hand at the small of my back as we exit the small office.
We stand in the elevator silent. Neither of us want to say a word. Is he happy? I hope he is. I'm happy, this is what I wanted.
Zane takes my hand as we walk toward the car. He opens the door for me and I get in and he shuts the door. He walks around to his side of the car and gets in. Starting up the car and putting it into reverse he backs out and heads out of the garage.
Do I say something? Do I question what's going through his head or do I just keep up the silence and let him talk when he's ready? I don't get it, we just talked about this, we just decided a few hours ago to go ahead and start a family. Why was he being so quiet? He doesn't look angry.
"I'm ok." He says suddenly. "You can stop starring at me like that."
"I'm sorry. Just trying to figure out why the silence." I try to explain.
"No I'm sorry. I'm just letting it sink in. I'm not going to lie, I thought he was going to say the cancer was back. Not in a million years did I expect your cancer doctor to say you were pregnant."
"Zane are you not happy?"
"Why would you ask that?"
"Well I don't know. You don't seem like you are thrilled by any means by this news."
"Lucy, no I'm ecstatic! I'm happy it's a baby and not cancer. I was terrified. All the what ifs were running through my mind. What if it's back? What if I can't be strong enough for the both of us, the way you need me to be? That shit. I was scared Lucy, scared out of my damn mind."
"You and me both." I laugh.
"So we are having a baby!" Zane yells with the most amazing smile on his face.
I giggle. "We are!"
"Whoop! I can't wait!"
"I wonder if Lizzie, Jamie, Paul, Serena, Ryder and Travis are around?"
"Why don't you give them a call." Zane says.
Lizzie! Hey! We are in Seattle are you busy?
Awesome! Think we can get everyone together?
I think an hour is plenty of time!
Alright see you all soon! Love ya!
"We are just going to go to the Steelhead Diner." I say.
Zane turns to head toward the waterfront. He grabs my hand and brings the back of my hand to his lips. Of coarse I melt at this action. We are going to be ok, this baby is an awesome surprise.
"Boy or girl?" Zane asks.
"I don't care as long as the baby is healthy." I say.
"Nervous to tell everyone?" He asks.
"No. Are you?"
"Nope, I'm pretty fucking excited!"
"Oh Zane." I smile at him and turn the radio up.
It's kind of strange being back in Seattle. I kind of miss it. I wouldn't miss it so much if they would all move to be with us. I guess I'm missing them more now that I'm pregnant. I can't believe it, one day I'm fighting cancer, the next I'm pregnant.
I wonder if Joe and Martha will be happy for us. They want me to call them mom and dad but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. So much is changing and I'm still trying to decide if it's all good or bad.
"Hey. Where did you go?" Zane says interrupting my thoughts.
"Just thinking. I miss everyone. I'm glad we can meet for dinner."
Zane rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. "If you want to come back, we can."
"No I like Oregon. I want them to move to me. Is that selfish?"
"Toss the idea out there Lucy."
"I could. Paul may not because of the bar though."
"You never know. And there's nothing wrong with you wanting your family around you, especially now since we are going to have a baby."
We pull into the parking lot at the waterfront. We walk around for about a half hour before going to Steelhead to get a table. Zane suggests that we go check in since there's going to be eight of us. I decide to wait outside while Zane goes to check in. I see Lizzie walking down toward me from a distance.
Zane comes back out and says it will be a fifteen minute wait and wraps his arm around my waist. As soon as Lizzie spots me she lets go of Ryder's hand and runs to me. She gives me the biggest, tightest hug ever. Ryder gives Zane a bro hug.
"Where's everyone else?" I ask.
"They are parking. We rode separate from the four and came to get a table incase we beat you." Lizzie says.
"You two look well rested from your honey moon." Ryder says.
"Yeah well that another story." Zane says and begins to tell them what happened and why we came back which also explains why we are in Seattle.
"So you were robbed? No one saw them do it?" Lizzie asks.
"Apparently not. But they were caught and sent to jail." I explain.
I see Jamie and Serena from a distance and then Paul and Travis behind them. Paul waves excitedly and all four pull Zane and I into a group hug.
"Hey!" I squeal.
Paul starts planting kisses all over my face. "I miss" kiss "your" kiss "face!" Kiss kiss kiss and squeezes my cheeks.
I laugh and he finally lets me go. Party of eight for Zane! Comes over the loudspeaker.
"Looks like they are ready for us." Paul says.
"I don't think they really are ready for us!"
We head in following the hostess to our table. She reads off the specials and starts with Paul and Travis for their drink order.
"Stella Artois please." Paul says.
"Same." says Travis.
"Mint mojito." Jamie says.
"Oh that sounds good! I'll take that too." Serena orders.
"Long Island iced tea." Lizzie says.
"I'll take a Stella also." Ryder orders.
"Make it another Stella for me please." Zane says.
"I'll just have a water." Hoping no one heard my order.
"Um Lucy? Just water?" Lizzie says questionably.
"Yeah I'm staying simple. I'm driving home so Zane could have a few drinks today." I try to come off a convincing.
"You can have one Lucy. One drink is not going to get you drunk." Jamie says laughing.
"You never know." I wink.
"Yeah I'm not buying it Lucy. You're either pregnant or trying to get pregnant." Jamie says.
I turn like 30 shades of red and know that I'm simply giving it away. I want to keep them in suspense but I'm dying to just spill it.
"You're totally pregnant! Aren't you?" Lizzie says with her eyes wide.
"Surprise!" I say looking at Zane.
"Seriously?" Jamie asks.
"Yeah just found out today after seeing the oncologist. We have an appointment tomorrow to see the obgyn." I say excitedly.
"Oh my gosh! Lucy that's awesome! So no more cancer?" Serena asks.
"None. He scared the shit out of us. He ran the tests and blood work. We left and 45 minutes later he's calling telling us to come back."
"That's scary for sure!" Lizzie says.
"Well we are glad you met us for dinner to share this awesome news!" Paul says. "We have some news too!"
"Don't tell me you're pregnant too!" I say jokingly and everyone else laughs too.
"Oh I wish but we all know that's not possible." Paul says.
"So?" Zane asks.
"We all talked and we all decided that we don't want to be apart from you anymore." Paul starts to explain. "So there's two options, you and Zane come back or we all come to Oregon."
"Now mind you, you coming back would be easier then us all uprooting and moving to Oregon." Travis jokes.
"Wow I don't know what to say." I say tearing up. Oh god here are the pregnancy hormones.
"So being that your news was spilled I guess I'm going to speak for all of us and say that we are going to go with the six of us moving to Oregon." Paul responds.
"Yeah you're about to start a family and you're going to need us. Think there's any room on the farm for all of us?" Jamie asks.
I'm full on sobbing now and try my best to contain the snot from pouring out of my nose. Zane takes my hand and everyone gets up and hugs me.
"Well we have the guest house that has two bedrooms and we have 3 bedrooms. So two of you could take one of the rooms leaving one for the baby." Zane says.
"Sounds like we have a plan. But you should run it by Joe and Martha just to make sure they are ok with it too." Paul suggests.
"Do you want me to call them?" I ask.
"If you want too." Travis says.
I pull out my phone and dial Joe's number. It rings about four times before he answers it.
Hey Joe!
Yeah all is good. We are still in Seattle. Decided to meet up with everyone for dinner.
Guess what!
I'm cancer free!
We may even stay the night because I have another appointment tomorrow.
Lizzie and Ryder said we can stay with them tonight.
Well I did call for another reason.
We all miss each other and the discussion was for us to move back to Seattle or.....
No, no we are not moving back. We are staying Oregon but they will all be moving to Oregon also.
Isn't that awesome? But I wanted to ask you. Do you mind if they move onto the farm?
Well I was thinking Jamie, Serena, Paul and Travis can take the guest house and Lizzie and Paul can take one of our spare rooms.
You don't have to do that!
I don't know what to say. Thank you so much!
Joe one more thing. I love you dad.
I think telling him that I loved him was necessary for this moment. I want him to know that I do and that I'm coming around to them being my parents.
"Well?" Lizzie asks.
"He's fine with it. He's having his friend add two more guest houses so we all have privacy."
"Seriously?" Ryder asks.
"Yep. So you all have a home! The property is huge and the farm could use more hands." I explain.
"Well I guess we are going to learn how to be farm boys." Paul says laughing.
"It's not that bad. It's actually pretty relaxing when the day's work is done." Zane says.
"Well aren't you settled into your new lifestyle." Paul kids.
"Hey you be nice or you could kiss the houses goodbye!" I say in a stern voice.
Everyone laughs and we continue to talk about the baby, them moving to Oregon and how life is going to be on the farm. The boys are pretty excited about there being a pool and Zane doesn't know this yet but my dad put in a hot tub for us.
We all finish dinner and Zane and I head to Lizzie and Ryder's to spend the night before our big appointment tomorrow. I'm glad we came, it's been a good night.
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